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VAPIX®, HTTP API Specification

Revision: 2.14
Date: 2007-October-17




 1.1 Product and firmware versions



 3.1 General notations

o 3.1.1 General abbreviations
o 3.1.2 Style convention
o 3.1.3 General CGI URL syntax and parameters
o 3.1.4 Parameter value convention


 4.1 Naming conventions and URL syntax

o 4.1.1 Obsolete CGI parameters

 4.2 Server responses

o 4.2.1 HTTP status codes


 5.1 General
o 5.1.1 Add, update, remove and list parameters and their values
 List parameters
 List output format
 Update parameters
 Add parameters
 Remove parameters
 Add/Remove server responses
o 5.1.2 Add, modify and delete users
o 5.1.3 Factory default
o 5.1.4 Hard factory default
o 5.1.5 Backup
o 5.1.6 Restore
o 5.1.7 Firmware upgrade
o 5.1.8 Restart server
o 5.1.9 Server report
o 5.1.10 System logs
o 5.1.11 Access logs
o 5.1.12 System date and time
 Get system date and time
 Set system date and time

 5.2 Image and Video

o 5.2.1 Image size
o 5.2.2 Video status
o 5.2.3 Bitmap
 Bitmap image request
 Bitmap image (snapshot) CGI request
 Bitmap image response
o 5.2.4 JPEG/MJPG
 JPEG image request
 JPEG image (snapshot) CGI request
 JPEG image response
 JPEG buffer request
 MJPG video request
 MJPG video CGI request
 MJPG video response
o 5.2.5 MPEG-4
 MPEG-4 SDP description request
 Restart the MPEG-4 stream
 MPEG-4 statistics
o 5.2.6 Dynamic text overlay

 5.3 PTZ
o 5.3.1 PTZ driver update
o 5.3.2 PTZ administration
o 5.3.3 PTZ control
o 5.3.4 PTZ configuration
o 5.3.5 Set PTZ parameters
o 5.3.6 PTZ control queue
o 5.3.7 PTZ control queue response

 5.4 Motion Detection

o 5.4.1 Add a Motion Detection window
o 5.4.2 Remove a Motion Detection window
o 5.4.3 Update the Motion Detection parameters
o 5.4.4 List the Motion detection parameters
o 5.4.5 Get the Motion Detection level

 5.5 I/O
o 5.5.1 I/O control
 Input
 Output
o 5.5.2 Virtual I/O control
 Input

 5.6 Serial port

o 5.6.1 Serial port control
o 5.6.2 Open serial port

 5.7 IP filter
o 5.7.1 IP filter administration
o 5.7.2 Server responses

 5.8 Audio
o 5.8.1 Audio MIME types
o 5.8.2 Audio data request
o 5.8.3 Singlepart audio data response
o 5.8.4 Multipart audio data response
o 5.8.5 Audio data transmit

 5.9 AXIS 292 Network Video Decoder

o 5.9.1 Alarm
o 5.9.2 Video control
 Connect
 Disconnect
 Invalidate Cache
 Select Source


Version Date Comment

2.00 2003-Sep-16 Initial version

2.01 2004-Feb-03 Added requests for Video status, Bitmap, JPEG buffer, PTZ, Motion Detection,
I/O and Serial port.
Added new parameters to JPEG image CGI request and MJPG video CGI

2.02 2004-Feb-16 Added requests for Image overlay.

2.03 2004-May-27 Added more valid values for the parameter resolution, to the Bitmap image,
JPEG image and MJPG video CGI requests.
Added requests for Backup, Restore, Firmware upgrade and IP address

2.04 2004-July-09 Added more valid values for the parameter resolution, to the JPEG image and
MJPG video CGI requests.

2.05 2004-July-23 Added requests for MPEG-4.

2.06 2004-Nov-03 Added requests for Audio.

Added responseformat parameter to param.cgi?action=list.

2.07 2005-Feb-25 Removed the nosync parameter from param.cgi.

Added reference to the RTSP API for controlling MPEG-4 streams.
The MPEG-4 SDP description request have been changed to media.sdp. The
previous video.sdp will still be supported.

2.08 2005-May-26 Added a policy parameter for the ipfilter.cgi and examples.
Added new HTTP APIs for the AXIS 292 Network Video Decoder.

2.09 2005-Oct-26 Added example to list parameters using wildcards.

Added the parameter "range" to the JPEG buffer request.
Added example to pulse the virtual input.
Moved PTZ preset position configuration from ptz.cgi to ptzconfig.cgi.
Added ptzconfig.cgi for OSD menu control.
Updated information about the PTZ control queue response.

2.10 2007-Jan-11 Added force parameter to param.cgi.

Added explanations for digital PTZ.
Added areazoom parameter to ptz.cgi.
Added timezone parameter to date.cgi.
Corrected some examples and added audio transmit examples.

2.11 2007-Jan-31 Removed Image overlay APIs.

Removed areazoom parameter for ptz.cgi, new API will soon be available.

2.12 2007-Feb-28 Added areazoom parameter for ptz.cgi.

2.13 2007-June-29 Added Dynamic text overlay.

2.14 2007-Oct-17 Added access logs.

This document specifies the external HTTP-based application programming interface of the Axis camera and video servers
with firmware version 4.00 and above.

The HTTP-based video interface provides the functionality for requesting single and multi-part images and for getting and
setting internal parameter values. The image and CGI-requests are handled by the built-in Web server in the camera and
video servers.

1.1 Product and firmware versions

The support for the HTTP API is product and firmware dependent. Please refer to the Release Notes for the actual product
for compliance information.

HTTP protocol

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0

External application programming interfaces (Client side)
 VAPIX®, HTTP API Specification

 VAPIX®, RTSP API Specification

 Axis Video Product Release Notes

 VAPIX®, Parameter specification

This section contains information on general usage of this document.

3.1 General notation

3.1.1 General abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used throughout this document

CGI Common Gateway Interface - a standardized method of communication between a client (e.g. a web browser) and a
server (e.g. a web server).
TBD To be done/designed - signifies that the referenced section/subsection/entity is intended to be specified, but has not
reached a level of maturity to be public at this time.
N/A Not applicable - a feature/parameter/value is of no use in a specific task
URL RFC 1738 describes the syntax and semantics for a compact string representation for a resource available via the
Internet. These strings are called "Uniform Resource Locators" (URLs).
URI A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource.
RFC 2396 describes the generic syntax of URI.

3.1.2 Style convention

In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, text in italics within angle brackets denotes content that should be
replaced with either a value or a string. When replacing the text string, the angle brackets must also be replaced. An
example of this is the description of the name for the server, denoted with <servername> in the URL syntax
description below, which is replaced with the string myserver in the URL syntax example, also shown below.

URL syntax is written with the word "Syntax:" shown in bold face, followed by a box with the referred syntax, as shown
below. The name of the server is written as <servername>. This is intended to be replaced with the name of the actual
server. This can either be a name, e.g. "thecam" or "thecam.adomain.net" or the associated IP number for the server, e.g.


A description of returned data is written with "Return:" in bold face, followed by the returned data in a box. All data
returned as HTTP-formatted, i.e. starting with the string HTTP, is line-separated with a Carriage Return and Line Feed
(CRLF) printed as \r\n.


HTTP/1.0 <HTTP code> <HTTP text>\r\n

URL syntax examples are written with "Example:" in bold face, followed by a short description and a light grey box with the

Example: Request default image.

Examples of what can be returned by the server from a request are written with "Example:" in bold face, followed by a
short description and a light grey box with an example of the returned data.

Example: Returned data after a successful request.

HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\r\n

3.1.3 General CGI URL syntax and parameters

CGI URLs are written in lower-case. CGI parameters are written in lower-case and as one word. When the CGI request
includes internal camera parameters, the internal parameters must be written exactly as named in the camera or video
server. For the POST method, the parameters must be included in the body of the HTTP request. The CGIs are organized in
function related directories under the axis-cgi directory. The file extension of the CGI is required.


