Deflasking, Finishing & Polishing: سانيا.د راتسلا دبع Lec.15 Prosthodontics

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Lec.15 Prosthodontics ‫ايناس عبد الستار‬.

‫د‬ 2019-2020

Deflasking, Finishing & Polishing

Deflasking is the removal of the cured dentures with their casts from the mold.
After the acrylic resin of a denture base has been processed, the flasks must be cool slowly
to room temperature before they are removed from the clamp.
The mold removes from the flask by using minimum pressure and slowly force, either by
using flask ejector or an alternate method by using a rawhide mallet.
The cured dentures and their casts have been removed from the mold. Special care must be
taken to insure that the casts are not broken, and to avoid breaking any tooth. They will be
remounted on the articulator to remove occlusal errors; this remount procedure cannot be
done in the laboratory if the casts are broken. Clean all the stone from the exposed acrylic
and teeth, scrub the denture and casts thoroughly before starting laboratory remounting. It
is better not to remove the dentures from the casts

Laboratory Remounting:
The processed dentures are removed from the flasks. Reposition the stone casts on the
original plaster mountings.
Place each cast on its plaster mounting and check that it goes into place exactly. The
master cast with the polymerized denture must be effectively secured to the articulator

Lec.15 Prosthodontics ‫ايناس عبد الستار‬.‫د‬ 2019-2020

Begin by placing notches in both the mounting and the master cast with an acrylic bur.
Soak the cast and mountings in water for 5 minutes and place a plaster around the junction
between the cast and the plaster mount.
Plaster maintains a better bond and is quicker and easier to use than sticky wax.

Artificial teeth move about to a minor degree during denture festooning and while the wax
denture base is being converted into resin.
This teeth movement due to dimensional changes in the wax denture base, dimensional
changes in the investing material ''setting expansion of the stone", slight movement of the
teeth due to excessive or improper pressure during packing, and dimensional changes in
the denture base resin during processing.
In general, if all the steps are performed scientifically, errors resulted will be small and
their corrections will be simple.
The processing errors are then removed by selective grinding in the laboratory remounting

Purpose of laboratory remounting:

1. To correct errors in occlusion that have occurred during processing
2. To return dentures to the correct vertical dimension of occlusion
3. To restore centric and bilateral balanced occlusion

Selective Grinding:
Is defined as modification of occlusal surfaces of the teeth by grinding at selected places
marked by spots made by articulating paper, this procedure done to correct minor errors
and establish proper smooth occlusion during centric and eccentric relations.
Some dentists prefer to do corrections of occlusal errors in the clinic at the time of denture
insertion (clinical remount this is done after the dentures are polished), this is also
correct, but it might take time and some patients may think that these errors could be due
to work, therefore it is advisable to do correction in the laboratory on the articulator
(laboratory remounting this is done before the denture are polished), and if further
adjustments are required, dentist can do it in the clinic.
Now the casts and their plaster mounts are returned to the articulator close the articulator
and check the amount of pin opening that has occurred secondary to processing and when

Lec.15 Prosthodontics ‫ايناس عبد الستار‬.‫د‬ 2019-2020

the dentures are remounted. Usually there will be 1 to 11/2 mm of opening, if the proper
techniques have been followed throughout the investing and packing procedures.
Excessive pin opening is an indication that the flasks were not closed before the
dentures were processed. If the pin touches, the dentures may have under packed.
After closing the articulator, if the incisal pin does not touch the incisal table, this mean
that the occlusal vertical dimension has been altered and must be reestablished.
A piece of articulating paper is inserted between the teeth and they are tapped tighter
gently but firmly. This repeated on both sides.

Establish the occlusal vertical dimension by removing the occlusal prematurities until the
pin is closed against the incisal guide table.

6.Finishing and polishing of the denture

The finishing of dentures consists of perfecting the final form of the denture by removing
any flash of acrylic resin at the denture border, any flash and stone remaining around the
teeth, and any nodules of acrylic resin on the surfaces of the tissue side of the dentures
resulting from processing with a small sharp instrument or with a brush wheel.
If the denture was packed carefully, there will be a minimum of flash.

The flash: is the acrylic resin that was forced out between the two halves of the flask by
pressure applied during the processing procedure.

Trim all gross excess acrylic, being careful to preserve and not to remove the following:
 Buccal, facial and lingual fold contour.

Lec.15 Prosthodontics ‫ايناس عبد الستار‬.‫د‬ 2019-2020

 Post-dam area.
 Gingival festooning around the teeth.
 Surface contour and root eminences.

The posterior area of the palate has been thinned to its proper thickness and the dentures
are now ready for polishing.

The polishing of dentures consists of making a denture smooth and glossy by removing
scratches without changing its contour.
The first step in polishing is to use pumice and a wheel. Pumice is used as wet slurry
placed on the denture. Borders are not reduced in height or width during polishing. The
tissue surface of a denture is never polished because polishing destroys the details

Lec.15 Prosthodontics ‫ايناس عبد الستار‬.‫د‬ 2019-2020

necessary for good fit and retention. A brush wheel mounted on a lathe is used to polish
around the necks of the teeth and the interproximal areas.
Do not over polish in order not to lose the contours that were developed during festooning.

The next stage in polishing is to give a high shine to the polished surfaces with the use of
Tripoli is a somewhat greasy material and must be removed from the denture before the
final polishing.
Final polishing with a high shine material which composed of fine particles which impart a
glossy surface to the work being polished.

Store the polished dentures in water until they have been delivered to the patient with high
gloss, the borders are rounded and smooth, and the palate is highly polished and the proper
thickness, compatible contour, and natural appearance. Store the denture in water all the
time otherwise it will undergo dimensional changes and shrinkage.

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