9.0-Aluminium Wissenswertes Alu en
9.0-Aluminium Wissenswertes Alu en
9.0-Aluminium Wissenswertes Alu en
In addition to the processing instructions for the re- load-bearing profiles and anchoring and to validate de-
spective Stabalux systems, it is also important to con- tails, connections and such like in diagrams.
sider the regulations in place for the steel, metal and
glass-processing industries. We also refer to the impor- Glass
tance of adhering to the applicable standards. Neither
the standards and rules listed in the following nor the The glass types is selected based on the mandatory
index of addresses make any claim to completeness. requirements of structural engineering. The glass thick-
European standards have been and will continue to be nesses must be defined according to the “Technical
introduced within the process of European harmonisa- rules for linearly mounted glazing wind”, with due con-
tion. In places they will replace national standards. We sideration of the wind loads.
make efforts to ensure that our processors are up-to- Glazing must be installed in a materially and technically
date with standards. It is nevertheless the responsibility correct manner in accordance with the relevant stan-
of the user to obtain information on the latest standards dards.
and rules that are important to their work.
Cleaning / maintenance
Technical advice, support in planning and
quotations Although cleaning of the glass surfaces themselves is
not part of their maintenance, it is nevertheless essen-
All suggestions, tender, design and installation propos- tial to ensure the good working order and service life of
als, material calculations, static calculations and such the products.
like provided by Stabalux employees in the course of
consultancy, correspondence or the preparation of doc- Cleaning and protection during the building phase
uments are submitted in good faith and to the best of
their knowledge. Processors must review such ancillary • The contractor is responsible for cleaning during
services critically and seek approval from the principal the building phase. The mounted elements should
or architect if necessary. be cleaned thoroughly before acceptance.
• Coarse dirt must be cleaned off immediately using
Requirements in regard to operation, stor- sufficient water.
age, processing and training • Any cleaning performed must be compatible with
the materials.
Companies must possess equipment designed for the • Standard solvents such as methylated spirits or iso-
processing of steel and aluminium in order to manu- propanol can be used to remove sealant residue.
facture flawless components. This equipment must be • Anodized aluminium parts must be protected be-
designed in such a way that any damage to the profiles fore non-hardened plaster, mortar or cement are
during processing, storage and removal is avoided. All applied, i.e. any residue must be removed immedi-
components must be stored dry; in particular, they must ately, as the alkali reactions they cause may other-
be kept away from building detritus, acids, lime, mortar, wise cause irremovable staining.
steel shavings and such like. In order to be satisfy the • Mechanical damage to the anodised surface can-
requirements of the latest technology, employees must not be repaired. You are therefore advised to han-
be enabled to acquire the necessary training through dle the aluminium parts with care.
literature, courses or seminars.
• For this reason, we recommend you take suitable • The manufacturer’s instructions must be adhered
precautionary measures. Adhesive plastic foil, to in particular for all fitted parts such as timber
peelable lacquer or self-weathering clear varnish and aluminium windows and doors. The rebates
provide a degree of protection. Any adhesive tape must be cleaned on all accounts and spaces must
applied must be compatible with the surfaces; par- be left to allow water to run off.
ticular care must be taken with painted surfaces in
this respect Cleaning intervals
Cleaning after acceptance and during permanent Cleaning should be performed regularly, depending
use on the level of environmental pollution. Basic cleaning
must be performed at least once annually. Stabalux
The client is responsible for proper cleaning after ac- recommends 6-monthly cleaning in order to preserve
ceptance, i.e. after partial acceptance already; it is the attractive appearance of painted surfaces, i.e. the
important to clean all accessible components at this structure as a whole.
• Clean, warm water should be used for cleaning in
order to prevent any scratching by the dirt parti- Facades and their fitted parts such as windows and
cles. doors must remain in permanent good working order.
• Removal of adhesive labels and spacers Mandatory measures to preserve good working order
• Neutral (pH values between 5 and 8) household and to prevent material and personal damage are de-
and glass detergents also help. Alkali and acidic fined in the national construction codes and construc-
chemical detergents and any containing fluoride tion product ordinances.
must not be used. It is imperative to avoid destroy-
ing the corrosion protection on the components. The generic term ‘maintenance’ describes the areas of
• Grease and sealant residue ca be removed using servicing/care, inspection, repair and improvements.
standard solvents (methylated spirits, isopropanol). The following addresses the topics of servicing/care
The use of benzene and other thinners is not per- and inspection in greater detail. These factors are es-
mitted, as they may cause irreparable damage. sential to guarantee fitness for purpose and secure use
• Use of clean and soft cleaning sponges, cloths, and hence to ensure sustainable preservation of value.
leather cloths or squeegees. All scouring materials Accessibility for subsequent maintenance must be in-
and abrasive detergents are unsuitable ad cause cluded in the planning of a construction project or re-
permanent damage. furbishment.
• The manufacturer’s instructions must be adhered
to on all accounts in the handling of coated glass Particular reference is made at this point to VFF the
and single-pane security glass. leaflets WP.1 – WP.5 by Verband der Fenster- und Fas-
• It is permitted to use neutral detergents with added sadenhersteller e.V. They contain information for win-
polish on painted surfaces (e.g. car polish). These dows / doors and other installations, as well as tem-
agents must be silicone-free; test them first on a plates for contracts and correspondence. Information
concealed surface. and templates can also be obtained from ift – Institut
• The seals are essentially maintenance-free. Their für Fenstertechnik Rosenheim. The contact details are
durability can be ensured by the use of special listed in the address section.
cleaning lotion to prevent the material from becom-
ing brittle.
The facade manufacturer (contractor) accepts the war- All components must be checked to ensure their fitness
ranty for the supplied and installed products after ac- for purpose, as well as for deformation and damage. All
ceptance as defined in the contractual undertakings. facilities relevant to safety must be checked. Damage
The warranty will be void in the event that a failure to must be repaired immediately.
perform servicing and care properly or at all leads to
defects and damage. This applies also to the improper Fixed glazing on facades
use of a component.
• Material-specific examination of the support-
The contractor is not automatically obliged to provide ing profiles for damage and deformation. e.g.:
servicing/ care and inspection if there is no specific Steel: Weld seams, open joints, cracks, mechanical
contractual agreement to do so. The national construc- strength.
tion codes make it the duty of the principal/owner to • Timber: Timber flaws (loose knots and protruding
maintain the construction products and components. knot plugs); moisture damage, fungus and/or in-
The client must inform the principal/owner in this re- sect infestation, open joints, cracks, mechanical
spect if they are not the same person/entity. The con- strength.
tractor deals at all times only with the client. • Check of component connections (e.g. mullion/
transom connections), reinforcements and struc-
However, the contractor is obliged to make the client tural attachments (e.g. connection plates, assum-
aware of maintenance issues. It is advisable to fulfil this ing they are accessible when installed).
duty in writing before the contracts are signed and to • Check of structural attachment joints and seals.
submit more detailed updates as the building work pro- • Assessment of the filling elements (panes, panels)
gresses. All documents on this issue must be submit- to ensure proper mounting and absence of dam-
ted no later than upon presentation of the final invoice. age.
Alternatively, the contractor can offer a maintenance • Check of seals for proper mounting, sealant prop-
contract and therein accept contractually defined ser- erties and ageing caused by brittleness.
vicing/care and inspection duties. The obligation to • Test of the clamp connection to hold the filling el-
perform maintenance begins with the acceptance. ements. They include the screw fittings and clip
• Visual inspection of the surface of the structure
(coatings, corrosion).
