3 Divine Helpers

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Praying For The 3 Divine Helpers You Need to Achieve

the Remaining 70% of Your Potentials

2679 Howard Ave. Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2, Canada

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Strictly Confidential: 7-Day Prayer Riot for 24-Hour Blog Eagles

From: elisha Sunday, 6:00 AM

Dear Fellow Prayer Eagle,

Calvary greetings.

Welcome to this brand-new season of prayers entitled:

Praying For The 3 Divine Helpers You Need

to Achieve 70% of Your Potentials

You are receiving this Blueprint because at some point in the past
16 years you made the decision to join the Prayer Academy (PA).

You may have joined other prayer marathons after that (very
commendable) but the PA is the reason why you now have
access to this prayer.

You are in for an advanced prayer session which would be hard

for anyone without the proper foundation to pray through

We begin with prayers.

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Please find a quiet place where you can pray for 5 minutes
without being distracted.

Close your eyes and take these 3 prayers with fire in your voice:

1. I command the stars into war; O Heavens fight for me in the name
of Jesus.
2. Every demonic conspiracy to disconnect me from my place of
blessing, be scattered by fire in the name of Jesus.
3. Holy Spirit anointing, fill me to overflowing in the name of Jesus.


You are going to love this.

Especially if you are an active participant in the Forum.

I log in everyday (and you should too) for a reason I’m about to
reveal shortly.

A few weeks ago, I was reading through the praise reports and
war stories from Eagles all over the world.

I came across a post entitled:


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It was posted by Eagle Mercy L.

A single parent with 3 kids, she had applied to be granted leave/

status in the U.K.

After four years the LORD came through for her.

Reading through her long testimony…

… I was reminded of an incident which took place 4 years ago in

the same UK.

One prayer warrior brother had applied to be granted status.

His application was rejected multiple times.

Finally, he was served with deportation papers.

After putting up a legal fight which drained him of all his resources
he had no option but to give up.

That eventful morning, he showed at the immigration office at

Heathrow Airport.

As his deportation papers were being processed, he suddenly

remembered a prophecy he had received from a man of God
several years back.

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The prophecy specifically said the LORD was sending him to
England for an assignment that would last for 10 years.

Yet, here he was, just two years after, on the verge of being

He looked around him.

The officer on his case had told him to sit around and wait for his
papers to be finalized. It would take up to 30 minutes.

At that moment he felt an urge to speak to someone.

As he scrolled through his contact list, he saw the number of a

pastor given to him by a friend a while ago.

He had never heard of the man.

His friend had said many wonderful things about him.

One of which was this preacher and prophet focused mostly on

holiness and the second coming of Christ.

Plus, he prayed strange-sounding, prophetic prayers that always

come to pass.

He never bothered to call.

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But today he was in dire straights and had nothing to lose.

So, he called the number.

He introduced himself and explained his situation.

Let us pray, the man of God said quietly.

He prayed for about a minute and stopped.

Here’s what you must do right away, he said.

“Walk up to the immigration officer. Just stand in front of the

counter and look at him. Don’t say anything.”

As he hesitated, trying to process this unusual instruction, the

man of God urged him:

“Please do it. Do it now. There’s no time to waste!”

So, like a robot, he got up and walked to the immigration window.

He just stood there staring.

After a while, the officer looked up.

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“Oh, it appears there’s something we might be able to do to save
your situation. Here, fill out this form. Sign here.”

He filled the form, signed and handed it back to the officer, who
immediately hurried into an inner office, paper in hand.

He waited.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the officer came back
beaming with smiles.

His case was being reconsidered, he announced.

That brother never got deported.

He got to stay and fulfil his divine assignment.

Praise the LORD.

Keep this at the back of your mind as we take a biblical look into
what led to that spectacular, last-minute breakthrough.

But first, it is time to pray again.

Please close your eyes and take this prayer:

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Every power assigned to remove me from my place of divine
assignment, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

Let’s go to the scriptures.

We begin with the story of Bathsheba (no, not the popular one
you heard).

We pick up the story from 1 Kings 1:11-27.

So Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying,

“Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has become
king, and David our lord does not know it?

Come, please, let me now give you advice, that you may save your
own life and the life of your son Solomon. Go immediately to King
David and say to him,

‘Did you not, my lord, O king, swear to your maidservant, saying,

“Assuredly your son Solomon shall reign after me, and he shall sit on
my throne”? Why then has Adonijah become king?’

Then, while you are still talking there with the king, I also will come in
after you and confirm your words.”

So Bathsheba went into the chamber to the king. (Now the king was
very old, and Abishag the Shunammite was serving the king.)

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And Bathsheba bowed and did homage to the king. Then the king
said, “What is your wish?”

