Teks Moderator Bhs Inggris

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning Ladies and Gentlement, welcome to this seminar of

research proposal, entitled:


by Mr./Ms. ——— (presenter)

Let me introduce myself. My name is ———————(moderator’s name) 

and I will be serving as your moderator today.

First of all, I would like to thank to ——————— (name of the supervisor)

as supervisor and all audiences thank you for joining this seminar.

Before we start the presentation, I would like to read the sequence of this
seminar. This seminar is devided into five sessions:

1. Opening

2. Presentation

3. Discussion

4. Evaluation

5. Closing

And now , I would like to invite Mr. / Ms.———-(presenter) to present

his/her proposal, so to Mr. / Ms. ———(presenter) time is yours

That was the presentation by Mr. /Ms.————–(presenter). And now we’re
going to the next session, which is discussion. This session is devided into
two sections, and there are three questions or comments of each section.
Okey, to questioner please raise your hand and mention your name.

(————-question———————), next question (—————question


To Mr. /Ms —————-(answerer)  please answer the question (s)

Thank you to all questioners, and then we come to the evaluation session.
To Mr. /Ms.————-(evaluator/supervisor) please give your evaluation
(————————-evaluation————————–), to Mr. /Ms.————-
(evaluator/supervisor) thank you for the evaluation.

And the next evaluation will be evaluated by Mr. /Ms.————-

(evaluator/supervisor). To Mr. /Ms.————-(evaluator/supervisor) thank
you for the evaluation.

Finally we come to the last session of this seminar. Thank you to

evaluator/supervisor (s) for the evaluation, and also thank you to all
audiences for your participation.

Hopefully, the informations that we have shared today would be usefull for
all of us.

Thank you for attention,

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Bagikan ini:
Sesi 1: Pembuka
Good morning everyone.

Today, it is very special because this is the first Monday Morning Forum.
In this very special occasion, Prof. Inokawa would like to present his reasearch with the tittle
"Preminilary Study on antenna-couple bolometer utilizing SOI MOSFET".

Ok, to Prof. Inokawa the floor is yours.


Sesi 2: Tanya Jawab

Thank you Prof. Inokawa

Now let’s continue to the session questions and answers. If you have any question please raise your

Sesi 3: Penutup
Ok, before we close this Monday Morning Forum let’s give a big applause to Prof. Inokawa, thank

contoh teks moderator dalam bahasa inggris

assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

َ ‫ف ْاألَ ْنبِيَا ِء َو ْال ُمرْ َسلِ ْينَ َو َعلَى اَلِ ِه َو‬
‫صحْ بِ ِه‬ ِ ‫صالَةُ َوال َّسالَ ُم َعلَى أَ ْش َر‬
َّ ‫ْال َح ْم ُد ِهللِ َربِّ ْال َعالَ ِم ْينَ َوال‬
‫أَجْ َم ِع ْينَ أَ َّما بَ ْع ُد‬
Praise to God, let us always offer up a sense of worship and praise to Allah SWT. Who
gave his mercy and grace to us, so that we can all get together in a healthy state without
lacking in nothing.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, marilah kita senantiasa memanjatkan rasa puja dan puji syukur
kehadirat Allah SWT. Yang telah memberikan rahmat dan karunia nya kepada kita, sehingga
kita semua bisa berkumpul bersama dalam keadaan sehat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun.
blessings and greetings always we devote to the prophet Muhammad SAW. are we
waiting for his intercession on the Day of Judgment
shalawat serta salam selalu kita curahkan kepada nabi muhammad SAW. yang kita tunggu
syafa'at nya di hari akhir nanti.
As for the structure of the event this morning is as follows:
adapun susunan acara pada pagi hari ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1.      Opening (pembukaan)
2.      Presentation of Papers (penyampaian mmakalah)
3.      Question and answer session (sesi tanya jawab)
4.      Closing (penutup)
before the event we start, let us opened with readings basmallah together,
bismillahirrahmanirrahim... may be running smoothly and provide benefits to us all.
sebelum acara kita mulai, marilah kita buka dengan bacaan basmallah bersama sama, semoga
bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan manfaat bagi kita semua. Aminn
furthermore, is the presentation of a paper to be presented by ..nama.., please ...
selanjutnya, adalah penyajian makalah yang akan disampaikan oleh ....., silahkan...

The next event is a question and answer session, if there are friends who wanted to ask.
Our open two questioners. please
acara yang selanjutnya adalah sesi tanya jawab, jika teman teman ada yang ingin bertanya.
kami buka dua penanya. Silahkan
Okay, the first question is.......... (pertanyaan pertama)
And the second question is........ (pertanyaan kedua)
enough of our presentation, if no fault our presentation. we apologize for the size.
cukup sekian presentasi dari kami, apabila ada kesalahan dari presentasi kami. kami mohon
maaf yang sebesar besarnya.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Any questions maybe?

        next turn: *giliran berikutnya*
        Sillently, please! : *harap tenang*
        loudly, please!: *mohon dikeraskan*
        so wait a fiew minute!: *kalau begitu, silahkan tunggu*
        let take look at the answer of group two: *mari, kita simak jawaban dari kelompok dua*
        please mr/miss questioner have you satisfied with the answer?: *tuan/nona penanya
apakah anda sudah puas dgn jawaban yg diberikan?*
        maybe two questions is enough for us now: *mungkin cukup dengan dua pertanyaan untuk
saat ini*

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