Sura 78
Sura 78
Sura 78
Sura 78
Quran isn't normal book.Every word of it has specific aim. GOD has designed
Quran mathematicaly strange.One of words that is very strange is word Amma
( ) ﻋﻢin verse 78:1.The question that arised here is "Why GOD has used word
Amma ( )ﻋﻢinstead of AnMaa ("?)ﻋﻦ ﻣﺎ
One reason is rule of arabic but it isn't only reason because GOD almighty has
designed Quran strange.It has many other reasons.
We know that Quran has a Pen and it's Pen is Nun.GOD almighty after initial
letter Nun in 68:1 points to Pen.This matter show us that Nun has miracle of pen
for Quran.
The verse 78:1 has strange word like Amma ()ﻋـﻢ.This word must be Anmaa
( )ﻋﻨﻤـﺎbut GOD has deleted one Noon from it.Pattern Nun ( )ﻧـﻮنhas 2 Noon and
one Waw.Now consider all verses that have 2 Noon and one Waw.In such state
we have 228(19*12) verses.Now consider 78:1 that has one Noon and One
Waw.If we write word Amma with Noon then the verse 78:1 would had 2 noon
and one waw and above calculation about Nun would be false.
GOD be glorified!!!
2. Harmony of Noon
The another sign that has made strange the verse 78:1 is harmony of noon. This
verse ends with noon.Consider all verses number One that ends with letter
Noon()ن.In such state we have 19 verses.
Those 19 verses:
GOD be glorified!!!
4. Mim and Be
Word Amma play strange role in this sura.We know too that Mim and Be play role
like together in Quran. Word Amma( )ﻋﻢinclude lettrer Ain and Mim.
4-1- it is very interesting that this sura (78) has 19 letter Ain.
4-2- Now consider count of Mim and Be in this sura.There are 95(19*5) letter
Mim and Be in sura 78.
GOD almighty has used word Amma( )ﻋـﻢinstead of AnMaa( )ﻋـﻦ ﻣـﺎin the verse
78:1.In all Quran GOD has used word Ammaa( )ﻋﻤـﺎwith deleting Noon except
verse 7.166.7:166 is the only verse in all Quran that is used with Noon.
Therefore the sura 7 must play important role for Nun.It is interesting that this
sura has 2432(19*128) letter Noon and Waw.
GOD be glorified!!!