Pega Final

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OBJ Methods: Used to fetch the data from RDB-Methods: Used to fetch the data from the
internal database external database table
Obj- Open: Used to fetch the single values from RDB-List : Used to retrieve the multiple records
the Internal DB from the external data base table
Parameters: RDB-Open: Used to retrieve the single record
Open Class: Enter My Database table name from the external data base table
Obj-Open- BY-Handle: Used to fetch the single RDB-Delete : Used to delete the records from
record from the Internal database, here we can the external data table
pass “ pzinskey” RDB-Save: used to save the records from the
pyid and workobject external data table
Instance Handle: Enter pzinskey
4.Obj- Browse: Used to fetch the Multiple
records from internal database
Parameters: ,Page Name: , Obj Class:
Max Records
5.Obj -Validate: Using this validate the property

Direct Inheritance Pattern Inheritance

It means whatever the class we can give It follow the naming conventions
that is called direct inheritance we can for Doesn’t Followed by -
that class check the class is available or not
Followed by -

File Listener:
By using File listener, we can move the data from local machine/remote location to PRPC
data tables OR we can create work objects.
1. We need to create a Data table with some columns
2. Create a Parse Delimited rule, with appropriate parse settings.
3. Create a Package to create a Service File. (Uncheck authenticate check box and give
access group name)
4. create a Service File rule in which we need to include an activity, which will move the data
from clipboard Page to data table.
5. Create a File Listener (Integration Resources-->File Listener) rule define source path , type
of File(txt, XML).
6. We can monitor the listener status by using SMA.
7. We can start or stop the listener with the help of SMA.
Email Listener:
For sending the automated reply to the senders in any organizations by creating a
referenceID (Work Object) we can go for Email Listener.
The rules Involved in configuring email listener:
1)By using Email wizard we can configure email listener. If we are doing by using email
wizard (accelerator), we need to create Email Account only, remaining rules system will
create automatically.
Following rules will be created:
1. Service Package
2. Service-Email rule.
3. Email Listener.
4. Service Activity.
Difference between Activity and Utility
an activity indicates a sequence of automated business logic which follows the rule of Rule-
Obj-Activity while Utility is a type of use of an activity that refers to a shape in the Pega flow.
Difference between forward and backward changing.
Backward chaining starts with a goal and then searches back through inference rules to find the facts
that support the goal. Forward chaining starts with facts and searches forward through the rules to
find a desired goal.

Difference between Call, Branch and Queue methods:


It Calls Child Activity, then Parent activity waits for child activity to get completed, once child activity
execution completes, control comes back to parent activity. Further steps after call step gets
executed. This behaviour is called synchronous processing


It Branches Child Activity, then Parent activity waits for child activity to get completed, once child
activity execution completes, controls comes back to parent activity. Further steps after Branch step
will be ignored This behaviour is called synchronous processing


It Queues Child Activity, But Parent activity will not wait for child activity to get completed, The
parent activity and child activity executes in different threads. This behaviour is called Asynchronous
Agents: An agent is an internal background process operating in the server on a periodic
basis. Each agent rule can contain individual agent activities for different processes. Agents
come under SysAdmin category and each ruleset can contain only one Agent rule
Task driven: For Task driven Type system will maintain the Queue, Based on The queue,
agent will execute the tasks (Activity).
For Each periodic time, System will check the queue. If the Queue is non empty then Agent
will execute the activity otherwise agent will go to sleep.
Process Driven (schedule driven): Agent will execute the activity for each periodic time
Note: We can add the Items (Tasks) to the Queue by using the method "Queue-For-Agent"
in Activity. This is Maintained by Master Agent. The queue entries will be present in the
table pr_sys_queues(System-Queue-Defaultentry)
Points to remember:
1. If we create an instance of Rule-Agent-Queue (Agents) then system will create the
instance of Data-Agent-Queue (Agent schedule) automatically.
2.we can create only one agent for a rule set. ( name of agent is nothing but name of
Modes of agents:

Standard Advanced
Auto Queue Management No queue management

Can run on multiple nodes can run only one node

Runs on requestor access group Runs on agent access group

Check the queue table for wo processing Directly executes activities

follows Task Driven approach follows Process Driven approach.

1. This mode of agents were in use prior to 5.5 version and is deprecated.
2.This follows Process Driven approach
3.This mode of agents never maintain the Queue

Service Level – It enable us to setup goals and deadline as a part of case management process. It
establish to help the task force to handle everything on time.

