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48 Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City

Ecological planning for the conservation and development of pineapple

(Ananas comosus) in Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province

Mai T. Nguyen∗ , & Thuy T. P. Doan

Department of Biology, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Research Paper Land assessment is a specific requirement for the land use. Land
assessment results provide the information on land types and natural
Received: March 11, 2019 conditions (land map units) so that we can evaluate the suitability of
Revised: May 19, 2019 the land area for agricultural and non-agricultural use. In agriculture,
Accepted: June 14, 2019 appropriate crops for the land area are usually designed based on the
land assessment data. Ecological planning is a process of assessment,
evaluation, and decision in order to help authorities design the ideal,
appropriate land area and land arrangement for agricultural and
non-agricultural purposes. Tan Phuoc district in Tien Giang province
is a low and alluvial agricultural area of Dong Thap Muoi. In this area,
Keywords the income of local people depends majorly on agricultural activities.
Pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) with its high economic value is widely
Ecological planning cultivated in Tan Phuoc and has an important impact on the income
Land assessment of local people. Nevertheless, most of the land area currently used for
Mekong Delta pineapple production in Tan Phuoc was the land area previously used
Pineapple for cultivation of other crops. Due to this poor land resource planning,
Sustainable development the yield of pineapple was low, and the land and environment were
polluted. An adequate land assessment for Tan Phuoc is therefore
highly needed so that an ecological planning for pineapple would be
properly to improve the yield of pineapple, conserve the environment
∗ and support the sustainable development in Tan Phuoc.
Corresponding author

Nguyen Thi Mai

Cited as: Nguyen, M. T, & Doan, T. T. P. (2019). Ecological planning for the conservation and
development of pineapple (Ananas comosus) in Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province. The
Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3), 48-56.

1. Introduction therefore the efficiency of using land resources is

low. Furthermore, in this area the dike systems to
Tan Phuoc district in Tien Giang province is a protect pineapple farms are incomplete causing
low and alluvial agricultural area of Dong Thap flooding causing unwanted affects on the farming
Muoi. In this area, the income of the locals de- productivity and environment. Until now, there
pends majorly on agricultural activities. Pineap- has been no assessment of land adaptation and no
ple (Ananas cosmosus) with its high economic adaptive zone was determined for pineapple culti-
value was cultivated widely in Tan Phuoc and vation, the crop that should only farmed in ideal
has an important impact on the locals’ income. farms with no flooding or flooding in less than
Nevertheless, the majority of the land area cur- 1 day with the submergence level is less than 30
rently used for pineapple in Tan Phuoc was the cm. These areas should not be affected by salinity
land area of other crops. The pineapple farms in or alluvium; the depth of alluvium layer is above
Tan Phuoc are formed by spontaneous farming, 100 cm, pH ≤ 4.0; annual rainfall is 1,000 mm to

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Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City 49

1,500 mm (Nguyen, 2014). 2018).

