DDAL07-15 - Streams of Crimson
DDAL07-15 - Streams of Crimson
DDAL07-15 - Streams of Crimson
The Soulmonger is shattered and its pieces scattered across the peninsula of Chult. Dire forces
seek those shards for their own nefarious purposes, and the Red Wizards are rumored to have
found a number of them already. Can you wrest those necromantic artifacts from the hands of
the dread mages? Part One of the Broken Chains Series.
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Introduction Before Play at the Table
Welcome to Streams of Crimson, a D&D Adventurers Before you start play, consider the following:
League™ adventure, part of the official D&D
Adventurers League™ organized play system and the • Read through the adventure, taking notes of
Tomb of Annihilation™ storyline season. anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
This adventure takes place inside of the lava of while running the adventure, such as a way
tunnels beneath the Peaks of Flame, the trio of active you’d like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like
volcanoes in southern Chult. to use in a combat. Familiarize yourself with the
This adventure is designed for three to seven adventure’s appendices and handouts.
17th-20th level characters and is optimized for • Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you
five characters with an average party level (APL) in running this adventure—such as notecards, a
of 18. Characters outside this level range cannot DM screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
participate in this adventure. • Ask the players to provide you with relevant
character information, such as name, race, class,
and level; passive Wisdom (Perception), and
Adjusting This Adventure anything specified as notable by the adventure
This adventure provides suggestions in making (such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, etc.).
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters
of higher or lower levels, and characters who are Playing the Dungeon Master
otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure is
optimized for. You’re not bound to these You have the most important role—facilitating the
adjustments; they’re here for your convenience. enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide
To figure out whether you should consider the narrative and bring the words on these pages to
adjusting the adventure, add up the total levels of all life.
the characters and divide the total by the number of To facilitate this, keep in mind the following:
characters (rounding .5 or greater up; .4 or less You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how
down). This is the group’s APL. To approximate the the group interacts with the adventure; adjusting or
party strength for the adventure, consult the improvising is encouraged, so long as you maintain
following table. the adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow you to
implement house rules or change those of the
Determining Party Strength Adventurers League; however, they should be
Party Composition Party Strength consistent in this regard.
3-4 characters, APL less than Very Weak Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak level of your players (not the characters), try to feel
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average out (or ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to
5 characters, APL less than Weak deliver the experience they’re after. Everyone should
5 characters, APL equivalent Average have the opportunity to shine.
5 characters, APL greater than Strong Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game
6-7 characters, APL less than Average starts to get bogged down, feel free to provide hints
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong and clues to your players so they can attempt to
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very Strong solve puzzles, engage in combat, and roleplay
interactions without getting too frustrated over a
Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers lack of information. This gives players “little
suggestions for certain party strengths. If a victories” for figuring out good choices from clues.
particular recommendation is not offered or Watch for stalling—play loses momentum when this
appropriate for your group, you don’t have to make happens. At the same time, make sure that the
adjustments. players don’t finish too early; provide them with a
full play experience.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 2
Adventure Primer Location and NPC Summary
“The most recent stories tell of heroes confronting Red The following NPCs and locations feature prominently in this
Wizards of Thay and other devilry. I pray that this will adventure.
be the last time such efforts are necessary, but Peaks of Flame. The Peaks are volcanic mountains in
somehow, I think not.” southern Chult. They are rumored to hold a door to the Far
Realm, where Dendar the Night Serpent waits.
– Far from the Misty Hills, by Aedyn Graymantle
Obsidian Sanctum. A magical complex hidden beneath a
volcano. Within are powerful arcane devices and wards.
Adventure Background Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath (RA-she-dee). An efreeti prince
The yuan-ti lord Ras Nsi’s followers have captured a and magic architect who built the Obsidian Complex but was
betrayed and imprisoned by the yuan-ti.
shard of Acererak’s Soulmonger, secreting it away to
Zonaras Xans (Zo-NAR-as). A Red Wizard archmage who
the Obsidian Sanctum, a magical dungeon beneath
seeks to save his people.
the Peaks of Flame. They hope to use its power to
bring forth Dendar the Night Serpent. But the Red
Wizards of Thay move to thwart them, seeking the Adventure Overview
dread artifact for their own ends. The adventure is broken down into three parts, as
However, the Thayans are not the only ones. Orcus well as an appendix of optional encounters.
has circumvented an ageless edict and ripped a Part 1. After a dream informs the adventurers of a
portal into Chult, unleashing his hordes to secure the Soulmonger shard, they travel to the Peaks of Flame
Soulmonger, for nothing of necromancy escapes the and enter the Obsidian Sanctum. There, they
dominion of the Demon Prince of Undeath. Outside encounter Red Wizards and yuan-ti in the crumbling
the Obsidian Sanctum, at the feet of the Peaks of dungeon.
Flame, these two formidable forces clashed. Their Part 2. The adventurers find the Orrery in the
battle left entire swathes of the jungle as naught but Room of Depthless Mirrors, which is powered by an
scarred wastelands stripped of life, tainted by imprisoned efreeti prince.
rippling magic and haunted by hungry ghosts. Part 3. The adventurers battle Thayan zulkirs and
The Red Wizards, no strangers to necromancy or their guardians. During the battle, the Sanctum’s
demonology, sent the fiends howling back into the obsidian behemoth awakens and a mighty battle
darkness. The Thayans, while weakened from their ensues under the volcano.
battle, pushed on to the lair beneath the Peaks. They Appendix. Optional Encounters. This contains
breached the dungeon, confronted the yuan-ti in a optional encounters for this adventure.
second terrible battle. The Thayans forced the
serpent folk deeper into their Sanctum.
But now the Thayans are blind as they search the Adventure Hooks
complex, as set within is a Chamber of Depthless The adventurers are sent a dream from Rhaugilath,
Mirrors designed to disrupt and mislead even the masquerading as an ally. In the dream, the lich
strongest divination magic. And while the Red informs them of the Soulmonger shard hidden in the
Wizards have sought to contact Larloch, an archlich Obsidian Sanctum under the Peaks of Flame.
and supposed ally, they have been tricked by the Faction Assignment (Harpers). Divination magic
arcane apparatus and have been communicating is failing in Chult. While this has many concerned,
with something far more powerful. the Harpers are particularly worried as they heavily
In a curious symmetry of fate, as the yuan-ti have rely on such magic. Agents need to obtain at least
used the Depthless Mirrors to trick the Thayans, so two pieces of information pertaining to what is
too are they deceived. Unbeknownst to them, their distorting divination magic and stop it.
actions were guided by another. Rhaugilath, who Faction Assignment (Zhentarim). With rumors of
struggles under the bonds of Larloch, views the political turmoil in Thay, Zhentarim members are
Soulmonger pieces as the means to finally free requested to pursue diplomatic relations with the
himself from centuries of imprisonment, but he is Red Wizards. Zhentarim members need to make at
unable to act in an obvious fashion. Through dreams least two goodwill efforts towards the Thayans.
he has guided the yuan-ti to hunt and gather the Secret Mission (Order of the Gauntlet). The
deadly shards to a location warded against the Order of the Gauntlet wishes to discover the secrets
prying eyes of his master’s servants. But as the Red of the Obsidian Sanctum’s construction so they may
Wizards, allies of Larloch, threaten his plan, he is use such magic in their own keeps. Agents need to
forced to turn to adventurers to claim the artifact. discover the secret of the Sanctum’s architecture.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 3
Part 1. The Obsidian Sanctum • “Let me impart to you the location of this magical
Sanctum.” Images of fiery mountains come to you.
Estimated Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Between two volcanos is a narrow ravine and a
Story Beat hidden obsidian door.
In this part, the adventurers learn of the Obsidian Sanctum • “My scrying, while hampered, has revealed the
and are tasked with venturing to it to recover a shard of sigil sequence of a teleportation circle used by red-
Acererak’s Soulmonger. They learn they won’t be the only robed wizards to attack the stronghold.”
ones pursuing the shard, but they are told of a way to safely • “I am sorry I can do no more. Searching for the
contain its power. Finally, they learn there are potential allies Soulmonger shards has poisoned me with their
in the Sanctum. vile magic and piercing the powerful anti-
divination field has drained me further. I can only
A. A Dream of the End wish you luck.”
Read the following after the speaker finishes:
Read or paraphrase the following:
After you awoke, you found that several of your allies were
Several nights past you all experienced strange visions as
contacted in a similar fashion and were awaiting you. They
though you had a fever.
set about deducing the nature of the speaker and these
As you slept you dreamed, and it was of the shining cities
claims. While the speaker was never identified, the
across the world—the trade states of the Sword Coast, the
information he provided was authenticated by spies and
alliances of the Moonsea, the pyramids of Mulhorand, and
more exotic locations, their lights glittering in the night. One
by one, they went dark, city after city until all the world
faded. Then a black serpent of impossible size wrapped itself The adventurers’ factions and allies provide the
following information and reconnaissance:
around Faerûn and began to squeeze, and squeeze. The
image vanished, leaving you standing above your sleeping • Divination magic is proving problematic and
bodies. unreliable, just as the voice warned. Some
A frantic voice spoke to you. “Please, I have little time. The incredible power is disrupting divination spells of
yuan-ti have secreted away a shard of the Soulmonger to an the highest order, and this has many of your allies
ancient stronghold beneath the Peaks of Flame known as the worried. Through mundane means, agents hidden
Obsidian Sanctum. They seek to use it in a ritual to unleash a in Thay confirmed that the yuan-ti have hidden a
terrible entity upon the world, destroying it so they may
shard in a stronghold near the Peaks of Flame.
• The Red Wizards themselves have already
reshape it.”
mobilized to take it. An operative also reports that
the Red Wizards possess an opal amulet capable
The Voice of safely draining and storing the shards.
The speaker is Rhaugilath, the archlich. He is well • But disquiet grows in their ranks, which might be
disguised beneath layers of spells, such as mind exploited, and allies found among their numbers.
blank, and other magic to enhance his duplicity. • The yuan-ti stronghold’s location has been
The voice seems to fade with every heartbeat, but obtained by field operatives. It is called the
it provides the following information: Obsidian Sanctum.
• Scouts have further confirmed the location of the
• “You are the few who I have seen capable of
teleportation circle near the Peaks and found that
stopping this ritual. I have seen others hunting for
the stolen sigil sequence works. They stand ready
the shard, hunters in red. They are close to
to deliver their strongest strike team—you—to
obtaining it.”
the location to prevent this ritual and stop the
• This Sanctum lies hidden under powerful wards to
Soulmonger shard from falling into the hands of
prevent divination magic of the highest caliber. To
those who would continue to abuse it.
pierce it has cost me dearly. Contact your allies.
• The scouts near the teleportation circle had to
They will be able to help you where I cannot.
retreat because of the Red Wizard activity in the
• The complex is anchored in the Border Ethereal.
area. Their last report spoke about fiends moving
The ability to interact with this plane may aid you.
through the region towards the Peaks.
• The architect of the magical complex waits
imprisoned within. Freeing him may gain you a
powerful ally.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 4
Tricks of the Trade have either no effect or a misleading one. Deactivating it
What are the Factions Doing? Considering not all the factions restores the use of divination magic.
give a mission for this adventure, you may want to have Dendar Talismans. Being attuned to a Dendar talisman, a
the factions that don’t offer missions be the ones that black serpent coiled about a blue sphere, grants the wearer
provide the spying and reconnaissance information to the ability to use teleport, plane shift, and cast divination
make them feel involved, at your discretion. spells within the Sanctum. The talismans also let the attuned
creature see the Ethereal Plane and he or she may spend an
action to shift into the Ethereal or back. Attuning to a
B. The Obsidian Sanctum talisman takes a minute. A talisman’s magic fades once the
The Obsidian Sanctum was created long ago by an Orrery is deactivated.
efreeti prince and his azer architects.
Short rests are permitted within the Sanctum, but Obsidian Sanctum Effects
the volcanic and magical effects interrupt a long rest. The Sanctum is suffused with elemental magic from
Wards and runes empower the glossy stone of the the ancient volcanos and fire spirits who have
Sanctum, hiding it and protecting it against the formed Chult. The volcanos, however, are
volcanic heat and tremors of the Peaks. responding violently to the presence of the
Soulmonger. These effects cannot be counterspelled.