Example: List the Network parameters.


3.1.4 Parameter value convention

In tables defining CGI parameters and supported parameter values, the default value for optional parameters is system

4.1 Naming conventions and URL syntax

4.1.1 Obsolete CGI parameters

Some CGI parameters and values in this specification may be obsolete and are provided for backward compatibility. These
might not be supported in the future.

Obsolete parameters and values are stated in the request descriptions.

Some CGI requests described in the Axis Video HTTP API version 1.xx are still supported by Axis products with firmware
version 4.00 and above, and are provided for backward compatibility. They are, however, obsolete and should not be used.
For more information, please read the document describing the differences between HTTP API version 1 and version 2.

4.2 Server responses

4.2.1 HTTP status codes

The built-in Web server uses the standard HTTP status codes.


HTTP/1.0 <HTTP code> <HTTP text>\r\n

with the following HTTP code and meanings

HTTP code HTTP text Description

200 OK The request has succeeded, but an application error can
still occur, which will be returned as an application error

204 No Content The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new
information to send back.

302 Moved Temporarily The server redirects the request to the URI given in the
Location header.

400 Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to fulfill.

401 Unauthorized The request requires user authentication or the

authorization has been refused.

404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the request.

409 Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflict with
the current state of the resource.

500 Internal Error The server encountered an unexpected condition that

prevented it from fulfilling the request.

503 Service Unavailable The server is unable to handle the request due to
temporary overload.

Example: Request includes invalid file names.

HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\n

To make it easier for developers to get an idea of which API requests are supported for different products, the requests
have been grouped together. Information about which groups are supported can be found in the product-specific release
notes document, available for download from the Axis web site.

5.1 General
The requests specified in the General section are supported by all video products with firmware version 4.00 and above.

5.1.1 Add, update, remove and list parameters and their values

 These requests have different security levels. The security level for each parameter is specified in the
parameter document.

 The URL must follow the standard way of writing a URL, (RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
Generic Syntax); that is, spaces and other reserved characters (";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "," and
"$") within a <parameter> or a <value> must be replaced with %<ASCII hex>. For example, in the string
My camera, the space will have to be replaced with %20, My%20camera.
Method: GET/POST


with the following parameter and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

action=<string> add, remove, update or list Specifies the action to take. Depending on this parameter,
various parameters may be set, as described in the
following sections. List parameters


with the following parameter and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

group=<string>[,<string>...] <group[.name]>[,<group[.name]>...] Returns the value of the camera parameter

named <group>.<name>. If <name> is
omitted, all the parameters of the <group> are
The camera parameters must be entered
exactly as they are named in the camera or
video server.

Wildcard (*) can be used when listing

parameters. See example below.

If this parameter is omitted, all parameters in

the device are returned.

responseformat rfc Get the HTTP response format according to

Response format:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<parameter pair>

Example: List the Network parameters.


Example: List the names of all Event parameters.

http://myserver/axis-cgi/admin/param.cgi?action=list&group=Event.*.Name List output format

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
<parameter pair>
where <parameter pair> is

[ <parameter pair> ]

Example: Network query response.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n

If the CGI request includes an invalid parameter value, the server returns an error message.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
# Error: <description>\n Update parameters


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

<string>=<string> <group.name>=<value> Assigns <value> to the parameter <group.name>.

The <value> must be URL-encoded when it contains non-
alphanumeric characters.

The camera parameters must be entered exactly as named in the

camera or the video server.

Example: Set the default image resolution to 320x240 pixels.

Example: Set the maximum number of viewers to 5.

action=update&Image.MaxViewers=5 Add parameters

Note: Only applicable for dynamic parameter groups such as the event parameters.


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

template=<string> <template> Use the specified <template> when creating the new group. The
template is a file, which describes all parameters for this group.
Depending on the product, different templates are available,
please check the Release notes of the firmware version.
See examples below.

group=<string> <group> Specifies the parent group. The parent group defines where in
the parameter structure the new group will be created. For
example, if adding an event (template=event) and specify
group=Event the new group will be available as
Event.E<number>. Where <number> is the unique number for
the group (see return values below). The character before
<number> is generated from the last section of the group name.
E.g. Event will generate the character E and Event.Notification
will generate the character N.

<string>=<string> <group.name>=<value> Set a parameter in the newly created group. As the group
number is not known before the group is created, the id-number
is simply left out, see the examples below. The new group
number is created dynamically and can be any number. This is
why all parameters are specified to set without any group
number. The base path to the parameter is specified as
<group>.<uppercase first letter of group>.<parameter name>.

force yes The force parameter can be used to exceed limits set for adding
dynamic parameter groups.
Axis products can for example be configured for up to 10 event
types. The force parameter can be used to exceed this maximum
of events.

Example: Create a new event under the group Event and set the name to MyEvent and the Enabled parameter to yes.

Example: A listing of the new group will output the following.

Note that in this example the id is E0. This can be any number, depending on if other events were added before.
Parameters that are not specified in the request will have their default values, as specified in the configuration file. Remove parameters

Note: Only applicable for dynamic parameter groups such as the event parameters.


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

group=<string>[,<string>...] <group>[,<group>] Deletes the specified <group>

Example: Delete event group E2 and E4.

cgi/operator/param.cgi?action=remove&group=Event.E2,Event.E4 Add/Remove server responses

These actions produce one of the following server responses:

Return: A successful add.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
<entry> OK\r\n
Return: A successful remove.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
Return: Add new group failed. The group was not created, due to errors in the parameters to add command.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
<additional error information>
# Request failed: <error message>\n
Return: Add new group failed. The group was created, but the specified parameters could not be set.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
<additional error information>
# Error: <error message>\r\n
Return: Remove failed.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\n
<additional error information>
# Request failed: <error message>\r\n
Example: Add new event entry and set the specified name.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n
E7 OK\r\n
Example: Delete an event entry.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\n

5.1.2 Add, modify and delete users

Add a new user with password and group membership, modify the information and remove a user.

Note: This request requires root access (root authorization).

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

action=<string> add, update, remove or add = create a new user account.

get update = change account information of specified parameters
if the account exists.

remove = remove an existing account if it exists.

get = get a list of the users which belong to each group


user=<string> <string> The user account name, a non-existing user name. Valid
characters are a thru z, A thru Z and 0 thru 9.

pwd=<string> <string> The unencrypted password of the account. Valid characters are
a thru z, A thru Z and 0 thru 9.

grp=<string> <string> An existing primary group name of the account.

sgrp=<string>:[<string>...] <string>[,<string>...] Colon separated existing secondary group names of the


comment=<string> <string> The comment field of the account.

Example: Create a new administrator account.

Example: Change the password of an existing account.

Example: Remove an account.

Example: List groups and users.


5.1.3 Factory default

Reload factory default. All parameters except Network.BootProto, Network.IPAddress, Network.SubnetMask,
Network.Broadcast and Network.DefaultRouter are set to their factory default values.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET



5.1.4 Hard factory default

Reload factory default. All parameters are set to their factory default value.

Note: This request requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET


5.1.5 Backup
Download a unit specific backup of all files in the folder /etc in tar format.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET




HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: application/x-tar\r\n
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=backup_<MAC address>.tar\r\n
<file content of backup_<MAC address>.tar>

5.1.6 Restore
Upload a unit specific backup previously created by the backup.cgi.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: POST



The file content is provided in the HTTP body according to the format given in RFC 1867. The body is created automatically
by the browser if using HTML form with input type "file".

Example: Upload of backup, where "\r\n" has been omitted in the HTTP body.

POST /axis-cgi/admin/restore.cgi? HTTP/1.0\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaBo3x\r\n
Content-Length: <content length>\r\n
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="backup.tar";
filename="backup_<MAC address>.tar"\r\n
Content-Type: application/x-tar\r\n
<file content of backup_<MAC address>.tar>
5.1.7 Firmware upgrade
Upgrade the firmware version.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: POST



with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

type=<string> normal, Specifies the type of firmware upgrade.

factorydefault normal = Upgrade and restore old settings.
factorydefault = Upgrade and discard all settings.

type is by default set to normal.