Types of SLA's
1. Assignment level SLA
2. WO level SLA
1. Assignment Level SLA: Assignment level SLA we need to define in Assignment shape. For
this sla time starts when the WO reaches to assignment.
Once the goal reaches it will increase the urgency and Executes escalation activity.
Once the deadline time reaches, it will increase the urgency and executes escalation activity.
WO Level SLA: For this kind of SLA, sla time starts when the work object is created. We need
to define this in pyDefault model (data transform) rule using pySLAName property.
Once the goal time reaches it will increases the urgency and executes escalation activity.
After goal time, once the deadline time completes it will increase the urgency and executes
escalation activity.
Decision Rules
1. Decision Table
2. Decision Tree
3. Map Value
4. When

Decision Table : If we have 'n' number of conditions only one condition will get true then
we go for decision table
It comes under decision category
In decision table we can’t possible to call the Decision Tree
How to call the Decision Table in Activity:
By using Property-Map-Decision Table
Decision Tree:
Tree can be used to execute multiple conditions. The main purpose of the tree nesting it
means to call Tables and Map Value in Tree
How to call the Decision Tree in Activity:
By Using Property-Map-Decision Tree
When Rule: It can execute based on True / False Condition
We can call the directly in when rule
Flow vs Flow action
Flows are associated with each step in a stage of a case type. It is used in graphical shape
and connector. You can edit flows with Process Modeler or Case Designer. A flow action
displays a task to users when they run flows.
Page - When you want to get data of something which doesn't repeat. Eg. .EmployeeData
(Property of type Page) - One employee has only one record in database
Page List - When you have number of items for something which cannot be grouped by
some property. Eg. .EmployeeAccounts (Property of type Page List) - One employee can
have multiple accounts.

Page Group- When you have number of items for something which can be grouped
by some property which is only text without special characters Eg. .EmployeeAccounts
(Property of type Page Group) - One employee can have multiple accounts

Flow Actions: It contains the properties, sections or layouts come under the process
1. Local Flow Action: Completes the current assignment and advances the flow to next
shape in sequence.
2. Connector Flow Action: It leaves the current assignment open and doesn’t advance the
Note: In flow action we can call the different rules Like Validation rules, Activity and Data
Split Join : You want to start multiple flows ex. BackgroundCheck, EmploymentCheck etc.
This is not based on a Page list, you need to specify all Flows to start in configuration.
Split for Each : You have one flow, let's say Approval and you want to run this flow for all
elements in Page list to assign to different approvers. So this shape will start multiple
instances of same flow based on number of elements in Page list. You have to specify one
flow name and page list name in configuration.

Datapages- A data page defines the contents of a clipboard page and enables the system to access
data from a range of sources on demand.

Editable, savable, read-only

 Thread – The page is created in a single requestor thread and can be accessed as often as
needed by processing in that thread.
 Requestor – The requestor can access the page(s) loaded across all threads
 Node – Any requestor executing on the current node can access the pages.

data transform defines how to convert data that is in one format and class into data of
another format and class. Using a data transform instead of an activity to set property values
speeds up development and makes application maintenance easier.
Rule resolution

Rule resolution is a search algorithm used to find the most appropriate instance of a
rule to execute in any situation.

Step 1: Check the Rules Cache.

Step 2: Choose instances with the correct purpose.
Step 3: Discard rules where Availability = No.
Step 4: Discard inapplicable rulesets and versions.
Step 5: Discard all candidates not defined in a class in the 'ancestor tree'.
Step 6: Rank remaining candidates.
Step 6a: Discard choices that occur after the first "default" rule
Step 7: Set the cache.
Step 8: Find the best instance and check for duplicates.
Step 9: Check Availability is not Blocked.
Step 10: Verify requestor is authorized to see the rule.
Job scheduler versus agents

Job scheduler rules replace advanced agents for recurring or scheduled tasks such as sending
emails on weekdays. Job scheduler rules simplify item scheduling because you configure a single job
scheduler rule instead of selecting a standard agent or an advanced agent.

3. Define reports?
The report is a law in Pega, where it mostly used by managers to analyze and verifies the
data and also to visualize the in general progress. List view and Summary vision are the
accepted views in Pega.

4. Name the various types of layouts available?

The various types of layout available are:

 Portal layout,
 Grid layout
 Dynamic layout
 Column layout

5. How to restrict flow to a particular user?

Using the privileges and circumstances under the procedure tab of the run instance.

8. What do you mean by exposing a property?

Exposing a property means to create possessions as a divide self-determining column so
that it can be used in SQL queries and as a principle in reporting.

9. Define paging in a list view?

To separate the List View into several pages and set the numeral of records to be displayed
on a page.