Then she said to him, “My lord, you swore by the Lord your God to
your maidservant, saying, ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign
after me, and he shall sit on my throne.’

So now, look! Adonijah has become king; and now, my lord the king,
you do not know about it. He has sacrificed oxen and fattened cattle
and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the sons of the king,
Abiathar the priest, and Joab the commander of the army; but
Solomon your servant he has not invited.

And as for you, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel are on you, that
you should tell them who will sit on the throne of my lord the king after

Otherwise it will happen, when my lord the king rests with his fathers,
that I and my son Solomon will be counted as offenders.”

And just then, while she was still talking with the king, Nathan the
prophet also came in. So they told the king, saying, “Here is Nathan
the prophet.”

And when he came in before the king, he bowed down before the
king with his face to the ground.

And Nathan said, “My lord, O king, have you said, ‘Adonijah shall
reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne’?

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For he has gone down today and has sacrificed oxen and fattened
cattle and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the king’s sons,
and the commanders of the army, and Abiathar the priest; and look!
They are eating and drinking before him; and they say, ‘Long live
King Adonijah!’

But he has not invited me—me your servant—nor Zadok the priest,
nor Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, nor your servant Solomon.

Has this thing been done by my lord the king, and you have not told
your servant who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after

Here’s the backstory.

Another of king David’s sons has just usurped the position of king,
a position that was reserved for Solomon by the LORD.

To salvage the situation, the prophet Nathan takes center stage.

He says to Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother:

Come, please, let me now give you advice… v.13

Right here, the prophet was playing the role of one of three
persons you must have in your life if you want to fulfil your divine

(I will spell out the role in a minute)

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Let’s look closely at this prophet.

This was the same man the LORD sent to king David after he
secretly committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband

He went, rebuked the king and pronounced God’s judgment on

him and his household.

Today, we need to appreciate how dangerous that mission really


In those day, some kings would command such a prophet to be

put to death for daring to bring such bad news.

But David was not like most kings.

He quickly acknowledged his crimes and repented.

In that instance, the prophet was playing one type of role.

In this passage we read, we see him in another role.

David had different prophets for different seasons of his wildly

successful life and kingship.

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From Samuel to Nathan to Gad… each of them played KEY
roles that helped propel him into his glorious destiny.

And the result?

He never lost a battle.

He became a man after God’s heart.

He was the sweet psalmist of Israel.

He always had divine help, firstly from the LORD.

Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my

soul.- Ps. 54:4

The LORD followed up with prophetic help to guide and assist him
at different points in his life journey.

A closer look at his life reveals the 3 flesh-and-blood persons he

needed to reach great heights of success and victory.

Person #1: Pastor

Person #2: Mentor

Person #3: Coach

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Who played what role?

Person #1: Pastor

In the life of David, the prophet Samuel combined this role with
many others.

He was the one used of the LORD to set him on his victorious
journey. He provided the spiritual and moral leadership that David
sorely needed.

He anointed David king, sheltered him as he fled from Saul, and

stood by him all through his travails.

During that stressful period, David got to learn first-hand the right
ways of the LORD.

Person #2: Mentor

No one played this role better than the prophet Nathan.

He was a prophetic mentor. His task was to provide foundational

and directional guidance.

This is CRUCIAL.

Without timely, directional guidance from this prophet, David

could have found himself embarking on what we sometimes call,
“profitless hard work.”

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For example:

At one point he really felt like building a house for the LORD.

The prophet even agreed that it was a great idea.

He encouraged David:

“Do all that is in your heart” – 2 Sam. 7

Thank God he had a prophet’s ear (and could hear the LORD

That night the LORD told the prophet to stop him from going
ahead with the project.

We’re seeing here a man that is more than a mentor. He is a

prophetic mentor.

Person #3: Coach

Like a sports coach, this person gives the play-by-play, hands-on

type of advice needed to win specific games.

It turns out David had such a coach in the person of prophet Gad.
The Bible calls him David’s seer.

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In a spiritual sense, he was in charge of the moment-by-moment,
play-by-play action.

The work of a coach is more granular, taking care of the smallest


He or she would tell you:

Do this specific thing in this specific way at this specific time.

In the realm of the spirit, the prophetic coach is highly prized.

David knew this.

So he kept one really close.

Even though he himself also had strong prophetic gifts.

A prophetic coach proved worth way more than his weight in gold.

Look at the dilemma he once found himself in.

In 2 Sam. 24 we read about David’s census, something that

should never have happened.

It was a strange situation. By the time he realized his mistake it

was too late.

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Right on cue, the prophet Gad steps in.

The role he is playing here is that of a coach.

