Carbon Sequestration in Mangrove Forests
Carbon Sequestration in Mangrove Forests
Carbon Sequestration in Mangrove Forests
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1 author:
Daniel M. Alongi
Tropical Coastal & Mangrove Consultants
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Daniel M Alongi*
Mangrove forests are highly productive, with carbon production rates equivalent to tropical humid forests.
Mangroves allocate proportionally more carbon belowground, and have higher below- to above-ground
carbon mass ratios than terrestrial trees. Most mangrove carbon is stored as large pools in soil and dead
roots. Mangroves are among the most carbon-rich biomes, containing an average of 937 tC ha-1, facilitating
the accumulation of fine particles, and fostering rapid rates of sediment accretion (~5 mm year -1) and
carbon burial (174 gC m-2 year -1). Mangroves account for only approximately 1% (13.5 Gt year -1) of carbon
sequestration by the world’s forests, but as coastal habitats they account for 14% of carbon sequestration
by the global ocean. If mangrove carbon stocks are disturbed, resultant gas emissions may be very high.
Irrespective of uncertainties and the unique nature of implementing REDD+ and Blue Carbon projects,
mangroves are prime ecosystems for reforestation and restoration.
Mangrove forests are the only woody halophytes that live forests represent a continuum of types in relation to
in salt water along the world’s subtropical and tropical gradients in their physical settings. Variations can be
coastlines. Coincidentally, poverty and dense human expressed within a single estuary, where there are usually
populations flourish along these low-latitude coasts, upstream–downstream changes in geomorphology, salin-
partly explaining the high (1–3%) annual deforestation ity, waves, tides and river flow, with these factors affecting
rates of these tidal forests. Mangroves are true ecotones, water circulation by generating mixing and trapping of
having some components of both marine and terrestrial coastal water [2] . The development of mangrove forests
biomes, but have also developed a number of unique occurs where near-horizontal topography coincides with
structural and functional adaptations, such as viviparous sea level; a relatively stable period of sea level is, thus, a
embryos, physiological mechanisms to tolerate salt and prerequisite for the development of old-growth forests
aerial roots that enable the plants to respire in anoxic, [3] . The response of mangroves to environmental change
waterlogged soils [1] . Mangroves are architecturally sim- is, therefore, often indicative of past changes in coastal
ple compared with terrestrial forests, usually harboring conditions, especially in sea level. Comparing present
few tree species and lacking an understory of ferns and patterns in forest species with paleoecological informa-
scrubs. However, the standing biomass of some mangrove tion provides considerable insight, not only into how
forests in equatorial regions can be immense, rivaling the mangroves responded to past sea level changes, but how
height and weight of many tropical rainforests [1] . they may respond to climate change in the future.
Mangroves are ultimately limited by temperature but, Human disturbance obscures natural change and
at local and regional scales, variations in precipitation, our ability to distinguish one from the another is lim-
tides, waves and river flow greatly determine their expanse ited, as most forests have a history of both natural and
and biomass. Attempts have often been made to classify human disturbances, and are often intertwined and
the sequential changes in forest structure and species dis- indistinguishable. Mangroves are naturally disturbed by
tribution parallel to shore but, in reality, most mangrove tsunamis, floods, cyclones, lightning, pests and disease,
*Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB 3, Townsville MC, Queensland 4810, Australia
future science group 10.4155/CMT.12.20 © 2012 Future Science Ltd ISSN 1758-3004 313
Review Alongi
Key terms and become more susceptible when primary production (NPP) based on different methods
Mangroves: Trees and associated human stressors such as pollutants range from 0.5 to 112.1 t dry weight (DW) ha-1 year -1
plants, microbes and animals that live at are introduced. However, mangroves but most methods either significantly overestimate (the
the interface between land and sea. often exhibit considerable resilience light attenuation method) or underestimate (litterfall)
These tidal ecosystems have both
to disturbance, undergoing perpet- the true rates of production.
