Necro Service Guide
Necro Service Guide
Necro Service Guide
LEADER: My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are all gathered this evening to
offer our condolences to the family of the late ________________ who just passed away.
Likewise, we are going to offer our prayers for the eternal repose of his/her soul. To the
bereaved family, we are one with you this evening to express our sorrow for the loss of a
beloved father/mother/child who is now with our Lord. Let us ask God to enlighten us in
times of grief as we sing COME, HOLY SPIRIT.
II. LEADER: Let’s pause for a while and bow down our head and pray for our special
intention for the eternal repose of our brother/sister ______________.
Lord, may you grant all our prayers and wishes for _____________. We hope and
pray that he/she is now in Your kingdom. Amen
III. LEADER: Jesus said to His apostles and followers, “where there are two or three
gathered in my Name, there I am in the midst of them.”
God never fails us in whatever we ask from Him and let’s always be reminded that
beyond the clouds the sun is always shining.
LEADER: Job, a man in the Old Testament, questions God, “WHY SUFFER? WHY LOSE
OUR LOVED ONES?” He lost all his sons and daughters and he was in deep anguish and
real grief. Let us now listen to the first reading (may be read by any member of the family).
READER: First Reading, a reading from the Book of Job 19: 23-27
Oh! That my words were on a scroll or recorded on lead with an iron tool or
engraved forever on rock for I know that my redeemer lives and He, the last, will
take His stand on earth, I will be there behind my skin and in my flesh, I shall see
God. With my own eyes, I shall see Him. I, and not another. How my heart yearns.
--- This is the word of the Lord.
LEADER: Death involves all people. None of us lives for himself only. None of us dies for
himself only. We live and die for the Lord, the giver and taker of our life. Let us now listen to
the second reading (may be read by any member of the family).
READER: Second Reading, a reading from the letter of Paul to the Romans
None of us lives as his own master and none of us as his own master. While we
live, we are responsible to the Lord, and when we die, we die as his servants. Both in
life and in death we are the Lord’s. That is why Christ died and came to life again,
that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living. We all have to appear before
the judgment seat of God. It is written “as surely as I live” says the Lord, “every
knee shall bend before me and every tongue shall give praise to God.” --- This is the
word of the Lord.
Lord, make us instruments of Your love and peace, make the family and relatives of
___________ realize that in dying, _____________ is born to eternal life. Let us express this
prayer by singing THE PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS.
LEADER: We always seek the Lord even when we mortals know there is nothing that can be
done. But Martha put all her trust in Jesus for her brother to come back to life, and so we
listen to the GOSPEL.
GOSPEL READER: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John 11:11-28
ALL: Glory, to You, Oh, Lord.
GOSPEL READER: When Jesus arrived at Bethany, he found that Lazarus had already been
in the tomb for four days. The village was not far from Jerusalem – just under two
miles – and many Jewish people had come out to console Martha and Mary over their
brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet with Him while
Mary sat at home. Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother
would never have died. Even now, I am sure that God will give You whatever You ask
of Him.”
“I know he will rise again,” Martha replied, “in the resurrection on the last day.”
Jesus told her:
“I am the resurrection and the life:
Whoever believes in me, though he should die, will come to life
And whoever is alive and believes in me will never die
Do you believe this?”
“Yes, Lord,” she replied. “I have come to believe that You are the Messiah. The Son
of God, He who is to come into the world.”
LEADER: Let us turn to Christ Jesus with confidence and faith in the power of His cross and
resurrection. Let our response be: LORD, HAVE MERCY
Risen Lord, pattern of our life forever. Response: Lord, have mercy
Promise and image of what we shall be. R: Lord, have mercy
Son of God, who came to destroy sin and death. R: Lord, have mercy
Word of God, who delivered us from the fear of death. R: Lord, have mercy
Crucified Lord, forsaken in death, raised in glory. R: Lord, have mercy
Lord Jesus, gentle Shepherd who brings rest to our soul,
give peace to our brother/sister __________ R: Lord, have mercy
With one voice, may we now pray [sing] the prayer that Jesus Christ has taught us.
LEADER: Lord God, in whom all find refuge. We appeal to Your boundless mercy. Grant
to the soul of your servant _________ a kind welcome, cleansing of sin, release from the
chains of death, and entry to everlasting life. We ask these through Christ our Lord.
LEADER: Blessed are those who have died in the Lord. Let them rest from their labors for
their good deeds go with them. Eternal rest grant unto ____________, Oh, Lord
LEADER: May the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding keep your hearts and
minds in the knowledge and love of God and of His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Ligaya ko na ako’y isilang
Pagka’t tao ay mayroong dangal
Sinong may pag-ibig, sinong nagmamahal
Kung ‘di ang tao, Diyos ang pinagmulan
Chorus Hindi kita malilimutan, kailanma'y 'di pababayaan
Hindi kita malilimutan, kailanma'y 'di pababayaan (Repeat)
Lead me Lord
Lead me by the hand
And help me face the rising sun
Comfort me through all the pain that life may bring
There's no other hope that I can lean upon
Lead me Lord. Lead me all my life
Walk by me
Walk by me across the lonely roads that I may face
Take my arms and let your hand
Show me the way
Show the way to live inside your heart
All my days, all my life
You are my light
You're the lamp upon my feet
All the time, my Lord I need you there
You are my light
I cannot live alone
Let me stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
Lead me Lord
Lead me Lord
Even though at times I'd rather go along my way
Help me take the right direction, take Your road
Lead me Lord and never leave my side
All my days, all my life (Repeat Chorus)