• Good working order of all drainage systems, com-
ponent ventilation systems and pressure equalisa-
tion openings.
Roller blinds, ventilation, movable and rigid solar shad- The following table contains recommended inspection
ing are fitted to facades in addition to doors and win- intervals, published as an assistance by ift Rosenheim.
dows. These components must be checked in the same The distinction between “safety-relevant” and “general”
way as the fixed glazing elements. Moreover, all parts inspections refers to fittings.
with relevance to safety and moving parts must be as-
sessed to ensure they are mounted properly, are in good Stabalux recommends an interval of one year for fixed
working order and do not exhibit wear. They include: glazing.
The manufacturer’s instructions are authoritative for in-
• Drive units (manual, electric) stalled parts. VFF leaflet WP.03 provides form templates
• Fittings for components requiring maintenance and intervals for
• Door hinges the materials used.
• Locking parts and latches
• Screw fittings
• Lubrication/greasing to ensure smooth operation
of movable parts
A protocol must be kept of the findings of the in- You will find all of the information you require on Sta-
spection, the implementation of servicing and care balux systems in our catalogue documents. The sec-
and the necessary repairs. It must list all checked tions “System” and “Processing Instructions” contain
parts/components and contain specific and gen- important information in particular.
eral comments. Information on the property, the
component and its precise location in the building The product information, operating instructions, servic-
must be recorded in order to ensure clear allocation. ing/ care instructions and cleaning recommendations
published by the respective manufacturer must be ad-
hered to for other components.
VFF leaflet WP.03 also has form templates designed for
this purpose.
Addresses 9.1
Verband der Fenster- und Fassadenhersteller e.V. Beratung Feuerverzinken
Walter-Kolb-Straße 1-7 Sohnstr. 40
60594 Frankfurt am Main 40237 Düsseldorf
Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft für
Informationsstelle Edelstahl Rostfrei Oberflächenbehandlung e.V.
Sohnstr. 65 Arnulfstr. 25
40237 Düsseldorf 40545 Düsseldorf
www.edelstahl-rostfrei.de www.dfo-online.de
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt
Burggrafenstraße 6 Duisburg des Dt. Verbandes für Schweißtechnik e.V.
10787 Berlin Postfach 10 12 62
www.din.de 47012 Duisburg
Institut für Fenstertechnik e.V. (ift)
Theodor-Gietl-Straße 7-9 Deutscher Stahlbauverband DSTV
83026 Rosenheim Sohnstraße 65
www.ift-rosenheim.de 40237 Düsseldorf
DIN-Normblätter erhältlich beim Beuth-Verlag
GmbH DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen
Burggrafenstraße 6 und verwandte Verfahren e.V.
10787 Berlin Aachener Straße 172
www.beuth.de 40223 Düsseldorf
Bundesverband Metall-Vereinigung
Deutscher Metallhandwerke Deutscher Schraubenverband e.V
Ruhrallee 12 Goldene Pforte 1
45138 Essen 58093 Hagen
www.metallhandwerk.de www.schraubenverband.de
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V.
Kolonnenstraße 30 L Sohnstr. 65
10829 Berlin 40237 Düsseldorf
www.dibt.de www.stahlforschung.de
Standards 9.1
Standards 9.1
DIN EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles
DIN EN 12487 Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings
on aluminium and aluminium alloys
DIN EN ISO 10140 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements
DIN EN 356 Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification
of resistance against manual attack
DIN EN 1063 Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of resistance against bullet
DIN EN 13541 Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification
against explosion pressure
DIN 52460 Sealing and glazing
DIN EN ISO 12567 Thermal performance of windows and doors - Determination of
thermal transmittance by the hot-box method
DIN EN ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems
DIN 55634 Paints, varnishes and coatings - Corrosion protection of supporting thin-walled
building components made of steel
DIN EN 107 Test procedures for windows: mechanical test
DIN EN 1026 Windows and doors - air permeability - test method
DIN EN 1027 Windows and doors - watertightness - test method
DIN EN 10162 Cold-rolled steel sections - Technical delivery conditions - Dimensional and cross-section-
al tolerances
DIN EN 949 Windows and curtain walling, doors, blinds and shutters - Determination of the
resistance to soft and heavy body impact for doors
DIN EN 1363 Fire resistance tests
DIN EN 1364 Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements
DIN EN 1522 Window, doors, barriers - bullet resistance - requirements and classification
DIN EN 1523 Window, doors, barriers - bullet resistance - test procedures
DIN EN 1627 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance -
Requirements and classification
DIN EN 1628 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance -
Test method for the determination of resistance under static loading
DIN EN 1629 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance -
Test method for the determination of resistance under dynamic loading
DIN EN 1630 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - Burglar resistance -
Test method for the determination of resistance to manual burglary attempts
DIN EN 10346 Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products for cold forming
DIN EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip
Tolerances on dimensions and shape
DIN EN 12152 Curtain walling - Air permeability - Performance requirements and classification
DIN EN 12153 Curtain walling - Air permeability - Test methods
Standards 9.1
International Quality Regulations For The Coating of Building Components on Steel and Hot-tip Galvanized
GSB International e.V.
50 50 50 50
50 50 50
• The aluminum profiles supplied by us are generally
made of EN AW 6060 according to DIN EN 573-3,
condition T 66 according to DIN EN 755-2.
• The tubes are manufactured according to the toler-
ance standards DIN ISO 2768.
• Material parameters:
Things to Know Preliminary static design 01.11.2019 12
Things to Know
Preliminary static design
Cross-sectional values
t t
Profile - Number H B U UB 1) g A ey ey' Iy ex ex' Ix
min max
- mm mm mm mm m²/m m²/m kg/m cm² cm cm cm4 cm cm cm4
AL 5040 40 50 2.5 3.5 0.214 0.133 1.51 5.61 2.50 2.50 15.77 2.05 1.95 12.23
AL 5060 60 50 2.5 3.5 0.254 0.173 1.78 6.61 2.50 2.50 21.42 3.03 2.97 33.14
AL 5090 90 50 2.5 3.5 0.314 0.223 2.18 8.11 2.50 2.50 29.89 4.61 4.39 89.83
AL 50120 120 50 2.5 4.5 0.374 0.293 2.81 10.41 2.50 2.50 39.87 6.10 5.90 208.52
AL 50150 150 50 2.5 5 0.434 0.353 3.32 12.32 2.50 2.50 49.12 7.61 7.39 380.78
AL 50200 200 50 3 6.5 0.534 0.453 4.74 17.56 2.50 2.50 74.10 9.86 10.14 904.95
AL 50250 250 50 3.5 7.5 0.634 0.553 6.40 23.71 2.50 2.50 103.31 12.34 12.66 1806.17
1) Coating surface = visible surface of the profiles when mounted (without screw channel-side)
Retainer H B g A Iy Ix
- mm mm kg/m cm² cm 4
TVA 5040 33.0 44.4 2.49 9.25 7.28 19.03
TVA 5060 53.0 44.4 2.99 11.10 24.1 28.12
TVA 5090 83.0 44.4 3.48 12.90 31.83 93.10
TVA 50120 111.0 44.4 3.93 14.58 39.04 201.67
TVA 50150 140.0 44.4 4.40 16.32 46.51 371.48
• Glass supports are used to transfer the self-weight The Stabalux AL system uses two different types and
loads exerted by the glazing into the transom of a techniques for attaching glass supports:
facade system.