He gives 3 very specific options and allowed David to make his


Shortly after, he showed up again to deliver a specific solution to

the national calamity that occurred.

I Hope You Are Seeing These 3 Persons Clearly

As an aside, those who don’t read anything closely or pay

attention while ready may completely miss the significance of
what I’ve just explained.

Let me bring this closer to home…

The 3 roles (or persons) just described could have saved you a
bucket of tears in the last 20 years or so …

… if only you had them in your life.

Even now, they could still save you from going down the wrong

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You could begin to pray them into manifestation in your life.

Of course, you will need to recognize them when they show up

(more about his coming up).

At times one person can play two of the three roles at various
times but it is very rare for one person to play all three roles at all

Remember the story of the brother with an urgent immigration

problem mentioned earlier?

The pastor he called was playing the role of a prophetic coach.

Same role prophet Nathan played in the Bathsheba case.

Same role the prophet Gad played in David’s case.

This is a universal truth:

No matter how anointed, wise or capable you might be, you still
need spiritual and temporal support …

… you need flesh-and-blood persons playing these roles in your

life …

… if you desire to reach anywhere beyond 30 percent of your

God-given potentials.

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This is a Law of Nature and it Affects You Too!

there is a lesson hiding in plain sight if you look closely at this


First, consider this verse of scripture:

Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose

branches climb over a wall. – Gen, 49:22 (NIV)

I looked up the picture of vines, specifically climbing vines.

Many of them will not attain full maturity if growing horizontally

along the ground …

… and will only become mature, flower and produce fruits once
they grow vertically and have reached high sun exposure.

Here’s something to keep in mind:

If there is no support for them to climb on, they will not be able to
reach the level of exposure to enough sunlight.

They will fail to grow out of reach of potential herbivores

(organisms that feed on plants).

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They will continually struggle to avoid the shading from other
ground layer plants.

In other words: the struggle for survival will be really tough.

Vines and other climbing plants need support for them to climb on
to gain competitive advantage in their quest for brighter light

Ideally, the vine will want to have its roots in fertile soil with
adequate moisture, but it also seeks to grow in full sun conditions,
possibly with support for them to climb on.

The methods of climbing are important to consider. Some will

require carefully constructed support to twine around like this

Fig. 1: Vine twining around pergola

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Other vines will require objects such as wire and guides to wrap

Yet others will require rocks, bricks to walls to cling to.

Take a close look at this next one:

Fig. 2: Pumpkin with support

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It is a specie of pumpkin found in some parts of Africa. An
important source of food, the leaves are rich in vital nutrients.

It needs two levels of support to reach maximum capacity.

A stake close to the plant to help it start the upward journey to the
canopy above. Once it reaches the canopy, where it can spread
out in the sun, it is ready to produce the biggest size fruits

Question is:

Can it still produce fruits without the stake and canopy for

Yes, but the fruits will be fewer in number and much smaller in

What a great lesson from nature.

It would be impossible to reach your fullest potential without

strategic support from others…

… who are able, ready and willing to play the roles of pastor,
mentor and coach as we’ve discussed here.

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Whenever you find any of these persons operating with an added
prophetic edge, you can be sure of a fast-track to overarching
success in many areas of your life.

Dawn of A New Era:

Prophetic Mentoring and Coaching for You

I have a pastor.

I have mentors – spiritual, professional, etc.

I have coaches – both spiritual and temporal.

Now, I wish I could tell you it was easy to “recognize” these

mentors / coaches

It was not.

It took me many years, and in most cases, careful analysis of data

to discover who has played what significant role in my life.

Case in point:

It was not that long ago that the scales fell off my eyes.

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That was when I realized that a certain man of God has always
been there at the most crucial turning points of my life.

Such as:

• Before I met my spouse

• Before I started this online community
• Before a significant career move that landed me smack in
the center of God’s will

I refer to him as a foundational mentor.

All this I did not receive by revelation.

By carefully going over my life, looking at my personal data, the

LORD helped me to glean this insight.

As soon as this reality dawned on me, I gave him a call.

By the way, we had not spoken or seen each other in years.

The moment he began to speak I was amazed to hear him talk

about a project the LORD has laid on my heart (which I’ll be
sharing with you in a moment).

Therefore, I call him a foundational mentor.

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Because he is always there before the start of a new season.

Let Me Quickly Clarify Something Here

A word about the prophetic gift required for the kind of mentoring
and coaching we have been discussing here…

It is a supernatural manifestation of the Spirit of God giving

supernatural utterance in the speaker’s own language.

It is not necessarily fore-telling (i.e., predicting future events).

The gift is NOT the office of a prophet, which is a ministerial gift (1

Cor. 12:28, 14:29).