The file content is provided in the HTTP body according to the format given in RFC 1867. The body is created automatically
by the browser if using HTML form with input type "file".


POST /axis-cgi/admin/firmwareupgrade.cgi?type=normal HTTP/1.0\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AsCg5y\r\n
Content-Length: <content length>\r\n
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="firmware.bin";
Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n
<firmware file content>

5.1.8 Restart server

Restart server.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET


5.1.9 Server report

This CGI request generates and returns a server report. This report is useful as an input when requesting support. The
report includes product information, parameter settings and system logs.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET



5.1.10 System logs

Get system log information.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Note: The response is product/release-dependent.

Method: GET



HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<system log information>

5.1.11 Access logs

Get client access log information. The level of information included in the log is set in the Log.Access parameter group.

Note: This requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Note: The response is product/release-dependent.

Method: GET



HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<system log information>

5.1.12 System date and time

Get or set the system date and time.

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameter and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

action=<string> get or set Specifies what to do.

get = get the current date and time.

set = set the current date and/or time. Get system date and time



HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<month> <day>, <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second>\r\n

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Apr 03, 2003 15:16:04\r\n Set system date and time


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

year=<int> 1970 - 2031 Current year.

month=<int> 1 - 12 Current month.

day=<int> 1 - 31 Current day.

hour=<int> 0 - 23 Current hour.

minute=<int> 0 - 59 Current minute.

second=<int> 0 - 59 Current second.

timezone=<string> GMT Specifies the time zone that the new date and/or time is
given in. The camera translates the time into local time
using whichever time zone has been specified through the
web configuration. If omitted the new date and/or time is
assumed to be in local time.

Note: Requires that daylight saving time (DST) is turned

off, and that the time mode of the camera is not to
synchronize with an NTP server or with the computer time.

Currently only GMT is considered valid input. The rest of the

time zones are subject to future expansion.

The set action produces one of the following server responses:

Return: A successful set.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Return: A failed set. Settings or syntax are probably incorrect.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Request failed: <error message>\r\n
Example: Set the date.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n

5.2 Image and video

5.2.1 Image size

Get the actual image size of default image settings, or with given parameters.

Method: GET/POST

with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad1 Returns image size of the camera.

Note: This parameter is required.

Any parameter from jpeg- See for more information about image parameters.
interface affecting image
The number of video inputs may differ between different cameras and video servers. See the product's specification.

Example: Request image size of default settings from camera 1.

Example: Returned data after a successful request.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
image width = 176\n
image height = 144\n
Example: Request image size with supplied parameters for camera 1.

Example: Returned data after a successful request.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
image width = 160\n
image height = 120\n

5.2.2 Video status

Check the status of one or more video sources.

Method: GET


with the following parameter and values
<parameter>=<value> Values Description

status=<int>[[,<int>],...] 1 ... 41 Returns the status of one or more inputs.

The number of video inputs may differ between different cameras and video servers. See the product's specification.

Example: Request video status from input 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Example: Returned data after a successful request.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Video 1 = video
Video 2 = no video
Video 3 = no video
Video 4 = video

5.2.3 Bitmap
The requests specified in the bitmap section are supported by those video products that have bitmap support. Supported
image formats can be checked by reading the parameter Properties.Image.Format. The parameter can be listed using
param.cgi. Bitmap image request

Returns an image with the default resolution as defined in the system configuration.

Method: GET

Syntax: Request a bitmap image

with the following parameter and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

<camera> 1 ... 41 Select the input source. Applies only to servers with more
quad1 than one input source.
Product-dependent. See the product's specification.

Example: Request a bitmap image from the default camera with the default resolution.

Example: Request a bitmap image from camera 2 with the default resolution.

Example: Request a bitmap image containing four video sources.

http://myserver/bitmap/quad/image.bmp Bitmap image (snapshot) CGI request
Request a bitmap image with the specified properties.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

resolution=<string> 768x576, 4CIF, 704x576, Specifies the resolution as <width> times <height>
704x480, VGA, 640x480, number of pixels of the returned image.
2CIFEXP, 2CIF, 704x288,
704x240, 480x360, CIF,
384x288, 352x288,
352x240, 320x240,
240x180, QCIF, 192x144,
176x144, 176x120,
160x120 1

camera=<string> 1 ... 41 The camera source.

quad1 Applies only to video servers with more than one video

squarepixel=<int> 0, 1 Enable/disable square pixel correction.

Applies only to video servers.

Product-dependent. See the product's specification.

Example: Request a bitmap image from camera 1 with a resolution of 320x240.

http://myserver/axis-cgi/bitmap/image.bmp?resolution=320x240&camera=1 Bitmap image response

When a bitmap image is requested, the server either returns the specified bitmap image file or an error.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: image/bitmap\r\n
Content-Length: <image size>\r\n
<bitmap image data>\r\n
Example: Requested bitmap image.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: image/bitmap\r\n
Content-Length: 1216566\r\n
<bitmap image data>\r\n

The requests specified in the JPEG/MJPG section are supported by those video products that use JPEG and MJPG encoding. JPEG image request

Returns an image with the default resolution and compression as defined in the system configuration.

Method: GET


with the following parameter

Parameter Values Description

<camera> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad1 Select input source. Applies only to servers with more than
one input source.
Default: default camera.

Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

Example: Request JPEG image from default camera with default resolution and compression.

Example: Request JPEG image from camera number 2 with default resolution and compression.

Example: Request JPEG image containing four video sources.

http://myserver/jpg/quad/image.jpg JPEG image (snapshot) CGI request

Request a JPEG image (snapshot) with specified properties.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

resolution=<string> 1280x1024, 1280x960, Specify the resolution of the returned image.
1280x720, 768x576, 4CIF,
704x576, 704x480, VGA,
640x480, 640x360,
2CIFEXP, 2CIF, 704x288,
704x240, 480x360, CIF,
384x288, 352x288,
352x240, 320x240,
240x180, QCIF, 192x144,
176x144, 176x120,
160x120 1

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Applies only to video servers with more than one video
input. Selects the source camera.

compression=<int> 0 - 100 Adjusts the compression level of the image. Higher values
correspond to higher compression, i.e. lower quality and
smaller image size.
Note: This value is internally mapped and is therefore

colorlevel=<int>2 0 - 100 1
Sets level of color or grey-scale.
0 = grey-scale, 100 = full color.

Note: This value is internally mapped and is therefore


color=<int> 0, 1 Enables/disables color.

0 = black and white, 1 = color.

clock=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the time stamp.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

date=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the date.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

text=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the text.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

textstring=<string>2 A string The text shown in the image, the string must be URL

textcolor=<string>2 black, The color of the text shown in the image.


textbackgroundcolor=<string>2 black, The color of the text background shown in the image.

rotation=<int> 0, 90, 180, 270 Rotates the image clockwise.

textpos=<string> top, bottom The position of the string shown in the image.
overlayimage=<int>2 0, 1 Enable/disable overlay image.

overlaypos=<int>x<int>2 <xoffset>1x<yoffset>1 Set the position of the overlay image.

squarepixel=<int>2 0, 1 Enable/disable square pixel correction. Applies only to

video servers.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.
Support for this parameter is product/release-dependent.

Example: Request a JPEG image from camera 1 with a resolution of 320x240 and compression of 25.

Example: Request a JPEG image from camera 2 with the text My Camera displayed.

http://myserver/axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?camera=2&text=1&textstring=My%20Camera JPEG image response

When a JPEG image is requested, the server returns either the specified JPEG image file or an error.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: <image size>\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n
Example: Requested JPEG image.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: 15656\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n JPEG buffer request

Requests for controlling image buffers via HTTP.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

do=<string> start start = create a new image buffer.

stop stop = this corresponds to an alarm occurring and it makes
get the image buffer store post-alarm images. The buffer will
reset stop after all post-alarm images have been taken.
get = used to fetch an image from the image buffer.

reset = restarts the image buffer, removing any buffered


remove = removes the image buffer, including any buffered


buffername=<string> <string> Name used for identifying the buffer.

uri=<string> <string> Corresponding image URI to be used by the image buffer.