• Fitness for purpose is usually authoritative in the • Insert glass supports GH 5101 and GH 5102. The
selection of a glass support; it is usually defined by geometry of the glass supports is such that they
a limit value of glass support deflection. can be inserted in the screw channel without re-
• The load-bearing capacity is frequently several quiring additional fixing or fastening.
times the load defined as limit value for deflection. • Screw-in glass support GH 5201 and GH5202. The
• Therefore, a failure of the facade structure and a load is transferred via the screw fitting and into the
risk of personal injury are excluded under normal screw channel of the threaded tube. These are only
circumstances. This is why the building inspec- permissible for the inner seal GD 5203 and must be
torate has not defined any particular requirements screwed through the screw channel.
for the use of glass supports and their connections.
Refer to Section 9.2.1 – Cross-sections for more infor-
The glass supports and glazing are positioned accord- mation on the threaded tubes.
ing to glass industry guidelines and guidelines by IfT
Rosenheim. The reference value for attaching the glass Eccentricity “e“
support is approx. 100 mm from the end of the tran-
som. However, it is important to ensure that there is no The height of the inner seal and the glass structure, i.e.
collision with the screw fittings of the clamping connec- the centre of gravity of the glass pane is determined by
tion. The additional information contained in Section the eccentricity “e”. The unit “e” describes the distance
1.2.7 – Processing information must be observed. between the front edge of the threaded tube and the
theoretical load transfer line.
Glass support
approx. 100 mm
The glass supports that Stabalux can deliver are com-
ponent tested for load-bearing capacity and fitness for
purpose. For this purpose, the engineering office IPU
Karlsruhe was commissioned. The tests were carried
out at the Research Institute for Steel, Wood and Stone
of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
3. Calculation of eccentricity
System AL
Symmetrical glass structure
a1 = d + ti/2
a2 = d + ti + SZR1 +tm/2
a3 = d + ti + SZR1 +tm + SZR2 + ta/2
e = (ti x a1 +tm x a2 + ta x a3)/(ti +tm + ta)
4. Test Note:
Tables 1 - 14 state the permitted pane weight based on Tables 1 - 14 enable calculation of eccentricity for sym-
the calculated eccentricity “e”. metrical glass structures.
• Certified system components consist of the insert it must be cut to measure, depending on the glass
glass supports GH 5101 and GH 5202 that differ in thickness used and the height of the inner seal.
terms of their support width. • The glass supports are manufactured using alumin-
• The geometry of the glass supports is such that iumin grade EN AW 6060 T66.
they can be inserted in the screw channel without • If the length of the glass support is more than
requiring additional fixing or fastening. 100 mm, blocks should be placed along the entire
• The depth of the glass support is T = 72mm ; length of the glass support to ensure equal load
2 Cut out the sealing around the holes for the glass
supports and seal using Stabalux connection paste.
Things to Know Preliminary static design 01.11.2019 18
Things to Know
Preliminary static design
Table 1:
GH 5101
Table 2:
GH 5102
• The tested glass supports GH 5201 and GH 5202 • The glass supports are manufactured using alumin-
differ in terms of their support width. iumin grade EN AW 6060 T66.
• The bottom part of the glass support are bolted di- • Stainless steel system screws are used to make the
rectly on to the transoms. Since the screwing of corresponding screw connection.
the glass supports in the screw channel plus pene-
tration of the rear wall is performed, higher weights
can be achieved.
• The glass supports are only suitable for the inner
seal GD 5203
Things to Know Preliminary static design 01.11.2019 22
Things to Know
Preliminary static design
Table 3:
GH 5201 with GD 5203
Table 4:
GH 5202 with GD 5203
Table 5:
Sine values
Table 6:
% inclination relative to the angle in °
Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle
% % % % %
(in °) (in °) (in °) (in °) (in °)
1 0.57 21 11.86 41 22.29 61 31.38 81 39.01
2 1.15 22 12.41 42 22.78 62 31.80 82 39.35
3 1.72 23 12.95 43 23.27 63 32.21 83 39.69
4 2.29 24 13.50 44 23.75 64 32.62 84 40.03
5 2.86 25 14.04 45 24.23 65 33.02 85 40.36
6 3.43 26 14.57 46 24.70 66 33.42 86 40.70
7 4.00 27 15.11 47 25.17 67 33.82 87 41.02
8 4.57 28 15.64 48 25.64 68 34.22 88 41.35
9 5.14 29 16.17 49 26.10 69 34.61 89 41.67
10 5.71 30 16.70 50 26.57 70 34.99 90 41.99
11 6.28 31 17.22 51 27.02 71 35.37 91 42.30
12 6.84 32 17.74 52 27.47 72 35.75 92 42.61
13 7.41 33 18.26 53 27.92 73 36.13 93 42.92
14 7.97 34 18.78 54 28.37 74 36.50 94 43.23
15 8.53 35 19.29 55 28.81 75 36.87 95 43.53
16 9.09 36 19.80 56 29.25 76 37.23 96 43.83
17 9.65 37 20.30 57 29.68 77 37.60 97 44.13
18 10.20 38 20.81 58 30.11 78 37.95 98 44.42
19 10.76 39 21.31 59 30.54 79 38.31 99 44.71
20 11.31 40 21.80 60 30.96 80 38.66 100 45.00
Glass structure:
ti / SZR / ta = 12 mm / 8 mm / 16 mm
ti + ta = 28 mm = 0,028 m
tGlass = 36 mm
a1 = 5 + 12/2 = 11 mm
a2 = 5 + 12 + 8 + 16/2 = 33,0 mm
e = (12 x 11 + 16 x 33)/28 = 23,57 ≈ 24 mm
based on Table 4, row 10: per. G = 376 kg > G = 344 kg Bolted glass support GH 5202 | B = 200 mm
ti + ta = 20 mm = 0,020 m
tGlass = 36 mm
e = 10 + 36/2 = 28 mm
Based on Table1, Row 14: per. G = 214 kg > GL(30°) = 63,5 kg Glass support 5101 | B = 100 mm
Based on Table 3, Row 14: per. G = 304 kg > GL(30°) = 63,5 kg Glass support 5201 | B = 100 mm
Glass support 0282 | B = 150 mm
Principals, planners and processors demand the use of Moreover, Stabalux GmbH continuously monitors its
tested and approved products Construction laws also de- products and provides additional validation of the prop-
mand that the building products satisfy the requirements erties and special functions of its facade systems. Pres-
of the Construction Products List (BRL). Glass facades tigious test centres and institutes support the company
in its quality assurance.
and glass are defined under technical regulations,
• Institut für Fenstertechnik, Rosenheim
including for: • Institut für Stahlbau, Leipzig
• Materialprüfungsamt NRW, Dortmund
• Stability • Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen, Braunsch-
• Fitness for purpose weig
• Thermal insulation • Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität of Stuttgart,
• Fire protection Stuttgart
• Sound insulation • Beschussamt Ulm
• KIT Steel & Lightweight Structures Research Center
This validation has been provided for Stabalux facades for Steel, Timber & Masonry, Karlsruhe
and roofs. Our production sites and suppliers are qual- • Institut für Energieberatung, Tübingen
ity-certified and guarantee excellent product quality. • Institut für Wärmeschutz, München
• and many more in Europe and overseas.
The tests we perform help the processor gain access ditions for the Use of Test Reports and Test Certificates.
to the market and form the basis for the certifications Stabalux will provide these terms and conditions and
required by the manufacturer/processor. Their use is other templates on request, e.g. declarations of con-
only permitted if you have accepted our Terms and Con- formity.