An adequate land assessment for Tan Phuoc is
therefore highly needed so that a proper ecolog- 2.2. Methods
ical planning for pineapple could be designed to
improve the yield of pineapple, preserve the en- 2.2.1. Data collection and field surveys
vironment and support sustainable development
in Tan Phuoc. The data include: land map, current land use
map, administrative map scale 1: 100,000 was col-
Ecological planning is a process of assessment, lected and provided by the DONRE, 2018.
evaluation, and decision in order to help au-
thorities design the ideal, appropriate land area Field surveys were conducted based on the data
and land arrangement for agricultural and non- of land units, characteristics and growth condi-
agricultural purposes (Huizing, 1992). In order to tions of pineapple; factors affecting the pineapple
use land resource efficiently, a proper assessment cultivation such as alluvium soil, flooding level
of land adaptation is highly needed to determine etc. (DONRE, 2018).
the adaptive area for the optimal growth of crops.
2.2.2. GIS and mapping
A landscape ecological approach to protect the
ecosystems and biological resources is an effective
Using GIS - Mapinfo software to create raster
approach to ecological planning for sustainable
maps in Idrisi through data analysis combined
development (Almo, 1998). This approach based
with field survey results.
on the integration planning between the need for
economic development and the sustainable devel- The map of land units, adaptation maps and
opment of the land ecosystem in order to efficient ecological planning maps by overlapping the com-
exploit the potential and advantages of land units ponent maps (alluvial formation layer, the depth
(FAO, 1976). of alluvial layer, submerged depth and duration
of submergence) was established based on soil
We conducted the research to define the adap-
characteristics and ecological factors for pineap-
tive areas and identify potential areas for pineap-
ple (Carol, 1998).
ple cultivation. Our results therefore could be
used as a fundamental data for the planning, con-
2.2.3. Data analysis
servation and development of pineapple to pre-
serve the environment and support sustainable Data was analyzed using Excel và SPSS. All
development in Tan Phuoc, Tien Giang. data was analyzed in both natural and economic
factors to provide the conclusions and plans that
2. Materials and Methods
support the developmental potential of the stud-
ied area.
2.1. Materials
2.2.4. Assessment method for the natural,
Our study was conducted in Tan Phuoc, Tien economic and ecological planning for
Giang, an area of Dong Thap Muoi, Mekong pineapple
Delta (Figure 1). This is an agricultural area with
low, alum and organic soil formed from the sed- The assessment of natural land adaptation ac-
iments of coastal marshy, hence suitable for the cording to FAO (1976) using MapInfo 11.0 soft-
growth of pineapple. Pineapple (Ananas como- ware included the following steps: (1) Screening
sus) belongs to Bromeliaceae family with the de- and description of land use; (2) Conversion of
velopment depend on the depth of the alluvial soil land characteristics of each land map unit into
layer (cm), the depth of the alluvial forming layer land quality; (3) Identification of land use re-
(cm), the submerged depth (cm) and duration of quirements for land use patterns and ecological
submergence (day). In Tan Phuoc, pineapple has constraints affecting pineapple productivity. (4)
been farmed since 1983, in Tan Lap 1 and Tan Establishment of ecological adaptation chart for
Lap 2 wards. These two areas are notable for pineapple (S1(Highly Suitable), S2 (Moderately
the brand “Tan Lap pineapple” with high fruit Suitable), S3 (Marginally Suitable), N (Not Suit-
quality and productivity. The pineapple farms are able)). (5) Comparison, adaptation subdivision
expanding and there are 16,375.51 ha (DONRE, for pineapple and ecological land. The Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3)

50 Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City

Figure 1. Administrative map of Tan Phuoc, Tien Giang province, Vietnam.

Estimation the adaptation of economic land an appropriate level (S1, S2) and less adaptable
based on the classification results of natural land land (S3), based on the socio-economic develop-
adaptations S1, S2, S3 (according to FAO (1976)) ment orientation; land use status and land re-
and the productivity of the adaptive levels (that source characteristics such as soil type; water re-
was calculated as the average of the optimal pro- sources, irrigation system, submerge control, eco-
ductivity based on the results of the field surveys) logical planning for pineapple production area in
as follows: Tan Phuoc district.
• Productivity of S1: 90% (maximum yield of
crops in the studied area). 3. Results and Discussion
• Productivity S2: 60% (compared to S1 yield).
The overlapping layers of map information
• Productivity S3: 30% (compared to S1 yield). of natural ecological factors including soil map,
Estimation of economic adaptation (profitabil- submerged depth, duration of submergence, the
ity and efficiency of capital using B/C (Bene- depth of alluvial forming layer, the depth of allu-
fit/Cost)) and classification of economic factors vial layer were used to create the land unit map.
using the optimal percentage conversion method Areas with the same land features were idenitifed
by FAO (1976), including: as zone. A zone is an area with mogeneous natu-
• Highly adaptation S1: ≥ 80%. ral features called land units. Our results showed
that there were 26 land units in the studied area
• Adaptation level S2: ≥ 40% to < 80%.
(Figure 2).
• Adaptation level S3: ≥ 20% to < 40%.
• Inappropriate N: < 20%. 3.1. Identification of land quality adaptation
Ecological planning of the specialized area for
pineapple: overlapping the ecological map and Based on the growth characteristics of pineap-
economical map, exploiting efficiently the natu- ples, the natural conditions and land quality re-
ral ecological conditions, developing pineapple at quirements and the detailed assessment criteria

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Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City 51

Figure 2. Land unit map of Tan Phuoc, Tien Giang province, Vietnam.

