Chicago Tribune - Year 173 No. 230 (18 Aug 2021)

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Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Wednesday, August 18, 2021 Breaking news at


City mandates masks indoors

New COVID-19 cases top 400; a cause for alarm. It is a cause for
no plans for state to follow suit The mandate will apply to loca-
tions including gyms, common
areas of apartment or condo
By Alice Yin, Josh Noel health Commissioner Dr. Allison complexes, private clubs and bars
and Dan Petrella Arwady said in a news conference. and restaurants, though patrons
Chicago Tribune She cited the far more transmis- will be able to remove their masks
sible delta variant and its role in while eating or drinking. Masks
Chicago officials announced pushing the city into the higher can be removed in workplaces
Tuesday that an indoor mask risk category of more than 400 that are not open to the public,
mandate will return to the city, new daily COVID-19 cases — but if employees are “static” and can
more than two months after most she added that residents need not maintain 6 feet of social distancing,
COVID-19 restrictions were lifted panic. according to a city news release.
but as a highly contagious variant “Four hundred cases per day is Businesses must comply with
of the coronavirus drives a late concerning. It means that if you’re the mandate even if they’re only
summer surge. out and about in Chicago, the risk letting in patrons who show proof
Starting Friday, anyone age 2 and of you potentially being exposed to of vaccination.
older will have to wear a face mask someone who has COVID has gone Gov. J.B. Pritzker does not have
Shoppers wear masks while inside a clothing store Tuesday in Chicago. in indoor public spaces, regardless up,” Arwady said. “But in terms of
ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE of vaccine status, Chicago public where we’ve been, as a city, it is not Turn to COVID-19, Page 7


Family of man slain
during protests says
cops incited violence
By Christy Gutowski
Chicago Tribune

The parents of a man fatally

shot during last summer’s
violent demonstrations in
Kenosha on Tuesday sued
authorities alleging they incited
the bloodshed by allowing Kyle
Rittenhouse and other armed
civilians who clashed with
protesters to “mete out punish-
ment as they saw fit.”
The federal lawsuit filed
in Milwaukee on behalf of
Anthony Huber’s estate seeks
unspecified damages against
Kenosha County Sheriff David
Beth; Daniel Miskinis, the
former city of Kenosha police
chief; and Eric Larsen, the city’s
acting police chief; as well as
unnamed officers and deputies.
Last Aug. 25, Rittenhouse
traveled to Kenosha from his
former home in Antioch and
joined numerous individuals
armed with rifles who inserted
themselves into chaotic demon-
strations that raged for three
nights in the city just over the Officials arrange a Taliban flag Tuesday before a news conference by Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid at the Government Media Information
Wisconsin border. Center in Kabul, Afghanistan. RAHMAT GUL/AP

Taliban pledging to
They clashed with demon-
strators who had assembled
after a white Kenosha police
officer shot a Black man during
a domestic disturbance. The
man, Jacob Blake, is paralyzed

honor women’s rights

from the waist down.
Prosecutors said Ritten-
house, at the time 17 and carry-
ing an assault-style rifle, opened
fire on Joseph Rosenbaum, 36,
and Huber, 26, of Silver Lake,
killing both. A third man, Gaige
Grosskreutz, was shot in the

Turn to Lawsuit, Page 10

Many Afghans still wary as insurgents patrol Kabul streets
By Ahmad Seir, Tameem takeover of the country — just two taken away. day in his first-ever public appear-
Akhgar, Kathy Gannon weeks before the final pullout of Older generations remember ance to address those concerns at
and Jon Gambrell the last U.S. and NATO troops — the Taliban’s previous rule, when a news conference.
Associated Press has shocked many in Afghanistan they largely confined women to He promised the Taliban would
and beyond. their homes, banned television honor women’s rights within the
KABUL, Afghanistan — The The Taliban have sought to and music, and held public execu- norms of Islamic law, without
Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect portray themselves as more tions. elaborating.
women’s rights, forgive those who moderate than when they A U.S.-led invasion drove them The Taliban have encouraged
fought them and ensure Afghan- imposed a strict form of Islamic from power months after the women to return to work and have
istan does not become a haven rule in the late 1990s. 9/11 attacks, which al-Qaida had allowed girls to return to school,
Kyle Rittenhouse, right, listens for terrorists as part of a public- But many Afghans remain skep- orchestrated from Afghanistan handing out Islamic headscarves
to his attorney, Mark Richards, ity blitz aimed at reassuring world tical. while being sheltered by the Tali- at the door. A female news anchor
during Rittenhouse’s pretrial powers and a fearful population. For Afghan women, it raised ban. interviewed a Taliban official
hearing May 21 at the Kenosha The speed of the Afghan fears that all they had achieved in Zabihullah Mujahid, the Tali- Monday in a TV studio.
County Courthouse. SEAN government’s collapse, the ensu- women’s rights, the right to go to ban’s longtime spokesman,
KRAJACIC/THE KENOSHA NEWS ing chaos and the near-complete school and work, would be swiftly emerged from the shadows Tues- Turn to Afghanistan, Page 9

R. Kelly’s trial set to get Bulgogi a great meal, Injuries, absences are
underway in New York any way you slice it concerns for the Bears
On Wednesday, federal prosecutors are Just as there is no one way to make The team practiced Tuesday without four
slated to deliver opening statements. kimchi, there is no one way to make defensive starters and four of their top
They have charged the musician under a bulgogi. Versatility is a chief characteristic 10 offensive linemen. Health issues are
racketeering law. Chicagoland, Page 3 of the dish. Health & Food becoming significant. Chicago Sports

Chicago Weather Center: $3.00 city and suburbs and elsewhere

Tom Skilling’s forecast High 86 Low 70 Complete forecast on Page 18 174th year No. 230 © Chicago Tribune
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Get the most out of your

newspaper subscription Some spurn mask rules
Already getting the Tribune in print? Your subscription School district “If you choose to send a and hope that we can Davis said. “We have to listen
child to school without a continue to work together as to the will of the commu-
comes with Unlimited Digital Access. Read new stories
throughout the day on and page officials weigh mask, and you accept the a community to support our nity, but I don’t believe our
through the eNewspaper, a digital replica of the Tribune disciplinary options consequences of that action children,” the board wrote. community expected us to
emailed to you daily. Here are two easy ways to activate in a respectful and lawful In an Aug. 11 letter posted do anything differently.”
your account: By Mike Nolan way, there will be no inter- at the Illinois State Board Southland College Prep in
Daily Southtown vention from the police,” of Education’s website, Richton Park began phasing
Call 312-442-0013 With anti-masking fervor
they wrote. “Noncompli-
ance from a citizen doesn’t
Carmen Ayala, the state’s
superintendent of educa-
in the return of students last
week, with all 592 in class-
We’ll quickly set up your Unlimited Digital Access. facing some Southland have to mean something tion, warned that schools rooms as of Monday. The
school districts as they begin is criminally unlawful and that do not enforce the mask 2,400 students in District to welcome back students requires police interven- mandate risk the loss of state 162 in kindergarten through
this week, how schools tion.” funding and potential inabil- eighth grade will return
might deal with mask defi- Hundreds of people ity for their sports teams to Monday, she said.
ance is bound to be an issue. rallied Aug. 10 outside compete in athletic compe- In Prairie-Hills Elemen-
In a message last week Lincoln-Way Central High titions. tary District 144, which
to families in New Lenox School in New Lenox “School districts have serves kindergarten through
Elementary District 122, against the masking rule, the moral and legal obliga- eighth grade students at
Find Your Home Superintendent Lori Motsch and many people showed tion” to follow the mandate, schools in Country Club
Delivery Subscription said the district will use up that evening for school which she said “has the Hills, Hazel Crest, Markham
“appropriate, progressive board meetings in Homer force of law.” and Oak Forest, universal
As a valued Chicago Tribune disciplinary action” to deal Elementary District 33C While saying she under- masking was to have been
subscriber, you can activate your with students who refuse to and Frankfort Elementary stands “the pressure some the policy before the gover-
Unlimited Digital Access to Chicago wear masks in school build- District 157C to demand school and district leaders nor’s mandate.
Tribune by simply identifying your ings. that students be allowed to may be facing from commu- Regular COVID-19 testing
subscription. It referred parents to the return mask free. nity members” on the mask for staff and students is also
student handbook, which Some of the boards were, issue, “noncompliance is not a requirement, and Superin-
Look up your newspaper account does not specifically address just before the governor’s an option.” tendent Kimako Patterson
using your ZIP code and house a discipline issue related to order, looking to implement “Local boards of educa- said she has fielded calls on
number or phone number. Then masks, but notes that for mask optional plans for the tion, schools and school both testing and masking.
enter your email address and create other alleged infractions new school year before the boards do not have the “I believe the majority of
a password for your digital access. penalties can include noti- Aug. 4 mask mandate. authority” to defy the my parents understand, but
fying parents or guardians, Some people told school mandate, Ayala wrote. some do not care and they
withholding of privileges, board members they would “Doing so not only puts don’t want the masking or
temporary removal from openly defy the mask students’ health and safety the testing programs in the
Tribune books the classroom or in-school mandate or take their kids at risk but also opens the schools,” she said in an email
suspension. out of school. Nearly all said district to extraordinary Monday.
“Dinner at Home” Cooking at home doesn’t have to be New Lenox police and the they believed the state and legal liability — potentially During the Aug. 10 Homer
difficult, but it should always be delicious. Since 2007, village’s mayor, in a Face- school districts were usurp- without any insurance to 33C meeting, where board
JeanMarie Brownson, culinary director for Rick Bayless’ book post, noted that the ing the role of parents in cover damages,” she wrote. members voted to adopt the
Frontera Foods, has been helping readers put inventive, department has always had determining their children’s Blondean Davis said back-to-school plan, Super-
yet simple, dishes on the table through her Dinner at a presence outside village safety. Monday she has not expe- intendent Craig Shoppe
Home column for the Tribune. Her book includes every- schools during the first day “No matter what side rienced any backlash over told board members that
thing you need to create spectacular food any day of the of classes, but that officers you’re on, we’re all parents,” masking in the schools not abiding by the mask
week, including sample menus and recipes for everything will take no role in enforcing Nicole Queen told the 157C she oversees — Southland mandate could expose the
from prosciutto parmesan puffs to roasted chicken masking. District 122 starts Board. “Why are my rights College Prep Charter High board members and district
with tomato-olive relish. Dinner at home has never been the school year Wednesday. as a parent being taken School in Richton Park administration to legal
better. “We will always defend away?” and Matteson Elementary action.
our citizen’s constitution- The Homer 33C Board District 162. Before going along with
“Life Skills: How To Do Almost Anything” How do you ally protected rights. This said in an Aug. 10 statement Both were preparing, after the plan, board member
give a good wedding toast? How do you fix a clogged includes people’s right it is aware of “the concerns summer school programs Chris Trzeiciak said he was
drain? How do you bowl without hurting anyone? to lawfully assemble in and passionate voices” that required masking, to do doing so reluctantly. “I am
Questions like these—some highly practical, others wildly protest,” provided protests expressed by community the same for the new school not happy about requir-
funny—make up this engaging do-it-yourself guide. don’t disrupt school activ- members who have “points year, she said. ing people to wear masks,”
Collected from the Chicago Tribune how-to columns ities, Chief Louis Alessan- of view on opposing ends of “The message we hear he said. “It’s not something
called “Life Skills,” this book is filled with often humorous drini and Mayor Timothy the same issues.” from the community is that most of us are in favor of.”
instructions on performing a variety of tasks. Baldermann wrote in the “We respect and support the safety of the children is
Aug. 13 post. all stakeholder viewpoints of paramount importance,”
“Capone: A Photographic Portrait of America’s Most
Notorious Gangster.” Using many never-before-published
photographs and newspaper clippings from the Tribune’s
archives, this coffee-table book chronicles the rise and
fall of Al Capone. The photos and articles tell a fascinating
story about Capone and those connected to him, including
his family, mob rivals and targets.

“Gangsters & Grifters: Classic Crime Photos From the

Chicago Tribune.” This collection of photographs taken
in the early 1900s through the 1950s features infamous
criminals, small-time bandits, smirking crooks, pickpock-
ets, hoodlums and wiseguys at crime scenes. Created from
the Tribune’s archives of vintage glass-plate and acetate
negatives, these images have been largely unseen and
unpublished for generations.

All Chicago Tribune print books are available online at

Accuracy and ethics

Margaret Holt, standards editor

The Tribune’s editorial code of principles governs

professional behavior and journalism standards. Everyone
in our newsroommust agree to live up to this code of
conduct. Read it at

Corrections and clarifications: Publishing information

quickly and accurately is a central part of the Chicago
Tribune’s news responsibility.

A story in Tuesday’s Business section about Hyatt

acquiring resort company Apple Leisure Group
misidentified Apple Leisure Group’s resort management Lindsay Jones and her daughter, Virginia, hold signs Monday in support of Naperville School District 203 teachers as teachers
company as AMResorts. The company is AMR Collection. union members and their supporters march down North Mill Street. RAFAEL GUERRERO/NAPERVILLE SUN
The Tribune regrets the error.

Naperville teachers rally before board meeting

How to contact us 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday By Rafael Guerrero “Nobody wants this to go District 203 parent Lind- The union also is seeking
7 a.m.–noon Saturday–Sunday
7 a.m.–11 a.m. holidays Naperville Sun farther. Nobody wants this say Jones and her 7-year- an expansion of the family
Delivery problem? Or go to to continue on,” Iverson said. old daughter, Virginia, leave benefit, requesting
Call 312-546-7900 customerservice With the potential for “We as educators want some were among those waiting that members be allowed to
a strike looming as soon certainty for our contract as for the marchers as they use up to 12 weeks of accu-
Subscribe online: as Aug. 25, the Naperville we move into this most chal- approached the high school. mulated sick days for family
To subscribe, manage your print or digital subscription, or teachers union rallied the lenging of years.” The group held signs that leave reasons, including
inquire about billing or vacation holds, call 312-546-7900. troops before the Naperville School Board Presi- read, “We support you” and childbirth. The district is
District 203 School Board dent Kristin Fitzgerald “Go teachers.” offering a maximum of eight
To report an error, email readerhelp@chicagotribune. meeting Monday in an event addressed the district’s “It is right before schools weeks beyond the required
com, fill out a report at, or that brought out about 500 side of the situation at the happens, (which) is unfor- six.
call the Reader Help line at 312-222-3348. people. board meeting. tunate,” said Jones, whose Speaking to the board
While the Naperville “Throughout these nego- daughter attends Mill Monday night, District 203
Main operator........................................................................................ 312-222-3232 Unit Education Association tiations, our board has been Street Elementary School. learning behavior special-
Hearing impaired number..........................................................312-222-1922 (TDD) continues to hold bargain- and continues to be guided “But it is what it is. I don’t ist Joe Nikkel said his wife,
Classified advertising............................. 312-222-2222,
Preprint/display advertising...............312-222-4150, ing sessions with the district, by three principles, she said. think it’s anything unrea- also a District 203 educa-
Display advertising self-service........................... the union is preparing for “First, to continue deliv- sonable. I think teachers tor, gave birth to their son in
Interactive advertising.................... 312-222-2412,
Mail..................................................................560 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, IL 60654
the possibility of a walk- ering the high-quality have been the most flexi- 2015. The birth was a diffi-
out, President Dan Iverson education our students ble in the year-plus due to cult one for both mother and
All advertising published in the Chicago Tribune is subject to the applicable told parents, students and and community expect COVID (and deserve what child, he said, and his wife
rate card, copies of which are available from the Advertising Department.
The Chicago Tribune reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. other supporters gathered and deserve. Second, to they’re seeking in a new ended up taking six weeks
Only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance. outside Naperville North competitively compensate contract).” of unpaid leave because her
High School. our teachers and staff at Madison Junior High family benefit would only
“We see students. With every stage of their career School teacher Catie cover the first six weeks.
EDITORIAL: Questions and comments about stories in the Chicago Tribune
should be directed to editors of the respective content areas. two days left in your ... and finally, to ensure that O’Boyle said teachers need “I had been in incredible
summer, we thank you for the contract agreement we to be fairly compensated pain for my entire maternity
Chicagoland news: Phil Jurik,
Sports: Amanda Kaschube, spending a little of that time reach is fiscally responsible under the district’s Multi- leave,” Nikkel’s wife said in
Opinion: Chris Jones, with us,” Iverson said. “We and allows us, the board, Tiered Systems of Support. a statement Nikkel read to
see parents. We thank you to preserve the long-term MTSS is a “premium the board. “I needed every
equally. We know these financial health of our service learning opportu- single day of those 12 weeks
Chicago Tribune (USPS104-000) is published daily (7 days) at 560 W. Grand
Ave., Chicago, IL 60654; Chicago Tribune Company, LLC, Publisher; periodicals last few days of summer district.” nity” for students as they of my maternity leave.”
postage paid at Chicago, IL, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send are to spend time with your Rally participants, most navigate learning standards, April Miller, a Lincoln
changes to the Chicago Tribune, Mail Subscription Division, 777 W. Chicago
Ave., Chicago, IL 60654. kids and we know that’s wearing red, gathered at O’Boyle said, but one that Junior High School teacher
Copyright 2021 Chicago Tribune Company, LLC. All rights reserved as to precious.” Washington Junior High requires a lot of work for who brought her family to
entire content. The union filed an intent School at 201 N. Washington teachers, including student Monday’s rally, said teach-
to strike notice with the state St. and marched about six interventions and individ- ers are not eager to strike but
that allows them to walk off blocks to Naperville North ualized plans to address will if necessary.
INSIDE the job anytime starting Aug. on Mill Street. Many in the specific situations. “We’re here to encourage
Almanac..........News..........................13 Editorials.........News..........................11 25. The two major sticking crowd carried signs with “Over the past year, I’ve the board to negotiate and
Arts & Living....Nation & World...........8 Horoscopes.....Nation & World.........14 points in deliberations are such messages as, “More had maybe seven lunch peri- avoid a strike. We do not
Bridge..............Nation & World.........14
Business..........Nation & World...........5
Sudoku.............Nation & World.........15 compensation for additional pay for more work” and “A ods where I did not carry out want a strike,” she said.
Comics.............Nation & World....14-15 Television........Nation & World.........13 duties and the use of accrued child or a paycheck is not a an MTSS intervention,” she
Crossword.......Nation & World.........15 Weather...........News..........................18
sick days for family leave. choice.” said.
 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  3

No hints on new charges in ComEd probe
Judge sets ’22 trial time has no further infor- turned over more than a guilty to bribery conspiracy McClain and the other
mation regarding whether million pages of records in charges. defendants also conspired
date in bribery case there will be a superseding discovery as well as discs Another former ComEd to have ComEd hire a Madi-
orbiting Madigan indictment,” Assistant U.S. containing wiretapped executive, Fidel Marquez, gan-favored law firm and
Attorney Sarah Streicker calls and other electronic was later charged with brib- lawyer, previously identified
By Jason Meisner said. evidence. ery conspiracy and pleaded in public testimony as Victor
Chicago Tribune A superseding indictment A status hearing in the guilty in October to his role Reyes of Reyes Kurson, and
typically brings new defen- case was scheduled for Oct. in the scheme. to accept into ComEd’s
Federal prosecutors dants to an existing case, 21. ComEd, meanwhile, summer internship program
said Tuesday the grand though sometimes they add Madigan, 79, who lost the admitted to the scheme as a certain number of students
jury investigation into the Michael Madigan has not only new charges for those speaker’s gavel in January part of a deferred prosecu- who lived in Madigan’s 13th
alleged bribery scheme been charged and has already named. and later resigned from his tion agreement with the U.S. Ward, according to the
involving former House vehemently denied any At the request of the House seat after holding it attorney’s office, agreeing to charges.
Speaker Michael Madigan wrongdoing. TRIBUNE defense teams, Leinenweber more than 50 years, has not pay a record $200 million Pramaggiore and McClain
remains active, but offered then set a tentative trial date been charged and has vehe- fine and cooperate with also allegedly took steps
no hints on whether new During a telephonic status for the four defendants for mently denied any wrong- investigators in exchange for to have an individual
charges will be brought in hearing Tuesday morning, Sept. 12, 2022. Prosecutors doing. the charges being dropped appointed to ComEd’s board
the high-profile case. U.S. District Judge Harry said presenting their case A 50-page indictment in three years. of directors at the request
Madigan has been the Leinenweber himself tried would take about a month. returned in November The indictment alleged of Madigan and McClain,
elephant in the courtroom to pry some information Prosecutors also said charged Michael McClain, that beginning in 2011, the the indictment stated.
since May, when lawyers from prosecutors on the Tuesday they’re still in the an ex-lobbyist and one of defendants “arranged for The Tribune has identi-
for four people charged possibility of a supersed- process of turning over Madigan’s top confidants; various associates” of Madi- fied the appointee as Juan
with conspiring to bribe the ing indictment, but all they records and evidence in the former ComEd lobby- gan — including his political Ochoa, the former head of
former speaker on behalf of would say was that the case, with the most recent ist John Hooker; former allies and campaign workers the Metropolitan Pier and
utility giant Commonwealth investigation was ongoing “large production” made in ComEd CEO Anne Pramag- — to “obtain jobs, contracts Exposition Authority of
Edison said they expect and they were “not at liberty late June. Another discov- giore; and Jay Doherty, a and monetary payments” Chicago.
more charges were coming to publicly discuss grand ery production was “being consultant and former head from ComEd, even in
that would make it difficult jury matters.” loaded now,” Streicker said. of the City Club of Chicago. instances where they did jmeisner@chicagotribune.
for them to prepare for trial. “The government at this The feds had previously All four have pleaded not little or no actual work. com


Summer stroll along the bridge

People cross the BP Pedestrian Bridge in Chicago on Tuesday. The bridge, designed by Frank Gehry, connects Millennium Park and Maggie Daley Park.

Opening statements Wednesday Pharmacist allegedly

in R. Kelly’s fed conspiracy trial sold vaccine cards
By Megan Crepeau cases in four jurisdictions the government is trying to Chicago man described his client’s
and Jason Meisner across the country. patch together like different record as “squeaky-
Chicago Tribune On Wednesday, federal types of fabrics and trying to faces federal clean” aside from this
prosecutors in New York pass it off as silk,” Farinella R. Kelly’s federal trial will get theft charges charge.
In the years leading up to are slated to deliver open- wrote. underway Wednesday in New Zhao received a $4,500
his last trial, R&B superstar ing statements in the first A jury of seven men, five York. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/ By Zach Harris unsecured appearance
R. Kelly toured nationally of those cases to go to trial. women and six alternates CHICAGO TRIBUNE 2019 Chicago Tribune bond, which means he
and sold countless records. They have charged Kelly was selected last week. only has to pay should
The day of the verdict in under a racketeering law They are being identified by yah in suburban Rosemont A Chicago pharmacist he fail to appear for
2008, he bowed his head, more commonly used for number rather than name, when she was underage. was arrested for allegedly future court dates. He
praised Jesus, and walked mob bosses, cartel kingpins and they will be escorted to Many of Kelly’s accusers selling authentic COVID- is still employed as a
out of a Cook County court- and leaders of street gangs. and from the courtroom in a are slated to take the stand, 19 vaccination cards on pharmacist, but he must
room acquitted of child “They allege an extraordi- “partial sequestration” due including Azriel Clary, who eBay. report the charges to his
pornography charges. narily broad range of crimes, to the high-profile nature lived at Kelly’s Trump Tower Tangtang Zhao, 34, employer, according to
But according to federal all pointing to a coordinated of the case and allegations apartment until early 2020 allegedly sold 125 vacci- U.S. Magistrate Judge
prosecutors in New York, he effort to supply Kelly with of jury tampering at Kelly’s and alleges myriad abuses at nation cards from the Sheila Finnegan.
continued the same alleged boys, girls and women and 2008 trial. Kelly’s hands Centers for Disease “We take seriously,
pattern of sexual moles- abuse them to keep them One juror, a flight atten- The trial is expected Control and Preven- and will vigorously
tation, physical abuse and under their control. Kelly’s dant for the past 18 years, to several last weeks. If tion for $10 each during investigate, any criminal
psychological control that defense team, which has had said during questioning last convicted on all counts, Kelly March and April. Zhao offense that contributes
he had been perpetuating for a turbulent summer, will of week that he has a friend could face from 10 years to is accused of taking the to the distrust around
years: A criminal enterprise course address the jury in who is a relative of Bill Cosby life in prison, according to cards from his employer, vaccines and vacci-
operating just under the Brooklyn as well, expected and followed the comedian’s prosecutors. an unnamed national nation status,” Assis-
surface of his music empire. to argue that Kelly’s accusers criminal sexual abuse trial. And either way, after pharmacy chain that tant Attorney General
Thirteen years after that are out to smear him for their The juror said nothing about his New York proceedings administered vaccines, Kenneth Polite Jr. said
first acquittal, in a federal own personal gain. that high-profile case would have concluded, he still and sold them online to in the statement.
courtroom 800 miles away, Kelly’s lead attorney, affect his ability to be fair in faces a federal indictment 11 buyers, according to The case was inves-
Kelly faces a drastically Thomas Farinella, tweeted judging the evidence against in Chicago on allegations he a news release from the tigated jointly by the
different landscape. His Tuesday night that “the Kelly. conspired with two former Department of Justice. FBI and the Office of
music was boycotted across public has only heard one Many of the members of employees to rig his 2008 He is charged with 12 the Inspector General.
the country; his alleged side of the story” and he and jury acknowledged they’d Cook County trial by paying counts of theft of govern- Special agents in charge
abuses have been the target his team looked forward to heard of Kelly and bits and off witnesses and victims to ment property, according of each agency said the
of in-depth investigative attacking the case against pieces of the allegations, but change their stories. And he to the release. He faces a sale of vaccination cards
journalism and a popu- Kelly in court. all promised to put what has four pending cases in maximum of 10 years for put the health of untold
lar Lifetime docuseries; he “After all, the RICO they’d heard aside. Cook County, alleging sexual each count if convicted. people at risk.
has been in federal pretrial ‘Enterprise’ is based on a They are expected to abuse and assault. Kelly also Zhao’s lawyer, Gal
custody for more than two series of independent rela- hear about Kelly’s rushed has been charged in Minne- Pissetzky, in a Tues- zharris@chicagotribune.
years; and he has pending tionships and events that marriage to singer Aali- sota with solicitation. day court appearance com
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

West Nile virus case NIU faculty gets green light

reported in Deerfield to go remote if cases hit 8%
By Brian L. Cox 80s was reported to be the
For Chicago Tribune first case of the year in Cook By Karen Ann Cullotta Earlier this week, the University spokesman
County earlier this month. A Deerfield man in his 70s Chicago Tribune COVID-19 positivity rate Joe King said in a statement
Lake County health offi- Health officials are asking has become ill from West in DeKalb County was that safety has been “of
cials are asking residents to residents to follow the “4 Ds Nile virus. Lake County Faculty and staff at 5.2%, with around 45% of paramount importance”
take precautions to protect of Defense” to protect them- reported that 85 batches of Northern Illinois Univer- the population fully vacci- as the school prepares to
themselves from mosquitoes selves from mosquitoes. mosquitoes in the county sity in DeKalb will be nated, according to the resume classes next week.
after a Deerfield man in his The actions include drain- have tested positive for the allowed to pivot to remote DeKalb County Health “That concern guided us
70s became ill from West Nile ing standing water from virus. CHICAGO TRIBUNE FILE instruction for students if Department website. when we made the decision
virus in late July. items around homes, yards on-campus COVID-19 rates “Faculty are so excited to require that students
The man is the first and businesses. Defending presence in two dead crows hit or exceed 8% this fall, to begin the fall semes- get vaccinated and as we
reported case of West Nile against mosquitoes when found in the Chicago area, union officials said Tues- ter in-person with our worked with local health
virus in Lake County in 2021, outdoors by using an insect according to the Illinois day. students, and we certainly officials to create protocols
according to a Tuesday Lake repellent containing DEET, Department of Public Health The new agreement was hope to stay that way,” said that will help minimize
County Health Department picaridin, oil of lemon euca- website. forged after NIU faculty Keith Nyquist, instructor chances for transmission
news release. lyptus, 2-undecanone or “The following year, the and staff staged a rally last of business communica- of the virus,” he said. “This
“Take precautions to IR3535, and reapplying it state’s first human cases week demanding a more tions and president of the latest agreement with the
protect yourself from according to label directions. and deaths from West Nile robust health and safety non-tenured faculty union. University Professionals of
mosquito bites and West Residents can also protect disease were recorded and plan for university employ- “But in the event the surg- Illinois builds upon those
Nile virus,” said Mark Pfis- themselves by using repel- all but two of the state’s 102 ees. It also includes a stip- ing delta variant makes that efforts and will enhance
ter, the department’s exec- lent outdoors from dawn to counties eventually reported ulation allowing faculty too dangerous, we believe our ability to keep the
utive director. “Even as the dusk when mosquitoes are a positive human, bird, members to teach students the agreement our union campus community safe.”
weather gets cooler, mosqui- especially active, and dress- mosquito or horse” accord- remotely if they or a family bargained will help ensure After a two-week shift
toes will remain active until ing in long sleeves, pants, ing to the state health depart- member are immunocom- the greatest level of safety to remote learning last fall,
the first hard frost.” and closed toe shoes when ment. promised, officials with possible for our students, our officials at NIU restarted
According to the release, 85 outdoors. Environmental health the Illinois Federation of families, and our neighbors.” in-person classes by late
pools or batches of mosqui- West Nile virus was first care experts said that while Teachers said in a Tuesday Other campus safety September after seeing a
toes in the county have tested identified in Illinois in there has been flooding due statement. measures include a student drop in COVID-19 cases
positive for West Nile virus in September 2001 when labo- to heavy rains at times this In addition, the agree- vaccination requirement, among students and find-
2021. A suburban man in his ratory tests confirmed its summer, Culex mosquitoes, ment calls for an indoor regular testing of students ing that no infections
which typically spread the mask-wearing require- and faculty, and the use of were linked to classroom
virus are not the same as flood ment for NIU students air purifiers with HEPA instruction.
High CD Rate Offer mosquitoes, which typically
do not spread the virus.
and faculty in all instruc-
tional spaces, including the
filters, union officials
said. There is no vaccine kcullotta@chicagotribune.
The Lake County Health library, when fall classes requirement for university com
Department said that most begin Aug. 23, officials said. employees. Twitter @kcullotta
people infected with West
Nile virus have no symp-
toms of illness. Officials also
said that some people may
become ill, usually three to Preckwinkle relative charged with murder
15 days after the bite of an

infected mosquito. Common By Stephanie Casanova Preckwinkle is married, Lane’s residence. A detec-

symptoms include fever, and Zach Harris could not be reached. tive who responded noticed
nausea, headache and muscle Chicago Tribune Dennis Lane, 41, also is a bloodstained mattress on
aches. In some individu- charged in the case. Lane top of a dumpster across
als, severe illness including Ronisha Preckwinkle, was convicted in 2000 the street.
meningitis or encephalitis, the estranged daughter-in- of predatory criminal Henry County detectives
or even death, can occur. law of Cook County Board sexual assault in Kanka- later executed a search
People older than 50 and President Toni Preckwin- kee County, for which he warrant at the residence,
individuals with weakened kle, is accused in the kill- was sentenced to 20 years, according to the report.
6 MONTH TERM FDIC INSURED immune systems are at ing of a woman in Georgia, according to the Illinois They found blood on the

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higher risk for severe illness
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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  5


Why Chicago is becoming the knee pain treatment capital of the country

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Are you suffering from knee pain? So, what is the miracle treatment that Whether you get years of relief or All you have to do is take the first
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For years, we don't appreciate our you'll have your life back.
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grind on bone, thanks to the plump layer a gel injection that "didn't work." As a Peggy's salvation
locked in place. You might even have
stopped going on family vacations of cartilage in our knee joints. Our knees result, that person might needlessly be Peggy was losing hope of ever being
because the travel is too uncomfortable. bend effortlessly thanks to this pillow enduring knee pain. They might even normal or active again. For six months,
So, why would anyone with grinding that keeps our bones apart. We can have gone on to have unnecessary and Peggy's knee pain had been
knee pain be THRILLED about a stand on our feet all day, play an easy risky knee replacement surgery. unbearable. The pain was excruciating,
200-mile drive or a three-hour flight for 18 holes, or kneel in the garden until the Unfortunately, that happens all the even though she was taking as many
a 15-minute appointment in Chicago? last weed is pulled. time. It's important that you understand painkillers and anti-inflammatories as
Either these people are crazy, or they why this happens and how easily she could. But even with an increasingly
are certain that relief is waiting at the it could be avoided. risky amount of medication, Peggy
end of the journey. A pillow can only make you could barely stand. Walking was agony.
For Tom, driving a few hours to comfortable if the pillow is put in the Privately, Peggy admitted to her friends
Chicago felt like a small price to pay in right place. Unfortunately, most doctors that she couldn't even dress herself
order to get his life back. don't have the right equipment to anymore.
"The pain was with me for more than guarantee correct placement. In fact, "I cried and prayed every night for
two years," Tom says. "I had studies have shown that seven out of 1O some relief from the pain," Peggy says.
arthroscopic surgery and stem cell injections "don't work" because the gel Then one day, Peggy's husband heard
treatment. I did all the treadmill never had a chance. It lands in the one of our radio ads. What did she have
exercises they gave me. None of it tissues around the joint, and it never to lose by checking out her options?
helped. Going up and down stairs was reaches the cartilage to coat the raw
very difficult. My knee was locked and areas. (Just like the brakes on your
very stiff, even when getting up from a The miracle pillow that eliminates car wouldn't work if you dumped the
chair after only half an hour." knee pain new brake pads in the trunk or the
Joyce had a similar story. Her doctor's glove box.)
cortisone shots were powerless against At the Joint Relief Institute, we place
crashing waves of knee pain that woke However, over the years, our cartilage the gel pillow correctly 100% of the
her three or four times every night. pillow wears thinner, just like the brake time. How can we be so sure?
pads of your car wear down over time. Because we've invested in live digital
Joyce's days were lost to time spent
Unfortunately, for the 30 million imaging equipment for every
icing her swollen knees. The doctor had
Americans with osteoarthritis, the treatment room. Using this incredible
also given her Tramadol, which made
cartilage pillow gets thinner faster. This live video, your doctor can see
her foggy. She didn't like not being able
is because osteoarthritis is a disease through your knee. The live image
to think clearly, and slowed thinking was
that eats away at the cartilage. means the gel is always placed
just one of the opioid's nasty side
What do you do when the brake pads exactly where it needs to be.
Fortunately for Tom and Joyce, the in your car wear out? You replace the You'll be able to see this for yourself,
clock was about to turn back to a time pads and the car drives as good as watching in wonder as your new gel
when they never needed to think about new again. That's pretty much exactly pillow floats to the exact spot where it "I tell them to go to the Institute.
their knees; their knees just worked like what we do at the Joint Relief will cushion your bones according to Just GO, I say. You have nothing to
everybody else's. Institute-we replace the worn nature's design. lose but your pain."
Joyce, another patient, spread the word cartilage in your knee joint with a - Peggy
in a 5-star Google review: "Take it fresh, plump pillow made from the Covered by Medicare
from someone who traveled over same natural substance. and insurance
1,000 miles to get knee pain relief: Your knees will feel 20 or 30 years It would likely cost you more to "I could barely walk into the office,"
The Joint Relief Institute is the younger after treatment because get your brake pads replaced than Peggy says, "but that visit was my
your bones are resting on a pillow to restore your knees to the
place to go. Relieving knee pain is salvation."
again, just like nature intended. condition they were in 20 or 30
all they do, and they do it better A 100% safe, natural, and painless
than anyone else. Sounds too good Many people would think such an years ago. That's because your gel
series of gel shots turned out to be the
to be true, but it is true!" effective treatment must involve injections are covered by Medicare
and most insurances. If you have answer to Peggy's tear-filled nightly
surgery. How else could we slide a fresh
primary and secondary insurance, prayers.
pillow into your knee? The answer is
it might not cost you a dollar to get "I could feel the difference
that we use a tiny needle to inject your
your knees back on the road. immediately. I walked out of the clinic; I
knee with a gel. This gel is made from
So, what is stopping you? It certainly didn't limp. After a day or so, I could
the same natural building block as your
won't cost you a dollar to find out walk up my stairs, get up from my chair,
cartilage (it's called hyaluronic acid).
your options, and if you're reading and get dressed without help. I feel like
Because there's nothing more
this, you're probably no more than my old self, actually better!"
complicated than a quick and painless
30 minutes from one of our convenient Today, if Peggy sees someone wince
injection, you can book a free screening,
clinics. Add up the drive to the clinic, with knee pain, she talks to them, even
talk through the whole procedure with
your free screening with one of if she doesn't know them. "I tell them to
us (no pressure or hurry), and, if you're
our friendly staff, and your first go to the Institute. Just go, I say. You
ready, have a 15-minute treatment. All
15-minute treatment. .. Right now, you have nothing to lose but your pain."
up, you could walk out in less than 60
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The wave of relief is instant for two
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Cutting-edge technology saving thousands of
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Even more relief than expected Second, your gel injection packs a
Tom's five-star Google review describes robust anti-inflammatory agent that JOINT RELIEF INSTITUTE
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6  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  7