Impact resistance
See product passport
if explicitly required in the CE mark
Heat transition
on request
Details for Ucw- value; from the system provider,
(refer to Sec. 9)
in-house calculation of Uf values
Self-weight by static validation
according to EN 1991-1-1; must be determined
by the manufacturer (refer to Sec. 9)
Resistance to horizontal loads
The curtain facade must withstand dynamic
by static validation
horizontal loads according to EN 1991-1-1;
must be determined by the manufacturer
Fire resistance
if explicitly required in the CE mark, classifica-
tion according to EN 13501-2;
Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 regarding the harmonisa- wall accepts responsibility and provides assurances for
tion of construction products was introduced on 1 July the conformity of declared performances.
2013, replacing Regulation No 89/106/EEC, which had
applied until then. The manufacturer must use this declaration of perfor-
mance to obtain CE labelling for the facade before it is
Regulation 305/2011 defines the terms under which entitled to place the construction product on the mar-
construction products may be “placed on the market” ket. The CE mark confirms that a declaration of perfor-
in all European member states. Its ratification in nation- mance exists. Described properties of the curtain wall
al law is therefore not necessary. The purpose of Regu- are stated in both of these documents, the declaration
lation 305/2011 is to ensure the safety of structures for of performance and the CE mark. The declaration of
performance and the CE mark must be unequivocally
humans, animals and the environment. The harmonized associated.
standard provides precise definitions of essential per-
formance characteristics, as well as product and test Only the manufacturer of the facade is entitled to sub-
standards for construction products. This ensures large- mit the declaration of performance.
ly comparable performance characteristics throughout
Europe. At least one essential characteristic must be stated
in the declaration of performance. A dash is added to
The harmonized standard EN 13830 applies to curtain the corresponding field if one essential characteristic
walls. does not apply, but is defined by a limit value. The entry
“npd” (no performance determined) is not permitted in
Regulation No 89/106 was mainly used to demonstrate these cases.
to customers that a product conformed to the harmo-
nized European standard. In contrast, Regulation No It is advisable to state the performances as listed in the
305/2011 demands the issue of a Declaration of Per- property’s individual requirement specifications.
formance, which the manufacturer must submit to the
customer as assurance of the essential performance A declaration of performance under Regulation No
characteristics. 305/2011 can only be issued once the product has
been manufactured, and not during the bidding phase.
Besides the declaration of performance, Regulation No The declaration of performance must be presented in
305/2011 continues to demand, in line with Regulation the language of the member state to which the con-
No 89/106: struction product will be delivered.
• an initial type test (ITT) of the products The declaration of performance is handed over to the
• a factory production control (FPC) by the manufac- customer.
• a CE mark Declarations of performance must be archived for at
least 10 years.
Declaration of Performance
The requirements placed in curtain walls are defined in
The declaration of performance (LE, i.e. DoP = Decla- the harmonised standard EN 13830. All performances
ration of Performance) under Regulation No 305/2011 relating to the characteristics addressed in this stan-
replace the declaration of conformity used until now dard must be determined if the manufacturer intends
according to Regulation No 89/106. It is the central
document with which the manufacturer of the curtain
their declaration. This does not apply if the standard product standard for curtain walls, EN 13830. The initial
contains instructions for the statement of performanc- type test can be performed on representative test spec-
es without testing (e.g. for the use of existing data, for imens by means of measurement, calculation or anoth-
classification without further testing and for the use of er method described in the product standard. It is usu-
generally acknowledged performance values). ally acceptable in this respect to perform the initial type
Manufacturers are entitled to group their products as test on a representative element of the product family
families for the purpose of assessment. But this applies to determine one or more performance characteristics.
only if the findings in regard to one or more characteris- The manufacturer must commission accredited test
tic/ s of a given product within a family can be consid- institutes to conduct initial type tests. The details are
ered representative of the same characteristic/s of all defined in the product standard EN 13830. Any devia-
products within the same family. Hence, the essential tions from the tested element are the responsibility of
characteristics can be determined using representative the manufacturer and must not lead to a deterioration
test specimens in what is known as the (ITT = Initial of the performance characteristics.
Type Test); this is then used as a reference base.
The European Commission allows the system providers
Insofar as the manufacturers procures construction to perform this initial type test on their own systems as
products from a system provider (often called the sys- a service, and to submit the findings to their customers
tem distributor), and provided this entity has suitable for use in the declaration of performance and in the CE
legal authorisation, the system provider may accept re- mark.
sponsibility for the determination of the product type in
regard to one or several essential characteristics of an Initial type tests have been performed on the individual
end product that is subsequently manufactured and/ Stabalux systems to determine the product character-
or assembled by the processors in their plants. This is istics. The manufacturer (e.g. metal worker) is entitled,
predicated on an agreement between the parties. This under certain conditions (e.g. use of the same compo-
agreement may be a contract, a license or any other nents, incorporation of the processing guidelines in the
form of written accord that provides an unequivocal as- factory production control, etc.), to use the initial type
signment of the component manufacturer’s responsibil- test made available by the system provider.
ity and liability (the system distributor on the one hand,
and the company assembling the end product on the The following conditions are defined for the submission
other). In this case, the system distributor must subject of test certificates to the processor:
the “assembled product”, consisting of components
that it or another party has manufactured, to a determi- • The product is manufactured using the same com-
nation of product type and must thereafter present the ponents with identical characteristics as the test
test report to the manufacturer of the product that is specimen presented in the initial type test.
actually placed on the market. • The processor carries the full responsibility for
conformity with the system provider’s processing
The findings of the determination of product type must guidelines and for the correct manufacture of the
be documented in test reports. The manufacturer must construction product placed on the market.
keep all test reports for at least 10 years following the • The system provider’s processing guidelines are in-
data of final manufacture of the curtain wall kit to which tegral elements of the factory production control
the report refers. applied by the processor (manufacturer).
• The manufacturer is in possession of the test re-
Initial inspection ports with which it carries out CE marking of its
[Initial Type Test = ITT] products, and is entitled to use these reports.
• The manufacturer must commission a notified body
An initial type test (ITT) involves the determination of with the testing insofar as the tested product is not
product characteristics according to the European representative of the product that is placed on the
Things to Know Tests / Authorisations / CE Mark 01.11.2019 33
Things to Know
Tests / Authorisations / CE Mark
The processor may only use the test certificates if it has The results of the factory production control (FPC)
entered into an agreement with the system provider, in must be documented, assessed and archived, and
which the processor undertakes to use the elements in must contain the following data:
accordance with the processing instructions and only • Product designation (e.g. construction project, pre-
in connection with the articles defined by the system cise specification of the curtain facade)
provider (e.g. material, geometry). • Documents or references to technical records and
processing guidelines as required
Factory production control • Test methods (e.g. statement of the work stages
and test criteria, documents and samples)
[Factory Production Control = FPC] • Test findings and comparison with the require-
ments as necessary
The manufacturer/processor is obliged to establish a • Measures to be undertaken in the event of non-con-
system of factory production control (FPC) in its plants formity as necessary
in order to ensure that the identified performance char- • Date of product completion and date of product
acteristics stated in the test reports in reference to the testing
products are adhered to. • Signature of the investigator and the person re-
sponsible for factory production control
It must install operating procedures and work instruc-
tions that systematically define all data, requirements The records must be kept for a period of 5 years.
and regulations that concern the products. Moreover, a
responsible person must be appointed for the produc- The following applies to companies certified according
tion facility, and this person must be suitably qualified to DIN EN ISO 9001: this standard will only be rec-
to check and the confirm the conformity of the manu- ognised as an FPC system if it is adjusted to satisfy the
factured products. requirements of the product standard EN 13830.