The gift is NOT oratorical ability possessed by many motivational

speakers and charismatic leaders.

It does NOT depend on education, talent, or training.

It is NOT the same as preaching (which is a ministerial gift).

Rather …

This spiritual gift is “forth-telling” (1 Cor. 14:4).

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It’s all about the Spirit of God, speaking through a person, to
comfort, to strengthen, to encourage, to make appeals, to give
warnings or advice.

You receive guidance as to the mind of the Spirit.

This is not to be despised, as some people do (1 Thes. 5:20).

This is for women as well as men… for all Spirit-filled believers (1

Cor. 11).

Most prophets of the Bible played dual roles:

• Foretelling the future

• Forth-telling to empower the people to initiate and complete
their divine assignments

We find a great example in Ezra 6:14:

So the elders of the Jews built, and they prospered through the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo.
And they built and finished it, according to the commandment of the
God of Israel, and according to the command of Cyrus, Darius, and
Artaxerxes king of Persia.

A call had gone forth to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem.

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It was not an easy task. So two strong prophets were deployed by
the Spirit of the LORD …

… to mount a prophetic campaign to see them through to


Without the tireless prophesyings by these prophets it is doubtful

that the job would have gotten off the ground.

They were God’s spokesmen or spiritual swordsmen…

… spitting prophetic fire… flowing forth as the fountains of

Heaven… enabling the Word of the LORD to “spring forth” and
overflow into the physical environment…

… igniting a firestorm of divine energy to propel the people into

immediate action…

… for the sole purpose of accomplishing that landmark divine


There’s a counterfeit to this.

Today, the devil uses some media outlets to broadcast demonic

pronouncements and enchantments from the pit of hell…

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… for the opposite purpose of advancing satan’s agenda on the

There’s Good News in All This

You do not have to be a great biblical prophet to engage in forth-


What’s more…

You do not have to run out and search for prophets to be your
mentors or coaches.

Just this past week I was speaking to a colleague of mine.

We met in graduate school years ago.

She is multi-talented: An engineering PhD as well as poet and


During our conversation she suddenly asked me about how the

prayer bullets came about.

She had written a back-to-basics book to remind believers of the

fundamentals of our faith. She was seeking ideas on how to get
the book in front of those who needed to read it.

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I explained how the prayers were sort of “downloaded” into my

In my example I used the Prayer DNA prayers (at the end of the

As I talked it gradually dawned on her that she too has

experienced the same thing.


One time, a heavenly poem was “downloaded” to her spirit.

Believe it or not, it had nothing to do with preaching or the gospel.

It was about mathematics!

Long before then, probably 20 years earlier, she had received 10

strategies to turn any child into a math genius.

She wrote it all down and put it aside.

As she talked, something clicked in my spirit.

I urged her to drop everything else she was doing and get that
little book on Amazon’s self-publishing platform.

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For the next hour what transpired was a classic study in prophetic
foundational mentoring.

Because I could see that little book is the KEY to a mighty door
that’s about to swing open for her.

All these years something has been missing. A piece to complete

the puzzle.

What’s this missing piece?

A path-breaking forth-teller in the mold of prophets Haggai and


(I’ll be sharing more on this during the Platinum Edition in October

… as this ties directly to what we call the Platinum Mandate.

Beyond Prophetic Mentoring,

Things Get Even MORE Interesting

Please …

I don’t want you thinking I’m specially anointed to do forth-telling

as I’ve just described. I just needed you to get a sense of this
process so you can recognize it when you encounter it.

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Many of you are already experiencing something like this. I can
see it when I read some posts in the Forum.

Only thing is you are not aware of what’s going on.

Next time you log into the Forum please pay close attention to
what the intercessors and “encouragers” are saying.

Study their posts for clues.

Here’s a recent one posted by Eagle Renette.

She describes a situation where she had to pray for really sick


Flow, Healing River, Flow

“Monday afternoon 7/9/21 this miracle was instant.

I prayed for a woman by PHONE she lives in another country she

HAD OVARIAN Cancer and fibroids.

She was dying. She was finished, couldn't even lift the phone, she
could hardly speak. Just waiting for the end.

I declared Romans 8 and Exodus 23 vs 25

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I prayed Resurrection Prayers, prayers against death and hell as
taught by our Coach. Prayed over a glass of water declaring it’s the
blood of Jesus. She sipped it.

She was instantly healed.

While I was praying for her, she started to shout her voice came

Her husband used to massage her every night. Tonight, he asked her
don't you want massage, she said no pain.