Businesses tasked with enforcing mask mandate

Establishments forced to check for proof of out one or encourage them so it’s going to be a change “Some places I go down- surge. She decided to make
vaccination at the door. to use contactless shopping for everyone, everywhere,” town, I don’t see anybody them mandatory at her salon
say it’s better than “Having to check vaccine options, such as curbside he said. “It’s going to be wearing a mask,” Ng said. Aug. 3.
alternative methods cards would have been a pickup, the company said in weird.” At Salon Envy in Lincoln A sign was posted on the
nightmare,” she said. “If this a statement. The gym has not been Park, owner Susan Gardner door and customers who
By Robert Channick, was the compromise they Certain retailers either requiring masks for vacci- implemented her own mask didn’t have a mask received
Josh Noel came up with, I’d rather do never stopped requir- nated clients, and does plan mandate two weeks ago, as one at the front desk. Most
and Louisa Chu it.” ing masks or began asking to enforce the new mandate. concerns about increasing took the salon’s mandate in
Chicago Tribune Her brother, Paul Tuzi, customers to mask back up Siroko doesn’t anticipate it COVID-19 cases and the stride, she said.
who is also a co-owner, before the city’s mandate, will hurt business, because more transmissible delta “We had one person who
Reaction from Chicago said there may be particu- including some grocery masks weren’t a deter- variant began to hit home in was not happy and refused to
businesses that will be lar customer pushback at stores such as West Town rent to clients earlier in the Chicago. wear it,” Gardner said. “But
tasked with enforcing the the bar, where people have grocery store Green Grocer pandemic, he said. “With everything going on other than that, we haven’t
renewed indoor mask returned to crowding in Chicago and several shops “We take this all seriously, and the new variants, I just had any problems. People
mandate announced by together like the pre-pan- catering to kids, who aren’t because the faster we’re want to protect the staff and have actually been like, ‘I’m
the city Tuesday ranged demic days. The fact that yet eligible for the vaccine. through all this, the better it the guests,” said Gardner, 51. glad you guys are masking up
from relief and support so many people are vacci- Marcos Carbajal, owner is for everyone and the better “I don’t want anyone to have again.’ “
to concerns about getting nated may also add a hurdle, of Carnitas Uruapan, which it is for businesses,” he said. anything happen here.” Gardner said the citywide
customers to comply after he said, with some custom- has locations in Gage Park Spencer Ng, second-gen- The 15-year-old salon has mandate is “a good thing”
many have gone maskless ers arguing that they don’t and Pilsen, said his whole eration owner of Triple 10 chairs, nine stylists and and a measure that most
for weeks. need to wear masks because staff is vaccinated and most Crown restaurant on the about 20 people inside at Chicagoans will support,
Mary Kay Tuzi, a they’re vaccinated. of his patrons still wear South Side, said he agrees any given time throughout as evidenced by the prolif-
second-generation “I can already anticipate masks when entering the with the mask mandate. the day. When the mandates eration of mask-wearers in
co-owner of Twin Anchors we’ll have arguments like restaurant, so enforcing this The restaurant has no were lifted in June, most recent weeks. Having the
Restaurant & Tavern in that,” he said. mandate won’t be that hard. outdoor seating, occupying customers abandoned their city behind her will add
Old Town, said she’s not Jewel-Osco said it would “With things going in the a second floor with a view masks during their appoint- teeth to her in-house rules,
surprised by the mandate begin requiring custom- direction they are going in, of the Chinatown Gate over ments, although a few styl- she said.
based on surging cases in ers to wear a mask at all and with how transmissi- Wentworth Avenue. “All my ists kept wearing them, “You’re going to sit in front
Chicago and nationally, but of its 37 Chicago stores on ble the new variant is, this employees and I still wear Gardner said. of somebody for two hours
worries battles with custom- Friday. The company didn’t makes sense,” Carbajal masks every day when we’re Salon Envy did not ask doing their hair color and
ers may be ahead. address questions about how said. “It’s a small sacrifice at the restaurant,” he said. customers if they were cut and you’re not going to
While about half of Twin it would handle situations to make, especially if we “For us, it’s not too much of vaccinated. mask?” Gardner said. “No, I
Anchors bartenders have where customers walked in can avoid another round of a change.” “Whoever wanted to be don’t think so.”
gone back to wearing masks without a mask. capacity restrictions.” Masks are currently in the salon without a mask
on the job and most servers Target said it will “follow At Lift Chicago, a River optional for vaccinated could be in without,” Gard- Chicago Tribune’s Sarah
have also, most customers do all local mandates, as North gym that offers diners at the business best ner said. Freishtat, Nick Kindelsperg-
not, she said. we have throughout the personal training and small known for dim sum. About Gardner, who stopped er and Lauren Zumbach
“Hopefully word gets out pandemic.” In areas where group classes, owner Josh 70% of their diners have wearing a mask herself at contributed.
and we don’t have to be the masks are required, employ- Siroko said he hopes the new remained masked. China- work this summer, had a
people to educate every- ees at the front of the store mask mandate will be short- town was one of the few change of heart as masks rchannick@chicagotribune.
body,” she said. inform customers about lived. neighborhoods where began to resurface at grocery com
Tuzi said a renewed mask local rules and offer masks to “People were really masks were not uncommon stores and coffee shops in
edict is preferable to being customers who enter with- excited to take the masks off, even before the pandemic. the wake of the delta variant

from Page 1

plans to implement a state-

wide mask mandate at this
time, spokeswoman Jordan
Abudayyeh said Tues-
day. Masks were already
required in schools based on
a statewide mandate issued
by the governor.
The state continues
to follow the Centers for
Disease Control and Preven-
tion’s recommendation that
everyone wear masks in
indoor public places, regard-
less of vaccination status, in
areas of substantial or high
coronavirus transmission.
According to the latest CDC
data, that includes all but
one of Illinois’ 102 counties.
At the Tuesday news
conference announcing
the new mandate, Arwady
noted additional restrictions
— such as indoor capacity
limits — could be reimposed
if current trends continue.
Benchmarks that could
prompt other rules would
be a spike in hospitalizations
and deaths and the average
daily cases surpassing 800,
she said. On the flip side,
the mask mandate would
be repealed once caseloads
drop below 400 for at least
a week or two, Arwady said.
She added the city has
no current plans to require
restaurant patrons to be Shoppers, mostly wearing masks, ride an escalator Tuesday at the Water Tower Place in Chicago. The Chicago Department of Public Health will reinstate a mask
vaccinated against COVID- mandate for all indoor public settings, as the average number of new daily cases of COVID-19 in Chicago surpasses 400. ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
19 but is watching places
such as New York City that “I want to be clear 19 restrictions first hit the people who are unvacci- was 691 cases per day. that,” he said.
are trying the measure. city. nated,” Arwady said, with After signing a bill desig- The statewide case posi-
Arwady also noted that, that that risk is Chicago’s Business Affairs nearly all new cases and nating an official state tivity rate — the percent-
in the first peak of the
pandemic last winter, aver-
especially for and Consumer Protection
acting Commissioner Ken
hospitalizations occurring
among the unvaccinated.
microbe at the University
of Illinois at Springfield,
age of new cases as a share
of total tests — reached a
age daily cases topped people who are Meyer said city workers will A year ago, Arwady said Pritzker was asked about seven-day average of 5.4%
2,000 in Chicago. She said be enforcing the mandate the prospect, then looming, Chicago’s mask mandate during the week ending
even she was taken aback unvaccinated.” but may apply punishments of the city hitting 400 new and explained why the state Monday, a level not seen
at how entrenched the differently based on the cases a day would mark “a isn’t taking the same course. since mid-January, when
delta variant, now present — Chicago public health severity of the violation. For line in the sand for us, partic- “I’m very pleased when the massive fall surge was
in more than 95% of new Commissioner Dr. Allison example, “something egre- ularly around major things a local government takes still subsiding,
Chicago cases, has become Arwady gious” such as a crowded like planning to open one of action to make sure that Hospital beds also
as the nation deals with its place with no masking or the largest school districts in the people who live in that continue to fill up with
latest COVID-19 wave. She social distancing could lead the country.” community, or in this case COVID-19 patients, with
predicted Tuesday the city online question-and-answer to a citation, but a couple Ultimately, CPS students that city, (are) safer,” Pritz- 1,952 hospitalized as of
should brace for another few session about where her patrons breaking the rules began the 2020-21 school ker said. Monday night for an aver-
weeks to two months of this new “line in the sand” was. may lead to a warning for year with all remote learn- He pointed to the indoor age of 1,727 per day over the
delta-driven surge. The average number of the owner, Meyer said. ing, and it was only until the mask requirements he put past week. That’s the highest
“I have been alarmed new positive COVID-19 Rob Karr, president of the spring that a hybrid learning in place for schools and the level since mid-May.
by how quickly delta has tests in Chicago rose to 419 Illinois Retail Merchants model, combining in-person vaccination requirements The latest surge, driven by
spread,” Arwady said. “It’s Monday and then 444 on Association, said in a Tues- and remote classes, took for workers at state prisons the delta variant, appears to
shown that the virus can Tuesday, the highest it had day statement that the effect following negotiations and other state-run congre- be spurring a rise in vacci-
mutate very quickly, and I’m been since May 4 and more city’s latest masking rule with the Chicago Teachers gate facilities. He also noted nations, with the average
the most worried about the than a tenfold increase from “misses the mark” because Union. that “We already have a number of daily doses reach-
potential for new variants the rate’s lowest point in it puts the onus on business But this fall, nearly all very strong recommenda- ing 39,011 statewide during
that could emerge that the June. owners, not the individuals CPS students will be learn- tion from the CDC to wear the week ending Monday.
vaccines are not protected Also on Tuesday, the who have “threatened or ing in-person full time, a far masks.” That’s up from an average
against. And then all bets city’s public health depart- attacked” employees who cry from last year, when only “I haven’t been reticent to of 24,965 a week earlier but
are off.” ment added eight states tried to enforce the public about a quarter of students consider mitigations when still well below the more
Just hours before and Washington, D.C., to health order. returned for any in-person they’re necessary, and of than 100,000 daily shots that
Chicago’s public health its optional travel advisory. In defending her support classes. course we’re always watch- were being administered
department announced New on the list are Minne- for a full return to class- Arwady said last August’s ing the numbers to make during the height of the
the new indoor mask sota, New Jersey, North rooms at the same time as decision to start the school sure that we’re bending the vaccination effort in April.
mandate, Arwady said the Dakota, Pennsylvania, she imposed the indoor year remote was a “conser- curve as we need to,” Pritz- Nearly 61% of eligible Illi-
400-new-cases-per-day Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia mask mandate, Arwady vative” one because “we ker said. nois residents have been
threshold will not affect the and West Virginia. said no benchmarks have were still learning a lot about The governor, who’s fully vaccinated, according
opening of Chicago Public That brings the total to changed. Surpassing the COVID.” been heavily criticized by to the state Department of
Schools on Aug. 30. 39 states and three terri- 400-case metric leads to State officials on Tues- many Republicans for his Public Health.
The city passing the tories from which the city the higher risk category for day reported 3,639 new orders during the corona- The state reported 17
400-case threshold — is recommending travel- COVID-19 transmission, confirmed and probable virus pandemic, said he’s additional fatalities Tues-
which Arwady previously ers who are not vaccinated she noted, while breaking cases of COVID-19, bring- not holding back on further day, pushing the average
described as a “line in the quarantine for 10 days or 200 cases had been moder- ing the average number of mandates for political number of daily deaths over
sand for us” — does not test negative for COVID- ate risk and resulted in an new daily cases over the past reasons. the past week to 14, up from
affect the school district’s 19 within three days before optional indoor masking week to 3,327. “Have you seen me reti- an average of 12 per day a
plan to return to in-person arrival. States get on the list recommendation regardless That’s the highest level cent to consider mitigations week earlier.
learning this month because by surpassing 15 daily cases of vaccination status. since the week ending April or oppose mitigations for In all, the state has
there is now a vaccine, she per 100,000 residents. She also noted that the 15. During the state’s spring political reasons? No, you recorded 23,640 coronavirus
said. News of the mask positivity rate stands at surge, the seven-day average have not,” he said. deaths since the pandemic
“I want to be very clear mandate was welcomed 4.3%, under the 5% moder- of new cases peaked at 3,390 Pritzker repeated that began.
that in no way does it change by some business owners; ate risk threshold. Hospital- during the week ending the state is following the
the recommendation related it also prompted some to izations and deaths remain April 13. science. “We’re doing what
to being able to have school prepare for renewed gripes at lower risk. A week ago, the state was we think is necessary and if
in person,” Arwady said from customers, arriving a “I want to be clear that averaging 2,751 daily cases, we need to do more than we dpetrella@chicagotribune.
when asked during an year and a half since COVID- that risk is especially for and a month ago the average are doing today, we will do com
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  9

Afghanistan and order after the police

melted away.
from Page 1 A broadcaster in Afghan-
istan said she was hiding at
The treatment of women a relative’s house, too fright-
varies widely across the ened to return home much
Muslim world and some- less go to work.
times even within the same She said she and other
country, with rural areas women do not believe the
tending to be far more Taliban have changed their
conservative. ways. She spoke on condi-
Some Muslim countries, tion of anonymity because
including neighboring Paki- she feared for her safety.
stan, have had female prime A group of women wearing
ministers, while ultracon- Islamic headscarves demon-
servative Saudi Arabia only strated briefly in Kabul,
recently allowed women to holding signs demanding
drive. the Taliban not “eliminate
Mujahid also said the Tali- women” from public life.
ban would not allow Afghan- U.S. national security
istan to be used as a base for adviser Jake Sullivan said the
attacking other countries, U.S. and other governments
as it was in the years before will not simply take the Tali-
9/11. ban at their word when it
That assurance was part comes to women’s rights.
of a 2020 peace deal reached “Like I’ve said all along,
between the Taliban and the this is not about trust. This
Trump administration that is about verify,” Sullivan said
paved the way for the Amer- at a White House briefing.
ican withdrawal. Whatever their true inten-
The Pentagon said U.S. tions, the Taliban have an
commanders are commu- interest in projecting moder-
nicating with the Taliban as ation to prevent the inter-
they work to evacuate thou- national community from
sands of people through isolating their government,
Kabul’s international airport. as it did in the 1990s.
It said the Taliban have The European Union said
taken no hostile actions it was suspending develop-
there. ment assistance to Afghan-
Mujahid reiterated that istan until the political
the Taliban have offered full situation is more clear but
amnesty to Afghans who that it would consider boost-
worked for the U.S. and the ing humanitarian aid.
Western-backed govern- EU foreign policy chief
ment, saying “nobody will Josep Borrell said the Tali-
go to their doors to ask why ban must respect U.N. Secu-
they helped.” rity Council resolutions and
He said private media human rights to earn access
should “remain indepen- to some $1.4 billion in devel-
dent” but that journalists opment funds earmarked
“should not work against through 2024.
national values.” Foreign Secretary Domi-
Kabul, the capital, has nic Raab said Britain
remained calm as the Tali- might provide up to 10%
ban patrol its streets. more humanitarian aid,
But many remain fearful but the Taliban would not
after prisons and armor- get any money previously
ies emptied out during the earmarked for security.
insurgents’ sweep across the
Kabul residents say groups
of armed men have been
going door-to-door seeking
out individuals who worked
with the ousted government Already getting the
and security forces, but it Tribune in print? Your
was unclear if the gunmen subscription comes with
were Taliban or criminals Unlimited Digital Access
posing as militants. to
Mujahid blamed the and the eNewspaper.
security breakdown on the Activate your account:
former government, saying
Afghan citizens pack inside a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III as they are transported Sunday from Hamid Karzai International the Taliban only entered activate
Airport in Afghanistan. CAPT. CHRIS HERBERT/U.S. AIR FORCE Kabul in order to restore law


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10  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Lawsuit dangerous weapon. An

intentional homicide charge
from Page 1 is the equivalent of a first-de-
gree murder charge in Illi-
arm but survived. nois.
John Huber and Karen Lawyers for Ritten-
Bloom maintain their son, house, now 18, maintain he
Anthony, who was among shot all the men in self-de-
demonstrators protesting the fense. They said Huber and
police shooting, is a hero who Grosskreutz were part of a
sacrificed his life to protect mob that was chasing the
others. Authorities say Huber, teen. Video taken that night
toting his skateboard, was shows Huber reaching for
trying to disarm Rittenhouse Rittenhouse’s rifle as his
shortly after the teen shot and skateboard hits the teen’s
killed Rosenbaum. shoulder.
“At the end of the day, Rittenhouse remains
(police) basically decided free on $2 million bail. The
to turn the streets over to a money was largely raised
bunch of armed vigilantes,” through social media among
said attorney Anand Swam- conservatives and gun rights
inathan, of the Chicago law advocates who have held
firm Loevy & Loevy, who him up as a symbol for gun
filed the federal lawsuit on rights. Supporters of the
behalf of Huber’s estate. Black Lives Matter move-
“Bad things are going to ment, however, paint him as
happen when you have a a white supremacist.
bunch of armed, untrained, The teen’s pretrial free-
so-called militia men who dom has sparked contro-
have been basically depu- versy. Most recently,
tized by the police. It really prosecutors tried unsuc-
created a serious powder Kyle Rittenhouse carries a weapon as he walks along Sheridan Road in Kenosha on Aug. 25, 2020. He is accused of killing two cessfully to persuade Judge
keg situation that was fore- protesters days after Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha. ADAM ROGAN/THE JOURNAL TIMES Bruce Schroeder to issue an
seeable.” arrest warrant and increase
The Loevy & Loevy firm messaging system just before racial discrimination and in the teen’s bond amount
immediately released a state- 10 p.m. Aug. 25 that down- retaliation for protests crit- because he had failed to
ment from Huber’s parents played the threat posed by ical of police. inform the courts of where
as the lawsuit was filed. the armed citizens, whom he The alleged conduct he’s living as he awaits trial.
“The police are supposed described as “very friendly.” violated the U.S. Constitu- That came weeks after
to serve and protect,” said About a half-hour later, tion’s guarantees of a right prosecutors took issue with
John Huber, the victim’s shortly before the shootings, to free speech and peace- Rittenhouse visiting a south-
father, “but that’s not what law enforcement officers ful assembly and to equal ern Wisconsin bar immedi-
the Kenosha police did. were seen in widely distrib- protection of the law, among ately after his arraignment
They walked away from uted video footage offering other state law claims, in a T-shirt reading “Free
their duties and turned over water to Rittenhouse and his according to the lawsuit, as (expletive).” Cameras
the streets of Kenosha to group and thanking them, filed in the U.S. Eastern captured the teen flashing
Kyle Rittenhouse and other with one officer stating, District of Wisconsin. hand signs appropriated by
armed vigilantes. If they had “We appreciate you guys. We “Defendants created an white supremacist groups,
done their job, my son would really do,” the litigation said. extremely and obviously and a group of men sere-
still be alive today.” The rifle used in the Kenosha shooting was seized from Swaminathan said police dangerous and deadly envi- naded Rittenhouse with a
Kenosha police did not the trunk of a car belonging to a friend of Kyle Rittenhouse, ordered the demonstrators ronment, which led directly song purportedly favored by
respond to requests for according to police reports. ANTIOCH POLICE DEPARTMENT to move south, thus funnel- and foreseeably to the shoot- the Proud Boys, an extrem-
comment Tuesday. Attorney ing them into a confined ing of Anthony Huber and ist group.
Sam Hall, who represents Kevin Mathewson, a former “Armed and ready. Shoot to area where they were met others,” the lawsuit said. In response, Schroeder
Sheriff Beth and Kenosha Kenosha alderman and the kill tonight,’ ” the complaint by the armed civilians. After “Defendants’ open support ordered that Rittenhouse
County, in a statement said: group’s commander, emailed said. Still, it alleges, author- the shootings, video foot- of and coordination with “shall not knowingly have
“While we understand that Miskinis, the city’s police ities allowed armed militia age shows, police allowed the armed individuals in the contact with any person or
the family of Anthony Huber chief at the time, and posted members and Rittenhouse Rittenhouse to leave even minutes and hours before the group of persons known to
is grieving his loss, we must the message as an open letter “despite his obviously tender though the teen was hold- shootings deprived Anthony harm, threaten, harass or
make it clear that the allega- on Facebook, the suit said. age” to patrol the streets ing a rifle and had his hands Huber and the other protest- menace others on the basis
tions ... are demonstrably false “We are mobilizing without questioning them or up in what many interpret as ers of the basic protections of their race, beliefs on the
and that the facts will show tonight and have about 3,000 attempting to disarm them. a gesture of surrender. typically provided by police, subject of religion, color,
that Mr. Huber’s death was RSVPs,” the email read, Furthermore, the lawsuit Police cited more than and it was a license for the national origin, or gender.”
not caused by any actions or according to the lawsuit. said, law enforcement treated 150 demonstrators with armed individuals to wreak The teen’s lawyers have said
inactions of Kenosha County “We have volunteers that Rittenhouse’s pro-police curfew violations but not havoc and inflict injury.” he has no ties to extremist
law enforcement.” will be in uptown, down- group with “a different set a single counterprotester Rittenhouse is not a defen- groups.
The lawsuit alleges town, and at the entrances of rules,” such as enforc- was ticketed, the lawsuit dant in the lawsuit. A court hearing regarding
authorities were warned to other neighborhoods.” ing the city’s curfew order said. Furthermore, it alleges Prosecutors have charged pretrial motions is sched-
about the counterprotest- The group’s Facebook only on demonstrators who if Rittenhouse and the him with several felonies, uled for Sept. 17. The judge
ers’ plans. In fact, a local page had sought “patri- were assembled to protest other armed civilians were including intentional homi- also set a Nov. 1 tentative trial
militia group had put out a ots willing to take up arms police violence. In fact, the Black, police would have cide, reckless homicide, date.
call on social media to armed and defend our city tonight lawsuit quotes a Kenosha responded differently. It recklessly endangering
followers to come to the city against the evil thugs,” police sergeant’s words in alleges that the officers’ safety, and misdemeanor cmgutowski@chicago
and help protect businesses. sparking responses such as, the department’s internal response was motivated by minor in possession of a

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  11

Par Ridder Christine W. Taylor, Managing Editor

General Manager


Editor-in-Chief Phil Jurik, Amanda Kaschube,

Michelle G. Lopez, Todd Panagopoulos,

Chris Jones, Editorial Page Editor Founded June 10, 1847
Margaret Holt, Standards Editor Rochell Bishop Sleets


Remember Afghan women

As the Taliban take control of all of Afghan-
istan, I do not worry about which American
administration is to blame for this disaster.
I also am not concerned about America’s
future role in Afghanistan.
I am disquieted about what the future
holds for the more than 19 million Afghan
women who have had some or even a
tremendous amount of personal freedom
for the past 20 years. Will members of the
Taliban go back to their pre-2001 practices
regarding women, or will they be more
“liberal” and behave more like the Saudis or
even Iranians?
People in the West, such as Hillary Clin-
ton, like to intone slogans such as: “Women’s
rights are human rights.” I agree. However,
a slogan without moral or physical force
behind it is just empty rhetoric.
May the women of Afghanistan weather
this latest catastrophe.
— Stan Palder, Chicago

Reckless withdrawal
Kudos to the Tribune Editorial Board for
acknowledging and supporting the efforts
of those men and women who so valiantly
served America’s interests in Afghanistan
(“With Afghanistan ending in failure and
chaos, all the more reason to appreciate those
who served,” Aug. 17). At least there is one
strong voice applauding those who served.
The headline noting an ending in failure
and chaos is also so appropriate. Thousands
of Afghans are at risk and have been left by
SCOTT STANTIS their government, their military and their

A ‘code red for humanity’

allies whom they supported for years. This is
a humanitarian disaster.
There are ways to strategically withdraw.
There are processes that can and should be
followed to protect those who supported

— and the Great Lakes

our efforts and to ensure that they are not
left behind. While President Joe Biden
says he “stands by his decision,” how can
he possibly stand by a decision that was not
supported by any plan of concrete action
Most people who live in Chicago and but was a reckless retreat? It’s time to look
the Great Lakes region probably think of at those put in charge of national security.
climate change as primarily a headache Biden may stand by his decision, but how
for West Coast homeowners and busi- can he stand by those responsible for imple-
nesses weary of wildfires. menting this decision?
Midwesterners, think again. At least we have one strong editorial voice
A recent report by the United Nations’ saying: “The first thoughts of this page are
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate with those of our fellow Illinoisans who gave
Change is a 4,000-page document their time, their energy, their hearts and in
viewed as the most comprehensive look some cases their lives for the multiyear U.S.
at climate ever undertaken. Among the mission in Afghanistan.” At least, as the edito-
findings: “It is unequivocal that human rial says, we can show our appreciation for
influence has warmed the atmosphere, these fellow Americans, even if we certainly
ocean and land.” cannot show it to the administration that had
U.N. Secretary General António the idea of withdrawing but none of the plans
Guterres called the report’s conclusions to implement that idea.
“a code red for humanity.” In many ways, — Sarah Beyne, Northbrook
it’s also a code red for the Prairie State. Heavy waves crash along the lakefront near North Avenue beach in Chicago on March 18.
In Illinois, the changing climate makes
the future look wetter and warmer,
A message to veterans
as reported in a climate assessment So far, countries are falling short of deal with flood control, river dredging, We cannot choose where, when or why we
focused on this state earlier this year doing what scientists say is needed to mapping of areas most likely to have deploy. We take an oath to the Constitution,
by the Nature Conservancy. Like the avoid the worst effects of climate change, flooding and wildfires and relocating and in doing so, place our trust in our elected
U.N. report, it offered a grim outlook for according to a U.N. analysis from earlier Native American populations away from leaders to make those decisions. Veterans of
coming decades. this year. Meeting current emissions the most fire-vulnerable areas. Afghanistan accepted their task and excelled
Even after cutting carbon emissions pledges would bring only a 1 percent Nations also need to band together to as a fighting force. But the war in Afghani-
to meet current bench marks, changes reduction in global emissions by 2030, stop adding carbon dioxide to the atmo- stan was marred by subsequent administra-
in this state by the end of this century compared to 2010 levels. Scientists say sphere by about 2050, climate scientists tions embracing political expediency over
could include: average annual tempera- something closer to a 50 percent reduc- say. Congress took an important step in conditions-based realities and Congresses
tures warming 4 to 9 degrees, a month tion is needed. December by authorizing $447 million to more eager to acquiesce than act as the seat
of temperatures reaching 95 degrees or “We must act decisively now,” said research and develop large-scale carbon of power.
higher and 3 more inches of rain during Guterres, the U.N. chief. “Every fraction removal. To every veteran who served in Afghan-
the spring. of a degree counts.” Although it’s easier and a lot less istan; who left a piece of himself or herself
That would mean more flooding and Using new data sets to make centu- expensive to reduce greenhouse gas over there; who took life and saw life taken;
more health threats from heat, water- ry-to-century comparisons, the U.N.’s emissions at their source than to pull who lost a best friend, and another, and
borne pathogens, mold and disease IPCC report finds that human influence released carbon back in from the atmo- another; who now carries a secret sacrifice;
carried by mosquitoes and ticks. has warmed the climate at a rate that is sphere, some companies, including a who is reliving painful memories; who is now
In Chicago, flooding has forced sludge unprecedented in at least the last 2,000 growing number of start-ups, are using questioning, “Was it worth it?”; and who feels
into basements and unleashed swarms years. new technologies to develop more betrayed:
of sewer flies, a vision out of a horror “There’s no going back,” tweeted renewable fuel and efficient energy — or You are not alone.
film, except it’s real. Communities that Darrell Kaufman, a climate scientist at to capture and scrub CO2 from the air — Kevin D. Ryan, Washington
already have the highest risk of health Northern Arizona University and one and store it underground.
challenges are likely to suffer even more. of the report’s authors. “At least, not for The private sector still tends to resist
On farms, climate change could bring centuries.” such steps unless legally required to do America’s other wars
a longer growing season for the state’s What can be done? It’s too late to avoid so. But the more individuals and compa- To withdraw or not withdraw from
biggest crops — corn and soybeans. But some of the most devastating effects the nies get engaged in the effort, the more Afghanistan, that is the question. The answer
it’s a mixed picture. Intensifying drought new assessments indicate are on the way. costs will go down, as we have seen in the is simple. America’s useless participation
and heat could reduce corn yields and Even if nations made drastic cuts today, solar and wind power industries. in Vietnam’s civil war ended in the deaths
force some planting zones to shift north. the amount of cumulative warming still Accurate research like the IPCC report of over 50,000 brave American men and
Overseas, the Italian island of Sicily is likely to rise 1.5 degrees Celsius within has produced alarming news of the women. We have already seen over 20,000
may have set a modern record for the the next 20 years, the report concludes. earth’s climate future. Now the world American men and women injured or killed
hottest day ever recorded in Europe. There’s still time, however, to take needs U.S. and international action on in Afghanistan’s civil war.
A monitoring station on the island action to prevent the planet from getting a massive scale, rather than feel-good America needs to tend to the climate war,
reported a temperature of 119.84 degrees even hotter. Planting more trees is a great public relations gestures. the poverty war and the injustice war in our
Fahrenheit, 48.8 degrees Celsius, on Aug. idea, but only a start. The infrastruc- After all, we only have one planet own country and stop sending our best to
11. If verified, it would be the highest ture bill now before Congress includes and, if we treat its resources right, one is civil wars around the world.
temperature ever recorded in Europe. billions of dollars to help the country enough. — Richard J. Aronson, Highland Park

Double standards
So President Joe Biden says he had no
ABOUT A VACCINE MANDATE FOR TROOPS choice but to follow through on the “bad
deal” then-President Donald Trump had
The Biden administration next month granted only emergency-use approval from a federal law to allow the mili- made with the Taliban. Really? Funny how
will mandate that all active-duty mili- for the coronavirus vaccines. Full, formal tary vaccine mandate if full Food and he wasted no time reversing the deals Trump
tary personnel be vaccinated against the approval, long overdue, could come Drug Administration approval doesn’t had made on the Keystone XL Pipeline, the
coronavirus. This commonsense imper- soon, and that should end this ridiculous come before mid-September. For the border wall and immigration policy, the Paris
ative is nothing new — troops are already debate once and for all. … sake of putting the argument to rest, full climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal.
mandated for vaccination against 17 The approval process had to be accel- approval would be preferable. That is If Democrats didn’t have double standards,
diseases — but it is nonetheless contro- erated due to the deadly spread of the expected to happen within weeks. At they would have no standards at all.
versial among those who have turned virus, but the vaccines have been in that point, any debate about the validity — Martin Dettmer, Wheaton
anti-vaccination hokum into a culture wide use since December — more than of a military vaccination mandate should
war sacrament. the six months generally needed for full be over. As should the already-strained
It should go without saying that full approval — with no significant reports of patience of the responsible majority of
vaccination of the armed forces against adverse effects. Right-wing circus bark- Americans who have been vaccinated, For online-exclusive letters, go to www.
any dangerous virus is crucial to Ameri- ers who have falsely claimed otherwise, toward the irresponsible minority who Email your letter
ca’s security. The tiny ledge that crit- like Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, have continue to endanger everyone. submissions, 400 words or less, to letters@
ics have to stand on is the fact that the blood on their hands. Defense Secretary St. Louis Post-Dispatch Include your full name,
Food and Drug Administration so far has Lloyd Austin says he will seek a waiver Editorial Board address and phone number.
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021


President Joe Biden walks from the East Room after talking about Afghanistan on Monday at the White House. EVAN VUCCI/AP

President Biden’s Afghan pullout

looked good — until it didn’t
images of an American Chinook heli- more year, or five more years, of U.S. try, the same reason we currently
copter hovering over our embassy in military presence would not have have more than 170,000 troops in 170
Kabul during another disastrous with- made a difference if the Afghan mili- countries. That’s one reason why, even
drawal. tary cannot or will not hold its own though I was drafted in the Vietnam
Now the familiar rituals of recrim- country.” call-up, I wound up working with our
inations and finger-pointing begin. Indeed, we have heard simi- NATO allies in Germany.
Clarence Page After 20 years and two presidents lar sentiments from Presidents Occasionally you hear political
from each party, there are plenty of George W. Bush, Barack Obama and candidates in both parties complain,
In the lead-up to Kabul’s fall, Pres- targets. Donald Trump, each of whom prom- as candidate Trump did, about
ident Joe Biden’s most memorable But, as difficult as the mission to end ised to protect democracy without “endless wars” and that we have too
quote appears to be his answer on America’s involvement in Afghanistan “nation-building,” even as they tried to many troops in Europe, Asia and else-
July 8 to a reporter’s question about has been, it is Biden who gets stuck do both in Iraq and Afghanistan. where around the globe. Yet, there
an assessment from the intelligence with the blame for its chaotic execu- In Iraq that policy appears to have were more troops in the Middle East
community that Afghanistan’s govern- tion. had more success. The U.S. still has after Trump became president than
ment teetered on the brink of collapse. In his televised statement, a day about 2,500 troops in Iraq, help- before his ascent to the Oval Office.
“That is not true,” the commander earlier, Biden tried to shift blame to ing local forces contend with what Tens of thousands of American
in chief insisted. “They did not reach his predecessor Donald Trump, who remains of the Islamic State group. troops remain deployed in such war
that conclusion. … There is going to be forged an agreement with the Taliban Yet, in Afghanistan, even as Amer- zones as Somalia and — even still —
no circumstance where you see people to withdraw by May 1. Biden pushed ican jets still were attacking Taliban Syria, plus such long-allied countries
lifted off the roof of an embassy. … The that back to coincide with the anni- positions in July, Biden continued his such as Germany, South Korea and
likelihood that you’re going to see the versary of the Sept. 11 attacks. But plans to pull out of that country. Some Japan.
Taliban overrunning everything and since the Taliban wasn’t honoring the observers have questioned, with In time, will our Afghanistan pull-
owning the whole country is highly agreement, Biden wasn’t particularly good reason, why Biden stuck with out look like a sudden abandonment
unlikely.” obligated either. his plans to pull out of Afghanistan, of our commitment to stability? Could
The Taliban obviously had other Even if the U.S. had broken the deal, while leaving a similarly sized force it even slip back into providing a new
ideas. On Sunday they rolled into it would not necessarily mean we in Iraq. safe haven for al Qaida or other terror-
Kabul with surprising ease to topple would need to send more troops to As a draftee in the final years of long, ist groups?
the Afghan government, sending join the roughly 2,500 American mili- drawn-out Vietnam War, I appreci- I’d like to think the new Taliban
thousands of desperate civilians, many tary “advisers” already in the country. ate the pressures rising in both parties leadership is smarter than that, but I
of whom had worked with our mili- We might have continued the exist- to end this country’s “neocolonial- wouldn’t bank on it.
tary, scrambling to the airport. ing state of affairs by using air cover to ist” and “neoconservative” impulses
Biden’s remark about helicopters contain Taliban advances before they that too often have tried to promote Clarence Page, a member of the
on the embassy roof was a reference invaded the cities. democracy in countries that weren’t Tribune Editorial Board, blogs at
to this country’s humiliating scram- But, after 20 years of war, Biden was ready for it.
ble to get out of Vietnam in 1975. A few too impatient for that. In a sentiment But our missions in Iraq and
weeks later, news media were running that undoubtedly reflects a strong Afghanistan were directly tied to
photos of that Saigon withdrawal with majority of Americans, he said, “One perceived threats against our coun- Twitter @cptime

To move forward after officer’s death, Chicago must address root causes of gun violence
By Arne Duncan shooting or being shot to earn a being shot. We could cut off the
legal living. We have to give them pipeline of teens into street gangs
The shooting death of Chicago a reason to put down their guns, and invest in crime-plagued
police Officer Ella French, the a chance to heal and a chance to neighborhoods to create new
critical wounding of her part- support their families. housing, jobs and local-owned
ner, and the alarming increase Under CRED’s model, they businesses. If we got our murder
in the number of Chicago cops get a stipend while they transi- rate on par with other big cities
who have faced gunfire this year, tion, counseling and life coaches like New York and Los Angeles,
should prompt some serious to keep them on track, as well the return on investment is on the
reflection on the role of police as role models and support they order of 20 to 1.
officers in a society overrun with never had growing up. Our work- Treating gun violence exclu-
guns. ers also negotiate peace treaties, sively with arrest and incarcer-
With Chicago experiencing intervene in online disputes, ation isn’t working. We have not
one of the most violent years in occupy “hot spots” to discourage had under 400 homicides in a
history, it should further prompt violence, and help young people single year since 1965, while our
even deeper reflection on our at risk earn degrees and get jobs. prison population has exploded.
collective failure to bring gun It’s slow, expensive, and risky We already have one of the largest
violence under control. work and it’s not foolproof, but police forces in the country on
Theories as to why gun Special Agent Hugo River prays at the memorial site set up in honor of research from Northwestern a per capita basis. Adding more
violence is spiking run from Chicago police Officer Ella French on Aug. 10 French was shot and killed University and the University of isn’t the answer.
COVID-19, the economy and while on duty. ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Chicago shows promise. We esti- As we honor officer French
civil unrest, to hot weather and mate that taking these programs and pray for her partner, let’s also
low clearance rates. The truth is, violence? ings in Chicago are solved. to scale would cost $400 million remember the hundreds of civil-
no one knows for sure why the The fact is, there is no correla- Violence prevention organi- to $500 million per year. ians dying from gun violence each
numbers go up and down. But we tion between the number of guns zations such as Chicago CRED, Expensive as all of this may year. Let’s remember the count-
can at least ask questions. recovered and the level of gun READI Chicago, Communities sound, it’s far less expensive than less other community members
For example, do we really violence. In 2016, gun recoveries Partnering 4 Peace, Youth Peace the sprawling criminal justice struggling with physical and
expect police to prevent shoot- rose by 25% while the number Center in Roseland, UCAN in system we have in Chicago today. mental trauma, including many
ings, or merely to investigate of homicides increased almost North Lawndale, Maafa on the Our Police Department alone costs Chicago police officers. Like it or
them? Is it necessary for armed 60%. In 2020, gun recoveries rose West Side, Iman on the South $1.7 billion per year. Add in courts, not, people and police are in this
police to enforce traffic laws? by about 50% the same as the Side, New Life Centers in Little prosecutors, jails, prisons, proba- together and we all want the same
Would unarmed traffic enforc- homicide rate. . Some years, both Village and several others across tion, health care for victims, lost thing: safety.
ers be less likely to escalate traffic numbers drop. the city begin by recognizing that investment and lower tax revenues
stops into armed encounters? It may feel counterintuitive, but street violence is tied to social due to crime, and the annual cost to Arne Duncan is the founder of
How many other non-violent or the likely explanation is simple. failure and trauma. Chicago is about $7 billion. Chicago CRED and a managing
non-criminal activities might be The vast majority of people carry- We need to reduce the incen- For a fraction of that $7 billion, partner of Emerson Collective.
better addressed by non-police? ing guns are not active shooters. tive to steal or sell drugs by we could house, feed and employ He served as the secretary of
And does confiscating guns by the They simply don’t feel safe, in providing a way for young men every one of the young men and education under President Barack
thousands each year reduce gun large part because so few shoot- who are at the greatest risk of women at risk of shooting or Obama from 2009 to 2016.
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  13



As U. of C. president, oversaw
building and enrollment expansion In Memoriam
Dempsey, James Joseph
James Joseph Dempsey, age 85. Beloved husband
of Hon. Julia Quinn Dempsey (ret). Cherished fa-
ther of Laura Gens (Timothy), Leonora Dempsey,
By Bob Goldsborough implemented, and enroll- Terrence Dempsey MD FACS (Anne MD FACS), the
For Chicago Tribune ment increased to 4,500 late Thomas (Karen). Adored grandfather to Julia,
undergraduates by 2004 and Eva, Henry, Travis, Christine, James, Bridget, Hannah,
Over seven years as the is today about 7,000. Matthew, Michael and the late Quinn. Great grandfa-
University of Chicago’s pres- “I think he was proud ther to Channing. Fond brother of the late Terrence
ident, Hugo F. Sonnenschein that while the (enrollment) and Thomas Dempsey. Born February 26th, 1935
in Chicago, Illinois. James grew up at Mooseheart
oversaw several important increase was being imple- after the death of his father in 1942. He became
building projects on the mented, the actual academic the youngest U.S. Eagle Scout while in grammar
Hyde Park campus, worked quality of the undergradu- Larry Schwartz school. He served in the U.S. Army after graduating
to increase undergraduate ates was improving,” Eliz- Happy Birthday, Larry! from Loyola University and later went on to receive
enrollment and pared down abeth Sonnenschein said. We miss you every day & more each year. his MBA from the University of Chicago. He died
the required courses in the “Maintaining the values We cherish the memories of our talks, the sound of in Stuart, Florida on May 7th, 2020, soon after the
university’s vaunted Core of the U. of C. overall in your laughter, & the kindness of your heart. national lockdown for COVID was implemented.
Curriculum. everything he did was very Love, Mom, Dad, Mike, Rick, & Sue Funeral Saturday, August 21, 2021 at St. Luke’s
“Hugo’s leadership was important to him.” Sign Guestbook at Catholic Church, Lake and Lathrop in River Forest IL.
Internment following at Queen of Heaven, Wolf Road
crucial in helping the univer- Sonnenschein also
sity community understand reduced the U. of C.’s “core Death Notices and Roosevelt, Hillside, IL.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to
the importance of having a curriculum” of required Treasure Coast Hospice, Martin County, FL.
nationally competitive and courses. The idea drew Athy, Josephine
(nee Murphy), age 99, Native of Castlebar, Co. Mayo,
widely esteemed under- Hugo Sonnenschein in 1999. criticism from students Ireland. Beloved wife of the late Patrick Athy for 57 Sign Guestbook at
graduate college at the heart JOHN LEE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE and alumni, some of whom years. Loving mother of Pauline (Vince) Burke, Chris
of a great university,” said publicly charged Sonnen- DiMonte, Raymond
(Cathy) Athy, Sheila Linden & Mary (Perry) Cronin. Raymond
y J. DiMonte died unexpectedly on August
John W. Boyer, the dean of doing research, he was schein with diluting the Cherished grandmother of 9 & great grandmother 8, 2021, at age 62. He was
the university’s undergrad- observing what was going university’s intellectual of 6. Visitation Saturday, August 21st from 9:00 born on May 15, 1959 in
uate college for the past 29 on around him at the differ- rigor. a.m. until time of chapel prayers 11:00 a.m. at the Chicago, IL. Ray grew up in
years. ent universities he taught “Hugo was tough- KERRY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION CARE CENTER, Naperville, IL. He attended
Sonnenschein, 80, died of at and saw challenges and minded, smart and deter- 7020 W. 127th Street, Palos Heights proceeding to St. Raphael School and
Saint Alexander Church, Mass 11:30 a.m. Interment
complications from cancer saw needs that an effective mined to do the right thing graduated from Naperville
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Please omit flowers, in
on July 15 at the University administrator could address, for the university,” said U. lieu of flowers, contributions to St. Jude’s Children’s
Central High School in 1978.
As an adult, Ray returned to
of Chicago Hospitals, said and he was eager to do that,” of C. law professor Geoffrey Hospital, ( would be appre- the city of Chicago and spent
his wife of 58 years, Eliza- she said. Stone, who was the univer- ciated. ~ (708) 361.4235 ~ www. many years working for his
beth. He had been a Hyde In December 1992, the U. sity’s provost from 1994 father at Victone Manufacturing Company. Ray was
Park resident. of C. announced Sonnen- until 2002. “Some of these a city boy at heart. He rode his bike all around the
Born in Brooklyn, schein’s hiring as its 11th things were understandably city and loved going to the beach. Recently, he was
Sonnenschein received a president, succeeding controversial, but they were overjoyed to move to an apartment overlooking
bachelor’s degree in math- Hanna Gray. The Tribune necessary to preserve the Sign Guestbook at Lake Michigan. Sadly, it was this beloved lake that
ematics from the University story on his hiring noted he long-term excellence of the took his life while swimming in waters that turned
of Rochester in 1961. While had developed a “reputa- university. Burke, Kathryn S. ‘Kathy’ choppy on a Sunday afternoon. Ray is survived
Kathryn (Kathy) Suzanne Burke, 53, of Lemont, by his father, Joseph A. DiMonte (Maria) of Sugar
in college, Sonnenschein tion as a nimble administra- “Hugo … never put his
passed away peacefully on Grove, IL, and siblings Joseph N. (Laurie) DiMonte of
took interest in economist tor who is also a first-class own popularity or desire to August 15th, 2021 surround- Gilbert, AZ, Susan DiMonte of Peoria, AZ, and Sandra
Kenneth Arrow’s schol- scholar, a certified egghead avoid criticism ahead of his ed by her beloved family. (Michael) Frost of Geneva, IL. He is also survived
arship in the area of social as comfortable with people responsibility to do the right Kathy was born in LaGrange, by his nieces and nephews Joseph R. DiMonte
choice. as he is with books.” thing for the university. In IL to Gerald and Mary Panzer (Adella DeHaro), Jaclyn DiMonte (Steve Puklin), Mike
“It was this application of During his first years as the end, he was proved right on December 12th, 1967, the Carroll (Tina Alnimri), and Merissa (Tim)Murphy all of
mathematics to economics president, he oversaw a and even most of his harsh- second of five children. She AZ, and Abbey Frost of IL, as well as several great
theory that made him real- capital campaign that raised est critics came to accept the married the love of her life, nieces and nephews in Arizona. Ray will certainly
ize he could use mathemat- $676 million for student aid, wisdom of his decisions.” Roger Burke, on November be missed by his many friends as well. Ray was
10th, 1989 in Lemont IL. She preceded in death by his mother, Jean Rae DiMonte.
ics, which he viewed as a faculty support, research After stepping down as
worked as an administration assistant for Nardi & A service to remember Ray will be held Tuesday,
beautiful discipline, but use and construction projects. president in 2000, Sonnen- Company for Ten years until she had her first child, August 24, 2021, at 12:00 P.M at Moss Family
it in application to economic The campaign led to an schein returned to the Michael. Later, she worked as the administrative as- Funeral Home, 209 South Batavia Avenue Batavia, IL.
problems,” Sonnenschein’s extensive building program classroom as an economics sistant to the CEO at Timberline Knolls in Lemont Visitation will be held from 10:00 A.M. until the time
wife said. “It was just a good that resulted in a new build- professor, teaching courses where she formed friendships she will cherish of the service. In lieu of flowers, donation may be
match. He never tired of ing for the Graduate School in game theory and micro- forever. To know Kathy was to love her, she will be made to a charity of the donor’s choice. 630-879-
(economics).” of Business, two new resi- economic theory and also remembered for the beaming smile you could pick 7900,
After college, Sonnen- dence halls and a new athlet- mentoring and advising out in any crowd & the imprint she left on so many
schein earned master’s and ics center. students and colleagues. hearts.
Kathy is preceded in death by her grandparents,
doctoral degrees in econom- When Sonnenschein He retired from the
Joseph & Francis Panzer, Michael & Louise O’Brien,
ics from Purdue University. took office the U. of C. had faculty five years ago, his and her parents Gerald and Mary Panzer. Kathy is
Sign Guestbook at
Sonnenschein’s research about 3,400 undergradu- wife said. However, he survived by her husband Roger Burke and their Fischer, Susan Elizabeth
helped establish the modern ate students — far less than continued writing academic beloved children Michael Burke, Shannon (Curtis) Susan Elizabeth Fischer nee Wilke, age 79, of
theory of aggregate demand, the undergraduate enroll- papers and informally advis- Homan, & Kristin Burke. As well as her siblings, Wilmette, IL. Beloved wife
and his scholarly work ments at Ivy League peers. ing students until his death. Michael (Chris) Panzer, Carolyn Panzer, Theresa of the late Wayne S. Fischer.
also covered multimarket In April 1996, Sonnenschein “In many ways, I would (Jason) Serpe, and Joseph Panzer. Devoted mother of Stephen
demand and supply func- proposed increasing its say he was never in retire- The visitation will be 3PM-9PM Friday, August 20th (Sarah) and Brian (Kerri)
tions in economics. undergraduate enrollment ment,” said his daughter, at Markiewicz Funeral Home, Lemont IL. Fischer. Adoring grand-
Funeral services will be held 12 PM Saturday mother of Ellen, Ada, Shane
Sonnenschein taught at to at least 4,500 students Amy Venetianer. “He was
August 21st at St. Alphonsus Parish, Lemont IL with and Margaret Fischer. Loving
the University of Minnesota, within a decade. always doing economics and Rev. Brian P. Ardagh, officiating. Burial will follow daughter of the late Harold
the University of Massachu- In a letter to faculty, he working with students and at St. Alphonsus cemetery. Arrangements are by and the late Helen Wilke.
setts, Northwestern Univer- argued that in a time of colleagues.” Markiewicz Funeral Home. Visitation Friday, August,
sity and Princeton before “dynamic change in knowl- In addition to his wife and Pallbearers will be Michael Burke, John Burke, 20, 2021 4:00 pm until time of Funeral Service at
becoming dean of arts and edge and technology,” those daughter, Sonnenschein Joseph Burke, Lawrence Burke, Paul Burke, Michael 6:00 p.m. at Donnellan Family Funeral Home, 10045
sciences at the University of with a rigorous liberal arts is survived by two other Panzer, Joseph Panzer, Joseph Ekkert, and Jason Skokie Boulevard, Skokie, IL 60077. Interment pri-
Pennsylvania in 1988. education were a crucial daughters, Leah Schrauden- Serpe. vate Eden Memorial Park Cemetery, Schiller Park,
In 1991, Sonnenschein resource for “a world in bach and Rachel Mossi; five Memorials may be given to St. Jude’s Children’s IL. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to
Hospital. Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road,
returned to Princeton to which hope, respected lead- grandchildren; and a cousin
The family of Kathy wishes to extend our sincere Glencoe, IL 60022.
serve as its provost, or chief ership and thoughtful citi- in whose home he had thanks to her medical team that provided the care Info: or (847) 675-1990.
academic officer. Sonnen- zenship are in short supply, grown up, Helen Freedman. that gave her five years of cherished time, all of the
schein was drawn to the and in which prejudice, The U. of C. is planning a family and friends near and far that supported Kathy
challenges and opportu- fear and the manipulation memorial service in 2022. and her family through this journey, and her hospice
nities offered in academic of public opinion are all too team at Seasons hospice that supported Kathy and
Sign Guestbook at
leadership, his wife said. prevalent.” Bob Goldsborough is a free- her family through their toughest season of life. Info:
“I think while he was Sonnenschein’s plan was lance reporter. 630-257-6363 or Hartmann, Jeremiah Peter ‘Jerry’
Sign Guestbook at Jeremiah (Jerry) Peter Hartmann, 95, passed
away peacefully after a short illness at Clarendale
Caminiti, Sylvester Daniel Retirement Community on August 8, 2021. He was
born on July 4th, 1926 to Olive Albertson and Frank
Sylvester Daniel Caminiti, age 89 of Naperville, Hartmann. He and his wife Marilyn were married
formerly of Cicero and Lake Villa. Beloved husband sixty nine years before her death on September
of the late Rachel (nee Guzzi) for 66 years, loving 18th, 2018.They lived in Roseland and then South
father of Susan (Ralph) Wagner and Samuel Michael Holland IL.
ON AUGUST 18 ... In 1934 Roberto Clemente, Gorbachev, who was vaca- (Nicole) Caminiti, cherished grandfather of Carly, He is survived by his three loving children: Alan (Sue)
the Baseball Hall of Fame tioning in the Crimea. (The Daniel and Adyson Caminiti, dear brother of the Hartmann, Dennis (Judy) Hartmann, and Kristina
late Samuel (Judith) Caminiti Jr., the late Sharron
In 1227 the Mongol outfielder, was born in Caro- coup collapsed three days (Paul) Coccaro. He also leaves his beloved grandchil-
Mattera and brother-in-law of Frances (late Arthur)
conqueror Genghis Khan lina, Puerto Rico. later, marking the begin- Parello and Karen (late Mark) Pellegrino-Scandura,
dren: Jeff, Jennifer, Valerie, Stephanie, Jessica and
her husband Alex Romero. He also leaves behind
died. ning of the end of the Soviet fond uncle of many nieces and nephews. Cremation his brother Frank Hartmann and his sister Leona
In 1954 Assistant Labor Union.) private. Graveside service and inurnment Saturday, Hartmann.
In 1587 Virginia Dare Secretary James Wilkins August 21st, 10:30am at Queen of Heaven Cemetery Memorial visitation, Saturday August 21, 2021 from
became the first child of became the first African In 1994 Florida Gov. Lawton Hillside. Family and friends are asked to meet at the 9:00 AM-10:30 at Vandenberg Funeral Home 19604
English parents to be born American to attend a meet- Chiles declared an immi- cemetery office by 10:15am. Arrangements handled Wolf Road, Mokena, IL. Mass of Christian Burial
on American soil, on what is ing of a president’s Cabinet gration emergency and by Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home. Online condolences 11:00 AM at St. Mary Church, Mokena, IL. Interment
now Roanoke Island, North as he sat in for Labor Secre- demanded federal help to may be offered to the family at www.KuratkoNosek. Private.
com. Info: (708) 447-2500
Carolina. tary James Mitchell. cope with the largest surge Sign Guestbook at
of Cuban refugees since the Kalivas, John
In 1834 Chicago depart- In 1963 James Meredith 1980 Mariel boatlift. John Kalivas, born in Poulithra, Ky-
ment store founder Marshall became the first Africa nourias, Greece on November 27, 1931,
Field was born near Conway, American to graduate from In 2003 a senior French Sign Guestbook at
to his American citizen father Nikolaos
Massachusetts. the University of Missis- health official resigned and mother Hrysoula (Alexandraki) Kali-
sippi. after France’s health minis- vas. Moved to the U.S.A. in 1949 where
he lived the rest of his life. Proud Army
In 1914 President Woodrow ter admitted that up to 5,000
Wilson issued his “Procla- In 1969 the Woodstock people might have died in a HONOR THE veteran of the Korean War, serving with

