The Dividing Head in Milling: Mahmoud Heshmat PHD in Iesm, 2018

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Mahmoud Heshmat
PhD in IESM, 2018
Used when slots, grooves or teeth are
required to be spaced round the
circumference of a cylinder or disk.
(teeth on gears)

The Dividing Head

The Dividing Head
Indexing Using Universal Dividing Head

▪ Periodical turning of the spindle (3) is achieved by rotating the index crank (2)
▪ which transmits the motion through a worm gearing 6/4 to the WP (gear ratio 1:40;
that is, one complete revolution of the crank corresponds to 1/40 revolution of the WP)
▪ The index plate (1), having
several concentric circular
rows of accurately and equally
spaced holes, serves for
indexing the index crank (2)
through the required angle.
▪ The WP is clamped in a chuck
screwed on the spindle (3). It
can also be clamped between
two centers.
Indexing Using Universal Dividing Head

▪ The dividing head is provided with three index plates (Brown and Sharpe).
▪ The plates have the following number of holes:
▪ Plate 1: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20
▪ Plate 2: 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, and 33
▪ Plate 3: 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 47, and 49
Modes of Indexing

▪ Simple indexing
▪ The index plate (1) is fixed in position by a lock pin
(4) to be motionless.
▪ The work spindle (3) is rotated through the required
angle by rotating the index crank (2).
▪ For determining the number of index crank
revolutions n to give the number of divisions Z on the
job periphery (assuming a worm/worm gear ratio of
1:40), the kinematic balance equation is given by:

▪ It is required to determine the suitable index plates (Brown and Sharpe) and the
number of index crank revolutions n necessary for producing the following spur gears
of teeth number 40, 30, and 37 teeth.
▪ Solution:

▪ The crank should be rotated one complete revolution to produce one gear tooth. Any
index plate and any circle of holes can be used.

▪ It is required to determine the suitable index plates (Brown and Sharpe) and the
number of index crank revolutions n necessary for producing the following spur gears
of teeth number 40, 30, and 37 teeth.
▪ Solution:

▪ Then choose plate 1 (Brown and Sharpe) and select the circle of 18 holes. The crank
should be rotated one complete revolution plus 6 holes out of 18.

▪ It is required to determine the suitable index plates (Brown and Sharpe) and the
number of index crank revolutions n necessary for producing the following spur gears
of teeth number 40, 30, and 37 teeth.
▪ Solution:

▪ Choose the plate 3 and select the hole circle 37. The crank should be rotated one
complete revolution plus 3 holes out of 37.
The Adjustable Selector

▪ To avoid errors in counting the number of holes, the adjustable selector on the index
plate should be used.
See You Next Lecture

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