Later the same day her DEAD BUSINESS was restored. Someone
called her to do a function, On Tuesday 8/9/21 she went shopping.
She walked from shop to shop just enjoying being ALIVE and out.
Arisen from the dead.

To God and God alone be all glory. Thank you, Lord, for answered
prayers in Jesus name

Monday I also prayed for a man with high blood pressure. God
healed him. Doctors can find nothing.

Thank you, Lord, for answered prayers in Jesus name.”

Praise the LORD.

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What many do not realize is that a powerful healing anointing can
flow through YOU as a result of your being connected to this

Because this is really a spiritual healing ministry disguised as a

prayer community.

I have never publicly shared with anyone what Eagle Renette did
in the first testimony but in the heat of battle the Holy Spirit
directed her to do it.

Notice that she didn’t use the same approach in the second

Because spiritual things are NOT formulaic.

She received divine guidance at the moment of truth.

Without being a prophet, you can tell this is part of her calling (she
may not even be aware of this).


Obviously, she has her personal issues to grapple with.

And the enemy will keep whispering,

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“Why do you even bother? See your problems here and

You can’t help others when you have this stubborn problem
over here!

People will wonder why your prayers are not answered.

Don’t be silly.

Don’t you just feel like a fraud if you continue to talk about
God’s love when your prayers are not even answered.

Blah, blah, blah …”

This is why so many believers get discouraged.

It could be hard to silence that evil voice and get with the Father’s

What’s our response?

We are not going to let the devil get away with this.

As I write this, we are building an Invite-only Mentors platform.

This platform will be launched during the Platinum Edition.

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It will kick off by me personally inviting active Eagles like Renette
and “forth-telling” them into position where they can help
mento/coach other believers regarding many challenging issues
in their lives.

And it’s not just going to be about spiritual matters.

The platform will invite mentors and coaches from other walks of
life to set up shop.

Areas such as:

• Parenting • Nutrition
• Cooking • Weight loss
• Counseling • Relationships
• Business • Marriage
• Product creation • Travel
• Design • Organic farming
• Music • Hydroponics
• Marketing • Golf
• Internet advertising • Social media
• Presentations • etc.

One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it.

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Most of our readers are over 30 years old.

That places you in the pole position to impact the younger

generations through mentoring and coaching.

This is a trumpet call for you to become an expert at something.

Then find people to mentor, especially younger people.

Nothing establishes you as an expert in a field (any field) as a

published book.

Write a short book about your area of interest (it doesn’t have to
be very long).

On the Mentors Platform we will show you how to find a target

audience hungry to access your wisdom and knowledge in your
particular area.

I tell believers everywhere I see them:

Please don’t just sit there, looking and feeling helpless.

All is not lost.

Right now, I see an “Elisha Stick” in your hands.

You must immediately throw it into the fast-moving water to

recover your missing axe head (2 Kings 6).

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Let us recap:

You need two to three persons in your life playing the roles of (a)
pastor (b) mentor (c) coach…

… so you can reach your fullest potential, no matter your age,

situation or experience.

On the flip side, you also need to give serious consideration to the

• Who can I pastor, mentor, or coach to the point of success

beyond what they are already having?

You might be wondering:

How can I say that with a straight face when I’m still struggling
with _________ (fill in the blanks)?

I have news for you.

Many of us have spent decades going round and round in the


Others have been totally diverted from Heaven’s original purpose

for their lives.

Proverbs 13:20 gives us a clue:

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He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:
but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Imagine how your life will be different today if you had access to
the kind of mentoring/coaching that David had.

Can you identify someone who has played something akin to

these roles in your life?

Then going forward, you need to prayerfully invest in the

relationship … giving honor to whom honor is due.

Check their track record (with you) and make a decision on your
next step forward.

The Dark Side of A Mentor-Less Life

It is not for nothing that high-performance athletes, business

people, top CEOs have their private coaches and mentors.

There are destiny-altering consequences for anyone operating

solo, like a lone wolf…

… without mentors or coaches to give support and guidance from

time to time…

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… or to be saddled with the wrong mentors/coaches.

One such consequence is satanic diversion.

This is a deadly one.

Many people are currently suffering through evil diversion of their


Unfortunately, sometimes the destiny of entire families can be


If a person meant to be at a specific place doing a specific task

has already been diverted to somewhere half the world away
where he/she is engaged in something without Heaven’s seal of
approval …

… life will be a vicious, uphill battle just to survive or make tiny


There is a more insidious form of diversion.

The devil is an expert at talking people out of their divine path in

life, by dangling something in front of them that looks pretty
exciting (think Eve).

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Once they bite, the enemy might allow them to have some
mediocre level of success, just to keep them away from their true
purpose in life.

No wonder there is so much mediocrity in our world today.

