1 Case Study

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Aditya Sai.

Roll no: EPG42/APRIL21/1069®


1st case study:

a) What are the dysfunctions of informal organization in the Surepleasure Airlines?


In surepleasure airlines the major dysfunction that need to consider is:

1) Lack of Attitude towards work:
• Attitude of employee will be major dysfunction of any organisation which
effect the productivity and working environment

2) Comply with organisation:

• Any organisation needs to have the clear command on employee in every
level. After looking to the surepleasure airlines hierarchy itself having no
responsible towards the work then how can we find in normal employees

3) Unethical behaviour:
• Ethics is the major factor for any organisation to run for longer period. In
especially for airline which dealing with people life and safe.

4) Resistance:
• Informal organisation will damage culture of employee and lead to great loss
of hard working employee and ethical worker and creating informal groups
will always damage environment of organisation

In the informal organisation top management can’t able to control and predict the output.

(b) Could there be any benefits of informal organization in this company?


There are few points that can be consider as benefit in this organisation

1) Share the common though will help the organisation in the effectivity outcomes
2) Employee get chance to take own discussion and make judgement without waiting for
mangers call
3) Connecting each other emotion and personal will always help in team work and also make
formal goals easy to reach
4) Social interaction makes the environment more lively and help employee to work without
any deviation
5) Considering everyone as equal will away help the organisation to have a rapid growth and
effective outcomes
6) Solving of a problem in informal organisation is more effective in which to achieve formal

This is few informal organization benefits that can be seen in the company

c) What suggestions would you give to the management of this company to cope with
the informal organization?


The informal organization in surepleasure organization is a major threat to organisation.

Need to take necessary action on it with reorganizing and planning

Firstly, we need to study the behaviour and analyse carefully based on it .We need to find to
root cause
Understanding the organization group is most important thing which deal the objective and
moto of them

Making the necessary action plan for bringing a bridge between informal and formal in company and
arranging the required resource to fulfil the necessary of it

Therefore, always there should dual channel which makes organization a better place to work and
making the system opening and encourage the employee work

2nd case study:

a) Describe the changes in structure that Ford expects from the Ford 2000 .

Under the reorganization plan, ford has come up with FORD’2000 in which there are going
to focus on

1) Design
Trotman, hagenlacker has taken a bold step towards the design. The change that can be
seen after the implementation of ford 2000

• More model with minor changes in design

• More effective way of production
• Communizing the structure and process which lead to the more productive
Ford with this idea of communizing the design for all sort of markets. It will deceased the cost
of implementation and cost of production. So, considering the basic theme of the car and
change the body will lead to less cost with more production

Consider the 1996 Taurus serves as base for many other model. So through design side the
company has taken a bold step and affective way of production with the profit

Decision of operations around the world and revolutionize the way that the designs and

2) Reorganization

Any organisation which is dynamic in the environment will be difficult in long run but in
the case of forb employee has believed in CEO. There may be a difficult at start but the
reorganization is much important for once in decade

b) How do you explain the continuing problem that employees are having with
adapting to the new structure of Ford 2000?

In any organization environment & culture is main factor of stability of the company for
long run

If the company is undergoing the major change in the reporting and decision area. It will lead to the

Conflicts internally

(c) Is a matrix structure the proper structure for Ford 2000?


The matrix structure that implemented in ford is the best for the company and difficult for
the employee in the start between the system that developed to minimize the process and step for
the job and also company production and design will lead to the success

But start will be rough, day by day the system will be embedded in to the company as the process

My point of view matrix structure is proper and best process of better output

(d) Does frequent changing of Organization Structure impact Organizational Behaviour


The frequent change in the any organisation is not good for the organization long run.

In which employee are difficult to under and mingle with and also direct affect the organization in
business wise

My point view is, not good to the change the structure frequent in which it will affect the

2nd case study:

a) Identify and discuss the core issue in the case.
Labour is the main vitamin / backbone of the company. consider the labour law are working guide of
HR management, without labour law there is no HR.