10. Where assignments will be stored in Pega rules database?

Work List connected assignments are stored in pc_assign_worklist.

Workbasket connected assignments are stored in pc_assign_workbasket.

11. How to import rules using Pzinskey?

Open the law, from that, chooses the pzinskey; go to prdbutil and using the pzinskey sell
oversees the regulation Import that zips file where you want.

12. How to connect to different Pega applications?


13. Name the various types of declarative rules present?

The various types are:

 Declare Expressions
 Declare Constraints
  Declare On change
  Declare trigger
  Declare Index.

16. What is portal and where it will be configured?

Portal is a border that appears for the customer (Developer / End User), and the portal can
be configured in contact Group. Ex: Developer portal, user portal, manager portal, admin

Name the various types of requestors?

Browser requestor starts with communication ‘H’ Batch requestor begins with letter ‘B’
submission requestor begins with the letter ‘A Portal requestor start with letter ‘P’.

21. How do you specify if expressions trigger forward or backward chaining?

In the Chain track tab.

24. How do we get the data from the two different tables?
Using the link tab in Reports

25. Tell me the use of HTML property in ListView?

HTML Property rules come out in list view and synopsis view rules to describe the look of
values in reports.

1. Explain in brief about Pega.

Ans: Pega is a platform that allows the user to develop apps, perform integration with
the external system and easily implement mobility. It also helps in managing the
case life cycle, extensive user interface design, managing the decisions and
implementing the DevOps and Robotic Automation, and reporting. It is built on Java
and has its latest version as 8.2 which also stands for Build for Change.

2. What are the different types of classes that PRPC support?

Ans: The different types of standard classes available are.

 Base class: It is the ultimate base class, and Its Child Classes are work-, Data-,
Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc. Pega always supports two types of classes which are
abstract classes and concrete classes.
 Abstract Classes: These classes end with ‘-‘ and abstract classes cannot create any
work object instances.
 Concrete Classes:  It does not end with ‘-’, and abstract classes will create work
object instances.
3. What is the difference between Page and Page List property, how are
they implemented?

 Page property refers to a particular class and is used to access the property of that
 Page List Property also refers to a particular class, but it’s a collection of individual
pages of the same class which can be accessed through numeric indexes.

4. Explain about Work Object?


 A work object is the primary unit of work completion in an application and the primary
collection of data that a flow operates on. 
 When an application is used, work objects are created, updated, and eventually
closed (resolved). 
 Every work object has a unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status
(property pyStatusWork).

5. How to create a work object in Pega?

Ans: The following are the steps implemented in creating a work object in Pega.

 Add a button such as a section or a header.

 Expand the cell property within the button and click on the action tab.
 To the button, add an action set.
 Add focus class as well as flow name to the button.
 Catch the present work object ID with “Param.prevRecordkey”.
 Using “Obj-Open-By-Handle”, open the case.
 Using Page-Copy, copy the data from pagers.

6. Explain about DCO?

Ans: Direct Capture Object is an apple dev tool that includes.

 Application profiler wizard. 

 Appl Accelerator. 
 Appl Doc Wizard. 
 Appl use cases. 
 Appl requirements.

7. What is SLA? Where do we use SLA?

Ans: It is the instance of Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type. It can be added to
assignment and work objects.

Service level contains two intervals of time as Goal and Deadline. It indicates the
expected time for the assignment and time to resolve the work object. If an
assignment isn’t completed before the time limit, the system can automatically raise
the assignment and cancel the entire flow, and so on.

8. How to trace SLA in Pega?

Ans: The steps to trace SLA in Pega are:

 Terminate the agent.

 Delay it.
 Initiate the agent.
 Delay it again.
 In the requestors, select the delayed requestor and click on the tracer.
 Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60 seconds.

9. What are the different types of layouts available?

Ans: The following are the different layouts types available.

 Column layout. 
 Grid layout. 
 Portal layout. 
 Dynamic layout.

10. What is the ruleset in Pega?

Ans: A RuleSet in Pega is a collection of rules of business that defines an instance.
The ruleset is an essential subset of PegaRULES that is necessary to reference
instances in the database.

11. Can we use Rdb-Save along with commit, if yes then why? if not yes
then why?
Ans: Yes, commit is used to save the data permanent in the DB.

12. What is Access Group and Access roles and difference between them?

 Access groups make a set of RuleSet versions available to requestors.

 Use an access role name to convey permissions (capabilities) to a user or a group of
users. Access roles can be referenced
 in requestor instances, Operator ID instances, in access group instances, in
activities, and in queries.

