Final Research Paper (Edited)
Final Research Paper (Edited)
Final Research Paper (Edited)
Department of Education
Region 1
Division of Ilocos Sur
Sinait, Ilocos Sur, 2733
Genove, Rosepie
Ilar, Zhantelle
I. Introduction
III. Methodology
A. Summary ……………………………………………………………………………….
B. Conclusions …………………………………………………………………………….
C. Recommendations ……………………………………………………………………...
i. Research Instrument
ii. Documentation
This study was conducted to find out how teachers cope up with the new normal education.
1. How is the new normal education affects the everyday life of a teacher in terms of
2. What are the things a teacher can do to work comfortable in this new normal in terms of
this kind of season and the new normal kind of everyday life?
3. What are the benefits of this new normal education to our teachers in terms of personal
4. Is the normal education more stressing than the usual face to face classes in terms of
The pandemic had a significant impact on the education sector and provided a much
needed impetus for digitization , This study is an essential instrument for us to be able to know on
how teachers cope up with the new normal education system and how education drastically
transformed and brought a paradigm shift in teaching and learning methodologies forcing
educational institutions across the globe to re-imagine traditional classroom learning and transition
The study aims to find out how teachers cope up with the new normal. In this research
answer a survey form with questions regarding how they cope up with the new normal.
The study will be conducted at Barangay Binacud, Sinait, Ilocos Sur on May 31- June 4.
Each randomly selected teachers will be given a survey form and they will be answering the
This study utilized on how teachers are continuously working to address the immediate
academic concerns brought by the pandemic. Teachers are now from are now on work from home
arrangements and engage in online teaching. Transitioning from classroom teaching to online
New Normal
Over the past few months, we’ve experienced an unprecedented shift in our way of life due
to COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic panic has triggered a huge change to our everyday
Life changes also come with a wide variety of perspectives and emotions. The adjustment
to the new normal can be smooth at times, and it can also be choppy or outright bumpy at other
times. Some people can find themselves in survival mode, collecting information and resources
needed to function at school, work, as individuals, and in personal relations. Others may be trying
to get used to their new habits. For others, this may imply attempting to overcome social isolation.
It means learning or mastering how to live with friends, family, partners, or roommates, which
isn't always easy. Many people, struggle to find a distraction-free space at home where they can do
One thing is certain: we all know how difficult it is to adapt to change. We are forced let go
of our old routine and are now settling into what appears to be our new routine. And as society re-
establishes itself, there will be limitations, and we will be confronted with major changes in our
way of life.
implement blended learning as a new educational system. Blended learning is the use of
technology to combine online and offline educational systems. Online learning occurs when
students research with their instructor and classmates using a webcam-enabled program, while
offline learning occurs when the teacher gives the students the instruction, class activities, or
At this point of time, this new way of learning brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic can
be an additional obstacle. And, because returning to the "usual" we've all been used to isn't going
to happen anytime soon, let's all do our best to adapt and make the best of the situation we've
Teachers: Teaching
Teachers are known as student’s second mothers/fathers. They are our parents in school.
Teachers are one of the most influential and powerful forces for equity, access and quality in
teachers is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in
Because of this pandemic, the way we work and study has changed. Education as we know
it has changed. Schools and universities have moved online, some blending face-to-face with
online lectures. Work has also changed due to social distancing. So many of us shifted to working
from home to minimize travelling on public transport and gatherings in group at the office. Zoom
meetings became our New Normal. With restrictions being implemented, we may choose whether
A. Research Design
The qualitative research design used is phenomenological research design. The purpose of
this research design is to know how people give meaning to their experience. It also focuses on
the ideas on how individuals or group of people react or experience a certain phenomenon.
The sampling design used was convenience sampling. This sampling design involves
selecting people that are most convenient for the researcher/s. Five (5) teachers from Binacud
Teacher, single 1 (one)
Teacher, married but has no child 1 (one)
Teacher, married and has children ages 0-5 1 (one)
Teacher, married and has children ages 6- 1 (one)
Teacher, married and has children ages 11 1 (one)
and above
TOTAL 5 (five)
C. Instrument of the Study
The researchers utilized questionnaire to gather data. The questions are related/based from
the statement of the problem. The questionnaire is made up of open-ended questions. The
researchers asked permission from their adviser that allowed the researchers to conduct the
D. Data Gathering
The researcher’s questionnaire was prepared, and were distributed to the respondents. The
data of the study were distributed and collected by the researchers using a structured interview
question. The data were gathered from five (5) teachers at Binacud Integrated School.
The researchers identified the patterns and themes from the gathered data. They proceeded
F. Ethical Considerations
The researcher’s safety during the interview, especially during this pandemic, was secured
subjectivity, and legality was prioritized throughout the whole research study. Any type of
communication related to the research was done with honesty and transparency.
G. Time Frame
The table below shows the time frame of the study entitled Study of How Teachers Cope Up
with the New Educational System, taken from March 2021 to June 2021.
country have long been using both synchronous and asynchronous online teaching, school districts
were not in the same position like what we have here in the Philippines. When the pandemic
closed districts, administrators were left scrambling to find software and online tools to adequately
educate students. Both teachers and students are in the same boat, forced to try different methods
to see what worked are best for them to apply in this school year and more years to come.