Every Hr manger should be aware of labour law of the country where he is working, because core
function any HR

If the management is not listening the labour issue there is right to go to labour court which will lead
to great loss to company

So HR need to maintain great relation between employee and regarding the employee benefits
should go through a transparent way to all the employee

HR should not finalize the performance based on the single person info

HR must ensure safe environment without gender differences and provide necessary thing without

(b) Was management of the company justified in implementing the recommendations of Mr. Rog,
in the absence of proper report?


The management done a big mistake by implementing words of Mr Rog without checking the
proper facts and figures and there was not a proper performance report prepared for the 11 workers
whose increment was stopped.

By implementing Mr Rog decisions, the company has violated the Labour laws

Due to lack of union in the paper company it was implemented without knowing the facts.

HR should have cross check the issue in opposite way also. Whether labour and MR.Rog has any
problem with each other

Purely HR has made the decision based on the single person without involving labour union and
labour law

Hr team should have analysis the issue by visiting the work area and investigate an talk to the
employee will be good thing to done before take an decision

(c) How would you view the action of Mr. Rog, if you were the M.D. of the company ?

As MD is should have use my leadership skills and analysis the both parties issue as open minded.
The decision that was taken the first time in the history of the company. MD must some want
causations on the issue. To make sure the environment of the company and worker as MD we need
to be middle of the line with out siding the towards to one party. If we support to employee, Mr rog
might be demotivated and lead to resign

d) Do you think the reward system instituted by the company needs to be reviewed ?
Substantiate your answer with logic.
For ever company rewards and incensitive are very important of obey the labour laws and acts

In XYZ company the rewards system is very poor and as south india top paper company it should
have maintain the standard

By seeing the employee loyalty to company by working more then 10 year there should be some sort

My point of view the company should review the issue and need to take mid term action for the
future of the company

3rd case study:

1) What are the unique features of SEWA?
SEWA is called as a movement rather then a program .it core power to empower the poor

1) The member has increased their income both collective work and also creating the alternative

2) There gain access to the market through marketing and assistance with product improvement

3) belief in Gandhi and their practices

4)organization style encourages experimentation and learning, willingness to take partners

2)Discuss the worker-oriented development approach of SEWA affecting the performance.

SEWA has overcome many challenges. Initially it encountered great
resistance in even registering as a union, since the authorities questioned whether self-employed
women were legally entitled to make trade union. Later the banking authorities were reluctant to
sanction a bank that lent to self-employed women without collateral. In overcoming these and lots
of similar challenges, SEWA has shifted the policy environment in India, and therein way it's had an
impression far beyond its membership. The challenges of rapid growth are successfully met up to
now, thanks partially to SEWA’s flexible structure, but they are a seamless preoccupation as
membership continues to extend. and also, the long-run financial viability of various enterprises
remains a concern: while SEWA encompasses a clear policy that each one such activities should be
self-sustaining, actually making them so, and deciding when initial subsidies have gone on long
enough, is always difficult. Moreover, a number of SEWA’s newer initiatives, like insurance, require
more financial expertise and discipline than traditional activities.

(c) Can you suggest ways in which private corporate organizations can also be involved in
developing management programmes along with SEWA for the upliftment of the rural

Around the world there are many in organizations working toward the empowerment
of the poor / rural people
The few ways of programs that will be help through SEWA is

1)Self-growth Training: corporate organizations can arrange the training and development program
to uplift the women in rural area

In one Servia that update that the people from SEWA is perform well then, the men and also shows
the great management skill

2) Marketing training: educate the way of the negotiation for there product in the real market

3) Investment: private company can support and educate the rural people for there own business r
investment from there future which help toward safe and secure future


1. Define, what is Organizational Behaviour and state why it is importance to study
Organizational Behaviour?

Define: The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations

Importance to study organizational:

1. OB helps to predict human behaviour and, then, apply it in organization for more effective
2. It helps in the effective utilization of manpower in the organization.
3. OB helps the managers to understand the basis thing and which help to motivate the
4. OB helps to maintain cordial industrial relations in which directly increase in productivity of
the industry.
5. It helps to improve inter-personal relations in the organizations.
6. It helps managers apply appropriate motivational techniques in accordance with the nature
of individual employees who exhibit a learning difference in many respects.
2. Describe three level of organization and discuss ethical behaviour of formal and informal
organization with examples?