that affect the land use types were described in fied using following steps: (1) determination of
Table 1. the acceptable levels of land use map units, (2)
The identified adaptation levels for the types of combinations of land units with similar level of
pineapple land use are presented in Table 2 using adaptation (Tables 4 and 3).
the data of the land use requirement, the factors In that, Zone I: Land units 1, 3, 13 (largest
affecting the growth of pineapple in combination area with 19,072.85 ha) were the land units with
with the results of the land adaptation and land highest adaptation. This land units belong to Tan
characterization. Lap 1, Tan Lap 2, Hung Thanh, My Phuoc, Tan
Hoa Dong, Thanh Tan, Thanh My wards.
3.2. Identify the adaptation of land based on Zone II: Being 1,210.94 ha included the land
the natural ecological conditions
units 7 and 19, were medium adaptive with the
presence of alluvial layer and the alluvial form-
The identification of land adaptation was con- ing layer in My Phuoc, Thanh My, Thanh Hoa
ducted using FAO guidelines (1976). Using Table and Thanh Tan wards. Zone II was also the third
2, the evaluation of land quality of land map units largest zone after zone I and III.
for pineapple land showed that the land units
number 1, 3, 13 were the land units with high- Zone III: Being 944,64 ha included the land
est adaptation; followed by the number 7 and 19 units 6, 18, 24, less adaptive with the presence of
were inadequate adaptation; 6, 18, 24 were less the alluvial forming layer and the duration of sub-
adaptable and finally the land units 2, 4, 5, 8- mergence in part of Tan Hoa Dong, Hung Thanh,
12, 14-17, 20-23, 25 and 26 were unsuitable for Thanh My, Thanh Tan and Thanh Hoa wards.
pineapple cultivation (Table 3). This zone was also the smallest zone.
The adaptation of land for pineapple based on Zone IV: Being 12,093.31 ha, the second largest
the natural ecological conditions: zone, included the land units 2, 4, 5, 8-17, 20-23,
25, 26, were unsuitable for pineapple due to the
From the adaptation result of the land use type
annual floods and partially used for aquaculture.
for each land unit, adaptation zones were identi-
This zone belongs to Tan Hoa Tay, Thanh Hoa, The Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3)

52 Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City

Table 1. The land use type, land quality requirement and assessment criteria to Pineaple
The land use type Land quality Assesment criteria
Alluvial risk The depth of the alluvial layer
The depth of the alluvial forming layer
Pineapple cultivation Submerged risk The submerged depth
Durarion of submergence

Table 2. The adaptation levels for pineapple

Adaptation level
Land type requirement Affecting factors
S1 S2 S3 N
No alluvium
The depth of the allu- 50 - 100 < 50 -
or > 100
vial layer (cm)
Alluvial risk
No alluvium
The depth of the allu- 50 - 100 < 50 -
or > 100
vial forming layer (cm)
Duration of submer- <1 <5 >5
gence (day)
Submerged risk
The depth of submer- 0 - 30 30 - 60 > 60
gence (cm)

Table 3. The adaptation of land for pineapple based on the natural ecological conditions
The depth of
The depth of The depth of Duration of
the alluvial Adaptation
Land unit the alluvial submergence submergence
forming level
layer (cm) (cm) (day)
layer (cm)
1, 3, 13 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1
2, 4, 5, 14 - S1 S1 N N N
6,18 S1 S1 S2 S3 S3
7 S1 S2 S1 S1 S2
8 - 11 S1 S2 N N N
12 S1 S3 N N N
19 S2 S1 S1 S1 S2
20 - 23 S2 S1 N N N
24 S3 S2 S1 S1 S3
25,26 S3 S2 N N N

Thanh Tan, Phuoc Lap, Phu My, Tan Hoa Thanh field surveys for economic criteria in three regions
and My Phuoc wards. S1, S2, S3 are summarized in Table 4.
From the results of the land based on the nat-
3.3. Identify the adaptation of land based on ural ecological conditions (Table 4), the levels of
the economical conditions
S1, S2, S3 of each land use type for land units
and productivity levels are calculated as average
The assessment of land suitability in terms of
optimum productivity according to FAO (1976).
economics was evaluated in accordance with the
objective of increasing profitability for the adap- The data from the comparation of the actual
tive areas. Profit = Total revenue - Cost; Effective conditions in the studied area using the yield at
use of capital B/C = Profit/Total cost; Total rev- the adaptive levels (after the conversion from the
enue = Productivity * Unit price. The results of classification of natural ecological adaptation to