semi-terrestrial and marine
components. ual change in ecosystem develop- The most reasonable means at present to assess NPP of
Coastal: Land, water and aquatic
ment commensurate with the evo- forests is to measure aboveground biomass accumulation
habitats that reside where the lution of the environmental settings plus litterfall, and there are quite a number of such mea-
continents meet the ocean. These they inhabit, and are, thus, mosaics surements for both mangroves and tropical terrestrial
habitats are usually only a few of successional stages arrested or forests. For mangroves, the mean rate of aboveground
kilometers in width but are highly
dynamic and interactive with respect to
interrupted over time and space by NPP is 11.1 t DW ha-1 year -1 with a median value of
energy and material flow between land natural ecological responses in rela- 8.1 t DW ha-1 year -1; for tropical terrestrial forests, the
and sea. tion to disturbances both large and mean rate of aboveground NPP is 11.9 t DW ha-1 year -1
Carbon sequestration: Term used to small [4] . with a median value of 11.4 t DW ha-1 year -1; for both
describe the acquisition and storage of Mangrove forests are a valuable mangroves and terrestrial forests, NPP declines with
carbon. Refers most often in relation to ecological and economic resource, increasing latitude [1] . Considering the differences within
the ability of ecosystems to reduce the
impact of increasing CO2 concentrations providing essential services such as and between both forest groups in biomass, height, age
in the atmosphere. food and fuel resources; nursery and species, the rates are very close and clearly imply
grounds for fish, mammals and that rates of NPP are equivalent between mangroves and
other semi-terrestrial and aquatic fauna; depocenters other forests.
for sediment, carbon and other elements; and, in some Like other forests, mangroves vary in size and age and,
instances, offering some protection from coastal erosion therefore, vary in rates of production and in the bal-
due to tsunamis and intense tropical storms [1] . Despite ance between carbon production and respiration. The
their uses to humans, approximately 50% of the world’s few studies that have measured mangrove tree growth
mangrove forests have disappeared over the past 50 years over time or in stands of known age have observed stand
[5] , ironically reflecting their importance as a valuable dynamics similar to other forests, identifying stages of
economic resource. Major causes for this destruction early rapid growth during colonization and early estab-
have been urban development, aquaculture, mining, and lishment, followed by a slow decline in growth rate into
overexploitation of timber, fish, crustaceans and shell- maturity and senescence [1,10,11] . The stable-state matu-
fish. The average monetary value of mangroves has been rity phase can be prolonged in some mangrove stands
estimated as second only to the value of estuaries and and may represent an alternate succession state in which
seagrass meadows, and greater than the economic value the clock for the climax stage is reset by successive dis-
of coral reefs, continental shelves and the open sea [6] . turbances [10] . The relationship between mangrove forest
Of greater eventual value is the role of mangroves in age and photosynthetic production [11] suggests prolonga-
storing carbon to help ameliorate the impact of climate tion or arrested progression when forests are disturbed;
change. There is a growing consensus that it will be Rhizophora apiculata forests in southeast Asia show log-
impossible to achieve significant cuts in GHG emis- phase photosynthetic rates until approximately 20 years,
sions without passive and active means to capture and after which photosynthesis levels off but does not signifi-
store CO2 [7] . The role of carbon storage in mangroves cantly decline for nearly a century [1] . These data imply
has often been overlooked and either underestimated that mangroves might indeed constitute a carbon sink
or overestimated [1] , and it is the purpose of this review for up to a century if left relatively undisturbed.
to critically assess the role of mangroves in carbon Other primary producers inhabit mangrove forests
sequestration and its global significance. and their rates of NPP can be significant, especially in
comparatively open canopies and on tidal banks where
Carbon production sufficient light penetrates to the forest floor [1] . Various
Mangroves are usually highly productive forests and, as autotrophic and mixotrophic microbes and microalgae,
a significant fraction of their soil carbon is plant-derived as well as macroalgae, live on the soil surface and as
[8] , it is crucial to assess rates of net primary productivity epiphytes on tree parts, especially aerial roots and decom-
of mangroves and associated plants, especially benthic posing wood. The quantitative contribution of these
microalgae. Measurement of primary production in smaller autotrophs is dwarfed by tree production, but
mangrove forests is limited by methodological short- belies their importance as food and refugia for consum-
comings, but the best estimates suggest that mangrove ers. However, some evidence suggests that they can play
carbon production is more rapid than other estuarine an important role in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling,
and marine primary producers [9] . Rates of mangrove net especially when found as intact mats [12] .