CE mark template
CE mark, comprising
the “CE” logo
Declaration of Performance
LE/DoP no.: 021/CPR/01.07.2013
Exclusively the manufacturer according to number 4 is responsible for preparing the Declaration of Performance.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:
The purpose of the CE mark is to ensure adherence The excerpts are taken from the German version of the
to basic safety requirements placed in the facade and currently valid standard, DIN EN 13830-2003-11. The
to enable free traffic of goods in Europe. The product draft standard prEN 13830 was published in its German
standard EN 13830 defines and regulates the essential version in June 2013. Besides editing, the document
characteristics of these basic safety requirements as was revised thoroughly from a technical perspective as
mandated properties: well, which means that the following passages will need
to be checked and may require revision once the stan-
• Resistance to wind load dard has been introduced.
• Self-weight
• Impact resistance Resistance to wind load
• Air permeability “Curtain walls must be sufficiently stable to withstand
• Driving rain resistance the positive and negative wind loads applied during a
• Airborne sound insulation test according to DIN E 12179 and upon which planning
• Heat transition for the fitness for purpose is based. They must safely
• Fire resistance transmit the wind loads underlying the planning to the
• Fire behavior building structure by way of the fastening elements in-
• Fire spread stalled for this purpose. The wind loads underlying the
planning are stated in the test according to EN 12179. We would like to point out that static validation for the
During exposure to the wind loads underlying the plan- specific property must be provided for each curtain wall
ning, the maximum frontal deflection of the individual system, regardless of the initial type testing.
parts of the curtain wall frame between the support, i.e.
anchor points, must not exceed L/200, i.e. 15, during The 3mm limit is deleted from the draft standard. It is
a measurement according to EN 13116, depending on nevertheless necessary to guarantee that any contact
which is the smaller value.” between the frame and the infill element is prevented
in order to provide sufficient ventilation as necessary.
The rated value for the CE mark is expressed in the Moreover, the required inset depth of the infill must also
unit [kN/m²]. be guaranteed.
We would like to point out that static validation for the Impact resistance
specific property must be provided for each curtain wall “If demanded explicitly, tests must be performed ac-
system, regardless of the initial type testing. cording to EN 12600:2002, Part 5. The findings must
It is also important to point out that the new draft stan- be classified according to prEN 14019. The glass prod-
dard intends to introduce an entirely new provision in ucts must correspond to EN 12600.”
regard to fitness for purpose, which will affect the di-
mensioning of the mullion-transom construction signifi- The impact resistance class is determined internally
cantly. and externally for the CE mark. The head in [mm] of
the pendulum is used to define the class (e.g. class
f ≤ L/200; if L ≤ 3000 mm I4 for internal, class E4 for external).
f ≤ 5 mm + L/300; if 3000 mm < L < 7500 mm
f ≤ L/250; if L ≥ 7500 mm pendulum is caused to impact with critical points of
the facade construction (central mullion, central tran-
This change in deformation limitation means that there som, intersection between mullion/transom, etc.) from
may be different limits applicable to an infill (e.g. Glass, a certain height for the purpose of this test. Perma-
composite insulation, etc.) and greater utilisation of the nent deformation of the facade is permitted. But falling
profile in terms of loadbearing capacity. parts, holes or cracks are prohibited.
Potential equalization
“Watertightness must be tested according to DIN EN
12155. The findings must be presented according to EN
Seismic safety
“If necessary in the specific case, the seismic safety
mist be determined according to the Technical Speci-
fications or other requirements defined for the location
of use.”
Classification matrix
The table shown in the following contains classifications ing papers; alternatively, the characteristics can also be
of the characteristics for curtain walls according to EN omitted. This option does not apply to limit values.
13830 Part 6:
The classification of characteristics for the curtain wall
Note according to the aforementioned specifications must
It is not necessary to determine the performance of a take place for each structure individually, irrespective of
component if this performance is irrelevant to its use. In whether the system is standard or was produced specif-
this respect, the manufacturer/processor merely adds ically for the project.
“npd – no performance determined” in the accompany-
Impact resistance I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
3 (mm) npd
inside with head in mm (k.A) 200 700 950
Impact resistance E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
4 (mm) npd
outside with head in mm (k.A) 200 700 950
Air permeability A1 A2 A3 A4 AE
5 (Pa) npd
with test pressure Pa 150 600 > 600
Watertightness R4 R5 R6 R7 RE
6 (Pa) npd
with test pressure Pa 150 600 > 600
Fire resistance E E E E
9 (min) npd
Integrity (E) 15 30 60 90
10 Integrity and insulation (EI) (min) npd
15 30 60 90
kN at m height
Resistance to
12 of the parapet npd Rated value
lateral wind load
Coating of aluminum
Introduction 9.4
The facade is an interface between inside and outside. The entire facade and all of its components must be
It is frequently compared with the human skin that pos- optimized in order to achieve ideal heat insulation,
sesses the ability to respond spontaneously to external with low heat losses in winter and a salubrious room
influences. A facade works in a similar way: it guaran- climate in the summer. This involves, for example, the
tees a comfortable environment for users inside the use of suitable materials to reduce heat transmittance,
building, while positively influencing the building’s en- the mounting of heat-insulated frame constructions or
ergy management. The climactic conditions are crucial the installation of insulating glass. Important criteria in
in this respect. The selection and design of a facade the planning phase therefore include the overall ener-
is therefore strongly dependent on its geographic loca- gy transmittance of glazing, depending on the size and
tion. orientation of the windows, the heat storage capacity
of individual components and sun protection measures.
A planned facade must satisfy minimum heat insulation
requirements according to the generally acknowledged The glass thickness, the glass inset and the use of in-
rules of engineering if it is to be erected in line with the sulating blocks exert the largest influence on determi-
Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) and DIN 4108 Thermal nation of the Uf values (heat transfer coefficient of the
insulation and energy economy in buildings. This is be- frame profiles). The Stabalux AL system can achieve Uf
cause heat insulation affects the building and its users: values of up to 0.62 W/(m²K). Even when the influence
of screws is considered, the values remain excellent at
• the health of its users, e.g. by providing a hygienic Uf ≤ 0,9 W/(m² K).
• protection of the structural integrity against the cli-
mate-related effects of humidity and its follow-on
• energy consumption for heating and cooling
• and therefore the costs and climate protection
Standards 9.4
Index of applicable standards and regulations
DIN 4108-2: 2013-02, Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 2:
Minimum requirements to thermal insulation
DIN 4108-3: 2001-07, Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 3:
Protection against moisture subject to climate conditions; Requirements and directions
for design and construction
DIN 4108 Annex 2:2006-03, Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Thermal
bridges - Examples for planning and performance
DIN 4108-4: 2013-02, Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Protection against
heat and moisture, technical parameters
DIN EN ISO 10077-1: 2010-05, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters -
Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 1: Miscellaneous
DIN EN ISO 10077-2: 2012-06, Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters -
Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 2: Numerical methods for frames
DIN EN ISO 10211: 2008-04, Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface
temperatures - Part 1: Detailed calculations (ISO 10211_2007);
German version of EN ISO 10211:2007
DIN EN ISO 6946: 2008-04, Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method
DIN 18516-1: 2010-06, Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Part 1: Requirements,
principles of testing
Definitions: λ
Thermal conductivity of a material
U - heat transfer coefficient
Uf - value
(also known as the thermal insulation value, U value, The Uf value is the heat transfer co-
previously the k value) is a unit describing the transmit- efficient of the frame. The f stands
tance of thermal energy through a single or multi-layer for frame. To calculate the Uf value,
material when different temperatures prevail on either the window pane is replaced with a
side. It states the power (so the volume of energy per panel exhibiting:λ=0,035 W/(m·K).
time unit) that passes through a surface of 1 m² if the
stationary air temperature on both sides differs by 1 K.