General Features
Areas are a 20-foot radius circle centered on the
The Obsidian Sanctum has the following general features: most adventurers.
Terrain. The magical forces coursing through the obsidian
are almost palpable. All the Sanctum is glossy, reflective Obsidian Sanctum Effects
obsidian. Anyone with the Stonecunning trait or proficiency 1d12 Effect (DC 17)
with mason’s tools recognizes the obsidian as having been
1-2 The acrid stench of sulfur issues from a crack.
magically created. Stinking cloud affects the area.
Inscriptions. All the writing on their walls, tablets, and
3-4 A burst of heat flares from a fissure. Everyone in
artifacts is in Common and Abyssal.
the area is struck by burning hands.
Light. The runes within the walls shed light that is
5-6 Geysers of flame and lava erupt from the
magnified by the sleek obsidian—the area is well lit.
cracked floor. Fire storm affects the area.
Smells and Sounds. In the undamaged sections of the
6-8 Your ears pop and ring, and a subtle pressure
Sanctum, the air is fresh and cool. In the damaged sections,
fills the area. The runes across the smooth
or where there are bodies, the air reeks of baked rock or
obsidian dim. A 7th level dispel magic affects
the area.
The Sanctum Wards. The Sanctum is under the effects of a
forbiddance spell; however, the corruption caused by the 9 Caustic fumes pour into the area, clawing at
your throat and eyes. Cloudkill affects the area.
shard’s presence is causing it to fail. Corrupted sections of
the Sanctum aren’t protected by the ward and are prone to 10 An aurora shines through the area. The energy
Obsidian Sanctum Effects (see below). strengthens your mind and will. Every spell
An entry at the beginning of each area’s description caster in the area regains five total levels of
describes whether the wards are intact or corrupted by the spell slots (e.g., one level 5 spell, three level 1
Soulmonger—rendering it vulnerable to Obsidian Sanctum and one level 2 spells, etc.).
Effects. Every half-hour of in-game time, roll a 1d12 and 11 A slight vibration whispers through, creating a
consult the Obsidian Sanctum Effects table below. weight against your skin and mind. You feel
Alternatively, a DM may choose when an effect occurs. yourself being closed off to a connection you
Each effect is limited to the immediate area of the once had. Each creature within the chamber or
adventurers. Pick a 20-foot radius circle centered on the most hall unattunes from a random magic item.
adventurers. Any effect that requires a saving throw has a DC 12 An understanding of the Weave’s threads
of 17. settles into your mind. Attuning items requires
Planar Travel. Sections where the forbiddance effect has only a minute. This can also, at the DM’s
been damaged or corrupted should be viable for navigating discretion, undo the Unstable Resonance above.
through adjacent planes to circumvent obstacles and spy on This effect lasts an hour.
or surprise enemies. However, each adjacent plane contains The Shadowfell
its own hazards.
The Shadowfell, also called the Plane of Shadow, is a
The adventurers may freely foray into either the Border
dimension of black, gray, and white. The Shadowfell overlaps
Ethereal or the Shadowfell. Several clues and rewards exist
the Material Plane. Aside from the colorless landscape, it
for those that think to do so.
appears like the Material Plane. Landmarks are recognizable,
Orrery. An arcane device, the Orrery in The Chamber of
but they are twisted and distorted reflections of what exists
Depthless Mirrors (see Area M) manipulates divination magic
on the Material.
cast within or at anyone or anything in Sanctum. Such spells
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 5
Complications. The presence of the Soulmonger has Sanctum. These allies can provide important information and
caused negative energy to gather in the Shadowfell. magical aid.
Creatures in the Shadowfell are surrounded by clinging The adventurers also learn of the significance of the
blackness (treat as a 5th level darkness spell). Spells that Dendar talismans.
would dispel the darkness instead reduce it to dim light.
Additionally, adventurers that start their turn within the
Wards. Intact
Shadowfell must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
throw or take 16 (3d10) environmental necrotic damage. The You step through the glittering air above the glowing
creature's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal teleportation circle. The world warps and stretches and a
to the necrotic damage taken. The reduction lasts until the feeling of weightlessness engulfs you. Time seems to ebb.
target finishes a long rest or leaves the Shadowfell. If the Suddenly, the Peaks of Flame tower before you as walls of
darkness is dispelled, the necrotic damage ceases.
jagged rock. A thick column of smoke pours from the top,
The Border Ethereal lightning dances through it. Ash falls from a blackened sky.
From the Border Ethereal, a traveler can see into whatever At the base of the barren mountain is an equally barren
plane it overlaps, but that plane appears muted and plane, stripped of vegetation and life. All around are signs of
indistinct, its colors blurring into each other. Ethereal
a magical battle. Craters and fissures scar the area and the
denizens watch the Material Plane as though peering through
distorted and frosted glass; as a result of this distortion, they torn forms of golems rest in heaps of twisted iron, broken
can’t see anything further than 30 feet into the other plane. stone, and smashed clay.
Conversely, the Ethereal Plane is usually invisible to those on There are reeking piles of dust and sludge dotting the
the overlapped planes, except with the aid of magic. battlefield.
Complications: The Border Ethereal subsection for each
area is marked with either Calm or Turbulent to indicate the
status of the Ethereal realm at that location. Calm areas are This is where the Red Wizards were ambushed by
safe without additional environmental dangers. the minions of Orcus. A successful DC 17 Intelligence
Turbulent areas have the following effect: The distorted (Arcana) check reveals that the sludge piles are the
fabric of the Weave has spilled into the Ethereal Plane. After remains of scores of defeated fiends.
every minute characters spend in the Ethereal Plane, they While blood is present, there aren’t any bodies—
must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or be Thayan or otherwise. Instead, tracks lead down into
shunted into the nearest unoccupied space on the Material the ravine toward the entrance of the Sanctum,
Plane, taking 14 (4d6) environmental force damage. hidden at the bottom of a deep ravine between two
Cross Planar Interaction volcanic mountains. The Red Wizards collapsed part
Normally, creatures in the Border Ethereal or Shadowfell of it to form a ramp leading to the hidden gates of
can’t attack creatures on the overlapped plane, and vice the Sanctum.
versa. A traveler on the Ethereal Plane or Shadowfell is As the adventurers reach the ravine, read or
invisible and utterly silent to someone on the overlapped paraphrase the following:
plane, and solid objects on the overlapped plane don’t
hamper the movement of a creature in the Border Ethereal Just as the dream revealed to you, the entrance to the
only. The exceptions are certain magical effects (including Obsidian Sanctum rests below, tucked away at the bottom of
anything made of magical force) and living beings. Usually
a narrow ravine between two smoldering mountains. It
only the Border Ethereal allows creatures to see adjacent
planes. However, being attuned to a Dendar talisman allows appears as though part of the ravine has been recently
creatures to view any adjacent plane and spend an action to collapsed, forming a ramp towards the Sanctum’s entrance.
shift between them. The gates of the Sanctum—once disguised to resemble the
surrounding stone—are blasted and broken.
Story Awards Involving the Red Wizards
Adventurers with story awards making them foes of As the adventurers reach the bottom of the ravine:
the Thayans have disadvantage on Charisma checks
while those with story awards making them friends The huge antechamber is constructed of perfectly polished
have advantage on Charisma checks. obsidian, seamless and uniform as though formed from a
single piece. Light sources reflect brightly across the glossy
C. Outside the Sanctum surface.
Story Beat
In this part, the adventurers delve into the Obsidian Sanctum.
They meet the friendly Thayans and learn of events in the
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 6
Gathered here are a dozen red-robed humans, sitting or Aiding the Red Wizards
lying with bandaged heads, arms, and legs. Three uninjured Zonaras has no issues with the adventurers
humans in red are making rounds, administering salves and eliminating the zulkirs who abandoned him; it’d
bandages. Eight heavily damaged constructs are being herald an easy promotion for him.
tended to by two arguing wizards. There are twelve seriously wounded Thayans. Any
Corpses lie to either side of the chamber: to the east are degree of healing stabilizes them. He won’t beg, but
neatly arranged bodies draped in red, and to the west are Zonaras’ resources are running thin. For each spell,
potion, or healer’s kit usage the adventurers provide,
serpentine humanoids thrown into a pile.
Zonaras reciprocates with one of the following. Also,
adventurers who succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
This entry chamber is a circular room 300-feet wide (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check gain
and 150-feet tall. information. This is a good opportunity to provide
There are seventeen Thayans here: twelve badly inspiration for good roleplaying.
wounded red wizards of Thay (all easily identifiable In exchange for their aid, he provides the
as such due to their ritual tattoos, which designate following information:
rank, specialization, family, and religious
affiliations), two Thayans administering first aid, and • “The zulkirs and their contingents left us for dead,
two struggling to repair the damaged golems. They pressing on and taking most of our supplies.”
are all overseen by Zonaras Xans. • “The group within is led by Vallrath Sakar (the
Characters investigating the area that succeed on a zulkir of evocation) and Akhara Nihil (the zulkir of
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check detect conjuration). Each has their own retinue of
several glyphs of warding (wall of force) placed knights and golems. There are also about two
around the gathering as a safeguard. dozen men-at-arms and a dozen stone golems led
If the adventurers reveal themselves in a non- by archmagi.”
threatening manner, or agree to a peaceful talk, read • “Divination magic is acting strangely. Even basic
the following: spells such as detect magic provides unusual
results. I presume it involves the ward within the
The wizards seem startled to see you. A few try to stand, but walls of the Sanctum. The complex is also
wince from the effort. A tall man with a shaven head and
protected by forbiddance.”
intricate tattoos sets his staff down and approaches you with
his hands held up in a placating gesture. His eyes go wide as
Red Wizards and the Soulmonger
If asked about the Soulmonger shard, he may
he sees your weapons. “I recognize adventurers when I seem
respond with the following:
them, and successful ones at that. I presume your goal is the
same as ours, although for different reasons, certainly. We • “The zulkirs are united behind Szass Tam. Our
have no wish for violence or bloodshed, gods know we’ve Grand Patriarch has commanded us to capture the
seen enough today. Perhaps we can peacefully parley. I am Soulmonger or destroy it if capture is impossible. I
think Tam fears what such a device could do if
not foolish or naive enough to waste your time with an
modified to target a lich’s phylactery.”
attempt to persuade you from your course, but please
• “I believe Akhara Nihil, the zulkir of conjuration,
understand I am in a difficult position. I am, however, willing
carries an object designed to contain the
to trade valuable information for magical healing for my Soulmonger’s power. I saw the two zulkirs
people.” discussing who could be trusted to carry an opal
One of the damaged golems attempts to activate but falls amulet until the time came to use it.”
forward onto its face. The Red Wizard repairing it sighs. • “The last I heard from the zulkirs, they had come
across the dormitories of the yuan-ti and were
If the adventurers attack, the glyphs activate— slaughtering them there.”
surrounding the wounded in walls of force. Zonaras
Xans (a lawful neutral human archmage) beseeches Red Wizards and the Obsidian Sanctum
the adventurers for peaceful resolution. He’s honest If asked about the yuan-ti, the Obsidian Sanctum, or
and concerned for his people, but also bitter and the battle outside, Zonaras responds with the
angry with the Red Wizard leadership. If combat following:
looks unavoidable, Zonaras opens a portal, moving • “This place is very old with powerful magic woven
most of the wounded to a safer location (he wears a into the very stone. A few of my fellows have
Dendar talisman allowing him to use such magic). noticed instabilities in the energy flowing through.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 7
Something is going on deeper inside, something own. They are accompanied by Thayan knights—
dramatic enough to damage the wards—a feat highly trained bodyguards bound to the zulkirs.
unmatched by centuries of volcanic eruptions.” The knights emit an aura that protects those
• “The Sanctum itself appears wrought of powerful around them. If you find yourself pitted against
elemental magic, the kind I’ve only read about them, separate the wizards from their protectors.
