Lesson 1 (Mutual Funds)
Lesson 1 (Mutual Funds)
Lesson 1 (Mutual Funds)
Load Mutual Fund – charges you a fee when you buy and sell
(redeem) shares .
A load mutual fund charges you a sales charge or
commission for the shares purchased. This charge could be
a percentage of the amount you are investing in, or it can be
a flat fee, depending on the mutual fund provider.
Total Assets would include all the assets of the firm such as
securities and other investments, cash and cash equivalents, accrued
income, and receivables. Note that these assets haveto be expressed
at their market value and not cost price.Since a mutual fund would
have invested in multiple stocks, the value of such securities is based
on and is the sum total of the closing prices of individual securities at
the end of the trading day.
Since a mutual fund would have invested in multiple stocks,
the value of such securities is based on and is the sum total
of the closing prices of individual securities at the end of the
trading day.
You have been provided with the following assets and liabilities details of
Mutual Fund X as on February 10, 2020. Calculate its net asset value as on
that date.
Particulars Amount
In order to calculate the net asset value, we have to calculate the sum total
of all the assets, which would be equal to the sum total of investments,
cash, and receivables:
Total Assets=200000+5000+20000=225000
Next, we calculate the sumtotal of all the liabilities, including short term
liabilities, long term liabilities, and accrued expenses:
Once we have total assets and liabilities we can calculate the net asset
This means that the mutual fund’s value per share is $200.
Why Is Net Asset Value Important?
I know you are probably wondering what you will use NAV for.
Well, NAV can give you an idea of what your investment is worth
on a daily basis and can tell you how well your mutual fund is
doing. Normally, the higher the mutual fund net asset value, the
higher the value of the mutual fund. If you purchased a share of a
bank's mutual fund for $100, then you would receive investment
income on the fund of $10 each year. If you can maintain a net
asset value of $100, you will earn 10% interest on your
investment, which is a higher rate than a savings account.
FUND - Equity fund is the name of the fund. The fund aims to achieve long-term
capital growth.
NET - CHG (net change) -It is the difference between the price paid for the last share
today and the price paid for the last share the previous trading day. The Equity
Fund closed P0.03 higher than yesterday’s closing price.
YDT % RET ( year-to-date percentage return). The fund has a 30.31% return since
January 1.
Aimee Bolivia invested in Growth Fund, a mutual fund. To determine
whether she had made a wise choice, she wanted to calculate her
return on investment. The return on investment for a mutual fund
depends on the increase in net asset value and on the dividends paid
from the fund. The following formula is used to calculate a mutual
fund’sreturn on investment
ROI = End of the year NAV + Dividend Distributions - Beginning of the year NAV
Beginning of the Year NAV
Growth Fund’s net asset value on January 1 was P100. During the
year, the fund distributed P25 per share to investors. At the end of the
year, the net asset value was P104. Calculate the return on
ROI = End of the year NAV + Dividend Distributions - Beginning of the year NAV
Beginning of the Year NAV
ROI = __29__
ROI = 0.29
ROI = 29%
3. Peso Bond Fund’ s net asset value on January 1was P160. During
the year, the fund distributed P20 per share to investors. At the end
of the year, the net asset value was P162.
1. You have been provided with the following assets and liabilities
details of Mutual Fund X as on February 10, 2020. Calculate its net
asset value as on that date.
Particulars Amount
Let's assume at the close of trading yesterday that a
particular mutual fund held P20,480,000 worth of securities,
$1,876,000 of cash, and $410,000 of liabilities. If the fund had
800,000 shares outstanding, then yesterday's NAV would be?