19-Antiprotozoal Drugs II
19-Antiprotozoal Drugs II
19-Antiprotozoal Drugs II
Mechanism of action
The following processes are essential for the drug’s lethal
After traversing the erythrocytic and plasmodial membranes,
chloroquine (a diprotic weak base) is concentrated in the
organism’s acidic food vacuole, primarily by ion trapping. It is in
the food vacuole that the parasite digests the host cell’s
hemoglobin to obtain essential amino acids.
However, this process also releases large amounts of soluble
heme (ferriprotoporphyrin IX), which is toxic to the parasite.
To protect itself, the parasite ordinarily polymerizes the heme to
hemozoin (a pigment), which is sequestered in the parasite’s
food vacuole.
Mechanism of action
Chloroquine specifically binds to heme, preventing its
polymerization to hemozoin. The increased pH and the
accumulation of heme result in oxidative damage to the
membranes, leading to lysis of both the parasite and the red
blood cell.
The binding to heme and prevention of its polymerization appear
to be a crucial step in the drug’s antiplasmodial activity, which
may represent a unifying mechanism for such diverse
compounds as chloroquine, quinidine, and mefloquine.
Chloroquine is rapidly and completely absorbed following oral
administration. Usually, 4 days of therapy suffice to cure the
The drug has a very large volume of distribution and
concentrates in erythrocytes, liver, spleen, kidney, lung,
melanin-containing tissues, and leukocytes.
The drug also penetrates the central nervous system (CNS)
and traverses the placenta.
Chloroquine is de-alkylated by the hepatic mixed-function
oxidase system, but some metabolic products retain
antimalarial activity.
Both parent drug and metabolites are excreted predominantly
in urine, the excretion rate is enhanced with acidified urine.
Adverse effects
Side effects are minimal at the low doses used in the
chemosuppression of malaria.
At higher doses, many more toxic effects occur, such as
gastrointestinal upset, pruritus, headaches, and blurred vision.
An ophthalmologic examination should be routinely performed.
Discoloration of the nail beds and mucous membranes may be
seen on chronic administration.
Chloroquine should be used cautiously in patients with hepatic
dysfunction or severe gastrointestinal problems and in patients
with neurologic or blood disorders.
Chloroquine can cause electrocardiographic (ECG) changes,
because it has a quinidine-like effect.
Resistance of plasmodia to available drugs has become a
serious medical problem .
Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum exhibit multigenic
alterations that confer a high level of resistance.
Quinine is the standard drug for oral treatment of acute
attacks of malaria caused by chlorquine resistance P.
falciparum .
It should be used in combination with another antimalarial
agents such as doxycycline, clindamycin or pyrimethamine
plus sulfadoxine.
Its use is limited to the treatment of trypanosomal infections
(usually in the late stage with CNS involvement), and it is lethal
to these parasites.
Mechanism of action
The drug reacts with sulfhydryl groups of various substances,
including enzymes in both the organism and host.
The parasite's enzymes may be more sensitive than those of the
host. There is evidence that mammalian cells may be less
permeable to the drug and, thus, are protected from its toxic
Melarsoprol usually is slowly administered intravenously
through a fine needle, even though it is absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract. Because it is very irritating, care should
be taken not to infiltrate surrounding tissue.
Adequate trypanocidal concentrations appear in the CSF, in
contrast to nonpenetration of the CSF by pentamidine.
Melarsoprol is the agent of choice in the treatment of T. brucei
rhodesiense, which rapidly invades the CNS, as well as for
meningoencephalitis caused by T. brucei gambiense.
The host readily oxidizes melarsoprol to a relatively nontoxic,
pentavalent arsenic compound.
The drug has a very short half-life and is rapidly excreted into
the urine .
Adverse effects
• CNS toxicities are the most serious side effects of melarsoprol
• Encephalopathy may appear soon after the first course of treatment
but usually subsides. It may, however, be fatal.
• Hypersensitivity reactions may also occur, and fever may follow
• Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as severe vomiting and
abdominal pain, can be minimized if the patient is in the fasting state
during drug administration and for several hours thereafter.