Note: Must be URI encoded. The URI should also begin
with "ftp://".

prealarm=<int> 0, ... Number of images to be saved in the pre-alarm buffer.

postalarm=<int> 0, ... Number of images to be saved after an alarm occurs.

predelay=<int> <milliseconds> The preferred time between the pre-alarm images in


postdelay=<int> <milliseconds> The preferred time between the post-alarm images in


index=<int> <image number> The index of an image in the buffer.

range=<string> all, Retrieve a range of images from the image buffer.

allpost, all = get all the images in the buffer.
<index>-<index> allpre = get all the pre alarm images.
allpost = get all the post alarm images.
<index>-<index> = get images in the specified range.

Example 1: Create an image buffer, named DOOR1, with 10 pre-alarm images and 15 post-alarm images.

Example 2: Stop a buffer.

Example 3: Get images from the buffer.

Example 4: Create an image buffer, named DOOR2. The images should be taken from camera 1 and have a resolution of
320x240 pixels. Five post-alarm images should be stored.

&postalarm=5&uri=ftp://jpg/image.jpg?resolution=320x240&camera=1 MJPG video request
Returns a multipart image stream with the default resolution and compression as defined in the system configuration.

Method: GET

Syntax: Request Multipart JPEG image.

with the following parameter

Parameter Values Description

<camera> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad1 Select input source. Applies only to servers with more than
one input source.
Default: default camera.

Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

Example: Request JPEG image stream from the 2nd camera with default resolution and compression.

Example: Request quad composed JPEG image stream with default resolution and compression.

http://myserver/mjpg/quad/video.mjpg MJPG video CGI request

Request a Multipart-JPEG image stream (video) with specified properties.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

resolution=<string> 1280x1024, 1280x960, Specify the resolution of the returned image.

1280x720, 768x576, 4CIF,
704x576, 704x480, VGA,
640x480, 640x360,
2CIFEXP, 2CIF, 704x288,
704x240, 480x360, CIF,
384x288, 352x288,
352x240, 320x240,
240x180, QCIF, 192x144,
176x144, 176x120,
160x120 1

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Applies only to video servers with more than one video
input. Selects the source camera.
compression=<int> 0 - 100 Adjusts the compression level of the image. Higher values
correspond to higher compression, i.e. lower quality and
smaller image size.
Note: This value is internally mapped and is therefore

colorlevel=<int>2 0 - 100 1
Sets level of color or grey-scale.
0 = grey-scale, 100 = full color.

Note: This value is internally mapped and is therefore


color=<int> 0, 1 Enables/disables color.

0 = black and white, 1 = color.

clock=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the time stamp.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

date=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the date.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

text=<int> 0, 1 Shows/hides the text.

0 = hide, 1 = show.

textstring=<string>2 A string The text shown in the image, the string must be URL

textcolor=<string>2 black, The color of the text shown in the image.


textbackgroundcolor=<string>2 black, The color of the text background shown in the image.

textposition=<string>2 top, The position of the string shown in the image.


rotation=<int> 0, 90, 180, 270 Rotates the image clockwise.

textpos=<int>2 0, 1 Specify text position.

0 = top, 1 = bottom.

overlayimage=<int>2 0, 1 Enable/disable overlay image.

overlaypos=<int>x<int>2 <xoffset>1x<yoffset>1 Set the position of the overlay image.

squarepixel=<int>2 0, 1 Enable/disable square pixel correction. Applies only to

video servers.

duration=<int> 0, ... Specifies for how many seconds the video will be
generated and pushed to the client. 0 = unlimited.
nbrofframes=<int> 0, ... Specifies how many frames the server will generate and
push. 0 = unlimited.

fps=<int> 0, ... Using fps it is possible to specify the frame rate from the
server. 0 = unlimited.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.
Support for this parameter is product/release-dependent.

Example: Request a Multipart JPEG image stream from camera 1 with a resolution of 320x240 and compression of 25.

Example: Request a Multipart JPEG image stream from camera 1 with a frame rate of 5.

http://myserver/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?fps=5 MJPG video response

When MJPG video is requested, the server returns a continuous flow of JPEG files. The content type is "multipart/x-mixed-
replace" and each image ends with a boundary string <boundary>. The returned image and HTTP data is equal to the
request for a single JPEG image.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=<boundary>\r\n

where the proposed <boundary> is


and the returned <image> field is

Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: <image size>\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n
Example: Requested Multipart JPEG image.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=myboundary\r\n
Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: 15656\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n
Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: 14978\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n
Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n
Content-Length: 15136\r\n
<JPEG image data>\r\n

5.2.5 MPEG-4
Due to the streaming properties of the MPEG-4 media format, the control of the MPEG-4 streams is handled via RTSP,
which is an HTTP-like protocol designed for controlling real-time multi-media streams. Please check the RTSP API. MPEG-4 SDP description request

Returns the SDP description for an MPEG-4 stream.

Method: GET


http://<servername>/mpeg4[/<camera>]/video.sdp 1

http://<servername>/mpeg4[/<camera>]/media.sdp 1

Firmware dependent. media.sdp should be used for firmware 4.20 and above.

with the following parameter

<value> Values Description

<camera> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Select input source. Applies only to servers with more than
one input source.
Default: default camera.

Product dependent. Check the product specification.

Example: Request the MPEG-4 SDP description for the first camera.

http://myserver/mpeg4/1/media.sdp Restart the MPEG-4 stream

Restarts the MPEG-4 stream. This will force the server to break the current GOV and insert configuration headers followed
by a new GOV. This can be used by a new client to make sure that it can start to show the stream as fast as possible.

Method: GET, POST

with the following parameters and values

<value> Values Description

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Select input source. Applies only to servers with more than
one input source.
Default: default camera.

Product dependent. Check the product specification.

Example: Restart the MPEG-4 stream from the first camera.

http://myserver/axis-cgi/mpeg4/restart_stream.cgi?camera=1 MPEG-4 statistics

It is possible to retrieve some statistics about the generated MPEG-4 streams. These statistics reflects the servers point-of-
view of the stream, i.e., a slow network or client may result in a difference in appearance compared to these values.

Method: GET, POST


with the following parameters and values

<value> Values Description

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Select input source. Applies only to video servers with more
than one input source.
Default: default camera.

stats=<string>[,<string>...] bitrate, Which statistics to include.

minbitrate, Default: all

reset=<int> 1 Reset the min and max values to the current values.
Product dependent. Check the product specification.

Example: Retrieve all statistics for the first camera.

Example: Retrieve the current bit rate and frame rate for the default camera.
Example: Reset the min and max values for the first camera.


5.2.6 Dynamic text overlay

Request to set or get dynamic text overlay in the image.
Note: To use this functionality the text overlay must be enabled (Image.I#.Text.TextEnabled) and the text string
(Image.I#.Text.String) must be set to contain the value #D.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<value> Values Description

action=<string> settext, settext = set the dynamic text overlay.

gettext gettext = get the dynamic text overlay.

The overlay text to apply, only relevant with

text=<string> A string

camera=<string> 1, 2, 3, 4 or quad Select input source. Applies only to video servers with more
than one input source.
Default: default camera.

Product dependent. Check the product specification.

Example: Set the dynamic text overlay to "Test text" for cameras 1, 3 and 4.

Example: Get the dynamic text overlay for camera 2 and quad view.


5.3 PTZ
This section describes request for Pan/Tilt/Zoom capable products. Supported requests are however product dependent.