Carbon allocation & ecosystem storage A recent assessment of carbon stored in various forest
Critical to our ability to estimate the role of mangroves domains found that in comparison with boreal, temper-
in coastal and global carbon cycling is an accurate under- ate and tropical upland forests, mangroves throughout
standing of where carbon fixed by the trees is allocated. the Indo-Pacific are among the most carbon-rich forests
Like other woody plants, mangroves construct new foli- in the tropics containing, on average, 1023 tC ha-1, most
age, reproductive organs, stem, branches and root tissues of which is stored in soils >30 cm deep [21] . Adding pub-
and maintain existing tissue, as well as creating storage lished and unpublished data by authors from southern
reserves and providing chemical defense. Approximately China, Vietnam, Indonesia, arid Western Australia,
half of all CO2 assimilated by mangroves is returned to Queensland, Thailand and Malaysia (Table 1) to the data
the atmosphere via above- and below-ground respiration set of Donato et al. [21] to diversify the geographical,
[1,11] . This is only a crude estimate owing to the lack subtropical and arid-zone forest domains, we obtain a
of empirical data and the difficulty of measuring root revised mean whole-ecosystem carbon storage estimate
processes and respiration of woody parts. The propor- of 937 tC ha-1 (Figure 1) , which still indicates that man-
tional allocation of fixed carbon within trees varies with groves are among the world’s most carbon-rich forests.
many factors, such as light intensity, species composi- It is possible, of course, this statement may not hold true
tion, nutrient and water availability, salinity, tides, waves, globally, especially when data is obtained from Central
temperature and climate [11] . and South America and Africa, and from more forests in
The greatest unknown with regard to carbon alloca- the arid tropics and subtropics where fringing mangroves
tion is root production, which is difficult to measure, and mangroves growing on hard and/or substrates of
especially in waterlogged soils. The few studies that have limited depth are common. Nevertheless, throughout the
measured root growth in situ estimated rates ranging from equatorial regions (e.g., the wet tropics of southeast Asia)
18 to 1145 g DW m-2 year -1 with most estimates between it is true that mature mangrove stands attain highest car-
300 and 380 g DW m-2 year -1 [1] . These estimates are at bon mass compared with other carbon-rich ecosystems,
the lower end of the range of values measured in tropical such as tropical rainforests.
terrestrial forests [13] . However, most measurements were What does inarguably appear to be a global pattern
made in mangrove fringe stands, so it is likely that the among mangrove forests is that their belowground pools
growth and production of mangrove roots is similar to of root and soil carbon are large, having a higher below-
their terrestrial counterparts. A recent analysis of carbon to above-ground carbon mass ratio than any other woody
allocation suggests that mangroves allocate proportion- vegetation [22] .
ally more carbon belowground than terrestrial trees [14] . With the bulk of belowground carbon stored in dead
Carbon inventories from a number of mangrove eco- roots and soil rather than in live roots, mangroves have
systems show that both above- and below-ground biomass a tendency to accumulate carbon relatively quickly.
increases, and that the ratio of below- to above-ground Belowground roots may only represent approximately
biomass decreases with increasing stand age (Table 1) . 10–15% of total tree biomass, but the allocation of fixed
These data show that belowground carbon biomass is, carbon to replace sloughed root hairs and fine roots is
on average (mean = 1.3), equivalent to carbon allocated considerably greater [23,24] . Moreover, carbon concen-
aboveground; other studies have indicated that more car- trations in dead roots are greater than in live roots,
bon biomass is allocated belowground [15–18] supporting suggesting that dead roots store proportionally more
the notion that mangroves store a disproportionate frac- carbon [19,20] .