The three levels of organization are:

• Top level: Top level is so referred to as the executive level,

guides and controls the overall fortunes of a business.
• Middle level: This level includes different manger. this
manager, a conduit between top management and first-line and
focus on specific work
• Frist line level: Is the group that works directly with the people
who produce and sell the goods and/or the services of a

The formal and informal organization:

Formal organization Informal organization

• Goals and objective,

• Beliefs
• policies and procedure, Ethical and • Feelings (personally emotion)
• financial resources, unethical • Informal norms
• communication channel
• Product and services • Language
• Fair treatment

4. Explain the Process of Communication and its significance in an organization.


It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, facts, feelings, etc. among the people to
reach a common understanding.

Communications Process:

Communications is a continuous process which mainly involves three elements viz. sender, message,
and receiver. The elements involved in the communication process are explained below in detail:

Sender: Goal is to transmit / convey the message to the receiver

Message: That is generated by the sender and incaution to communicate further

Encoding: The message generated by the sender is decrypted symbolically such as in the form of words,
pictures, gestures, etc. before it is being conveyed.

Media: It is the manner in which the encoded message is transmitted.

Decoding: It is the process of converting the symbols encoded by the sender. After decoding the
message is received by the receiver.
Receiver: He is the person who is last in the chain and for whom the message was sent by the sender.

Feedback: Once the receiver confirms to the sender that he has received the message and understood
it, the process of communication is complete.

Noise: It refers to any obstruction that is caused by the sender, message or receiver during the process
of communication

Encode Decode

Sender Receiver

Decode Encode


Communication is central to the entire management process for the following reasons: -
Communication is the linking process by which people can exchange information. In most time
manger communicates with employees and other internal and external customers. Represents
power in organization the staff members who have complete information becomes the centre of
power. No manager can handle conflict, negotiate successfully & succeed leadership without being a
good communicator in all forms

10. Define group and work team. Explain the benefits organization and individuals derive from
working in team



A group and work team is defined in terms of size, selection, Leadership, perception, style
and spirit. Group could be a medium or large, selection is immaterial, leadership is solo,
perception is target leader, style is convergence and spirit is of togetherness.

In a group information is shared, decisions taken, helps each group member perform within
his or her area of responsibility, individual accountability with random skills sets.

Team is proscribed in size, selection is crucial, leadership keeps on rotating or shared,

perception is mutual knowledge understanding, role spread coordination style and dynamic
interaction spirit. in an exceedingly team individual effort lead to performance that's greater
than the sum of the individual inputs, here accountability is on individual and mutual with
complementary skills.

Teams is classified in keeping with their objective. the foremost common types of teams
that are likely available in a company are:
> Problem-solving teams
>Self-managed teams
>Cross-functional teams
>Virtual teams

Benefits derived from working during a team for a company and individuals are: -

1. Maximizes Involvement
2. Shared Information
3. Problem Solving
4. Shared Goals
6. Improved Outcomes
7. Sense of Ownership
9. Greater Risk Taking
10. Decisions Understood..etc

8. Define motivation? Explain motivation with either Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory or
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory?



Motivation is the process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of an
effort towards attaining a goal or an objective.

The three-key element of motivation are

• Intensity: - How hard a person tries

• Direction: - Towards beneficial goal
• Persistence: - How long person tries

Motivation is a play a vital role of HR function. There are different workplace motivators -

• Internal factors,
• Boss Attitude,
• Salary & Benefits,
• Work Style Compatibility,
• Schedule & flexibility,
• Co-worker friendliness,
• Potential for Advancement

Motivation have been explained by different theories such as Maslow’s Need Hierarchy and
Herzberg 2 factor theory.
It states that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while there are
separate set of factors that cause dissatisfaction.

