Iso 8503-4-2012-02

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Second edition

Preparation of steel substrates before

application of paints and related
products — Surface roughness
characteristics of blast-cleaned steel
substrates —
Part 4:
Method for the calibration of ISO
surface profile comparators and for the
determination of surface profile — Stylus
instrument procedure
Préparation des subjectiles d’acier avant application de peintures et
de produits assimilés — Caractéristiques de rugosité des subjectiles
d’acier décapés —
Partie 4: Méthode d’étalonnage des comparateurs viso-tactiles ISO et de
classification d’un profil de surface — Utilisation d’un appareil à palpeur

Reference number
ISO 8503-4:2012(E)


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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)



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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................... v
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Principle.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Apparatus............................................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Test surfaces......................................................................................................................................................... 2
6.1 ISO surface profile comparator........................................................................................................................ 2
6.2 Blast-cleaned steel substrates/replica........................................................................................................... 2
7 Procedure for measurement of maximum peak-to-valley height, Ry...................................................... 4

8 Calculation and expression of results............................................................................................................ 5

9 Test report.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Annex A (normative) Test report for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the
determination of surface profiles..................................................................................................................... 6
Annex B (normative) Form for recording surface profile measurements made in accordance with
ISO 8503‑4.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Annex C (informative) Guidance notes for the preparation and measurement of replicas............................. 8
Bibliography........................................................................................................................................................................ 9

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 8503‑4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, Subcommittee SC 12,
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8503‑4:1988), which has been editorially revised
to improve the clarity.

ISO 8503 consists of the following parts, under the general title Preparation of steel substrates before application
of paints and related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates:

— Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive
blast-cleaned surfaces

— Part 2: Method for the grading of surface profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel — Comparator procedure

— Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface
profile — Focusing microscope procedure

— Part 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface
profile — Stylus instrument procedure

— Part 5: Replica tape method for the determination of the surface profile


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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)


The performance of protective coatings of paint and related products applied to steel is significantly affected
by the state of the steel surface immediately prior to painting. The principal factors that are known to influence
this performance are:

a) the presence of rust and mill scale;

b) the presence of surface contaminants, including salts, dust, oils and greases;

c) the surface profile.

International Standards ISO 8501 (all parts), ISO 8502 (all parts) and ISO 8503 (all parts) have been prepared
to provide methods of assessing these factors, while ISO 8504 (all parts) provides guidance on the preparation
methods which are available for cleaning steel substrates, indicating the capabilities of each in attaining
specified levels of cleanliness.

These International Standards do not contain provisions for the protective coating systems to be applied to the

steel surface or for the surface quality provisions for specific situations, even though surface quality can have
a direct influence on the choice of protective coating to be applied and on its performance. Such provisions are
found in other documents, such as national standards and codes of practice.

It is necessary for the users of these International Standards to ensure that the qualities specified are:

— compatible and appropriate both for the environmental conditions to which the steel is exposed and for the
protective coating system to be used;

— within the capability of the cleaning procedure specified.

The four International Standards referred to above deal with the following aspects of preparation of steel substrates:

— ISO 8501: Visual assessment of surface cleanliness;

— ISO 8502: Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness;

— ISO 8503: Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates;

— ISO 8504: Surface preparation methods.

The stylus instrument is commonly used in the precision measurement of surface textures resulting from
machining and abrading procedures. The method is highly reproducible and totally independent of the operator
and, if required, some instruments can provide a graphical representation of the surface. This procedure can
also be used to determine the profile of a substrate after abrasive blast-cleaning, either directly or from a replica.

ISO 8503‑3 describes the procedure using an optical microscope. ISO 8503‑1 specifies the requirements for
ISO surface profile comparators, and ISO 8503-2 describes the procedure for their use. The many abrasive
blast-cleaning procedures in common use are described in ISO 8504‑2.

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Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and

related products — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-
cleaned steel substrates —

Part 4:
Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators
and for the determination of surface profile — Stylus
instrument procedure

1 Scope
This part of ISO 8503 specifies the stylus instrument and describes the procedure for calibrating ISO surface
profile comparators conforming to the requirements of ISO 8503‑1.

This part of ISO 8503 is also applicable to the determination of the surface profile, within the range R y5  = 20 μm
to R y5   =  200  μm, of essentially planar blast-cleaned steel. The determination can be carried out on a
representative section of the blast-cleaned surface or, if direct observation of the surface is not feasible, on a
replica of the surface (see Annex C).

NOTE Where appropriate, this procedure can be used to assess the roughness profile of other abrasive blast-
cleaned substrates.

An alternative procedure is described in ISO 8503‑3.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.