Its SI unit is therefore: Ug - value The Ug value is the heat transfer co-
efficient of the glazing.
W/(m²·K) (watts per square metre and kelvin).
The heat transfer coefficient is a specific parameter re- Up - value The Up value is the heat transfer co-
lating to a component. It is determined largely by the efficient of the panel.
thermal conductivity and thickness of the material in
use, but also by the heat radiation and convection on
the surfaces. Uw - value The Uw-The Uw value is the heat
Note: Measurement of the thermal transfer coefficient transfer coefficient of the window,
requires stationary temperatures to prevent any falsifi- comprising the Uf value of the frame
cation of the measurement findings by the heat storage and the Ug value of the glazing .
capacity of the material.
• The higher the heat transfer coefficient, the worse The Ucw value is the heat transfer co-
the heat insulation properties of the material. Ucw - value efficient of a curtain wall.
Heat transfer resistance inside
Heat transfer resistance outside
Minimum inside surface temperature
to determine the absence of conden-
sation on window connections. The
Tmin of a component must be great-
er than the component’s dew point.
A Surface m2
T Thermodynamic temperature K
U Heat transition coefficient W/(m2·K)
l Length m
d Depth m
Φ Heat flow W
ψ length-based heat transfer coefficient W/(m·K)
∆ Difference
Σ Sum
ε emission level
λ thermal conductivity W/(m·K)
g Glazing
p Panel
f Frame
m Mullion
t Transom
w Window
cw Curtain wall
ΣAgUg+ ΣApUp+ ΣAmUm+ ΣAtUt + Σlfgψfg+ Σlmgψmg+ Σltgψtg+ Σlpψp+ Σlmfψmf+ Σltfψtf
Ucw =
Acw = Ag + Ap + Af + Am + At
Glazed surfaces
lg Ag lg Ag Ag
ss ss ss
Gla Gla Gla
Am Am Am
Ap Am Aw
Af Ag 1 Room-side
2 Outer side
1 3 Fixed frame
5 4 Movable frame
5 Mullion/transom
Acw Surface of the curtain wall
3 A p Surface of the panel
Am Surface of the mullion
Af Surface of the window
2 Ag Surface of the glazing
Am Surface of the mullion
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 49
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 50
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 51
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
ψm,f ψm,f
ψp ψp
ψm,g ψm,g
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 52
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Facade section
Metal panel
Fixed glazing
Glass surface element - movable part: Glass surface element - fixed part:
A Ui l ψ A·U ψ·l
[m2] [W/(m2·K)] [m] [W/(m·K)] [W/K] [W/K]
Mullion Am = 0,1650 Um = 2,20 0.363
Transom At = 0,1725 Ut = 1,90 0.328
Frame Af = 0,3264 Uf = 2,40 0.783
Mullion-frame lm,f = 2,20 ψm,f = 0,07 0.154
Transom-frame lt,f = 2,20 ψt,f = 0,07 0.154
- movable Ag,1 = 0,8811 Ug,1 = 1,20 lf,g = 3,76 ψg,1 = 0,11 1.057 0.414
- fixed Ag,2 = 1,2075 Ug,2 = 1,20 lm,g = 4,40 ψg,2 = 0,17 1.449 0.784
Panel Ap = 1,2705 Up = 0,46 lp = 4,40 ψp = 0,18 0.556 0.792
ΣA · U + Σψ · l 4,536 + 2,626
Ucw =
A =
3.96 = 1,72 W/(m2·K)
Type of glazing
ψ ψ
[W/(m·K)] [W/(m·K)]
Table B.1 Aluminum and steel spacers in mullion or transom profilesψm,g, ψt,g
V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2
Ug =1,1 Ug = 0,7 Ug =1,1 Ug = 0,7 Ug =1,1 Ug = 0,7 Ug =1,1 Ug = 0,7
Chromatech Plus
0.067 0.063 0.051 0.048 0.052 0.052 0.058 0.057
(stainless steel)
0.069 0.065 0.051 0.048 0.053 0.053 0.059 0.059
(stainless steel)
0.069 0.061 0.049 0.046 0.051 0.051 0.056 0.056
(stainless steel)
Chromatech Ultra
(stainless steel/polycarbon- 0.051 0.045 0.041 0.038 0.041 0.040 0.045 0.043
WEB premium
0.068 0.063 0.051 0.048 0.053 0.052 0.058 0.058
(stainless steel)
WEB classic
0.071 0.067 0.052 0.049 0.054 0.055 0.060 0.061
(stainless steel)
0.047 0.042 0.039 0.037 0.038 0.037 0.042 0.040
Thermix TX.N
0.051 0.045 0.041 0.038 0.041 0.039 0.044 0.042
(stainless steel/plastic)
0.056 0.051 0.044 0.041 0.044 0.043 0.049 0.047
(stainless steel/plastic)
Swisspacer V
0.039 0.034 0.034 0.032 0.032 0.031 0.035 0.033
(stainless steel/plastic)
0.060 0.056 0.045 0.042 0.047 0.046 0.052 0.051
(stainless steel/plastic)
Super Spacer TriSeal
0.041 0.036 0.035 0.033 0.034 0.032 0.037 0.035
(mylar foil/silicone foam)
Nirotec 015
0.066 0.061 0.050 0.047 0.051 0.051 0.057 0.056
(stainless steel)
Nirotec 017
0.068 0.063 0.051 0.048 0.053 0.053 0.058 0.058
(stainless steel)
Panel type 2 with panelling:
1 3 1
2 4 2 3
6 5
5 4
Caption Caption
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 58
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Table B.6 Values of the length-based heat transfer coefficient for the connecting area of mullions/transoms
and alu/steel frames ψm/t,f
heat transfer
Types of con- coefficient*
Diagram Description
nection areas ψm,f or ψt,f
Values for ψ not included in the table can be determined by numerical calculation according to EN ISO 10077-
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 59
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Table B.6 Values of the length-based heat transfer coefficient for the connecting area of mullions/transoms
and alu/steel frames ψm/t,f
heat transfer
Types of con- coefficient*
Diagram Description
nection areas ψm,f or ψt,f
*It is permitted to use this value if no data is available from measurements or detailed calculations. These values only apply if the mullion/
transom and the frame possess thermal zones and no other part of the frame without a thermal separation zone interrupts a thermal separation
Table B.7 Values of the length-based heat transfer coefficient for the connecting area of mullions/transoms
and timber/aluminium frames ψm/t,f
heat transfer
Types of con- coefficient*
Diagram Description
nection areas ψm,f or ψt,f
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 60
Things to Know
Thermal insulation
Table C.2 Heat transfer coefficient of double and triple-pane insulating glazing with various gas fillings for
glazing mounted vertically Ug
Uf values 9.4
Determination of the Uf values according
DIN EN 10077-2
Stabalux AL
Glass inset15
5 mm seal 12 mm seal
Uf (W/m2K) Uf (W/m2K) Uf (W/m2K) Uf (W/m2K)
with isolator without isolator with isolator without isolator
* Effects of screws per piece 0.00499 W/K, for System 50 mm and with screw spacing of 250 mm = + 0.3 W/(m2·K)
Screw effects according to ebök (12.2008)
Things to Know Thermal insulation 01.11.2019 63
Things to Know
Humidity protection
Humidity protection
The highest demands are placed in the design of a mod- It is not possible to explicitly exclude the possibility that
ern mullion-transom facade, which can only be satisfied condensation will form in our latitudes. The Stabalux in-
through competent planning and careful execution. The sulation geometries safely transport any damp and con-
physical task of a structurally intact facade is to create densation that penetrates due to imprecise assembly
a healthy room climate. and changes through temperature fluctuation out of the
Heat insulation properties and humidity protection are rebate without it entering the construction.