Such people need a “forth-telling” mentor to pull them out of the

satanic sandbox.

My prayer is that the LORD will use the prayers for the next 7
days to bring divine helpers your way – in the form of prophetic
mentors and coaches –

… to help fast-track, guide, motivate and support your upward

and forward journey in Jesus name.

Now to the prayers (please see below).

Prayer Bullets:
The 7-Day Prayer that Changes Everything

A: Start with praise worship. Praise God and worship Him with

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B: Confess out LOUD the scripture ingredients (personalizing as

C: Always cover yourself and your loved ones with the blood of
Jesus before and after you go into the prayers.

D: Always close the sessions with high praises to the LORD.

E: Make a record of your dreams after the prayers (look out for
dreams that recur over and over again).

F: Highly recommended: Esther FAST (first 3 days) plus, you may

also embark on a fast on the last day from 6 AM to 3 PM if you
are able to do so.

(Please always remember our standard disclaimer about fasting –

consult your doctor to confirm you can fast. Please do NOT ask
us – we’re not physicians!)

Be An Overcomer



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Day 1 of 7
Friday, Sep. 24

Scripture ingredient:

‘Therefore all those who devour you shall be devoured; And

all your adversaries, every one of them, shall go into
captivity; Those who plunder you shall become plunder, And
all who prey upon you I will make a prey.

For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,’
says the LORD, ‘Because they called you an outcast saying:
“This is Zion; No one seeks her.” – Jer. 30:16-17

1. O LORD send your fire to the foundation of my life in the name of

2. Any covenant of darkness operating in my foundation break in
the name of Jesus.
3. Every doorway through which evil covenants are manifesting in
my life and family be closed by the blood of Jesus.
4. Any sacrifice or ritual done by anyone on my behalf by anyone
living or dead be rendered impotent in the name of Jesus.
5. Let the axe of fire of the Lord's deliverance uproot every evil tree
in my foundation in the name of Jesus.
6. Ancestral powers pursuing me from my father's house die by fire
in the name of Jesus.

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7. Ancestral powers pursuing me from my mother's house die by
fire in the name of Jesus.
8. Familiar spirit power of my father's house I bury you today in the
name of Jesus.
9. Familiar spirit power of my mother's house I bury you today in
the name of Jesus.
10. O LORD forgive me for the ancestral sins of my family line and
cleanse me with the blood of Jesus.
11. Every good door closed against me by household witchcraft,
burst open by fire in the name of Jesus.
12. Any of my blessings presently detained in the wilderness be
released unto me now by fire in Jesus name.
13. All my virtues locked up in satanic banks be released unto me
now by fire in the name of Jesus.
14. Foundational arrows hiding in my life and family, come out now
and die in the name of Jesus.
15. Satanic traffic in my environment be arrested by the hosts of
Heaven in the name of Jesus.
16. By the blood of Jesus, I break every bloodline curse working in
my family line in Jesus name.
17. Holy Ghost power of revelation fall upon me now in the name of
18. O LORD show me the secret behind my problems in the name of
19. O LORD help me to die to self in Jesus name.

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20. O God of signs and wonders, arise and manifest your power in
my situation in the name of Jesus.
21. LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 2 of 7
Saturday, Sep. 25

Scripture ingredient:

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue

which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is
the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their
righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD. – Isa. 54:17

1. LORD, I thank you for the power in the blood of Jesus.

2. Blood of Jesus, sanitize my environment by fire in the name of
3. Every enemy that comes while I am sleeping, your time is up, die
by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. Any problem that came into my life through the blood of my
parents, die in the name of Jesus.
5. Anointing that breaks the yoke, enter into my blood in the name
of Jesus.
6. I fire back every arrow of untimely death in the name of Jesus.

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7. Dead organs in my body, I address you by the power in the
blood of Jesus, come alive now in the name of Jesus.
8. Every power manipulating my blood against my health, you are a
liar, die now in the name of Jesus.
9. O LORD forgive me for anything in my life magnetizing the
enemy to me in Jesus name.
10. Every property of the enemy in my life, catch fire and burn to
ashes in the name of Jesus.
11. Every battle inherited from my father's house, expire by fire in
the name of Jesus.
12. All my virtues stolen in the dream be restored to me by fire in the
name of Jesus.
13. I shoot down any spiritual gunman assigned to hunt me down in
the name of Jesus.
14. Every enchantment against my blood be silenced by the power
in the blood of Jesus.
15. Powers using food and sex to transfer my virtues, your time is
up, die in the name of Jesus.
16. Any witchcraft exchange of my virtues through blood
manipulation die in the name of Jesus.
17. I deprogram and cancel all witchcraft prophecies against my
family line by the power in the blood of Jesus.
18 Battle angels, security angels, territorial angels, arise and slay all
powers of witchcraft in my environment in the name of Jesus.