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Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City 53

Table 4. The adaptation of land for pineapple based on the natural

ecological conditions
Zone Land unit Adaptation levels Area (ha)
I 1, 3, 13 S1 19.072,85
II 7, 19 S2 1.210,94
III 6, 18, 24 S3 944.64
IV 2, 4, 5, 8 - 17, 20 - 23, 25, 26 N 12.093,31
Unit: 1.000 VND.

the economic adaptation) was used to establish the distribution of zones was presented in Figure
two economic criteria: profit and B/C, the results 3.
were shown in Table 5. • Using the results in table 9, the adaptation
The analysis data on the profit and B/C there- of land for pineapple based on the ecological and
fore divided the studied area into 4 economical economical factors were defined in 4 zones (Figure
adaptation levels. 3):
S1: Highly adaptive; S2: medium adaptive; S3: Zone I: Land units 1, 3, 13 (were in S1 level
Low adaptive; N: unsuitable. The profitability on the ecology, profit and B/C). This zone was
and capital efficiency were established based on 19,072.85 ha (57,25% of the studied area) includ-
the economic values, at the natural level S1 of ing Tan Lap 1, Tan Lap 2, Hung Thanh, Tan Hoa
the land use type to determine levels of economic Dong, My Phuoc, Thanh My, Thanh Tan wards.
adaptability. Zone I was highly adaptive for pineapple.
The economical adaptation levels by the FAO Zone II: Land units 7 and 19 (were in S2
based on the optimal yield % method according level on the ecology, profit and B/C). This zone
to FAO (1976) for land use were shown in Table was 1,210.94 ha (3,63% of the studied area) dis-
6. tributed in Thanh My, Thanh Tan, Thanh Hoa,
My Phuoc, Phu My, Hung Thanh and My Phuoc
3.4. Identify the economical adaptation of land wards. Zone II was medium adaptive for pineap-
The results of economic aggregation (Table Zone III: Land units 6, 18 and 24 (were in
5) and economic decentralization (Table 6) were S3 level on the ecology, profit and B/C). This
compared and used to determine the economic zone was 944,64 ha (2,83% of the studied area)
suitability of land use patterns for each land unit located in Thanh My, Thanh Tan, Thanh Hoa,
and zone for pineapple. The results are shown in Hung Thanh and Tan Lap 1, Phuoc Lap and Tan
Table 7 and Table 8. Hoa Tay wards. Zone III was less adaptive for
Accordingly, the economical adaptation levels pineapple.
of land for pineapple were divided into 3 Zones. Zone IV: 12.093,31 ha and accounted for
Zone I with land units 1, 3, 13. This zone was 36,29% the studied area. This zone included land
19.072,85 ha and in S1 levels for profit and B/C. units 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21,
22, 23, 25, 26 with are not suitable for pineapple
Zone II with land units 7, 19. This zone was
cultivation. Zone 4 distributed mostly in Thanh
1.210,94 ha and in S2 levels for profit and B/C.
Tan, Thanh Hoa, Tan Hoa Tay, Tan Hoa Thanh,
Zone III with land units 6, 18 and 24. This zone Phu My wards and partially in My Phuoc, Thanh
was 944,64 ha and in S3 levels for profit and B/C. My, Tan Lap 1 and Tan Lap 2.
• Ecological planning for pineapple cultivation
3.5. Identify the adaptation of land for pineap-
area must:
ple based on economy and ecology
Align with the agricultural development orien-
The adaptation of land for pineapple based on tation of the local community.
economy and ecology was established using the Align with the land conditions and socio-
results on the adaptation analysis of economy and economical conditions.
ecology. The results were shown in Table 9 and Give the priority to the land use types that are
medium to high level of adaptation; high yield The Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3)

54 Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City

Table 5. The adaptation of land for pineapple based on the natural ecological conditions
Pineapple cultivation
Land unit
Ecological adaptation level Profit B/C
1, 3, 13 (Zone I) S1 446.179,50 1,80
7, 19 (Zone II) S2 257.369,40 0,99
6, 18, 24 (Zone III) S3 104.323,20 0,38
2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,
N - -
17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26
Unit: 1.000 VND/ha.