among the most important characteristics of an intact There must be an opening at the highest and lowest
outer shell around a structure. In principle, the following points of the rebate. The opening in the rebate should
structure is applied in the design of a facade: water-re- exhibit a diameter of at least 8 mm and, designed as a
pellent on the outside, sealed on the inside. This allows slot, should have the dimensions 4 x 20 mm. Insulating
humidity precipitating on the component to diffuse out- glass manufacturers, standards and regulations require
wards. there to be a sufficiently ventilated rebate with pressure
equalisation openings. This applies also to glazing with
The Stabalux facade systems softly pack installed el- sealants, e.g. silicone.
ements like panes, panels or opening elements be-
tween sealing profiles and then attach them to the Airtightness is also an important factor in connec-
mullion-transom construction using clamping strips. tion with thermal insulation. Heat losses will be lower
The so-called rebate is produced in the clamping area if the external wall is sealed. Room air exchange and
between the installed elements. This rebate must be va- extraction of warm air should take place exclusively
pour-proof toward the room and sealed again the pen- through targeted ventilation in window openings and
etration of water from the side exposed to the weather. ventilation systems.
Room-side vapour-proof qualities are mandatory. Warm The Stabalux glazing system possesses outstanding
room air flowing into the rebate can produce condensa- sealant properties, as demonstrated in external testing.
tion as it cools. Stabalux facade systems are also suitable for the most
exposed applications, e.g. on high-rise buildings.
* the test was carried out using a water volume of 3.4 ℓ/(m² min) - above the amount required by the standard
Water vapour is a term used to describe the gaseous conditions for water molecules to condensate will be
aggregate state produced by the evaporation of water. more favourable if the water vapour saturation pressure
One cubic metre (m3) of air can only absorb a limited is exceeded, hence lowering the pressure.
quantity of water vapour The amount rises with the tem-
perature. When air cools, it is no longer able to hold the Water vapour diffusion
same quantity of water. The excess water condenses,
hence converting from its gaseous to its liquid state. Water vapour diffusion describes the proper motion of
The temperature at which this effect occurs is called water vapour through construction materials. Variations
the temperature of dew point, or simply the dew point. in water vapour pressures on either side of the compo-
When the inside temperature of 20°C with relative hu- nent trigger this mechanism. The water vapour held in
midity of 50% cools to 9.3°C, the relative humidity rises the air migrates from the side with the higher pressure
to 100%. Condensation will precipitate if the air or con- toward the side with the lower vapour pressure. Here,
tact surfaces (thermal bridges) continue to cool down. the water vapour pressure depends on the temperature
The air is no longer able to absorb the water in the form and the relative humidity.
of water vapour.
Important: A vapour block (e.g. metal foil) and similar
Relative humidity f installations can entirely prevent the transport of water
vapour through the material, but they cannot stop the
The maximum volume of water vapour is rarely en- passage of heat!
countered in practice. Merely a certain percentage is
reached. This is known as relative humidity, which is Water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient μ
also temperature-dependent. It rises when the tem-
perature falls and falls when the temperature rises, with The quotient of the water vapour diffusion transfer coef-
otherwise constant levels of moisture. ficient in the air and the water vapour diffusion transfer
Example: coefficient in a substance. It therefore expresses the
A mixture of water vapour and air of 1 m3 at 0°C has a factor by which the water vapour diffusion resistance of
relative humidity of 100% if it contains 4.9 g of water. A the considered material is greater than that of the lay
reduction in relative humidity occurs if the temperature of air in the same thickness and temperature resting
rises, for instance to 20°C, if water absorption does on the material. The water vapour diffusion resistance
not increase. At this temperature, an atmosphere with coefficient is a material property.*
100% relative humidity would be able to hold no more
than 17.3 g, so 12.4 g more, of water. But given that Thickness of the air layer equivalent to the water
additional moisture is not added, the 4.9 g of moisture vapour diffusion sd
contained in the cold air would now represent relative
humidity of 28%. Thickness of a resting layer of air possessing the same
water vapour diffusion resistance as the considered
Water vapour pressure construction component, i.e. the component compris-
ing several layers. It determines the resistance to water
Besides relative humidity, the prevalent pressure is an- vapour diffusion. The thickness of the air layer equiva-
other important factor in the diffusion process. lent to the water vapour diffusion is a layer, i.e. Compo-
nent property. It is defined for a component layer using
the following formula:
The water vapour produces pressure that rises with
the volume of water vapour contained in the air. The
* Excerpt from DIN 4180-3
Things to Know Humidity protection 01.11.2019 66
Things to Know
Humidity protection
Construction materials are vapour-proof according to The primary purpose of the external sealant is to keep
DIN EN 12086, i.e. DIN EN ISO 12572, if they exhibit an out driving rain. Nevertheless, it is essential to ensure
air layer thickness equivalent to water vapour diffusion that convection openings provide a diffusion gradient
of Sd ≥ 1500 m Standard glazing sealants are unable to from the inside to the outside. (See Fig. 2 and 3).
provide these values. Nevertheless, the layer inhibiting
diffusion can be considered adequate for the applica- Convection flow
tion described here if it accommodates layer thickness-
es Sd of ≥ 30 m. In order to determine the air layer The rebates in Stabalux mullion-transom constructions
thickness equivalent to water vapour diffusion Sd , it is are always ventilated. Ventilation is ensured by open-
necessary to obtain the water vapour diffusion resis- ings in the lower and upper ends in the area of the mul-
tance coefficientμ and the component thickness. lions. These openings, which are produced by design,
Abutted points on seals are comparably impermeable must be impervious to driving rain.
as the entire sealant cross-section, provided they are The horizontal rebates are ventilated via the connec-
glued using the “SG joint paste” recommended by Sta- tions in the cross joints, i.e. openings in the cover
balux. strips. Should additional ventilation be required in the
Vapour-proof connections with the structure must be area of the transom (e.g. where panes are only support-
positioned as far away from the room side as possible ed on 2 sides or where transom length is ℓ ≥ ≥ 2 m),
in order to prevent moisture penetrating the structure. then this ventilation should be created by making holes
(See Fig. 1) Additional film on the weather side (i.e., in the cover strip and/or using notches on the lower
an external 2nd film) may only be used if driving rain sealing lips of the outer seal.
or rising water cannot be kept out by other means.
Vapour-permeable films must be used in this context.
Layer thicknesses Sd of no more than 3 m shall be con-
sidered vapour-permeable for our constructions.