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19. My glory and blessings, what are you doing in the camp of the
enemy? Arise and locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.
20. (After singing the song: I plead the blood of Jesus) Blood of
Jesus arise in your power, fight for me in the name of Jesus.
21. LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 3 of 7
Sunday, Sep. 26

Scripture ingredient:

But those who seek my life to destroy it will go into the depths of
the earth. They will fall to the power of the sword; they will
become a portion for foxes. - Psalm 63:9-10

1. Any ancient blood crying against my bloodline be silenced by the

blood of the Lamb of God in Jesus name.
2. Resurrection power, resurrection fire, resurrection deliverance
fall upon my life in the name of Jesus.
3. My life, hear the word of the LORD, reject untimely death in the
name of Jesus.
4. Agents of the grave appearing in my dreams, die in the name of
5. Anything that needs to die for my life to become a positive
wonder, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus.

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6. Any power that needs to die for my uncommon testimonies to
appear, die die die in the name of Jesus.
7. O LORD behold the threatenings of my enemies; arise and
answer them by fire in the name of Jesus.
8. If anything has been exchanged in this body of mine, O LORD
replace them in Jesus name.
9. My life, receive the infilling of fire and power in the name of
10. Every satanic animal programmed into my body/home, come out
now and die in the name of Jesus.
11. I possess all my accumulated blessings this year in Jesus name.
12. O LORD increase my strength and power for war in the name of
13. LORD baptize me with your fresh fire from above in Jesus name.
14. O LORD turn my life into untouchable and unquenchable fire in
Jesus name.
15. Every hindrance to the flow of the power of God in my life, be
removed by fire in the name of Jesus.
16. LORD plug my life into the power socket of Heaven in Jesus
17. Holy fire anointing, fall and purge my life of every filthiness of the
flesh and spirit in Jesus name.
18. End-time fire of revival, fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.

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19. LORD grant me victory over temptations and satanic traps in the
name of Jesus.
20. Help me O LORD to hunger and thirst after righteousness.
21. Glory be to you name O LORD, thank You for answering my

Day 4 of 7
Monday, Sep. 27

Scripture ingredient:

Psalm 94 (all of it)

1. Every evil authority of family and territorial shrines over my life,

break now in the name of Jesus.
2. Every satanic altar raised against me and my family, be
demolished by fire in the name of Jesus.
3. Anything done against my life under demonic anointing, be
nullified by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
4. O LORD send your fire of judgment to burn to ashes every evil
altar where my name has been mentioned in Jesus name.
5. The more the enemy boasts against me, the greater his fall shall
be in the name of Jesus.
6. Any power base of witchcraft in my place of birth, catch fire and
die in the name of Jesus.

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7. Every power of destiny diversion, you time is up, release me now
and die in the name of Jesus.
8. I refuse to operate below the divine standard set for my life in the
name of Jesus.
9. My life, if you are going in the wrong direction, receive divine
course-correction now in the name of Jesus.
10. Arrows of the wasters, come out of my life, go back to your
senders in the name of Jesus.
11. I declare civil war in the camp of my enemies; let my stubborn
enemies fight themselves to destruction in the name of Jesus.
12. Every power constructing a coffin for me, enter into your own
coffin and be buried in the name of Jesus.
13. O God arise and let my enemies experience your sudden
vengeance in the name of Jesus.
14. Every foundational altar speaking against my moving forward, be
silenced by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
15. I reject every manipulation of my destiny by household enemies
in the name of Jesus.
16. Every habitation of darkness in my life, become desolate in the
name of Jesus.
17. Any curse ever issued against me, I declare them broken by the
power in the name of Jesus.
18. I command every stranger hiding in my life; hear the word of the
LORD, come out now and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

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19. I bind every spirit that is not of God and command them to leave
me now in the name of Jesus.
20. LORD remove me from the valley; take me to the mountain top
of your power in the name of Jesus.
21. LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 5 of 7
Tuesday, Sep. 28

1. Let the blood of Jesus wipe off every mark of rejection from my
life in the name of Jesus.
2. Holy Spirit, connect me with my three divine helpers in the name
of Jesus.
3. Anointing of prosperity fall upon me now in the name of Jesus.
4. O heavens over my head open by fire in the name of Jesus.
5. Every power that does not want me to reach my fullest potential
in life, fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
6. O LORD my God, connect me with those You have assigned to
help me in Jesus name.
7. Every satanic barrier separating me from my divine helpers, be
demolished by fire in the name of Jesus.