performed during the construction of the City of And be wary, the men-at-arms are vicious in
Brass. I wonder if there is a connection. I wish I melee. And by the gods, don’t let them find out I
had more time to study this place.” told you this. I feel safe doing so because of how
• “As we prepared to breach the glyphs protecting this place distorts divination magic, so Tam can’t
the gates, we were beset by a horde of fiends and find out that way.”
undead. If we weren’t already prepared for battle, • Zonaras hands the adventurers two Dendar
we wouldn’t have fared as well as we did.” talismans (see Treasure, below). “These magical
• “It would appear the soul-stealing quality of the amulets—as best as I can deduce—are bound to
Soulmonger has not gone unnoticed by the princes the Sanctum. They allow you to peer into and
of the Abyss, and the presence of devourers interact with the Ethereal plane. I’m not sure what
dispels all doubt as to whom opposes us: Orcus. this means, but I suspect it allows one to move
The Demon Prince of Undeath no doubt casts his unhindered by traps or other obstacles, or
gaze upon us.” possibly gain access to areas or objects the yuan-ti
• “Several yuan-ti purebloods infiltrated our society, wish to keep hidden.” A successful DC 25
stealing our arcane research. Several captured Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the properties
spies led us in the direction of this complex. and functions of the talismans, to allow
Locating it once we arrived in Chult was difficult. teleportation, divination magic, and planar
The wards hiding it truly are impressive.” movement within the Sanctum as well as the
If asked how the Red Wizards arrived to Chult or ability to perceive and interact with the Ethereal
found the Sanctum considering it is cloaked from Plane.
detection, he may respond with the following: Investigating the dead beneath the red shrouds
shows Thayan casualties. They are under the effects
• “One of our longtime Chult agents was able to of gentle repose.
track a pureblood bringing rare spell components Investigating the yuan-ti reveals bodies in various
to the area of the Obsidian Sanctum. From there states of hybridization, mostly broodguard and
we were able to deduce the location.” abominations. A DC 24 Intelligence (Investigation)
• “An agent of ours placed a magical beacon close to check finds one Dendar talisman.
the Peaks as possible without the Sanctum’s
forbiddance disrupting teleportation.” Faction Assignment: Zhentarim
Assisting Zonaras and the wounded Thayans counts as one of
The Red Wizards Asks for Help the needed two progression events for this mission.
Zonaras asks the adventurers for help:
• “If you come across any wounded, help them and The Final Warning
send them back here. Those not part of a zulkir’s If the adventurers were friendly with the Red
personal retinue are here because they had to be. Wizards, Zonaras warns them to ward themselves
Some won’t be easy to talk with, but please try. against heat and volcanic gases. When scouting, his
• Those with the zulkirs are fanatics. They can’t be familiar saw breaches.
negotiated with. But show this to those who If the adventurers kill the wounded Thayans,
aren’t—it may help.” Zonaras hands the nearest they earn no experience. If the adventurers attack
character a bronze emblem with the symbol of a first but stop and proceed peacefully when Zonaras
circle of seven stars. When shown to Thayans not beseeches them and the adventurers have not killed
around the zulkirs, it grants advantage to anyone, or they raise dead those who they killed,
Charisma (Persuasion) checks. award full experience for the encounter.
If the adventurers heal all the wounded or raise any
of the Thayans from death, Zonaras adds:
Tricks of the Trade
The Adventurer’s Fame. The Thayans in the chamber have
• “I wish I could do more for you in return, but at heard of the adventurers’ deeds and exploits. They speak
least let me tell of you what you might face. The honestly and with respect. A few sheepishly inquire about
zulkirs’ tattoos feed on magic, bolstering their the adventurers’ heroics.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 8
Observing the Thayans. These low-ranking wizards are tired This area is where two halls intersect. The ground is
and drained from the intense fighting. They appear to be littered with a dozen yuan-ti bodies—mostly those
of little threat and are trying to tend to their wounded and of broodguards and malisons.
emergency golem repairs (which aren’t going well). They A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check
have dwindling medical supplies. identifies the smashed statues as three destroyed
obsidian golems that resembled six-armed snake-
XP Award women with the heads of vipers. Each of their six
If they treat peacefully with the Thayans, award each arms ends with a keen-edged blade. Inspecting the
character 5,000 XP. Thayan golems reveals that something
supernaturally sharp sheared the golems apart.
If they heal all of the Thayans or raise any of them Treasure
from death, Zonaras gives the party two Dendar Characters searching the yuan-ti corpses recover
talismans worth 1,000 gp each. A third Dendar 2,000 gp worth of ornate jewelry.
talisman is found on the dead yuan-ti.
F. The East Dormitory
D. Into the Sanctum
Wards. Intact
Wards. Intact
You enter into an immense hemispherical room, hundreds of
You enter a dark hallway, spacious and arched. The glossy feet across with a five-tiered ziggurat carved of green stone
obsidian of the passage is flawlessly smooth and spotless, rising high from the floor. Smoke pours from its doors and
reflecting light dazzlingly. It appears to be carved and burning tents and bloodied bodies surround the structure.
polished beyond mere mundane means. A group of humans are clashing with yuan-ti who are
The hall appears to stretch north hundreds of feet to a set retreating up the ziggurat’s stairs.
of double doors. They are open. Some of the humans wear red robes and are protected by
a semi-circle of men-at-arms, while two stone constructs
The arched hall is 15-feet tall and 10-feet wide. The trudge up the stairs after the fleeing yuan-ti.
passage stretches for 300 feet and then comes to a All the snake folk present resemble serpents with muscular
four-way junction. arms and six heads.
If either force has noticed you, neither seem to care for
E. The Dormitory Junction the moment as they are focused on the foes before them.
Wards. Intact The stairs descending from where you stand are wet with
blood and littered with yuan-ti bodies and corpses wearing
The double doors are blasted open. This junction is a cross red.
section with doorways directly to the south, where you came
from, the west, the east, and the north. All the doors are The adventurers enter the 600-foot wide chamber
either smashed or knocked from their frames. The north is on a 60-foot wide landing from which a 15-foot wide
the continuation of the long hall from the south while the staircase descends a further 150 feet to the ziggurat.
east and west lead to massive circular chambers. The Thayan force is led by two archmagi, along
Yuan-ti bodies are strewn across the floor, blasted and with four warlords and two stone golem
blistered by powerful spells. Two Thayan stone golems lie guardians attuned to the archmagi.
toppled in the center of the junction, heads and arms cleanly Adjusting the Fight (Thayan Forces)
sheared off by an incredibly sharp blade. Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
Also among the remnants of the battlefield are smashed, encounter. These are not cumulative.
multi-armed statues of obsidian snake creatures. Each arm • Very Weak: Stone golem guardians’ and warlord’s hit
ends in an obsidian blade. points are each reduced to 100.
The ringing of metal on metal and screams echo from the • Weak: Warlords hit points are reduced to 100.
eastern chamber. All is silent from the western chamber but • Strong: Add an archmage and a stone golem guardian.
for the faint running of water and crackling of fire. • Very Strong: Add an archmage, a stone golem guardian,
and a warlord.
The yuan-ti force is comprised of five anathemas.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 9
Adjusting the Fight (Yuan-ti Forces) good roleplaying. Afterwards, the adventurers may
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat question either group with a DC 23 Charisma
encounter. These are not cumulative. (Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation) check. Both
groups are hesitant to reveal information, but they
• Very Weak: Remove two anathemas.
also don’t want to die.
• Weak: Remove an anathema.
• Strong: Add an anathema.
• Very Strong: Add two anathemas. What the Thayans Know
Interrogating or questioning the Thayans may
Once the living quarters of prominent yuan-ti, the provide the following information:
ziggurat has five, 20-foot levels. The interior has
collapsed and is filled with burning rubble. There is a • The main Thayan force continued, chasing the
great sandpit for snakes to bathe in and a pond filled yuan-ti towards the heart of the Sanctum.
with running water fed by a waterfall that crashes • The zulkirs and knights are still alive.
from a specialized type of decanter of endless water • Vallrath Sakar, the zulkir of evocation, and Akhara
powered by the Sanctum (removing or stoppering Nihil, the zulkir of conjuration, lead the war host.
the decanter destroys it). The chamber holds many • Information the adventurers missed while
comforts: clean water, fresh air, waste disposal, a speaking with Zonaras may be available here.
magical larder, and other luxuries.
What the Yuan-Ti Know
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes Interrogating or questioning the yuan-ti may
Status. Calm, no save required. provide the following information:
Across the walls and domed ceiling are carvings that can only • The yuan-ti lords have moved deeper in to guard
be seen from the Ethereal Plane or Shadowfell, or with the
the artifact from the red-robed invaders.
ability to perceive either plane. They are words and images of
praise to Dendar. There is also an ornate chest located at the
• “The presence of the blessed artifact is causing
bottom of the ziggurat holding a scroll of regeneration as well problems to the Sanctum. The powerful entropic
as 7,000 gp worth of religious objects. aura of the shard is eating away at the protective
wards, causing the volcanic pressures and heat to
crack open the walls and spill in with devastating
Observing the Battle results. This is a small price to pay as the age of
The yuan-ti and Thayans try to eliminate each other
the true people dominating the world is nigh.”
before attempting to murder these new intruders.
The Thayans have the upper hand and defeat the If asked about the Obsidian Sanctum, the field of
yuan-ti in only a few minutes (DM’s discretion), but anti-divination, the forbiddance spell, the following
not without severe losses. If the adventurers let the can be learned (the adventurers have a second
battle play out, the yuan-ti are killed and the opportunity to learn the following information in
Thayans suffer heavy losses—halving their numbers. The Obsidian Archive later on):
The Thayans cast haste on the remaining troops • The yuan-ti admit the Obsidian Sanctum was built
before attacking the adventurers but cast dominate with the minor aid of an efreeti prince from the
person if a more advantageous opportunity presents City of Brass. His name is Rashidi al-Zahar ibn
itself. The adventurers may attempt diplomacy at Rath, a lord of elemental magic who sells his
any time. magical services to mortals. The yuan-ti purchased
his assistance in crafting the Sanctum by aiding in
Interacting with the Thayans or Yuan-Ti imprisoning his rival. A suit of armor was chosen
The Thayans are arrogant fanatics and terrified of as an insult to the imprisoned efreeti sultana as
Szass Tam while the yuan-ti are insane zealots she would be forced to protect mortals, who she
dedicated to Dendar. Parleying with the warring disdains.
groups should be possible but difficult. It is possible • The Sanctum was to serve as both a secret vault
to force a tentative peace between the two groups and base used by the yuan-ti and Rashidi’s allies.
and convince the Thayans to join Zonaras and the However, the yuan-ti did not want to share.
yuan-ti to flee. Both forces know that the fate of the • As the Sanctum neared its completion, the yuan-ti
Soulmonger shard is now out of their hands and this turned on Rashidi, sealing him within an arcane
skirmish won’t influence it. battery to fuel a device that protects the Sanctum.
Negotiating a cease fire requires a successful Both the forbiddance spell and the field misguiding
DC 27 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or divination magic are controlled by this device.
Persuasion) check—again awarding inspiration for
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 10
• If the efreeti prince is freed, the device will power You enter a great hemispherical room hundreds of feet
down. Also, turning the device off frees Rashidi. In across. The chamber is filled with scores of trampled gardens
either case, the foolish efreeti will seek vengeance. and smoldering huts. It appears this was a small, in-door
• The magical item the yuan-ti were supposed to be
farming village, but no longer. The room is a shattered mess.
stewards of was a suit of armor holding the bound
Bodies of yuan-ti and red-uniformed men-at-arms litter the
spirit of his chief rival. The suit of armor was
floor and stairs and smoke billows from the many burning
placed within the room, near enough to Rashidi to
taunt him (the yuan-ti laughs, seeming to find this structures.
hilarious). A waterfall streams from the center of the domed ceiling
• The yuan-ti priests carry Dendar talismans, which to splash into an artificial pond along the western curve of
permits them access to certain sections of the the chamber.
A DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check This chamber is 600-feet wide and 300-feet tall. The
reveals that Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath was an efreeti adventurers enter from a wide ledge with a staircase
lord who indirectly sided with the azer after the that descends 150 feet into the room.
building of the City of Brass. This was the living quarters of the lower classes of
He was eventually found out by a rival and, the yuan-ti, mostly purebloods and malisons, who
imprisoned for 1001 years (see Roleplaying oversaw food production. Before the chamber was
Rashidi in Area M). devastated, it was as vibrant and flourishing as a
jungle, with an underground orchard and many
Faction Assignment: Zhentarim vegetable gardens magically enhanced to yield
Intimidating, tricking, or persuading the Thayans to stand massive crops. Now, though, the place is a
down and fall back to the entrance chamber counts as one of smoldering battlefield.
the needed two progression events for this mission. The waterfall feeding the pond and gardens pours
from a specialized type of decanter of endless water
Treasure powered by the Sanctum (removing or stoppering
The Thayans carry a total of 5,500 gp worth of spell this decanter destroys it).
components and 4,500 gp worth of mundane arms
and armor. The yuan-ti carry a total of 5,000 gp of Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes
gem-studded jewelry. There are religious relics Status. Calm, no save required.
worth 10,000 gp and three Dendar talismans worth There are images and words across the walls and ceiling.
1,000 gp each within the ziggurat. Lastly, characters They are praises to Dendar as well as yuan-ti family trees of
searching the Ethereal plane in this area find a chest purebloods.
containing 7,000 gp. Part of the writing reveals the locations of shrines and
offerings from individual families. The adventurers can use
Roleplay Opportunity the information to locate a hidden chest holding 5,000 gp.
Interacting with the Fighting Forces. The yuan-ti are a highly
intelligent and pragmatic race, not borne to grudges or Treasure
anger. The Thayan leaders are genius wizards who value Characters searching the garden chamber that also
personal safety and power. Neither side wishes to die but succeed on a DC 24 Intelligence (Investigation)
both currently see no alternative but battle. The yuan-ti check find 10,000 gp worth of jewelry and gem-
are overly confident in their victory so see it as amusing to studded relics, as well as a potion of flying. Lastly,
reveal information to those who will soon die.
characters searching the Ethereal plane in this area
find a chest containing 5,000 gp.
G. The West Dormitory and Gardens
Wards. Intact H. The Broken Halls
Wards. Corrupted: forbiddance gone, divinations
blocked, Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 11
Where the glossy walls have been ruptured, energy spits I. The Great Rift
from the surface as whatever magic flowing through the
stone bleeds out.
Wards. Corrupted, forbiddance gone, divinations
blocked, Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur more
An intense heat like a blast furnace pours from the wounds
in the stone, causing the air to blur and waver. An acrid,
burning smell emits from the fractures. Story Beat
Farther down the passage can be seen the angry red of During this part, the adventurers see the ever-increasing
heated stone along with the dancing sparks, which have damage brought to the world by the Soulmonger shard. They
become more violent, bolts zapping from wall to wall. explore the rooms to obtain valuable information and
treasure. And they deal with the fissure.
This hallway is 300-feet long and leads to another An immense fissure has split this room. The magic of
hemispherical chamber. the Sanctum prevented the destruction of the
Characters proficient in Survival realize that the chamber and preserved the treasures within despite
temperature is dangerously hot, and the air is the place being bisected.
tainted with poisonous, volcanic gases. The contents of each half are still present, knocked
Characters proficient in Arcana identify the bursts over and spilled but unharmed. To continue deeper
of sparks and light leaking from the walls as strands into the Sanctum, the adventurers must navigate the
of the Weave moving and working in unpredictable fissure and cross through each half of the sundered
ways—causing arcane energy to wax and wane from chamber, see Crossing the Fissure and the Lava
moment to moment. A DC successful 22 Intelligence below.
(Arcana) check reveals that the powerful magic has The great fissure is enclosed save for a few cracks
been damaged by powerful forces of decay. in the roof that lead to long shafts to the surface.
With the enchantments weakened by the presence It is 1,100-feet long, 150-feet deep, and 200-feet
of the Soulmonger shard, the volcanic heat and across. The bottom of the fissure is covered by a pool
pressure is starting to split open the walls. of lava.
As the adventurers reach the half-way point of the Once the adventurers reach the end of the 300 feet
300-foot passage, read the following: passage, read the following:
The sweltering heat becomes blistering. Unprotected skin As you make your way through the damaged passage, the
begins to char, and metal armor becomes unbearably hot. sweltering heat eases and the reek of charred rock fades.
The air vibrates and reeks of charred rock and choking gasses. Orange light creeps down the hallway towards you,
The polished walls crackle with energy around fissures of stretching eerily across the glossy surface. You can see the
molten rock, as if struggling to close the red wounds. end ahead as it opens into another chamber. But as you near,
There are also the smoldering remains of a golem and you see the edifice is split in half by a vast fissure boiling with
several dead yuan-ti, cooking in the heat. The smell is lava.
dreadful. A powerful wind whistle through the space, an updraft
from the pools of lava 50 feet below. It tugs at your clothes
At least two Obsidian Sanctum Effects (roll randomly and hair. The fissure is immense, hundreds of feet long,
or choose) occurs as the adventurers move through dozens of feet wide. It reaches 100 feet above you and 50
the tunnel. Shifting to the Shadowfell or Ethereal feet below to the glowing pools of lava that seethe across the
Plane protects from this danger and allows passage floor.
further in, but there are hazards in each plane (see You can see the other half of this chamber across the
the General Features section). fissure. There are statues, urns, and shelves. It appears the
powerful magic of the Sanctum kept the pieces intact even as
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes
this mighty geological event sundered the structure.
Status. Turbulent, every minute requires a DC 15 Intelligence
This half of the circular room, the one you stand in, has
save or be ejected to the Material Plane, taking 14 (4d6) force
been neatly cracked by the fissure. Despite the damage and
thick covering of volcanic dust, the chamber seems stable.
Viewing the passage shows the uncontrolled magical energy
and bleeding runes as they are slowly unwoven by the There is a large altar standing against the curve of the
presence of the Soulmonger. A DC 24 Intelligence (Arcana) western wall.
check indicates magical damage of a necromantic nature to
the whole complex.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 12
The hemi-spherical chamber is 150-feet wide and Wards. Corrupted, forbiddance gone, divinations
150-high at its highest point. A detailed onyx statue blocked, Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur
of a great serpent coiled around a planet made from
This is the other half of the sundered eastern
a polished sphere of lapis lazuli with malachite
chamber and it directly across the fissure from its
continents and islands rests on the altar.
twin. As the adventurers enter, read or paraphrase
Anyone proficient with History knows the planet
the following:
is Toril while a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Religion) check reveals the snake to be Dendar, the
Night Serpent. This broken chamber is the north half of the room across the
fissure. The floor is coated in a thick layer of ash. The walls
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes contain dozens of alcoves holding polished obsidian tablets.
Status. Turbulent, every minute requires a DC 15 Intelligence In the western curve of the chamber are nine greenstone
save or be ejected to the Material Plane, taking 14 (4d6) force slabs, five of which hold elaborate sarcophagi with ornate
damage. urns atop them. Each is decorated with distinct images and
Adventurers see that the lava is cool and solidified on glyphs. One of the urns is shattered and defiled and the
adjacent planes and can be crossed safely. There are no sarcophagi is open and empty.
Obsidian Sanctum events on adjacent planes.
At the center of the room is a heavy quartz table scattered
with ink bottles and rolled scrolls.
Treasure To the north are a set of double doors. They are open and
The statue is heavy (weighing 500 lbs.) but is worth
lead to a long hallway. The stone of this passage is
10,000 gp. Bundles of rare incense have been placed
undamaged and the air cool and fresh.
around the altar, worth a total of 2,000 gp. There is
also a scroll tube containing a scroll of resurrection.
The circular chamber is 150-feet wide and 150-tall.
Crossing the Fissure and the Lava Characters proficient in Religion realize that the
The crossing is 200-feet wide and the pool of lava sarcophagi and urns belong to yuan-ti heroes, and
flooding the fissure is 10-feet deep. Two Obsidian each boasts of the accomplishments of a yuan-ti
Sanctum Effects occur as the adventurers cross the champion. Examples include:
fissure (descriptions may need to be amended to fit
• Zalhu-Zalha, serpent knight of Dendar, slayer of
the location as there is no floor).
elves, wielder of the blessed bloodmoon blade and
Flying or teleporting across the lava is the most
inheritor of the sun-scaled crown.
obvious choice, but clever thinking can be used here.
• Sisshava, grand matron and high priestess, mother
Characters succeeding at a DC 25 Strength
of legions, she who destroys cities with her great
(Athletics) check may be able to hoist huge chunks of
stone to create a bridge, while others succeeding on
• Shokosh, peerless assassin and taker of lives,
a DC 25 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check may be able to
grandmaster of the shadow arts who works
dash across the lava fast enough to avoid damage.
Dendar’s will across the Sword Coast.
Clever characters might even use cold spells to cool
the lava enough to safely cross small sections at a • Talhallianhex, the Saurian-Tor of Delselar, Autarch
of the Walking Ziggurat, great summoner and
artificer who forges many wonders and weapons
Lava for the true people.
Direct contact with lava does 44 (8d10) fire damage per turn The fifth is shattered and empty, fragments have
and counts as quicksand, a DC 10 + 2 for each foot sunk most of their images and words scraped away. One
Strength (Athletics) check to escape. An adventurer sinks one word is easily recognizable in Abyssal—"Traitor.”
foot per turn, two if he or she struggles. A DC 27 Strength The word “traitor” is repeatedly written over the
(Athletics) check is needed to “swim” through it, failure name “Ishzara.” The broken urn is empty. Harpers or
causes the adventurer to sink. Being within 5 feet of lava anyone proficient in History recognizes the name.
does 22 (4d10) fire damage. Ishzara is a yuan-ti pureblood who forsook her kind
Lava counts as water for the purposes of spells or abilities
and joined the Harpers.
that allow water walking or water breathing.
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check
reveals the purpose of the sarcophagi and urns.
J. The Serpent Shrine and Archive: North Half They’re tied to a specific yuan-ti, magically raising
of the Chamber them from death. Each urn holds the components
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 13
Trap: The Sarcophagi and Urns Effect: Failure results in 42 (12d6) psychic damage as images,
impressions, and emotions bombard the mind. On a
Simple trap (level 17–20, dangerous threat)
successful save, the tablet is mastered, and the information
The sarcophagi and urns are protected by dark magic. contained within floats gently into the mind. The save is only
Trigger. Any non-yuan-ti disturbing one of the sarcophagi made once to interact with all the tablets.
or urns (except Ishzara’s broken urn) triggers a harm spell. Countermeasure: A dispel magic (DC 16) removes the trap as
Effect. The disturber is targeted by a harm spell (DC 16). does shattering the tablet. Shattering the tablet destroys the
Countermeasures. A dispel magic (DC 16) removes the information within.
trap as does shattering the urns from a distance. Shattering
an urn destroys 2000 gp of treasure. The obsidian tablets reveal the following:
The sarcophagi are filled with magically preserved • The Sanctum was built using elemental magic with
blood. the aid of a efreeti prince from the City of Brass.
Each of the five urns contains a gem-studded ivory His name is mentioned as Rashidi al-Zahar ibn
statue of a yuan-ti, along with valuable spell Rath. The yuan-ti purchased his assisting in
components for various spells. A successful DC 20 crafting the Sanctum by aiding him in imprisoning
Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies these as a rival in a suit of armor. Then, they sealed Rashidi
components for spells such as clone, contingency, within a great machine.
resurrection, scrying, and locate creature among • The tablets cover any information the yuan-ti
others. might have given in the East Dormitory.
• The whole of the Sanctum is crafted in the shape
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes of a magical sigil. An especially large room called
Status. Turbulent, every minute requires a DC 15 Intelligence the Chamber of Depthless Mirrors is mentioned.
save or be ejected to the Material Plane, taking 14 (4d6) force Within is a device that controls divination magic,
damage. the shape of the complex assists with this.