Air 1.23 1 1
Plaster 600-1500 10 4
Concrete 1800 100 60
Metal/glass - ∞ ∞
Mineral wool 10-200 1 1
Timber 500 50 20
Polystyrene 1050 100000 100000
Butyl rubber 1200 200000 200000
EPDM 1400 11000 11000
µ -is a value stated without dimensions. The higher the The Sd value of a component describes how thick the
µ - value, the greater the vapour-proof properties of air layer resting on the component would have to be (in
the substance. It is multiplied with the thickness of the metres) to possess a diffusion resistance equal to the
construction material to produce the component-based component.
value Sd = μ · d
Things to Know Humidity protection 01.11.2019 69
Things to Know
Humidity protection
Design details
Vapour block
Convection opening
in the mullion
Fig. 3 Foot
in the transom at
Wall seal ℓ ≥ 2,00 m
Convection open-
ing in the mullion
Before the initial operation of the electrical system, an • VFF Merkblatt 09.2009 "Potential equalization and
acceptance test is required. lightning protection of curtain walls"
• State building regulations LBO
Terms • Model high-rise guideline MHHR
• EN 13830 - Product standard for curtain walling
potential equalization • VDE 0100-410: 2007 (IEC 60364-4-41: 2005, mod-
ified) - regulates protective measures against elec-
Equipotential bonding is an electrically good conductive tric shock
connection which is intended to prevent or reduce dif- • VDE 0100-540: 2012-06 (IEC 60364-5-54: 2011,
ferent electrical potentials and thus electrical voltage modified) - regulates earthing systems, protective
between conductive bodies (for example water and conductors, and protective equipotential bonding
heating pipes, antenna installations, electrical equip- conductors
ment). The equipotential bonding should limit all occur- • EN 62305-3 / VDE 0185-305-3: 2011-10 - regu-
ring potential differences to a permissible value. lates lightning protection of structures and persons
• EN 62305-4 / VDE 0185-305-4: 2011-10 - regu-
potential differences lates advanced measures for construction equip-
ment with requirements against electromagnetic
Potential differences are voltages that can occur in the lightning impulses
case of faults in the energy system and lightning dis- • VdS 2010: 2015-04 - Risk-oriented lightning and
charges. surge protection
building corner For facade joints that can not be electrically formed,
appropriate transition bridges must be used.
Copper 5 mm2
Aluminium 8 mm2
Steel 16 mm2
Equipotential bonding for personal protection Lightning protection with extended equipotential
Equipotential bonding must prevent dangerous sparking
within the structure which may be due to faulty currents Lightning protection equipotential bonding is an ex-
on conductive parts of the system (such as a faulty pow- tension of equipotential bonding. Lightning protection
er line). equipotential bonding is understood to mean the part of
the internal lightning protection which, in the event of a
A sufficient potential equalization is achieved by the lightning discharge into the lightning protection system
metal frame parts of the facade are electrically con- or into the inserted cables, ensures the safe integration
nected to each other. Often sufficient for this purpose, of all externally introduced cables with the equipotential
the T-joints of the mullion and transom construction. bonding system.
Cooper 16 mm2
Aluminum 25 mm2
Steel 50 mm2
The most important properties in the construction of a The appearance of burglar-resistant facades using
burglary-resistant facade are: Stabalux System H is the same as the normal construc-
• Use of tested panes and panels as filling elements.
• Definition of the inlay depth for the filling elements. • The same design options and styles are possible as
• Installation of lateral blocks to prevent displace- with a normal construction.
ment of the filling elements. • All upper strips can be used when fitting stainless
• Use of a stainless steel bottom strip for the clamp steel bottom strips.
connection. • All inner seal systems (1, 2 and 3 sections) can be
• Definition of the screw spacing and the screw used.
depths • Stabalux system H preserves all of the benefits
• Securing of the screws against loosening. thanks to direct screw fittings in the milled groove.
Assembly certificate
according to DIN EN 1627
in the property:
In Stabalux system AL, facades in resistance class RC2 System articles and filling elements are only approved
can be mounted in the system widths 50 mm. for use if they have been tested and received a positive
Compared to a normal facade, this only requires a mi-
nor additional It is always necessary to validate that in the dimensions
manufacturing workload in order to achieve resistance selected, the components used will satisfy the static
class RC2. requirements placed in the system for the specific pro-
• Securing of the filling elements against lateral dis-
placement. The design options for the facade remain preserved, as
• Arrangement and selection of the clamping strip all aluminium upper strips can still be used.
screw fittings relative to the permissible axis di-
mensions in the fields. Sealing systems
The inner sealing system for burglary-resistant facades
can also use systems with 1 section or overlapping seal-
ing systems with 2 or 3 sections.
6 4
1 Upper strip
2 Stainless steel bottom strip
3 Outer seal
4 Filling element
5 Inner seal
(e.g. with 1 drainage level)
6 System screw fittings
7 Timber support profile
Things to Know Burglary-resistant facades 01.11.2019 78
Things to Know
Burglary-resistant facades
Filling elements
3 4 3
1 Edge bonding
2 Screw fittings, e.g. fixing screw / nut M4
3 Aluminium sheet t = 3 mm
varia- 4 Insulation
The filling elements must be secured against lateral dis- can also be fixed in place by screwing them to the tim-
placement. Installation of a lateral, pressure-resistant ber profile.
blocks prevents any displacement of the filling elements
in the event of manipulation. In addition to the blocks used in the test (art. no. Z
1061, plastic tube h x b x t = 20 mm x 24 mm x 1.0 mm,
One block must be fitted in each corner of the mullion length ℓ = 120 mm), the blocks can also be cut out
rebate. The blocks must be glued into the system. of another pressure-resistant, non-absorbent mate-
The glue used must be compatible with the edge bond- rial such as PUR recycling material (e.g. Purenit, Pho
ing of the filling elements and the blocks. The blocks notherm).
Cut A - A
e.g. Z 1061
Panel Panel
or or
Glass Glass
*)Glue in the blocks (the glue must be compatible with Glass edge
the edge bonding of the filling elements)
Use fixing screw to secure the position in the central
Profile outline
• The screw fitting are made in the screw channel. • The axis dimesnions B and H can be selected in-
• The screw length must be calculated for each pro- definitely, the minimum field size is 485 x 535 mm.
ject. There must be at least 5 screws per side.
• The edge distance of the screw fittings for clamping • The first and last screw on the clamping strip must
strips is defined as aR = 30 mm. be screwed in the screw channel and through the
• The selection and arrangement of the screw fittings screw channel base. In addition, every second
depends on the axis dimensions of the fields. The screw must penetrate the screw channel base.
maximum distance between screws is a = 125 mm
and must on accounts be exceeded. Securing clamping strip screw fittings
against loosening
Cut A - A
Assembly instructions
1 Construction of the facade using the tested 6 The glass supports are to be positioned so that they can
system articles and according to static requirements. be mounted between the screw grid of 125mm.
2 The filling elements (glass and panel) must be im- 7 The support of the mullions (head, foot and intermediate
pact-resistant according to DIN EN 356. Tested glaz- support) must be calculated with sufficient static leeway
ing of the type P4A, for instance by SGG STADIP PRO- so that any forces applied during an attempted burglary
TECT CP 410 with approx. 30 mm glass structure, can be absorbed with certainty. Accessible fixing screws
must be used in order to obtain resistance class RC2. must be secured against unauthorised loosening.
The panel structure must be the same as the tested panel
structure. 8 Burglary-resistant components are intended for installa-
tion in solid walls. The minimum requirements provided
3 The inset of the filling elements is e = 15 mm for timber profiles in DIN EN 1627 apply to wall connections.
in the system width 50 mm.
Surrounding walls
Resistance class
Reinforced concrete
of the burglary-re- Masonry according to DIN 1053 – 1 Aerated concrete wall
according to DIN 1045
sistant component
according to DIN Compressive
EN 1627 Rated strength Mortar Rated Strength Rated
strength class Execution
thickness class of the group thickness class thickness
of the blocks
RC2 ≥ 115 mm ≥ 12 II ≥ 100 mm ≥ B 15 ≥ 170 mm ≥4 glued