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8. My divine helpers, I call you forth; appear by fire in the name of
9. Witchcraft forces invading my house at night, be electrocuted to
death in the name of Jesus.
10. Anointing of glory, explode in my life in the name of Jesus.
11. I reject profitless hard work; power to make wealth fall upon my
life in the name of Jesus.
12. Let the spirit of divine favor fall upon me now in the name of
13. All my blessings swallowed by my place of birth, be released
unto me by fire in the name of Jesus.
14. With the eyes of my heart, O LORD, let me see you clearly.
15. Father, use people within and without to bless me, and let your
rain of prosperity fall upon me daily in Jesus name.
16. O LORD shield me from every form of deception and
manipulation in Jesus name.
17. Let the divine spiritual magnet to attract my divine helpers, and
repel satanic agents, be deposited in my life in the name of
18. Thou power of God, speak favor into my family in the name of
19. I kill every strange animal sent against me with the sword of the
LORD in Jesus name.
20. O LORD, close the gap between where I am now and where You
want me to be in Jesus name.
21. Thank You LORD for answering my prayers.

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Day 6 of 7
Wednesday, Sep. 29

1. I recover my vehicle of destiny from the hands of spiritual

robbers in the name of Jesus.
2. My destiny helpers, appear now in the name of Jesus.
3. O LORD give me a fresh set of eyes to recognize my divine
helpers in the name of Jesus.
4. Every satanic agenda to hinder my helpers from locating me, be
scattered unto desolation in Jesus name.
5. Every power attacking my destiny helpers, fall down and die in
the name of Jesus.
6. I take authority over every witchcraft prayer working against my
helpers in the name of Jesus.
7. I reject and renounce destiny-demoting advice and counsel in
Jesus name.
8. I silence any oracle speaking against my divine helpers by the
power in the blood of Jesus.
9. The power that moves people out of their divine destiny, my life
is not your candidate, loose your hold in the name of Jesus.
10. every evil arrow fired against my destiny helpers, burn to ashes
in the name of Jesus.
11. Every altar of destiny demotion in my foundation, collapse by fire
in the name of Jesus.

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12. I destroy the gates of violent spirits assigned to attack my destiny
in the name of Jesus.
13. Any satanic check-point mounted to block my helpers in the
heavenlies and in the waters, be scattered by fire in the name of
14. Any old prophet on a mission to divert my destiny, I command
destruction upon you in the name of Jesus.
15. Evil night birds of witchcraft flying in my environment, catch fire
mid-air and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
16. Powers assigned to drink my blood, drink your own blood and
eat your own flesh in the name of Jesus.
17. Any satanic instruction programmed into the heavenlies against
my destiny, be revoked by fire in the name of Jesus.
18. I rebuke every spirit of spiritual deafness and blindness in my life
in the name of Jesus.
19. Holy Spirit, uncover the darkest secrets the enemy is using
against me in Jesus name.
20. I reject the anointing of non-achievement in my career in Jesus
21. LORD, I thank you for answering my prayers.

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Day 7 of 7
Thursday, Sep. 30

1. I reject any demonic limitation of my progress in Jesus name.

2. Holy Ghost, quicken my spirit day by day in Jesus name.
3. Let any rod of the wicked rising up against my progress be
roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. O LORD ignite my career with your fire.
5. All satanic arresting agents, release me now and die in the name
of Jesus.
6. I reject the spirit of the tail; I claim the spirit of the head in Jesus
7. Every handwriting of rejection and household wickedness upon
my life, be wiped away by the blood of Jesus.
8. Every organ of my body be washed by the blood of Jesus.
9. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family now.
10. I bind and rebuke the evil princes and powers in charge of this
environment in the name of Jesus.
11. I release the fire of God upon all the idols and their altars in this
environment in the name of Jesus.
12. I claim and occupy this place for the Lord Jesus Christ.
13. Let the presence, dominion, authority, and blessings of God be
experienced in this environment in the name of Jesus.

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14. Any power resisting the power of God in my life and family, I
attack you with the thunder fire of God in the name of Jesus.
15. Every mountain of stubborn problems in my life, collapse like the
walls of Jericho in the name of Jesus.
16. Lord Jesus, walk back into every moment of my life and deliver
me where I need deliverance, heal me where I need healing,
transform me where I need transformation.
17. Thou power of God, penetrate my body, soul and spirit in Jesus
18. O LORD my God, promote me beyond my wildest dreams in
Jesus name.
19. Thank You LORD for answering all your children in this program.
20. Thank You for enlarging the coast of Firesprings Ministries and
for upholding us with your victorious right hand.
21. Thank you for answers to my prayers.

== THE END ==

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