13. What is Covers folder and object and differences among them?

 Cover is work object that is parent to one or more related work objects.
 One work party is present in the cover work object and also present in the covered
work objects associated with the covers.
 Folder is work object in concrete class that inherits from the work-Folder-class.
 A folder object holds a collection of one or more other work objects providing access
for reporting.

14. Describe the Access group in Pega and its functionality?

Ans: An access group in Pega is an example of a Data-Admin-Operator-Access
Group class that creates a set of RuleSet for the requestors. The developer defines
access groups and assigns them to different users. 

Access Group controls the security based on the job functions. It is the instance of
Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup. Various aspects that can be controlled through
an access group are

 Default and available types of works (also called as work pools).

 Primary rulesets (Access Control to rulesets).
 Assigned roles.
 Portal layout.
 Default ruleset for making changes (Default ruleset whenever the user creates/ saves
as the rule).

Explore Curriculum

15. Name different types of requestors?


 Browser requestor – Starts with letter ‘H’

 Application requestor – Starts with the letter ‘A
 Batch requestor – Starts with letter ‘B’
 Portal requestor – Starts with the letter ‘P’.

16. What is flow-action?

Ans: It is the instance of the Rule-Obj-Flow Action rule type. It is the one category in
UI specifying the choices to the user performing assigned work objects.

Local FA: If action is finished, the work object returns to the same level.

Connector FA: If action is finished, the work object moves to the next level.

17. How a user’s ruleset list is formed?

Ans: The system adds entries it finds from the following sources in the order listed.
The system adds entries it finds from these sources in the top of the list.

Requestor: (Data-Admin-Requestor class) — Usually this adds the RuleSets named

Pega-RULES, and Pega-IntSvcs and a version or version prefix for these.
Division - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.

Organization - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.

Access Group:  As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.

Ruleset Versions - Prerequisite RuleSets and Versions to those already compiled.

Operator ID: If this user has the ability to check out rules, the personal RuleSet
(named the same as the Operator ID key) is added last. It is also called a private

18. Name the Declarative rules in Pega?

Ans: The declarative rule is an instance of a class derived from Rule-Declared. 

 They allow for automatic processing of Property values.

 No need to be called explicitly.
 No need to run in a sequential fashion.
 The system manages re-evaluation when it detects a change.

The declarative rules in Pega are.

 Rule-Declare-Expressions. 
 Rule-Declare-Index.
 Rule-Declare-Trigger. 
 Rule-Declare-OnChange.
 Rule-Declare-Constraints.

19. What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate



This method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page
contains embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the
properties. This method consumes a lot of system resources and takes more time. If
you want to validate specific properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-
Validate rule.


This method is used to impose restrictions on property value. Use the Edit validate
rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate
multiple properties using the Property-Validate method.
20. Explain about case management in Pega?
Ans: Case management in Pega enables a user to adapt to the unpredictable, event-
driven or automatic changes in a case and its processes. It pools real-time
adaptation with unique solutions for every case to suit ad-hoc additions. It also saves
the case as a template for the future application. 


21. What are the advantages of case management in Pega?

Ans: The advantages of Pega case management are.

 Improve the processes of case management with holistic support.

 Increase the efficacy of case-flow for automatic and dynamic response.
 Ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time
 Lessen time, costs and effort needed to implement case management.

22. Explain about the Decision Tree rule.


 Decision trees are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type. 

 Decision tree accepts one input property value but can evaluate numerous
properties. It is best used for complex if/then/else statements. 
 It can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if/then/else
 It can be referred from three other rules from the decision shape of flow rule.
 In activity, we can evaluate the DecisionTree using Property-Map-DecisionTree. 
 Decision trees can be referring to Rule-Declare-Expression.

23. Differentiate between Decision Table and Decision Tree.


Decision Table:

 The logic implemented in the decision table is if, else if condition.

 In the decision table, if the first condition is true, it will not check the remaining
conditions/if the first condition is false, then only it will check the next condition.
 For simple logic, we can go to the decision table.

Decision Tree:

 The logic implemented in Decision Tree is if, if condition.

 In a decision tree, if the first condition is true or false, it will check all conditions and it
will return results.
 For simple logic, we can go for a decision tree.

24. Explain about map value rule.

Ans: A map value rule is a rule that converts one or two input values, such as
latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name.
The rule uses ranges for the input value or values and a matrix to look up the result.
Map value rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type. This rule type is
part of the decision category.

25. What is Portal and where it will be configured?

Ans: It is an Interface that shows up for the client either developer or an end User
and entry can be arranged in Access Group. 

Example: Developer entry, chief gateway, client entryway, administrator entrance.

