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There are high, low, halfway point, opening and closing prices. The tren
d is indicated by closing price, especially when the market very active. If the
prices closes above the half way point or near the high, the trend is up. If it
closes below the half way point or near the low, the selling is greater than the
 buying and the trend is down, at list temporarily. In connection with the Maste
r Time and Trend Calculator apply all of the rules with the Master Time Factor a
nd geometric angles.


In using the Master Square of 144, the strongest points are 1/4, 1/3, 2/
3, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8 and the complete square of 144.

The points where the most angle cross are the strongest for resistance i

The triagle points or where the green angles cross the most important: T
hese are 72, 144, 36, 48, 96, 108 and of couse 72, and at the end of the square
144 at the tom and the bottom.


These squares where the angles cross are of great importance for time an
d price resistance. These are 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 90, 108, and the top and the b
ottom. When the price is at a point equal 36 and the time period in days, weeks
or month is at 36, TIME and PRICE SQUARE and it is important to watch for change
 in trend. With the square of 144 you can get any square from 1 to 144. Suppose
you want to get the square of 72: you move across to 72 for time and if price is
 at 72 moving up on the chart, PRICE and TIME have balanced, or square out, and
we at the 45 degree angle and at the half way point the Master Price, Time and T
rend Calculator.


Most changes in trend occur when the TIME PERIODS are at one-half of the
 square of 144 and at the end of square or at the 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, and 3/4 points
in the square of 144; you must always watch the square in time of the HIGHEST PR
ICE and the MINOR HIGHS and LOWS, also the square of time of the LOWEST PRICE an
d the SECOND OR THIRD higher bottom, and also the time required to square the Ra
nge and where this square works out of Master Square of 144.

EXAMPLE: The lowest price that wheat ever sold was 28c per bushel, In March 1852
, therefore every 28 month would square the lowest price. The highest price that
 wheat over sold was in May 11, 1917 when the May Option sold at 325, therefore
it would require 325 month to square the highest price. The lowest price that th
e May option ever sold was 44c, therefore it would require 44 month in time to s
quare the low price. The range between 44 and 325 is 281c which would require 28
1 months, 281 weeks or 281 days to square the range. You would look on the Maste
r Chart and see that 2 squares of 144 equals 288, therefore, you would watch for
 change in trend between 281 and 288 or near the end of the second square of 144
. 7 x 44, the extreme low, equals 308, therefore, 6 1/2 times 44 would equal 286
, which is within two points of the end of the square of 144 or the end of th
e second square making 286 an important time period to watch for a change in tre
nd. In squaring the range 325, the highest price for May wheat would be 2 square
s of 144 and 17 over, therefore, when the time reached 36 days, weeks or months
in the Master Square of 144 you can see that resistance would be met because mov
ing up the time period of 136 you can see that the 45 deg. angle moving down fro
m 72, which is the INNER SQUARE and the line drawn across from 36 on the price s
cale crosses at 36. In this way you can see that the Master Chart would indicate
 a resistance in time and price corresponding with the square of the highest pri
ce, the lowest price, and the Range. All other time periods from a high price, l
ow price, or the range of any commodity or of the stock should be worked out in
this same way.

You will succeed in using the Master Mathematical Price, Time and Trend
Calculator by going over the charts and laying the calculator over them and work
ing out past history. In this way you will learn just how it works and prove to
yourself the great value of the Master Calculator.


When Markets are very active and making a wide range in price, it is imp
ortant to keep an hourly High and Low Chart will give the first change in trend.

There are 24 hours in a day, therefore, 6 days are required to pass thro
ught 144 and a total of 864 days to pass the square of 144.

At the present time, all exchanges are open 5 days a week with the excep
tion of holidays and most of them are open 5 hours each day, therefore, it will
require 28 days and 4 hours to pass throughtt 144 and the rate of 5 hours per da
y and 5 days per week.


To pass throughtt the square of 144, which equals 20,736, it requires 56
 years, 9 months and 23 days, which is very important time cycle. Next in import
ance is 1/2 of this time period which is 28 years, 5 months and 8 days and 1/4 w
hich is 14 years, 2 months and 19 days. The 14 year cycle is always very importa
nt because it is 2 seven year periods. 14 years equal 168 months and 169 months
is the square of 13 making it very important for a change in trend and this is a
lso an important time resistance point.

1/8 of the Great Cycle is 7 years, 1 month and 10 days and is quite impo
rtant. 1/16 is 42 months and 20 days, 1/32 is 32 months and 30 days. This is an
important time period because is is close to 22 1/2 months which is 1/16 of the
circle of 360 degrees.


The chart being divided up into 9 sections gives all the squares of 9 fo
r price resistance of time resistance which, as referred to above is 9c on the D
aily Chart for grains and the same for Weekly and Monthly Charts: that is, 1c to
 each 1/8 inch. For different commodities, different scales are used. (See Speci
al Instructions for the different commodities.)

