Introduction To Hydrology
Introduction To Hydrology
Introduction To Hydrology
Hydrology is a multidisciplinary subject that deals with the occurrence, circulation, storage, and
distribution of surface and ground water on the earth. The domain of hydrology includes the physical,
chemical, and biological reactions of water in natural and man-made environments. Because of the
complex nature of the hydrologic cycle and its relation to weather inputs and climatic patterns, soil types,
topography, geomorphology, and other related factors, the boundary between hydrology and other earth
sciences (i.e., meteorology, geology, oceanography, and ecology) is not distinct.
The study of hydrology also includes topics from traditional fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics, and water
resources engineering.
In addition, many modern hydrologic problems include considerations of water quality and contaminant
transport. Water quality topics, though important, are not included in this text due to space limitations;
they have been covered in a number of modern sources on surface water quality.
The hydrologic cycle is a continuous process in which water is evaporated from water surfaces and the
oceans, moves inland as moist air masses, and produces precipitation if the correct vertical lifting
conditions exist. The precipitation that falls from clouds onto the land surface of the earth is dispersed to
the hydrologic cycle via several pathways. A portion of the precipitation P , or rainfall, is retained on the
soil near where it falls and returns to the atmosphere via evaporation E , the conversion of water to water
vapor from a water surface, and transpiration T , the loss of water vapor through plant tissue and leaves.
The combined loss, called evapotranspiration ET , is a maximum value if the water supply in the soil is
adequate at all times.
Some water enters the soil system as infiltration F , which is a function of soil moisture conditions and
soil type, and may reenter channels later as interflow or may percolate to recharge the shallow ground
water. Ground water G flows in porous media in the subsurface in either shallow or deeper aquifer
systems that can be pumped for water supply to agricultural and municipal water systems.
The remaining portion of precipitation becomes overland flow or direct runoff R , which flows generally
in a down-gradient direction to accumulate in local streams that then flow to rivers. Hydrologic analysis
to determine runoff response from a watershed area. Evaporation and infiltration are both complex losses
from input rainfall and are difficult to measure or compute from theoretical methods.
History of Hydrology
Biswas (1972), in a concise treatment of the history of hydrology, describes the early water management
practices of the Sumerians and Egyptians in the Middle East and the Chinese along the banks of the Huang
He (Yellow River). Archeological evidence exists for
hydraulic structures that were built for irrigation and other
water control activities. A dam was built across the Nile
about 4000 b.c., and later a canal for fresh water was
constructed between Cairo and Suez.
They served potable water and supplied the numerous baths and fountains in the city, as well as finally
being emptied into the sewers, where the once-used gray water performed their last function in removing
wastes. The construction of the Roman aqueducts is considered one of the most important engineering
feats in history.
Streamflow measurement techniques were first attempted in the water systems of Rome ( a.d. 97) based
on the cross-sectional area of flow. It remained for Leonardo da Vinci to discover the proper relationship
between area, velocity, and flow rate during the Italian Renaissance. The first recorded measurement of
rainfall and surface flow was made in the seventeenth century by Perrault. He compared measured rainfall
to the estimated flow of the Seine River to show the two were related. Perrault’s findings were published
in 1694. Halley, the English astronomer (1656–1742), used a small pan to estimate evaporation from the
Mediterranean Sea and concluded that it was enough to account for tributary flows.
Mariotte gaged the velocity of flow in the Seine River in Paris. These early beginnings of the science of
hydrology provided the foundation for numerous advances in the eighteenth century, including
Bernoulli’s theorem, the Pitot tube for measuring velocity, and the Chezy (1769) formula, which form the
basis for modern hydraulics and fluid measurement.
During the nineteenth century, significant advances in ground water hydrology and hydraulics occurred.
Darcy’s law for flow in porous media was a major advance, as well as the Dupuit–Thiem well flow formula.
In addition, the Hagen–Poiseuille capillary flow equation was developed to describe flow in small
channels. The Darcy-Weisbach equation for pipe flow was also developed during this same period in the
The U.S. Geological Survey set up the first systematic program of flow measurement in the United States
on the Mississippi in 1888. During this same period, the United States founded a number of hydrologic
agencies, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1802), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, 1879), the
Weather Bureau (1891), and the Mississippi River Commission (1893). The Price current meter was
invented in 1885, and Manning’s formula was introduced in 1889 (Manning, 1889).
The Weather Bureau is now called the National Weather Service (NWS) and is one of six organizations
underneath the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA is the agency
responsible for weather data collection and severe-storm, river, and hurricane forecasting for the United
States, and many of its websites are listed throughout the textbook. The USGS gaging network for rainfall,
streamflow, and water quality is one of the most extensive in the world.