The chamber has a hidden chest only accessible from the • During the time of their ancient empire, the yuan-
Ethereal Plane containing five diamonds each worth 1,000 gp ti record a war with a race of squid-faced
and rare ink worth 5,000 gp. Written on the walls in glowing creatures aboard flying, tentacled ships. It
ink are the plans to summon Dendar the Night Serpent to mentions that these creatures were one of the
Toril using this Obsidian Complex. Key to this plan is an greatest threats faced by the yuan-ti during the
artifact capable of influencing souls. Also, written on the
height of their power. They even go so far as to
walls in glowing ink are the plans for the construction of the
imply they protected humanity from enslavement.
Orrery. This counts as obtaining information for the
Divination Magic, Faction Assignment (Harpers).
This is an odd claim by the yuan-ti who are,
themselves, a race of slavers.
• Dendar the Night Serpent is mentioned often, by
The Shelves and Tablets many names: Eater of the World, Spawn of the
The shelves carved into the walls are alcoves holding First Nightmare, Devourer of Foul Visions, and
obsidian tablets. The tablets record the construction Harbinger of the End.
of the Obsidian Sanctum and the history of the yuan-
ti, including prophecies of their return to These tablets would be worth a fair amount to any
domination. At the center of the room is a quartz curious scholar, possibly as much as 6,000 gp.
table holding a collection of maps, and jars of rare Faction Assignment: Harpers
inks worth 2,000 gp.
Written on the walls in glowing ink that can only be seen
An adventurer examining the tablet may attempt a
from the Ethereal Plane or Shadowfell, or with the ability to
DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana) check (being attuned to perceive either plane, are the plans for the construction of
a Dendar talisman grants advantage on this check) to the Orrery. Finding this counts as one of the two needed
identify a form of psychic technology akin to Qualith progression events for this mission.
(the “written” language of the mind flayers), but
cruder and more dangerous in form.
Trap: The Psychic Tablets Components and treasure worth 40,000 gp total, and
Simple trap (level 17–20, dangerous threat) an additional 10,000 gp worth of treasure hidden in
the Ethereal Plane.
The yuan-ti obsidian tablets harbor guarded knowledge.
Trigger: Any non-yuan-ti “reading” a tablet must make a DC
18 Intelligence save (being attuned to a Dendar talisman K. The North Obsidian Passage (the exit from
provides advantage). the fissure)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 14
Wards. Intact.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 15
Part 2. The Inner Sanctum has commanded the golems attack any creature who
enters this chamber, including other Red Wizards.
Estimated Duration: 75 minutes
Wards. Intact, forbiddance present, divinations Adjusting the Fight
blocked, no Obsidian Sanctum Effects Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
encounter. These are not cumulative.
Story Beat
In this part, the adventurers deal with the Orrery while • Very Weak: Remove two obsidian golems.
avoiding its defenses. They meet the architect of the Sanctum • Weak: Remove an obsidian golem.
who magically aids the adventurers, gifts them the efreeti • Strong: Add an obsidian golem.
chain, and provides information, including progression for • Very Strong: Add two obsidian golems.
faction assignments (Harpers) and the secret mission (Order
of the Gauntlet). Secret Mission (Order of the Gauntlet)
If the characters are pursuing the Order of the Gauntlet
M. The Orrery and the Chamber of Depthless secret mission, add two obsidian golems.
Within this chamber is an arcane Orrery, a massive The Chamber of the Orrery
clockwork machine depicting orbiting planets and Characters inspecting the yuan-ti bodies determine
moons around a glowing sun. It provides several that they fell holding a defensive line—almost as if
functions, the first and foremost is the ability to they were protecting something, yet there is nothing
cloak the Obsidian Sanctum in a field that diverts, present to protect (this is a hint of where the
distorts, or destroys divination magic. Another control console is on the Border Ethereal).
function of the Orrery is to forecast auspicious The red obsidian doors do not open until the
moments, such as when Dendar the Night Serpent Orrery is disabled or turned off.
would be able to invade Faerûn. Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes
Read or paraphrase the following when the
Status: Calm, no save required.
adventurers enter the room:
There is a control panel in the Border Ethereal. A successful
DC 22 Dexterity check made with a set of thieves’ tools or a
A massive clockwork machine fills the entire space overhead, successful DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana) check (being attuned
hanging hundreds of feet down from the ceiling and to a Dendar talisman grants advantage) deactivates the
spreading hundreds of feet out. Orrery, shuts down the golems, or frees Rashidi.
Giant orbs resembling the cosmos of Toril silently orbit a The Orrery and the strange reflective surfaces of the walls
brilliant sun. They are connected by elegant metal beams to and floor radiant intense magical energy.
the domed roof. Flashes of lightning jump between the A successful DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the
true nature of the chamber—the Orrery draws divination
spokes. All along the walls are enormous gears, chains, and
spells and powers into the mirrors, which are depthless to
other components slowly spinning or swinging. such magic. Once caught within, they can be bent, warped, or
Towards the eastern section of the chamber are a pile of lost, depending on the what the controller of the Orrery
yuan-ti corpses. On the other side of the chamber from desires. The chamber can focus on any part of Chult.
where you entered is a 50-foot archway holding sealed doors The controller can also opt to enhance their own
of red obsidian. divination magic by spending a minute attuning to the
control panel with a successful DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana)
Every surface of this chamber is flawlessly mirrored, infinitely
check (having read the tablets in the Obsidian Archive or
reflecting the room’s contents.
being attuned to a Dendar talisman grants advantage to this
check). Having done so, the Orrery powers down but not
The chamber is 600 feet wide and 300 feet tall, and before bolstering the adventurer’s divination spells. Spells of
the machine fills most of the ceiling space. such school cast by the adventurer for the next 24 hours
count as being under the effects of heightened, distant, and
extended metamagic.
The Orrery Guardians (Obsidian Golems)
There is also a chest containing magical components for
Four obsidian golems activate to defend the
repairing the Orrery in case of damage (see Treasure).
chamber. The golems are created in the shape of six-
armed women with snake-like features, each with
the sigil of Dendar engraved in their foreheads. Tricks of the Trade
One of the Red Wizards in Part 3 currently is The golems have disadvantage on attacks against creatures
currently attuned to the hidden control panel and attuned to a Dendar talisman.
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Golems have disadvantage on attacks and Dexterity-based hidden one was constructed to shut the Orrery down
saves and checks while balancing on the Orrery or gears. when repairs or modifications were needed.
The giant-size gears and chains along the walls and ceiling The Soulmonger has weakened Rashidi’s prison,
may be ridden to gain height or used as perches to fire and he can weave flames into short messages near
down. A DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength the sun, asking for assistance and telling the
(Athletics) check is required every turn (this isn’t
adventurers how to deactivate the Orrery.
considered an action) to remain balanced. Failure indicates
Shutting down or destroying the Orrery allows
a potentially long fall.
divination magic to be cast within the Sanctum again
by others not attuned to the control panel. It also
Legendary Trap: The Orrery renders the Dendar talismans non-magical.
Complex trap (level 17–20, deadly threat)
The Orrery room is a 600-foot-wide, 300-foot-tall The Trapped Efreeti Prince
hemisphere. The Orrery acts on initiative counts 20, 15, 10, Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath is trapped in the sun of the
and 5. These events occur until the Orrery is nullified. Orrery, where the device draws from his elemental
Individual parts may be targeted to shut off that power. power.
Each part has AC 15, 200 hit points, and is immune to Read or paraphrase the following when the Orrery
poison and psychic damage. AC and hit points may be is shutdown or destroyed:
increased or decreased to suit party strength.
All powers may be targeted by dispel magic or
counterspell, or otherwise negated by spells or abilities. A A metallic grinding noise vibrates the whole room, shrieking
single dispel or counterspell stops that specific effect on all and twisting as the apparatus shudders and stops. The
the golems for that round (e.g., using counterspell on the mirrors then dim, seeming less reflective.
heal effect stops all golems from being healed for that Above you the once bright sun fades to an icy sphere with
round). Anyone proficient in Arcana realizes this. a burning ember at its heart. A moment later the sphere
Trigger: Entering the chamber, touching the Orrery, or begins to steam, drip, and melt. A sound of cracking ice fills
damaging the golems.
the chamber then a pillar of fire stretches to the ceiling,
blackening the metal, but quickly dies down to reveal a tall
• Golem Teleportation (Initiative 20). An outer planet pulses
humanoid with red skin covered in tattoos that shimmer and
with purple light and each golem teleports as if it had cast
dimension door on itself, moving next to an adventurer. dance like oil across water. He wears a set of chain armor
• Lunar Light (Initiative 15). The Tears of Selûne pulse with studded with crimson gems.
multicolored light. The Orrery casts faerie fire on the The figure drifts down to stand before you and bows.
closest adventurer (DC 14).
• Orrery’s Wrath (Initiative 10). Electricity dances among
Rashidi is quite ecstatic to be freed and profusely
the Orrery’s spokes and a shower of sparks sprays the
thankful. However, he is polite and not prone to
room. The Orrery casts lightning bolt (3rd level, DC 14)
targeting the closest non-construct creature not attuned
effusive shows of emotion. Rashidi can explain or
to a Dendar talisman. answer a few questions:
• Making Whole (Initiative 5). The Toril planetary sphere • “My name is Prince Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath,
glows brightly with emerald and sapphire. The Orrery casts seventeenth son of Rathiman the Wise, who is the
heal on each obsidian golem. The spell effect has a 300- Sultan of the Obsidian Mountains and Ruby Palace,
foot range and effects constructs.
Suzerain of the Sparkling Desert, and high vizier of
Countermeasure: A DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana or the City of Brass, may his reign remain ceaseless
Investigation) check deduces that the power source is the and ever burning.”
sun, located in the center of the device.
• Rashidi is a lord of elemental magic and rune craft
Shattering the sun powers the device down and frees
who sells his magical services and arcane training
Rashidi. It does not stop the golems (only the control panel
can do that) but cancels the Orrery abilities. The sun sphere
to mortals. He assisted the yuan-ti with crafting
has AC 15 and 250 hit points. It is immune to fire, psychic, the Sanctum after they aided him in ambushing
and poison damage. Access to the control panel on the and imprisoning a rival in an object. A suit of
Border Ethereal followed by the necessary successful checks armor was chosen as an insult to the imprisoned
also shuts the Orrery down. efreeti sultana as she would be forced to indirectly
protect mortals, who she disdains.
• Rashidi gifts his armor (efreeti chain) to the
Shutting Off or Destroying the Orrery
There is no obvious off switch for the device as it adventurers. Once its recipient is chosen, Rashidi
was never intended to cease functioning, but a assists the character in donning it—instantly
attuning the wearer to the armor in the process.
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• The Sanctum was to serve as both a secret vault wearer can instantly attune to the armor only if
and base used by the yuan-ti and Rashidi’s allies. Rashidi assists the character in donning it.
• As the Sanctum neared its completion, the yuan-ti
turned on Rashidi, capturing him and sealing him
within his own device where he was used as an
arcane battery. This device, the Orrery, controlled
a field misguiding divination magic. The field could
be focused on any region in the world.
• Rashidi can’t assist with the fight with the Thayans
or yuan-ti for the Soulmonger shard. He must tend
to the Obsidian Sanctum, or it will collapse on
everyone due to the effects of the Soulmonger’s
proximity. He must tend to emergency repairs.
Rashidi can casts mass cure wounds and cure wounds
(6th level) once each.
Roleplaying Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath
Rashidi is a merchant of arcane knowledge, selling and
trading across the planes. He is overly polite but pragmatic
with an appreciation for clever humor. He sided with the azer
and was punished for it by a sultana who trapped him within
an object where he was forced to grant wishes to mortals.
During this time, he came to respect mortals for their
tenacity and potential, and he beget a fire genasi bloodline
known as the line of Rathiman.
After winning his freedom, he went about plotting his
revenge. With the help of the yuan-ti, he was able to ambush
and capture the sultana in a suit of magical armor. In return
for their assistance, he constructed the Obsidian Sanctum.