tion of fixed carbon underground. Further, the amount Vertical profiles of live versus dead root matter in a
of soil carbon increases with forest age (see Figure 5.1 in number of mangroves show that most living roots are
Alongi [1]). shallow, within the upper 0–40 cm of soil [1] . Most fine
Complete inventories of ecosystem components show roots are dead, probably the net result of rapid root turn-
that carbon fixed within the forest, as well as carbon over coupled with slow rates of root decomposition [23] .
imported from adjacent terrestrial and marine waters, Rates of belowground decomposition of fine and coarse
are stored as large pools of soil carbon [19,20] . Analysis of mangrove roots are indeed slow, with most rates ranging
carbon in Rhizophora stylosa and Avicennia marina in arid from 0.07 to 0.17% root mass lost per day; only roots of
coastal areas of Western Australia [19] and in R. apiculata A. marina decompose more quickly at rates varying from
forests in southern Thailand [20] showed that although 0.09 to 0.34% root mass lost per day [1] . Roots decom-
most carbon was unassociated with roots, the majority pose at equivalent rates regardless of intertidal elevation,
(75–95%) of tree carbon belowground was vested in but coarse roots decompose less quickly than fine roots.
dead, rather than live, roots. The Thai study also showed These slow decay rates explain the formation of peat in
that the soil and dead root carbon pools increased in size many mangrove forests as inputs must exceed decay rates
with increasing stand age [20] . in order for peat to accumulate [23–25] .
Table 1. Whole-ecosystem inventories of above- and below-ground carbon biomass and soil carbon for natural and replanted
mangrove forests.
Location Dominant species Age Total AGB BGB and Roots/AGB Roots Soil Soil depth
(years) (tC ha-1) (tC ha-1) soil (tC ha-1) (tC ha-1) (tC ha-1) (tC ha-1) (cm)
Peninsular Malaysia Rhizophora apiculata 80 2205 312 1893 NA NA NA 3800
R. apiculata 18 1117 193 924 NA NA NA 4000
R. apiculata 5 479 87 392 NA NA NA 2800
Southern Vietnam R. apiculata 6 1179 54 1125 NA NA NA 3400
R. apiculata 20 979 72 907 NA NA NA 2750
R. apiculata 35 1904 153 1752 NA NA NA 3600
Southern Kandelia candel NA 619 64 555 2.0 130 425 1850
China K. candel NA 391 43 348 2.2 94 254 1900
K. candel NA 332 7 325 1.1 8 317 1175
Indonesia Avicennia marina NA 437 24 413 NA NA NA 80
Rhizophora stylosa NA 703 19 684 NA NA NA 62
Sonneratia caseolaris NA 654 28 626 NA NA NA 1450
Southern Thailand R. apiculata 25 808 138 670 1.0 142 528 1900
R. apiculata 5 579 20 559 2.9 57 502 800
Ceriops decandra 3 600 29 571 4.4 127 444 1000
Western Australia R. stylosa NA 863 115 621 1.1 127 621 1500
A. marina NA 662 55 515 1.7 92 515 775
Queensland, Australia R. stylosa NA 2139 297 1842 1.1 312 1530 3500
AGB: Aboveground biomass; BGB: Belowground biomass; NA: Not available.
Data from [48,50–54,101].
Why do mangrove forests have such large amounts of very tight cycling between roots and microbes several
carbon vested belowground compared with terrestrial meters deep into the soil, possibly to curtail losses and
forests? The presence of a large pool of dead roots can to minimize energetic costs.
serve as a nutrient conserving mechanism, and even large
dead roots may serve this purpose. For instance, old root Mechanisms facilitating sediment accumulation
channels have been found in mangroves in central Belize Lying at the interface between land and sea, it is hardly
with a proliferation of living roots among the decaying surprising that mangroves accumulate sediment and
roots, taking paths of least resistance and recovering associated particulate elements, such as inorganic and
nutrients released from decomposing roots [25] . A large organic carbon. What is surprising is that their presence
pool of belowground live and dead root biomass mixed actively facilitates the accumulation of materials [26] .