The period from 1930 to 1950, which Chow (1964) called the Period of Rationalization, produced a
significant step forward for the field of hydrology, as government agencies began to develop their own
programs of hydrologic research. Sherman’s unit hydrograph (1932) (see Chapter 2 ), Horton’s infiltration
theory (1933), and Theis’s nonequilibrium equation (1935) in well hydraulics advanced the state of
hydrology in very significant ways. Gumbel (1958) proposed the use of extreme-value distributions for
frequency analysis of hydrologic data, thus forming the basis for modern statistical hydrology. In this
period, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), the NWS within NOAA, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA), and the USGS made significant contributions in hydrologic theory and the
development of a national network of gages for precipitation, evaporation, and streamflow
measurements. The NWS is still largely responsible for rainfall measurements, reporting and forecasting
of severe storms, and other related hydrologic investigations.
The government agencies in the United States have long performed vital research themselves, providing
funding for private and university research in the hydrologic area. Many of the water resources studies
and large dam, reservoir, and flood control projects in the 1930s and 1940s were a direct result of
advances in the fields of fluid mechanics, hydrologic systems, statistical hydrology, evaporation analysis,
flood routing, and operations research. Many of the advances from that era continue to this day as the
methods to predict runoff, infiltration, and evaporation have not changed much in over 50 years. Major
contributions from Horton (1933, 1940, 1941) and from Penman (1948) in understanding hydrologic losses
were related to the water and irrigation needs of the agricultural sector in the United States following the
devastation of the dust bowl era of the 1930s.
Major water resources projects built during the 1930s were a direct result of major floods on the
Mississippi River and the economic depression across the nation. The building of the massive Hoover Dam
on the Colorado River for flood and sediment control and water supply in the early 1930s provided
employment for over 40,000 and was the largest construction project ever conceived to that point.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the tremendous increase of urbanization following World War II in the United
States and Europe led to better methods for predicting peak flows from floods, for understanding impacts
from urban expansion, and for addressing variations in storage in water supply reservoirs. Major
expansion of cities and water systems within the United States during the 1950s led to a need for better
understanding of floods and droughts, especially in urban areas.
Water resource studies became an everyday occurrence in many rapidly developing areas of the United
States, tied to the expansion of population centers in the southern, southwestern, and western states.
During the 1970s and early 1980s, the evaluation and delineation of floodplain boundaries became a
major function of hydrologists, as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and
local flood control or drainage districts. In order for communities to be eligible for flood insurance
administered by FEMA, they are required to delineate floodplain boundaries using hydrologic analysis and
In recent years, the traditional approaches to flood control have been reassessed. A study titled “Higher
Ground” from the National Wildlife Federation (1998) found a number of communities with large numbers
of repetitive flood losses, such as New Orleans and Houston. Since the great midwestern flood of 1993,
there has been a significant shift in national flood policy away from using only structural solutions, such
as levee and channel construction. Flood damage from Tropical Storm Allison in Houston in 2001 was a
major wake-up call for better protection and warning systems in critical urban areas. The massive
devastation from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in August 2005 and Hurricane Ike in 2008 in Houston-
Galveston will provide long-lasting incentive to improve our ability to warn for and recover from such
severe storms. Modern methods for structural flood control, as well as nonstructural approaches, better
management of flood-prone areas, and voluntary property buyouts, must be considered in any overall
flood management plan.
The introduction of the digital computer into hydrology during the 1960s and 1970s allowed complex
water problems to be simulated as complete systems for the first time. Large computer models can now
be used to match historical data and help answer difficult hydrologic questions (Singh and Frevert, 2006).
The development of these tools over the past few decades has helped direct the collection of the
hydrologic data to calibrate, or “match,” the models against observation. In the process, the
understanding of the hydrologic system has been greatly advanced. Hydrologic computer models
developed in the 1970s have been applied to areas previously unstudied or only empirically defined.
For example, urban stormwater, floodplain and watershed hydrology, drainage design, reservoir design
and operation, flood frequency analysis, and large-river basin management have all benefited from the
application of computer models.
The data revolution in hydrology and geographical information systems (GIS) have made available newer
and more accurate datasets on topography, slope, rainfall, soils, land use, and channel characteristics for
many areas. Moreover, most hydrological and meteorological data may be retrieved online from agencies
such as the USGS and NWS, and various county and municipal sources.
These datasets, combined with existing simulation models in hydrology, if applied correctly, provide the
most accurate approach to understanding complex water resources systems, and a new era in the science
of hydrology has begun this decade. New design and operating policies are being advanced and
implemented that could not have been realized or tested before without the aid of sophisticated
computer models linked with digital data.