life & memories

the XVIII Corps of the 82nd Airborne Division (“Air-
mation of Neutrality,” aimed Music and Art Fair in Bethel, heat wave. Also in 2003 the borne all the way!”). A successful restauranteur,
at keeping the United States New York, wound to a close Liberian government and owning restaurants including the Clubside Inn in
out of World War I. after three nights with a rebels signed a peace accord. Wheaton, IL, and Pegasus in Chicago, IL. Later a
midmorning set by Jimi OF YOUR LOVED ONE successful general manager of food sales with
In 1920 Tennessee became Hendrix. In 2009 former South Kronos Foods and Corfu Foods. Survived by his
the 36th state to ratify the Korean President Kim Dae beautiful wife of 49 years, Anna (Nahurska) Kalivas;
19th Amendment, which In 1983 Hurricane Alicia Jung, who won the Nobel loving and wonderful daughter Jane Kalivas Pe-
ters; loving son-in-law Bernard Peters; two grand-
guaranteed the right of slammed into the Texas Peace Prize in 2000 for his children and four great-grandchildren through his
American women to vote. coast as a Category 3 storm, efforts to foster reconcilia- late son Nick Kalivas; two step-grandchildren; and
leaving 22 dead and causing tion on the Korean penin- a nephew and many nieces and cousins in the
more than $1 billion worth sula, died; he was 85. Also U.S.A., Greece and Poland. Preceded in death by
of damage. in 2009 conservative politi- his brother Jimmy Kalivas and sisters Nitsa (Nick)
cal columnist Robert Novak Athanasopoulou and Olga (John) Boudouri. Visita-
In 1987 American journalist died after battling brain tion at the Pedersen Ryberg Funeral Home, 435 N.
Charles Glass escaped his cancer; he was 78. GIVE THEM THE MEMORIAL York St., Elmhurst on Friday, August 20, 2021 from
kidnappers in Beirut after AN EXCEPTIONAL 9:00 a.m. until time of Funeral Service at 11:00
a.m. Interment with Military Funeral Honors to fol-
62 days in captivity. (Glass In 2014 President Barack PERSON DESERVES low at Assumption Catholic Cemetery, Wheaton,
had been abducted June Obama hailed “signifi- WITH LIFE TRIBUTES Illinois. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
17 with two Lebanese who cant progress” after U.S. to the 82nd Airborne Division Association, P.O.
Our professional writers will assist
were released after a week.) airstrikes helped Iraqi and Box 87482, Fayetteville, NC 28304-7482. For info
you to showcase and celebrate the life
Kurdish ground forces 630-834-1133.
of your loved ones with a beautifully
In 1988 Indiana Sen. Dan retake Mosul Dam from
written tribute prominently placed
Quayle was nominated to be Islamic State militants.
Lottery numbers George H.W. Bush’s running
within the Chicago Tribune.

mate during the Republican In 2017 President Donald Sign Guestbook at
For yesterday’s numbers convention in New Orleans. Trump dismissed his embat-  312.222.2222
and recent drawings, go to tled chief strategist, Steve  Stories live on. Tell theirs. In 1991Soviet hard-liners Bannon, in a major White Share your loved one’s story.
or use your mobile device to launched a coup aimed at House shake-up following a
scan the code above. toppling President Mikhail week of racial unrest. In partnership with
14  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Krosnjar, Peter ‘Peki’ Mullaghy, John Joseph Scanlon, Michael

Peter “Peki” Krosnjar, age 35, of Libertyville, IL John Joseph Mullaghy age 90. Beloved Michael “Mike” Scanlon, age 79, U.S. Army Veteran,
passed away unexpectedly on August husband of the late Ellen “Theresa” nee born in Ballyhahill, Co.
14, 2021. Beloved son of V. Rev. Djuro Gollogly. Loving father of Anne (Kevin) Limerick, Ireland, passed
and Protinica Anne Krosnjar; loving Byrne. Dearest Grandfather of Heather away on August 16, 2021,
brother of Marija Krosnjar (Brian Eckert), (Justin) Long and Andrew (Jennifer) at home surrounded by his
he is also survived by Baba Ljubica, Byrne. Great grandfather of Hope Byrne. loving family. Mike was the
many aunts, uncles, cousins and kumovi here and Fond brother of 8. Many nieces, neph- beloved husband of Ann (nee
in Europe. Visitation on Saturday, August 21, 2021
from 9:30 AM until the 11 AM Funeral Service at
ews, relatives and friends. Visitation Thursday
2:00 pm until 7:00 pm at Corpus Christi Catholic
O’Callaghan), for 54 won-
derful years; loving father HONOR THE

New Gracanica Serbian Orthodox Monastery, 35240 Church 1415 Lies Rd Carol Stream. Prayers Friday of Joann M. (Lane) Hendle,
W. Grant Ave., Third Lake, IL 60046. Interment at 10:15 am until time of funeral mass 10:30 am at Michael J. (Kathleen) Scanlon
New Gracanica Cemetery. For information – Reuland church. Interment All Saints cemetery Des Plaines, and Eileen F. (Billy) Mahler;
& Turnbough Funeral Directors of Lake Forest, 847- IL In lieu of flowers donations to the Chicago Fire- dearest son of the late Margaret and
234-9649 or Memorial con- fighters memorial fund appreciated. For info call James Scanlon cherished grandfather
tributions in Peki’s name may be made to St. Basil Brust Funeral home Carol Stream 630-510-0044 of Kyle, Kaileen, Ryan, Kevin, Aaron,
Brayden, Payton and Connor; dear

of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church, 27450 Bradley
Rd., Lake Forest, IL 60045. brother of Patrick (Peggy) and Morty

(Ann) Scanlon, Joan (the late James) Mahon, Mame
(Gerry) Kavanagh and the late Bobby Scanlon;
Murrin, Michael J.
Michael J. Murrin, age 83, of Chicago, passed away brother-in-law of Patrick (Ida) O’Callaghan, the
July 27, 2021. Professor Emeritus in the Department late Hannah (and late Joseph) McPartlan, the late
Sign Guestbook at Sean (Rita) O’Callaghan and the late Sister Eileen
of English, Comparative Literature, and the Divinity
School at the University of Chicago. Dear brother O’Callaghan D.C.; fond uncle of many and friend
Loeffler, Timothy C. ‘Tim’ of David (Sandy) Murrin of Hopkins, MN, the late to all who crossed his path. Mike worked for both
Timothy C. Loeffler (Tim) died at his home in Chicago Sears, Roebuck & Co. and the City of Chicago. He
on August 9, 2021, and in the presence of his loving
Marilyn (the late G. Thomas) Buchman of Coon
Rapids, MN and the late John (Mary) Murrin of was a longstanding member and served on the OF YOUR LOVED ONE
wife of over 29 years, Jacqueline (Jackie). They trav- board of both the Limerick Hurling Club and the
Lawrenceville, NJ. Uncle of many nieces and
eled extensively and had plans to begin traveling G.A.A. In lieu of flowers, donations to either the
nephews. Michael received his BH degree from the
again as soon as possible. Tim was born February Alzheimer’s Association or the American Heart
University of St. Thomas, along with his master’s
22, 1961, in Chicago to Roger and Sally (McGuire) Association would be appreciated. Funeral services
and PhD. from Yale University. Michael taught for 50
Loeffler. A Certified Management Accountant, Tim will be Friday, August 20, 2021, friends and family
years at the University of Chicago. During his ten-
retired from TTX Company in November 2020 after are asked to meet at St. Francis Borgia Church 8033
ure, he authored several books including: The Veil
more than 30 years with the company. Tim spent W. Addison, Chicago, IL for a funeral mass at 11:00
of Allegory, The Allegorical Epic: Essays in its Rise
his life as a loving husband, a good son, a kind soul a.m. To livestream the funeral mass https://you-
and Decline, History and Warfare in the Renaissance
and a devoted sibling. Tim loved sports, especially The
Epic, and Trade and Romance which was awarded
baseball, and played on the Maine South 1979 state interment will follow at Queen of Heaven Cemetery
the American Comparative Literature Assn’s. Rene
championship basketball team. Tim is survived by in Hillside, IL. Arrangements have been entrusted
Welleb Prize. He was a master of Latin, German,
his wife Jackie (Mitchell); his parents (Roger and to Cumberland Chapels for more information www.
Norse and Old English languages. He received the
Sally); his siblings, Marianne Griebler (Dave), Keith or call (708)456-8300.
Norman Maclean Faculty Award in 2016 for extraor-
(Barb), Denise Brown and Julie Aho (Scott); brother-
dinary contributions to teaching and student experi-
in-law (Anthony Mitchell); and sister-in-law (Dorothy
ence at the U of C. A Mass of the Resurrection will
Mitchell). Tim was preceded in death by his sister-in-
be held at 10:00am Monday, August 23rd. at Calvert
law, Ann. Donations may be made in Tim’s honor to
House 5735 S. University Ave. Chicago (FACE MASKS
Chicago History Museum or Chicago Cubs Charities.
REQUIRED). A Memorial Service will be held Sept. Sign Guestbook at
Sign Guestbook at
2nd at the Washburn-McGreevy Funeral Home in
Hopkins, MN. Inurnment at Resurrection Cemetery
Starshak, Albert Joseph
McGrath, Thomas Anthony in Mendota Heights, MN. Arrangements entrusted to
Albert Joseph “Al” Starshak of Marco Island, Florida
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Anthony McGrath age 60 of and Minnetonka, Minnesota
Donnellan Funeral Home. For info (773) 238-0075 or
Chicago and Champaign, IL died December 14, 2020 in
sign guestbook at
passed on Monday, August Naples, Florida. Preceded in
9, 2021. A talented, skillful, death by his parents, Kathleen
and accomplished roofer, Winzenberg Starshak and
Tom was loved dearly by his Thomas Starshak; his sisters,
family and community. He Sign Guestbook at Ruth Martin and husband
was known as the guy with Edgar, Mary Kay Ahern and
the big soft heart, big smile, Nagy, Elizabeth J. husband Hugh; brother
and a boisterous contagious Elizabeth J. (nee
( Groenwald) Nagy, 85 of Algonquin. Thomas Starshak and wife
laugh. He worked hard; some Beloved wife of the late Barbara and brother-in-law, John Klemmer. Survived
would say too hard. Tom loved music and sharing it Robert Nagy; loving mother of by his wife, Mary Mannion Starshak; daughter, Ann
with his children and siblings as a way to bond. He Joseph (Melanie) Nagy, Diane Olson (Todd); sons Thomas (Summer) and William
was known for singing loudly and off-key. He was a (Terry) Ebel, James (Lynn) (Maura); grandchildren, Elise and Finn Olson,
movie fanatic who was was extremely knowledge- Nagy, Barbara Nagy, Steve Kathryn and Aine Starshak and Oliver Starshak;
able about movies. He knew all about directors, (Denise) Nagy, Mary (Mike) sister, Sue Klemmer; brother, Joseph Starshak(Mary
actors, and producers. He loved old westerns and Pauly, Mike (Carolyn) Nagy Clare) as well as many nieces, nephews and friends.
gangster movies. He was the glue of our family who and the late Brian Nagy; cher- A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at 11
always encouraged a healthy and loving family rela- ished grandmother of 11 and am, Saturday, August 21, the Church of the Holy
tionship. He will be missed dearly. He is survived by great grandmother of 5; fond Family, 1080 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, St. Ignatius
his children Julia and Conor McGrath; “Pops” Donald sister of Bill Groenwald, late Edward, late Virginia College Prep Campus. Memorials may be directed
W. Cranley; sisters Mary Downes and Julie Cranley; and late Patricia. Memorial visitation Saturday, to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, 1852 W. 22nd Place,
brothers Michael McGrath and Duke (Sarah) Cranley, August 21, 2021 at Glueckert Funeral Home Ltd., Chicago IL, 60608, 773-890-6800.
nieces, nephews and friends who are too many to 1520 N. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, Sign Guestbook at
name. He was preceded in death by his parents from 9:00 AM until the time of memorial service at
Mary Ellen Moran Cranley and Tom “dago” (Caryl) 11:00 AM. Family requests all guests wear masks
Witous, George
George Witous, age 90, of Oak Lawn, Army Veteran,
McGrath, and his brother Joey McGrath. A visita- regardless of vaccination status. Interment pri-
Village Attorney of Chicago Ridge for 51 years,
tion will be held on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at vate. Funeral Information and condolences can be
Graduate of University of Notre Dame, 1953,
Crescent Park (2200 W 108th Pl, Chicago, IL 60643) given at or (847)
Graduate of De Paul University, 1958, Supernumerary
between 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM with a Celebration of 253-0168.
of Opus Dei, passed away on August 16, 2021.
Life picnic immediately following.
Loving husband of 63 years to Helen Witous, nee
Sign Guestbook at
Hession; Beloved father to James (Vicky) Witous,
Kathleen (Jeff) Weisgerber, Joseph Witous, Jennifer
Medina Jr., Michael Sign Guestbook at (Dan) Grogan, and Daniel (Karen) Witous; Cherished
Michael Medina Jr., age 79 of Cicero. Beloved hus-
grandfather to Jeff (Mandy), Meg (Tony), Patrick
band of the late Catherine (nee DePerro), loving fa-
ther of Michael (Patricia) Medina and Dawn (Joseph)
Norberg, Sr., William George (Caley), Andy, Beth, Danny, Kelly, Nichole, and Luke;
William George Norberg, Sr., age 84, beloved hus- Adored great grandfather to Anthony, Brayden, and
Pasaye, cherished grandfather of Jonathan and
band of the late Katherine, nee Lisciandrello; loving Skylar; Dear uncle and friend to many. George was
William Medina, Joseph (Kiara) Pasaye and Chynna
father of Michael (Suzanne), William, Jr. (Cindy), preceded in death by his siblings, Alice, Joseph, John
Pasaye and great grandfather of Jaylen Smith,
Thomas (Martha), and George (Patricia); cherished (Dell) and Carole (Bill) Kenny, along with his sister-in-
Jordon Pasaye and Jo’Vonni Randle, dear brother of
grandfather of Christopher (Katy), Stephen, Kathleen law’s, Marge (Dan) Flaherty, Therese (Pat) Condon,
Antoinette (Robert) Aguilar, Carol Padgett, Reyes R.
(Cody), Natalie, Holly (Matt), Sophia, Anthony, Virginia (Mike) Madden, and his brother-in-law,
(Jennie) Molina and the late Richard Molina, fond un-
Trevor, and Trenton; great grandfather of 7; fond William Hession.
cle to many nieces and nephews. Funeral Saturday,
uncle of many nieces and nephews; dear friend of Visitation for George will be from 3-8 PM on Friday,
August 21, 10:00am Prayers at Johnson-Nosek
Judy. Visitation at the Skaja Terrace Funeral Home August 20, at Blake-Lamb Funeral Home, 4727 W
Funeral Home, 3847 Prairie Avenue, Brookfield to
St. Barbara Church, 4008 Prairie Avenue, Brookfield.
Mass 10:30am. Cremation Private. Visitation Friday,
7812 N. Milwaukee Avenue Niles on Friday from
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Funeral Saturday 9:00 AM.
103rd, Oak Lawn. Funeral to begin at 10:30 AM on
Saturday, August 21, at Blake-Lamb Funeral Home, GIVE THEM
Interment Ascension Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, proceeding to St. Linus Church, 10300 Lawler Ave,
August 20th, 3:00pm-9:00pm.
donations to Bethesda Lutheran Communities, Attn:
Development Dept. 600 Hoffmann Drive Watertown,
Oak Lawn, for an 11 AM Mass of Christian Burial.
Interment to follow at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
WI 53094 appreciated. Funeral info: 847-966-7302 Sign Guestbook at
Wood, Charles Richard ‘Charlie’
Sign Guestbook at
Remembering the life, death and legacy of entre-

Mudra, Donald W.
preneur Charles Wood who PERSON
passed away peacefully on
Donald W. Mudra, age 85, Air Force Vet-
eran of LaGrange Park. Retired Police
Sign Guestbook at July 20, 2021 at age 87.
Born in Middleboro, MA, he
Sergeant of Westerns Springs. Beloved
O’Harrow, Robbin E. obtained his BS/BA Degree
husband of 64 years to Mary Ann Mu-
dra, nee Pardus; loving father of Julie
Robbin E. O’Harrow, age 65, of Oak Park; loving moth- from Boston University, LIFE TRIBUTES
er of Sage and the late Laina; former wife and dear where he was President of
(David) Denson and Robert (Kristine)
friend of Edwin O’Harrow; cherished grandmother Interfraternity Council and
Mudra; devoted grandfather of Alexan-
of Solomon and Maya. Robbin owned and operated Treasurer of S.A.L.
dria (Christopher) Wiley, Kyle Mudra, Molly (John)
Munch Restaurant in Oak Park. Robbin received Charles (AKA Charlie) had a Our professional
Harris, Karli Mudra and Olivia Denson; proud great
both her undergraduate and master’s degree in hunger for business and dedicated his life to building
grandfather of Zoey and Allie Harris; brother of the
late Marjorie (the late Warren) Zeiss; brother in
Fine Arts from The Art Institute of Chicago. Visitation Republic Packaging Corporation, which he founded writers will assist
Saturday August 21, 10 a.m. until time of Service in September of 1961, and served as President and
law of Margaret (James) Hook and Frank Pardus;
“grandpaw” of Annie, Murray, Glenn, Floyd, Reggie,
11:45 a.m. at Drechsler, Brown & Williams Funeral Chairman of the Board since its inception. His bril- you to showcase and
Home, 203 S. Marion St., Oak Park. Interment Queen liance, passion and energy were key to his many
Penny, Dudley and Heidi. Donald will Lie in State
on Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 9 A.M. to time
of Heaven Cemetery. Info: drechslerbronwwilliams. successful ventures. celebrate the life of
com or 708-383-3191 Charles saw things that others didn’t and worked
of Mass 11 A.M. at All Saints Episcopal Church,
4370 Woodland Ave., Western Springs. Interment
Sign Guestbook at to create solutions for customers problems, some your loved ones with
of which they didn’t even realize they had. He spent
Woodlawn Cemetery, Forest Park. Memorials
appreciated to All Saints Episcopal Church, 4370 Polito, Frances R. much of his time in leadership development, coach-
ing and training to provide direction to his tenured
a beautifully written
Woodland Ave., Western Springs, IL 60558 or the Frances R. Polito, ageg 98, a longtime resident of
leadership and sales teams whom he valued deeply.
Hinsdale Humane Society, Salt Creek Lane, Hins- Maywood, IL and most re-
cently of Indian Head Park, IL, He was a humble leader who appreciated the dedi-
tribute prominently
dale, IL 60521 Arrangements entrusted to Hitze-
cation of each and every employee on his team.
man Funeral Home, Ltd., 9445 W. 31st Street, passed away peacefully on
August 14, 2021 at TaborHills Charles spent 41 wonderful years married to placed within the
Brookfield, IL 60513 Information 708-485-2000 or
Health Center in Naperville, Roswitha Wood whom also worked with him at
IL. She was born in Forest Republic Packaging Corp. as Vice President of Chicago Tribune.
Park, IL on October 11, 1922. Operations. They not only shared their love of the
Longtime parishioner of St. business but also enjoyed traveling which they did
Eulalia Parish, Maywood to many places across the world.
Sign Guestbook at and longtime employee of Charles is survived by his son Charles R. Wood,
Commonwealth Edison. Devoted daughter of the Jr. and his daughter Diane Goss, grandchildren C.J
late James and Bess Polito; loving sister of Charles Wood, Anne Goss and Ben Goss, brother Robert
(Lynn) Polito, James Polito, the late Joseph (the late Wood, and many nieces and nephews. He is pre-
Honor a Loved One Christine) Polito and the late Ignatius Polito in in- ceded in death by his loving wife, Roswitha Wood
and Carol Wood, the loving mother of his children.
with a Death Notice
fancy; cherished aunt of the late Sarah Polito. Mass
of Christian Burial Friday, August 20, 10:00 AM at St. He is also predeceased by his father Dr. Raymond
H. Wood and mother, Ernestine Wood, brother
in Chicago Tribune Thomas the Apostle Church, 1500 Brookdale Rd.,
Naperville. Visitation 9:30 - 10:00 AM at the church. Raymond H. Wood Jr. and sisters in law, Beverly CONTACT US
Private interment Mount Carmel Cemetery, Hillside. Wood, Patricia Wood and Gwendolyn Wood.
It’s a final farewell; a sign of love and respect; Friedrich-Jones Funeral Home, Naperville was en- Charles felt strongly that education was an opportu-  312.222.2222
an homage to a loved one’s life. Placing a Death trusted with arrangements. For info call 630/355- nity that all who were hungry for, deserved and he
Notice shows you care. 0213 or visit supported this in many ways. He was on the Board 
of Grace Christian Academy for close to 20 years
The Death Notice Package includes: where he passionately devoted significant time and 
• Print listing in the Chicago Tribune energy to support enrollment and expansion. In his
• Online notice with guestbook on spare time, he also enjoyed golfing, flying, skiing and
Sign Guestbook at travel.
His celebration of life will be held at 11:00 a.m. on
Our website walks you through the simple process Sabacan, Leovigildo Puno ‘Leo’ Saturday, August 21, 2021 at Immanuel Evangelical
to commemorate your loved one’s legacy. Leovigildo “Leo” Puno Sabacan age 82, beloved Lutheran Church at 10731 W LaPorte Road, Mokena,
husband of Conchita (nee Pascual); loving father IL 60448. Please visit www.DarrellHoweMortuary.
of Maria Victoria Sabacan and Leah (Paul Loriaux) com for a link to watch the service.
Sabacan; cherished grandfather of Auguste Bayani In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made
“Auggie”; dearest brother of Sofia Frances, Reynaldo to Grace Christian Academy at 4106 W 28th St,
Sabacan, Marianita Soliven and Liwayway Gonzales. Chicago, IL 60623.
Visitation Sunday 1-7 P.M. Funeral Monday 9:00
A.M. from Lawn Funeral Home 7909 State Rd. Sign Guestbook at
(5500W) Burbank, to St. Mary Star of the Sea Church
Mass 10:00 A.M. Interment Private. Funeral Info: 708 Stories live on.
Tell theirs.
Share your loved one’s story.

In partnership with

Sign Guestbook at

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  15




Honor a


A’Mya-Ellen Moutry Emma Ortega


Moutry (Mother) (Mother)

Loved One with



NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Shawntella Moutry NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Jorge Ramos Jr.
Also vintage baseball cards!
(Mother) and Unknown (Father), (Father), respondents, and to All Whom It
847-343-1628 respondents, and to All Whom It May May Concern, that on August 6, 2021, a
Concern, that on June 14, 2021, a petition petition was filed under the Juvenile Court

a Death Notice in
was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in
CHICAGO BEARS KIM FOXX in this court and that in the the courtroom of Judge Levander Smith
I want to buy your courtroom of Judge Patrick Murphy in in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building,
full or partial season tickets! the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
Top $ paid. 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON September 3, 2021,at 9:00 A.M. in
Please call ON September 22, 2021, at 9:30 A.M. in CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, or as soon
CALENDAR 1 COURTROOM A, ZOOM 1, or as thereafter as this case may be heard, an
soon thereafter as this case may be heard, adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the
a hearing will be held upon the petition to petition to have the minor declared to be a

Chicago Tribune
WANTED: Pinball & Arcades 630-205-5283
terminate your parental rights and appoint a ward of the court and for other relief under
guardian with power to consent to adoption. the Act.
Wanted: Oriental Rugs

It’s a final farewell; a sign


UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication

of love and respect; an Labrador Retrievers 618-396-2494 notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case,
Meppen, IL Starting at $1500 M/F including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition
Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, Goldadors, or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.
Golden Retrievers. Great disposition. Health

homage to a loved one’s life.

guaranteed. Shot/wormed. Ready Now. UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the
allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
GENERAL and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered.

Placing a Death Notice shows ANNOUNCEMENTS Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
August 18, 2021 7020408
August 18, 2021 7020444

you care, and is now more

AUCTION Public Auction August 22 10:00
AM 7754 Poplar Grove Rd Belvidere IL
Antiques, Anvils, antique garden tractors, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
horse drawn equipment, trailers, vehicles, COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND
boats, tools, mowers, gas pumps, tractors CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD

efficient than ever before with 1-815-973- PROTECTION DIVISION
ASSUMED Andrea Watkins

our NEW Self-Service tool.



Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to “An Act
in relation To the use of an Assumed Business NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
Name in the conduct or transaction of
Business in The State” as amended, that a NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, David J. Harvey

Features of Self-Service
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father), (Father), aka David Harvey, Unknown
Certification was filed by the Undersigned
respondents, and to All Whom It May (Father), respondents, and to All Whom It
with the County Clerk of Cook County
Concern, that on January 20, 2021, a May Concern, that on February 5, 2021, a
File No.
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court petition was filed under the Juvenile Court
Y21007448 on the
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in
Date: July 30, 2021
the courtroom of Judge Bernard Sarley in the courtroom of Judge Jennifer Payne in
Under the Assumed Name of: GUY

• Instant notice creation

the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, the Cook County Juvenile Court Building,
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
with the business located at:
ON September 9, 2021,at 10:30 A.M. in ON September 8, 2021,at 10:30 A.M. in

and review
CHICAGO, Illinois, 60605 CALENDAR 12 COURTROOM A, or as soon
thereafter as this case may be heard, an thereafter as this case may be heard, an
The true name and residence Address of
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the
the owner is: GUY RIENDEAU
petition to have the minor declared to be a petition to have the minor declared to be a
ward of the court and for other relief under ward of the court and for other relief under
CHICAGO, Illinois, 60605
the Act.

• Real-time pricing
8/4, 8/11, 8/18/2021 7010765 the Act.

• Pre-designed templates

• Enhance your notice


by uploading photos and

In the matter of the revision of the
assessment of Real Property for 2021: UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case,
provisions of including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition
Section 14-35 of the Illinois Property Tax or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.
Code (35 ILCS 200/14-35) that the Assessor
of Cook County will sit for the purpose of UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and

• Immediate, printable proof of

reviewing the proposed 2021 assessment show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the
of Real Property located in the following allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
township(s) or taxing district(s) in Cook admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
and an order or judgment entered.

County. and an order or judgment entered.

Lemont Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
Identified also as Area(s) 22, under the August 18, 2021 7020700 August 18, 2021 7008972
Permanent Real Estate Index Numbering
System of Cook County.

The last date within which applications IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK

Includes print listing in the

consideration at such sitting is September PROTECTION DIVISION PROTECTION DIVISION
14, 2021.
Isaiah Greenlaw AKA Isaih Greenlaw

Death Notice section of the

Such sitting will be held at the office of the Angel Camacho
Assessor of Cook
County, Room 301, in the County Building, MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Terry Kruczek MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Alicia Gordon
118 North Clark Street, (Mother) (Mother)
Chicago, Illinois 60602, and will continue

Chicago Tribune, an online thereafter from day to day as necessary JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00466 JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00617
until all such revisions in said township(s) or
taxing district(s) have been completed. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLICATION

notice with guestbook on

Done by the Assessor of Cook County this NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Hector Flores NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Robert Greenlaw
18th day of August, 2021. (Father), Unknown Father, respondents, (Father), Unknown Father, respondents,
and to All Whom It May Concern, that on and to All Whom It May Concern, that on
FRITZ KAEGI May 12, 2021, a petition was filed under the June 25, 2021, a petition was filed under the
Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court
ASSESSOR OF COOK COUNTY Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court
8/18/21 7020575 and that in the courtroom of Judge Vilkelis and that in the courtroom of Judge Buford
in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building,
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
ON October 13, 2021,at 10:00 A.M. in ON November 4, 2021,at 10:00 A.M. in
thereafter as this case may be heard, an thereafter as this case may be heard, an
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the
In the matter of the revision of the
petition to have the minor declared to be a petition to have the minor declared to be a
assessment of Real Property for 2021:
ward of the court and for other relief under ward of the court and for other relief under
the Act. the Act.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the
provisions of
Section 14-35 of the Illinois Property Tax
Code (35 ILCS 200/14-35) that the Assessor
of Cook County will sit for the purpose of
reviewing the proposed 2021 assessment
of Real Property located in the following
township(s) or taxing district(s) in Cook
Identified also as Area(s) 23, under the
Permanent Real Estate Index Numbering
System of Cook County.
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication
The last date within which applications
notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case,
for revisions of assessment (Real Estate
including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition
Assessed Valuation Appeals) may be filed for
or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.
consideration at such sitting is September
13, 2021.
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the
Such sitting will be held at the office of the
allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
Assessor of Cook
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
County, Room 301, in the County Building,
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered.
118 North Clark Street,

Chicago, Illinois 60602, and will continue
thereafter from day to day as necessary
until all such revisions in said township(s) or
August 18, 2021 7020390 August 18, 2021 7020463
taxing district(s) have been completed. FRITZ KAEGI

Done by the Assessor of Cook
County this 18th day of August, 2021.
D’Noble Bey
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Angelique Bowie (Mother)
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Antoine Ivy (father), (Father), AKA Emanuel Ayala, Unknown
Unknown (father), respondents, and to All (father), respondents, and to All Whom
Whom It May Concern, that on June 1, It May Concern, that on July 6, 2021, a
2020, a petition was filed under the Juvenile petition was filed under the Juvenile Court
Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court and Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that
PROFESSIONAL that in the courtroom of Judge Nicholas
Geanopoulos in the Cook County Juvenile
in the courtroom of Judge Sarley in the
Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100
SERVICES Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois, ON September 8, 2021,at
So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
ON September 9, 2021,at 9:30 A.M. in
or as soon thereafter as this case may be thereafter as this case may be heard, an
heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the
upon the petition to have the minor declared petition to have the minor declared to be a
to be a ward of the court and for other relief ward of the court and for other relief under
under the Act. the Act.

UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication
Orland Park Sat 7/21. notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case,
Stonemoor Country Club 8am-1pm. including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition
La Grange Rd & 131st St. or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.

Arizona Real Estate Sales & Leasing Ranch UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
Realty specializes in residential real estate show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the
in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Fountain Hills, allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
Paradise Valley and many other Arizona admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
cities. Furnished or unfurnished rentals and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered.
available year-round on short or long term
lease agreements. Homes, condos, patio
homes and townhouses for sale and for Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
480-991-4000 August 18, 2021 7008969 August 18, 2021 7020429
16  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021