However, as it neared its completion, the yuan-ti betrayed
and imprisoned him. There he waits still.
Quote: “You mortals hold the potential to burn as bright as
any fire, however brief and bright your flame.”
There is a chest hidden on the Ethereal Plane with
10,000 gp worth of magical parts. Rashidi also gifts
the characters with his suit of efreeti chain. The
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 18
Part 3. The Grand Shrine within the grand shrine not resistant or immune to
necrotic damage becomes vulnerable to necrotic
Estimated Duration: 60 minutes
damage (creatures maintain their necrotic immunity
Wards. Corrupted, forbiddance gone, Obsidian
or resistance).
Sanctum Effects occur very frequently (DM’s
The Ziggurat
Story Beat A single staircase facing the entrance to the chamber
In this part, the adventurers must stop the zulkirs from ascends to the top the structure where the
obtaining the Soulmonger shard and teleporting away. During Soulmonger shard waits before the gaping maw of
the final encounter, the Sanctum wards fail and the complex the snake.
begins to crumble. An ancient guardian awakens to thwart
both the Red Wizards and adventurers. Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes
Status: Turbulent, every minute requires a DC 15 Intelligence
save or be ejected to the Material Plane, taking 14 (4d6) force
N. Dendar’s Shrine damage.
Read the following when the adventurers enter the This chamber reveals words of praise to Dendar and
final room where the Soulmonger shard is kept: pronouncements of its dread arrival to Toril. Part of the
writing reveals that the massive serpent in the room is
imbued with Dendar’s will. This grants advantage on Initiative
You pass through a doorway to stand in a chamber that is
checks when the Obsidian Behemoth animates.
truly enormous, a hemisphere stretching hundreds of feet. At Also shown in the Ethereal is where the collapses will
the center is a five-level ziggurat of red stone. A statue of a occur, or how to cause them. Adventurers seeing this and
colossal serpent wraps around each level to rise above the relaying the information to their companions make it so allies
uppermost floor where it looks down at the stairs, its mouth automatically dodge the damage in the Crumbling Ceiling
open. event. They also automatically critically hit the ceiling to
Upon a glowing dais on the top level is the Soulmonger cause collapses.
The zulkirs may also use this against the adventurers, DM’s
shard, set before the gaping maw of the statue. The entropic
force pouring from the shard is palpable. It fills the whole of
the immense chamber with a nauseating sensation. Read once the Red Wizards notice the adventurers,
The last of the yuan-ti defenders are dead, their bodies which happens automatically once the adventurers
strewn around the base of the ziggurat. At the base of the enter the chamber unless precautions are taken,
such as stealth (the Thayan archmagi have true
stairs is a squad of Thayan wizards and knights, along with a
seeing cast on themselves, so can perceive both the
pair of stone golems.
Border Ethereal and invisible creatures):
Deep cracks mar the domed ceiling and walls, and lava
oozes from the wounds as magical energy sparks around it.
“Of course,” one of the Red Wizard’s sighs. “Why wouldn’t
Large blocks have fallen throughout the chamber. And other
adventurers show up now? Sorry to spoil your heroics but the
sections look ready to collapse.
yuan-ti are dead, their serpent lords defeated. You can leave.
We did your work for you.” The Red Wizard studies you for a
The adventurers enter onto a 60-foot wide landing second, “Wait. I know who you are.”
from which a 15-foot wide staircase descends into a
600-foot wide, 300-foot high chamber. A towering
ziggurat rises at the center. It has five levels and The two zulkirs leading the Red Wizards are Vallrath
each level is 20 feet tall. There are four Thayan Sakar (zulkir of evocation), and Akhara Nihil (zulkir
knights here, along with two Red Wizard zulkirs, of conjuration). Akhara carries an opal amulet
and two stone golem guardians. Additionally, the capable of drawing and containing the power of the
dormant Obsidian Behemoth waits. Soulmonger. Each zulkir has 5,000 gp of spell
The fallen blocks may grant full or partial cover or components.
be thrown or otherwise interacted with. The ceiling Have the Thayan zulkirs mention some of the
may also be targeted above enemies to cause a exploits of the adventurers. At such high levels, the
collapse (DM’s discretion, see Battlefield adventurers would have accomplished significant
Complications). deeds, defeated mighty foes, and recovered
The entropic force spilling from the Soulmonger renowned treasures. Their exploits are things of
shard is palpable here, crumbling the walls, slowing legend.
the very heartbeats of living creatures. Any creature
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 19
Parleying with the Zulkirs The Thayan force should fight to the bitter end.
The Red Wizards will feign diplomacy, asking for a Facing Szass Tam with failure would provoke a fate
cease fire, to delay the adventurers as the Red far worse than death.
Wizards warband moves into a tactically superior
position. A DC 22 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals Adjusting the Fight
this. The Red Wizards will answer a few questions to Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat
buy themselves time: encounter. These are not cumulative.
• Very Weak: Remove two Thayan knights.
• If asked why they are here, they say the yuan-ti
• Weak: Replace a Thayan knight with a stone golem
posed a threat and were trying to summon guardian.
Dendar, the Eater of Worlds. Also, a number of • Strong: Add two Thayan knights.
yuan-ti purebloods had infiltrated Thayan society • Very Strong: Add two Thayan knights and a Red Wizard
and the Red Wizards wanted to know what secrets zulkir.
were leaked to them and how many spies they had
in Thay (this is actually true).
• They work for Szass Tam, the Grand Patriarch of Battlefield Complications
Thay. The Council of Eight Zulkirs are beholden to In addition to the Obsidian Sanctum Events (which
him. can also affect the Thayans and Obsidian Behemoth),
• If asked about the wizards at the entrance, the the walls and ceilings of the chamber are weakening.
archmagi pretend concern and ask if they are well. Sections of the walls or ceiling can be also
• If asked about the Soulmonger, the archmagi feigns collapsed from an attack. Each 10-foot cubic section
little interest, asking “what could a broken thing has AC 19, 100 hit points, and is immune to poison
be worth? And why are adventurers interested in and psychic damage.
something like that?” This countdown should start once the adventurers
Working under the dangerous and mad Szass Tam enter the chamber but use whatever is most
has made many of the zulkirs accustomed to acts of dramatic or most appropriate for the party’s
sycophancy. The Thayans attempt to flatter the composition (DM’s discretion).
heroes, talking of their deeds and feats. Again, this is
merely to buy time for more spells or moving into a Round 2. Crumbling Ceiling
tactical position to exploit the adventurers party At the end of the second round, the following
makeup. If they notice ranged adventurers, they occurs:
move into full or partial cover. Likewise, if they
notice casters, they spread out to avoid area A quake thunders through the chamber, causing chunks to
effecting spells, but each archmage stays within 60 break and fall from the walls and ceiling. The rocks smash
feet of at least two Thayan knights. If flattery fails, into the floor with an ear-splitting crack and a cloud of dust.
threats are tried. It works well on their slaves and
Each adventurer must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity
Red Wizards, especially archmagi, are incredibly
save or takes 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage and be
arrogant and narcissistic beings. However, the
knocked prone. These chunks can be used as islands
adventurers are not beings to be trifled with lightly,
when the chamber floods with lava on round 8.
and the archmagi, with their Intelligence of 20,
understand that they need every edge in this battle.
After all, how many foes have fallen before these Round 4. The Behemoth Awakens
At the end of the fourth round, or if the obsidian
behemoth is targeted by an attack, the following
Red Wizard Tactics
The Thayan zulkirs are mindful of the protections
they gain by staying within 60 feet of their knights The great chamber rumbles a second time, and then before
and will only move away under extreme conditions. your eyes the statue of the serpent coiled hundreds of feet
The Thayan knights, too, will do their best to stay around the ziggurat begins to shift, then move. Its eyes flare
within 60 feet of their masters. to life with terrible light and it turns its head to look upon you
The Thayans try to use the ziggurat’s narrow with hate.
stairs the to their advantage, summoning barriers
and walls, bottlenecking the adventurers, using area
of effect spells, knocking the adventurers down, etc.
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The obsidian behemoth awakens to guard the creature finishes a long rest. Creatures whose hit
Soulmonger shard—attacking the closest target, points are reduced to 0 in this manner have their
Thayan or adventurer. The shard can’t be drained by souls devoured and can’t be returned to life except
the adventurers or Thayans until the behemoth is via true resurrection or wish.
defeated. Protection from evil and good and similar spells
may grant advantage on saving throws against this
Round 8. The Chamber Floods damage.
At the end of the eighth round, the following occurs: The shard is magically set in place and can’t be
removed without dispel magic (DC 19), knock, a
A section of a wall splits open and a gout of lava bursts forth. chime of opening, or similar effect.
Molten rock begins to flood the chamber. When the zulkir’s opal amulet is used on the
Soulmonger (takes one action and requires a DC 18
Intelligence check), the item glows brightly and
A foot of lava accumulates on the chamber floor at draws the power of the Soulmonger into it. When
the end of every round after the eighth. Direct this happens, the shard is deactivated, and the
contact does 44 (8d10) fire damage. The safest necrotic aura is dispelled.
ground is the ziggurat, which is held by the Red Once the Thayan forces and Obsidian Behemoth
Wizards. However, clever adventurers can clog or are defeated and the Soulmonger shard obtained,
plug the leaks, stopping the lava, with spells or read the following:
debris, DM’s discretion. There are 1d6 leaks and
allow reasonable strategies to temporarily plug one
You drain the Soulmonger shard, sealing its power. It no
or more leaks for a few rounds.
longer pulses with a sick glow. You no longer feel its
Adjusting the Fight malignant magic pulling at your life-force, that cold and
Here are recommendations for adjusting this combat nauseating sensation twisting your gut.
encounter. These are not cumulative. The chamber continues to shake, pieces of jagged obsidian
• Very Weak: The obsidian behemoth has 375 hit points. falling from the ceiling to splash in the lava below, which
• Weak: The obsidian behemoth has 450 hit points. continues to seethe and rise.
• Strong: The obsidian behemoth has 525 hit points.
• Very Strong: The obsidian behemoth has 600 hit points. Give the adventurers a chance to make their way out
of the crumbling chamber. If they encounter too
Round 12. Flight of the Zulkirs much difficulty, have Rashidi appear in a burst of
If any of the zulkirs remain alive, at the end of the flames atop the stairs. He shouts a word of command
twelfth round read the following: and the lava slows, dims, and then cools. The
chamber stills.
A zulkir reaches the top of the ziggurat and the Soulmonger Read the following:
shard and begins an incantation. The air around the
archmage warps and flashes. As you reach the stairs and make your way out of the lava-
filled room, you find the efreeti lord Rashidi waiting for you.
If the zulkir takes no damage from the characters for He bows politely. “I am sad to see my work undone, but such
an entire round, the zulkir captures the shard’s is the burden of the immortal. I would be untruthful if I said I
energy in the opal amulet and casts teleport. do not crave to test the power of that artifact for myself, but
If the zulkirs obtain the shard, the adventurers death surrounds it, undoing those who seek to exploit it.
receive In the Hands of the Enemy Story Award. Many powerful entities pursue it also and I think it prudent
The rest of the adventurer proceeds as written. not to make myself an enemy of them, or of you.” He bows
again. “I am going to bury this Obsidian Sanctum in lava, let it
The Soulmonger Shard sit until I find the time to repair it.
Creatures who starts their turn within 10 feet of the “It would appear I was correct to choose you as the new
shard must succeed a DC 18 Constitution save or guardians of the armor. I hope it serves you well. Call upon
take 22 (4d10) necrotic damage (remember the
my court when you need my assistance or if you find yourself
vulnerability to necrotic damage caused by the
visiting the City of Brass.”
presence of the foul thing) and find their maximum
hit points reduced by an amount equal to the
necrotic damage taken. This reduction lasts until the
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 21
If he hasn’t already, the efreeti Prince Rashidi al-
Zahar ibn Rath bestows the suit of efreeti chain upon
the adventurers, and thanks them for their
Each adventurer who assists in recovering the
zulkir’s opal pendant and capturing the Soulmonger’s
energy earns The Opal Pendant Story Award.
