Interview GRUPO BIMBO Inter

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About Grupo Bimbo

Grupo Bimbo is the biggest Mexican food corporation and the largest bakery in the
world with brands in Latin America, Europe, China, United States, Canada and
Puerto Rico.

Grupo Bimbo

México E. U. A. Latin America: Europa:

Argentina Austria
Brasil Republica Checa
Costa Rica
El Salvador

It is one of the top bakers in the world as well, with some 35% of its sales taking
place outside of Mexico. Grupo Bimbo produces bread, cookies, and tortillas under
the Tia Rosa, Bimbo, Wonder, and Marinela brands. It also makes snack foods
under the Barcel brand and candies under the Ricolino brand. Not content with
dominating the Latin American bread markets
2. What is your position within your sector of activity (competitive
Today it is one of the most important baking companies in brand and trademark
positioning, sales, and production volume around the world.

The company is currently #5 among the largest food corporations in the world,
just behind Unilever, Sara Lee, Kraft Foods and Nestlé. The company has plans to
become the world's largest bread manufacturing

3. What kind of clients do you address and what they expect of your

The main clients of this brand are the big chains od supermarkets, hypermarkets,
convenience stores, some restaurants like Burger King, Mc Donald’s, Kentucky
Fried Chicken, and Mexican institutes like DIF Institute of family development and
Bimbo has some specific requirements to distribute to each one.

4. What make your product or service specific/attractive compare to the

competitor product?

Concerning this point is because this brand is always taking care about its
products, so it has one of the best team to do it, and also has the best people to do
it, because the sellers and the drivers of the distribute cars, are well enabled to in
the best way their job.
Quality and price: since the beginning this brand thought to offer products with the
best quality, and every day is taking care about it, so the have a good wuality
control concerning hygiene, the maintenance of the production equipment and the
qualification of the employees.

All this points makes the brand one of the most recognized among the consumers
because of the quality, the good taste and the good price.
5. What your company do to make customers understand the value of your

We offer a simple product, but with the aim about offer the best product fresh and
with the best quality.

6. Which characteristics of your products do you promote to show their

value? (price, quality, after sales services)

We try to promote the natural components, the nutritional facts that our products
have, and the quality of our products.

7. What is your best seller in your range of product?

Our best seller is the white bread, which is the first product that the company
began to sell, with this product the company grows and after it, the brand began to
diversify producing and offering new products.

8. Why do you think this product is a successful?

Because we provide the freshest and highest quality

9. What do you do to continue to be successful regarding your competitor?

To keep the compromise commitment is to be a highly productive and completely

humane company, as well as to be innovative, competitive and oriented to the full
satisfaction of its customers and consumers.

 Passion for Serving the Customer

 Relentless Focus on Efficiency
 Executing with Excellence
 Commitment to Integrity, Hard Work and Teamwork
 Opportunity for Advancement Through Individual Initiative and
 Be the leading baker in every customer, in every market, in every
category in which we compete
 Provide the freshest, highest quality products in every segment
 Build a high-performance organization with empowered people working in
an injury-free workplace and driving innovation throughout our business

10. How the customer give expression to process of selling? (Do they
negotiate, are they aware of the value? Are there complaints about

Obout the process of selling the first thing the company do is to contact the client,
after that we go directly to talk with them and negociate and talk about the products
and explain all the information about it, also we talk about what kind of product they
need, and after that we establish all the requirements and the specifications of the
sell and we make something like a contract with them.

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