occupancy and possession; any unknown u/t/a dated August 12, 1977 u/t/n 7978;
IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE INTEREST OF owners and occupants. TAX DEED NO. Adrienne Gage; Paul Wright; Occupant;
Jeremy Keathley Malachi Barnett Tiffany Steed Yahir Lopez 2021COTD001460. FILED: July 20, 2021. TAKE Margaret’s Filling Station Lounge, Inc. c/o
NOTICE. County of Cook. Date Premises Roderick T. Sawyer R.A.; Margaret’s Filling
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Anita Keathley MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Kiara Cherry MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Denisha Steed MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Maria Lopez Sold 5/6/2019. Certificate No. 17-0002496. Station Lounge, Inc. c/o Illinois Secretary of
(Mother) (Mother) (Mother) (Mother) Sold for General Taxes of (year) 2017. Sold State; Margaret Filling Station; Terry Hall;
for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and Shateria L. McCaskill; Sherry McCaskill; City
JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00694 JUVENILE NO.: 20JA01547 JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00547 JUVENILE NO.: 17JA00368 special assessment number N/A Warrant No. of Chicago c/o Corporation Counsel; Karen
N/A Inst. No. N/A. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN A. Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk; Unknown
located at. 548 S Hale St, Palatine, Illinois. Generally TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001849
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father), NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Martinique NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father), NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Cesar Noe Cardenas Legal Description or Property Index No. 02- FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County
respondents, and to All Whom It May Washington (Father), respondents, and respondents, and to All Whom It May Sandoval (Father), respondents, and to All 23-304-022-0000. This notice is to advise of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019
Concern, that on July 29, 2021, a petition to All Whom It May Concern, that on Concern, that on June 7, 2021, a petition Whom It May Concern, that on May 27, you that the above property has been sold Certificate No.: 17-0008413 Sold for General
was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by November 16, 2020, a petition was filed was filed under the Juvenile Court Act 2021, a petition was filed under the Juvenile for delinquent taxes and that the period Taxes of: 2017 and 2015 2nd Sold for Special
KIM FOXX in this court and that in the under the Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX by KIM FOXX in this court and that in Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court and of redemption from the sale will expire Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and
courtroom of Judge Levander Smith in in this court and that in the courtroom of the courtroom of Judge John Huff in the that in the courtroom of Judge Levander on 12/15/2021. The amount to redeem is special assessment number N/A Warrant No.
the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, Judge John Huff in the Cook County Juvenile Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 Smith in the Cook County Juvenile Court subject to increase at 6 month intervals N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, from the date of sale and may be further SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property
ON September 30, 2021,at 9:00 A.M. in Chicago, Illinois, ON September 8, 2021,at ON November 19, 2021,at 9:00 A.M. in Illinois, ON October 5, 2021, at 9:00 A.M. increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or located at: 7007 S Racine Avenue, Chicago,
CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, or as soon 1:30 P.M. in CALENDAR 14 COURTROOM A, CALENDAR 14 COURTROOM A, or as soon in CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, or as his or her assignee pays any subsequently Illinois Legal Description or Property Index
thereafter as this case may be heard, an or as soon thereafter as this case may be thereafter as this case may be heard, an soon thereafter as this case may be heard, accruing taxes or special assessments to No. 20-20-424-004-0000 Vol. 430 This notice
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the a hearing will be held upon the petition to redeem the property from subsequent is to advise you that the above property
petition to have the minor declared to be a upon the petition to have the minor declared petition to have the minor declared to be a terminate your parental rights and appoint a forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the has been sold for delinquent taxes and that
ward of the court and for other relief under to be a ward of the court and for other relief ward of the court and for other relief under guardian with power to consent to adoption. county clerk as to the exact amount you the period of redemption from the sale will
the Act. under the Act. the Act. owe before redeeming. This notice is also expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS to advise you that a petition has been filed redeem is subject to increase at 6 month
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY for a tax deed which will transfer title and intervals from the date of sale and may be
CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO the right to possession of this property further increased if the purchaser at the
TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. time on or before 12/15/2021 by applying to and the right to possession of this property if
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois at redemption is not made on or before January
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled the Office of the County Clerk in Chicago, 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication Illinois. For further information contact the Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118 North Clark Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended petition Street, Room 434, Chicago, Illinois 60602. St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition or a motion to terminate parental rights. TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645. Pine Valley 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights. One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser or Assignee. hearing but your right to redeem will already
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and Dated: August 6, 2021. have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and show cause against the petition, the 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014431 TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS
show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the allegations of the petition may stand OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you, any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or judgment entered. applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered. Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Illinois. For further information contact the
TO: Kornfield Properties Services, Inc. County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
August 18, 2021 7020518 August 18, 2021 7008963 August 18, 2021 7020618 Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
Properties Services, Inc. c/o Robin Pride R.A.; 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
RK Capital Partners, Inc. c/o Illinois Secretary Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
LEGAL of State; RK Capital Partners, Inc. c/o Scott
Haugh R.A; Arlen Olson; City of Chicago c/o
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013612
Loan Servicing, Inc. Auburn Loan Servicing,
AND CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT PROTECTION DIVISION Inc. c/o Todd Johnson Sr. R.A; Auburn Loan TO: Walter T. Rice; Occupant; Illinois
PROTECTION DIVISION Servicing, Inc. c/o Kbhr Statutory Agent Corp.
R.A.; Occupant ; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook Department of Revenue; Karen A. Yarbrough,
IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE INTEREST OF August 18, 2021 County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants,
IN THE INTEREST OF Maryah Johnson Tre’Auna Riley CITY OF CHICAGO Cook County Clerk; Unknown Owners,
JERRODD JARMARION COBBINS and Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED Occupants, and Parties Interested Generally
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Sondra Johnson MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Tracey Frasure
A MINOR (Mother) AKA Tracy Frasure SERVICES NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County of COOK
(Mother) 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0008186 Sold
NO. 2020JD01444 Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 Certificate
JUVENILE NO.: 19JA00286 The Bidder must complete and submit an for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special No.: 17-0005560 Sold for General Taxes
JUVENILE NO.: 20JA00525 Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Electronic Bid prior to the bid due date. An of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment of
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION special assessment number N/A Warrant No. (Municipality) N/A and special assessment
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION electronic bid must be submitted through the N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN
Notice is given you, JUDEA JACKSON number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No.
City of Chicago’s website at SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property
respondents, and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY, on or located at: 6239 S Honore Street, Chicago, DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at:
respondents, and to All Whom It May aka Deante Riley (Father), Unknown
CONCERN, that on November 21, 2020, a (father), respondents, and to All Whom It before the due date and time stated below. The Illinois Legal Description or Property Index 7304 S Luella Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Legal
Concern, that on March 23, 2020, a No. 20-18-427-016-0000 Vol. 426 This notice
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court May Concern, that on March 26, 2019, a City’s system will not accept electronic bids Description or Property Index No. 20-25-217-
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court is to advise you that the above property
Act by KIM FOXX, STATE’S ATTORNEY Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in petition was filed under the Juvenile Court after the due date and time. Bidders must 015-0000 Vol. 262 This notice is to advise
OF COOK COUNTY through her assistant has been sold for delinquent taxes and that you that the above property has been sold
the courtroom of Judge John Huff in the Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in register for a log-in account to submit an the period of redemption from the sale will
State’s Attorney in this court and that in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 the courtroom of Judge Kimberly Lewis in electronic bid. Please allow up to three business for delinquent taxes and that the period
courtroom of Judge DARRYL JONES in the the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to of redemption from the sale will expire on
Cook County Juvenile Court Building located
So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, days for creation of your log-in account. Paper redeem is subject to increase at 6 month January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem
ON September 24, 2021,at 9:30 A.M. in 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
at 1100 South Hamilton, Chicago, Illinois ON September 8, 2021,at 3:00 P.M. in
bids will not be accepted. All Bids will be intervals from the date of sale and may be is subject to increase at 6 month intervals
CALENDAR 14 COURTROOM A, or as soon opened and publicly read aloud for the further increased if the purchaser at the
on September 13, 2021 at 9:00 A.M. IN thereafter as this case may be heard, an CALENDAR 8 COURTROOM A, or as soon from the date of sale and may be further
CALENDAR 57 COURTROOM 7 , thereafter as this case may be heard, an following: tax sale or his or her assignee pays any increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the subsequently accruing taxes or special
petition to have the minor declared to be a adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the his or her assignee pays any subsequently
or as soon thereafter as this case may be assessments to redeem the property from accruing taxes or special assessments to
ward of the court and for other relief under petition to have the minor declared to be a Notice of Addendum: Addendum #1 Bid subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held the Act. ward of the court and for other relief under Postponement will be e-mailed to all bidders redeem the property from subsequent
upon the petition to have the minor declared the Act. with the county clerk as to the exact amount forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the
to be a ward of the court and for other relief on the Bid Opportunity Take Out List you owe before redeeming. This notice is county clerk as to the exact amount you
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS also to advise you that a petition has been
under the Act. The court has authority in CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS owe before redeeming. This notice is also
this case to take from you the custody and CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY DESCRIPTION: BACKHOE LOADER filed for a tax deed which will transfer title to advise you that a petition has been filed
AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO and the right to possession of this property if
guardianship of the minor. TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO WITH EXTENDABLE DIPPER STICK for a tax deed which will transfer title and
redemption is not made on or before January the right to possession of this property if
Unless you appear at the hearing and show TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the redemption is not made on or before January
CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
cause to the contrary, an order or judgment CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE BID DOCUMENT CAN BE DOWNLOADED Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
the relief asked in the petition. AND PRINTED FROM URL ADDRESS: St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT hearing but your right to redeem will already
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF COURT TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
August 18, 2021 TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL SPECIFICATION NO: 663813A have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED hearing but your right to redeem will already
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RFQ NO: 8176,1 have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled ORIGINAL BID/PROPOSAL OPENING any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
P. SLOAN, A. ISLAM UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
to further written notices or publication DATE: applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
notices of the proceedings in this case, to further written notices or publication
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS notices of the proceedings in this case, August 19, 2021 Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
including the filing of an amended petition REVISED BID/PROPOSAL OPENING DATE: Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
ADDRESS: 1100 SOUTH HAMILTON including the filing of an amended petition Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
or a motion to terminate parental rights. Illinois. For further information contact the
CITY/STATE: CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60612 or a motion to terminate parental rights. September 20, 2021 Per Addendum # 1 Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (312) 433-7000 TIME: 11:00 a.m., Central Time County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark Illinois. For further information contact the
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
ATTORNEY NO.: 33182 UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and CONTACT: William L. Dotson, County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
show cause against the petition, the 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
show cause against the petition, the Procurement Specialist Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
allegations of the petition may stand Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, allegations of the petition may stand 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
admitted as against you and each of you, Email: 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013583 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
and an order or judgment entered. admitted as against you and each of you,
August 18, 2021 7029851 and an order or judgment entered. Pub: 8/18/2021 7020353 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013524
August 18, 2021 7008954 TO: Charmaine Sanders; Occupant; Donald
Bid and Requests for Proposals Bowen; Tony E. Bowen; Lessie R. Bowen; City
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK Available Online TO: Myguel Hayes; Kishelle Robinson a/k/a of Chicago c/o Corporation Counsel; Cavalry
COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND Kishell Robinson; Diane Blair; City of Chicago SPV I, LLC c/o CT Corporation System; Illinois
CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD All City of Naperville solicitations will be c/o Corporation Counsel; Occupant; Karen Department of Revenue; Illinois Department
COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND advertised on our web site: of Revenue Lien Unit; Karen A. Yarbrough,
COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND Owners, Occupants, and Parties Interested Cook County Clerk; Unknown Owners,
PROTECTION DIVISION Occupants, and Parties Interested Generally
Kennedy Round AKA Baby Girl Round PROTECTION DIVISION FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001853 FILED
You are invited to review all bid or of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County of COOK
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Ariel Barlow IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE INTEREST OF Certificate No.: 17-0008265 Sold for General
Shamar Stewart proposal requests for any upcoming Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 Certificate
(Mother) AKA Sheila Round Ty’Rell Robert Lee Horton-Gordon AKA Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment No.: 17-0008567 Sold for General Taxes
Tyrell Gordon
projects. All projects are available for
of (Municipality) N/A and special assessment of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment of
JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00672 MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Shaunte Stewart download or pick-up. Please contact the number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. N/A
(Mother) AKA Shaunta Stewart (Municipality) N/A and special assessment
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Tameka Gordon Procurement Services Team office at THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No.
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION (Mother) 630.420.6064 if you have any questions. DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR
JUVENILE NO.: 20JA00524 6754 S Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, Illinois DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at:
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Ariel Barlow JUVENILE NO.: 18JA00302 Legal Description or Property Index No. 20- 7136 S Racine Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Legal
(Mother) AKA Sheila Round, Unknown NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 19-406-041-0000 Vol. 428 This notice is to Description or Property Index No. 20-29-109-
(mother), Frank Round (Father), Unknown NOTICE OF PUBLICATION advise you that the above property has been 055-0000 Vol. 434 This notice is to advise
(father), respondents, and to All Whom NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Anthony Pope sold for delinquent taxes and that the period
(Father), respondents, and to All Whom It you that the above property has been sold
It May Concern, that on July 20, 2021, a NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Karl Green (Father), of redemption from the sale will expire on for delinquent taxes and that the period
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court May Concern, that on March 23, 2020, a Unknown (Father), respondents, and to All January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court of redemption from the sale will expire on
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in Whom It May Concern, that on May 20, is subject to increase at 6 month intervals January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem
the courtroom of Judge Bernard Sarley in Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in 2021, a petition was filed under the Juvenile from the date of sale and may be further
the courtroom of Judge Shannon O’Malley is subject to increase at 6 month intervals
the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court and increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or from the date of sale and may be further
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, that in the courtroom of Judge Jennifer his or her assignee pays any subsequently
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or
ON September 13, 2021,at 9:30 A.M. in Payne in the Cook County Juvenile Court accruing taxes or special assessments to his or her assignee pays any subsequently
CALENDAR 9 COURTROOM A, or as soon ON November 15, 2021,at 9:30 A.M. in Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, redeem the property from subsequent
CALENDAR 6 COURTROOM A, or as soon accruing taxes or special assessments to
thereafter as this case may be heard, an Illinois, ON October 4, 2021, at 10:30 A.M. forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the redeem the property from subsequent
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the thereafter as this case may be heard, an in CALENDAR 12 COURTROOM A, or as county clerk as to the exact amount you
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the
petition to have the minor declared to be a soon thereafter as this case may be heard, owe before redeeming. This notice is also county clerk as to the exact amount you
ward of the court and for other relief under petition to have the minor declared to be a a hearing will be held upon the petition to to advise you that a petition has been filed
ward of the court and for other relief under owe before redeeming. This notice is also
the Act. terminate your parental rights and appoint a for a tax deed which will transfer title and to advise you that a petition has been filed
the Act. guardian with power to consent to adoption. the right to possession of this property if
TO: John E. Huddleston, Successor Trustee of for a tax deed which will transfer title and
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS the Verna N. Huddleston Declaration of Trust redemption is not made on or before January the right to possession of this property if
dated 7-2-1998; Occupant, 243 Dorchester redemption is not made on or before January
Ave, Palatine, IL; Parties in occupancy and 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
possession; any unknown owners and Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
occupants. TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001447. Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
FILED: July 20, 2021. TAKE NOTICE. County St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
of Cook. Date Premises Sold 5/6/2019. 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
Certificate No. 17-0002483 & 17-0002484. hearing but your right to redeem will already
Sold for General Taxes of (year) 2017. Sold have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS
special assessment number N/A Warrant No. OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
N/A Inst. No. N/A. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. Property applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled located at. 243 Dorchester Ave, Palatine, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
to further written notices or publication UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled Illinois. For further information contact the
Illinois. Legal Description or Property Index Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
notices of the proceedings in this case, to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
No. 02-21-220-001-0000 and 02-21-220-002- Illinois. For further information contact the
including the filing of an amended petition notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
0000. This notice is to advise you that the County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
or a motion to terminate parental rights. including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
above property has been sold for delinquent Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights. Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
taxes and that the period of redemption 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and from the sale will expire on 12/15/2021. The 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013605 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
show cause against the petition, the UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and amount to redeem is subject to increase at 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013618
allegations of the petition may stand show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the 6 month intervals from the date of sale and
admitted as against you and each of you, allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand may be further increased if the purchaser
and an order or judgment entered. admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you, at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered. TO: James Arrington; Occupant; Ester Afeni;
any subsequently accruing taxes or special
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT TO: Maudie Mae Taylor; Tenesha Taylor; Chyna Cato; Gloria Arrington; City of Chicago
assessments to redeem the property from
COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Occupant; Tommy Anderson; Steve L. c/o Corporation Counsel; Department of
subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
August 18, 2021 7020579 COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Wilson ; City of Chicago c/o Corporation Treasury Internal Revenue Service; Karen
with the county clerk as to the exact amount
August 18, 2021 7020592 August 18, 2021 7020662 Counsel Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County A. Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk; Unknown
you owe before redeeming. This notice is
Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and Owners, Occupants, and Parties Interested
also to advise you that a petition has been
Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. Generally TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001854
filed for a tax deed which will transfer title
2021COTD001850 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County
and the right to possession of this property
NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019
5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0008280 Sold Certificate No.: 17-0008622 Sold for General
for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment
Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and of (Municipality) N/A and special assessment
special assessment number N/A Warrant No. number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. N/A
St., Chicago, IL 60602, on 12/20/2021 at
9:30 AM in room 1704. YOU ARE URGED TO
Kesley Kelly Celmer AKA Kelsey Celmer Tashiyah Wallace Tyrell Rogers REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF
located at: 7017 S Wood Street, Chicago, 7355 S Green Street, Chicago, Illinois Legal
PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at any
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Melissa Celmer MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Tashanna MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Melissa Rogers time on or before 12/15/2021 by applying to
Illinois Legal Description or Property Index Description or Property Index No. 20-29-223-
(Mother) Wallace (Mother) (Mother) the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois at
No. 20-19-428-007-0000 Vol. 428 This notice 023-0000 Vol. 435 This notice is to advise
is to advise you that the above property you that the above property has been sold
the Office of the County Clerk in Chicago,
JUVENILE NO.: 20JA00521 JUVENILE NO.: 15JA00799 JUVENILE NO.: 18JA00010 Illinois. For further information contact the
has been sold for delinquent taxes and that for delinquent taxes and that the period
the period of redemption from the sale will of redemption from the sale will expire on
County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118 North Clark
expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem
redeem is subject to increase at 6 month is subject to increase at 6 month intervals
TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645. Pine Valley
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Stanley Wafer NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, “Red” (Father), and NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father), One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser or Assignee.
intervals from the date of sale and may be from the date of sale and may be further
(Father), respondents, and to All Whom Unknown (Father), respondents, and to All respondents, and to All Whom It May Dated: August 6, 2021.
further increased if the purchaser at the increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or
It May Concern, that on May 26, 2021, a Whom It May Concern, that on July 12, Concern, that on June 9, 2021, a petition tax sale or his or her assignee pays any his or her assignee pays any subsequently
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014425
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court 2021, a petition was filed under the Juvenile was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by subsequently accruing taxes or special accruing taxes or special assessments to
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court and KIM FOXX in this court and that in the assessments to redeem the property from redeem the property from subsequent
the courtroom of Judge Patrick Murphy in that in the courtroom of Judge Levander courtroom of Judge Bernard Sarley in subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the
the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, Smith in the Cook County Juvenile Court the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, with the county clerk as to the exact amount county clerk as to the exact amount you
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, you owe before redeeming. This notice is owe before redeeming. This notice is also
ON September 28, 2021, at 3:30 P.M. in Illinois, ON October 18, 2021, at 10:00 A.M. ON September 24, 2021, at 9:00 A.M. in also to advise you that a petition has been to advise you that a petition has been filed
CALENDAR 1 COURTROOM A, ZOOM 1, or as in CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, or as CALENDAR 9 COURTROOM A, or as soon filed for a tax deed which will transfer title for a tax deed which will transfer title and
soon thereafter as this case may be heard, soon thereafter as this case may be heard, thereafter as this case may be heard, a and the right to possession of this property if the right to possession of this property if
a hearing will be held upon the petition to a hearing will be held upon the petition to hearing will be held upon the petition to redemption is not made on or before January redemption is not made on or before January
terminate your parental rights and appoint a terminate your parental rights and appoint a terminate your parental rights and appoint a 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
guardian with power to consent to adoption. guardian with power to consent to adoption. guardian with power to consent to adoption. Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO hearing but your right to redeem will already hearing but your right to redeem will already
PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE any time on or before January 28, 2022 by any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL Illinois. For further information contact the Illinois. For further information contact the
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013610 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013622
including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition

or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.

UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the

allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered.

Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT to place your ad, call 312 222 2222
August 18, 2021 7020483 August 18, 2021 7020604 August 18, 2021 7020557 or visit
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  17

TO: St. Michael House of Prayer; St. Michael TO: Raleigh Myles Jr.; Acceptance Capital TO: Emil Sayles; Estate of Emil Sayles; Su Yun TO: James Moran; Eleanor Moran; Occupant; TO: National Trading Inc.; Illinois Department
House of Prayer a/k/a Mt. Zion Baptist Mortgage Corporation c/o Illinois Secretary Kolar; Occupant; Shirley A Fortson; Demar Alexis Meekins; Ladeliah Jackson; Timothy of Employment Security; Illinois Attorney
Church; Bernard F. Lord, Ozinga, Lepore, of State; Acceptance Capital Mortgage V. Perkins; Marshall E Fortson; Maurice Bunch; City of Chicago c/o Corporation General; Occupant, 120 E 156th St, Harvey,
Campbell & Lord; Dr. Corey Brackenbridge; Corporation; Mortgage Electronic Williams; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County Counsel; Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.; Karen IL; Parties in occupancy and possession;
American Church Mortgage Company c/o Registration Systems, Inc. As Nominee for Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and A. Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk Unknown any unknown owners and occupants. TAX
Philip J. Myers’ American Church Mortgage Acceptance Capital Mortgage Corporation Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. Owners, Occupants, and Parties Interested DEED NO. 2021COTD001472. FILED: July
Company c/o Scott J. Marquis, CFO and c/o Genpact Registered Agent, Inc.; Citizens 2021COTD001865 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE Generally TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001887 20, 2021. TAKE NOTICE. County of Cook.
Treasurer; City of Chicago c/o Corporation Bank, N.A.; The Wolcott Group, LLC; The NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County Date Premises Sold 5/6/2019. Certificate
Counsel; Occupant ; Karen A. Yarbrough, Wolcott Group, LLC c/o Illinois Corporation Sold: 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0009375 of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 No. 17-0004057. Sold for General Taxes of
Cook County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Service C; Occupant; Belinda Pickett; Amelia Sold for General Taxes of: 2017 and 2016 Certificate No.: 17-0006736 Sold for General (year) 2017. Sold for Special Assessment
Occupants, and Parties Interested Generally Kelly; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County 1st & 2nd Sold for Special Assessment of Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and special assessment
TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001855 FILED Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and (Municipality) N/A and special assessment of (Municipality) N/A and special assessment number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No.
7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County of COOK Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. N/A N/A. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR
Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 Certificate 2021COTD001861 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. Property located at. 120
No.: 17-0008821 Sold for General Taxes NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: E 156th St, Harvey, Illinois. Legal Description
of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment of Sold: 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0009000 10440 S Church Street, Chicago, Illinois 9513 S Oglesby Avenue, Chicago, Illinois or Property Index No. 29-17-310-002-0000.
(Municipality) N/A and special assessment Sold for General Taxes of: 2017 and 2016 Legal Description or Property Index No. 25- Legal Description or Property Index No. 26- This notice is to advise you that the above
number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. 1st & 2nd Sold for Special Assessment of 17-106-035-0000 Vol. 460 This notice is to 07-100-025-0000 Vol. 297 This notice is to property has been sold for delinquent taxes
N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR (Municipality) N/A and special assessment advise you that the above property has been advise you that the above property has been and that the period of redemption from
DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. sold for delinquent taxes and that the period sold for delinquent taxes and that the period the sale will expire on 12/15/2021. The
7959 S Aberdeen Street, Chicago, Illinois N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR of redemption from the sale will expire on of redemption from the sale will expire on amount to redeem is subject to increase at
Legal Description or Property Index No. 20- DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem 6 month intervals from the date of sale and
32-202-018-0000 Vol. 440 This notice is to Beginning at the intersection of 90th Street is subject to increase at 6 month intervals is subject to increase at 6 month intervals may be further increased if the purchaser
advise you that the above property has been and Lowe Ave, 150 feet North, then 125.6 from the date of sale and may be further from the date of sale and may be further at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays
sold for delinquent taxes and that the period feet West, then 25 feet North, then 125.6 increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or any subsequently accruing taxes or special
of redemption from the sale will expire on feet East, then 25 feet South, adjacent side his or her assignee pays any subsequently his or her assignee pays any subsequently assessments to redeem the property from
January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem yard to 8938 S Lowe Avenue, Chicago, Illinois accruing taxes or special assessments to accruing taxes or special assessments to subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
is subject to increase at 6 month intervals Legal Description or Property Index No. 25- redeem the property from subsequent redeem the property from subsequent with the county clerk as to the exact amount
from the date of sale and may be further 04-118-038-0000 Vol. 448 This notice is to forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the you owe before redeeming. This notice is
increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or advise you that the above property has been county clerk as to the exact amount you county clerk as to the exact amount you also to advise you that a petition has been
his or her assignee pays any subsequently sold for delinquent taxes and that the period owe before redeeming. This notice is also owe before redeeming. This notice is also filed for a tax deed which will transfer title
accruing taxes or special assessments to of redemption from the sale will expire on to advise you that a petition has been filed to advise you that a petition has been filed and the right to possession of this property
redeem the property from subsequent January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem for a tax deed which will transfer title and for a tax deed which will transfer title and if redemption is not made on or before
forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the is subject to increase at 6 month intervals the right to possession of this property if the right to possession of this property if 12/15/2021. This matter is set for hearing
county clerk as to the exact amount you from the date of sale and may be further redemption is not made on or before January redemption is not made on or before January in the Circuit Court of this county in the
owe before redeeming. This notice is also increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
to advise you that a petition has been filed his or her assignee pays any subsequently Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, St., Chicago, IL 60602, on 12/20/2021 at
for a tax deed which will transfer title and accruing taxes or special assessments to Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington 9:30 AM in room 1704. YOU ARE URGED TO
the right to possession of this property if redeem the property from subsequent St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF
redemption is not made on or before January forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at any
28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the county clerk as to the exact amount you hearing but your right to redeem will already hearing but your right to redeem will already time on or before 12/15/2021 by applying to
Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, owe before redeeming. This notice is also have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois at
Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington to advise you that a petition has been filed TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS the Office of the County Clerk in Chicago,
St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, for a tax deed which will transfer title and OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at Illinois. For further information contact the
2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this the right to possession of this property if any time on or before January 28, 2022 by any time on or before January 28, 2022 by County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118 North Clark
hearing but your right to redeem will already redemption is not made on or before January applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, Street, Room 434, Chicago, Illinois 60602.
have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645. Pine Valley
TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser or Assignee.
OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Illinois. For further information contact the Illinois. For further information contact the Dated: August 6, 2021.
any time on or before January 28, 2022 by St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014422
applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in hearing but your right to redeem will already 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
Illinois. For further information contact the TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013648 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013582
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at TO: Socorro Mendoza; Margarita Morales,
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: any time on or before January 28, 2022 by Socorro Mendoza, Margaret Common,
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, Carolyn Common, Troy Jeffries; Occupant,
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in The south 25 feet of the real estate c/k/a
Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, 15432 Ashland Ave, Harvey, IL; Parties in
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013624
Illinois. For further information contact the occupancy and possession; any unknown
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark owners and occupants. TAX DEED NO.
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: TO: Felecia S. Garrett; LTG Management TO: Clarence Johnson, Jr.; Clarence D. 2021COTD001476. FILED: July 20, 2021. TAKE
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 c/o Felecia S. Garrett, Evelyn Murdock, LTG Johnson III; Josephine V. Johnson; Alex NOTICE. County of Cook. Date Premises
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Management, Felecia Garrett, Rent Collector D. Johnson; Pamela Johnson Occupant; Sold 5/6/2019. Certificate No. 17-0004098.
of 2040 111st St, Glennvester Garrett, Clay-Town Construction, Inc. c/o Illinois Sold for General Taxes of (year) 2017. Sold
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013629
Evelyn Murdock, Acorn Glen Townhouse Secretary of State; Select Funding, LLC c/o for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and
TO: Weil Enterprises, Inc. c/o Aryeh Weil; D Association c/o Charles M. Keough, Acorn David Goldberg R.A.; City of Chicago c/o special assessment number N/A Warrant No.
Business Enterprises, Inc. c/o David Osei Glen Townhouse Association, Bank of Corporation Counsel; OneMain Financial N/A Inst. No. N/A. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN
Bonsu; D Business Enterprises, Inc. c/o America, N.A.; Occupant, 2040 W. 111th Services, Inc. c/o CT Corporation System SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES. Property
Illinois Secretary of State; City of Chicago c/o TO: Antoinette Hamilton; Versia M. Boyd; St., Chicago, IL; Parties in occupancy and R.A.; Illinois Department of Revenue; located at. The south 25 feet of the real
Corporation Counsel; Occupant; Telon Scott; Gayvonne T. Gary; Occupant; Charles D possession; any unknown owners and Illinois Department of Revenue Lien Unit; estate c/k/a 15432 Ashland Ave, Harvey,
Lakia Reed; Shansce Reed; Kevin Lenell; Mathis; Maceo J. Davis; Michael J Davis occupants. TAX DEED NO. 2020COTD003510. Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Illinois. Legal Description or Property Index
Dushun Davis; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook Jr.; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County FILED: October 19, 2020. AMENDED FILED: Service; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County No. 29-18-231-025-0000. This notice is to
County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and March 9, 2021. SECOND AMENDED FILED: Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and advise you that the above property has been
and Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. August 5, 2021. TAKE NOTICE. County Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. sold for delinquent taxes and that the period
NO. 2021COTD001857 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE 2021COTD001862 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE of Cook. Date Premises Sold 7/23/2019. 2021COTD001868 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE of redemption from the sale will expire
NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: Certificate No. 19S-0008287. Sold for NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: on 12/15/2021. The amount to redeem is
5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0008907 Sold 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0009082 Sold General Taxes of (year) 2019 Scavenger 5/3/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0000931 Sold subject to increase at 6 month intervals
for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special (2007-1st of 2010 and 2014-2016). Sold for for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special from the date of sale and may be further
Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and Special Assessment of (Municipality) and Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or
special assessment number N/A Warrant No. special assessment number N/A Warrant No. special assessment number N/A Warrant No. special assessment number N/A Warrant his or her assignee pays any subsequently
N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN N/A Inst. No. N/A. THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN No. N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY accruing taxes or special assessments to
located at: 8006 S. Union Avenue, Chicago, located at: Beginning at the intersection located at. 2040 W. 111th St., Chicago, Property located at: 14928 Artesian Avenue, forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the
Illinois Legal Description or Property Index of 92nd Street and Ada Avenue 53.47 feet Illinois. Legal Description or Property Index Harvey, Illinois Legal Description or Property county clerk as to the exact amount you
No. 20-33-109-015-0000 Vol. 442 This notice South, then 124.98 feet West, then 32 feet No. 25-18-319-016-0000. This notice is to Index No. 28-12-425-042-0000 Vol. 028 owe before redeeming. This notice is also
is to advise you that the above property South, then 124.98 feet East, then 32 feet advise you that the above property has This notice is to advise you that the above to advise you that a petition has been filed
has been sold for delinquent taxes and that North, adjacent side yard to 9210 S Ada been sold for delinquent taxes and that property has been sold for delinquent taxes for a tax deed which will transfer title and
the period of redemption from the sale will Street, Chicago, Illinois Legal Description the period of redemption from the sale and that the period of redemption from the the right to possession of this property
expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to or Property Index No. 25-05-312-017-0000 will expire on 12/29/2021. The amount to sale will expire on January 28, 2022. The if redemption is not made on or before
redeem is subject to increase at 6 month Vol. 450 This notice is to advise you that the redeem is subject to increase at 6 month amount to redeem is subject to increase at 12/15/2021. This matter is set for hearing
intervals from the date of sale and may be above property has been sold for delinquent intervals from the date of sale and may be 6 month intervals from the date of sale and in the Circuit Court of this county in the
further increased if the purchaser at the taxes and that the period of redemption further increased if the purchaser at the may be further increased if the purchaser Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
tax sale or his or her assignee pays any from the sale will expire on January 28, tax sale or his or her assignee pays any at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays St., Chicago, IL 60602, on 12/20/2021 at
subsequently accruing taxes or special 2022. The amount to redeem is subject subsequently accruing taxes or special any subsequently accruing taxes or special 9:30 AM in room 1704. YOU ARE URGED TO
assessments to redeem the property from to increase at 6 month intervals from the assessments to redeem the property from assessments to redeem the property from REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF
PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at any

If you’re
subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check date of sale and may be further increased subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
with the county clerk as to the exact amount if the purchaser at the tax sale or his or her with the county clerk as to the exact amount with the county clerk as to the exact amount time on or before 12/15/2021 by applying to
you owe before redeeming. This notice is assignee pays any subsequently accruing you owe before redeeming. This notice is you owe before redeeming. This notice is the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois at
also to advise you that a petition has been taxes or special assessments to redeem also to advise you that a petition has been also to advise you that a petition has been the Office of the County Clerk in Chicago,
filed for a tax deed which will transfer title the property from subsequent forfeitures filed for a tax deed which will transfer title filed for a tax deed which will transfer title Illinois. For further information contact the
and the right to possession of this property if and the right to possession of this property and the right to possession of this property if County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118 North Clark

or tax sales. Check with the county clerk
redemption is not made on or before January as to the exact amount you owe before if redemption is not made on or before redemption is not made on or before January Street, Room 434, Chicago, Illinois 60602.
28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the redeeming. This notice is also to advise 12/29/2021. This matter is set for hearing 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645. Pine Valley
Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, you that a petition has been filed for a tax in the Circuit Court of this county in the Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser or Assignee.
Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington deed which will transfer title and the right Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Dated: August 6, 2021.
St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, to possession of this property if redemption St., Chicago, IL 60602, on 1/3/2022 at 9:30 St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014413

to whip
2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this is not made on or before January 28, 2022. AM in room 1704. YOU ARE URGED TO 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
hearing but your right to redeem will already This matter is set for hearing in the Circuit REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS OF hearing but your right to redeem will already
have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED Court of this county in Room 1704, Richard J. PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at any have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS time on or before 12/29/2021 by applying TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS TO: Equity Trust Company Custodian FBO
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St., Chicago, 200208707 IRA; T&M Day Care Center Inc.;
OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at Illinois 60602 on February 4, 2022, at 9:30 to the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
Occupant, 778 Burnham Ave, Calumet City,

up a
any time on or before January 28, 2022 by a.m. You may be present at this hearing at the Office of the County Clerk in Chicago, any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois. For further information contact the applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, IL; Parties in occupancy and possession; any
but your right to redeem will already have unknown owners and occupants. TAX DEED
Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED TO County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118 North Clark Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Street, Room 434, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, NO. 2021COTD001473. FILED: July 20, 2021.
Illinois. For further information contact the OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645. Pine Valley Illinois. For further information contact the
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser or Assignee. County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark Sold 5/6/2019. Certificate No. 17-0004493.

any time on or before January 28, 2022 by Sold for General Taxes of (year) 2017. Sold
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, Dated: August 6, 2021. Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014696 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 for Special Assessment of (Municipality) and
Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in special assessment number N/A Warrant
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013627 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013507 No. N/A Inst. No. N/A. THIS PROPERTY
Illinois. For further information contact the HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES.
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark

Property located at. 778 Burnham Ave,
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Calumet City, Illinois. Legal Description or
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 Property Index No. 30-18-228-025-0000.
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 This notice is to advise you that the above
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013634 property has been sold for delinquent taxes
and that the period of redemption from the

try The
TO: Kevin Baker; Kamren Baker; Erica Wright;
Tina Walker; Occupant; Karen A. Yarbrough, sale will expire on December 15, 2021. The
Cook County Clerk; Unknown Owners, amount to redeem is subject to increase at
TO: Christopher Michael Bretzing; Occupant; TO: Perry Israel; Paris L. Israel; Occupant;
Occupants, and Parties Interested Generally 6 month intervals from the date of sale and
Edward Stokes; Valerie McNish; City of Marco C. Hall; Albert Taylor; AJ Taylor; City
TO: IMNP LLC; EXR, LLC c/o VCorp Agent TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001886 FILED may be further increased if the purchaser
Chicago c/o Corporation Counsel; Karen A. of Markham c/o Leslie Trimuel, Clerk; City
Services, Inc.; City of Chicago c/o Corporation 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County of COOK at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays
Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk; Unknown of Markham c/o Steven Miller City Attorney

Counsel Occupant; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook Date Premises Sold: 5/8/2019 Certificate any subsequently accruing taxes or special
Owners, Occupants, and Parties Interested Miller & Ellison Attorneys at Law; Karen A.
County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, No.: 17-0009553 Sold for General Taxes of: assessments to redeem the property from
Generally TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001858 Yarbrough, Cook County Clerk; Unknown
and Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED 2017 and 2016 1st & 2nd Sold for Special subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County Owners, Occupants, and Parties Interested
NO. 2021COTD001863 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and with the county clerk as to the exact amount
of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/7/2019 Generally TAX DEED NO. 2021COTD001867
NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: special assessment number N/A Warrant No. you owe before redeeming. This notice is
Certificate No.: 17-0006196 Sold for General FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NOTICE County

5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0009356 Sold N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN also to advise you that a petition has been
Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special Assessment of COOK Date Premises Sold: 5/3/2019
for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property filed for a tax deed which will transfer title
of (Municipality) N/A and special assessment Certificate No.: 17-0000947 Sold for General
Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and located at: 11442 S Wentworth Avenue, and the right to possession of this property
number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. N/A Taxes of: 2017 and 2016 1st and 2nd Sold for
special assessment number N/A Warrant No. Chicago Illinois Legal Description or Property if redemption is not made on or before
THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR Special Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and
N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN Index No. 25-21-227-018-0000 Vol. 467 December 15, 2021. This matter is set for
DELINQUENT TAXES Property located at: special assessment number N/A Warrant No.
SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property hearing in the Circuit Court of this county in

8644 S Manistee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois This notice is to advise you that the above N/A Inst. No. N/A THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN
located at: 10938 S State Street, Chicago, property has been sold for delinquent taxes the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Legal Description or Property Index No. 21- SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES Property
Illinois Legal Description or Property Index and that the period of redemption from the St., Chicago, IL 60602, on 12/20/2021 at
31-330-035-0000 Vol. 277 This notice is to located at: 15404 Birch Road, Markham,
No. 25-16-422-032-0000 Vol. 459 This notice sale will expire on January 28, 2022. The 9:30 AM in room 1704. YOU ARE URGED TO
advise you that the above property has been Illinois Legal Description or Property Index
is to advise you that the above property amount to redeem is subject to increase at REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS
sold for delinquent taxes and that the period No. 28-14-204-012-0000 Vol. 030 This notice
has been sold for delinquent taxes and that 6 month intervals from the date of sale and OF PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at
of redemption from the sale will expire on is to advise you that the above property
the period of redemption from the sale will may be further increased if the purchaser any time on or before December 15, 2021 by
January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem has been sold for delinquent taxes and that
expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
is subject to increase at 6 month intervals the period of redemption from the sale will
redeem is subject to increase at 6 month any subsequently accruing taxes or special Illinois at the Office of the County Clerk in
from the date of sale and may be further expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to
intervals from the date of sale and may be assessments to redeem the property from Chicago, Illinois. For further information
increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or redeem is subject to increase at 6 month
further increased if the purchaser at the subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check contact the County Clerk. ADDRESS: 118
his or her assignee pays any subsequently intervals from the date of sale and may be
tax sale or his or her assignee pays any with the county clerk as to the exact amount North Clark Street, Room 434, Chicago,
accruing taxes or special assessments to further increased if the purchaser at the
subsequently accruing taxes or special you owe before redeeming. This notice is Illinois 60602. TELEPHONE: (312) 603-5645.
redeem the property from subsequent tax sale or his or her assignee pays any
assessments to redeem the property from also to advise you that a petition has been Pine Valley One Real Estate, LLC, Purchaser
forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the subsequently accruing taxes or special
subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check filed for a tax deed which will transfer title or Assignee. Dated: August 6, 2021.
county clerk as to the exact amount you assessments to redeem the property from
with the county clerk as to the exact amount and the right to possession of this property if 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7014428
owe before redeeming. This notice is also subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
to advise you that a petition has been filed you owe before redeeming. This notice is redemption is not made on or before January with the county clerk as to the exact amount
for a tax deed which will transfer title and also to advise you that a petition has been 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the you owe before redeeming. This notice is
the right to possession of this property if filed for a tax deed which will transfer title Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, also to advise you that a petition has been
redemption is not made on or before January and the right to possession of this property if Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington filed for a tax deed which will transfer title
28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the redemption is not made on or before January St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, and the right to possession of this property if
Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this redemption is not made on or before January
Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, hearing but your right to redeem will already 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
hearing but your right to redeem will already 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED hearing but your right to redeem will already any time on or before January 28, 2022 by 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, hearing but your right to redeem will already
OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
any time on or before January 28, 2022 by OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT LOSS
applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, any time on or before January 28, 2022 by Illinois. For further information contact the OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
Illinois. For further information contact the Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark Illinois. For further information contact the Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013650 Illinois. For further information contact the
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013527 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013638 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013511

TO: Ixtaccihuatl Piedra a/k/a Ixtaccuhuatl

TO: Pamela Clemons; Occupant; Jeffery B Piedra; Estate of Rafael Piedra; Raul A
Beane; Richard Young Sr.; Venus Williams Piedra; Occupant; Fifth Third Bank, N.A.;
TO: Ausencia Hinojosa; Oscar G. Hinojosa; Young; City of Chicago c/o Corporation Prestige Aluminum Corporation c/o Illinois
Occupant; City of Chicago c/o Corporation Counsel; Cook County Assessor Legal Secretary of State; Dennis S. Kanara, Trustee;
Counsel; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County Department; Illinois Department of Chicago Lumber and Construction c/o Illinois TO: Antonio Echols; Occupant; Latonja Brown
Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and Revenue Lien Unit Illinois Department of Secretary of State; Joseph Dezona, Trustee; Fair; Wayne Fair a/k/a Wade Fair; Linda
Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. Revenue; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook County Chase Bank, N.A.; Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook Lloyd; Joyce Lloyd Karen A. Yarbrough, Cook
2021COTD001860 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, and County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants, County Clerk; Unknown Owners, Occupants,
NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED NO. and Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED and Parties Interested Generally TAX DEED
5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0006220 Sold 2021COTD001864 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NO. 2021COTD001866 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE NO. 2021COTD001891 FILED 7/30/2021 TAKE
for General Taxes of: 2017 and 2013 1st & NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold: NOTICE County of COOK Date Premises Sold:
2nd; 2014 1st; 2015 1st & 2nd; 2016 1st & 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0009366 Sold 5/7/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0006703 Sold 5/6/2019 Certificate No.: 17-0003530 Sold
2nd; 2017 1st Sold for Special Assessment for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special for General Taxes of: 2017 Sold for Special
of (Municipality) N/A and special assessment Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and Assessment of (Municipality) N/A and
number N/A Warrant No. N/A Inst. No. N/A special assessment number N/A Warrant No. special assessment number N/A Warrant No. special assessment number N/A Warrant
8427 S Brandon Avenue, Chicago, Illinois located at: 347 W 110th Place Chicago, located at: 8845 S Houston Avenue, Chicago, Property located at: 13804 Kanawha Street,
Legal Description or Property Index No. 21- Illinois Legal Description or Property Index Illinois Legal Description or Property Index Dolton, Illinois Legal Description or Property
32-204-011-0000 Vol. 278 This notice is to No. 25-16-427-002-0000 Vol. 459 This notice No. 26-06-211-018-0000 Vol. 296 This notice Index No. 29-03-104-011-0000 Vol. 194
advise you that the above property has been is to advise you that the above property is to advise you that the above property This notice is to advise you that the above
sold for delinquent taxes and that the period has been sold for delinquent taxes and that has been sold for delinquent taxes and that property has been sold for delinquent taxes
of redemption from the sale will expire on the period of redemption from the sale will the period of redemption from the sale will and that the period of redemption from the
January 28, 2022. The amount to redeem expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to expire on January 28, 2022. The amount to sale will expire on January 28, 2022. The
is subject to increase at 6 month intervals redeem is subject to increase at 6 month redeem is subject to increase at 6 month amount to redeem is subject to increase at
from the date of sale and may be further intervals from the date of sale and may be intervals from the date of sale and may be 6 month intervals from the date of sale and
increased if the purchaser at the tax sale or further increased if the purchaser at the further increased if the purchaser at the may be further increased if the purchaser
his or her assignee pays any subsequently tax sale or his or her assignee pays any tax sale or his or her assignee pays any at the tax sale or his or her assignee pays
accruing taxes or special assessments to subsequently accruing taxes or special subsequently accruing taxes or special any subsequently accruing taxes or special
redeem the property from subsequent assessments to redeem the property from assessments to redeem the property from assessments to redeem the property from
forfeitures or tax sales. Check with the subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check subsequent forfeitures or tax sales. Check
county clerk as to the exact amount you with the county clerk as to the exact amount with the county clerk as to the exact amount with the county clerk as to the exact amount
owe before redeeming. This notice is also you owe before redeeming. This notice is you owe before redeeming. This notice is you owe before redeeming. This notice is
to advise you that a petition has been filed also to advise you that a petition has been also to advise you that a petition has been also to advise you that a petition has been
for a tax deed which will transfer title and filed for a tax deed which will transfer title filed for a tax deed which will transfer title filed for a tax deed which will transfer title
the right to possession of this property if and the right to possession of this property if and the right to possession of this property if and the right to possession of this property if
redemption is not made on or before January redemption is not made on or before January redemption is not made on or before January redemption is not made on or before January
28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the 28, 2022. This matter is set for hearing in the
Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704, Circuit Court of this county in Room 1704,
Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4, St., Chicago, Illinois 60602 on February 4,
2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this 2022, at 9:30 a.m. You may be present at this
hearing but your right to redeem will already hearing but your right to redeem will already hearing but your right to redeem will already hearing but your right to redeem will already
have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED have expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED
OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at OF PROPERTY Redemption can be made at
any time on or before January 28, 2022 by any time on or before January 28, 2022 by any time on or before January 28, 2022 by any time on or before January 28, 2022 by
applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, applying to the County Clerk of Cook County, applying to the County Clerk of Cook County,
Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in Illinois, at the Office of the County Clerk in
Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Room 434, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago,
Illinois. For further information contact the Illinois. For further information contact the Illinois. For further information contact the Illinois. For further information contact the
County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark County Clerk: Address: 118 North Clark
Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone: Street, Room 434, Chicago, IL Telephone:
312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019 312-603-5645 Gross & Duquesne 2019
Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021 Purchaser or Assignee Dated: 7/30/2021
8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013545 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013641 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013547 8/17, 8/18, 8/19/2021 7013515
18  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 



Humidity/shower chances on the increase

-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 9900s 1100s
00s 110s humidity increase was
noticeable as dew points
reached into the lower 70s
over southern portions of
50s International Falls 70s our area with mid to upper
HIGH LOW 94/70
Concord 60s elsewhere. The
86 70 Steady or
rising at night Portland

Green Bay
86/63 100s
f o
Albany 84/6
86/ 72
humidity will increase a
little more Wednesday and
■ Low-level moisture 75/51 79/669 combined with an upper
along with a weak 80s Rapid City 91/71
Chicago Detroit N ew York air disturbance aloft looks
disturbance aloft will 70s
s lowest:
82/68 80/74
to boost our afternoon and
give an increased Reno 34° at Bo odie, Calif.
aliff 660s
Des Moines 86/70
88/69 Cleveland d
evening t-storm chances.
chance of t-storms. 79/52 Omaha 90s 79/68
880s A little drier air at mid
■ Warm and humid. Highs Salt Lake Cit ty 90/71
San 68/55 Indianap polis Washington -levels aloft will lower the
reach the mid-upper 80s – Denver 855/ 70 83/770
expectation of showers on
Francisco Kansas City
cooler at the lake. Las V ega s 96/62 St. Lo ui s Lo u is v il le
74/57 Wichita 87/71
90/772 899/74
Thursday and Friday but
■ Building cumulus clouds 99/774 87/71 Charllotte
the approach of a cold
will result in an increased Los Angeles 90s Nashville
89// 72
80s front looks to trigger
chance of afternoon and 75/66 Oklahoma Ci
Phoenix x 89/72 another round of t-storms
early evening t-storms. 100s
95/7 76 Albuquerque
Little Rock Atlant ta Saturday.
■ Easterly winds 6-12 mph. 88/63 81/772 Birmingham 89/73 3
San Dieg ego 90/74 A glance at the Atlantic
■ Clearing skies overnight. 76/69 9
Dallas 80s
Jackson and Caribbean shows
Tuesday’s highest: 118°
at Stovepipe Wells, Calif.
El Paso 84/776
H o uston
93/75 90s Tropical storm Grace likely
91/79 Orlando intensifying into a
Orleans 90s 93/76 hurricane headed for the
91/80 Mexican coast and Tropical
(Precipitation at 7 a.m. CDT)
Miami storm Henri eventually
SNOW RAIN making a turn back out into
the Atlantic.