Hygiene factors are needed to ensure that an employee is not dissatisfied with the
environment and work culture made available to him.

Motivation factors are needed to motivate an employee to higher performance and which need to
reach goals

Examples of Hygiene Factors are :-

• Relationship with colleagues, personal life, salary, work conditions, relationship with
supervisor, company policy and administration.

Examples of Motivational factors are:

• Growth prospectus, career enhancement, moving up the organization ladder,

responsibility, challenges, recognition and achievements.

11. Define conflict and negotiation in organization and Explain the nature of conflicts in


Conflict is ever changing with every case and change in dynamic of working society

Any situation in organization with different goals, attitude, emotions or behaviours between two or
more parties

There are classified:

• Functional conflicts: A constructive disagreement between two or more people

• Dysfunctional conflicts: A destructive disagreement between two or more people


A joint process to find a mutually solution to complex conflict under this condition

• Two or more people

• Parties are willing to negotiate

The aims to resolve the differences between the people and also trust on each on which their term
there accepted

Nature of conflict

A) Group conflict:

• Interorganizational: Conflict between two or more organization. Ex: corporate takeover,

• Intergroup: Conflicts between two ore more team in company
• Intragroup: Conflict with in team or group

B) Individual conflict
• Intrapersonal: conflict that occur within the person
• Interrole: conflict among the multiple roles in the life …etc

14. What is performance appraisal and Management? Explain briefly how compensation and
rewards are integrated with performance appraisal?


Performance management:

It’s a goal-oriented process directing to ensure the organization process are in the max productivity
of employee, teams and organization

It plays a vital role to improve the valve of workforce so that relationship can be clearly understand

There is very close relation between incentives and performance in the direct effect to the achieving
the strategic goals

Performance appraisal:

Its major part of PM and tool to evaluate individual or team task performance. Which this directly
reflecting the outcome of the coming years. PA is personal thing in which we are look their hard
work. If the PA is not considered in organization that is the point of fall of company output

Compensation and rewards

Out of the all PA, compensation and rewards play vital role to attract and retention the best talent
PA is organization decision in which the company achieve the goals and objection but compensation
and rewards will come under the category of person and individual hard work that has putted in it
In which manger or superior involved

15. What is Industrial relations and labour laws? Discuss India’s growth in industrial relations
under five phases (From 1950 to 2021)?



Industrial relation is relationship between management and worker / employee or among worker
and their organization

In other words we can define as complex inter-relation among workers , top management and

Labour law:

Employee law is the body of law, regulations, administrative ruling and precedents which address
the legal right of labourers and their organization

The main goal of labour law is to reduce the difference between the employer and employee which
leads in industrial growth and growth of the nation

Objective of IR
1) improvement standards of workers

2) control Over the industrial undertaking with a view to regulating production and promoting
harmonious industrial relation

3) establish sound relation between worker and management

4) prevent the industrial conflicts and strikes by raising the economic status of workers

5) Avoid unnecessary interference of the government

Overview of the industrial relations (1950 -2021)

1) First phase (1950 – mid 1960) Post Independence

• The face of the industrialization in which the government involve in wages

• Employment growth led by large public sector enterprises and gradually picked up by growth
in private sector

2) second phase (mid 1960 to 1970)

• Increase in industrial disputes

• Multiple unions came to being
• Man, days are lost due to man made strikes

3) Third phase (1980 t0 1991)

• Rise of the industry strike

• This phase has seen the increased in unemployment
• Interstate and intercity variation

4) Forth phase (1992 to 2000)

• Increase in rural Poverty

• Less government intervention in bargaining
• Growth in non-union sector
• Increase in causal worker and self employed

5) fifth phase (2001 to 2021)

• Increase in private sector

• More IT / phrama sector industries
• Women empowerment
• Causal worker and self-employment has increased
• Foreign investment organization

This are the five phases of India’s growth in industrial relation with important that can be consider
has the changes that occurred in each phase


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