Table 6. The economical adaptation levels for pineapple cultivation in the studied area
Economical Adaptation level
criteria S1 S2 S3 N
Profit > 339.324,80 169.662,40 - 339.324,80 84.881,20 - 169.662,40 < 84.881,20
B/C > 1,32 0,66 - 1,32 0,33 - 0,66 < 0,33
Unit: 1.000 VND/ha.

Table 7. The economical adaptation of land for pineapple

Pineaple cultivation
Land unit Adaptation level
1, 3, 13 (Zone I) S1 S1 S1
7, 19 (Zone 2) S2 S2 S2
6, 18, 24 (Zone 3) S3 S3 S3
Land units: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 were
not suitable for Pineaple cultivation.

Table 8. The economical adaptation of land for pineapple

Zone Land unit Adaptation level Area (ha)
I 1, 3, 13 S1 19.072,85
II 7, 19 S2 1.210,94
III 6, 18, 24 S3 944.64

Table 9. The economical and ecological adaptation of land in the studied area
Pineapple cultivation
Land unit Adaptation level
Ecology Profit B/C
1, 3, 13 S1 S1 S1 S1
2,4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21,
N - - N
22, 23, 25, 26
6, 18, 24 S3 S3 S3 S3
7, 19 S2 S1 S1 S2

and high interest rates; utilize efficiently the land order to better utilize the ecological conditions
potential, support the protection, maintenance of for the development of pineapple farming in Tan
land for sustainable development. Phuoc, the regional planning should be grouped
Our analysis results on ecological and econom- into the areas with highly adaptation level (S1,
ical adaptation for pineapple land use; the socio- S2) and the areas with low adaptation level (S3),
economic development orientation of Tan Phuoc; as follow (Figure 4):
the current status of land use and land charac-  The specialized area for pineapple cultiva-
teristics such as soil type, water characteristics, tion: 21,228.42 ha. This is the area with most of
irrigation system, flood control showed that in land area were bedded. Furthermore, the trans-

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Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City 55

Figure 3. The map of the economical and ecological adaptation for pineapple in Tan Phuoc District, Tien
Giang province, Vietnam.

Figure 4. The map of ecological planning for pineapple in Tan Phuoc district, Tien Giang province.

port system, irrigation system and dikes in this flooded and has long flooded periods. This area
area are relatively completed. This is a suitable is not suitable for pineapple cultivation. This
area for pineapple. This area includes Tan Lap area includes Thanh Hoa, Tay Hoa Tay, Phu My,
1, Tan Lap 2, Hung Thanh, My Phuoc, Tan Hoa Phuoc Lap and part of Tan Hoa Thanh, Thanh
Dong, Thanh My wards and a part of Thanh Tan Tan.
 The unsuitable area for pineapple cultivation: 4. Conclusions
12,093.32 ha. This is a land area with high level
of alum, undeveloped infrastructure, incomplete Application of ecological planning for pineap-
dike systems. Moreover, this area is frequently ple cultivation (Ananas comosus) helps to uti- The Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3)

56 Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City

lize efficiently the ecological and economical con- DONRE (Department of Natural Resources and Envi-
ditions for the ideal development of pineapple ronment of Tien Giang province). (2018). Report on
environmental monitoring and natural resource man-
and therefore the optimal pineapple productiv- agement in Ten Giang 2017. Tien Giang, Vietnam:
ity. This study had mapped and identified the DONRE Office.
pineapple cultivation area of 21,228.42 ha (ac-
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
counting for 63,7% of the studied area). Our
Nations). (1976). A framework for land evaluation.
data on the ecological and economical adaptation Rome, Italy: FAO.
maps could help to increase pineapple the pro-
ductivity, protect the environment and support Huizing H. (1992). Multiple goal analysis for land use
planning. In: The proceedings of DLD - ITC workshop
sustainable development in Tan Phuoc district, on GIS and RS nature resource management (142-
Tien Giang province. 153). Enschede, The Netherlands.

Nguyen, H. T. N. (2014). A guide to the cultivation

References of pineapple (Queen). Ha Noi, Vietnam: Agricultural
Publishing House.
Almo, F. (1998). Principles and methods in landscape
ecology. London, United Kingdom: Chapman & Hall.

Carol A. J. (1998). Geographic information systems in

ecology. Oxford, United Kingdom: John Wiley and
Sons Ltd.

The Journal of Agriculture and Development 18(3)

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