• Melarsoprol is contraindicated in patients with influenza because of
heightened probability of febrile episodes in influenza. It has been
associated with an increased in incidence of reactive arsenic
encephalopathy when given to febrile patients.
• Hemolytic anemia has been seen in patients with glucose 6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Pentamidine isethionate
• Pentamidine is active against a variety of protozoal infections,
including many trypanosomes, such as T. brucei gambiense,
for which pentamidine is used to treat and prevent the
organism's hematologic stage.
• Some trypanosomes, including T. cruzi, are resistant.
• Pentamidine is also effective in the treatment of systemic
blastomycosis (caused by the fungus Blastomyces
dermatitidis) and in treating infections caused by
Pneumocystis jiroveci .
• Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is preferred in the treatment of
P. jiroveci infections.
• Pentamidine is the drug of choice in treating patients with
pneumonia caused by P. jiroveci who have failed to respond to
Pentamidine isethionate
• The drug is also used in treating P. jiroveci infected individuals
who are allergic to sulfonamides.
Mechanism of action
• The drug binds to the parasite's DNA and interferes with the
synthesis of RNA, DNA, phospholipid, and protein by the
• Trypanosoma brucei concentrates pentamidine by an
energy-dependent, high-affinity uptake system.
• Resistance is associated with an inability of the trypanosome to
concentrate the drug.
• Fresh solutions of pentamidine are administered intramuscularly
or as an aerosol.
• The intravenous route is avoided because of severe adverse
reactions, such as a sharp fall in blood pressure and tachycardia
• The drug is concentrated and stored in the liver and kidney for a
long period of time.
• Because it does not enter the CSF, it is ineffective against the
meningoencephalitic stage of trypanosomiasis.
• The drug is not metabolized, and it is excreted very slowly into
the urine.
• Its half-life in the plasma is about 5 days.
Adverse effects
Serious renal dysfunction may occur, which reverses on
discontinuation of the drug.
Other adverse reactions are hypotension, dizziness, rash, and
toxicity to β cells of the pancreas.
Nifurtimox has found use only in the treatment of acute T. cruzi
infections (Chagas disease).
Nifurtimox is suppressive, not curative.
Being a nitroaromatic compound, nifurtimox undergoes reduction
and eventually generates intracellular oxygen radicals, such as
superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide.
These highly reactive radicals are toxic to T. cruzi.
Nifurtimox is administered orally and is rapidly absorbed and
metabolized to unidentified products that are excreted in the
Adverse effects are common following chronic administration,
particularly among the elderly.
Major toxicities include immediate hypersensitivity reactions
such as anaphylaxis; delayed hypersensitivity reactions, such as
dermatitis and icterus(jaundice); and gastrointestinal problems
that may be severe enough to cause weight loss.
Peripheral neuropathy is relatively common, and disturbances in
the CNS may also occur.
• Suramin is used primarily in the early treatment and,
especially, the prophylaxis of African trypanosomiasis.
• It is very reactive and inhibits many enzymes, among them
those involved in energy metabolism (for example, glycerol
phosphate dehydrogenase), which appears to be the
mechanism most closely correlated with trypanocidal activity.
• The drug must be injected intravenously.
• It binds to plasma proteins and remains in the plasma for a
long time, accumulating in the liver and in the proximal tubular
cells of the kidney.
The severity of the adverse reactions demands that the patient be
carefully followed.
Although infrequent, adverse reactions include
1. nausea and vomiting (which cause further debilitation of the patient)
2. shock and loss of consciousness
3. acute urticaria
4. neurologic problems(paresthesia)
5. photophobia
6. palpebral edema (edema of the eyelids)
7. hyperesthesia of the hands and feet
Benznidazole is a nitroimidazole derivative that inhibits protein
and RNA synthesis in T. cruzi cells.
• It is an alternative choice for treatment of acute and
indeterminate phases of Chagas disease, but therapy with
benznidazole does not offer any significant efficacy or toxicity
advantages over that with nifurtimox.