The Chart being divided up into 9 sections gives a 16 the squares of 9 f

or rpice resistance or time resistance which, as referred to above, is 90 points
 of the Daily Chart, 135 on the Weekly Chart, and 270 on the Monthly and 2880 on
 the 20 points scale and 9 spaces equal 180 points.

The angles in red are all drawn on the squares of 9. The Inner Square of
 450 is drawn from 72 because 72 is 1/2 of 144. These angles come out at 72, 144
 and 72.

The straight lines are in green and are 1/3 of the square of 144 in pric
e or time.

The green angles are the angles of 2 x 1 which up two spaces of 2 points
 in one period of the time. The other angle below the 450 angle is the angle of
1 x 2 which requires 2 time periods to move up 1 space or 1c per bushel on grain
s for each time period of 1 day, week or 1 month. These angles move down from th
e top at the rate of 2 points or 2 spaces per time periods or at the rate of 1/2
 space, 1/2 point or 1/2c per time period. The distance that the green angles an
d the red angles are apart determines how far prices can advance or decline.

When the market enters the INNER SQUARE it is important for a change in
trend and time angles and Position in the square tell at the time it entered whe
ther the price is going up or down. Also when price breaks below a 45° on the INNE
R SQUARE it show weakness in proportion to the time from high or low price.


When the time period of the Daily, Weekly or Monthly Charts has moved 14
4 you begin a new square. But to get the position you simply move the Master Squ
are over to 144 and place it over the chart to get the position in the next squa


Where the greatest number of angles cross or bisect each other in the sq
uare of 144 are the points of greatest resistance, such as where the 25 and 2 x
1 angles cross each other.

Study and practice on past action of the market and you will soon learn
how to determine the trend very quickly by using the Master Chart.


Follow all rules on angles as given in the Master Forecasting course.

Place this chart at the bottom or 0 on the Daily, Weekly or Monthly Char
t or place the bottom of the chart on the low price or SQUARE of the HIGH PRICE.
 The LOW PRICE, and the square of the RANGE and show where time and price balanc

When you figure the halfway point of the extreme high or the halfway poi
nt of the range, place either the top or the bottom of the chart on the halfway
point and it will give the correct POSITION and TREND. However, if you will plac
e the CENTER, or 72, on the halfway point in PRICE you will then geg(get?) the c
orrect position in time and can see how the price is working out with time in th
e MASTER SQUARE of 144 and the INNER SQUARE which starts from 72, the gravity ce
nter of 1/2 point of the square.


For any kind of a chart, we move over one space for each unit of time. T
herefore, it would require 155 market days or 144 calendar days to complete the
square of 144. When prices pass out of one square into another, a change in tren
d usually takes place and the periods and geometrical angles on this MASTER CHAR
T tell you which way the trend is going to change.

In calculating time periods to get exact number of days and weeks the LE
AP YEAR must be figured and one extra day added. From 1864 the Leap Years were a
s follows: 1868, 1872; 1876; 1880; 1884; 1888; 1892; 1896; (added my nowindows:
skipped 1900?) 1904; 1908; 1912; 1916; 1920; 1924; 1928; 1932; 1936; 1940; 1944;
 1948 and 1952.

(added by nowindows: 1956; 1960; 1964; 1968; 1972; 1976; 1980; 1984; 1988; 1992;
 1996; 2000; 2004; 2008; 2012; 2016)


To get the position with the MASTER SQUARE of 144 day it over the Daily,
 Weekly or Monthly and start from extreme low, extreme high, 0 or 1/2 point of t
he range of 1/2 of the high selling place. You can also place the top of the cha
rt at the high selling price. In this way you can get the correct time and posit
ions or angles at a glance.

Place MASTER CALCULATOR on January to get twelve year periods, each mont
h same way.
You should have all time periods from important highs and lows calculate
d in days, weeks and months in order that you can took them up quickly on the MA

Will all time periods brought up to date in this way, you can get the po
sition on the MASTER CHART and the indicated trend without looking at a daily, w
eekly or month chart. You should have the time periods in months from every impo
rtant top and bottom.

With the MASTER SQUARE of 144, you work will be cut down but you must le
arn to practice and bring up all time periods and study the MASTER SQUARE and le
arn how to use it to get tops and bottoms accurately. Work and practice will bri
ng PRECISION and PROFITS. I have done my part. It is now up to you to work hard
and if you do, your success is assured.



To get correct positions on any of your charts, daily, weekly or monthly

, you must place the MASTER CHART OVER THEM correctly. The top of the MASTER CHA
RT has Price and Time Chart by W. D. Gann on it. Always place this on the bottom
 of your chart unless it is where you move up to a higher price when you place i
t at 72 or bottom market Bottom 0.

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