88 70 90 71 89 71 87 72 91 73 90 71
Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or
rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night
Quite warm and humid. Partly cloudy, very warm Front approaches increas- Seasonably warm, but with Hot and humid with highs in Partly cloudy, hot and
Clouds build through and humid. Temps peak ing chances of afternoon more comfortable humidity the lower 90s – cooler 70s humid with a chance of
midday leading to an around 90, with a heat index and overnight t-storms. levels. Ample sun helps at the lakefront Increasing t-storms. High temps in the
isolated afternoon/evening near 100. Increasing clouds Temps approach the 90 temps climb to the mid to clouds at night with a 80s north and 90s south
t-storm. High temps overnight with a chance of degree mark. SW winds upper 80s inland and mid chance of t-storms. SE with cooler 70s at the
approach 90 in spots, cooler showers toward morning. 10-20 mph. 70s at the beaches. Light winds. lakefront. Chance of
lakeside. East to SE winds Southerly winds 8-15 mph. NE-E winds increase to t-storms at night. Easterly
5-10 mph. m
10-15 mph. winds.

go Ch
ago Chic
go Chiica
ago Chiica
T.S. Henri
T.S. Henri
T.S. Henri

NOTE: Predicted high/low temps on Tribune weather page are chronological—the “high” refers to maximum reading expected during day and “low” is the minimum reading expected the following night.


Dear Tom, Active Tropical Storms—heavy rains spread into Northeast TUESDAY
What is rain that never reaches RAINFALL SATURDAY OUTLOOK TROPICAL UPDATE Aurora 85 55 Midway 83 68
the ground called? We see this a OUTLOOK Upper level winds steering Tracking multiple systems Gary 79 61 O’Hare 84 66
0.50” Kankakee 82 61 Romeoville 85 63
lot in Arizona. Forecast tropical storms in the Atlantic Basin Lakefront 79 68 Valparaiso 83 60
—Gerard Mann totals for Note how steering-level winds 15,000 Lansing 82 60 Waukegan 80 57
6 a.m. WED. 2”+ to 20,000 feet aloft "steer" the CHICAGO PRECIPITATION
Dear Gerard, through Chicago Remnants PERIOD 2021 NORMAL
tropical storms/low pressure remnant
Precipitation that never 6 a.m. THUR. 1” of “Fred” 7 a.m. Tues. (through 7 p.m.) 0.00" 0.15"
0.50” 7 a.m. SAT. 7 a.m. Month to date 1.33" 2.39"
reaches the ground is called FRI. SUN. Year to date 16.96" 24.85"
virga. With humidities 1-2” Remnants to 7 a.m.
generally lower in Arizona, the out to sea 7 a.m.
7 a.m.
Southwest in general, the SAT.
7 a.m. 2 hours, 28 minutes
TUESDAY’S DEW POINTS 1 p.m.* 22 minutes
mountainous West and western Humidity creeps back into NE illinois 7 a.m.
7 p.m.
TUES. 4 p.m. 55 minutes
Great Plains, the bases of and NW Indiana STREAM
*Peak intensity
SOURCE: Dr. Bryan C. Schultz
t-storms there are higher than 63 63 66 7 a.m. 7 a.m. LAKE MICHIGAN CONDITIONS
70° dew points THUR. WED.
in the rest of the country. This reach into south- 63 ‘”HENRI”

66 Tropical Storm Wind SE 10 kts. S/E 5-10 kts.

makes these regions especially ern portions “Henri” turns Waves 1 foot 1 foot
good places to observe the of the Chicago 66 65 64 back to sea 7 a.m. 7 a.m.
SAT. FRI. 7 p.m.
Tues. shore/crib water temps 73°/64°

evapo- rating streaks of rain area; mid-to 68 THUR. 7 a.m. 7 p.m.

69 69
and/or ice crystals that upper 60s Hurricane “Grace” ‘”GRACE”
67 70 Tree 0
comprise virga, since they are elsewhere 66 72 steered into Mexico Grass Low
best able to evaporate in the 72 Mold Moderate
Ragweed Moderate
dry subcloud air there. These SOURCES: Frank Wachowski, National Weather Service archives PAUL DAILEY, THOMAS VALLE / WGN-TV Weed High
streaks can take on a hook- like SOURCE: Loyola Medical Allergy Count,
Dr. Rachna Shah
appearance—vertical at the top
but more horizon- tally Tuesday’s reading Moderate
oriented closer to the ground. Illinois Abilene ts 88 75 pc 93 74 Fairbanks pc 59 43 sh 56 47 Palm Beach pc 89 74 pc 90 74 Acapulco ts 88 77 Kyiv rn 69 56 Wednesday’s forecast Moderate
Albany ts 78 67 rn 72 65 Algiers pc 86 69
The descending raindrops Carbondale
67 Albuquerque ts 88 63 su 86 65
Palm Springs su 99
Philadelphia ts 87
pc 88
74 Amsterdam sh 67 61
pc 66
su 83
Critical pollutant Ozone
Decatur pc 86 67 pc 86 68 Amarillo pc 90 68 pc 94 70 Fort Myers ts 93 74 su 92 74 Phoenix pc 95 76 su 97 77 Ankara su 91 58 London cl 70 58
grow smaller through Moline pc 89 67 su 89 69 Anchorage pc 63 52 pc 65 54 Fort Smith ts 82 73 ts 88 75 Pittsburgh rn 75 67 ts 79 67 Athens su 93 71 Madrid su 95 63
Peoria su 87 68 su 87 69 Asheville pc 83 65 ts 82 65 Fresno su 92 65 su 93 66 Portland, ME cl 79 68 rn 74 65 Auckland sh 56 44 Manila ts 88 78 Sun 6:01 a.m. 7:47 p.m.
evaporation as they fall and Quincy
ts 80
su 89
Grand Junc.
Great Falls
Portland, OR su 83
Providence cl 84
su 81
ts 81
su 94
Mexico City pc 78
Monterrey pc 99
75 Moon 4:21 p.m. 12:32 a.m.
their rate of fall slows. Springfield
Atlantic City cl 84
Austin ts 88
Rapid City
sh 87
su 90
pc 92
ts 81
w 87
su 79
ts 83
ts 85
Baltimore ts 84 73 pc 91 73 Helena sh 57 48 cl 71 54 Reno su 79 52 su 82 54 Beijing cl 85 71 Munich sh 69 54
Indiana Billings sh 60 50 sh 61 54 72 Beirut su 86 77
Honolulu su 87 75 pc 87 76 Richmond ts 85 73 pc 92 Nairobi pc 74 56
Bloomington ts 85 68 ts 83 66 Birmingham pc 90 74 ts 86 73 Rochester su 85 65 su 86 66 Berlin cl 70 59
Write to: ASK TOM Evansville cl 88 71 ts 83 71 Bismarck su101 64 pc 91 63
Int'l Falls
70 Sacramento su 93 60 su 93 58 Bermuda ts 85 80
New Delhi
su 90
Fort Wayne ts 84 67 ts 84 65
2501 W. Bradley Place Indianapolis ts 85 70 ts 84 69
su 75
cl 86
Salem, Ore. su 84
Salt Lake City ts 68
pc 82
ts 67
ts 65
sh 65
pc 67
ts 83
67 Aug 22 Aug 30 Sep 6 Sep 13
Lafayette sh 85 66 pc 86 66
Chicago, IL 60618 South Bend ts 85 67 ts 84 66
Brownsville su 97
Buffalo ts 79
Kansas City
San Antonio sh 93
San Diego cl 76
pc 96
pc 75
pc 90
pc 74
Panama City ts 84
Paris sh 70
Green Bay su 86 63 su 86 62
ts 80
pc 89
Las Vegas
San Francisco su 73
San Juan pc 88
su 72
pc 88
Buenos Aires pc 76
Cairo su 96
Prague pc 69
Rio de Janeiro su 85
Kenosha pc 84 65 su 86 65 Charlstn SC ts 86 76 ts 89 75 Lincoln su 91 69 pc 90 72 Santa Fe su 81 57 su 81 58 Cancun ts 89 75 Riyadh su110 78 Mercury 7:24 a.m. 8:28 p.m.
La Crosse su 88 66 su 88 68 Charlstn WV ts 80 68 ts 79 67 Little Rock ts 81 72 ts 86 74 Savannah ts 90 75 ts 90 74 Caracas ts 87 75 Rome su 86 71
WGN-TV meteorologists Mark Madison pc 84 64 su 87 65 Chattanooga pc 90 72 ts 84 71 Los Angeles sh 75 66 pc 73 62 Seattle pc 78 58 su 78 58 Casablanca pc 89 67 Santiago rn 60 44 Venus 9:12 a.m. 9:13 p.m.
Milwaukee pc 82 68 su 84 67 Cheyenne su 88 57 ts 75 52 Louisville cl 89 74 ts 82 72 Shreveport ts 91 76 ts 91 76 Copenhagen sh 65 56 Seoul su 82 71 Mars 7:27 a.m. 8:29 p.m.
Carroll, Steve Kahn, Richard Wausau su 87 64 su 87 65 Cincinnati pc 85 70 ts 80 68 Macon pc 90 73 pc 92 73 Sioux Falls su 91 71 su 90 72 Dublin cl 63 53 Singapore ts 84 76
Cleveland sh 79 68 cl 81 66 Memphis ts 85 74 ts 86 75 Spokane pc 72 53 su 79 58 Edmonton su 72 49 Sofia ts 88 56 Jupiter 7:55 p.m. 6:16 a.m.
Koeneman, Paul Merzlock and Michigan Colo. Spgs su 92 61 su 86 56 Miami pc 91 81 pc 90 79 St. Louis pc 90 73 ts 87 74 Frankfurt sh 72 59 Stockholm rn 57 49
Detroit ts 82 68 ts 84 66 Saturn 6:03 p.m. 4:42 a.m.
Paul Dailey, plus Bill Snyder Grand Rapids cl 85 66 pc 86 65
Columbia MO pc 88
Columbia SC sh 89
Syracuse ts 77
Tallahassee ts 90
sh 80
ts 92
Geneva pc 74
Guadalajara ts 82
pc 64
ts 87
Marquette su 86 61 su 88 60 BEST VIEWING TIME DIRECTION
contribute to this page St. Ste. Marie pc 85 60 su 84 61
Columbus cl 82 69 ts 82 67 Montgomery su 93 74 pc 93 74 Tampa ts 94 78 ts 93 78 Havana ts 91 74 Tehran pc 98 71
Mercury Not visible
Concord ts 84 68 ts 74 65 Nashville ts 88 72 ts 83 71 Topeka su 89 70 ts 88 73 Helsinki rn 62 56 Tokyo w 86 77
Traverse City su 85 64 pc 85 64 Crps Christi pc 95 79 su 95 79 Tucson pc 91 70 su 93 68 Hong Kong cl 89 81
New Orleans ts 91 80 ts 92 79 Toronto ts 80 69 Venus 8:30 p.m. 7.5° W
Hear Demetrius Iowa Dallas ts 84 76 ts 91 77 New York cl 80 74 ts 85 73 Tulsa ts 86 74 ts 86 76 Istanbul su 88 71 Trinidad ts 85 75
Ames su 89 66 su 88 68 Daytona Bch. pc 89 76 pc 91 74 Norfolk ts 89 76 pc 89 76 Washington ts 84 70 pc 90 70 Jerusalem su 87 64 Vancouver pc 71 60 Mars Not visible
Ivory’s weather Cedar Rapids su 88 65 su 88 67 Denver su 96 62 ts 83 56 Okla. City ts 81 71 ts 87 74 Wichita pc 88 71 pc 88 73 Johannesburgsu 71 49 Vienna pc 69 55 Jupiter 1:00 a.m. 34.5° S
Des Moines su 88 69 su 88 72 Duluth su 89 66 su 89 67 Omaha su 90 71 su 90 73 Wilkes Barre ts 80 70 sh 80 67 Kabul su 89 65 Warsaw pc 69 58
updates weekdays 3 to 6 p.m. Dubuque su 86 64 su 87 66 El Paso su 88 69 su 89 68 Orlando pc 93 76 pc 93 75 Yuma su101 79 su 99 77 Kingston w 88 79 Winnipeg pc 87 62 Saturn 11:45 p.m. 29.5° S
on WGN-AM 720 Chicago FORECAST (FC) ABBREVIATIONS: su-sunny pc-partly cloudy cl-cloudy rn-rain ts-thunderstorm sn-snow fl -flurries fr-freezing rain sl-sleet sh-showers rs-rain/snow ss-snow showers w-windy na-unavailable Source: Dan Joyce, Chicago Astronomical Society












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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  1

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US likely to authorize booster shots
Officials said to be “breakthrough infections”
of fully inoculated people.
closer to advising Studies show the vaccine
extra dose for public remains highly protective
against severe COVID-
By Zeke Miller 19, but results from Israel
and Matthew Perrone released last month suggest
Associated Press its effect wanes. Its effective-
ness against symptomatic
WASHINGTON — After infection peaked at 96% two
struggling for months to months after study partici-
persuade Americans to pants got their second dose.
get the COVID-19 vaccine, By six months, it was down
U.S. health officials could to about 84%.
soon face a fresh challenge: Israel, which exclusively
talking vaccinated people administered the Pfizer
into getting booster shots to shot, has been offering a
gain longer-lasting protec- booster to people over 50
tion as the delta variant to control its delta surge.
sends infections soaring Researchers are still trying
again. to understand to what
As early as Wednesday, extent the breakthrough
U.S. health authorities are infections are due to waning
expected to recommend an immunity or vulnerability to
extra dose of the vaccine for the delta variant.
all Americans eight months The new urgency from
after they get their second U.S. officials reflects how
shot, according to two quickly the variant has
people who spoke to The knocked the country back
Associated Press on condi- on its heels.
tion of anonymity to discuss On July Fourth, Presi-
internal deliberations. dent Joe Biden proclaimed
That means the biggest that the nation was declar-
vaccination drive in U.S. Pharmacist Tiffany Aljets, left, gives a COVID-19 vaccination Monday to Jonila Shehu, an 18-year-old exchange student from ing its independence from
history is about to get even Kosovo, at the state fair in Des Moines, Iowa. CHARLIE NEIBERGALL/AP the virus. But since then,
more extensive. infections, hospitalizations
The move is being driven new campaign calling for said. The booster campaign secretary Jen Psaki said tion formally approves the and deaths have increased
by both the highly conta- boosters could muddle the could also cause ill will the question of whether to vaccines, which are being nationwide, overloading
gious variant and prelim- public health message and toward the United States: distribute boosters or help dispensed for now under emergency rooms across
inary evidence that the undercut the continuing Global health officials, other nations “is a false what is known as emergency parts of the South and West.
vaccine’s protective effect drive to win over the tens of including the World Health choice. We can do both.” use authorization. Dr. William Moss of
starts dropping within millions of Americans who Organization, have called on She said the U.S. is “far More than 198 million Johns Hopkins University
months. are hesitant to get their first wealthier nations to hold off and away” the biggest Americans have received at said more data is needed
Last week, U.S. health offi- COVID-19 shots. on booster shots to ensure contributor to the global least one dose of a COVID-19 on whether waning anti-
cials recommended boost- Calling for third doses poor countries have enough fight against COVID-19 vaccine, or 70% of those who body levels lead to hospi-
ers for some people with could discourage people vaccine for the initial doses. and will “continue to be the are eligible, according to the talizations and deaths. The
weakened immune systems, who had been skeptical of Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng, a arsenal for vaccines” to the Centers for Disease Control antibody research alone
such as cancer patients and the shot’s effectiveness in South African expert advis- world. and Prevention. Just under is “insufficient to call for
organ transplant recipients. the first place, Lawrence ing the United Nations, “We also have enough 60% of Americans 12 and booster doses for the general
If the shots are expanded Gostin, a public health condemned the move supply, and we have long older are fully vaccinated. population.”
as expected to other Amer- specialist at Georgetown toward booster shots in planned for enough supply, The vaccination drive has And Dr. Carlos del Rio, a
icans, among the first to University, warned Tuesday. the U.S., saying it will have should a booster be needed been slower than the Biden professor at Emory Univer-
receive them could be health “We have to really make the effect of “advancing for the eligible population,” administration had hoped sity’s medical school, said:
care workers, nursing home sure that while we’re spend- and deepening the exist- Psaki said. for. At the same time, the “Our hospitals are not full
residents and other older ing a lot of time and effort ing inequities” when “there Booster shots would variant is spreading aggres- of people who were vacci-
people. on third doses that we don’t are people who are yet to only begin to be adminis- sively through unvaccinated nated six or eight months
Some experts have undermine our campaign receive a single shot.” tered widely once the U.S. communities and also caus- ago. Our hospitals are full of
expressed concern that a for first vaccinations,” he But White House press Food and Drug Administra- ing an increasing number of the unvaccinated.”

Taliban OK ‘safe passage’

from Kabul in US airlift
Inquiry underway into chaos, confusion and the evacuation operation
violence. in Kabul, and the Pentagon
after frantic Afghans On Monday, the airlift said it will send Army Maj.
rush departing plane had been suspended when Gen. Christopher Donohue,
Afghans desperate to escape a special operations officer
By Robert Burns, the country breeched secu- and current commander of
Ellen Knickmeyer rity and rushed onto the the 82nd Airborne Division,
and Zeke Miller tarmac. Seven people died to take command of airport
Associated Press in several incidents. security operations.
The Air Force said Tues- Pentagon spokesman
WASHINGTON — The day that its Office of Special John Kirby disclosed that
Taliban have agreed to allow Investigations is investigat- U.S. officers were speaking
“safe passage” from Afghan- ing an incident in which a with Taliban commanders
istan for civilians struggling C-17 transport plane taking “multiple times a day” about
to join a U.S.-directed airlift off from Kabul airport was avoiding conflict at the
from the capital, President swarmed by desperate airport. This suggested that National security adviser Jake Sullivan addresses the situation in Afghanistan during a news
Joe Biden’s national secu- Afghan civilians, some of the new rulers of Afghani- briefing Tuesday at the White House. STEFANI REYNOLDS/THE NEW YORK TIMES
rity adviser said Tuesday, whom died. stan, who swept to power
although a timetable for The Air Force said human after 20 years of war against capital Tuesday. the Taliban to their commit- a Pentagon news confer-
completing the evacuation remains were found in the the U.S.-supported Kabul In a statement, he said he ment to allow safe passage ence. The total included
of Americans, Afghan allies plane’s wheel well when it government, plan not to found that military air traf- for civilians wishing to leave Afghans who have applied
and others has yet to be landed in Qatar. disrupt the evacuation. fic controllers and ground the country. for Special Immigrant Visas
worked out with the coun- Pentagon officials said Kirby would not discuss handlers were “rapidly scal- Asked whether the Biden and third-country nationals,
try’s new rulers. that after interruptions details of the Taliban ing up” airlift operations. administration recognizes he said.
Jake Sullivan acknowl- Monday, the airlift was back arrangement, and Sullivan McKenzie on Sunday the Taliban as the legiti- The goal is to ramp up to
edged reports that some on track and being accel- said the question of how negotiated the safe passage mate rulers of Afghanistan, one evacuation flight per
civilians were encountering erated despite weather much time the Taliban will agreement with Taliban Sullivan said it was too soon hour by Wednesday, with
resistance — “being turned problems, amid regular give the evacuation was still leaders in talks held in Doha, to say and that the Taliban’s 5,000 to 9,000 evacuees
away or pushed back or communication with Tali- being negotiated. Qatar. record of adhering to inter- leaving per day, Taylor and
even beaten” — as they tried ban leaders. Biden has said he wants “I cautioned them against national human rights stan- Kirby said.
to reach the Kabul interna- Additional U.S. troops the evacuation completed interference in our evacua- dards “has not been good.” Taylor said that more
tional airport. arrived and more were on by Aug. 31. Sullivan declined tion, and made it clear to Overnight at the airport, than 4,000 U.S. troops are
But he said “very large the way, with a total of more to say whether that deadline them that any attack would nine Air Force C-17 trans- at the airport. That number
numbers” were reaching the than 6,000 expected to be would hold. be met with overwhelming port planes arrived with is expected to top 6,000 in
airport and the problem of involved in securing the Gen. Frank McKen- force in the defense of our equipment and about 1,000 coming days — more than
the others was being taken airport in coming days. zie, head of U.S. Central forces,” McKenzie said. troops, and seven C-17s twice as many as in all of
up with the Taliban, whose The State Department Command and overall At the White House, Sulli- took off with 700-800 civil- Afghanistan when Biden
stunningly swift takeover of said it was sending John commander of U.S. troops van said U.S. officials were ian evacuees, including announced in April he
the country Sunday plunged Bass, a former ambassador in Kabul, made an unan- engaged in an “hour by 165 Americans, Army Maj. would be ending the U.S. war
the U.S. evacuation effort to Afghanistan, to manage nounced visit to the Afghan hour” process of holding Gen. William Taylor told and pulling out all troops.

Weaker Fred spawns floods, possible twisters

By Bryan Anderson turned into a water-filled Clay Chaney, a meteorol- and Columbus, and one hit
Associated Press ditch Monday night near ogist with National Weather Jeffersonville, near Macon,
Panama City, Florida, the Service, said a local fire according to the National
RALEIGH, N.C. — Tropi- Florida Highway Patrol said. chief in North Carolina told Weather Service.
cal Storm Fred weakened to The National Hurri- the agency a tornado hit Meanwhile, reconnais-
a depression and spawned cane Center said Fred had northern Iredell County. sance aircraft found Grace
several apparent torna- top sustained winds of 35 The weather service was regained tropical cyclone
does in Georgia and North mph as it crossed south- also looking into reports strength Tuesday. Grace’s
Carolina on Tuesday as it east Alabama into western of a tornado in Alexander sustained winds grew to
dumped heavy rains onto and north Georgia. Senior County. 45 mph as it left Haiti on a
the Appalachian mountains hurricane specialist Stacy At least three apparent path between southeast-
along a path that could cause Stewart said Tuesday that it tornadoes touched down ern Cuba and Jamaica.
flash floods as far north as could dump 5 to 7 inches of in Georgia: One hit Amer- Forecasters said it could
upstate New York. rain onto parts of Alabama, icus, in the southwestern be near hurricane strength
One death was reported Georgia and the Carolinas — part of the state, one hit a as it approaches Mexi-
A car attempts to drive through floodwaters Tuesday near — a Las Vegas man whose and possibly up to 10 inches rural area of Meriwether co’s Yucatan peninsula late
Peachtree Creek outside Atlanta. BRYNN ANDERSON/AP car hydroplaned and over- of rain in isolated spots. County, between Atlanta Wednesday or Thursday.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Many preachers silent on vaccine

Some don’t want could be effective at promot-
ing vaccination as a way “to
to anger followers, love your neighbors during
others don’t believe this pandemic.”
“Many Southerners are
By Jay Reeves very close to their pastors
Associated Press and church communities.
Next to their personal physi-
Dr. Danny Avula, the head cian, many here in Alabama
of Virginia’s COVID-19 routinely turn to their
vaccination effort, suspected church leaders with health
he might have a problem issues,” she said.
getting pastors to publicly One pastor at a liberal
advocate for the shots when United Methodist church
some members of his own in Birmingham issued a plea
church referred to them on social media for members
as “the mark of the beast,” to get vaccinated, while
a biblical reference to alle- the minister at a moder-
giance to the devil, and the ate Baptist church nearby
minister wasn’t sure how to prayed during worship for
respond. divine intervention for more
“A lot of pastors, based on vaccinations.
where their congregations “We pray, Lord, that there
are at, are pretty hesitant will be good judgment used
to do so because this is so and that people would see
charged, and it immediately the need for the vaccine and
invites criticism and furor by that it would be available not
the segment of your commu- only here in our own coun-
nity that’s not on board with try but around the world and
that,” Avula said. that might stem the tide of
Across the nation’s reli- this terrible, terrible virus,”
gious Bible Belt, a region said the Rev. Timothy L.
beset by soaring infection Tony Spell, pastor of the Life Tabernacle Church of Central City, Louisiana, prays with supporters June 7 outside the 5th U.S. Kelley of Southside Baptist
rates from the fast-spread- Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. Spell has preached that the COVID-19 vaccinations are “demonic.” GERALD HERBERT/AP Church.
ing delta variant, churches Evangelical pastor Keven
and pastors are both helping A few outspoken reli- Association of Evangelicals and 27% of nonwhite Prot- rare breakthrough case of Blankenship was among
and hurting in the campaign gious leaders have garnered found that 95% of evangel- estants. COVID-19 despite having those trying to walk that
to get people vaccinated crowds or media atten- ical leaders planned to get Some national voices been vaccinated. “I firmly tightrope after COVID-
against COVID-19. tion for their opposition to inoculated, but that number including Black mega- believe it helped when I 19 invaded his indepen-
Some host vaccination the vaccines, such as Tony hasn’t translated into wide- church minister T.D. Jakes, became infected.” dent church in suburban
clinics and pray for more Spell, who repeatedly defied spread advocacy from the evangelist Franklin Graham The story is the same in Birmingham, sickening
inoculations, while others COVID-19 restrictions to pulpit, he said. and former Southern Baptist Mississippi and Georgia, three of his family members,
are issuing fiery anti-vaccine hold in-person services at The disparity matters Convention President J.D. where some churches are among others. Initially he
sermons from their pulpits. the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, because vaccination rates Greear have taken public returning to online services didn’t preach about the
Most are staying mum on the church where he is pastor. are generally low across the stances in favor of vaccina- and some pastors are quietly vaccines, considering it a
issue, something experts see He has preached that vacci- Bible Belt, where Southern tions. But there hasn’t been talking about the need for personal choice.
as a missed opportunity in a nations are “demonic” and and Midwestern church- a sustained, unified push vaccination. But on a recent Sunday,
swath of the country where vowed that the government goers are a formidable bloc that could give local pastors More than 200 pastors, during the first in-person
church is the biggest spiri- will not “force us to comply that has proven resistant to “cover” to speak out them- priests and other church services in a month, Blan-
tual and social influence for with your evil orders.” vaccination appeals from selves, Chang said. leaders from Missouri went kenship revealed he had
many communities. But they appear to be government leaders and First Baptist Trussville further as cases exploded gotten his first shot and was
That was on display outliers, according to theo- health officials. While many has taken multiple steps to last month, signing a state- due for a second.
recently in metro Birming- logian Curtis Chang, with Black and Latino people guard against spreading the ment urging Christians “If you feel comfortable
ham, where First Baptist the majority of ministers haven’t been vaccinated, the virus, including following to get vaccinated because receiving it, I want you to
Church of Trussville had an avoiding the vaccine issue so large number of white evan- public health guidelines and of the biblical command- receive it. If you don’t feel
outbreak following a 200th as not to inflame tensions in gelical resisters is partic- limiting in-person events, ment to “love your neigh- comfortable, I want you to
anniversary celebration that congregations already strug- ularly troubling for health according to spokesman bor as yourself.” Springfield talk to your doctor and you
included a video greeting gling with the pandemic and officials. and business manager Alan Mayor Ken McClure said get your doctor’s guidance,”
by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey. political division. A poll by Associated Press- Taylor. Yet when it comes to the region saw a big jump in he told worshipers. “But I
The pastor promised more “I would say that the vast NORC Center for Public the vaccines, church leaders vaccinations after the pastor want you to do what you
cleaning and face mask majority are paralyzed or Affairs Research in March consider them “a personal of a large church used his feel is the best thing for you
availability without uttering silent because of how polar- showed that 40% of white choice,” he said. sermon to tell parishioners and your family, and don’t be
two words that health offi- ized it has been,” said Chang, evangelical Protestants said “When I am asked it was the right thing to do. bullied into anything.”
cials say could make a differ- who has pastored churches they likely would not get personally, I say it was the Dr. Ellen Eaton, an infec- Blankenship ended with
ence among people long on and is on the faculty at Duke vaccinated, compared with right choice for me and tious disease specialist at an “Amen,” said almost as if
religion but short on faith in Divinity School. 25% of all Americans, 28% of my wife,” said Taylor, who the University of Alabama at a question. He was met by
government: Get vaccinated. A survey by the National white mainline Protestants contracted a relatively Birmingham, said churches silence.

Tropical storm feeds anger

in earthquake-stricken Haiti
By Mark Stevenson
and Evens Sanon
Associated Press

LES CAYES, Haiti —

Heavy rain from Tropi-
cal Storm Grace forced a
temporary halt Tuesday to
the Haitian government’s
response to the deadly
weekend earthquake, feed-
ing the growing anger and
frustration among thou-
sands who were left home-
Grace battered south-
Firefighters work to control the Dixie Fire in Janesville, Calif., on Tuesday. The fire was moving western Haiti, which was
toward Susanville, population 15,000. CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA/THE NEW YORK TIMES hit hardest by Saturday’s
quake, and officials warned

Fueled by winds, monstrous some areas could get 15

inches of rain before the
storm moved on. Intermit-
Earthquake-displaced Haitians sit inside a church the
morning after Tropical Storm Grace hit Les Cayes on Tuesday,
three days after an earthquake. MATIAS DELACROIX/AP

California blaze menaces city

tent rain fell in the earth-
quake-damaged city of Les government presence, right now.”
Cayes and in the capital of volunteer firefighters from The rain and wind raised
Port-au-Prince. the nearby city of Cap-Ha- the threat of mudslides
By Ethan Swope To the east, spot fires Nevada logging and mining The storm hit late tien had left the body out in and flash flooding as Grace
and John Antczak became established south town has two state prisons, Monday, the same day that the rain because police have slowly passed over south-
Associated Press of the small community of a nearby federal lockup and Haiti’s Civil Protection to be present before it could western Haiti’s Tiburon
Janesville, which had been a casino. Agency raised the death be taken away. Peninsula before heading
SUSANVILLE, Calif. — ordered evacuated. Ash fell from the advanc- toll from the earthquake The lack of adequate aid toward Jamaica and south-
Firefighters faced danger- Some structures were lost ing fire and a Police Depart- to 1,941 and the number of was made more apparent eastern Cuba. Forecasters
ously windy weather there, but a surge of fire- ment statement urged injured to 9,900, many of by the fact that the only said it could become a hurri-
Tuesday as they struggled fighters was able to herd the residents “to be alert and be whom have had to wait for help that arrived was from cane before hitting Mexico’s
to keep the nation’s larg- fire around the majority of ready to evacuate” if the fire medical help lying outside poorly equipped volunteers. Yucatan Peninsula.
est wildfire from moving the town, Brunton said. threatens the city, although in wilting heat. “All we have are sledge- Officials said the magni-
toward a Northern Cali- Firefighting managers no formal evacuation warn- Patience was running hammers and hands. That’s tude 7.2 earthquake
fornia city and other small warned to expect spot fires ing had been issued. out in the Western Hemi- the plan,” said Canadian destroyed more than 7,000
mountain communities. to up to 1 mile ahead of the The weather forecast sphere’s poorest nation. volunteer Randy Lodder, homes and damaged nearly
Forecasters issued red main fire, Ulibarri said. prompted Pacific Gas & Haitians already were director of the Adoration 5,000, leaving about 30,000
flag warnings of critical fire The Dixie Fire is the Electric to warn that it struggling with the corona- Christian School in Haiti. families homeless.
weather conditions, includ- largest of nearly 100 major might cut off power to virus, gang violence, wors- Sarah Charles, assistant Structural engineer Kit
ing gusts up to 40 mph. wildfires burning across 48,000 customers in parts ening poverty and the July administrator for the U.S. Miyamoto said he has seen
The warnings came after more than a dozen West- of 18 California counties 7 assassination of President Agency for International places struck by earth-
the Dixie Fire grew explo- ern states that have seen from Tuesday evening Jovenel Moise when the Development’s Bureau for quakes build back stronger.
sively from winds spawned historic drought and weeks through Wednesday after- quake hit. Humanitarian Assistance, He said the destruction in
by a new weather system of high temperatures and noon to prevent winds from Bodies continued to be said its disaster response Port-au-Prince from the
that arrived Monday. It was dry weather that have left knocking down or hurling pulled from the rubble, and teams were forced to devastating 2010 earth-
about 8 miles from Susan- trees, brush and grasslands debris into power lines and the smell of death hung suspend operations as the quake led masons and
ville, population about as flammable as tinder. sparking new wildfires. heavily over a pancaked, storm arrived Monday, but others to improve building
18,000, early Tuesday, fire Climate change has made Most of those custom- three-story apartment members were back Tues- practices. But Etzer Emile,
spokesman Doug Ulibarri the U.S. West warmer and ers are in Butte and Shasta building. A simple bed day to assess its impact and a Haitian economist and
said. drier in the past 30 years counties, which have seen sheet covered the body of continue helping. professor at Quisqueya
Numerous resources and will continue to make a number of deadly and a 3-year-old girl that fire- “We do not anticipate University, a private institu-
were put into the Susanville the weather more extreme devastating wildfires in fighters had found an hour that the death toll related tion in Port-au-Prince, said
area, where residents were and wildfires more destruc- recent years, including the earlier. to this earthquake will be the earthquake’s impact
warned to be ready to evac- tive, according to scientists. Dixie Fire. Neighbor Joseph Boyer, anywhere near the 2010 will almost certainly result
uate, said Mark Brunton, an Susanville is the seat of The Dixie Fire has 53, said he knew the girl’s earthquake, where more in more long-term poverty
operations section chief. Lassen County and the larg- scorched more than 940 family. than 200,000 people were for Haiti’s struggling south-
“It’s not out of play, and est city that the Dixie Fire, square miles since it ignited “The mother and father killed,” Charles said. western region.
the next 24 hours are going named for the road where July 13 and eventually are in the hospital, but all The scale of the damage “The earthquake has
to be crucial to watch as to it started, has approached merged with a smaller blaze three kids died,” he said. also was not as severe as just given a fatal blow to a
what the fire is going to do since it broke out last called the Fly Fire. The bodies of the other two that earthquake, she said, regional economy already
there,” he told an online month. It’s less than a third siblings were found earlier. adding: “That’s not what on its knees for about 2 1/2
briefing. The former Sierra contained. Illustrating the lack of we’re seeing on the ground years” Emile said.
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  3

GOP shifts amid extreme weather

But Republicans
not interested in
curbing emissions
By Lisa Friedman
and Coral Davenport
The New York Times

a decade of disputing the
existence of climate change,
many leading Republicans
are shifting their posture
amid deadly heat waves,
devastating drought and
ferocious wildfires that have
bludgeoned their districts
and unnerved their constit-
uents back home.
Members of Congress
who long insisted that the
climate is changing due to
natural cycles have nota-
bly adjusted that view, with
many now acknowledging
the solid science that emis-
sions from burning oil, gas
and coal have raised Earth’s
But their growing accep-
tance of the reality of climate
change has not translated
into support for the one
strategy that scientists said
in a major United Nations
report last week is imper- Sen. Bill Cassidy made sure the $1 trillion infrastructure package had billions to protect coastal states from sea level rise. T.J. KIRKPATRICK/THE NEW YORK TIMES
ative to avert an even more
harrowing future: stop burn- Scott said he wants to President Donald Trump, they support charging Cramer, a North Dakota Warming Conspiracy
ing fossil fuels. address climate change, but who famously derided companies for the carbon Republican, allowed that Threatens Your Future.”
Instead, Republicans “you can’t do it where you’re climate science, loos- dioxide they generate, a climate change is driving “They don’t want to look
want to spend billions to killing jobs.” ened emissions rules and strategy that economists the extreme drought that like they are denying the
prepare communities to It’s a message supported expanded oil and gas drill- say would create a power- has devastated crops and science, but they don’t want
cope with extreme weather, by polling that shows ing on public lands. ful incentive to lower emis- decimated livestock in his to look like they’re anti-
but are trying to block Republican voters are more As the impacts of global sions. state this summer, he said free market and support
efforts by Democrats to cut concerned with jobs than warming becoming more But neither man is cham- the gases produced by burn- regulation,” said Michael
the emissions that are fuel- the environment. A Pew apparent with each weather pioning such a measure with ing fossil fuels should be the Oppenheimer, a professor
ing the disasters in the first Research Center survey forecast, Republicans and any urgency. target, not the fuels them- of geosciences and interna-
place. in May found just 10% of their allies now argue for The majority of Repub- selves. tional affairs at Princeton
Dozens of Republicans in Republican and Republi- investment in research and lican lawmakers back less “We need to be on an University.
the House and Senate said can-leaning independents development, or technolog- aggressive responses popu- anti-carbon mission, not “But the fact is, there’s no
in recent interviews that were deeply concerned with ical solutions that are years lar with their voters, like an anti-fuel mission,” said way to solve this without
quickly switching to wind, addressing climate change, away from viability, such as planting trees to absorb Cramer, whose state is also regulating and mandating
solar and other clean energy while a majority thought cleaning the air after oil, gas more carbon dioxide from a top oil and gas producer. the cut of emissions. There’s
will damage an economy President Joe Biden’s ambi- and coal are burned. Many the atmosphere, or offering Even Sen. James Inhofe, no magical easy ‘innova-
that has been underpinned tious plans to curb climate also favor expanding nuclear tax credits to businesses that an Oklahoma Republican tion-only’ way out of this.”
by fossil fuels for more than change would hurt the econ- energy, which does not capture carbon dioxide after who famously once threw a Democrats say the tools
a century. omy. produce greenhouse gases it has been released into the snowball on the Senate floor exist now to stave off a hotter
“I’m not doing anything With the exception of but poses other challenges air by power plants or indus- to claim the planet is not planet: rapidly expand wind
to raise the cost of living young Republicans who including the lengthy time trial sites. getting hotter, insisted last and solar energy, beef up
for American families,” have been agitating for their it takes to build new plants “What they are opposing month that he never called energy storage and the elec-
said Sen. Rick Scott of Flor- party to take climate change and concerns about disposal is any program to meaning- climate change a “hoax,” tric grid, electrify transpor-
ida, where climate-fueled more seriously, conserva- of spent fuel and risk of fully reduce emissions,” said only that the dire conse- tation, and make buildings
disasters have cost the state tive voters as a whole have radioactive leaks. David Victor, co-director of quences have been over- energy efficient.
more than $100 billion over not shifted much on the A few Republicans, like the Deep Decarbonization blown. Many of those elements
the past decade according to issue over the past 10 years. Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah Initiative at the University of Inhofe is the author of are tucked into a $3.5 trillion
estimates from the federal That skepticism may have and Lindsey Graham of California, San Diego. a book titled “The Great- budget package that Demo-
government. reached a pinnacle with South Carolina, have said And while Sen. Kevin est Hoax: How the Global crats hope to pass in the fall.

