International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology: Yanli Zhang, Dong Qing Wu
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology: Yanli Zhang, Dong Qing Wu
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology: Yanli Zhang, Dong Qing Wu
International Journal of
Pavement Research and Technology
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Received 3 May 2019; received in revised form 2 February 2020; accepted 3 February 2020; available online 19 February 2020
The Semi Rigid Pavement (SRP) is an alternative solution to overcome the limitations caused by conventional pavements, i.e. Flexible (asphalt
concrete) and Rigid (cement concrete) pavements, which consists both the flexibility from asphalt component and the rigidity from cement constituent. The
Semi Rigid Pavement has already become more and more popular for years internationally as a surface layer of those pavements under se rious conditions
such as road junctions, airport aprons, bus depots and heavy loading yards. In this paper, the fundamental propert ies and general technical requirements of
SRP, including its two main components of the porous asphalt concrete and the grouting material, were introduced after a brie fing on SRP development
history. The advantages and benefits of SRP were deduced and discussed together with the comparisons among the flexible pavement, rigid pavement and
SRP. The application/construction procedure of SRP was introduced step by step. The selected typical pavement projects constr ucted with this SRP system
were presented and some studies on special cases when SRP was laid on the top of concrete surface and on the weaker base were also conducted. Lastly, the
durability of SRP has been reviewed.
Keywords: Semi-rigid pavement (SRP); Rigid and flexible pavements; General applications; Porous asphalt concrete; High-performance cementitious
grouting material; Durability
1.2. Description of semi-rigid pavement (SRP) The high-performance polymer modified cementitious grouting
material shall consist of a dense packing of inorganic materials
SRP is a composite pavement, in which a special formulated which shall be mixed with water to form a free-flowing “cement
high-performance polymer modified cementitious grouting milk” with high internal cohesion. The most important properties
material is filled into the porous asphalt concrete (PAC) skeleton of this grouting material are the fluidity and compressive strength,
which contains 25-30% air void (by volume of Marshall mix which can be, for example, adjusted with water/powder ratio.
design). So, the most significant characteristics of SRP are its Table 2
ability to combine the ductility of asphalt and the stiffness and Components of PAC.
strengths of concrete to provide excellent running performances
and durability, easy maintenance and repair, fast installation and Components % by weight
good skid resistance, and etc. Coarse aggregates 92.9%
The thickness of SRP as wear and tear surface layer is commonly Fine aggregates 3.0%
50 mm for road junction, 100 mm for bus depot/terminal or airfield Polymer modified bitumen 3.6% - 4.6%
parking apron (50 mm per layer x 2 layers), 150 mm for airport (PG76 was used in this paper)
taxiway turning sections or other special pavements (75 mm per
Table 3
layer x 2 layers).
Particle size distribution of aggregate.
2. Component materials of SRP Sieve size Percentage passing (%) An example used for
(mm) Min Max this paper
The component materials of SRP are the porous asphalt concrete 19 100 100 100
(PAC) and the high-performance polymer modified cementitious 13.2 85 100 90.2
grouting material. 9.5 27 53 29
6.3 1 15 5
2.1. Porous asphalt concrete (PAC) 2.36 1 10 3
0.6 0 8 2
The porous asphalt concrete (PAC) is also called as the open 0.3 0 5 1
graded asphalt concrete. One of the main properties of PAC is that 0.075 0 3 0
Table 4
Coarse aggregate properties.
Property Requirement Testing method An example used for this paper
Impact Value ≤ 25% BS 812 part 112:1985 24.2%
Crushing Value ≤ 25% BS 812 part 110:1985 23.0%
Water Absorption ≤ 1% BS 812 part 2:1975 0.1%
Flakiness index ≤ 25% BS 812 part 105.1:1985 4.7%
Elongation Index ≤ 30% BS 812 part 105.2:1985 20.1%
L. A. Abrasion
(500 revolutions) ≤ 20% SS 73:1974 18.4%
298 Y. Zhang and D. Q. Wu / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 13 (2020) 296-302
shown in Table 6.
40 3.2. Installation procedure of SRP
130 Curing predetermined need to be controlled to ensure 25% to 30% air void
28 day of PAC.
110 When surface temperature of PAC drops below 60°C, the flood
7 day
filling the grouting material mixed with water into the PAC layer
90 may start. The detailed steps are shown in Fig. 5. When mixing
grouting material with water, the high speed mixer is
recommended so as to obtain smooth flowing grout.
50 1 day Mixing of the grouting material with water shall be carried out in a continuous flow mixer-pump system which shall be capable
of ensuring a continuous process of mixing and producing a
W/P Ratio
continuous and even supply of homogeneous and lump-free grout.
Fig. 2. Compressive strength of the grouting material at different Average filling quantity of grouting material into PAC per 20 m2
W/P ratio & curing age. and per whole area can be used to confirm the porosity of PAC.
Y. Zhang and D. Q. Wu / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 13 (2020) 296-302 299
Table 6
Properties of SRP with SS-141 as grouting material.
Properties Curing age Semi rigid Code of practice for Project tender- Project tender-
pavement works [13] 1 document 2 document
Compressive strength (EN 12190) 12hrs 3-5MPa --- --- ---
1day 6-8MPa --- --- ≥5 MPa
7days 9-12.0MPa --- --- ---
28days 10-14.5MPa 7-10MPa ≥7MPa ≥8MPa
Flexural strength (BS EN 12190) 28days 6-7MPa ≥3.5MPa ≥3MPa ≥3.5MPa
Texture depth by the sand patch method --- 0.5-1.2 mm 0.5-1.2 mm --- ---
(BS 598: Part 105: 1990)
Skid resistance (ASTM E303) --- 60-90BPN --- ≥60BPN ≥55 BPN
Curing time --- 4-8hrs --- 4-8hrs ---
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
Fig. 4. Laying of PAC (a) Milling of existing AC (if applicable), Fig. 5. Flood filling grouting material into PAC (a) Mixing
(b) Spraying primer coat, (c) Laying PAC to designed thickness, grouting material with water, (b) filling grouting material into
and (d) PAC surface after compaction. PAC, (c) spreading, and (d) wet surface of SPR after filling.
Fig. 6. Singapore Changi Airport parking aprons (50 mm, 2007, 1st
trial in this airport).
Fig. 9. Heavy traffic city roads and junctions (a) East end junction
of Nicoll Highways (2017), (b) South Buona Vista Road (2011),
(c) Sungei Kadut St.1 (2010).
Fig. 11. SRP on the roof concrete slabs of the building with water
proofing membrane (Bus Depot of Tuas West MRT station, 50
mm/layer x 2 layers, 2015).
Fig.13. 12-year SRP performance in a Singapore asphalt concrete
plant (a) 2005, (b) 2007, (c) 2017.
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