Each of the two zulkirs carry spell components
worth 5,000 gp.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 22
Rewards magic item, the DM can determine who gets it
randomly should the group be unable to decide.
Make sure players note their rewards on their
Permanent magic items are divided according to
adventure log sheets. Give your name and DCI
a system detailed in the D&D Adventurers League
number (if applicable) so players can record who
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
ran the session.
Efreeti Chain
Experience (Min/Max: 20,250/27,000 ea.) Armor (chain mail), legendary (requires attunement)
Total up all combat experience earned for defeated While wearing this armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC,
foes and divide by the number of characters present you are immune to fire damage, and you can
in the combat. For non-combat experience, the understand and speak Primordial. In addition, you
rewards are listed per character. can stand on and walk across molten rock as if it
Combat Awards were solid ground.
Name of Foe XP Per Foe This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
Archmage 8,400 Guide. See Player Handout 3 for more details.
Golem Guardian 5,900
Greater Devourer 10,000 Potion of Flying
Obsidian Behemoth 15,000 Potion, very rare
Obsidian Golem 5,900 This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
Red Wizard Zulkir 8,400 Guide.
Thayan Knight 3,900
Warlord 8,400 Scroll of Regenerate
Yuan-ti Anathema 8,400 Scroll, very rare
This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
Non-Combat Awards Guide.
Task or Accomplishment XP Per Character
Aiding the wounded Thayans 5,000
Scroll of Resurrection
Scroll, very rare
This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s
The characters receive the following treasure, Guide.
divided up amongst the party. Treasure is divided as
evenly as possible. Gold piece values listed for
sellable gear are calculated at their selling price, not
Story Awards
their purchase price. During the course of this adventure, the characters
may earn the following story award:
Treasure Awards The Opal Pendant. You captured part of the
Item Name GP Value Soulmonger’s energy within a magic opal pendant
C. Outside the Sanctum 3,000 taken from a Thayan zulkir. At some point in the
E. Dormitory treasure 2,000 future, you and your allies will need to deal with this
F. Thayan treasure 10,000 nefarious device permanently. This story award is
F. Yuan-ti treasure 18,000 found in Player Handout 1.
F. Ethereal chest 7,000 In the Hands of the Enemy. You failed to recover
G. Jewelry and relics 15,000 the opal pendant from the Thayan zulkirs and lost
I. Heavy statue and reagents 12,000 the Soulmonger fragment. At some point in the
J. Treasure and components 40,000 future, you and your allies will need to deal with the
J. Ethereally hidden treasure 10,000 Soulmonger permanently. Since you don’t possess
M. Ethereally hidden treasure 10,000 the opal pendant, you’ll face a greater struggle. This
N. Zulkir spell components 10,000 story award is found in Player Handout 2.
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Player Rewards
For completing the adventure, each character
receives downtime and renown as described in the
D&D Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide
(ALDMG). In addition, they may receive additional
renown as follows:
Members of the Zhentarim that made two
goodwill efforts towards the Red Wizards earn one
additional renown point.
Members of the Harpers that obtained two items
or pieces of information pertaining to the Orrery,
and then turned it off or stopped it, earn one
additional renown point.
Members of the Order of the Gauntlet (rank 2
or higher) that defeat the Orrery guardians and
learn the secrets of the Sanctum’s architecture earn
one additional renown point and completion of a
secret mission.
DM Rewards
In exchange for running this adventure, you earn DM
Rewards as described in the D&D Adventurers
League Dungeon Master’s Guide (ALDMG).
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 24
Appendix. Dramatis Personae
The following NPCs and locations are featured
prominently in this adventure:
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Appendix. Monster/NPC Statistics Malagors, Greater Devourer (Devourer)
Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
10 (+0) 14(+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) Damage Immunities poison; immune to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6 aren't silver
Skills Arcana +13, History +13 Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses passive Perception 12 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Abyssal, Languages Abyssal, Common, telepathy 120 ft.
Celestial, Infernal Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Magic Resistance. The archmage has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Multiattack. The devourer makes two claw attacks and
Spellcasting. The archmage is an 18th-level spellcaster. can use either Imprison Soul or Soul Rend.
Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
+9 to hit with spell attacks). The archmage can cast target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 36
disguise self and invisibility at will and has the following (maximum) (6d6) necrotic damage.
wizard spells prepared: Imprison Soul. The devourer chooses a living humanoid
with 0 hit points that it can see within 30 feet of it.
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, That creature is teleported inside the devourer’s
prestidigitation, shocking grasp ribcage and imprisoned there. A creature imprisoned in
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, shield, mage armor*, this manner has disadvantage on death saving throws.
magic missile If it dies while imprisoned, the devourer regains 25 hit
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, mirror image, points, immediately recharges Soul Rend, and gains an
misty step additional action on its next turn. Additionally, at the
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, haste, lightning bolt start of its next turn, the devourer regurgitates the
4th level (3 slots): banishment, fire shield, ice storm slain creature as a bonus action, and the creature
5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, dominate person, wall becomes an undead. If the victim had 2 or fewer Hit
of force Dice, it becomes a zombie. If it had 3 to 5 Hit Dice, it
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning becomes a ghoul. Otherwise, it becomes a wight. A
7th level (1 slot): teleport devourer can imprison only one creature at a time.
8th level (1 slot): mind blank* Soul Rend (Recharge 4-6). The devourer creates a
9th level (1 slot): meteor swarm vortex of life-draining energy in a 20-foot radius
centered on itself. Each humanoid in that area must
*The archmage casts mind blank and mage armor make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 80
spells on itself before combat (maximum) (8d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. Increase the
damage by 10 for each living humanoid with 0 hit
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, points in that area.
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 +
2) piercing damage.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 26
Obsidian Behemoth restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by
Gargantuan construct, unaligned using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
one target. Hit: 23 (3d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 420 (20d20 + 200)
Speed 30 ft. Poison Breath (Recharge 4-6). The obsidian behemoth
exhales poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
30 (+10) 11 (+0) 30 (+10) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 1 (−5) throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that Legendary Actions
aren't adamantine The obsidian behemoth can take 3 legendary actions,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned action option can be used at a time and only at the end
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 of another creature's turn. The obsidian behemoth
Languages Understands Abyssal but can't speak regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
• Attack. The obsidian behemoth makes one slam
Fire Absorption. Whenever the obsidian behemoth is
subjected to fire damage, it takes no damage and
• Move. The obsidian behemoth moves up to half its
instead regains a number of hit points equal to the fire
damage dealt.
• Chomp (Costs 2 Actions). The obsidian behemoth
Immutable Form. The obsidian behemoth is immune to makes one bite attack.
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the obsidian
behemoth fails a saving throw, it can choose to
succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The obsidian behemoth has
advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The obsidian behemoth’s weapon
attacks are magical.
Multiattack. The obsidian behemoth makes three slam
attacks. It also makes one bite or uses Poison Breath
each turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 26 (3d10 + 10) piercing damage. If the
against a Large or smaller creature, it must make a DC
19 Dexterity save or be swallowed. While swallowed,
the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total
cover against attacks and other effects outside the
obsidian behemoth, and it takes 56 (16d6) acid damage
at the start of each of the obsidian behemoth's turns. If
the obsidian behemoth takes 60 damage or more on a
single turn from a creature inside it, the obsidian
behemoth must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution
saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all
swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within
10 feet of the obsidian behemoth. If the obsidian
behemoth dies, a swallowed creature is no longer
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 27
Obsidian Golem
Large construct, unaligned
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 255 (17d10 + 85)
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. The golem makes two slashing attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (3d10 + 6) slashing damage.
Slow (Recharge 5–6). The golem targets one or more
creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this
magic. On a failed save, a target can't use reactions, its
speed is halved, and it can't make more than one
attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take
either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both.
These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 28
Red Wizard Zulkir The energy has the same level as the spell when it was
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment cast. The magical tattoos store up to 20 levels of
energy. Once the magical tattoos absorb 20 levels of
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) energy, they can't absorb more. If the zulkir is targeted
Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18) by a spell that the magical tattoos can't store, the
Speed 30 ft. magical tattoos have no effect on that spell.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 29
Stone Golem Guardian Thayan Knight
Large construct, unaligned Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
22(+6) 9 (−1) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 11 (+0) 1 (−5) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +5
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that Skills Athletics +7, Deception +5, Intimidation +5
aren't adamantine Senses passive Perception 12
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Languages any one language (usually Common)
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10 Aura of Warding. Ancient magic lies so heavily upon
Languages understands Abyssal but can’t speak the Thayan knights that their aura forms an eldritch
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) ward. A Thayan knight and friendly creatures within 10
Golem Binding. The golem guardian is magically bound feet of the knight have resistance to damage from
to the Red Wizard that created it. As long as the golem spells.
guardian and its wizard are on the same plane of Tattoo Binding. The Thayan knight is magically bound
existence, the Red Wizard can telepathically call the to any Red Wizard zulkir within 60 feet. If the Thayan
guardian to travel to it, and the guardian knows the knight is within 60 feet of a Red Wizard zulkir, the
distance and direction to the wizard. Thayan knight can use his or her reaction to transfer
Golem Shield. When a creature makes an attack half of any damage the zulkir takes (rounded up) to the
against the golem guardian's Red Wizard, as a reaction Thayan knight. This effect lasts until the beginning of
the golem guardian grants a +2 bonus to the wizard’s the Thayan knight’s next turn, and the effect ends if
AC if the golem guardian is within 5 feet of the wizard. the Thayan knight is unconscious, incapacitated, or
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or slain.
effect that would alter its form. Spellcasting. The Thayan knight is a 10th-level
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
throws against spells and other magical effects. save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It has the
following paladin spells prepared:
Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are
1st level (4 slots): command, protection from evil and
Actions good, thunderous smite
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks. 2nd level (3 slots): branding smite, find steed
3rd level (2 slots): blinding smite, dispel magic
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Actions
Slow (Recharge 5–6). The golem targets one or more
Multiattack. The Thayan knight makes three weapon
creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target
must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this
magic. On a failed save, a target can't use reactions, its Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
speed is halved, and it can't make more than one one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the Dreadful Aspect (Recharges after a Short or Long
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Rest). The Thayan knight exudes magical menace. Each
effect on itself on a success. enemy within 30 feet of the Thayan knight must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
frightened for 1 minute. If a frightened target ends its
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 30
turn more than 30 feet away from the Thayan knight, Yuan-Ti Anathema
the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the Large monstrosity, neutral evil
effect on itself on a success.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Warlord Hit Points 189 (18d12 + 72)
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 18 (plate) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108) 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 20 (+5)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +5
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +7, Con +8 Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Perception +5, Perception 17
Persuasion +8 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic
Senses passive Perception 15 Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Languages Common, Abyssal Innate Spellcasting (Anathema Form Only). The
Challenge 12 (8,400) anathema’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
Indomitable (3/Day). The warlord can reroll a saving save DC 17). It can innately cast the following spells,
throw it fails. It must use the new roll. requiring no material components:
Survivor. The warlord regains 10 hit points at the start
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point but fewer hit At will: animal friendship (snakes only)
points than half its hit point maximum. 3/day each: darkness, entangle, fear, haste, suggestion,
Actions 1/day: divine word
Multiattack. The warlord makes two weapon attacks.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 Magic Resistance. The anathema has advantage on
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range Ophidiophobia Aura. Any creature of the anathema’s
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. choice, other than a snake or a yuan-ti, that starts its
turn within 30 feet of the anathema and can see or
Legendary Actions hear it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
or become frightened of snakes and yuan-ti. A
The warlord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the
from the options below. Only one legendary action
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the
another creature’s turn. The warlord regains spent
effect ends for it, the target is immune to this aura for
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
the next 24 hours.
• Weapon Attack. The warlord makes a weapon Shapechanger. The anathema can use its action to
attack. polymorph into a Huge giant constrictor snake, or back
• Command Ally. The warlord targets one ally it can into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each
see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
the warlord, the target can make one weapon attack transformed.
as a reaction and gains advantage on the attack roll.