Note! Installing a PTZ driver is done in three main steps:

1. Upload the driver

2. Associate the driver with a serial port
3. Connect cameras to the serial port
PTZ driver update can accomplish step 1 and 2 in one request.
PTZ administration can accomplish step 2 if the driver is already present in the product.
Open serial port accomplishes step 3.

5.3.1 PTZ driver update

Handles installation and removal of PTZ drivers.

Method: POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

replacedriver=<string> Names from the parameter Uninstall currently installed driver <string>. See below for
values in group rules concerning driver replacement.
where '#' denotes the index
for the installed driver.

port=<int> 1, ... Associate the driver with this serial port. See below for
rules concerning driver replacement.

force=<string> yes Force driver installation even if the driver is potentially

incompatible with firmware (if for instance a relevant library
has been considerably updated) but may still work well.
This parameter has no effect on serious incompatibilities
such as wrong CPU architecture.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

The file content, if any, is provided in the HTTP body according to the format given in RFC1867. The body is created
automatically by the browser if using HTML form with input type "file". Empty file content will result in the removal of the
driver only.

The following rules apply for driver replacement, in descending order of priority:

1. If parameter replacedriver is provided, the given driver will be uninstalled.

2. If parameter port is provided, the driver currently associated with that serial port, if any, is uninstalled.
3. If the maximum number of installed drivers (equals the number of serial ports) is not reached, no driver is
4. Any driver not currently associated with any serial port will be uninstalled.

Example: The driver "Videmech" is currently associated with serial port 1. A client sends this request, where "\r\n" has
been omitted in the HTTP body.

POST /axis-cgi/ptz/ptzupdate.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=AaBo3x\r\n
Content-Length: <content length>\r\n\r\n
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="port"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Upload Driver"; filename="Philips-
Content-Type: text/plain

<file content of Philips-1.0.ptz>

I.e. providing the parameter port=1 together with the file content of the installation file Philips-1.0.ptz for the new driver
in the HTTP body.

This will uninstall the driver "Videmech" and install the "Philips" driver provided in the HTTP body. The new driver is then
associated with serial port 1.

5.3.2 PTZ administration

Handles relations between a driver and a serial port. When associating a driver with a serial port, any currently associated
driver is first disassociated. The new driver is then activated to control units on that serial port. Any disassociated driver is
automatically stopped.

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

port=<int> 1, ... Selects the serial port.

ptzdrivername=<string> Name of a driver from Associates a driver name with a serial port. If "none" the
values in parameter group current driver (if any) is disassociated from the serial port.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

Example: Associate driver "Videmech" with serial port 2.


5.3.3 PTZ control

To control the Pan, Tilt and Zoom behavior of a PTZ unit, the following PTZ control URL is used. This URL has view access

Some PTZ units automatically reduce pan and tilt movements as the zoom factor increases. Therefore, the actual
movement may be less than what is requested of these units.
The PTZ control is device-dependent. For information about supported parameters and actual parameter values, please
check the specification of the Axis PTZ driver you intend to use. The following table is only an overview.

The URL must follow the standard way of writing a URL, (RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Generic Syntax);
that is, spaces and other reserved characters (";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "," and "$") within a <parameter> or a
<value> must be replaced with %<ASCII hex>. For example, in the string My camera, the space will have to be replaced
with %20, My%20camera.
Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

camera=<int> 1, ... Applies only to video servers with more than one
video input. Selects the source camera. If omitted,
the default camera is used.

whoami=<string> <any value> Returns the name of the system-configured device


center=<int>,<int> <x>,<y> Absolute: Used to send the coordinates for the point
extrem3=<int>,<int> in the image where the user clicked. This information
is then used by the server to calculate the pan/tilt
move required to (approximately) center the clicked

Relative: Used to send the coordinates for the point

in the image where the user clicked. This information
is then used by the server to calculate the direction
and number of degrees to move. The number of
degrees increases with the distance from the center of
the image to the point clicked.

Digital: Used to send the coordinates for the point in

the image where the user clicked. This information is
then used by the server to center the clicked point.

areazoom=<int>,<int>,<int> <x>,<y>,<z> Absolute: Centers on positions x,y (like the center

command) and zooms by a factor of z/100. If z is
more than 100 the image is zoomed in (for example;
z=300 zooms in to 1/3 of the current field of view). If
z is less than 100 the image is zoomed out (for
example; z=50 zooms out to twice the current field of

Relative: n/a

Note 1: In some camera models, the precision of

areazoom can be strongly improved by calibrating the
lens offset parameters.
Note 2: The HTTP API for area zoom is currently only
supported by Axis PTZ and Dome cameras.

imagewidth=<int> 1, ... Required in conjunction with center and areazoom if
the image width displayed is different from the default
size of the image, which is product-specific.

imageheight=<int> 1, ... Needed in conjunction with center and areazoom if
the image height is different from the default size,
which is product-specific.

move=<string> home, Absolute: Moves the device 5 degrees in the

up, specified direction.
left, Relative: Moves the device approx. 50-90 degrees2 in
right, the specified direction.
upright, Digital: Moves the image 25% of the image field
downleft, width in the specified direction.
Note: home is only valid if any home position has
been previously set with "home=yes".

pan=<float> -180.0 - 180.0 Absolute: Pans the device relative to the (0,0)

Relative: n/a

Digital: Pans the device relative to the (0,0) position.

tilt -180.0 - 180.0 Absolute: Tilts the device relative to the (0,0)

Relative: n/a

Digital: Tilts the device relative to the (0,0) position.

zoom=<int> 1 - 9999 Absolute: Zooms the device n steps.

Relative: n/a

Digital: Zooms the device n steps.

focus=<int> 1 - 9999 Absolute: Move Focus n steps.

Relative: n/a

Digital: n/a

iris=<int> 1 - 9999 Absolute: Move iris n steps.

Relative: n/a

Digital: n/a

brightness=<int>1 1 - 9999 Absolute: Move brightness n steps.

Relative: n/a

Digital: n/a

rpan=<float> -360.0 - 360.0 Absolute: Pans the device n degrees relative to the
current position.

Relative: Pans the device approx. n degrees relative

to the current position.

Digital: Pans the device n degrees relative to the

current position.

rtilt=<float> -360.0 - 360.0 Absolute: Tilts the device n degrees relative to the
current position.

Relative: Tilts the device approx. n degrees relative

to the current position.

Digital: Tilts the device n degrees relative to the

current position.

rzoom=<int> -9999 - 9999 Absolute: Zooms the device n steps relative to the
current position. Positive values mean zoom in,
negative values mean zoom out.

Relative: Zooms the device approx. n steps relative

to the current position. Positive values mean zoom in,
negative values mean zoom out.

Digital: Zooms the device n steps relative to the

current position. Positive values mean zoom in,
negative values mean zoom out.

rfocus=<int> -9999 - 9999 Absolute: Move Focus n steps relative to the current
position. Positive values mean focus far, negative
values mean focus near.

Relative: Move Focus approx. n steps relative to the

current position. Positive values mean focus far,
negative values mean focus near.

Digital: n/a

riris=<int> -9999 - 9999 Absolute: Move iris n steps relative to the current
position. Positive values mean open iris, negative
values mean close iris.

Relative: Move iris approx. n steps relative to the

current position. Positive values mean open iris,
negative values mean close iris.

Digital: n/a

rbrightness=<int>1 -9999 - 9999 Absolute: Move brightness n steps relative to the

current position. Positive values mean brighter image,
negative values mean darker image.

Relative: Move brightness approx. n steps relative to

the current position. Positive values mean brighter
image, negative values mean darker image.

Digital: n/a

autofocus=<string> on, off Autofocus On/Off.

Digital: n/a

autoiris=<string> on, off Autoiris On/Off.

Digital: n/a

continuouspantiltmove= -100 - 100,-100 - 100 Continuous pan/tilt motion.

<int>,<int> Positive values mean right (pan) and up (tilt),
negative values mean left (pan) and down (tilt). "0,0"
means stop.

