Comp QP
Comp QP
Comp QP
(Attempt any 20 questionsS)
(1. Which of the following is not considered a valid identifier in Python?
a) Two2 b)main c) hello_rspl 2 hundred
2. What will be the output of the following code?
a)300 b) 100200 100+200 d) 200
3. pow Aunction belongs to which library ?
amath b) string c) random d) maths
4. What is the output of the following?
x= 123
for i in x:
a 123 b) 123 C) error d) infinite
S. What data type is the object below?
L1, 23. 'hello',1
list b) dictionary c) array d) tuple
.What is the value of this expression 3**3**1?
A27 b) 9 c) 3 d) 1
TList AL is defined as follows:
Which of the following statement/statements removes the middle element 3 from it so that the list
ALequals [1,2,4,5]?
del al2]1 b) a[2:3] = [1
c)a[2:2]=I] Both a and b
8Find the valid identifier from the following
a) False b) Ist&2nd c)2ndName d) My_Name
9.Given the lists L=[1,30,67,86,23,15,37,131,9232] , write the õutput of print(L[3:7])
a) [67,86,23,15,37] T86,23,15,37] c)ERROR d) None of the above
10. dentify the invalid logical operator in Python from the
a ) and b) or c)not dBoolean
11/Suppose a tuple T is declared as T= (10, 12, 43, 39), which of the following is Incorrect?
a print( 1T[I]) b) print(max(T)) ) print(len(T)) d) None of the these
12)A list is declared as
Lst [,6.8)
What will be the value of sum(Lst)?
b) 30 c) 7 d) 8
a) 29
13. Ifthe following code is executed. what will be the output of the following eode?
a}púler_S b) hon c) puter_Science d) Science
4/Can tuple be nested?
a) Yes b) No
15. Can we modify/change keys of a dictionary ?
C a) Yes b) No
16... ..method of list is used to delete a given element from the list.
a del b)extend() C)remove() d)append()
(17.A tuple is declared as
T (2.66,77.55,6.9,55.8)
Write the output of
a) 4 b}3 c) 55 d) None of these.
18. Which of the following is/are valid declaration of a dictionary?
a D = {'StuName': 'Alan', 'StuAge': 30, 'StuCity': 'Vizag'}
b) D = ['StuName': "Alan', 'StuAge': 30, 'StuCity': 'Vizag']
(Attempt any 20 questions)
(26 What is the output when we execute list("hello")?
a )a) [h', 'e', T, T, o'] b) 'hello'] c)[llo'] d) 'olleh']
27. Suppose listl is [2445,133.12454, 123], what is max(list1)?
)2445 b) 133 T2454 d) 123
(28 Suppose listl is [2, 33, 222, 14, 25]. What is
a) Error b) None 25 d) 2
29/Suppose listl is [2, 33, 222, 14, 25]. What is list1[:-1]?
2 , 33, 222, 14] b) Error c)25 h [25, 14, 222, 33, 2]
G2To add a new element to a list we use which command?
a listl.add(5) istl.append(5). c)list1.addLast(5) d) listl.addEnd(5)
31. To insert 5 to the third
position list1,
in which command?
we use
a) list1.insert(3, 5) b) list1.insert(2, 5) c)listl.add(3, 5) dHistl.append(3, 5)
(32. Suppose listl is [3, 4, 5, 20, 5], what is listl.index(5)?
b) 1 )4 d2
33.Suppose listExample is [3, 4, 5, 20, 5, 25, 1,3], what is listl after listExample.extend ([34, 5])?
a13,4, 5, 20, 5, 25, 1,3, 34, 5] b) [1, 3,3, 4, 5, 5, 20, 25, 34, 5]
¢) [25, 20. 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 34, 5]
d) [1, 3, 4, 5, 20, 5, 25, 3, 34, 5]
34.Suppose listEx is [3, 4, 5. 20, 5, 25, 1, 3], what is listl after listEx.pop()?
a13, 4, 5, 20, 5, 25, 1] b) [1,3,3, 4, 5, 5, 20, 25]
e) 3, 5, 20, 5, 25, 1, 3] d) [1, 3, 4, 5, 20, 5, 25]
35. Suppose d = {"john":40, *"peter":45}, to delete the entry for "john" what command do we use?
a)ddelete("john":40)b) b) delete("john")
edel d["john"] d) del d("john":40)
[36. What is the output of the following code?
def change():
global b
a10 and 56 b45 and 56 c)10 and 20 d)Syntax Error
37 phe output of the code shown below is:
lef fl():
a) Error b) 12 d) 1512
(38, What is the output of the code shown below?
def f10:
global x
def f20
global x
a) 100 b)90 80 d) Error
(39 Study the following program ánd select the possible outputs from the option (a) to (d) following
import random
Print(int(x0, " :", y + i n t ( x ) )
t a ) 0: 0
b)1:6 c)2:4 d) ERROR
40.,0bserve the code carefully and write answer of questions given below
def sum(a-5,b=6,c-9):
What is the output of the above code?
a ) 123
569 c) 6812 d) None of the above
Say s="hello" what will be the return value of type(s)?
int b) bool c) str
(42. What is "Hello".replace("l", "e")? String
aHeeeo b) Heelo c) Heleo d) None
43.Suppose listl is [3, 4, 5, 20, 5, 25, 1,3], what is list1.count(5)?
a) 0 b) 4 c)1
44./What will be displayed by print(ord( b') - ord('a'))?
a) 0 b) 1 c)-1 d) 2
$45. What will be the output of the following Python code?
a) abc def b)ABC DEF c) Abc def d) Abc Def
*46. What will be the output of the following Python code?
print('a B .isalpha())
aTrue b) False c) None d) Error
What will be' the output ofthe following Python code snippet?
True b) False c) None d) Error
48. What will be the output of the following Python code?
print(xyxxyyZXxy Istrip('xyy'))
a) ZXxy b) xyxxyyzXxy xyxzXXxy d) none of the mentioned
49.What will be the output of the following Python code snippet?
a)ab12ef12 b) abcdef12 c) abl2efcd d) none of the mentioned
(Attemptany 5 questions)
Consider the folowing code and answer the questions that follow:
Book={1:"Thriller, 2:Mystery', 3:Crime', 4:Children Stories'
Library={'5 Madras Diaries,6':'Malgudi Days'
to °Crime Thriller'. He
Ramesh needs to change the title in the dictionary book from "Crime'
has writen the following command:
Book['Crime']=Crime Thriller'
But he is not getting the a nswer. Help him choose the correct
a. Book[2]=Crime Thriller' Book[3]='Crime Thriller
c. Book[2]-(Crime Thriller) Book[3=Crime Thriller)
Book with Library the command would be:
51. The command to merge the dictionary
ad=Book+Library b. print(Book+Library)
c. Book.update(Library) d. Library.update(Book)
52. What will be the output of the following
line of code:
a. ['5', Madras Diaries', 6°', Malgudi Days]
b. ('5','Madras Diaries', '6','Malgudi Days')
Madras Diaries, Malgudi Days']
d. ['5',6 uses the
in the dictionary Book, Ramesh
53. In order to check whether the key 2 is present
following command:
2 in Book
"True'. Now to check whether the name 'Madras Diaries' exists in the
He gets the answer
{1: "Thriller', 2: 'Mystery', 3: 'Crime', 4: 'Children Stories'}
{1: Thriller, 3: 'Crime', 4: 'Children Stories'}
{1:'Thriller', 3: 'Crime', 4: 'Children Stories'}
1: 'Thriller, 3: 'Crime', 4: Children Stories'}
{1: Thriller, 3: 'Crime', 4: 'Children Stories'}