Nemesis Summary Turn Sequence

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Nemesis Summary

Turn Sequence
- Player Phase
Draw up to 5 Action Cards (max 5 cards in hand).
The first player token is passed to the left.
Player rounds. 2 actions, 1 action and pass or pass.
- Event Phase
Move time marker on the time track.
Move self-destruct marker if active.
Intruder Attack (if any).
Intruder Fire Damage.
Resolve 1 event card, intruder movement, event effect.
Intruder bag development.
Draw one token from the intruder bag.
Larva – remove token from the bag and add 1 adult intruder token.
Creeper – remove token from the bag and add 1 breeder intruder token.
Adult – all players roll for noise in order unless in combat, return token to the bag.
Breeder – all players roll for noise in order unless in combat, return token to the bag.
Queen – if there are characters in the nest, place the queen and resolve an encounter.
If no character is in the nest or it has not been discovered add an egg to the intruder
board. Return the token to the bag.
Blank – add 1 adult intruder token to the bag. Return the blank token to the bag.

Critical Moments
First encounter – choose 1 objective and discard the other.
First dead character – all escape pods are automatically unlocked.
Time track – when it reaches the blue space the hibernation chamber opens.
Self-destruct – when it reaches the yellow space all escape pods automatically unlock.

You cannot discard any contamination cards to pay for an action.
Basic actions – discard 1 card from your hand, careful movement costs 2 cards.
Action cards – discard the card you want to play plus any additional card costs.
Room actions – discard 2 cards to perform a room action.
Item actions – discard the required number of cards to perform the item action. Some items must be
discarded after use.

Turn over the room tile.
Reveal the exploration token and resolve its effect.
If there is no one in the room perform a noise roll.
Silence = nothing happens, if a character has slime, resolve dangerous instead.
Danger = if there is an intruder in the neighboring room and not in combat, move it to this room. If
there is more then 1 intruder eligible, move them all. If there are no eligible intruders place a noice
marker in every corridor that does not already has one.
Discard all noise markers from all connected corridors.
Draw 1 intruder token from the bag.
Place an intruder miniature in the room.
Compare the number on the intruder token with the cards in the players hands.
Equal or lower than the cards in hand, nothing happens.
Higher then the cards in hands, surprise attack.
Surprise attack – resolve an intruder attack.
Blank token – place a noise marker in each corridor not already having one.

Shooting cost 1 action.
Choose weapon and target and discard one ammo token.
Roll combat die, if you hit apply the effect.
Draw an intruder attack card and check the injury effect.

Melee attack cost 1 action.

Draw 1 contamination card.
Choose target
Roll combat die, if you hit apply the effect. 2 hits count as 1 hit.
Draw an intruder attack card and check the injury effect.
If you miss the intruder deals a 1 serious wound.

Escape move cost 1 action.

Choose a neighboring room.
Draw intruder attack card and resolve it.
If you die place a corpse marker in the room.
If you survive you move to the room and resolve as normal.

Intruder Attack
Choose target (character with the fewest cards in hand).
Draw intruder attack card and resolve it.
If any intruder symbol corresponds to the attacking intruder apply the effect on the card.
If there is no corresponding symbol the attack misses.
Larva – if attacking, do not draw an intruder attack card but apply the following:
Remove larva miniature from the board and place it on the character board.
The target gets 1 contamination card.

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