Values as <pan speed>,<tilt speed>

continuouszoommove=<int> -100 - 100 Continuous zoom motion. Positive values mean zoom
in and negative values mean zoom out. "0" means

continuousfocusmove=<int> -100 - 100 Continuous focus motion. Positive values mean focus
near and negative values mean focus far. "0" means

Digital: n/a
continuousirismove=<int> -100 - 100 Continuous iris motion. Positive values mean iris open
and negative values mean iris close. "0" means stop.

Digital: n/a

continuousbrightnessmove=<int>1 -100 - 100 Continuous brightness motion. Positive values mean

brighter image and negative values mean darker
image. "0" means stop.

Digital: n/a

auxiliary=<string> <function name> Activates/deactivates auxiliary functions of the device

where <function name> is the name of the device-
specific function.

Digital: n/a

setserverpresetname=<string> <preset name>4 Associates the current position to <preset name> as a

preset position in the server.
Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

setserverpresetno=<int> 1, ... Saves the current position as a preset position

number in the server.
Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

home=<string> yes Makes the current position the home position for the
camera. Used with setserverpresetname or
Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

removeserverpresetname=<string> <preset name>4 Removes the specified preset position associated with
<preset name>.
Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

removeserverpresetno=<int> 1, ... Removes the specified preset position.

Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

gotoserverpresetname=<string> <preset name>4 Move to the position associated with the <preset

gotoserverpresetno=<int> 1, ... Move to the position associated with the specified

preset position number.

setdevicepreset=<int> <preset pos> Bypasses the presetpos interface and tells the device
to save its current position as preset position <preset
pos> directly in the device, where <preset pos> is a
device-specific preset position number.
Note: This request is moved to ptzconfig.cgi

gotodevicepreset=<int> <preset pos> Bypasses the presetpos interface and tells the device
to go directly to the preset position number <preset
pos> stored in the device, where the <preset pos> is
a device-specific preset position number.

Digital: n/a
bartype=<string> absolute, relative Used together with barcoord and determines how the
bar shall be interpreted. If "absolute", the endpoints
of the bar correspond to the current limits. If
"relative", the behavior is device-dependent. The
default interpretation is "absolute" for panbar, tiltbar
and zoombar and "relative" for focusbar and irisbar.

Digital: n/a (always "absolute").

barcoord=<int>,<int> <x>,<y> Used in conjunction with panbar, tiltbar, zoombar,

focusbar or irisbar, to send coordinates to the server.

panbar=<int>,<string> <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

tiltbar=<int>,<string> <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

zoombar=<int>,<string> <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

focusbar=<int>,<string> <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

Digital: n/a

irisbar=<int>,<string> <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

Digital: n/a

brightnessbar=<int>,<string>1 <length>,<alignment> <length> is the length of the bar in pixels, which is

needed in order to calculate the center of the bar.

<alignment> is one of the strings "horizontal" or


The alignment string determines if the x (horizontal)

or the y (vertical) coordinate from barcoord is used,
i.e. if the bar is horizontal; use "horizontal" and if the
bar is vertical; use "vertical" as alignment.

Digital: n/a

speed=<int> 1 - 100 Sets the head speed of the device that is connected to
the specified camera.

Digital: n/a

imagerotation=<int> 0, 90, 180, 270 If PTZ command refers to an image stream that is
rotated differently than the current image setup, then
the image stream rotation must be added to each
command with this parameter to allow the server to

query=<string> speed, Returns the current parameter values.


info=<int> 1 Returns a description of available PTZ commands.

No PTZ control is performed.

Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.
Actual values are device driver-specific.
<preset name> is a string with a maximum of 31 characters, ~ is not allowed.

Example: Request information about which PTZ commands are available for camera 3.


5.3.4 PTZ configuration

Configure PTZ preset positions. On Screen Display (OSD) control.

Note: This request requires administrator access (administrator authorization).

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values
<parameter>=<value> Values Description

camera=<int> 1, ... Applies only to video servers with more than one video
input. Selects the source camera. If omitted, the default
camera is used.

osdmenu=<string> open, Commands to control the OSD menu in the camera.

close, Note that the support of the different commands, and
up, the behavior of the commands, is driver dependant.
left, Digital: n/a

setserverpresetname=<string> <preset name>1 Associates the current position to <preset name> as a

preset position in the server.

setserverpresetno=<int> 1, ... Saves the current position as a preset position number

in the server.

home=<string> yes Makes the current position the home position for the
camera. Used with setserverpresetname or

removeserverpresetname=<string> <preset name>1 Removes the specified preset position associated with
<preset name>.

removeserverpresetno=<int> 1, ... Removes the specified preset position.

setdevicepreset=<int> <preset pos> Bypasses the presetpos interface and tells the device to
save its current position as preset position <preset
pos> directly in the device, where <preset pos> is a
device-specific preset position number.

Digital: n/a
<preset name> is a string with a maximum of 31 characters, ~ is not allowed.

5.3.5 Set PTZ parameters

Set PTZ parameters. Listing the PTZ parameters is done with param.cgi, List parameters.

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

port=<int> 1, ... Selects the serial port. Used together with grpdefault
below, for group "Serial".

camera=<int> 1, ... Selects the camera. If omitted, the default camera is used.
Used together with grpdefault below, for all groups but

<PTZ Any parameter in the Sets a PTZ limit parameter. Max values are adjusted so that
parameter>2=<value> groups PTZ.Limit.L#, where they are greater than or equal to min values, e.g.
# denotes the camera PTZ.Limit.L2.MaxPan >= PTZ.Limit.L2.MinPan.
number, e.g.

pardefault=<string>2 Any parameter in the Sets the default value for a parameter. Note: No max value
group: validation is performed as with previous CGI parameter.
where # denotes the serial
port number, and the
where # denotes the
camera number.

grpdefault=<string> Serial, Sets the default value for a parameter group. The default
Support, values are taken from the driver currently associated with
Limit, the port or camera.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.
The path shall have the format root_PTZ..., e.g. root_PTZ_Limit_L1_MaxPan for parameter PTZ.Limit.L1.MaxPan. The
reason for this format is related to internal ssi implementation.

In the examples below, assume the driver installed on index 1 is associated with serial port 2 (ttyS1) and camera 3 is
mapped to serial port 2.

Example: Set PTZ.Limit.L3.MaxPan to 110 and adjust it so that it is >= PTZ.Limit.L3.MinPan.

Example: Set PTZ.Limit.L3.MaxPan to the value of PTZ.Driver1.Limit.L0.MaxPan.

Example: Copy the parameter values from group PTZ.Driver1.Limit.L0 to group PTZ.Limit.L3.

Example: Copy the parameter values from group PTZ.Driver1.Serial.S0 to group Serial.Ser1.


5.3.6 PTZ control queue

If the PTZ control queuing mechanism is enabled for the camera concerned, control of PTZ units is limited to the client
currently possessing the control, if any. This CGI request handles requests concerning the control queue. Note that cookies
are enabled by default when enabling PTZ control queue.

Method: GET/POST


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

control=<string> request, "request" requests PTZ control.

drop, "drop" drops the PTZ control or leaves the queue.
"query" reports the current status for the client.

For possessing clients with no peers existing in the queue,

"request" will reset the control timer. For all other clients,
"request" will have the same effect as "query".

camera=<int> 1, ... The camera number. If omitted, the default camera is used.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

Example: Request PTZ control for camera 2.


5.3.7 PTZ control queue response

The 200 OK response on success for "request" and "query" has a format that enables simple java-script implementations
using the DOM API and should be easy to parse for components such as ActiveX as well.

Return: A successful request:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Length: <length>\r\n
<body><a name="<pos>"></a><a name="<seconds>"></a><a
<pos> can have a value from 0 to the maximum value of how many clients are allowed in the queue. This value is the
given position in the queue. 0 means that the client is not in the queue, 1 means control is possessed. For 0 the other
parameters are undefined.
< seconds> is the estimated number of seconds remaining, i.e. for position 1 the remaining control time and for other
positions, the time until position 1 is reached. -1 denotes that the time remaining to get control cannot be estimated.
This means that a client in the queue has the "TimeoutType" set to infinity.
< period> is the recommended time in seconds when the client should send a new "control=query" requests. To stay
active in the queue the client must regularly send PTZ requests to the camera. An inactive client will automatically be
removed from the queue.