See Batch Details

26. What is Locking in Pega and describe its types?

Ans: Locking is acquiring control over a work object before proceeding to perform
any action on it and to ensure only a single user to perform actions on a work object
at a time. There are two types of locking as stated below.

 Default Locking: Only one user can work on a work object at a time. 

 Optimistic Locking: This is an enhanced feature introduced in Pega 7, where multiple
operators work on the same object at a time.

27. Explain about Declare Triggers.


 Declare Trigger runs an activity when instances of a specific class are created,
updated, or deleted in the DataBase.
 Declare Trigger is always Forward Chaining.

28. What is Forward Chaining?

Ans: Forward Chaining provides the automatic calculation of the property by
executing the declarative rule when any one of the input property values is changed. 

Example: If the Area property depends on the length and width property, then
Forward Chaining causes the area property to be recalculated every time either
length or width values change.
29. What is Backward Chaining?
Ans: BackWard chaining provides the automatic calculation of the property by
executing the declarative rule when the value is needed for the property, rather than
when an input changes. 

Example: If the area property depends on length and width property, the backward
chaining causes the area property to be recalculated each time the area property is

30. How do you implement declare index?

Ans: The following are the steps that are implemented for declaring an index.

 Create a class inheriting from the Index- class. Provide these three properties:
pxInsIndexedKey, pxIndexCount, pxIndexPurpose.
 Create Rule-Declare-Index and provide source page context and source page
context class, index class to write.
 In the list view, the Join tab provides declare index name.

31. What are Pega Guardrails?

Ans: There are ten Pega guardrails as follows.

1. Adopt an iterative approach.

2. Establish Robust foundation.
3. Do nothing that is hard.
4. Limit custom java.
5. Built for change.
6. Design intends on the driven process.
7. Create easy to read flow.
8. Monitor performance regularly.
9. Calculate and edit declaratively not by procedurally.
10. Keep security object oriented.

32. What is Agent?

Ans: Agents are an internal background process operating on the server to run an
activity. Agents are asynchronous and independent. They also perform system tasks
such as sending email notifications and synchronizing caches across nodes.
Activities they call run individually on their own schedule and one activity doesn’t
have to finish another activity. 

33. How do you troubleshoot or trace an agent?


 < env name=”agent/enable” value=”true” />

Verify the above tag in the “prconfig” file. Verify if the value of the above tag is true or

 In Agent Schedule, schedule tab verifies the checkbox “Enable this agent”, if this
option is checked or not. 
 The same thing also checks in Agents Rule.
 In Tracer, we can trace the particular operator or particular Agent.
 In “prsysmgmt” portal, In the Agent Management, select the particular agent and
delay the agent and then run the Tracer.
 We can use the Agent Management link in the System Management Application to
monitor and control agent processing. The agent runs on different nodes, selects
the particular node and runs the Tracer.

34. What is SLA? Where we use SLA?

Ans: A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level rule type. Each
service level rule defines one or two time intervals, known as goals and deadlines
that indicate the expected or targeted time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for
the work object.

If an assignment isn't completed before the time limit, the system can automatically
raise the assignment, and cancel the entire flow, and so on

35. Backward chaining and forward chaining?


Forward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of the property value by

executing the declarative rule, when any one of the input property value is changed.

EX:  If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then forward
chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time either Length/Width value

Backward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of a property value by

executing the declarative rule, when a value is needed for   property rather than
whenever inputs change.

EX:  If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then backward
chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time the Area property is

36. What is circumstance?

Ans : Circumstance is the optional condition and enhancement of rule resolution alg.
diff variations of the rules within the same version created for diff flavors suit for
different situation.  Circumstance works during the rule resolution, at run time system
first find the rules based on class hierarchy then searches for a rules the requestors
session needs, it compares the values of rule set, version, and availability to
determine which rule executed.

37. What is Access Group?

Ans: Access Group controls the security basing on the job functions. It is instance of
Data-Admin-Operator-Access Group. Various aspects that can be controlled through
access group are default and available types of works (also called as work pools),
Primary rule sets ( Access Control to rule sets), Assigned roles, Portal layout

38. What is Work list, Work basket?

Ans: Work list is an outstanding assignment waiting for a user to perform them.
Work basket is an instance of Data-Admin-Workbasket class. Work object progress
through a flow execution, the system creates assignment. Assignment may be
created either with individual user or work basket

39. What is local action?

Ans: When action is finished work object returns to same assignment.

41. Diff b/w Obj-validate & Property-validate?

Ans: ( obj-validate is we can do validations for multiple properties of a single work
(Property-validate is only one property we can do validations for single work object)

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