ISO  3274, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)  — Surface texture: Profile method  — Nominal
characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments

ISO  4287:1997, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)  — Surface texture: Profile method  — Terms,
definitions and surface texture parameters

ISO  5436‑1, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)  — Surface texture: Profile method; Measurement
standards — Part 1: Material measures

ISO  5436‑2, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)  — Surface texture: Profile method; Measurement
standards — Part 2: Software measurement standards

ISO  8503‑1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products  — Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO
surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in ISO 8503‑1 and the following apply. Attention is
also drawn to the terms used and/or defined in ISO 3274, ISO 4287, ISO 5436‑1 and ISO 5436‑2 prepared by
ISO/TC 213, Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification.

evaluation length
length in the direction of the X‑axis used for assessing the profile under evaluation

NOTE 1 The evaluation length may contain one or more sampling lengths (see Figure 1).

NOTE 2 For default evaluations lengths, see ISO 4288:1996, 4.4. ISO 4288 does not give default evaluation length for

[ISO 4287:1997]

traversed length
sum of the start-up length, the evaluation length and the run-out length

NOTE The traversed length is shown in Figure 1.

4 Principle
The peaks and valleys are measured by vertical displacement of a stylus traversing the test surface in the
direction of travel over the specified traversed length and the mean maximum peak-to-valley height, Ry5, is
determined. The procedure is repeated to obtain values at not less than 10 different locations on the test
surface and the grand mean maximum peak-to-valley height R y5 is calculated.

5 Apparatus

5.1 Stylus instrument, conforming to the description in ISO 3274 and equipped with a diamond stylus in
good condition, assessed as described in ISO 5436‑1. The tip radius shall be 5 μm ± 1 μm. The stylus shall

traverse an evaluation length, ln, of 12,5 mm and the corresponding sampling length, l, shall be 2,5 mm. The
rate of traverse of the stylus shall be not greater than 1,0 mm/s.

6 Test surfaces

6.1 ISO surface profile comparator

Visually check that each segment of the ISO surface profile comparator (see ISO  8503‑1) which is to be
calibrated is undamaged. Lightly clean the surface with a dry, fine-bristle brush to remove any particles of dust
and then, using a similar brush, wash the surface with petroleum spirit, 40/60 (commercial grade), to remove
oil and grease residues. Allow to dry before carrying out the calibration.

Calibrate each segment of the comparator as described in Clause 7.

6.2 Blast-cleaned steel substrates/replica

Visually check that the surface which is to be measured is undamaged. Lightly clean the surface with a
dry, fine-bristle brush to remove any particles of dust and then, using a similar brush, wash the surface with
petroleum spirit 40/60 (commercial grade) to remove oil and grease residues. Allow to dry before carrying out
the procedure. If a replica (see Annex C) is to be measured, clean it only with a dry brush.

Determine the surface profile as described in Clause 7.

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)



Ry(1) + Ry(2) + Ry(3) + Ry(4) + Ry(5)




Ry5 =


lSu start-up length l sampling length lRo run-out length
l n evaluation length l t traversed length

Figure 1 — Components of a stylus profile measurement on a blast-cleaned surface


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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

7 Procedure for measurement of maximum peak-to-valley height, Ry

7.1 Locate the test surface (see Clause 6) under the stylus instrument (see Clause 5) so that the measurements
are taken on a test area not less than 5 mm from any edge.

7.2 Determine the mean maximum peak-to-valley height, Ry5, of the test area in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions for the stylus instrument, using an evaluation length, ln, of 12,5 mm and corresponding
sampling lengths, l, of 2,5 mm. Record Ry5 on the form given in Annex B.

7.3 Repeat the procedure described in 7.1 and 7.2 until values of Ry5 have been obtained over at least 10
evaluation lengths uniformly distributed over the surface of the comparator or test area. Carry out the surface
measurements with not more than four sets of readings in any one direction (see Figure 2).

7.4 Repeat the procedure described in 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 for each surface to be calibrated or determined.

5 6 7 8 13


1 3

1 to 4 measurement segments
5 to 14 readings 1 to 10, respectively

Figure 2 — Suggested traversing pattern to obtain 10 readings of Ry5

(shown actual size)

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

8 Calculation and expression of results

8.1 Calculate the grand mean value, R y5 , and the standard deviation for the 10 readings of Ry5 for each
test surface.

If the standard deviation obtained is less than 20 % of the mean, report the standard deviation and the result
as the grand mean maximum peak-to-valley height, R y5 .

8.2 If the method is used to calibrate an ISO surface profile comparator and if the standard deviation obtained
is more than 20 % of the mean value, repeat the procedure (see Clause 7) and obtain the mean and standard
deviation for the 20 readings. If the standard deviation is still more than 20 % of the mean, reject the comparator
as the profile is of inadequate uniformity.