On failure no anchor elements are provided but simply the error message in plain text.

Return: A failed request:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Length: <length>\r\n
<error information>
Example: Control requested.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Length: 63\r\n
<body><a name="3"></a><a name="410"></a><a name="5"></a></body>
This means the client was assigned queue position 3. The expected number of seconds until control is possessed is 410
and the recommended time until the next request is 5 seconds.

5.4 Motion Detection

To be able to define Motion Detection parameters, the video product must have built-in Motion Detection.
A motion detection window is defined by several parameters. The motion detection parameters reside within a dynamic
parameter group. Accordingly it is possible to add, remove, list and update the motion detection parameters with
param.cgi, The dynamic motion detection parameter groups are divided into sub groups of the main motion parameter
group, i.e. Motion.M<group number>.<parameter name>. group number is a unique number which is stated when a new
dynamic parameter group is created, i.e. Motion.M3.

5.4.1 Add a Motion Detection window

When adding a Motion Detection window, the template file motion is used. The group number should be excluded when
adding a new Motion Detection window with specified values since the group number will be defined when the new
dynamic group is created.

Example: Add a new Motion Detection window with default values.


Example: Add a new Motion Detection window with specified values.



HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
M<group number> OK\r\n

5.4.2 Remove a Motion Detection window

Example: Remove Motion Detection window defined within Motion.M3 and Motion.M5.


5.4.3 Update the Motion Detection parameters

Example: Update the parameters for an existing Motion Detection window.


5.4.4 List the Motion Detection parameters

Example: List the Motion.M1 and Motion.M2 parameters.


Example: List all Motion Detection windows.


5.4.5 Get the Motion Detection level

It is possible to get the current Motion Detection levels from certain Motion Detection windows or from all MD windows,
except from those windows that are defined to be Motion Detection exclude windows. It is also possible to define a Motion
Detection window configuration and get the related motion levels in return. The URL stated below is used.

Method: GET/POST



with the following parameter and value

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

group=<int>[,<int>, ...] <group number>[,<group Specify the Motion Detection windows that are of interest.
number>, ...] Excluding the group parameter will return all Motion
Detection level information from all Motion Detection
windows. Exclude windows are ignored.

<string>=<string> <parameter Get the Motion Detection levels related to a specific window
name>=<value> configuration. The last part of the parameters in the
parameter group Motion.M#.<name> (where # is a
number) can be used, e.g. Sensitivity and History.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=<boundary>\r\n
<motion levels>

where the proposed boundary <boundary> is


and the <motion levels> part is

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<motion level for window with lowest group number>
and <motion level for window with group number n>" is

group=<group number n>;level=<motion level for n>;threshold=

<threshold level for n>;\r\n[ <motion level for window n+1> ]
Example: Get Motion Detection levels related to Motion Detection windows defined within Motion.M0 and Motion.M1.

Return: The example above returns the following.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=axismdb\r\n\r\n
Example: Get Motion Detection levels related to a specific window configuration. The group number related to this Motion
Detection window configuration will always be X.

Return: The example above returns the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=axismdb\r\n\r\n
 If no Motion Detection windows are defined or only exclude windows are defined, HTTP/1.0 204 No Content
is returned.

 If any errors are found in the CGI request, HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request is returned.

 If too many clients try to get motion data, HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable is returned.

5.5 I/O
The requests specified in the I/O section are supported by those products that have Input/Output connectors.

5.5.1 I/O control Input


Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

check=<int>[,<int>, ...] <id1>[,<id2>, ...] Returns the status (1 or 0) of one or more inputs
numbered id1 ,id2, ....

checkactive=<int>[,<int>, ...] <id1>[,<id2>, ...] Returns the status (active or inactive) of one or more
inputs numbered id1,id2, ....

monitor=<int>[,<int>, ...]2 <id1>[,<id2>, ...] 1

Returns a multipart stream of "check" inputs (see return
description below).
Number of inputs may differ for different cameras and video servers. See the product's specification.
Support for this parameter is product/release-dependent.

Return: "monitor", i.e., multipart "check" parameter

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=<boundary>\r\n
<monitor data>

where the proposed boundary <boundary> is


and the <monitor data> part is

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
<check data>
and <check data> is


and <n> is the I/O port number and <char> is / or H when the port is active and \ or L when the port is inactive.
Note: The output can contain extra blank lines, i.e., extra \r\n within the sections.

Example: Monitor data on input ports 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Example: Monitor data on input port 1.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=ioboundary\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
. Output

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

1 Returns the status (1 or 0) of one or more outputs

check=<int>[,<int>, ...] <id1>[,<id2>, ...]
numbered id1 ,id2, ....

1 Returns the status (active or inactive) of one or more

checkactive=<int>[,<int>, ...] <id1>[,<id2>, ...]
outputs numbered id1 ,id2, ....

2 1 Returns a multipart stream of "check" outputs (see return

monitor=<int>[,<int>, ...] <id1>[,<id2>, ...]
description below).

action=<string> [<id>1]:<a>[<wait> Sets the output relay <id> active or inactive and waits
<a> ...] <wait> milliseconds. Note that only one output relay can
be activated/deactivated per request.
<id> = Output number. If omitted, output 1 is selected.

<a> = Action character: / or \

/ = active, \ = inactive.

<wait> = Delay in milliseconds.

Number of outputs may differ for different cameras and video servers. See the product's specification.
Support for this parameter is product/release-dependent.

Example: Set output 1 active.

Example: Set two 300 ms pulses with 500 ms delay between the pulses on output 1.

Example: Wait 1 second before setting output 1 active.


5.5.2 Virtual I/O control Input


Method: GET

with the following parameter and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

action=<string> [<id>]:<a> Simulates an activation or inactivation of an Input

connector or sets a virtual input <id> active or inactive.
<id> = Input number. If omitted, input 1 is selected.

<a> = Action character: / or \

/ = active, \ = inactive.

Example: Set Input 1 active.


Example: Pulse the Input. First set it active, wait 2 seconds, then set it inactive again.


5.6 Serial Port

The requests specified in the Serial Port section are supported by products with PTZ support.

5.6.1 Serial port control

Control serial port

Method: GET/POST


<parameter>=<value>[&<parameter>=<value>... ]
with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

port=<int> 1, ... Select COM port. -1 means disconnect the camera from the
serial port.

write=<string> <bytestring> <bytestring>: hex coded bytes with values of {0, 1, 2, 3,

dataout2=<string> 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, a, b, c, d, e, f}
Writes the specified data string to the selected serial port.
Max string length: 128 bytes 1 .

writestring=<string> <url encoded string> Writes the URL-encoded string to the selected serial port.
Max string length: 128 bytes 1.
read=<int> 1, ... Reads n bytes from the selected serial port.
The returned data will be hexadecimal coded and placed
between #s (e.g. #3A#)

wait=<int> 1-9 Specified in seconds. Used together with the "read"

parameter. A read is terminated when the specified number
of bytes is read or when the wait period has ended.

timeout=<int> 1 - 9000 Specified in milliseconds. Used together with the "read"

parameter. A read is terminated when the specified number
of bytes is read or the timeout has expired.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

5.6.2 Open serial port

This CGI makes it possible to open the serial port using the HTTP protocol. Authentication is handled by the Web server.

 After an initial connect command from the client, the connection is kept alive until the client closes it.

 Several clients may be connected concurrently to the same serial port.