with rich soils may reflect their numerous physiological Carbon is accumulated in mangroves by direct inputs
and morphological adaptations to life in a harsh, saline of mangrove carbon to the soil pool and by increasing
waterlogged environment. Salt negatively affects water rates of mass sediment accumulation. Carbon produced
use and under such conditions it may be advantageous by mangroves does have other flow pathways, such as
for mangrove trees to invest more fixed carbon in grow- consumption by living organisms, especially microbes.
ing very expensive root systems that turnover rapidly in Carbon consumed is remineralized and either emitted
order to maximize water gain. Large reservoirs beneath back to the atmosphere as CO2 or exported by dissolved
the forest floor may also help to stabilize the trees and inorganic carbon. Dissolved and particulate organic
the entire ecosystem from the continual push and pull carbon is also exported by tides where it can be either
of the tides, wave action, coastal winds and tropical deposited or eaten or mineralized offshore.
storms. It makes evolutionary sense for mangroves to The amount of carbon stored in mangrove soils varies
invest in a large belowground pool of carbon biomass widely, from <0.1% by soil dry weight to >40% with a
as an effective counterbalance to litter and carbon dis- grand median of 2.2% [8] . A highly variable proportion
solved in interstitial water that is of this carbon is mangrove-derived as organic matter is
Key term lost via the tides. Whereas tropical brought in by the tides from adjacent seagrass mead-
Flocculation: Physical, chemical and humid forests recycle nutrients by ows, coral reefs, macroalgae, rivers and from land-based
microbial processes by which particles rapid soil decomposition of litter in sources, and other marine environments [8] . The frac-
are cemented together; the term ‘floc’ a relatively thin humus layer, man- tion of mangrove-derived carbon in forest soils depends
refers to the cemented tuft-like mass.
groves reclaim elements by way of on a number of factors, including location of the forest
Number of measurements
emissions if the high per-hectare 20
Maximum = 920.0 mm year -1
carbon stocks of mangroves are
disturbed. Losses of mangroves by
clearing, conversion to industrial 15
estates/aquaculture and changes in
drainage patterns lead to dramatic
changes in soil chemistry and usu-
ally result in rapid emission rates of
GHGs, especially CO2. For exam-
ple, deforesting mangroves that
grow on peat soils results in CO2
emissions comparable to rates esti-
mated from collapse of terrestrial
peat soils [44] . Lovelock et al. mea- 0 200 400 600 800 1000
sured CO2 emissions from cleared
Annual rates of carbon burial (g m-2 year -1)
mangrove peat soils in Belize on
the order of 2900 tC km-2 year -1
forests drained for agriculture (3200 tC km-2 year -1) much greater than that from all other habitats, except
and thawed Arctic tundra (150–430 tC km-2 year -1). for salt marshes. Therefore, considering the data in
Donato et al. [21] calculated a plausible range of CO2 Figure 1 and in Table 2, mangrove forests have the high-
emissions of 112–392 tC released per hectare of man- est area rates of carbon sequestration compared with
grove forest and soils cleared, which gives a global emis- any other ecosystem, terrestrial or marine, contributing
sions range of 0.02–0.12 PgC year -1, assuming current disproportionately as a carbon sink.
50% of emissions from the world’s tropical peatlands component of climate change strategies such as REDD+
(0.24 PgC year -1 [46]). These values are only indicative, and blue carbon. McLeod et al. [47] and Alongi [48] have
as large uncertainties remain, including the accuracy recently identified specific actions and issues that need
of forest areas, temporal and spatial variations in fluxes to be addressed in blue carbon projects:
and standing stocks, local and regional differences in
Careful site selection, preferably at the seaward edge,
the modes of disturbance, and variations in the depth
based on drivers thought to affect carbon sequestra-
to which soil is dredged.