8.3 If the method is used to determine the profile of a blast-cleaned surface, either directly or from a replica,
report R y5 together with the standard deviation and the maximum reading of Ry5 to indicate the degree of
uniformity of the surface roughness.

9 Test report
The test report form is given in Annex A and shall contain at least the following information:

a) all information necessary for the identification of the ISO surface profile comparator and the segments
tested or, if the profile of a steel substrate was determined, the identification of the steel substrate and
whether a replica of the substrate was used;

b) a reference to this part of ISO 8503 (ISO 8503‑4:2012);

c) the evaluation length, ln, and the number of evaluation lengths measured;

d) the sampling length, l;

e) the result of the test, calculated as specified in Clause  8, and, if the profile of an ISO surface profile
comparator was determined, the limits for the comparator (see ISO 8503‑1);

f) any deviations from the procedure specified and, if the profile of a steel substrate was determined on a
replica, the method of preparation of the replica (see Annex C);

g) any unusual features (anomalies) observed during the test;

h) the name of the operator;

i) the date of the test.


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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

Annex A

Test report for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for
the determination of surface profiles

1. Test laboratory and address

2. Test surface identification
a) ISO surface profile comparator
b) steel substrate/ replicaa
3. International Standard reference ISO 8503‑4
4. Stylus instrument

Tip radius = ... μm  
Evaluation length, ln = ... mm  
Sampling length, l = ... mm  
5. Resultsb Nominal Maximum Grand mean, Standard
reading reading R y5 deviation
of Ry5
Segment 1        
Segment 2        
Segment 3        
Segment 4        
Steel substrate/replicac        
6. Any deviations from the standard procedured
7. Name and position of person authorizing the deviations (see 6 above)
8. Date of present test(s)
9. Date(s) of any previous test(s)d
10. Name of operator
a If profile measurement is of i) a steel substrate or ii) a replica, give details.
b See separate form (Annex B) for actual readings.
c Delete as appropriate.
d If applicable.

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

Annex B

Form for recording surface profile measurements made in accordance

with ISO 8503‑4

Test laboratory and address

Stylus instrument
Manufacturer: Tip radius = … μm
Type: Evaluation length, ln = … mm
Model: Sampling length, l  = … mm
Item referencea a)    ISO surface profile comparator
b)    Steel substrate/replicab
Reading No. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Steel substrate/
Ry5 Ry5 Ry5 Ry5 Ry5
μm μm μm μm μm
Maximum value of Ry5          

Grand mean, R y5          

Standard deviation          
a Delete as appropriate.
b If profile measurement is of i) a steel substrate or ii) a replica, give details.

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)

Annex C

Guidance notes for the preparation and measurement of replicas

When the test method is used to verify the profile of a steel substrate, it is usually impractical to obtain a small
sample of the actual surface whose profile is to be determined. In this case, it is still possible, by examining a
replica of the steel surface, to determine the surface profile.

A replica produces the reverse of the metal surface (that is, the peaks of the steel substrate become the valleys
of the replica and the valleys of the steel become the peaks of the replica), but this reversal does not affect the
validity of the measurement methods described in ISO 8503‑3 and this part of ISO 8503.

A variety of replicating techniques is available, including the use of solventless, two-component organic polymers
which crosslink to give a hard solid surface. These polymers can have disadvantages in that they do not penetrate
into the deepest, sharpest valleys and that a release agent might be required. They provide, however, a hard
enough surface to enable the stylus measurements described in this part of ISO 8503 to be made.

A two-component, pigmented silicone rubber product has also been used with success. Its initial viscosity and
flexible nature when crosslinked mean that penetration into re-entrants of grit-blasted profiles, and subsequent
removal, is good. Because of its softness, however, measurement is restricted to the microscope method
described in ISO 8503‑3.

Before any replicating technique is used, it should be examined for accuracy by replicating at least five steel
surfaces whose profiles have been determined directly. These steel surfaces should have been prepared by
use of abrasive of the same type as that used on the surface to be tested, and they should have profiles which
span the test surface profile range. lt is preferable that the profile obtained from the replica be within 10 % of
that obtained on the steel surfaces.

If a replicating technique is used to determine the surface profile of a substrate, this should be stated when
reporting the grand mean maximum peak-to-valley height.


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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)


[1] ISO 4288:1996, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Rules
and procedures for the assessment of surface texture

[2] ISO 8503-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 2: Method for the grading of surface
profile of abrasive blast-cleaned steel — Comparator procedure

[3] ISO 8503-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates — Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO
surface profile comparators and for the determination of surface profile — Focusing microscope procedure

[4] ISO 8504-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Surface
preparation methods — Part 2: Abrasive blast-cleaning

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ISO 8503-4:2012(E)


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