Statue of loathed dictator survives — barely

By Andrew Higgins a wreath at the base of the
The New York Times toppled statue’s pedestal.
To prepare for the dicta-
LABINOT MAL, Alba- tor’s 1968 visit, the govern-
nia — Swaddled in straw ment resurfaced the only
on the dirt floor of a stable, road connecting the village
the once omnipotent dicta- to the outside world. A
tor lies helpless on his back. half-century later, the road
His face specked with bird has crumbled into a treach-
droppings, he stares blankly erous pitted track.
at the sagging roof, a final Qoku, who is also a school-
indignity for a leader whose teacher, said the area had
all-seeing eyes held millions always been a world apart,
in terrified thrall for four submitting to the Ottoman
decades. Empire long after the rest
Enver Hoxha, who died of Albania had succumbed,
in 1985, was Europe’s and resisting the Nazis with
most enduring and feared such zeal that the area lost
communist tyrant, creat- more fighters per capita
ing a cult of personality than anywhere else in the
that left the impoverished country.
Balkan nation of Albania But these ornery habits,
awash with grandiose stat- he said, have today put
ues, marble busts and giant Labinot Mal at odds with
portraits in his honor. the spirit of the times, which
Now, 30 years after the are dominated by rejection
brutal system he left behind of Hoxha and everything he
imploded, the cult has stood for.
shrunk to a single tribute In Tirana, the only Hoxha
in bronze, toppled from its statuary still on public
stone pedestal in a remote A bust of Enver Hoxha, second from right, is set amid statues of Stalin and Lenin at the back of the national art gallery in Tirana, display is a battered marble
mountain village and Albania’s capital. The image of Hoxha was once everywhere in Albania. LAURA BOUSHNAK/THE NEW YORK TIMES bust, its nose smashed and
dumped in a stable — but face disfigured. It stands
still watched over day and National Liberation Army. Albania’s retreat from poli- Tirana, the capital, in Febru- while two others have left at the back of the national
night by an elderly Albanian That guerrilla force, aided cies that, in Hoxha’s time, ary 1991. It was an example the shrinking village, which art gallery, near an under-
woman and her daughter. by Britain and communist made the country Europe’s quickly followed in towns now has at most a few ground museum detail-
“In his time, he was a good partisans from neighboring most oppressed and back- across the country. hundred people, for other ing the horrors of Hoxha’s
man, but nobody wants him Yugoslavia, helped defeat ward. But he still thinks the In the following decade, parts of Albania. secret police, the Sigurimi.
anymore,” said Sabire Plaku, invading Italian fascists and museum should be revived, Hoxha’s acolytes, including Residents disagree on Construction work
80. “I have protected him then the Nazis. as a tribute not to the dicta- his widow, were put on trial whether Hoxha got what started this year in Tirana to
with all my strength.” After the war ended, tor but to Albania’s wartime and a capitalist free-for-all he deserved when he was transform a Pharaonic trib-
Although now nearly deaf Hoxha, a French-educated struggle against foreign replaced dogmatic commu- pulled down, but there is ute to Hoxha — a huge pyra-
and partly blind, she still botanist, took control of fascists. nism. And nearly a quarter broad agreement that the mid built in 1988 to house a
hobbles daily from her home Albania and began execut- The stable where Hoxha of the population emigrated, removal of his statue was the memorial museum — into
in Labinot Mal in the moun- ing his wartime comrades. lies on his back is at the side not because people pined last time government offi- a complex of cafes, class-
tains of central Albania to Labinot Mal became a of the defunct museum. It for the old order but mostly cials paid much attention to rooms and studios. Defaced
the nearby stable to make place of pilgrimage, which is the only part of the villa because they could for the their village. by graffiti and falling apart,
sure that the widely loathed ensured that it avoided at that, thanks to Plaku and first time leave to find work. “Let’s put him back,” said the pyramid had previously
former dictator is safe. least the worst of the depri- her daughter, has not been Before, trying to leave Alba- the cafe owner’s 72-year- been used as a horror movie
While not particularly vation visited on the coun- plundered. nia was a serious crime old older brother, Islam set, a temporary NATO base
enamored of Hoxha’s poli- try by his 41-year rule. The For all of the agonies of punishable by death. Balla. “TV crews will come during the Balkan wars of
cies — a toxic mix of Stalin- village got a clinic, electricity Hoxha’s rule — when Alba- Ruzhdi Balla, the 42-year- and film us. Maybe then the the 1990s and a nightclub.
ist paranoia and repression, and a museum. It also got a nia broke with not only the old owner of a tiny cafe — world will remember that Plaku said she had no
with North Korean-style 10-foot-tall bronze statue of West but also Yugoslavia, the Labinot Mal’s only business we still exist.” desire to see another leader
isolation and economic the “Supreme Comrade.” Soviet Union and eventu- — recalled watching in 1991, Whatever his many faults, like him. But she still feels a
misery — Plaku still feels a The museum, housed in ally even China, all of which when the authorities in the according to the older sense of responsibility to the
duty to watch over what is a grand villa built before the the Balkan dictator came to nearest town sent a crane, brother, the dictator at least past.
almost certainly Albania’s war as a summer retreat and view as too liberal — some escorted by police cars, to cared about Labinot Mal, Worried that thieves
last intact statue of a man then confiscated by Hoxha’s villagers still remember his lift a statue of Hoxha from trekking there in 1968 for the want to steal the bronze
who put her remote and communists, closed decades reign with nostalgia. He its pedestal in front of the unveiling of his bronze like- statue and melt it for scrap,
now neglected mountain ago, along with the clinic did improve the country’s museum. Workers hoisted ness. “It was a really spec- she lamented that “only bad
village on the map. and the collective farm. Part health care and schools. the statue into the air and tacular day,” the elder Balla people want Hoxha today.”
It was here in Labinot of its roof has collapsed, and Still one of Europe’s then recoiled in horror as said, recalling the festivities. With her health failing, she
Mal that Hoxha first took the current government has poorest countries, Albania a big black snake appeared “We have seen nothing like said her daughter, Fatush
charge of Albania’s Commu- shown no interest in saving has hemorrhaged people under its feet. it since.” Balla, 66, would soon have
nist Party during World War it from ruin. since student protesters Since then, four of Balla’s The only visitors today, he to protect him on her own.
II, and presided over the Agim Qoku, a local histo- tore down a 30-foot statue eight siblings have moved added, are a few “fanatics” “I have done my duty,”
founding July 10, 1943, of the rian, said he rejoiced at of Hoxha in the center of to Greece to find work, who arrive once a year to lay Plaku said.
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Texas Gov. Abbott has

tested positive for
COVID-19, office says
From news services for three days while health
experts tried to find the
AUSTIN, Texas — Repub- source of his infection.
lican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott New Zealand has also
tested positive for COVID- been slower than other
19 on Tuesday, according to developed nations to inoc-
his office, which said he is in ulate its population, leaving
good health and experienc- it vulnerable to outbreaks.
ing no symptoms. Only 32% of people have had
Abbott, who was vacci- at least one shot and 18% are
nated in 2020, was isolating fully vaccinated.
in the governor’s mansion in New Zealand has
Austin and receiving mono- reported just 26 virus deaths
clonal antibody treatment, since the pandemic began.
spokesman Mark Miner said
in a statement. Hong Kong restrictions:
The governor is the latest Hong Kong will tighten
Texan to test positive as entry restrictions for travel-
cases of the virus soar and ers arriving from the United
hospitals around the state States and 15 other countries
are stretched thin. beginning Friday, extending
More than 11,500 patients the quarantine period to 21
were hospitalized with the days.
virus as of Monday, the high- Previously, the 15 coun- French wildfires: A firefighter battles a blaze Tuesday near Toulon. Hundreds of firefighters battled a wildfire racing through
est levels since January. tries, which also include forests near the French Riviera that forced the evacuation of thousands of people from homes and vacation spots. French
The positive test comes a Malaysia, Thailand, France President Emmanuel Macron later said firefighters were able to “stabilize” the blaze. SDIS 83 FIRE BRIGADE OF THE VAR REGION
day after Abbott tweeted a and the Netherlands, were
photo of himself not wear- classified as medium-risk,
ing a mask while speaking with travelers able to serve for New Zealand, which is Michigan sign dispute: A people still missing after ear, along with bones and
indoors near Dallas to a only 7 days of quarantine if the only country considered white neighbor who shot severe floods ravaged parts fabric fragments, were found
group of Republicans, most they were fully vaccinated low-risk, remain at seven at a Black family’s home of the country’s Black Sea in the tomb in the necropolis
of whom were unmasked. and tested positive for anti- days for fully-vaccinated in Warren, which borders coast, with excavators clear- of Porta Sarno, an area not
bodies prior to leaving for passengers. Detroit, slashed tires on a ing the sludge and build- yet open to the public that
Virus lockdown: New the city. vehicle and wrote racist ing wreckage that was left is east of Pompeii’s urban
Zealand’s government took A resurgence of corona- Deadly visit to dentist: graffiti on a pickup truck, behind. center.
drastic action Tuesday by virus cases in these coun- The parents of a 3-year-old told a judge Monday that At least 77 people were The discovery is unusual
putting the entire nation tries due to the delta variant Kansas boy who died after a he did it because of a Black killed after torrential rains since most adults were
into a strict lockdown for led them to be recatego- procedure to pull teeth at a Lives Matter sign in the battered Turkey’s north- cremated at the time.
at least three days after rized as high high-risk and Wichita dentist’s office filed window. western Black Sea prov- An inscription of the tomb
discovering a single case of stricter measures imposed, a wrongful death lawsuit Michael Frederick Jr. inces Aug. 11, causing floods suggested that its owner,
coronavirus infection in the as the government sought Tuesday. said during his sentencing that demolished homes and Marcus Venerius Secun-
community. to “uphold the local barrier Angel Zapata and Nancy in Macomb County Circuit bridges, swept away cars and dio, helped organize perfor-
Prime Minister Jacinda against the importation of Valenzuela, of Scott City, Court that his actions blocked access to numerous mances in Greek in Pompeii.
Ardern invoked some of COVID-19,” it said in a state- argue in the lawsuit that weren’t an attack on Eddie roads. Experts said it was the first
the stirring rhetoric she ment. their son, Abiel Zapata and Candace Hall “person- The Turkish disaster confirmation that Greek was
used early in the pandemic The changes come after a Valenzuela, did not receive ally.” management agency, AFAD, used alongside Latin.
by urging the “team of 5 domestic worker who had adequate care during the “I targeted these people said 26 people were unac- “That performances
million” — New Zealand’s returned to Hong Kong from appointment July 6. because I didn’t like their counted for in Kastamonu in Greek were organized
population — to go hard and the U.S. earlier this month The lawsuit says Abiel’s political sign that they had province and eight others is evidence of the lively
early in trying to eliminate tested positive for the coro- mother was told by two in the window,” he said. “I were reported in Sinop and open cultural climate
the latest outbreak. navirus, despite receiving dental offices in south- think you guys are some province. which characterized ancient
“We have seen what two shots of vaccine and west Kansas that he needed great people and didn’t Pompeii,” the director of
happens elsewhere if we testing positive for antibod- to have two teeth pulled deserve this at all.” Pompeii discovery: Archae- the Archaeological Park of
fail to get on top of it,” ies. because of a gum infection, Frederick, 25, was ologists in the ancient city Pompeii, Gabriel Zuchtrie-
Ardern said. “We only get Also Friday, the manda- KSNW-TV reported. sentenced to four to 10 years of Pompeii have discov- gel, said in a statement
one chance.” tory quarantine period was She took him to Tiny in prison, according to The ered a well-preserved skel- announcing the discovery.
She said Auckland, where extended from 7 to 14 days Teeth Pediatric in Wich- Macomb Daily of Mount eton during excavations of The eruption of Mount
the infected man lives, and for fully vaccinated travelers ita. The lawsuit names the Clemens. a tomb that also shed light Vesuvius in 79 AD destroyed
Coromandel, where he had with a positive antibody test practice, Dr. Scott White, on the cultural life of the city Pompeii. Excavations over
visited, would go into a full arriving from Australia, now nurse-anesthetist Jeremy Turkish floods: Rescue before it was destroyed by a the years have yielded
lockdown for seven days and categorized as medium-risk. Salsbury and Special Anes- workers in Turkey kept up volcanic eruption in AD 79. discoveries of tombs, chari-
the remainder of the country Quarantine requirements thesia Services. the search Tuesday for 34 White hair and part of an ots and frescoed homes.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  5


strong sales
boost its
NorthShore mandating
By Anne D’Innocenzio
vaccines for team members
Associated Press By Denny Jacob staff will continue to undergo daily system and Amita Health, have yet
Chicago Tribune standard screening questions and to require vaccines for their workers.
NEW YORK — Walmart temperature checks. Cook County Health also announced
raised its sales outlook for the No r t h S h o re Un i ve r s i t y “The vaccines have been shown Monday that it will require all staff,
year as Americans returned to HealthSystem announced Monday to be safe and effective against contractors and students to be fully
shopping for back-to-school that all of its team members will COVID-related hospitalization and vaccinated by Oct. 1 or demonstrate
clothes and travel goods during be required to be fully vaccinated death. Requiring COVID-19 vacci- a verifiable medical or religious
the second quarter. against COVID-19 by Oct. 31. It is nation as a condition of employ- exemption.
Still, concerns are mount- the latest health care institution to ment is a critical and essential The Chicago Department of
ing over how shoppers will NorthShore University mandate the vaccine. defense against this pandemic,” a Public Health reported there were
behave in the months ahead as HealthSystem’s Evanston Hospital NorthShore’s 18,000 team spokesperson said in a statement. 419 confirmed cases and a test posi-
the delta variant of COVID-19 is seen April 5, 2016, in Evanston. members — including employ- NorthShore joins Lurie Children’s tivity rate of 4.3%, based on data
surges across the U.S. and mask NorthShore announced Monday ees, volunteers and contractors Hospital, Advocate Aurora Health, updated Monday. That’s up from
mandates are reinstated. that all of its team members will — across its six hospitals will be Loyola Medicine and University 347 confirmed cases and a test posi-
On top of that, higher prices be required to be fully vaccinated required to get the vaccine. North- of Chicago Medicine in requiring tivity rate of 3.8% the prior week.
on everything from food to against COVID-19 by Oct. 31. Shore may make exceptions for vaccination. Other health systems,
automobiles are making shop- CHICAGO TRIBUNE religious or medical reasons. All such as Northwestern Medicine
pers more conscious about
And temporary government
stimulus and other benefits,
which helped prop up overall
spending, are dissipating.
Other major retailers are
reporting quarterly results this
week and next, and there is
early evidence that behaviors
that changed vastly during the
pandemic have begun to change
again, or at least normalize.
Data from Home Depot,
which also reported earnings
Tuesday, showed that traffic in
stores fell a bit after a massive
rush of DIY projects during
lockdowns. At Walmart, the
blistering growth in online
orders has slowed drastically.
Also on Tuesday, the U.S.
reported that retail sales in July
fell a seasonal adjusted 1.1%. It
was a much larger drop than the
0.3% decline Wall Street analysts
had expected. According to
Tuesday’s report, spending fell
at stores that sell clothing, furni-
ture and sporting goods.
“There is now a very clear
sign that the momentum, which
has propelled the sector over
the few months or so, is slow-
ing and that growth rates are
moderating as a result,” said
Neil Saunders, managing direc-
tor of GlobalData Retail. “To be
clear, this is not catastrophic
and it in no way signals anything
near a contraction for retail.” Kimberly Harrod, of Wheaton, and Steve Chanders, of Winnetka, do “mountain climbers” during “Fall Football Challenge,” during an aerobics class at the
Saunders noted that the East Bank Club in 2005. MICHAEL TERCHA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

East Bank Club to require

savings rate remains high,
which means “better-off house-
holds” still have a buffer of cash.
It was yet another strong
quarter for Walmart, which has
been able to retain customers

vaccines starting in the fall

who rely on its stores and curb-
side pickup services, as well as
Walmart reported earnings of
$4.27 billion, or $1.52 per share,
during the three-month period
ended July 31. Adjusted results By Lauren Zumbach CEO Mel Kleist. with experts on how to handle starting with locations in New York
were $1.78 per share, better Chicago Tribune “We know the science right now situations where members City in early September. The city is
than the $1.57 per share that does suggest that if everyone’s decline the vaccine due to medi- phasing in rules requiring COVID-
analysts had expected, accord- East Bank Club will require its vaccinated, we’re in a much safer cal or religious reasons and kids 19 vaccines for anyone who wants
ing to FactSet. staff and members to be vaccinated place,” he said. under 12, who aren’t yet eligible to dine indoors at a restaurant or
Net profit last year was $6.47 against COVID-19 starting Oct. 1. Crain’s Chicago Business first for the vaccine, Kleist said. The go to the gym. Equinox did not say
billion, or $1.77 adjusted per While some Chicago restaurants reported East Bank Club’s vaccine club also has not yet determined when it plans to implement the
share. have already announced vaccine requirement. how it will respond to members policy in Chicago.
Sales in the most recent quar- mandates, the high-end River The rule won’t go into effect who refuse to get the vaccine for Kleist said other gyms have
ter rose 2.2% to $139.87 billion, North health club is one of the first until Oct. 1 to give unvaccinated other reasons. reached out to ask about East Bank
also better than the $137 billion major gyms in the city to require members and employees time to Earlier this month, Equinox Club’s vaccine mandate but isn’t
industry analysts expected. vaccines. get the shot, Kleist said. Members Group said it plans to require aware of any in the Chicago area
Comparable sales at U.S. When East Bank Club surveyed will have to show proof of vaccina- customers and employees show that have imposed similar rules.
stores rose 5.2%, a bit of a slow- its members, most supported the tion once at check-in. proof of vaccination to enter Equi-
down from the 6% increase in idea of requiring vaccines, said East Bank Club will consult nox Clubs and SoulCycle studios,
the first quarter. Online sales
growth dramatically slowed to
6%, but that’s compared with
last year when the pandemic
shocked the U.S., and Walmart’s
online orders surged 97%.
There was a 37% increase in the
Amazon hiring workers for another Naperville store
first quarter and 69% increase in By Suzanne Baker ville location for six months to
the fourth quarter. Naperville Sun fulfill online grocery orders.
Company executives told What makes Amazon Fresh
analysts Tuesday that shop- Amazon is hiring workers different from most groceries is its
pers went to stores for items for another new grocery store high-tech shopping experience.
like party supplies, luggage and in Naperville, according to the Dash Carts, which use cameras,
clothing. For back-to-school, company website. sensors and scales to iden-
customers bought backpacks While the company has yet to tify the items and ring them up,
and paper supplies in addition officially confirm the location of its allow customers to tally up their
to fashion. second grocery store or the open- purchases by linking the payment
Walmart is facing rising costs ing date, the building at the north- to the credit card affiliated with
for everything from labor to west corner of Ogden Avenue and their Amazon account. In doing so,
shipping as supply chain back- Naper Boulevard being renovated they can skip the checkout line and
ups hit companies worldwide. right now looks almost identical to an electronic receipt is sent to their
Brett Biggs, Walmart’s chief the Amazon Fresh store at Route 59 email address.
financial officer, said Tuesday and 95th Street. A worker Monday heads toward the building under construction at the In addition, terminals with
that the company is monitor- The chief difference right now is northwest corner of Ogden Avenue and Naper Boulevard. The company is voice-enabled Alexa, Amazon’s
ing transit and port delays. The the north location has no signage hiring workers for the location. SUZANNE BAKER/NAPERVILLE SUN personal assistant technology, help
company is also chartering on the building yet. shoppers locate products and offer
vessels for Walmart goods as it The south Naperville store Retail Group announced the Costco, scheduled to open at 8 a.m. recipe suggestions.
heads into the fall and holiday opened in December 2020, 10 purchase of 4.2 acres for a $19 Thursday at 1255 E. Ogden Ave. Special deals are available to
shipping crunch, Biggs said. months after Amazon Retail LLC million, 46,000-square-foot shop- If the business on Ogden Avenue Prime members, such as free same-
Home Depot also has secured requested a Class D liquor license ping development with an “undis- is an Amazon Fresh store, it will day delivery and pickup.
its own transportation, and to sell package goods at the 3116 S. closed nationally recognized join others already open in Illinois, A section of the store also is dedi- has long pushed Route 59 operation. business as the anchor.” including locations in Blooming- cated to lockers in which items
for autonomy in shipping. The city has received a simi- The plan was to demolish the dale, Oak Lawn and Schaumburg. purchased online can be picked up
Walmart now says that it lar liquor license request from former Fair Oaks Ford dealer- The first Amazon Fresh grocery or returned.
expects sales at stores opened Amazon for a store at 2055 W. ship structure and put up a new store in the nation debuted in 2020 The Naperville store offers a
at least a year to be up 5% to 6% Ogden Ave., according a city 35,000-square-foot store as well as in Woodland Hills, an area near Los variety of items, including fresh-
for the year; it had previously spokeswoman. 5,000 to 7,000 square feet of addi- Angeles. baked bread, sushi, rotisserie chick-
said the metric would be up in Among the jobs Amazon is tional retail space. The 35,000-square-foot Naper- ens, and made-to-order pizzas
the low single digits. advertising are grocery, food The company projected the ville store on Route 59 was the and hot sandwiches in addition to
Shares of Home Depot fell service and kitchen workers. Pay shopping center would open in company’s fifth nationwide and the national, local and Amazon- and
more than 4%, or $14.30 to starts at $15 per hour with benefits late 2021. first to be built outside of California. Whole Foods-exclusive brands.
$320.74, while Walmart’s stock available. Around the corner from that Before opening to the public,
rose 26 cents to $150.99. A year ago Thompson Thrift location is Naperville’s second Amazon had been using the Naper-
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Heir: Sacklers won’t settle Spending

fell in July
unless shielded from suits as US virus
OxyContin family won’t donate cash to abate opioid crisis without protection
By Geoff Mulvihill company, based in Stamford, Connecticut. members. The Purdue reorganization plan
cases grew
Associated Press The U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee, nine states does have costs for Sackler family members.
and the District of Columbia object to the They would be required to give up owner- By Joseph Pisani
Members of the family that owns company’s settlement plan because it ship of the company, with future profits Associated Press
OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma won’t would grant legal protection to members going to abate the opioid crisis. They would
contribute billions of dollars to a legal of the wealthy Sackler family even though also have to contribute a total of $4.5 billion NEW YORK — Americans cut back on
settlement unless they get off the hook for none of them are declaring bankruptcy. in cash and a charitable fund over time. their spending last month as a surge in
all current and future lawsuits over the The concept has sparked protests and That money is also slated to go to efforts to COVID-19 cases kept people away from
company’s activities, one of them told a federal legislation known as the SACKLER battle the crisis, with a share of it going to stores.
court Tuesday in a rare public appearance. Act that would bar these deals, known as victims and their families. Retail sales fell a seasonal adjusted 1.1%
David Sackler, grandson of one of the third-party releases. They are granted by But a report commissioned by a group in July from the month before, the U.S.
brothers who nearly 70 years ago bought courts in some parts of the U.S., but not all. of state attorneys general said that because Commerce Department said Tuesday. It was
the company that later became Purdue, The bill has sputtered in Congress. most of the payments come years from a much larger drop than the 0.3% decline
testified at a hearing in federal bank- Suits against the company and the Sack- now, family members could use investment Wall Street analysts had expected.
ruptcy court in White Plains, New York, lers, including from several states, have returns and interest to build even greater The report offers the first solid glimpse
that unless the settlement is approved been paused since Purdue filed for bank- wealth while they make the payments. The of how the spread of the delta variant of
with those protections included, as they ruptcy nearly two years ago. If the reorga- family’s collective wealth is estimated at COVID-19 may have changed the spending
currently are, “I believe we would litigate nization is approved as it is, it would freeze nearly $11 billion, with much of that built habits of Americans. At the end of July, the
the claims to their final outcomes.” those forever. Sackler family members on sales from OxyContin. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
“We need a release that’s sufficient to are also seeking protections from future In the hearing, David Sackler, who served tion began recommending that even vacci-
get our goals accomplished,” Sackler said lawsuits over opioids and any actions on the company’s board from 2012 until nated people start wearing masks indoors
in response to questions from a lawyer for involving Purdue, even those that had noth- 2018, was asked whether the family would in public places.
the U.S. bankruptcy trustee. “If the release ing to do with the drugs. emerge with more money in a decade, when According to Tuesday’s report, spend-
fails to do that, we will not support it.” The deal would not protect Sackler its share would be paid off, than it has now. ing fell at stores that sell clothing, furniture
That’s the heart of argument over the family members from any criminal charges. “I don’t think anyone can say that with and sporting goods. At restaurant and bars,
settlement plans of the family and the None have been announced against family certainty,” he said. spending still rose nearly 2%, but the rate
of growth has slowed from recent months
before the delta variant spread and people
were feeling safer about dining without their
masks with others.
Economists think Americans are also
shifting spending from goods to services,
things like haircuts or vacations, which are
not included in Tuesday’s report. And rising
prices for everything from food to washing
machines may have checked spending.
Major retailers are releasing quarterly
financial results this week, offering more
insight into behavior during yet another
uptick in infections.
On Tuesday, Walmart raised its sales
outlook for the year, a sign it expects Amer-
icans to keep on shopping at the same pace.
But the Commerce Department reported
Tuesday that even online sales have begun
to slow, falling 3.1% from the month before.


Old ship leaking

fuel near Alaska
JUNEAU, Alaska — A ship that sank
off Kodiak Island four decades ago has
started to leak diesel fuel, and a state official
suspects ground shaking from last month’s
massive magnitude 8.2 earthquake might
be the reason.
Marissa Meizz, at a No More Lonely Friends meet-up, exchanges Instagram QR codes Aug. 8 at Central Park in New York. In June, Meizz posted The vessel sank in 1989 in Womens Bay,
a TikTok telling everyone looking for new friends to meet at Central Park on a Saturday. JASMINE CLARKE/THE NEW YORK TIMES “and it’s been resting there since,” Jade
Gamble, the state’s on-scene spill coordina-

From friendship loss to gain

tor, told CoastAlaska.
The first reports of an oil sheen came in a
week after the July 28 earthquake, the larg-
est in the U.S. in the past half-century.
The 138-foot former scallop boat was
hit by a rogue wave in November 1981 near
Neglected New Yorker turns it. She went on TikTok to reveal that the In June, Meizz posted a TikTok telling Marmot Island. The crew of 12 abandoned
video had been about her. The reaction was everyone looking for new friends to meet ship; only two survived. The vessel was
viral TikTok video into instantaneous. “People immediately started at Central Park on a Saturday. The video towed to Womens Bay, where it later sank.
No More Lonely Friends messaging me saying, ‘Let’s be friends!’ ” went viral. On the day of the meetup, 200
she said. “ ‘Screw your old friends.’ ” people showed up. For more than eight
By Taylor Lorenz Meizz’s story took hold as the corona- hours they laughed, played games, chatted
The New York Times

NEW YORK — Marissa Meizz, 23, was

virus pandemic has radically transformed
relationships. Some old friendships have
withered after a lack of in-person interac-
and bonded.
The event was such a success that Meizz
started No More Lonely Friends, an online
Factory output
out to dinner with a friend in the East
Village in mid-May when her phone started
tions and people have forged more online
connections to alleviate loneliness. What
community of people looking to make
friends in real life, or IRL, meetups across in US rebounds
buzzing. She tried to silence it, but the texts happened next to Meizz encapsulated the country.
kept coming. They all wanted to know: Had those changes, with her online and offline Meizz has since held meetups in Los WASHINGTON — U.S. factory produc-
she seen the TikTok video? worlds blurring to create something new Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Wash- tion in July posted the strongest gain in four
She clicked the link and a young man — and joyful. ington, Philadelphia and elsewhere. The months, reflecting a surge in production at
appeared on screen. “If your name’s Within days of her revelation on TikTok, events are free and open to anyone. auto plants that are still wrestling with major
Marissa,” he said, “please listen up.” He said Meizz, a costume designer, received more Meizz said she tries to greet all the supply chain problems.
he had just overheard some of her friends than 5,000 messages. Strangers invited her attendees and help make connections Manufacturing output increased 1.4% last
say they were deliberately choosing to hold to their birthday parties, housewarmings between them. She bops from group to month following a decline of 0.3% in June,
a birthday party when she was out of town and weddings. Some who lived outside group to ensure that no one is left alone. To the Federal Reserve reported Tuesday. It
that weekend. “You need to know,” he said. New York City asked if she could set up a break the ice and help cover event costs, was the best showing since a 3.4% gain in
“TikTok, help me find Marissa.” post office box so they could be pen pals. Meizz recently began selling merchandise, March.
Meizz’s heart sank. After getting in touch Thousands — especially Gen Zers and including T-shirts that say, “If you’re read- Overall, industrial production — which
with the man who posted the video, which millennial adults — seemed hungry for new ing this, we should be friends.” includes manufacturing, utilities and mining
amassed more than 14 million views, she connections as summer began and corona- Though No More Lonely Friends isn’t a — posted a 0.9% increase, the best perfor-
confirmed that she was the Marissa in ques- virus restrictions lifted. business, the events have attracted interest mance since a 2.8% surge in March.
tion and that it was her friends who had “I was like, OK, how can I use this to help from brands. This month, representatives Still, economists say output in coming
conspired to exclude her from their party. people?” she said. from Arizona Iced Tea showed up to one months will likely moderate given the on-go-
Her feelings were hurt. But rather than The answer: Meizz decided to hold a gathering with free drinks and merchan- ing problems with supply chains and labor
sulk, Meizz decided to do something about meetup. dise. shortages.

Job vacancies in Britain hit record high Airline traffic

Monthly scheduled passengers on U.S.
airline flights, international and domestic,
By Pan Pylas that the number of job vacancies rose by struck in March 2020. scale in millions
Associated Press 290,000 between May and July from the “Today’s figures show that the recov- 80
previous three-month period, to 953,000. ery continued to gain momentum through June 2021: 66.4 million
LONDON — Job vacancies in the U.K. That’s the highest level since records were the spring as restrictions eased,” said 70
have spiked to their highest recorded level, started in 2001. Tony Wilson, director of the Institute for
official figures showed Tuesday, in a further The increase in vacancies came during Employment Studies. 60

sign that the British economy is rebounding a period when most lockdown restrictions The latest figures have raised hopes that 50
more than anticipated following the lifting were lifted across the U.K. following the the British government’s decision to bring
of coronavirus restrictions. rapid rollout of vaccines. The increase in an end to a salary support scheme it intro- 40
With the unemployment rate falling job vacancies was particularly evident in duced at the outset of the pandemic will not 30
and the number of people on payroll rising those sectors, such as arts, leisure and food lead to big job losses.
toward pre-pandemic levels, wage pres- service, that had suffered most during the Under the Job Retention Scheme, the 20
sures are clearly building — a development multiple lockdowns in the U.K. government paid 80% of the salaries of
that financial markets suggest will lead In further encouraging news, the agency those workers unable to work because of 10

the Bank of England to raise interest rates said the number of people on payroll rose by lockdown measures. The program, which
sooner than previously thought as it could 182,000 between June and July, taking the is being phased out and is due to finish at JUNE
further fuel inflation. total to 28.9 million. Still the overall figure the end of September, helped support over SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics TNS
The Office for National Statistics revealed is 201,000 lower than before the pandemic 11 million people.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  7

Secretive Israel-UAE oil deal

puts prized Eilat corals at risk
By Ilan Ben Zion
Associated Press

EILAT, Israel — The

Red Sea reefs off the Israeli
resort of Eilat host some of
the greatest coral diversity
on the planet.
A symphony in splen-
did technicolor, the reefs
are among the world’s
most resilient coral colo-
nies against warming seas.
They have also become
an unlikely battleground,
caught between Israeli
diplomatic and business
interests, and ecological
groups that fear this natural
treasure could be in danger.
A clandestine oil deal
Belgian sheep herder Lukas Janssens tends his flock last week at Schoonselhof cemetery in struck last year as part of
Hoboken. Cutting emissions of carbon dioxide is one of his group’s goals. VIRGINIA MAYO/AP the historic agreement A scuba diver swims near the EAPC oil jetty in Israel’s city
establishing formal diplo- of Eilat on Aug. 5. A secretive oil deal would bring dozens of

Individuals seek to do their matic ties between Israel

and the United Arab Emir-
ates is turning Eilat into
tankers alongside the coral reefs. NOA SITI ELIYAHU/AP

founded in the 1960s to shipped across Israel in a

part after UN climate report

a waypoint for Emirati bring Iranian oil to Israel pipeline to the Mediterra-
oil headed for Western when the countries had nean port of Ashkelon and
markets. friendly relations. Its oper- on to European markets.
Initially hailed as a move ations are shrouded in Yona Fogel, executive of
By Raf Casert governments, investment planet from overheating? that could cement fledgling secrecy, ostensibly for secu- one of the Israeli partners
Associated Press managers and asset owners, “Not everyone is going diplomatic ties and further rity reasons. in the project, told public
some citizens have known to become a shepherd, of Israel’s energy ambitions, Israeli environmental broadcaster Kan in June
HOBOKEN, Belgium this day would come for course. But it is great that the deal is now in question groups have asked the coun- that the UAE deal “will
— Young urban shepherd decades. there is such a variety of after Israel’s new govern- try’s Supreme Court to halt produce for EAPC earnings
Lukas Janssens guides his Janssens is one of many initiatives,” said bio-engi- ment opened a review. The oil shipments, citing EAPC’s of hundreds (of millions)
flock among the graves who have taken on a very neer Benjamin Clarysse decision has upset investors safety record and the risk and perhaps billions of
in Schoonselhof, one of personal commitment to do of BBL, a confederation of and risks a diplomatic spat posed by parking super- dollars” without “raising
Belgium’s iconic ceme- something, along with those environmental groups in with Israel’s Gulf allies. tankers alongside Eilat’s the risk to the environment
teries, knowing sheep are who refuse to fly, adapt their northern Belgium. The UAE and Israel, fragile coral ecosystems. whatsoever.”
kinder to nature than lawn- personal diet or skip school And all together, he which normalized rela- As for an oil spill, it’s The Emiratis are gain-
mowers. to protest on Fridays. insisted, individuals might tions last year as part of the “not a question of if it will ing “a cheaper, alternative
Limiting emissions “I started as a shepherd amount to more than the U.S.-brokered “Abraham happen, but when it will route, something that they
of carbon dioxide, a key because, together with the sum of their parts. Accords,” have since signed happen,” said Assaf Zvuloni, can use in case they need
contributor to climate small sheep, I wanted to The challenges raised in over $830 million in trade a Nature and Parks Author- to divert some of the tank-
change, and promoting commit myself to society, the U.N. report are huge. deals and inked numer- ity ecologist in Eilat. Even ers to this direction,” she
biodiversity are two key to have a social goal beyond It gives a guarantee that ous trade and cooperation a small rupture or human said.
goals of De Antwerpse Stad- the production of meat, warming will get worse and agreements. error would have disastrous But opponents say the
sherder — The Antwerp milk or wool. I want them insists it is “an established But the deal between consequences, he said. potential cost is irreversible
City Shepherd, Janssens’ to be useful,” he said. fact” that climate change the Europe-Asia Pipe- Israel suffered its worst damage to a natural wonder.
company of one human and None of this might matter clearly was human-caused. line Company, an Israeli ecological disaster in Febru- The EAPC terminal
270 sheep. unless nations show simi- If that were not enough, government-owned corpo- ary, when a spill in the east- dominates a stretch of Eilat
“We won’t stave it off lar commitment when they a summer of exceptional ration, and MED-RED ern Mediterranean coated shoreline a half mile north
with a flock of sheep,” Jans- meet in Glasgow, Scotland, floods, heatwaves and wild- Land Bridge, a joint Isra- virtually all of its 170-mile of Israel’s Coral Beach
sens said of global warm- in November for the COP26 fires from the U.S. west over el-Emirati venture, remains coastline with oil. The Nature Reserve. Its cranes
ing. “But it is another step UN meeting on climate much of Europe and north a secret. petitioners — three Israeli and pipes jut into the Red
to build an more ecological change. Participants will Africa to Siberia has added Senior officials in former environmental groups — Sea’s aquamarine and navy
society.” seek to agree to measures to that sinking feeling. Prime Minister Benjamin argued that incident would blue waters. The air reeks of
Only days after the alarm- to try to limit warming to Greta Thunberg Netanyahu’s government “be dwarfed alongside a petroleum.
ing U.N. report on climate 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit addresses political and — including his former massive oil spill” off Eilat. A senior government
change, the message of U.N. above levels in the late 19th business leaders at U.N. energy, foreign and envi- Israel long lacked natural official said Prime Minis-
Secretary General Antonio century. The figure has conferences and is feted by ronment ministers — said resources. But that began ter Naftali Bennett’s office
Guterres was still stuck in already reached 2 degrees world leaders — even if they they didn’t know about the to change after the 2009 asked the Supreme Court
his head — “code red for Fahrenheit. Which begs stop well short of following deal until it was announced discovery of natural gas in for more time to respond to
humanity,” with global the question: Are Janssens much of her advice. last September, after the the Mediterranean Sea and the environmentalists’ chal-
warming threatening to and his ilk 21st century Don Activists warn, though, accords were signed at the Israel’s first exports. lenge. The official spoke on
choke the planet. Quixotes or the vanguard of that politicians should not White House. The deal with the UAE condition of anonymity
Even if Guterres’s words a global Green revolution shrug off responsibility on The pipeline company, would expand this fledg- because he was not autho-
were aimed primarily at that might help keep the the individual. known as EAPC, was ling energy sector, with oil rized to talk to reporters.


Dow High: 35,500.01 Low: 35,120.31 Previous: 35,625.40 LOCAL STOCKS

Stocks listed may change due to daily fluctuations in market capitalization. Exchange key: N=NYSE, O=NASDAQ


Abbott Labs N 125.69 +1.03 Equity Commonwlth N 26.38 -.43 McDonalds Corp N 240.28 -.69
Close: 35,343.28 35,200 AbbVie Inc N 119.66 +1.25 Equity Lifesty Prop N 82.85 -.18 Middleby Corp O 177.14 -1.85
Change: -282.12 (-0.8%) Allstate Corp
Aptargroup Inc
134.73 -1.81
133.01 +.13
Equity Residential
Exelon Corp
Mondelez Intl
Morningstar Inc
64.06 +.37
264.33 -2.15
34,760 10 DAYS Arch Dan Mid N 61.47 -.84 First Indl RT N 55.72 +.63 Motorola Solutions N 234.41 -.49
36,000 Baxter Intl
Boeing Co
75.93 +.25
222.22 -6.84
Fortune Brds Hm&Sec N
NiSource Inc
Nthn Trust Cp
25.69 +.05
115.06 -1.25
Brunswick Corp N 102.37 -2.94 Gallagher AJ N 141.70 -1.23 Old Republic N 26.12 +.06
35,000 CBOE Global Markets N 124.11 -1.64 Grainger WW N 435.94 -4.14 Packaging Corp Am N 145.67 -.42
CDK Global Inc O 45.49 -.42 Hill-Rom Hldgs N 132.35 -.06 Paylocity Hldg O 251.38 +.47
34,000 CDW Corp
CF Industries
196.69 -2.33
45.57 -.82
RLI Corp
Stericycle Inc
109.13 +.34
65.63 +.34
CME Group O 205.39 -1.80 ITW N 233.22 -1.98 TransUnion N 118.98 -.26
33,000 CNA Financial N 43.22 -.17 Ingredion Inc N 87.67 -.99 US Foods Holding N 33.49 +.09
Caterpillar Inc N 213.44 -4.27 John Bean Technol N 139.13 -2.68 Ulta Salon Cosmetics O 360.74 -8.93
32,000 ConAgra Brands Inc N 34.07 +.10 Jones Lang LaSalle N 241.62 -2.96 United Airlines Hldg O 45.29 -1.01
Deere Co N 376.33 -6.70 Kemper Corp N 67.18 +.78 Ventas Inc N 56.22 -.34
Discover Fin Svcs N 131.32 -3.45 Kraft Heinz Co O 37.91 -.10 Walgreen Boots Alli O 49.14 ...
31,000 Dover Corp N 173.02 -.94 LKQ Corporation O 50.06 -.47 Wintrust Financial O 73.11 -1.69
Envestnet Inc N 77.70 +.23 Littelfuse Inc O 273.61 -5.65 Zebra Tech O 562.68 -10.21
Nasdaq S&P 500 Russell 2000 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Based on market capitalization Based on total assets CHG 1-YR
d -137.58 (-.93%) d -31.63 (-.71%) d -26.24 (-1.19%) AMC Entertainment A37.16 +1.47 Alibaba Group Hldg 173.73 -8.98 American Funds AMCpA m 43.59 -.26 +29.1
Ford Motor 12.99 -.47 Alphabet Inc C 2746.01 -32.31 American Funds AmrcnBalA m 33.37 ... +19.6
Pfizer Inc 50.42 +1.51 Alphabet Inc A 2733.23 -32.96 American Funds CptWldGrIncA m65.45 -.42 +26.2
Close 14,656.18 Close 4,448.08 Close 2,177.17 New Oriental Educ 1.85 -.03 Inc 3241.96 -57.03 American Funds CptlIncBldrA m 69.43 ... +20.0
Bank of America 41.09 -.20 Apple Inc 150.19 -.93 American Funds FdmtlInvsA m 77.72 -.48 +31.0
High 14,716.95 High 4,462.12 High 2,201.65 Itau Unibanco Hldg 5.70 +.01 Bank of America 41.09 -.20 American Funds GrfAmrcA m 75.59 -.70 +31.4
Alibaba Group Hldg 173.73 -8.98 American Funds IncAmrcA m 26.29 ... +21.5
Berkshire Hath B 289.10 -.35
Low 14,550.91 Low 4,417.83 Low 2,152.49 Palantir Technol 23.97 -.53 Facebook Inc 358.45 -8.11
American Funds InvCAmrcA m 51.12 -.36 +29.3
General Motors Co 50.47 -2.48 American Funds NwPrspctvA m 68.08 -.47 +33.1
Gen Electric 101.62 -1.73
Previous 14,793.76 Previous 4,479.71 Previous 2,203.41 Petrobras 10.56 +.03 American Funds SmCpWldA m 87.80 -.84 +36.2
JPMorgan Chase 157.01 -1.92 American Funds WAMtInvsA m 57.40 -.31 +31.1
Banco Bradesco ADS 4.35 -.01
Carnival Corp 22.04 -.75 Johnson & Johnson 179.47 +1.63 Dodge & Cox Inc 14.41 -.02 +2.1
10-yr T-note Gold futures Yen Euro Crude Oil Vale SA 20.33 -.30 MasterCard Inc 363.23 -.33 Dodge & Cox IntlStk 48.15 -.58 +30.1
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc 24.43 -.97 Microsoft Corp 293.08 -1.52 Dodge & Cox Stk 242.80 -1.72 +51.2
Freeport McMoRan 34.71 -2.13 Procter & Gamble 144.88 +.24 DoubleLine TtlRetBdI 10.59 -.01 +1.9
s d u u d Romeo Power Inc 4.76 -1.06 Taiwan Semicon 111.11 -3.52 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm
Fidelity BCGrowth
154.58 -1.09 +33.5
187.21 -2.67 +38.9
Nokia Corp 5.94 -.13 Tesla Inc 665.71 -20.46
Fidelity Contrafund 19.37 -.18 +29.9
... -1.90 +.33 +.0047 -.70 Roblox Corp 78.68 -.89 Unitedhealth Group 421.78 +4.57
Fidelity ExMktIdxInPr 88.20 -.91 +41.1
Ambev S.A. 3.06 ... Visa Inc 234.53 -.83
to 1.25% to $1,785.00 to 109.57/$1 to .8539/$1 to $66.59 DiDi Global Inc 8.47 +.36 WalMart Strs 150.70 -.05
Fidelity GroCo 38.18 -.40 +38.2
Fidelity IntlIdxInstlPrm 50.59 -.43 +26.0
Uber Technologies 41.00 -.50 Fidelity InvmGradeBd 11.80 -.01 +2.2
TAL Education Grp AD 5.21 +.01 Fidelity TtlMktIdxInsPrm 127.12 -.96 +34.9
Major market growth and decline AT&T Inc
US Steel Corp
Fidelity USBdIdxInsPrm
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI
12.20 -.01
11.05 -.01
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET 3-month Disc 0.07 0.06 PIMCO IncInstl 12.05 ... +7.5
5-day % change 30-day % change 1-year % change 6-month disc 0.06 0.05 PIMCO TtlRetIns 10.43 -.01 +1.0
2-year 0.23 0.21 Schwab SP500Idx 69.08 ... +34.8
Virpax Pharmaceuticl15.35 +11.15 10-year 1.25 1.25 T. Rowe Price BCGr 190.92 -1.59 +27.3
DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P Sesen Bio Inc 1.51 +.29 30-year 1.92 1.92 T. Rowe Price CptlAprc 38.60 -.12 +25.2
+.22 -.89 +.26 +2.41 +1.08 +2.89 +27.23 +30.73 +31.22 NanoVibronix Inc 2.94 -.43 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 411.23 -2.90 +33.5
Apple Inc 150.19 -.93 SPOT METALS Vanguard BalIdxAdmrl 48.36 -.24 +19.9
Sundial Growers Inc .71 -.02 Vanguard DivGrInv 38.37 -.04 +28.8
u d u u u u u u u Adv Micro Dev 107.56 +.08 CLOSE PREV. Vanguard EqIncAdmrl
Vanguard GrIdxAdmrl
94.06 -.40 +33.8
152.79 -1.35 +32.6
ContextLogic Inc 6.95 +.08 Gold $1785.00 $1786.90
SoFi Technologies 13.75 -.54 Silver $23.648 $23.780 Vanguard HCAdmrl 102.61 +1.02 +17.6
Moderna Inc 401.86 +28.00 Platinum $993.80 $1021.10 Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl 14.86 ... +2.7
FUTURES Plug Power Inc 25.87 +.77 Vanguard InsIdxIns 389.17 -2.74 +33.5
Exela Technologies 2.35 -.25 INTEREST RATES Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus 389.19 -2.75 +33.5
Opendoor Technol 14.80 -1.52 Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 168.39 -1.72 +30.7
WHEAT (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Sep 21 762.50 763.75 732.25 734.50 -26 American Airlines Gp 19.34 -.42 Prime Rate 3.25 Vanguard MdCpIdxAdmrl 299.43 -2.18 +37.2
Tesla Inc 665.71 -20.46 Discount Rate Primary 0.75 Vanguard PrmCpAdmrl 181.30 -1.63 +36.2
Dec 21 777 778.25 745.50 748.50 -26.50 Vanguard STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.96 ... +1.6
Intel Corp 52.69 -.78 Fed Funds Target 0.00-0.25
CORN (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Sep 21 567.50 569.50 556.25 558.25 -6.50 Clover Hlth Inv 8.17 -.32 Money Mkt Overnight Avg. 0.08 Vanguard SmCpIdxAdmrl 104.94 -1.28 +39.4
LM Funding Amer 5.09 +.49 Vanguard TrgtRtr2025Inv 23.22 -.13 +17.3
Dec 21 571.75 573.75 561.50 563.50 -5.25 Vanguard TrgtRtr2030Inv
Nvidia Corporation 194.58 -4.92 FOREIGN EXCHANGE 44.17 -.28 +19.7
SOYBEANS (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Sep 21 1379.50 1386.50 1365 1369 -7 Vanguard TrgtRtr2035Inv 27.76 -.20 +22.1
Microsoft Corp 293.08 -1.52
A U.S. Dollar buys . . . Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl 11.39 ... -.2
Nov 21 1374 1379.75 1356.75 1361.50 -6.75 Zynga Inc 8.21 +.07
Argentina (Peso) 97.2526 Vanguard TtBMIdxIns 11.39 ... -.2
SOYBEAN OIL (CBOT) 60,000 lbs- cents per lb Sep 21 63.56 63.85 62.32 62.54 -.75 Nikola Corp 9.73 +.60
Australia (Dollar) 1.3789 Vanguard TtBMIdxInsPlus 11.39 ... -.2
Micron Tech 70.78 -.15 Vanguard TtInSIdxAdmrl 34.75 -.41 +24.3
Oct 21 63.24 63.56 61.97 62.19 -.81 FuelCell Energy 5.92 -.15 Brazil (Real) 5.2693
Vanguard TtInSIdxIns 138.97 -1.65 +24.3
SOYBEAN MEAL (CBOT) 100 tons- dollars per ton Sep 21 360.90 364.20 358.60 360.10 +.70 Ideanomics Inc 2.07 -.16 Britain (Pound) .7280
Vanguard TtInSIdxInv 20.77 -.25 +24.2
Canada (Dollar) 1.2624
Oct 21 359.10 363.40 357.90 359.30 +.60 Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl 111.20 -.84 +35.0
FOREIGN MARKETS China (Yuan) 6.4861 Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns 111.22 -.84 +35.0
LIGHT SWEET CRUDE (NYMX) 1,000 bbl.- dollars per bbl. Sep 21 67.43 67.72 66.33 66.59 -.70 Euro .8539 Vanguard TtlSMIdxInv 111.16 -.84 +34.9
Oct 21 67.17 67.46 66.09 66.34 -.71 India (Rupee) 74.380 Vanguard USGrAdmrl 191.43 -1.45 +32.9
Shanghai 3446.98 -70.4/-2.0 Israel (Shekel) 3.2376 Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl 86.14 -.41 +22.4
NATURAL GAS (NYMX) 10,000 mm btu’s, $ per mm btu Sep 21 3.938 3.954 3.803 3.837 -.109 Stoxx600 473.78 +.3/+.1 Japan (Yen) 109.57 Vanguard WlslyIncAdmrl 72.84 -.12 +12.6
Oct 21 3.951 3.968 3.817 3.851 -.109 Nikkei 27424.47 -98.7/-.4 Mexico (Peso) 20.0168 Vanguard WndsrIIAdmrl 83.05 -.66 +41.3
MSCI-EAFE 2362.76 -16.2/-.7 Poland (Zloty) 3.90 d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee.
NY HARBOR GAS BLEND (NYMX)42,000 gallons- dollars per gallon Sep 21 2.2057 2.2216 2.1556 2.1656 -.0353
Bovespa 117903.81 -1276.2/-1.1 So. Korea (Won) 1178.55 m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing
Oct 21 2.0722 2.0842 2.0324 2.0397 -.0271 FTSE 100 7181.11 +27.1/+.4 Taiwan (Dollar) 27.93 fee and either a sales or redemption fee.
Source: The Associated Press CAC-40 6819.84 -18.9/-.3 Thailand (Baht) 33.34 Source: Morningstar.
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Wes Mathison performs close-up magic at Chicago Magic Lounge during its grand reopening on Aug. 5. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS

Over the years, Magic Lounge
has had magicians in from all over
the country, including the likes
of Penn & Teller’s Penn Jillette,
as well as contestants from Penn
& Teller’s “Fool Us.” But what’s
Magic Lounge and other magic shows unique about Magic Lounge,
Thompson said, is just how close
reopen in Chicago, putting the illusions this close-up magic gets.
With the entire staff vacci-
right in front live audiences again nated, and the performers on
stage work without masks, a
By Jerald Pierce from old venues from the early handful of magicians spend the
For Chicago Tribune and mid-1900s like Jim Ryan’s first hour of the night ventur-
The Magic Tap and the South ing right up to tables performing
There’s nothing quite like the Side’s Little Bit O’ Magic. magic right in front of audience
magic scene in Chicago, at least In the first week of August, eyes.
not anywhere in the Midwest, Cranford and his slew of magi- “They can’t accuse you of
according to Joseph Cran- cians once again welcomed audi- using camera tricks or mirrors,”
ford, co-owner and CEO of the ences back into its space to enjoy Thompson said. “It’s right there.
Chicago Magic Lounge, which the close-up magic for which And they get to see five magicians
reopened recently to live audi- Chicago is known. Returning to come to their table sometimes.”
ences. the stage has taken some getting That’s in addition to the night’s
“Blues has a history in used to, even for veteran perform- Paige Thompson performs magic in the 654 Club at Chicago Magic Lounge. two mainstage magicians and the
Chicago,” Cranford said, “comedy ers like Luis Carreon, a co-found- potential to add one final magi-
has a history in Chicago. Well, ing ensemble member who has cian to the night through the 654
magic has a big history in been around the Magic Lounge “We were nervous,” added the night in the 654 Club, she Club.
Chicago, for over 100 years.” since its inception. resident house magician Paige said she’d never been able to do “Something that we all work
Cranford’s Magic Lounge is full Carreon said he adjusted the Thompson. “We’re like, ‘Why in front of a live audience before. really hard to do here is to give an
of that history, with posters and beginning of his set to accom- are we so scared? What is this?’ Now, unlike doing magic via intimate experience to the spec-
memorabilia covering decades of modate the strangeness of the It was more of an excitement Zoom, she was able to fully take tator, to touch them deeply with
magic and magicians in the city. moment. Rather than queuing up than nerves, I think, because we in the reaction from her audience. magic,” said Jan Rose, the Magic
Even the venue’s entrance — an music and going straight into the get to go back to what we love, “This is what I need,” Carreon Lounge’s resident house magician
unassuming laundromat that sits beginning of his act, he instead and we’re going to actually have said of walking back out on a live and MC. “It’s right up close and
as a facade hiding a two-story takes the stage first to simply take humans in an audience.” stage. “It’s really the energy of personal, and most of the time
cabaret venue, magic bar, and its in the audience before diving into One part of Thompson’s people that came in. That’s really
VIP 654 Club — takes inspiration the magic. performance, which closed out the whole show.” Turn to Magic, Page 11


Believe it: Best al pastor tacos in Chicago

can be found at ... Asian Cuisine Express
By Nick Kindelsperger
Chicago Tribune

Before I ever took a bite, I knew

these were the best al pastor tacos
in Chicago.
It began the moment I walked
into the Little Village storefront
and spotted the towering trompo
— a large cone of pork slices
stained red from the complex
chile marinade and stacked at Seats sit empty at Broadway in Chicago’s dormant James M.
least four feet high. Nederlander Theatre in June 2020 in Chicago. The theater will reopen
Instead of lazily spinning in with “Paradise Square” in November. ARMANDO L. SANCHEZ/CHICAGO
front of a modest flame, this one TRIBUNE
sits mostly idle until someone
places an order. Only then does
the cook flip a switch, unleashing
an outrageous burst of fire that
Coalition of Chicago
sounds like a jet engine warm-
ing up. As the intense heat whirs
around the meat, the chef stands Al pastor tacos, as sold at Asian Cuisine Express on 31st Street in Chicago’s
theaters, Lyric Opera,
close, watching the cone and
rotating it by hand as one side
starts to crisp up. When it’s done
Little Village neighborhood. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Go for too much char, and you him, if you haven’t already.) But
CSO to require vaccines
to his liking, he cuts razor thin end up with dry meat. Cook the this establishment has existed for Negative tests, face audience members, at least
slices off with a huge knife, often meat too little, and the pork tastes a couple years. Local food host through the end of 2021.
straight onto a corn tortilla. chewy and lacks the irresistible Selene Partida actually posted a coverings also part According to a statement
I was even more excited when flame-licked flavor. But when video about it on Facebook back of reopening efforts from the League, a coalition of
I sat down. On the table, I found right in that sweet spot of crispy in 2019. (Watch her stuff, too.) more than 65 theaters and arts
three stunning salsa (green, red and luscious, it’s easy to see why As you’d expect for an estab- producers will require proof of
and dark orange), each spicier al pastor makes people like me lishment called Asian Cuisine By Doug George vaccination or in some instances
and more exciting than the last. lose our minds. If you’d like to Express, the restaurant has a Chicago Tribune a negative COVID-19 test for
They were joined by bowls of know what my last meal would pan-Asian menu featuring a entry, as well as face coverings,
crunchy sliced onions, limes and be, look no further. collection of popular Chinese, A large number of Chica- though protocols will vary by
escabeche, a pickled collection of The name of this taco hot spot? Thai and Japanese dishes like go-area theaters, dance and theater. According to the state-
chiles, cauliflower and carrots. Asian Cuisine Express. Yes, you kung pao pork, pad thai and performing arts companies, ment, “the unified COVID-19
Then the tacos arrived. Each read that correctly. chicken teriyaki. Buried on the led by the League of Chicago protection protocol” will go
single corn tortilla contained As is often the case, I first heard official menu is a small section Theatres, announced Tues- into effect Sept. 1 for all indoor
slender slices of pork heavily about this spot last year from of tacos, including carne asada day morning they will require productions, and will include
charred on one side, yet still juicy Titus Ruscitti, someone who has ($1.75), lengua ($2.50) and, of COVID-19 precautions includ- Loop theaters run by Broadway
and succulent. Great al pastor is seemingly eaten at every restau- ing proof of vaccination or
all about this mercurial balance. rant in the city. (Please follow Turn to Tacos, Page 10 negative tests, and masks for Turn to Theaters, Page 11
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  9


Studio head responds to star’s tweet ASK AMY

From news services By Amy Dickinson Twitter@askingamy
Marvel Studios CEO
Kevin Feige was on the
defensive Monday while
fielding questions about
recent criticism regard-
ing “Shang-Chi and the
Spouse concerned about husband’s drinking
Legend of the Ten Rings,” Dear Amy: I have been I’ll leave”) do work, but I While my boyfriend won
as well as a lawsuit filed by married for 45 years to believe it might be more this one, and I said noth-
“Black Widow” star Scar- a man who has a severe powerful and useful for ing, I would like to know
lett Johansson. drinking problem. It wasn’t you to make a choice based your opinion.
At the Los Angeles this way in the beginning, on your own needs and — Tennis Bums
premiere of “Shang-Chi,” but over the years his capacities — and so an
Feige responded to a crit- drinking has progressed alternative would be for Dear Bums: It seems obvi-
ical tweet from star Simu into alcoholism. you to simply separate ous that at a public park,
Liu after Disney boss Bob I have tried to help him with no strings attached a person has a right to use
Chapek came under fire in every way I know. He while you focus on your the fencing around the
for calling the project’s went to rehab last winter own self-care. You can tennis court as a backstop,
mid-pandemic release but didn’t follow through then continue to make certainly if there are no
strategy “an interesting with any of the support choices about the relation- other options.
experiment.” that was offered to him. ship, based on your own Must others around you
“(Liu) is not a shy man,” Now he is drinking judgment and non-nego- behave quietly, as if you
Feige said. “In that partic- again, and he is headed tiables, as well as his needs. are in the final rounds at
ular tweet you can see, and down that road once more. And — as always — when Wimbledon?
I think everyone does, a I want to leave him if he coping with the addiction All the same, if someone
misunderstanding. It was won’t quit drinking, but I disorder of a loved one, is behaving in a way that
not the intention. am afraid of what he will Al-Anon could be a game- bothers you, you have the
“The proof is in the do if I leave. changer for you. right to respectfully ask
movie, and we swing for To make matters worse, This is how Al-Anon them to stop, regardless of
the fences as we always he was recently diagnosed defines detachment: their ethnicity.
do. With the amount of Simu Liu at the LA premiere of “Shang-Chi and the Legend of with cancer. “Separating ourselves If you had done so, the
creative energy we put in the Ten Rings” on Monday. JORDAN STRAUSS/INVISION What should I do? from the adverse effects soccer player might have
and the budget, there’s no — Worried of another person’s alco- chosen to remind you that
expense spared to bring are the surprise. I’m fired cally abused the girl, who holism can be a means of soccer is the most popu-
this origin story to the the (expletive) up to make is only referenced as J.C., Dear Worried: You might detaching. This does not lar sport in the world for
screen.” history ... JOIN US.” the suit claims. need to make a stark necessarily require phys- a reason and that even
During an earnings Feige also addressed A representative for choice between the possi- ical separation. Detach- though your tennis play-
call this month, Chapek a complaint filed by Dylan denied the allega- bility of your husband ment can help us look at ing might have bothered
uttered the controversial Johansson, who is suing tions. “The 56-year-old self-destructing in your our situations realistically him, he had chosen to be
remark in response to a Disney for making “Black claim is untrue and will be absence or of him self-de- and objectively.” Check tolerant.
query about the movie’s Widow” available with vigorously defended,” said structing in your presence. for more.
exclusive, 45-day theatri- premier access on Disney+ Larry Jenkins in a state- What I’m trying to Dear Amy: In a response
cal window. Until now, the from the day it opened in ment. express is that you are not Dear Amy: My boyfriend to the “Testy Traveler,” the
studio has been debuting theaters. Feige said he is The lawsuit alleges the the answer to his existen- and I play tennis at a local traveler who was bothered
films simultaneously in “all for amicable solutions” abuse occurred during tial question. You do not park. We disagree on how by her chatty seatmate on
theaters and on Disney+ — between the company and April and May 1965. possess God-like powers to to handle the following: an airplane, my response
for a “premier access” fee the star, who was also an Because of the alleged save him. A man used the court’s to talkative seatmates is, “I
— during the pandemic. executive producer on the sexual molestation, J.C. Your husband has alco- back fence as a practice hope you don’t mind paus-
Many, including Liu, film. was depressed, angry and hol use disorder, and in soccer goal. He kicked the ing our conversation, but I
interpreted the “exper- anxious and suffers from order for him to get well, ball into the fence directly must rest my mind, now.”
iment” comment as an Dylan accused of abus- issues related to it to this he requires treatment. behind where we were I then close my eyes and
insult to the action drama’s ing girl in 1965: Bob Dylan day, according to the suit. If you want to continue playing. relax.
groundbreaking all-Asian is accused of molesting to help him, it might be He did this over and — Florida Reader
cast. a 12-year-old girl over a Aug. 18 birthdays: Actor wisest for you to focus on over again. I wanted to
“We are not an exper- six-week period in 1965 Robert Redford is 85. Actor his cancer diagnosis and talk to him. My boyfriend Dear Reader: I like
iment,” tweeted Liu, in a new lawsuit filed Henry G. Sanders is 79. treatment. Make sure his objected, stating that I your polite and definite
the Marvel Cinematic in Manhattan Supreme Actor Martin Mull is 78. physicians know about should be aware of and response. I hope my own
Universe’s first lead- Court. The singer-song- Singer Sarah Dash is 76. his alcoholism. His team sensitive to perception. defenseless seatmate will
ing superhero of Asian writer, whose given name Comedian Denis Leary is might prescribe a medica- The man happened to be use it on me the next time
descent. “We are the is Robert Allen Zimmer- 64. Actor Christian Slater tion to assist him in stay- Hispanic, while we happen I fly.
underdog; the underesti- man, allegedly plied the is 52. Actor Edward Norton ing off of alcohol (several to be white. I would talk to
mated. We are the ceil- girl with drugs and alcohol, is 52. Actor Malcolm-Ja- medications have FDA anyone who exhibited this Copyright 2021 by Amy
ing-​breakers. We are the establishing a relationship mal Warner is 51. Come- approval for treating alco- type of intrusive behavior Dickinson
celebration of culture and for the purpose of sexually dian Andy Samberg is 43. hol use disorder). to our playing regardless of
joy that will persevere abusing the preteen, the Actor Madelaine Petsch Sometimes ultima- race/ethnicity, in a pleas- Distributed by Tribune
after an embattled year. We suit claims. He also physi- is 27. tums (“Stop drinking or ant way. Content Agency


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10  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 ★★

The Saweetie Meal? It’s a complicated process

as buns. I tried some of
The latest from the hacks. My editor (who
McDonald’s creative, initially asked about said
sticky and sweet hacks, “wtf is this!!!!!!” and
“why have two sauces for
four nuggets??”) inquired
By Louisa Chu if I had time to get my nails
Chicago Tribune done beforehand, presum-
ably in the creative nail art
McDonald’s released its style of the music artist.
newest celebrity collab- I did not.
oration meal with music My editor suggested that
artist Saweetie on Monday. I listen to Saweetie while
The Saweetie Meal marks eating to see if I felt the
the first partnership by the synergy.
fast-food company with I did so, and did.
a woman in its signature As a food critic and
order series. The meal trained chef, I found the
series last featured Korean hacks, or remixes, as the
band BTS. artist calls them, impracti-
Saweetie debuted with cal yet insightful. Instead
the platinum-selling single of trying to drizzle the
“Icy Grl” in 2018. You may sauces, I dipped into them
have heard the American with fries and nuggets,
rapper’s hits “My Type” then placed the soaked
last year on TikTok, or pieces. They did nothing to
“Best Friend” as one of the improve the sticky, sweet
songs of this summer. flavors for me, but showed
The Saweetie Meal that the creative process is
includes a Big Mac burger, complicated and personal.
four chicken McNuggets, That message may be the
a medium-size order of unintended prize to the
french fries, a medium meal.
Sprite, plus barbecue and The Saweetie Meal with Big Mac, chicken McNuggets, french fries, Sprite plus barbecue and Saweetie ’n Sour sauces at Imagine if McDonald’s
sweet-and-sour dipping McDonald’s in Chicago. LOUISA CHU/CHICAGO TRIBUNE would’ve actually collab-
sauces, the latter relabeled orated with Saweetie.
as Saweetie ’n Sour. low neighborhood on the it’s their same sweet-and- and original sauces does Famous Orders lineup It’s infuriating since they
Price varies according to Northwest Side of the city, sour, just renamed. The not lie: high fructose corn featured Travis Scott, J could’ve drawn on her
location. it’s $11.19. packet I opened looked syrup. There’s supposed to Balvin and the aforemen- all-American, Black-Fil-
At the Global Menu The meal may be bagged different though, remark- be apricot or peach puree tioned BTS. ipina-Chinese culi-
headquarters restaurant in a branded Saweetie ably lighter in color with a in there somewhere, but What might be the nary culture. Yet again,
in the West Loop area of paper bag, with fries in textured puree. any trace of the coveted tiniest saving grace of a company with global
Chicago, the Saweetie Meal a branded box, or not Was this a small yet stone fruits has been the newest meal is not resources served up the
is priced at $9.99. At the depending on supplies, but delightful surprise from completely lost. the food, but the creativ- bare minimum to a public
location formerly known as how does it taste? the fast-food company? Of McDonald’s claims that ity that’s encouraged. that wants more.
the Rock ’n’ Roll McDon- The Saweetie ’n Sour course not. My first taste this is Saweetie’s favorite Promotional photos start Meanwhile, The
ald’s in River North, the sauce is the only edible revealed only sweet, no order, as with their previ- with fries in the burger Saweetie Meal is available
meal rings up at $11.79. element designed for this sour. The first ingredient ous celebrity collabora- progressing to sauce on at participating McDon-
At a franchise in a bunga- meal. McDonald’s states on the labels of the new tors. The other so-called the bun and burger patties ald’s until Sept. 5.

Here’s why red wine and tacos are the perfect pair
By Chasity Cooper think. sweet — pairs well with tacos filled with charred
Chicago Tribune When visiting your local everything from pizza and beef, barbecue chicken or
wine shop, ask for light- to burgers to spaghetti and sautéed mushrooms. $44.
If the day after Monday medium-bodied red wines. seafood. Shredded pork, Mariano’s, locations vary,
rolls around and cooking is Full-bodied wines, such as grilled chicken, shrimp and
a distant thought, chances a syrah, tannat or cabernet veggie tacos are all great
are there is a neighborhood sauvignon, might be over- options for this fun-loving
spot with cheap tacos and powering and leave your wine. $18. Foxtrot Market, 2020 Kumusha
drinks that can satiate any tongue with an unpleasant locations vary, foxtrotco. cabernet
craving. stinging sensation. com.
In recent years, tacos and Whether you’ve got an sauvignon-cinsault
margaritas have become
a culinary dynamic duo.
old-school ground beef
taco sprinkled with shred- 2018 J Vineyards blend
From themed day parties ded cheese or an elevated Russian River Made in South Africa
and happy hours to full- carnitas taco with cilantro by sommelier Tinashe
blown restaurant concepts, and onion wrapped in a Valley pinot noir Nyamudoka, this unique
these Mexican delicacies Tacos and wine from local shops like Foxtrot turn out to be a blue tortilla, here are three Because of its cool, blend of cabernet sauvi-
are loved and cherished by perfect pairing. JOE LINGEMAN/TNS red wines to consider pair- foggy weather, the Russian gnon and cinsault is burst-
Chicagoans. ing: River Valley is known for ing with red fruit flavors of
Perhaps it is the flawless to cut through smoki- and salsa enhancing the its delightful and elegant cherry, plum and straw-
alliteration that has made ness, fattiness or spiciness flavor. For lovers of spicy- expressions of pinot noir. berry. Ideal with slow-
tacos and tequila such a wrapped in a corn or flour hot foods like me, red wines Lini 910 While it would be assumed cooked meats, pairing this
marketable pair, but there tortilla. offer a nice balance of acid- Labrusca Rosso this pinot noir is light, this red blend with chicken,
remains room for improve- But red wine has the ity and fruit. wine’s high alcohol content pork or beef would be a
ment. The answer? Red depth to go up against the With scores of increas- Ask any wine lover, (14.3%) adds a little weight winning combination. $20.
wine. robust flavors of the best ingly creative tacos across novice or expert, and they and texture to the palate. All Together Now,
Margaritas are the tacos. I enjoy tacos where the Chicago area to choose will tell you with confi- With notes of black and red 2119 W. Chicago Ave.,
default drink of choice the meat (chicken, seafood, from, picking the perfect dence that lambrusco is fruit (cherry, blackberry
because they are light, carne asada) plays the lead wine for your favorite taco always a crowd favorite. Its and blueberry) and hints
refreshing and acidic — role, with simple accouter- may seem daunting, but resemblance to grape pop of spice and smoke, this Chasity Cooper is a free-
all qualities that can help ments like cilantro, onion it is easier than you might — fruity, fizzy and slightly wine would be ideal with lance writer.

from Page 8

course, al pastor ($1.50).

(Hot tip: Visit on Mondays
and the al pastor tacos are
According to co-owner
Gregorio Gomez Galicia,
the combination of the
two cuisines came about
because he and business
partner Lucy Kinsley
decided to open a restau-
rant together. “A person
told me that somebody was
selling this space,” Galicia
said. “(Kinsley) wanted to
partner up with me. She’s a Chef Iker Torres adjusts his fresh pineapple on a trompo of al
very good friend and busi- pastor at Asian Cuisine Express.
ness partner.”
Galicia realizes that it’s
sort of confusing to have Exterior of Asian Cuisine Express on 31st Street in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood.
Cuisine Express with tacos
on the menu, but he said topped with a spicy, creamy to the question of why one spot does open in Chicago,
the Little Village neighbor- salsa. The crispy fried fish would want tacos from a it has the sad habit of
hood has been supportive. taco ($2.99) was nearly as restaurant that has 95% of disappearing. Little Village
The tacos are extremely good. its menu dedicated to other favorite Taqueria Los
popular, and he also has a Currently, the menu cuisines. Barrilitos closed during the
catering business called draws hard lines between Chicago is blessed with pandemic, while, my other
Taquizas Los Primos, Mexican options and the some of the best Mexican go-to, Tacos Mario’s, shut
where he makes al pastor Asian menu. But I can’t be restaurants in the country, down its brick-and-mor-
for events. the only one who’d love to and al pastor is a common tar location in West Lawn
His marinade for the see what happened if the filling. But al pastor is not a few years ago, though its
pork includes typical al two started to blur together. one of our specialties. food truck still operates.
pastor ingredients like This combination has actu- Usually, that’s due to a lack Chicago, we can’t let
chiles, garlic, vinegar and ally existed for hundreds of a trompo. Griddled mari- the same fate befall Asian
pineapple juice, along of years, especially around nated pork can be tasty, Cuisine Express. I fell in
with one secret ingredi- communities like Mexicali but it never reaches that love with al pastor tacos Detail of the al pastor tacos at Asian Cuisine Express in
ent. I asked nicely, but he in northwest Mexico. You sublime balance of great while wandering around Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood.
wouldn’t budge. won’t find al pastor fried al pastor (remember: thin Mexico City, where every
In addition to the regular rice on the menu, but if and crispy, yet still juicy) street corner seems to have Asian Cuisine Prices: $1 to $2.99 for tacos;
menu, you’ll find a number
of taco specials scrawled
you ask very nicely, they’ll
make it happen ($10.95).
cooked on a trompo.
Even when there is a
a glistening red-tinted
trompo of al pastor with a
Express $9.95 to $17.95 for entrees
Noise: Mostly moderate,
on signs around the room. The result is a mountain of trompo, too often the meat dutiful chef standing guard, Address: 3823 W. 31st St. though loud when someone
Don’t pass them up. When stir-fried rice dotted with is cooked ahead of time, large knife in hand. Asian Phone: 773-847-4883 orders al pastor
I visited, the kitchen dished bright nuggets of juicy, and then warmed back up Cuisine Express is the clos- Open: Wednesday to Satur- Accessibility: Wheelchair
out a fantastic grilled crispy al pastor meat peek- on a griddle, which dries est Chicago has come to day, 3-9 p.m.; Saturday, noon accessible, bathroom on
shrimp taco ($2.99), featur- ing through. out the meat. replicating this form of al to 9 p.m.; Monday, 3-9 p.m.; same level.
ing plump grilled shrimp Of course, this all leads When a great al pastor pastor excellence. closed Tuesdays
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  11

from Page 8

it happens right in their

This type of magic makes
virtual shows tricky for
many Chicago magicians.
Many of the performers
rely heavily on that energy
gained from a live audi-
So, while many venues
like Magic Lounge have
been in a deep hibernation
or have pivoted to Zoom,
Aaron Rabkin’s Trickery
has been open for busi-
ness for months, reopen-
ing initially in July 2020
to a capacity crowd of only
10 people. Rabkin joked
that this was not the way
he expected to become the
best show in town.
“More than ever we
needed escapism and all
people had was Netflix,”
said Rabkin, Trickery’s
founder and central
performer. “There was
a joy in getting to be that
kind of experience for
people who were leaving
the house.”
For many venues,
reopening at only 25%
capacity wasn’t really
an option. For Trickery,
though, moving to an
audience of 10 people felt
perfect for Rabkin’s inti-
mate show. After Rabkin
opened last summer,
excitement around the Magicians perform inside Chicago Magic Lounge on Clark Street during its grand reopening on Aug. 5. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
show grew up through
October, before winter sent
many back inside.
Growing up in Los
Angeles, Rabkin spent
time working at that
city’s famed Magic Castle
before moving to Saratoga
Springs, New York, where
he worked as a magician,
altering his act from one
aimed at an upscale audi-
ence to one aimed at those
simply looking for enter-
tainment and a good night
After that upstate New
York stint didn’t work out
the way he wanted, Rabkin
moved to Chicago, where
he became fascinated
with the local storefront
theater scene. After decid-
ing to start his own theater,
Rabkin began Trickery Dennis Watkins does close-up magic for an audience at the Palmer House Hilton for “Magic Deven Brown, right, performs close-up magic at Chicago
performances in July 2017, Parlour.” KYLE FLUBACKER Magic Lounge. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
adding himself to a trend
that he had been seeing. was expecting. People, as performing in person at whatI do. But coming back and made the audience being in the room together
“Obviously it’s going to it turns out, weren’t simply the Palmer House, he joked to it, right before our first member who was choosing with people again. We all
have to now bounce back,” going to put themselves that it’s been an adjustment preview night on Wednes- the bags the magician.” feel like we’re navigating it
Rabkin said, “but back in in a situation where they for his 2-year-old son who day, I was a mess.” He also adapted part of together.”
2019 and the years leading would be uncomfortable. had grown accustomed But with his return, his performance where
up to it, it seemed like it “It’s certainly the most to his dad working from Watkins added a few new he reads an audience Chicago Magic Lounge is
was just this trend of magic fun it’s been as of late,” home. pieces to his show, includ- member’s mind, upping open daily at 5050 N. Clark
shows in Chicago and all said Rabkin, who added “My passion is that ing one that involves a the ante to involve three St. Audience members must
cities.” that performing now show for 44 people at a handful of paper bags, audience members instead be vaccinated and masks
Despite the excitement has reached a point of time at the Palmer House,” most empty except for of one. are recommended. Tickets
that had been building normalcy. Watkins said. “I thought one that has a nail stick- With the Magic Parlour and more information at
prior to the pandemic, Rabkin noted that it would be really difficult ing out of a piece of wood reopening at capacity last www.chicagomagiclounge.
Rabkin said he was initially there’s a certain exchange to have a show that was as — and one (lucky?) audi- week, Watkins pointed out com
nervous to restart perfor- of energy that happens interactive as the live show. ence member chooses just how much of a need
mances at his Northalsted during a magic perfor- That was the goal, but I which bag the magician the community aspect Trickery Chicago runs
venue. mance that can only was intimidated by that.” will slam his hand down of live entertainment is. Wednesdays to Sundays at
Part of Trickery’s iden- happen in real time. What works so well for on. The moment replaces Despite the virus still 3453 N. Halsted St. In ac-
tity is the fact that Rabkin It’s a thought that was Watkins in person became a similarly unnerving lingering, Chicago’s magi- cordance with current city
is both the main performer echoed by the Magic difficult to replicate online, moment in his show where cians as well as their audi- and state guidelines, no en-
and the most promi- Parlour’s Dennis Watkins, with his style of magic he previously would eat ences are finding ways to try requirements and masks
nent front-of-house face, who had to adjust his own working to put the audi- razorblades, a part of his escape and experience the are recommended. Tickets
who checks in audience show during the pandemic ence in the driver’s seat as performance that felt not childlike wonder of magic and more information at
members as they arrive. to accommodate virtual much as possible. quite right for a pandem- again.
He expected audience performances. After a year and a half ic-era show. “You can feel a real
members to be anxious Despite feeling like this away, Watkins admitted “It’s a piece that I had sense of apprehension and “The Magic Parlour” is
about returning to in type of performance was that he was feeling incred- played with in the past, excitement from people as Fridays and Saturdays at
person performances. out of his wheelhouse, ibly apprehensive and but I never really liked they’re stepping into the the Palmer House Hilton,
However, over the Watkins wound up doing anxious about returning it,” said Watkins of the world again and trying to 17 E. Monroe St. Audience
months, especially after he upward of 600 virtual to his Palmer House home nail in the bag segment. figure out how it works members must have proof
began welcoming audi- shows during the depths with an audience once “Then I rescripted it and and what the rules are and of vaccination or a negative
ences back at the beginning of the pandemic for audi- again right in front of him. re-engineered it and put what feels comfortable to COVID-19 test from the last
of this year and more and ences all over the world. “In the world before it in the virtual shows everybody,” Watkins said. 72 hours, and masks are
more people became vacci- He created a studio in his COVID, I was perform- and discovered that I had “We’re all just trying to required. Tickets and more
nated, he found that people basement to perform in. ing nearly 400 shows a found a frame for it that navigate that. But it’s one of information at www.the
weren’t as anxious as he As he has now returned to year,” Watkins said. “It’s put the audience in control the beautiful things about

Theaters Dance, Hell in a Hand-

bag, Her Story Theatre,
and Writers Theatre.
Where negative tests
including intermissions,
and houses will be seated
2 concert with Herbie
“Macbeth” from Sept. 17.
But not all Chicago
from Page 8 High Concept Labs, House are accepted, audience at full capacity. Lyric is also Across the coalition, theaters will be able to
Theatre of Chicago, Inter- members must provide introducing virtual streams specific venue require- open this fall, acknowl-
in Chicago. national Voices Project, the proof of a COVID-19 PCR of the season’s productions ments can be found on the edged League of Chicago
The coalition includes Joffrey Ballet, Lookingglass test within 72 hours of the for ticket holders as an organizations’ websites. Theatres executive director
16th Street Theater, A Red Theatre Company, Lyric performance start time, or a alternative to attending in Some of Chicago’s Deb Clapp.
Orchid Theatre, About Opera of Chicago, Marri- negative COVID-19 antigen person. nonprofit theaters have “The arts and cultural
Face Theatre, Aguijón ott Theatre, Midsommer test taken within 6 hours of The opera company already opened, includ- community is embedded in
Theatre, Albany Park Flight, the Neo Futurists, the performance start time. encourages the use of the ing the Goodman Theatre the fabric of Chicago. Not
Theatre Project, Ameri- the New Coordinates, This includes accommo- mobile app MyBindle, with “School Girls; Or, The all of the League’s more
can Blues Theater, Apollo Northlight Theatre, Oak dations for children under which stores photo ID and African Mean Girls Play.” than 200 member theaters
Theater Chicago, Arte- Park Festival Theatre, Oil 12 and people with medi- COVID-19 vaccination The dinner circus produc- will be able to open this
mesia Theatre, Artistic Lamp Theater, Old Town cal conditions or religious proof. Audience members tion Teatro ZinZanni has fall,” she said in the state-
Home, Aston Rep Theatre School of Folk Music, beliefs preventing them can also provide a photo ID reopened at the Cambria ment. “We are pleased
Company, Athenaeum Paramount Theatre, Piven from being vaccinated. and valid vaccine record for Hotel in the Loop. Both that many members of
Theatre, Auditorium Theatre Workshop, Pivot In addition, Lyric Opera entry. productions currently our vibrant performing
Theatre, Babes with Blades, Arts, Playmakers Labo- of Chicago made a separate The Chicago Symphony require all patrons to be arts community that will
Black Button Eyes Produc- ratory, Porchlight Music announcement Tuesday Orchestra Association also vaccinated, allowing nega- be opening have come
tions, Bluebird Arts, Bright- Theatre, Pridearts, Promet- morning that the Lyric made a separate announce- tive COVID-19 tests for together to craft a unified
side Theatre, Broadway in hean Theatre Ensemble, would require proof of full ment, updating health specific exceptions includ- response to this crisis so
Chicago, Chicago Danz- Raven Theatre, Red Tape vaccination for all audi- protocols for Symphony ing medical conditions and that audiences can once
theatre Ensemble, Chicago Theatre, Rivendell Theatre ence members, and that Center. Audience members religious beliefs. again experience the joy of
Humanities Festival, Ensemble, Saint Sebastian masks would be required in must have proof of vaccina- The first big touring live performance without
the Chicago Latino Theater Players, Saltbox Theatre the opera house. Accord- tion or a negative COVID- musical hosted by Broad- future disruption.”
Alliance (CLATA), Chicago Collective, Second City, ing to the announcement, 19 test and will be required way in Chicago is slated The announcements
Magic Lounge, Chicago Shattered Globe Theatre, children under the age of to wear masks. to be “Rent” at the CIBC follow others in the arts
Shakespeare Theater, Skokie Theatre, Stage 12 who are not currently In the announcement, Theatre Oct. 5-10. and performing arts indus-
Chicago Symphony Left Theatre, Steppen- eligible for vaccination the CSOA also said that At Lyric Opera, “Sunday tries. Concert promoter
Orchestra Association, wolf Theatre Company, presently will not be admit- tickets for fall and holiday in the Park with Lyric’s Live Nation confirmed
Chicago Youth Shake- Theatre Wit, Three Broth- ted to performances. Those programming would go Rising Stars” will be an recently it will require
speare, Court Theatre, ers Theatre, Timeline who have purchased chil- on sale 10 a.m. Aug. 19. Fall outdoor production at the vaccinations or recent
First Floor Theatre, First Theatre Company, Urban- dren’s tickets for the season programming begins with end of August in Millen- COVID-19 tests for entry to
Folio Theater, Goodman Theater Company, Victory may exchange them or music director Riccardo nium Park. The season all of its shows and venues.
Theatre, Greenhouse Gardens Theater, Wild- get a refund. Lyric’s main Muti leading the Chicago opener on its main stage
Theatre Center, Harris Claw Theatre, Williams stage productions will be Symphony Orchestra in the Civic Opera House dgeorge@chicagotribune.
Theater for Music and Street Repertory Theatre performed at full-length, Sept. 23, as well as a Sept. will be Giuseppe Verdi’s com
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

‘Lost Leonardo’ unpeels mysteries of painting

But film refuses to have a lost painting, we also
have lost the truth some-
pick side in disputes how.”
over Salvator Mundi Koefoed, a veteran docu-
mentary filmmaker, has no
By Jake Coyle fine arts background and
Associated Press was only drawn into the
story of the Salvator Mundi
We’re accustomed to after its headline-making
movies — usually adven- auction. He and cinema-
tures, like “Indiana Jones” tographer Adam Jandrup
— with lines that traverse shot many of the subjects
the globe and pinball head-on, as if they’re sitting
between global capitals, for a portrait, and lit them
showing us where our a little like a Renaissance
characters are traveling. painting. The movie refuses
“The Lost Leonardo,” a to take sides in the still
documentary about the simmering disputes over
rediscovery of a Leonardo the Salvator Mundi.
da Vinci painting, begins “I decided to remain
with such a line. But its open to both possibilities,”
international stops, chron- says Koefoed. “I think it’s
icling the painting’s sales, more interesting to let the
are baffling leaps. viewer become their own
„„New Orleans, 2005: detective in the story.”
$1,175. The National Gallery,
„„London and Geneva, the Louvre and Christie’s
2013. $83 million, then declined to participate. But
$127 million. of the many players that
„„Saudi Arabia, 2017. did, none has a role like
$450 million. Modestini. Her experi-
Such is the winding ence with the painting and
journey of the Salvator its contested reputation is
Mundi, a painting of Jesus rendered intimately. She
Christ attributed to Leon- Dianne Modestini and Ashok Roy inspect a copy of the Salvator Mundi in “The Lost Leonardo.” SONY PICTURES CLASSICS has only praise for Koefoed
ardo da Vinci that has been and his film, but debates
enveloped in mystery and cocktail together.” “It’s not just a paint- and schemes by people most unregulated market over the Salvator Mundi
intrigue ever since it was The painting in 2017 ing. It’s more than that,” that may not mean to be after drugs and prostitu- that Modestini no longer
first acquired, restored obliterated art-sale records. Dianne Dwyer Modestini flim-flamming, but in the tion. Even once the Salva- has energy for.
and celebrated as a lost But it was first acquired, says. “It’s an object infused end, they all went along for tor Mundi was auctioned “I don’t really care. I
original of the Renaissance like a far-fetched episode of with power. That sounds a the ride.” by Christie’s, the winning know what I know about
master. “The Lost Leon- “Antiques Roadshow,” at a little weird and corny, but In “Lost Leonardo,” bidder of $450 million the painting, and it seems
ardo,” which Sony Pictures Louisiana estate sale. While I believe that. When I was it’s a ride through an art was unknown. Only later to me a no-brainer to me,
Classics recently released browsing, a pair of New working on it, I had this world peopled by colorful did reports leak out that the attribution. If people
in theaters, engrossingly York art dealers believed it experience of feeling my characters and eccentric the ruler of Saudi Arabia, have other ideas, that’s fine.
frames the unlikely saga worth buying to get a better husband was right by my billionaires. The paint- Crown Prince Mohammed But I really would like to
like an international thriller look. They brought it to one side the whole time. And I ing was first sold to Swiss bin Salman, was behind the get on with my life. It’s been
as opaque as any John Le of the field’s top conserva- couldn’t have done it with- businessman Yves Bouvier, purchase. so consumed by this. I will
Carre novel. tors, Dianne Dwyer Modes- out him.” who expanded the use The Salvator Mundi was never make another film,”
To its director, the tini, who carefully removed Many art historians and of freeports as tax-free later expected to be shown Modestini says. “This is it
Danish filmmaker Andreas the heavy overpainting institutions — like London’s stations for high-priced at the Louvre, but was ulti- for me.”
Koefoed, it’s also a kind of that coated it and mended National Gallery, which goods, like artwork. He mately absent from a major The painting, though,
dark fairy tale, complete other mistreatments from exhibited the painting in paid $83 million but he was exhibition reportedly due still looms large in her
with a prince and a lost the intervening centu- 2011 — have arrived at the really acting on behalf of to the museum’s refusal to mind. Its power, she says,
treasure. Above all, ries. Gradually she and same attribution. (Modes- Russian oligarch Dmitry exhibit it, as Mohammed is only really conveyed in
perhaps, it’s a portrait of an others began to think the tini created a website with Rybolovlev, whom Bouvier requested, alongside the person. The effect can’t be
art world where master- painting wasn’t the work technical details on her immediately flipped Mona Lisa. Since 2017, the photographed. It can’t be
works can serve as global of a Leonardo pupil, as findings.) But not everyone it to for $127.5 million. painting hasn’t been seen reproduced.
capital. once suspected, but of the agrees with her conclu- (A high-profile lawsuit publicly. “It just emanates this
“You have this master, himself. sions. In the film, art critic resulted when Rybolovlev “It proves a point of the extraordinary sense of
romantic idea of art as Modestini’s bond with Kenny Schachter jokes learned of Bouvier’s negoti- story that the truth is some- something totally beyond
something pure and a beau- the painting was especially that it’s a “contemporary ating tactics.) how lost in all this,” says human understanding,”
tiful expression of human strong. She worked on it painting” for how heav- In the art market as Koefoed. “There’s so much Modestini says. “It’s a trag-
beings through history, and for three years following ily it was restored. The seen in “Lost Leonardo,” at stake, so many power edy that it was so abused,”
then it meets this very cyni- the death of her husband, art critic Jerry Saltz calls it’s seldom clear who’s interests, so many money she adds, before reflecting
cal, capitalistic world,” says Italian conservator and art it “no more real than any buying and who’s sell- interests that the truth on it being out of sight. “It’s
Koefoed. “It’s an explosive buyer Mario Modestini. of the dreamed-up scams ing. One person calls it the disappears. Not only do we a continuing tragedy.”