Teachers’ Voices
classroom. The traditional home to workplace is eliminated , Teachers play their role as a mother
and at the same time tutor and teacher to their children and to their pupils/students simultaneously.
The dilemma between parenting and service is very hard, the first few weeks of the school year
are the hardest part, we felt powerless however as the day past by we are adjusting thru balancing
and time management we can handle all our duties and responsibilities as teachers with passion
and dedication.
This statement only shows the impact of this pandemic to our teachers, how hard dealing
with the preparation, distribution, retrieval, sorting and checking of modules, test construction,
rushing reports to be submitted, attending webinars despite of poor internet connectivity and
maintaining the cleanliness of the school in a limited time and their family matters.
Changed the Roles of our Teachers
Two crucial factors have shifted due to the pandemic, First , Pedagological adaptations
have proven to be pivotal as the traditional lecturing in-person models do not translate to a remote
learning environment. No matter the type of channels used teachers need to adapt their practices
and be creative to keep students engaged as every household has become a classroom more often
than not- without an environment that supports learning , second , the pandemic has recablibrated
how teachers divide their time between teaching , engaging with students and administrative tasks.
As teachers started to implement these guidelines and recommendations, they found themselves
balancing , educating and providing feedback to students remotely, filling administrative reports
The pandemic has shone a spotlight in inequeality all around the country, school closures
and social isolation have affected all students , but particulsrly those living in poverty Adding to
the damage to their learning, a mental health crisis is emerging as many students have
lost access to services that were offered by schools.Coronavirus undo all academic
gains leaving many students behind , summer learning loss have a big difference to
pandemic-related learning loss , during the summer , formal schooling stops and
learning loss happens at roughly at the same rate for all students , but during pandemic
some students have been able to participate fully in online learning while others have
faced obstacles that hindered their progress . The Covid-19 worsen existing mental
health problems and lead more cases among children and adolescence because of the
unique combination of public health crisis, social isolation , and economic recession
A. Summary
The focus of this study is how teachers cope up with the new educational system.
Based on the study , of how the new normal education affects the everyday life
of a teachers in terms of managing their work and personal whereabouts are the following:
(1) A little bit burden because our role is expanded (2) We cannot report in the school
same as the distribution of learners outputs and monitors students progress will be affected.
(3)We are challenged to handle multiple task within a limited time of planning ,
works (4) I manage my time in order to finish all the task in a limited time like printing of
modules, sorting and checking of modules , test construction, rush reports , attending
webinars and cleaning our assigned are and others.(5) During the new normal or face to
face set up our work was only 8 hours, now we (sometimes) extra hours and even on
weekends if there are tasks and urgent reports that need to be submitted.
The reason why teachers in this new normal education is more stress than the
usual face to face classes is because of the trackload of paperworks in a limited time ad
Based on the result of the study , findings revealed that as education migrates
to a new normal , teachers make necessary preparations to equip themselves with distance
learning. Though they face challenges which may hamper their work, they still manage to
cope up with the normal to continue their tasks. The higher offices and school authorities
should work with teachers at the pre-implementation of distance learning to address their
need in resources and training to effectively facilitate the delivery of quality education for
B. Conclusions
The study emphasized the optimistic sides of being a teacher, which is rarely
studied, especially during pandemics. The researchers therefore conclude that the new
educational system greatly affects the everyday life of a teacher in terms of managing their
work and personal whereabouts because their role as teacher is being expanded and they
are challenged to handle multiple task meaning they are not only working 8 hours a day
but most of their time is being consumed by the preparation, distribution, retrieval, sorting
webinars despite of poor internet connectivity and maintaining the cleanliness of the school
in a limited time. They are only reporting in their respective school thru alternative
working arrangements which is 2 days work from home and 3 days skeleton workforce.
However as the days past by teachers can managed their time in order to finish all the
The reason why teachers in this new normal education is more stress than the
usual face to face classes is because of the trackload of paperworks in a limited time and
necessary preparations to equiped themselves with modular distance learning. Though they
face challenges which may hamper their work, they still managed to cope up with the new
educational system to continue their tasks. Thus, teachers gain positive experiences this
includes their passion, relationships build, and the fulfillment of their duty.
The researchers therefore conclude that the way of teachers in coping up with
the new educational system were truly effective and helpful based on the review reading.
Name :
Number of child/ren:
Age/s :
1. How is the new normal education affects the everyday life of a teacher in terms of
2. What are the things a teachers can do to work more comfortable in this new normal in
terms of this kind of season and the new normal kind of everyday life?
3. What are the benefits of this new normal education to our teachers in terms of personal
4. Is the normal education more stressing than the usual face to face classes in terms of
Personal Information
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Siblings :3
Ederlyn Genove
Ricardo Genove
Personal Information
Gender : Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Siblings: 2
Personal Information
Gender : Male
Religion : Aglipayano
Allyson Yadao
Personal Information
Name :
Gender : Male
Religion :Catholic
Arjay Ilar