Department of Mechanical Engineering: ME8094-Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Unit IV - MCQ Bank

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ChettinadTech Dept of MECH

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME8094- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Unit IV - MCQ Bank
1. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are reported to have a number of benefits. Which is NOT
a reported benefit of FMS?
(A) More flexible than the manufacturing systems they replace
(B) Lead time and throughput time reduction
(C) Increased quality
(D) Increased utilization

2. Which materials-processing technology gives the advantage of precision, accuracy, and optimum
use of cutting tools, which maximize their life and higher labor productivity?
(A) Industrial robots
(B) Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
(C) Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
(D) NC (and CNC) machine tools

3. What do Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) do?

(A) Moves and manipulates products, parts or tolls
(B) Moves materials between operations
(C) Co-ordinates the whole process of manufacturing and manufactures a part, component or product
(D) Completely manufactures a range of components without significant human intervention
during the processing

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4. The type in which the range or universe of part styles that can be produced on the system
(A) Mix flexibility
(B) Production flexibility
(C) Volume flexibility
(D) Product flexibility

5. FMS can be classified basing on

(A) Kinds of operation they perform
(B) Number of machines
(C) Level of flexibility
(D) All of the given

6. One of the classifications of FMS based on the number of machines in the system
(A) Flexible manufacturing cell
(B) Random-order FMS
(C) Dedicated FMS
(D) None of the above

7. VMC and HMC can be categorised as__________.

(A) Workstations
(B) Load and unload stations
(C) Fixtures
(D) Workpiece transport equipment

8. Fullform of AGV is__________.

(A) Automated Guard Vehicle
(B) Automated Guided Vehicle
(C) Automated Grinding Vehicle
(D) Automated Ground Vehicle

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9. AGVs can be used as__________.

(A) Workstations
(B) Load and unload stations
(C) Workpiece transport equipment
(D) Pallets

10. __________ are used to locate parts precisely on pallets.

(A) Tools
(B) Fixtures
(C) Load and unload stations
(D) Workstations

11. Which system possesses high flexibility?

(A) Cellular manufacturing
(C) GT
(D) CNC automation

12. Which system requires a large database?

(A) Cellular manufacturing
(C) GT

13. Which of the following is not the type of FMS?

(A) Flexible manufacturing cells
(B) Flexible tool handling systems
(C) Flexible transfer lines
(D) Flexible machining systems

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14. Full form of FMC is_____.

(A) Flexible material cells
(B) Flexible modeling cells
(C) Flexible marketing cells
(D) Flexible manufacturing cells

15. Full form of FTL is_____.

(A) Flexible tool lines
(B) Flexible technology lines
(C) Flexible transfer lines
(D) Flexible transportation lines

16. Full form of TMS is_______.

(A) Tool manufacturing system
(B) Tool maintenance system
(C) Tool management system
(D) Tool modeling system

17. Which of the following is not a part of the tool management system?
(A) Tool Supply Systems
(B) Tool Monitoring Systems
(C) Tool manufacturing Systems
(D) None of the given

18. The capability of the machines to a wide range of products of operations and part cycles is known
(A) Product flexibility

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(B) Production flexibility

(C) Routing flexibility
(D) Machine flexibility

19. The capacity to produce parts through alternative workstation sequences is known as________.
(A) Production flexibility
(B) Routing flexibility
(C) Volume flexibility
(D) Expansion flexibility

20. The range of part styles that can be produced in the system is known as_________.
(A) Machine flexibility
(B) Production flexibility
(C) Routing flexibility
(D) Volume flexibility

21. The ability to produce parts in high and low total quantities of production depending upon the
market demand is known as_________.
(A) Production flexibility
(B) Product flexibility
(C) Routing flexibility
(D) Volume flexibility

22. Which is the simplest type of FMS layout?

(A) In-line layout
(B) Loop layout
(C) Ladder layout

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(D) Open field layout

23. is the figure of_______.

(A) In-line FMS layout
(B) Loop FMS layout
(C) Ladder FMS layout
(D) Open field FMS layout

24. is the figure of_______.

(A) In-line FMS layout
(B) Loop FMS layout
(C) Ladder FMS layout
(D) Open field FMS layout

25. is the figure of_______.

(A) In-line FMS layout

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(B) Loop FMS layout

(C) Ladder FMS layout
(D) Open field FMS layout

26. is the figure of_______.

(A) In-line FMS layout
(B) Loop FMS layout
(C) Ladder FMS layout
(D) Open field FMS layout

27. full form of AS/RS is________.

(A) Automated Shorting and Retrieval System
(B) Automated Storage and Revival System
(C) Automated Shorting and Restoration System
(D) Automated Storage and Retrieval System

28. AGVs can not be used as_______.

(A) Towing vehicles
(B) Pallet trucks
(C) Shorting machines

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(D) Fork trucks

29. Full form of RTV is_______.

(A) Roof-mounted transport vehicles
(B) Rail-mounted transport vehicles
(C) Rail-mobile transport vehicles
(D) Roof-mobile transport vehicles

30. Full form of GR is_______.

(A) Gantry rails
(B) Gantry robots
(C) Guided rails
(D) Guided robots

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