 After the connection has been set up, data sent from the client to the Web server is forwarded to the serial
port, and incoming serial data is returned to all currently connected clients.

with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

port=<int> 1, ... Select COM port.
-1 = disconnect the camera from any
serial port.

camera=<int> 1, ... Selects the source camera or external
unit=<int> unit. If omitted, and "port=" command
is also omitted, the default
camera/unit is used to determine the
serial port to use.

connect=<string> yes Instructs the server to keep the

connection open and serve as a link
between the client and the serial port.
Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.

Example: Open serial port 1 if not already opened and connect camera 2 to it.

Example: Disconnect camera 2 from any serial port (but keep that port open).

5.7 IP filter
The requests specified in the IP filter section are supported by products that support IP address filtering.

5.7.1 IP address filter administration

Allow or deny the listed IP addresses to access the Axis device.

Method: GET


<parameter>=<value>[&<parameter>=<value>... ]
with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

action=<string> add, remove, Specifies the action to take.

removeall, update or add = Add new IP address (or addresses).
list remove = remove an entry in the IP address list.
removeall = Remove all IP addresses. The IP address
filtering function will automatically be disabled.
update = Update settings for the IP address filtering
list = List the settings for the IP address filtering

ipaddress=<string>[%20<string>...] <IP addresses> The addresses allowed passing through the filter. A
space separated list of IP addresses and network
addresses in the CIDR notation (IP address/netmask
Note: If accessing the Axis device via a proxy server,
the proxy server's IP address must be added to the list
of allowed addresses.

enable=<string> yes, Enable/disable the IP address filtering function.


policy=<string> allow, Allow or deny access for the addresses in the list. If
deny omitting this parameter the policy will be allow by
Note: The policy used will apply for all the addresses
in the list!

verify=<string> yes, Verify that you are able to access the Axis device with
no the new settings. A failed verification will make the
settings to remain as before.
verify is automatically set to yes when using requests
that risk to make the device inaccessible, i.e. setting
enable to yes, or adding, updating and removing IP
addresses when the filter function is enabled. In the
same way verify is by default set to no when using
requests that do not risk to make the device
inaccessible, i.e. listing filter settings or adding,
updating and removing IP addresses when the filter
function is disabled. This behaviour can be changed by
setting this parameter in the request.

yes = Use verification.

no = Do not use verification. Note: setting verify to
no, may cause the Axis device to be inaccessible.

Example: Add a list of IP addresses and enable the IP address filtering function. Verification that the device is still
accessible will automatically be done.


Example: List settings for the IP address filtering function.


Example: Remove an entry in the list of addresses. Verification will automatically be done if the IP filter function is

Example: Add to the list of addresses which will be allowed access to the device.

Example: Add to the list of addresses which will be denied access to the device.


Example: Remove all IP addresses and automatically disable the IP address filtering function


5.7.2 Server responses

Return: A successful add, remove, removeall or update.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n

Return: A list.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Accept addresses: <IP addresses>\r\n
Enabled: <yes/no>\r\n

Return: Verification failed. The settings did not take place.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Verification failed: IP address "<IP address>" is not an accepted

Example: List settings for the IP address filtering function, set verify to yes to check that my computers IP address is


Response: Only the IP address is an accepted address. The computer will not be able to access
the device if enabling the IP address filtering function.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Accept addresses:\r\n
Enabled: no\r\n
Verification failed: IP address "" is not an accepted address

5.8 Audio
The requests specified in the Audio section are supported by products that have audio capability.

5.8.1 Audio MIME types

Supported MIME types for audio

audio/basic which is G.711 µ-law 64kbit/s

audio/32KADPCM which is G.726 32kbit/s
which is G.726 24kbit/s

5.8.2 Audio data request

Request an audio stream.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values
<parameter>=<value> Values Description

httptype=<string> singlepart, Choose streaming method.

multipart Default value is defined by the parameter

Example: Request a singlepart audio stream


5.8.3 Singlepart audio data response

When an audio stream is requested/transmitted, the server returns/receives a continuous flow of audio packets. The
content type is only set at the beginning of the connection. When the connection is up and running the audio packets will
come right after another without any extra information between the packets. The message body contains a block of binary
data. Each block of coded audio data is 240 byte.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: <audio MIME>\r\n
<Audio data>

Example: Singlepart Audio data encoded with G.711 µ-law.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n
<Audio data>
<Audio data>
<Audio data>

5.8.4 Multipart audio data response

When an audio stream is requested/transmitted, the server returns/receives a continuous flow of audio packets. The
content type is "mutipart/x-mixed-replace" and each audio packet ends with a boundary string. The message body
contains a block of binary data. Each block of coded audio data is 240 byte.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--<boundary>\r\n
where the proposed <boundary> is:
and the <audio> field is
Content-Type: <audio MIME>\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n

Example: Multipart Audio data encoded with G.726 32kbit/s (G.721).

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=myboundary\r\n
Content-Type: audio/32KADPCM\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n
Content-Type: audio/32KADPCM\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n
Content-Type: audio/32KADPCM\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n
Content-Type: audio/32KADPCM\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n

5.8.5 Audio data transmit

Transmit a Singlepart/Multipart Audio data stream. Each block of coded audio data is 240 byte.

Method: POST


There are no valid parameters and values.

Example 1: Singlepart audio data transmit with G.711 µ-law (authorization omitted)

POST /axis-cgi/audio/transmit.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n

Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n
Content-Length: 9999999\r\n
Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
<Audio data>
<Audio data>
<Audio data>
Example 2: Multipart audio data transmit with G.711 µ-law (authorization omitted)

POST /axis-cgi/audio/transmit.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n

Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary\r\n
Content-Length: 9999999\r\n
Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n
<Audio data>\r\n
Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n
<Audio data>
Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n
<Audio data>
Content-Type: audio/basic\r\n

5.9 AXIS 292 Network Video Decoder

5.9.1 Alarm
When the decoder operates in manual mode it can receive alarms from an encoder. This can be a motion detected or input
triggered event on the encoder. The decoder will automatically switch to the encoder <sourcename> when receiving an
alarm, where <sourcename> is the name of the given encoder in the video source list. The On Screen Display (OSD) will
display "ALARM: <sourcename>" and an optional line with a text message of maximum 40 characters.

Note: The alarm function can only be used in manual mode and requires administrator access.

Method: GET


with the following parameters and values

<parameter>=<value> Values Description

sourcename=<camera> A string Reflects the same name found in Encoder.E#.Name.

textmessage=<string> A string The text message to be displayed on the screen. Maximum
40 characters will be displayed. Note that this message
must be URI encoded.

Example: Send an alarm from camera1

Example: Send an alarm from camera3 with the message "Door is open"

Response: Response from a successful alarm

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
Response: Response from an unsuccessful alarm with unknown sourcename

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
# Error: Unknown sourcename\r\n
Response: Response from an unsuccessful alarm with sourcename missing

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
# Error: sourcename must be specified\r\n

5.9.2 Video control

Handles various video states such as Connect, Disconnect, Invalidatecache and Goto.

Note: This requires administrator access.

Method: GET


Response: Response from a videocontrol request with no action specified

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
# Error: Action value is missing. Supported actions are invalidatecache,
goto, connect,
disconnect\r\n Connect
The video decoder will connect to the first source in the video source list.


Example: Connect the Network Video Decoder


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
OK\r\n Disconnect
Disconnect the Network Video Decoder.


Example: Disconnect the Network Video Decoder


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
OK\r\n Invalidate Cache

Removes all cached information. This cache contains information about the video sources. Values that are cached can be
found in the Axis Video Parameter document under Encoder.E#.Info. When connecting to a source the second time, the
decoder will use the information found in this cache for how to connect, instead of doing an autodetect.

Example: Remove cached information


HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
OK\r\n Select source

The decoder will connect to a specified video source.


Example: Go to the video source named "camera1"

Response: A successful goto.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
Response: Goto failed, the video source name was wrong.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
# Error: Unknown sourcename\r\n
Response: Goto failed, the video source name was missing

HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n

Content-Type: text/plain\r\n
Expires: 0\r\n
Pragma: no-cache\r\n
# Error: sourcename must be specified\r\n

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