tion rates, such as frequency of tidal inundation, pri-
If the contribution of mangroves to global forest car-
mary productivity and rates of exchange with adjacent
bon sequestration is very small, their contribution to
ecosystems, as not all mangroves accumulate carbon;
carbon burial in the global coastal ocean is considerably
greater. Compared with other coastal ecosystems, man- Measure and map the spatial and temporal variations
groves contribute an average of 14% to carbon seques- in carbon stocks and burial rates, relating these fac-
tration in the world’s oceans, although accounting for tors to environmental and ecological drivers, possibly
only 0.5% of total coastal ocean area (Table 2) . determining a set of indicators that can be used to
Even considering the large uncertainties in these esti- quickly estimate changes in carbon stocks and
mates, the average burial rate of carbon in mangroves is fluxes;
Table 2. Global contribution of mangroves and other coastal habitats to carbon sequestration in the global
coastal ocean.
Habitat Area (1012 m2) Sequestration rate Global carbon sequestration
(gC m-2 year -1) (Tg year -1)
Mangroves 0.14 (0.5%) 174 24 (14%)
Salt marshes 0.22 (0.8%) 150 33 (20%)
Seagrasses 0.3 (1.1%) 54 16 (10%)
Estuaries 1.1 (4.0%) 45 50 (30%)
Shelves 26 (93.6%) 17 44 (26%)†
Total 167
Assumes that depositional areas cover 10% of total shelf area [9].
Data from [41,60–62].
Remote sensing and aerial photography may be useful Future climate scenarios for the ocean are subject to
to facilitate changes in restoration/rehabilitation large uncertainties, but regional changes in ocean cir-
strategies, and in identifying changes in land use; culation, temperature, salinity and pH patterns, and in
sea level, must be considered as likely to have a strong
Standardization of methods used to measure biomass
impact on the ability of mangroves to sequester carbon
and soil carbon stocks and rates of carbon burial; [49] . Large uncertainties exist in our knowledge of carbon
The execution of any scheme must consider modeled sequestration in mangroves, and such limitations must be
predictions of future climate changes, such as regional factored into the blueprints of any payment for ecosystem
predicted rises in sea level; services, blue carbon or REDD+ schemes. Only then
will management of mangrove ecosystems be sustainable.
Planting of mixed species to maximize biodiversity,
food web connectivity and net ecosystem production; Financial & competing interests disclosure
The author has no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with
Priority must be given to REDD+ schemes that give
any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial
priority to old-growth forests as mangrove carbon
conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manu-
stocks increase with stand age;
script. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock
Studies should be conducted concurrently to assess ownership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
the conditions that determine whether or not climate pending, or royalties. No writing assistance was utilized in the
change impacts such as changes in sea. production of this manuscript.
Executive summary
Carbon production
Mangrove net primary production averages 11.1 t dry weight ha-1 year-1, roughly equivalent to tropical terrestrial forests.
Mangroves may constitute a carbon sink for up to a century.
Carbon allocation & storage
Belowground biomass is equivalent to aboveground biomass in mangroves.
Most carbon in mangroves is stored as large pools of soil carbon and belowground roots.
Storage of carbon in mangroves averages 937 tC ha-1.
Mechanisms facilitating sediment accretion
Mangroves actively facilitate accumulation of carbon and other elements associated to fine particles.
Rates of soil accretion & carbon sequestration
Rates of soil accretion in mangroves average 5 mm year -1.
Frequency if tidal inundation is the main factor controlling accretion.
Global carbon burial rates for mangroves approximate 24 TgC year -1.
Significance of mangroves to terrestrial & marine carbon sequestration
Mangroves account for 3% of carbon sequestered by the world’s tropical forests, but 14% of carbon sequestered in the world’s ocean.
If disturbed, mangroves may emit 0.02–0.12 PgC year -1, equal to 2–10% of global deforestation emissions.
Future perspective
Mangroves are prime candidates for REDD+ and blue carbon projects, but a number of issues and specific actions must be carefully
addressed prior to commencement of such projects.
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