Six Heads. The anathema has advantage on Wisdom
• Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The warlord targets (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being
one enemy it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, or
can see and hear it, the target must succeed on a DC knocked unconscious.
16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the
end of warlord’s next turn.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 31
Multiattack (Anathema Form Only). The anathema
makes two claw attacks, one constrict attack, and one
Flurry of Bites attack.
Claw (Anathema Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
+10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6)
slashing damage.
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15
ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6)
bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage, and the
target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple
ends, the target is restrained and takes 16 (3d6 + 6)
bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage at the
start of each of its turns, and the anathema can’t
constrict another target.
Flurry of Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 27 (6d6 + 6) piercing damage
plus 14 (4d6) poison damage.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 32
Map. Sanctum Overview
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Map. Area C (Entrance)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 34
Map. Area E (Junction)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 35
Map. Area F (East Dorm)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 36
Map. Area G (West Dorm)
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Map. Area I/J (Fissure)
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Map. Area M (The Orrery)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 39
Map. Area N (Grand Shrine)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 40
Map. Optional 2
(Binding Chamber)
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 41
Appendix. Optional Encounters damage to the Obsidian Sanctum, to assess if it was
in danger of collapsing and flooding with lava. She
These encounters are optional and increase play
was also discerning how the Sanctum’s wards
time. Each offer roleplay opportunities that impact
stretched to adjacent realms.
the adventure by providing mechanical advantages.
She scouted the Ethereal Plane realm and the
These optional encounters don’t provide any
Elemental Plane of Fire before journeying into the
additional rewards but do provide an additional
Shadowfell, where she encountered the terrible
opportunity to progress a faction assignment.
darkness drawn to the Soulmonger shard. She was
ambushed by creatures but managed to battle them
1. Allara, The Thayan Ghost (Optional) back before succumbing to her wounds. Now her
Story Beat ghost clings to her body, refusing to leave it. In the
In this optional encounter, the adventurers meet a ghost gloom, something hungry pulls at her spirit.
seeking help. Her body is lost in the Shadowfell and she seeks Anyone proficient in Perception notices that the
to be returned to this world and raised from the dead before woman is wearing Red Wizard robes and is marked
it is too late. She offers aid and information in return. by tattoos revealing her to be an abjurer. She is
begging for help.
Navigating environmental dangers:
Prime Material: Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur frequently Communicating with Allara’s Ghost
here, as frequent as every 10 minutes. A DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals this
Shadowfell: Dark and lightless. Succeed on a DC 18 woman to be a ghost seeking help from the living.
Constitution save or take 16 (3d10) necrotic damage per turn. She can only speak briefly between flashing between
This damage reduces maximum hit points. Spells such as the two planes. She asks an adventurer to let her
daylight guard against the damage.
possess the adventurer so she can speak more
Estimated Duration: 20 minutes clearly. This isn’t a trick. Adventurers may devise
Wards. Corrupted, forbiddance gone, divinations other methods to stabilize communication.
blocked, Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur more Her name is Allara Aliskaara (lawful neutral
frequently (DM’s discretion) ghost). If they are able to scan her thoughts or
This encounter may be placed in any hallway with emotions, they quickly learn she is sincere and
the appropriate modifications to the scenery: completely terrified and desperate. Despite her
damaged walls and planar openings. dread, she is honest and forthright. She tells them
Before the adventurers have a chance to leave the the following after imploring them for rescue:
passageway they are contacted by a desperate ghost.
• She frantically pleads for her body to be brought
Read the following when the event occurs:
back and raised from the dead. Her body is
undamaged, and she has only been dead a few
Amid the flashes of magical energy and heat distortion, you hours, she thinks.
periodically see the ghostly image of a young woman • The darkness collecting in the Shadowfell was far
motioning desperately at you, as if pleading for help. Each greater than she anticipated when she shifted
appearance of her is proceeded by a profound sadness and over. Something in it ambushed her. She was able
painful loneliness, the feelings squeeze at your chest and, to chase it away but succumbed to her wounds
even with the heat, a chill runs across your skin. It is clear the afterwards.
woman is in distress. • She can sense something in the Shadowfell
hungrily pulling at her soul.
Obsidian Sanctum Effects occur every 10 minutes of • If they save her, she will happily assist them in any
in game time in this location. way she can. She can provide minor magical aid
and information.
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes • She was trying to ascertain how long the wards
Status: Turbulent, every minute requires a DC 15 Intelligence would hold and how deep they spread to keep the
save or be ejected to the Material Plane, taking 14 (4d6) Sanctum safe. If the wards touched adjacent
force damage. planes, such as the Ethereal Plane realm, the
There are access points between the Shadowfell and Elemental Plane of Fire, and the Shadowfell, the
Border Ethereal that remain open. The magical damage to complex could remain functional, and could even
the Sanctum is much more apparent in the Ethereal Plane. be repaired.
In the clinging darkness of the Shadowfell lies the
body of a Red Wizard who sought to examine the
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 42
• Something has caused magical entropy and Once Allara is brought back (lawful neutral
damage to the wards. It also called the terrible archmage), she offers to help the adventurers in
darkness in the Shadowfell. what way she can, but she is too weak, and it is far
• This same source of necromantic power has torn a too dangerous to accompany them. She can cast fire
hole into the Shadowfell (see Entrance to the shield or true seeing for the adventurers, or other
Shadowfell below). spells from the archmage spell list.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 43
If attacked, the wards binding the demon break mere presence is anathema to the living, but I can
and release the creature to strike at the adventurers. protect you from its soul eating.” A DC 22 Wisdom
If asked what the fiend’s name is, it laughs and (Insight) check reveals this to be a trick.
answers that it is Malagors the Corpse King (this, of • If the adventures release Malagors, he offers them
course, isn’t its true name but a demonic title. a vial of his blood, claiming this will protect them
Anyone fluent in Abyssal knows that Malagors from the Soulmonger shard. Imbibing the blood
means ‘Corpse King’). causes 40 (8d10) necrotic damage. Malagors
attacks once his blood is consumed. Don’t trust
Viewing the Chamber from Other Planes demons.
Status: Clam, no save required. • “Acererak, for all his power and knowledge, was
Along the walls and floor are glowing glyphs that can only blinded by his arrogance and forgot who truly
be seen from the Ethereal Plane or Shadowfell, or with the devourers souls. He caused quite the uproar in the
ability to perceive either plane. By taking 1 minute and
Abyss. He will have much to answer for. No soul
making a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check (being
promised to my lord goes missing without
attuned to a Dendar talismans grants advantage on this
check) identifies the runes as part of a powerful binding.
consequence. Acererak will learn this. Again.”
This check allows the runes to be activated with an action, • “While the undead raised by Acererak across the
which forces extraplanar creatures within the chamber to planes have pleased Orcus, the two share a
have disadvantage on all attacks, ability checks, and saving tumultuous relationship as the abyssal prince
throws for 1 minute. believes Acererak owes fealty to him. Acererak is
too powerful to bend to the demon lord’s will, and
Malagors the Corpse King Orcus can’t subdue or destroy him without leaving
A DC 24 Intelligence (Religion) check recalls himself exposed to his many hated rivals.”
information pertaining to this high-ranking demon: • “Acererak considers himself the mightiest of
entities not reliant on worship for power. He is
• The Corpse King was said to have been a human contemptuous of other liches, even Vecna. After
priest who committed countless atrocities. Orcus all, the Lord of the Spider Throne was defeated,
rewarded the priest with demonic ascension. however briefly, by Kass. Besides, you don’t hear
• The Corpse King is a terrifying entity said to have about a hand of Acererak crawling about, causing
destroyed entire cities. It is infamous for slowly trivial mischief.
devouring people before their loved ones. • “Larloch himself has allied, as he has done in the
past, with the Red Wizards especially with the
Speaking with the Corpse King Zulkir of Necromancy, Szass Tam, after taking
Malagors offers information in exchange for certain control of Thay, that petty kingdom of magic.”
things. The trades should start innocuous and cheap • “My prince will thwart his adversaries, the
and slowly build to more valuable or personal Demogorgon and that gilded narcissist Graz’zt.
offerings. Each question should require a trade, but When he does, he will send Kel’zull, a Hierophant
DMs should customize it to suit their needs: of Annihilation, to claim the Soulmonger shard.”
• 13 gp • “It was the snake blooded fools who sought to
bind me here, seeking knowledge of my master’s
• An adventurer’s ideal
plans and of the forces of the Red Wizards.”
• A solemn word to not harm Malagors
• The full names of any of the adventurers
• 653 gp worth of spell components
The Soulmonger’s Disruption
Malagors can also reveal the wide-reaching impact
• Any uncommon or higher consumable magic item of the Soulmonger’s ability to steal souls:
• A piece of religious treasure from the yuan-ti
• A single drop of blood—freely given. • As the events of the Soulmonger unfolded upon
• Freedom Toril in the jungles of Chult, the effects the device
have had on the Abyss and Hells have been
Malagors and Politics overlooked. These realms feed on souls, devouring
Some information earned via bargaining includes the the essence of mortals to give birth to the lowest
interesting relationship Orcus, Acererak, and others: forms of fiends. While both draw souls from
countless worlds of the multiverse, those destined
• “If you release me, I will assist you in slaying these for damnation do not escape easily, and never
wizards. They are both our foes. I can also teach without the attention of the dark lords, for their
you how to safely handle the Soulmonger shard. Its greed is as endless and their cruelty is ceaseless.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 44
• One of the mortals consumed by the Soulmonger Faction Assignment: Harper
had a contract with Asmodeus, and so the soul If its price is met, or it is tricked into revealing the
belonged to him, no one else—it was his to do information, Malagors can provide details on the machine
with as he saw fit, not for another to decide. Yet canceling divination magic. This counts as one of the two
Acererak’s device stole it. To the perceptions of needed progression events for this mission.
some, the mortal escaped and proved that deals
with Asmodeus can be broken. An infernal duke
Tricks of the Trade
called into question Asmodeus’s sovereignty, Interacting with the Demon. Malagors the Corpse King is a
sparking a brief civil war. During the conflict, powerful and duplicitous entity who seeks to sow misery.
Asmodeus forbad the dukes from action on Toril It will do everything it can for that end, even helping a few
until he could restore order and take for himself if it results in the suffering of many. Malagors seeks the
the Soulmonger. Soulmonger shard and may attempt to pit the adventurers
• While the Abyss has ever been a realm engulfed by against the Thayans and kill anyone who remains.
strife, prone to sudden shifts in power, as its
chaotic nature dictates, the Soulmonger’s influence
drew many. Seeing an opportunity, Graz’zt
preemptively struck at his rivals, waylaying the
Demogorgon and Orcus in hopes of weakening his
old adversaries. But unfortunately for Graz’zt, the
other princes were of a similar mind and launched
sudden attacks of their own for the same reason.
• It was Orcus who proved the strongest and was
able to send forces to Toril to hunt for the shards.
• More powers from the planes are mobilizing to
capture or destroy the shards, but such beings
tend to move slowly as their actions have such
wide consequences and there are numerous
entities waiting to exploit a rival’s distraction.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 45
Player Handout 1. Story Award
During the course of this adventure, the characters
may earn the following story award. If you are
printing these out for your characters, print as many
as you may need to ensure that any eligible
character receives a copy:
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 46
Player Handout 2. Story
During the course of this adventure, the characters
may earn the following story award. If you are
printing these out for your characters, print as many
as you may need to ensure that any eligible
character receives a copy:
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 47
Player Handout 3. Magic Item
During the course of this adventure, the characters
may find the following permanent magic item:
Efreeti Chain
Armor (chain mail), legendary (requires attunement)
While wearing this armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC,
you are immune to fire damage, and you can
understand and speak Primordial. In addition, you
can stand on and walk across molten rock as if it
were solid ground.
The efreeti Prince Rashidi al-Zahar ibn Rath
transmogrified an efreeti sultana into this delicate
suit of crimson chain mail. The wearer of this armor
always feels a slight draft, and sometimes finds it
hard to stay focused on a task. This item can be
found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
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DDAL07-15 Streams of Crimson 48