Drama runs deeper than money on ‘Challenge’

MTV reality show’s
500th episode to
air in 37th season
By Michael Ordoña
Los Angeles Times

Do you like competition?

Amazing stunts? Nasty
scheming, drunken indis-
cretions and long-term
character development
most professional writers
couldn’t dream of conjur-
ing? If you answered “yes,”
it might be time to step up
to “The Challenge.”
MTV’s highest-rated
program, the reality
competition series, which
debuted in 1998 as a cross-
over between “The Real
World” and “Road Rules,”
has entered its 37th season;
its 500th episode will air
during “The Challenge: MTV’s highest-rated program, “The Challenge” distinguishes itself from its competitors through long-running character development. ARCHIBALD VIENOT/MTV
Spies, Lies and Allies,”
which recently kicked off. Devin Walker-Molaghan, the series for being ahead going after (castmate) Challenge” devote time Brown kept private that
The show has shot in 27 another dependably hilar- of the curve. “This show Adam (King) in a onesie. I to interpersonal drama, her cancer had recurred
countries, and this season’s ious interview, is an IT is awesome because it’s a was like, ‘That’s the scar- competitive politicking, as she began filming
competitors represent 10 guy trying to prove brains smorgasbord of people of iest human alive,’ ” says daily challenges and her eighth season; she
nations. can eventually overcome color,” she told Hollywood BMX star and musician T.J. climactic head-to-head collapsed on set and died a
Of all its qualities — brawn. The physically and Life in December. “I’d Lavin, who has hosted 29 eliminations — and at few months later. She was
imaginative stunts super- mentally tough Kaycee never seen anything like it. seasons of the series and its times the focus on playing 34.
vised by the coordinator Clark played tackle football It was full-on representa- spinoffs. a “scared game” to dodge “Diem spent some of
behind “Mad Max: Fury for the San Diego Surge; tion. We talked about a lot Over the years, however, elimination can become her last weeks with us,
Road” and “The Suicide pot-stirrer Amanda Garcia of important things, and Tamburello has matured tiresome. very close to her passing,”
Squad”; gorgeous people seems to have embraced I was happy to be part of before our eyes. His But none of those power Harkin said. “She wanted
falling in love (or lust); her nickname “Spawn of that.” ill-fated love affair with moves and own goals can to be with us, doing what
idiotic, inebriated conflicts Satan.” And Cory Whar- Then there’s Chris “CT” contestant Diem Brown, match the real-life drama she had loved for so long,
— one sets “The Challenge” ton, who in the past glee- Tamburello. As Harkin says who was diagnosed with to which the series some- with the people that she
apart from other entries in fully accepted the crown of of perhaps the best-known ovarian cancer in her 20s, times bears witness. The loved the most.”
the genre: the “Boyhood”- “Challenge” hookup king, returning player, “CT is the visibly changed him. Now winding tale of Tamburello Although Brown’s story
like phenomenon of watch- now appears to have settled famous bad boy. We’ve seen in his 40s, he’s calmer, and Brown, captured by is unique in the series’s
ing people change over down with controversial him in every bad situation: funnier. He’s a father who MTV in a moving compila- annals, Harkin notes that
time. reality star Taylor Selfridge. all of the highs, the lows. To went from Greek god to tion video, is Exhibit A. major life changes are
Clips of the stunts and Aneesa Ferreira is see the renaissance of his “dad bod” (his words) “That’s the heaviest story commonplace: Challengers
fights on “The Challenge” the show’s elder states- character, see him evolve yet remains a dangerous in ‘Challenge’ history,” says have explored their sexual
amass millions of views, but woman, and while she’s not into who he is today and competitor, a four-time Lavin. orientation on the show,
the relationship viewers expected to beat out the be one of the most-loved champion constantly In one indelible scene like Ferreira. Some have
forge with veteran compet- younger competition, one reality stars of all time is revealing new sides. He early in her “Challenge” gone through marriages
itors — some have appeared of the showrunners, Emer something.” has gone from the gamma-​ career, Brown, who had and divorces.
on more than 15 seasons Harkin, describes Ferreira Tamburello debuted on irradiated bull in the China recently been through “We’re really going
— is what gives it unex- as among the series’s most MTV’s “The Real World: shop to the jovial, even chemotherapy, had to through life and death
pected depth. Some have thoughtful players. Paris” (2003) as a charm- cuddly figure castmates call remove her wig for a with these people,” says
gone from callow, arrogant And as a bisexual woman ing Boston bruiser with a “teddy bear.” muddy, water-based race. Harkin. Thinking of the
20-somethings to centered of color on a popular reality a penchant for disturb- “The complexity of these “It was just after her journeys of the show and
parents while still compet- series, Ferreira has herself ing drunken brawls. After characters, it’s real,” says treatment, and her hair the grueling finals, she says,
ing at high levels. Some, been both an advocate for joining “The Challenge” Harkin. “You can’t contrive was just growing back, and “T.J. and I will stand at the
of course, never seem to and an emblem of more in 2004, he cemented that that for such a long period. she looked so beautiful. finish line; they’ve accom-
change. diverse representation reputation, especially in You can relate to that, when And she took it off. And she plished something that’s
This season brings back on other shows like “The one Hulk-like rage in which somebody’s going through started to embrace what really remarkable. And
a number of old hands. Challenge.” While she has his bloodlust couldn’t be a really rough time, when she was going through,” you’ll always hear,” — in the
English roue Kyle Christie been open about the pres- restrained by numerous you’re madly in love, when said Harkin. “What a panting relief of a finisher
hasn’t won a title but is the sure that comes with that bulked-up castmates. you’re at your lowest low.” moment. What a woman. — “ ‘This is the best game in
sound-bite gold medalist. role, she has also praised “He was like a big gorilla Episodes of “The She was just amazing.” the world.’ ”
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  13

through various emotional barriers with the
hope of authentically changing their lives for
the better. MOVIES
to watch Beat Shazam
FOX, 8 p.m.
A mother and daughter, middle school

WEDNESDAY teachers, and an aunt and nephew battle to a

surprising final elimination and an even more
unbelievable endgame in the new episode
Aug. 18, 2021 “Our Most Shocking Show Ever!”
All times Central. Start times can vary based
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on Family Game Fight!
your on-screen guide. NBC, 8 p.m. ‘The Parent Trap’
In “The Strutner Family vs. the Caropino DISNEY
Growing Up Animal Family,” hosts Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Enemy of the State (1998,
Disney+  New Series are “adopted” into a family of four to compete Suspense) Will Smith, Gene
This six-episode series from National in a series of fun-filled and larger-than-life Hackman AMC 5 p.m.
Geographic features heartwarming stories that games. The competing families play Pie
follow the development of baby animals on Rollers, Nosy Neighbors, Taste Buds, Deep Dish Her Pen Pal (2021, Romance)
their journey from the safety of the womb to Dash and Brain Freeze. The winning family Mallory Jansen, Joshua Sasse
the challenges of the wild. moves on to play Spin Cycle for a chance to Hallmark, 5 p.m.
‘House Calls With Dr. Phil’ win $100,000. Killer Grandma (2018, Suspense)
Press Your Luck Kelly Sullivan, Nana Visitor LMN,
ABC, 7 p.m.
I Survived a Serial Killer 5 p.m.
In “Whammageddon!” host Elizabeth Banks as we explore humankind’s growing impact A&E, 8:30 p.m.  New Series
on the Earth’s surface. Humankind is now the Tyler Perry’s the Family That
is joined by contestants Keyla Ragland Each episode documents the harrowing, heroic Preys (2008, Drama) Kathy Bates,
(hometown: Severn, California), Dulce Gomez dominant factor in changes to the surface and stories of one or more survivors of the same
ecosystems. Discover the severe consequences Alfre Woodard BET, 5 p.m.
(Newport Beach, California), and Craig serial killer. Told from the survivors’ point of
Kuykendall (Redondo Beach, California). industrial farming, cities and roads have had view, the series highlights the strength and Fences (2016, Drama) Denzel
on our planet over the millennia, and what’s perseverance of regular people encountering Washington, Viola Davis
MasterChef: Legends being done to alter the effects of human and overcoming pure evil. Interviews with Showtime, 5:30 p.m.
FOX, 7 p.m. habitation. those closest to the cases will round out the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
In “Cook for Your Legend,” the home cooks stories of these unimaginable crimes. Over (2018, Adventure) Chris Pratt,
whip up a dish for their own personal legends. The $100,000 Pyramid the 12-episode series, viewers will hear from Bryce Dallas Howard FX, 6 p.m.
(Dig in, Mom!) ABC, 8 p.m. survivors of killers including Andrew Urdiales,
In this new episode, Ginger Zee faces off Richard Beasley (aka the Craigslist Killer), Midway to Love (2019, Romance)
America’s Got Talent against actress Dascha Polanco followed by Angel Resendiz (aka the Railroad Killer) and Rachel Hendrix, Daniel Stine
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries,
NBC, 7 p.m. Dorinda Medley and Sonja Morgan. David Parker Ray (aka the Toy Box Killer).
6 p.m.
In “Quarterfinals Results 2,” find out who
among last night’s contestants advanced in the House Calls With Dr. Phil The FBI Declassified The Parent Trap (1998, Children)
talent-competition series. CBS, 8 p.m.  New Series CBS, 9 p.m. Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid
Dr. Phil McGraw travels across the country New episodes! Agents and analysts from the Freeform, 6 p.m.
Age of Humans visiting families in need of his help. Using his Federal Bureau of Investigation talk through Tyler Perry’s Boo 2! A Madea
Smithsonian Channel, 7 p.m. unique, proven techniques, McGraw will work their most taxing cases, taking viewers behind Halloween (2017, Comedy) Tyler
In “Earth,” take a visually stunning world tour with each family as they attempt to work the scenes of big wins. Perry, Diamond White E! 6:30 p.m.
Deranged Granny (2020,

CATCH A CLASSIC birthday (he was born Charles Robert Redford

Jr. on Aug. 18, 1936). The lineup celebrating
the blond-haired birthday boy begins with
Suspense) Wendie Malick, Amanda
Righetti LMN, 7 p.m.
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart
Summer Under the Stars: his second feature film, the 1962 drama War
(2021, Romance) Italia Ricci, Ryan
Hunt, and continues with A Bridge Too Far
Robert Redford (1977), Inside Daisy Clover (1965, Golden
Paevey Hallmark, 7 p.m.
TCM, beginning at 5 a.m. Globe winner for Most Promising Newcomer Fast & Furious (2009, Action) Vin
Amazingly, this month marks the first time — Male), The Candidate (1972), The Way Diesel, Paul Walker SYFY, 7 p.m.
quintessential movie star Robert Redford has We Were (1973), The Natural (1984), Out of
been spotlighted with his own day of films Africa (pictured) (1985), Butch Cassidy and
during Turner Classic Movies’ Summer Under the Sundance Kid (1969), The Last Castle
the Stars event. Fittingly, it airs on his 85th (2001) and The Chase (1966). EVERETT COLLECTION From the editors of
TV Weekly and

Nicks documentary captures
interrupted school year on film
By Jake Coyle
Associated Press

Oakland filmmaker
Peter Nicks had already
made two well-regarded
documentaries capturing
the flawed institutions of
his city and their role in
shaping local lives: 2012’s
“The Waiting Room,”
about a public hospital,
and 2017’s “The Force,”
about the Oakland Police
Department during a wave
of shootings and protests.
To complete his Oakland
trilogy, Nicks turned to
Oakland High, a public
school with a diverse “Homeroom” follows a class of Oakland High students. HULU
student body of mostly
Asian American, Black were there and what we are we going to possibly
and Latino children. His were trying to capture. finish this movie? Are we
teenage daughter, Karina, Having those two things going to do it over Zoom?
had been going through a coexist simultaneously That was a shock, but it
difficult time. In making a was just something I had forced us to look at what
movie about the hardships to get used to,” said Nicks. we had captured.”
of growing up as a teen- “The one thing I do carry Nicks and his crew
ager of color in Oakland, and hold very dearly is that discovered a rich thread. By Jacqueline E. Mathews. © 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
he was, in a way, making a this is a film that honors Since the beginning of the
movie about her. her spirit. She was really school year, some students ACROSS 46 Landing __; Solutions
“A lot of films have like these kids in the film. had been working to have 1 Slice runway
explored the inner-city In whatever way she’s police removed from the 4 Uptight 49 Weak
high school experience. doing it, she’s been push- school campus. Their 9 Slightly cracked 51 Adriatic or
13 Not bananas Yellow
I was more interested in ing us along because it’s a presence, they argued, was
14 Trojan War epic 54 Court record
something akin to ‘The miracle the film ever got an impediment to a good
15 “Rio __”; John 56 One not to be
Breakfast Club’ but for kids finished.” learning environment, and Wayne film trusted
of color,” Nicks said. “A lot Yet “Homeroom” got potentially triggering to 16 Getting on in 57 Sty cry
of that was driven not just made, through personal those who lived with the years 58 Common
to complete the trilogy, but tragedy and pandemic. threat of police brutality. 17 Sounds familiar greeting
we had really been strug- The movie, now available Nicks dug into the 19 Carter or 59 Formerly
gling with our daughter, on Hulu, won an edit- footage that had once Clinton: abbr. 60 Cookware
and we’re a family with ing prize at the Sundance seemed a more minor 20 Partners 61 Do-nothing
resources. Navigating Film Festival and is exec- plot line. When many of 21 Wild brawl 62 Word of disgust
the mental health system utive produced by “Black the students took to the 22 1 of 7 deadly sins
was very difficult, and I Panther” filmmaker Ryan protests that followed the 24 Backyard pond DOWN
started thinking: What’s Coogler. It follows a class police murder of George fish 1 Parakeet’s home
it like for families without of students through a Floyd, “Homeroom” 25 Castle 2 Not working
resources?” school year that, for a became a portrait of 2020 27 Trusted adviser 3 Senator Cruz
Just as Nicks was begin- while, bears no sign of the in microcosm: A year inter- 30 Take the honey 4 Angry speech 25 Vet’s patients 42 Beverages
ning filming in September cataclysm to come. Figur- rupted, then a galvanizing and run 5 Chosen few 26 Lanai greeting 43 Beau
2019, Karina died suddenly ing he had some time, sense of purpose. 31 Sound of a fire 6 Evening hour 27 Destination of 45 Red __; Rhode
at age 16. He decided to Nicks was just narrow- Most of the students bell 7 Hangs limply NASA’s Viking 1 Island’s state
keep going with the film, ing down to the kids that as seen in “Homeroom” 33 Compadre 8 O’Neill & 28 Persecuting tree
even though that meant would be the film’s central aren’t headed to Ivy 35 Gifts for children Sheeran 29 Less common 46 Traffic sign
immersing himself in characters when the League colleges, and their 36 Capital city 9 Even though 31 Ripken Sr. & 47 Small ensemble
the lives of kids a lot like pandemic hit the Bay Area. intelligence isn’t likely to 37 Lively 10 Biblical book Ripken Jr. 48 Make a scene
his daughter. The movie, “I had the name picked register chart-topping SAT 38 “Ain’t __ Sweet” 11 Capable 32 Recline 49 Pebbles’ pop
“Homeroom,” is dedicated out years ago. The fact that scores. But by patiently 39 Shoe parts 12 Acting part 34 Harp of old 50 Small brook
to her. the kids ended up in home observing them, “Home- 40 Less furnished 13 Melancholy 36 Curtain puller 52 Every
“It was hard. The at the end was kind of room” shows the smarts, 41 Deadly snakes 18 In the midst of 37 Build up a nest 53 “__ you kidding
essence of it is holding serendipitous,” Nicks said social-media savvy and 43 Harsh 20 Rodents egg me?”
your grief and holding of “Homeroom.” “Shortly strength of a multiracial 44 Scarlet 23 Knocks 39 Oozes out 55 Fraternity letter
the beauty that these kids after that it was like: What generation in the midst of 45 Stubborn 24 Game similar to 40 Actress 56 __ Diamond
represented and why we are we going to do? How finding its voice. animals lotto Catherine Phillips
14  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Horoscopes Dilbert By Scott Adams

Today’s birthday (Aug. 18): Link arms

with your partner this year. Share the load
faithfully to grow. Community connection
touches your heart this summer, before
changes with your industry require autumn
adaptation. Enjoying delicious moments
with beloved people this winter inspires a professional blos-
soming next spring. Lead with your heart.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today is a 9. Take care of business.
It may take a mess to get the job done. Words and actions get
results now. Keep the balls in motion.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): 8. Explore opportunities. Avoid
expensive or difficult options. Use your own good judgment.
Connect with the world outside. Participate in a larger con- Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
Gemini (May 21-June 20): 9. Discuss shared finances with your
partner. Avoid risky business. Draw upon hidden resources.
Balance accounts and work out the details. Share the load.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): 9. Work together to refine the plan.
Talk about how you want things to be, and get into action.
Make notes and sketches. Results satisfy.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 8. Physical action gets results. Work
with trusted doctors and coaches. Practice your moves and
pick up the pace. Communicate to refine and adjust.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 7. Romance could spark, but it may
not look like your fantasy. Relax and have fun. Avoid risk,
expectations or expense. Keep things simple.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 7. Home renovations start with a
mess. It’s amazing the difference a coat of paint can make. Zits By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
Coordinate family support and feed all helpers.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8. Get into an intellectual puzzle.
Research, dig and sort out potential solutions. Monitor a
larger conversation with talented experts.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 9. Monitor finances. Find
ways to conserve resources. Defer gratification, if necessary.
Restraint serves you well. Do the work behind the scenes for
rising income.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 8. Take charge for the results
you want. Dress for success. Love energizes you. Reduce
tension and stress with yoga, meditation or music.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 8. You can get especially pro-
ductive behind closed doors. Reduce public interactions,
noise and distraction. Complete old projects and prepare for
what’s next. Rest and recharge. Mr. Boffo By Joe Martin
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): 8. Teamwork gets satisfying re-
sults. It could get messy. Push to advance a shared cause and
worry about cleanup later. An exciting opportunity beckons.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn

Frazz By Jef Mallett

Bliss By Harry Bliss Classic Peanuts By Charles Schulz

Pickles By Brian Crane

North-South vulnerable, East deals
♠ 10 9 5 4 3 Dick Tracy By Joe Staton and Mike Curtis
♦ K4
West ♣ A J 10 9 8 East
♠ AJ ♠ K6
♥ 42 ♥ Q J 10 8 5 3
♦ A 10 8 7 6 5 3 ♦ J9
♣76 South ♣Q32
♠ Q872
♥ K976
♦ Q2
West was just fooling around with his two-spade
bid, hoping to muddy the waters for his opponents. The
opponents, however, were Italian World Champions
Lorenzo Lauria and Alfredo Versace, who had smelled this
Animal Crackers By Mike Osbun
rat before.
Lauria, North, could not be sure that West was being
devious, but he
The bidding: doubled to show his
spades just in case. He
East South West North was willing to take his
2♥ Pass 2♠ Dbl chances on defense
Pass 3♥ Pass 4♥ if necessary. Versace,
Pass 4♠ All pass
South, cue bid to show
a spade fit with at least
Opening lead: Four of ♥ invitational values.
North cue bid his heart
control in case South had grander ideas than just game.
South did not, and North-South settled in the spade game.
Versace won the opening heart lead in dummy and went
after trumps right away. He ran the 10 of spades to West’s
jack. West shifted to the ace of diamonds and then led Prickly City By Scott Stantis
another diamond. A second spade crashed the king and ace
and put West back on lead. West reverted to hearts, which
Versace won in hand and ruffed a heart in dummy. Versace
inferred from East’s play in diamonds, the jack followed by
the nine, that East started with only two diamonds. This
made his initial distribution 2-6-2-3. East was therefore the
three-to-two favorite to hold the queen of clubs. Versace
finessed East for the queen and brought home his contract.
Note that West could have defeated the contract by
leading the ace of diamonds originally, and then another
diamond. He would then have been able to give partner a dia-
mond ruff with the king of spades to take three trump tricks.

— Bob Jones
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  15

Dustin By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker

Sudoku 8/18

For Better or for Worse By Lynn Johnston

Complete the grid

so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box in
bold borders contains
Blondie By Dean Young and John Marshall every digit 1 to 9.

By The Mepham Group
© 2021. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency,
LLC. All rights reserved.

Unscramble the four Jumbles, one letter per square, to
form four words. Then arrange the circled letters to form
the surprise answer, as suggested by this cartoon.
Hägar the Horrible By Chris Browne

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Answer here

Tuesday’s answers

By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
All rights reserved.

WuMo By Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler Crossword 8/18

Sherman’s Lagoon By Jim Toomey

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! By Tim Rickard

Across 46 Kalamazoo-to- 18 Hold (onto)

1 Inferior in quality Cincinnati dir. 21 Part of 46-Across
6 Temple mascot Hooter 47 Only even prime 22 Dover and Edwards,
T. __ number e.g., briefly
Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers 9 Edsel and “Ishtar,” e.g. 48 Ka __: southernmost 23 “Pass the __”
14 Gossipy Hopper Big Island point 24 __ kick: tricky football
15 Month in printemps 49 “Black-ish” network ploy
16 “Chicago” showgirl 52 Weaken 29 Asti product
17 Singing the praises of 54 Pax __ 30 Used up
19 “Tiny Alice” dramatist 57 Megahits, and what 32 Order to go
20 Longtime game show the interior letters of 34 Wings with rooms
that features stunts 20-, 33- and 43-Across 35 Tightly connected
and a time limit effectively are? 36 Hearty entrée
22 State as fact 61 Sported 37 It’s not a bear
25 Parlor art, briefly 62 Didn’t stop behind in 41 Classic name in shoes
26 Horror film director time 42 Maker of BILLY
Craven 66 Muscat native bookcases
27 Website help sect. 67 Managed 44 “MacArthur Park”
Trivia Bits Jumble Crossword 28 Résumés, for short 68 Corpulent songwriter Jimmy
31 Family nickname 69 Router button 45 More angry
Founded in 1929 33 High-quality 70 Texter’s “Yikes!” 49 Detest
and still active investment 71 Bit of hardware 50 Fault
today, the Nine- 38 Quiet 51 Musical endings
ty-Nines is an 39 __ pay Down 53 Grand Canyon animal
organization of 40 Wynonna’s mother 1 Michael of “SNL” 55 Thins, for instance
women in what 43 Lose it 2 Spell 56 Rachel Maddow’s
field? 3 Summer hrs. at network
A) Aviation Tuesday’s solution Augusta National 58 Volcano apex
B) Farming 4 Acrobat maker 59 Ore source
C) Medicine 5 Not as tanned 60 Strong taste
D) Politics 6 Forget about 63 __ Spiegel
Tuesday’s 7 Crave, e.g. 64 Legal conclusion?
answer: Horror 8 Tenth word of the 65 Morning moisture
film icon Boris National Anthem
Karloff narrated 9 Elementary math
the 1966 animat-
ed TV special, 10 Lounge around Want more
“How the Grinch 11 U-shaped river bend
12 King or queen,
Stole Christmas!” By Jerry Edelstein. Edited by Rich Go to chicagotribune
© 2021 Leslie Elman. Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis. perhaps
Dist. by By David L. Hoyt. © 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 13 Goes after .com/games
16  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021


An extra array of word games, search and Jumble. Want more? Play online at Scan QR code to play online.


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3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every
digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku,

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INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking
B U P H letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words
on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box
W O I S once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare
G O K E word finds, crossing out common words.




3 letters = 1 point 1151+ = Champ
4 letters = 2 points 101-150 = Expert
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 5 letters = 3 points 61 - 100 = Pro
6 letters = 4 points 31 - 60 = Gamer
7 letters = 6 points 21 - 30 = Rookie

8 letters = 10 points 11 - 20 = Amateur
9+ letters = 15 points 0 - 10 = Try again

Boggle BrainBusters Bonus


We put special brain-busting words into the grid
of letters. Can you find them?


FRUITS in the grid of letters.

M L A C ________________________
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Answers to Monday’s Boggle BrainBusters:

Answers to Tuesday s Boggle BrainBusters:

by Jacqueline E. Mathews THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,

one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

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Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.

class because he had — TWO LEFT FEET

Answer: The clumsy horse didn’t do well at the dance

ACROSS 42 Sushi bar dish ARROW WORDS

1 Role on “How I Met Your Mother” 43 “The __ Escape”; Steve
4 “Dancing with the __” McQueen movie Fill in the grid using the clues provided in the direction of the arrows. When complete, unscramble
9 “The __ News Bears” 47 Animated film about a macaw
12 MacGraw or Larter 48 180 from WNW the letters in the circles to reveal a mystery word.
13 __ four; dainty iced pastry 49 Sharp, as a pain
14 Baseball stat. 50 “A Nightmare on __ Street”;
15 Monogram for writer Alcott Johnny Depp movie
16 Actress __ Massey 51 Floral wire delivery service
17 “Days of __ Lives” 52 More uncommon
18 “Late Night with __ O’Brien” 53 John of “Touched by an Angel”
20 Loop at the end of a lasso
22 Actress on “How to Live with DOWN
Your Parents (For the Rest of 1 Powder, for short
Your Life)” 2 Red Muppet and his namesakes
26 Hawaiian greeting 3 Ross or Rigg
27 __ Moines, Iowa 4 “This Is __ Tap”; Rob Reiner film
28 Big __; trucker’s truck 5 __ Aviv, Israel
29 Maya Rudolph’s role on “Up All 6 From __ Z; the whole gamut
Night” 7 “The Adventures of __ Tin Tin”
32 “The Cat in the Hat” author 8 Actress Katic of “Castle”
35 __ Smith; actress on “NCIS: Los 9 Actress Shields
Angeles” 10 Mistreats
39 “You Don’t __ Me Flowers”; Neil 11 Urgent
Diamond/Barbra Streisand song 19 Former coach Parseghian
40 Sandler and Wylie 21 “The New Adventures of __
Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle
23 Trigger or Mister Ed
24 “Sorry about that, __”; line from
Maxwell Smart on “Get Smart”
25 The __; large Dutch city
29 Capture and take into custody
30 Covered; hidden
31 Sothern or Jillian
33 Christian or Helen
34 Actor __ Caesar
36 Samantha __
37 Gave a hoot
38 Procter of “CSI: Miami”
39 Red meat
41 “__ Like It Hot”
44 TV brand
45 Spain’s continent: abbr.
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 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  1

CHICAGO SPORTS Chicago’s best sports section, as judged by the Associated Press Sports Editors

Offensive lineman Teven Jenkins (76) is the Bears’ top injury concern heading into the second preseason game. The rest of the top 10 concerns are (below, left to right, top to bottom): Robert
Quinn, Tarik Cohen, Akiem Hicks, Danny Trevathan, James Daniels, Germain Ifedi, Larry Borom, Roquan Smith and David Montgomery.



From Jenkins to Hicks: Top 10 injury and absence worries the Bears are facing right now
By Dan Wiederer | Chicago Tribune for the Bears. A new injury setback? Hurt feelings? More on that shortly.

The Bears practiced Tuesday without four defensive starters and four of their top 10
ears defensive lineman Akiem Hicks was at practice Tuesday morning at Halas offensive lineman. That list doesn’t include offensive tackle Jason Peters, whose signing
Hall. Until he wasn’t. became official Monday. But Peters, according to Nagy, still is going through the NFL’s
Shortly after stretching began, Hicks walked off the back practice fields and was COVID-19 testing process, and there is no firm word on when his first practice might be.
spotted driving away from the facility soon after. With the second preseason game Saturday and the season opener just 22 days later,
Coach Matt Nagy isn’t available to reporters after practice, and a team spokesman the team’s health issues are becoming increasingly significant. With that in mind, here’s a
declined to provide any explanation for Hicks’ abrupt exit. ranking of the Bears’ 10 most notable injuries and absences right now.
What is this all about?
Hicks’ mystery departure was the latest twist in an August full of unwanted absences Turn to Bears, Page 2

Ricketts family will honor
‘Man, Kopech is nasty’ itself as team is unwatchable
Reliever continues to escape trouble without giving up Two of the most frequently
a run. asked questions I’ve gotten the
get pivotal outs — and A fired-up Kopech slapped his last few weeks:
impress QB Mahomes glove twice in excitement. “Don’t you feel sorry for Jed
He allowed one hit, walked one Hoyer?”
By LaMond Pope and struck out two in 1 1/3 innings “Don’t you feel sorry for David
Chicago Tribune in the outing — and impressed Ross?”
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback With the Cubs having posted Paul Sullivan
In the Wake of the News
The Chicago White Sox called Patrick Mahomes, who tweeted, yet another double-digit losing
on Michael Kopech in a pivotal “Man, Kopech is nasty.” Mahomes streak, sympathy for the two men Others are more concerned
part of Thursday’s Field of and Kopech pitched against each in the middle of the disaster since about Ross, who watched Hoyer
Dreams game in Dyersville, Iowa. other when they were younger. the trade-deadline sell-off seems trade his best players — and
The Sox led by three, but the After a hiccup at the end of last to be peaking. some close friends — forcing the
New York Yankees had runners month, allowing five runs in one Some fans feel sorry for Hoyer, second-year manager to try to
on first and second with no outs inning against the Cleveland Indi- the Cubs president, for having compete with a talent-deficient
in the sixth inning. ans, Kopech has returned to that this mess “dumped in his lap” by roster. “Ross didn’t sign up for
Kopech got slugger Giancarlo “nasty” form he has displayed for predecessor Theo Epstein, who this” is a common phrase.
Stanton to ground out to short- most of this season. White Sox reliever Michael Kopech resigned last fall with one year My answer to everyone who
stop Tim Anderson, with the He has allowed one run on throws against the Athletics on remaining on his contract while asks is the same: Save your tears.
runners moving up a base. The three hits with seven strikeouts in Monday at Guaranteed Rate Field. knowing the fates of Anthony Hoyer and Ross knew what
right-hander then struck out TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/ Rizzo, Kris Bryant and Javier
Luke Voit and Rougned Odor to Turn to Sox, Page 3 CHICAGO TRIBUNE Báez were up in the air. Turn to Sullivan, Page 3
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021

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Coach Cotter
entertains with Johnson named starting QB
his Australian Chicago Tribune

Northwestern has picked its quarter-

333 yards with five touchdowns in seven
games last season.
With Porter out, the rushing duties likely
Coach Pat Fitzgerald’s selection of John-
son to start at quarterback came as a bit of a
surprise after Hilinski transferred to North-

catchphrases back for the Sept. 3 opener versus Michigan

State. Who will join him in the backfield is
less clear.
will be shared among Bowling Green gradu-
ate transfer Andrew Clair, redshirt sophomore
Evan Hull and freshman Anthony Tyus III.
western in January.
A former five-star recruit who trans-
ferred from Clemson in 2018, Johnson
Fifth-year senior Hunter Johnson, who The versatile Clair rushed for 1,937 yards opened the 2019 season as the starter but
By Jamal Collier | Chicago Tribune lost the starting job during the 2019 season and 13 touchdowns and caught 44 passes struggled, completing only 46.3% of his
and played in only two games last year, will for 330 yards and four scores in 30 games passes for 432 yards with one touchdown
When asked to describe what it was like get the nod against the Spartans over South over four seasons at Bowling Green, twice and four interceptions in six games (five
working with Patrick Williams during the Carolina transfer Ryan Hilinski and fifth- earning third-team All-MAC recognition. starts). Aiden Smith and Marty also took
NBA Summer League, Chicago Bulls assis- year senior Andrew Marty. Hull has 495 rushing yards and six touch- turns as the starter during a 3-9 season.
tant coach Damian Cotter offered his form The Wildcats also announced that downs in 13 games over the last two seasons. Last year Johnson backed up graduate
of high praise. running back Cam Porter, who led them in Redshirt sophomore offensive lineman transfer Peyton Ramsey as the Wildcats
“As we say back home, Pat’s a good bloke,” rushing as a freshman last fall, will miss the Zach Franks, who appeared in eight of nine rebounded to win the Big Ten West. John-
Cotter said. season after suffering a lower-body injury games last fall, also is out for the season son did not attempt a pass during two brief
The description caused a double take during preseason camp. Porter rushed for with a lower-body injury. appearances.
among reporters in the room during Cotter’s
news conference last week in Las Vegas, just
like some of his phrases have at times during
film and practice sessions during Summer
It’s not until Cotter — who is from Bears
Melbourne, Australia, and was the team’s from Page 1
head coach at the start of Summer League
— notices the blank stares around the room Teven Jenkins
that he realizes he needs to add some clarity.
“He dropped a couple phrases,” guard This is veering toward Kevin White terri-
Jaylen Adams said. “He threw the ‘bloke’ out tory at this point with a seemingly minor
there. He said something like ‘fair dinkum.’ ” July health issue mushrooming into some-
“Sometimes in film, sometimes in prac- thing far more concerning. The Bears’
tice, but really all the time,” guard Ethan attempts at the outset of camp to down-
Thompson said with a laugh. “If he catches play the severity of Jenkins’ back injury and
himself using one of (those) terms, he’ll Nagy’s assertions a week later that things
clarify and ask around if we know what he’s were “trending in the right direction” have
talking about.” proved hollow.
That’s “fair dinkum,” which, as Cotter Jenkins, who the Bears originally hoped
explains, means a person is being authentic. could emerge as their starter at left tackle,
He’ll tell the Bulls they need to be more missed his 15th practice of camp Tuesday
“cagey” on offense. morning and doesn’t seem to be anywhere
“Yeah, he says some head-scratchers at close to returning. It would be a stunner if
times,” guard Devon Dotson said, shaking the rookie was able to play in next week’s
his head and smiling. “You don’t know what preseason finale in Nashville against the
he’s saying.” Tennessee Titans. And there’s a real chance
Before joining the Bulls as head coach of the Bears will place Jenkins on injured
the G League’s Windy City Bulls in 2019- reserve in Week 1 to free up a roster spot. Bears defensive end Robert Quinn chases Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa in the first
20, Cotter rose through the coaching ranks The signing of the 39-year-old Peters, quarter Saturday at Soldier Field. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
in Australia. He started coaching in 1999 a six-time All-Pro, may wind up being
and eventually landed with the Australian serendipitous and just what Nagy needs to practice with what Nagy called foot sore- him enough runway to get in shape for the
national development team. He became solidify the left tackle position. But’s also ness, has been committed to a boycott of opener against the Los Angeles Rams. But
head coach of the Sydney Kings in Austra- a desperation signing that became neces- media interviews since last season ended. as with all things involving the offensive
lia’s National Basketball League for the 2014- sary because of Jenkins’ back problems. Last week, agent Drew Rosenhaus made it line right now, any optimism should be
15 season. The Bears traded up to draft Jenkins at No. clear that Hicks wants a contract extension cautious.
The Brooklyn Nets hired him as an assis- 39. There are increasing outside fears that ASAP. That’s a move Bears general manager
tant with their G League affiliate, the Long it was a costly swing and miss. Ryan Pace isn’t likely to prioritize given the
Island Nets, in 2017-18, his last stop before team’s salary-cap restrictions and the fact Larry Borom
joining the Bulls. Last season, Cotter became Hicks will turn 32 in November. The Bears coaching staff was impressed
an assistant on coach Billy Donovan’s staff. Robert Quinn So how does this all tie together? It’s diffi- with Borom’s footwork and composure
So he had experience working with The 31-year-old pass rusher has been cult to say. Hicks isn’t talking, and the Bears during the first practice in full pads at
Williams, who said Cotter constantly battling his own back issues since the have little incentive to detail any behind- Family Fest at Soldier Field. The fifth-round
reminds him to “back yourself.” spring. And after flashing a couple of times the-scenes friction. But it certainly is worth pick out of Missouri handled himself well
“He uses that a lot with us and with me during the first quarter against the Miami keeping an eye on as the season closes in. in his opportunity to take valuable first-unit
especially,” Williams said. “Back yourself Dolphins on Saturday, Quinn has an ankle Rumors that Hicks could be traded bounced reps at left tackle that day. But he wound up
just means have confidence in what you do. injury that has kept him out of practice the through league circles in the spring. Could in the concussion protocol the next day and
Nobody has to believe in you, just believe in last two days. such chatter pick back up? It’s the NFL. hasn’t practiced since.
yourself. The Bears guaranteed Quinn $30 Stranger things have happened. Asked about that lengthy absence, Nagy
“It’s always good to build a relationship million on a five-year, $70 million deal in was hesitant to say much.
with somebody not from the U.S. to see March 2020. Quinn responded with only “With that whole concussion protocol, to
how interesting it is and how different it is, two sacks, the lowest total of his 10-year Danny Trevathan each their own,” Nagy said.
honestly. He’s a good coach, player-first and career. At this point, it would be foolish for The 10th-year linebacker has been deal- The window of opportunity for Borom
asking us guys what we see out there before the Bears to expect Quinn to be a healthy, ing with knee soreness for the past week. to prove himself a reliable starting option at
he draws up a play or before he talks.” consistent game-wrecker for all 17 games. The decision to be careful with his return the most important position up front seems
Cotter coached the Bulls’ first three The development of second-year outside makes sense. But Trevathan got off to a slow to be closing. Peters’ arrival will change the
Summer League games before Henry linebacker Trevis Gipson and the produc- start in 2020, and the Bears would rather equation as well.
Domercant, one of the team’s player-devel- tion of veteran Jeremiah Attaochu take on not worry about a repeat in 2021.
opment coordinators, finished the final two greater meaning. With Trevathan out, fellow veteran Alec
as head coach. The Bulls said they wanted to Ogletree — who became a Bear on Aug. 4 — Roquan Smith
give Domercant, who had been on Cotter’s has played well in the middle of the defense Smith’s availability for Week 1 is a top
staff, an opportunity. Tarik Cohen and seems to be positioning himself to make priority. So it’s no surprise the Bears are
Williams expressed a familiar refrain Cohen tore the anterior cruciate liga- the initial 53-man roster in two weeks. taking a cautious approach in easing the
among the players. They had fun with ment in his right knee 11 months ago when inside linebacker back from the groin injury
Cotter’s quirky catchphrases, but they he was run into while making a fair catch he suffered two weeks ago.
seemed to enjoy their experience playing against the Atlanta Falcons. The running James Daniels Nagy emphasized Tuesday morning that
under him this summer. back’s road to recovery hasn’t been an The Bears came into training camp feel- there is little internal concern about Smith’s
“He’s a great dude to be around, funny expressway. Cohen has been on the phys- ing confident that a sturdy and steady offen- health.
guy,” Thompson said. “And he knows what ically unable to perform (PUP) list since sive line would become a major catalyst “No news is probably good news with
he’s talking about for sure.” reporting to camp last month. And from for a resurgence in 2021. But the last three him,” Nagy said.
Cotter also was helpful in drawing on the looks of his gait as he moves around the weeks have been filled with setbacks and Still, Smith has missed six consecutive
his experience to guide forward Marko Halas Hall sidelines at practices, he doesn’t there has been little continuity to speak of practices. The concern shouldn’t be elevat-
Simonović — a 2020 second-round pick who appear close to a return to a full strength. up front. ing, but it also won’t disappear until he’s
will join the Bulls roster from Serbia — with The Bears have decent depth at running Daniels, the projected starter at left back and able to string together a week or
his adjustment to life in the U.S. and playing back with Damien Williams and Khalil guard, just can’t seem to keep himself two of work without aggravating anything.
professional basketball here. Herbert establishing themselves as reliable available. He missed the final 11 games last
Cotter isn’t the first member of the Bulls backups behind David Montgomery. Arta- season with a torn pectoral muscle. Now
organization with Australian ties. Luc vis Pierce had the Bears’ longest play from he’s working through a quadriceps issue David Montgomery
Longley played center for the Bulls for five scrimmage in the preseason opener, busting that has been a hindrance since Aug. 3 with Montgomery had only one rushing
seasons and was a starter on the second off a 51-yard run in the fourth quarter. nine consecutive practices missed. Only 10 attempt in the preseason opener, a 3-yard
three-peat teams. Cohen’s talents as a punt returner will more practices remain before the Bears are run on the Bears’ first play from scrimmage.
“Ah, yes,” Cotter said. “Luc’s a fair dinkum be missed until the Bears find a suitable in Week 1. The clock is ticking. He hobbled to the sideline after that play
bloke.” replacement. And Nagy might have to and couldn’t make it through Monday’s
go without Cohen as a chess piece in the practice with what the team called “general
offense for the foreseeable future. Germain Ifedi soreness.”
Ifedi moved from guard to right tackle Not to fear: Montgomery was back in
down the stretch of last season and played action Tuesday and able to participate for
“Yeah, he says some head- Akiem Hicks pretty well there. The Bears believe he can much of the practice. He looked good. Nagy
Hicks was on the back practice fields remain a reliable starter in that position. expressed zero worries about the running
scratchers at times. You don’t Tuesday morning but then departed. But Ifedi strained a hip flexor during the back’s physical state. And one of the key
know what he’s saying.” The Bears were mum when pressed for a conditioning test on the first day of train- cogs in the Bears offense seems to be right
post-practice update, leaving Nagy to offer ing camp and was immediately put on the back in working order.
— Bulls guard Devon Dotson on assistant some sort of explanation Wednesday. shelf. His return from the PUP list should See? There can be promising news for the
coach Damien Cotter Hicks, who sat out the team’s July 29 come soon, perhaps this week, allowing Bears on the injury front after all.
 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  3


from Page 1

six innings during five August relief appear-

That includes two scoreless innings in
Monday’s 5-2 victory against the Oakland
Athletics at Guaranteed Rate Field. Kopech
walked one and struck out three.
“It was getting back to trusting myself,”
Kopech said Monday. “You have a rough
one like that (July 31 game) and it’s easy to
go back to the drawing board and figure out
what you’re not doing well and what you
are doing well. It can really be a downward
spiral if you go deep in that rabbit hole.
“But just going back and getting confident
in what I’ve been doing all year and throwing
every pitch with conviction, little stuff like
that helped me get back on track.”
Kopech is 3-1 with a 2.42 ERA in 29
outings, including three starts. He has 13
holds, 67 strikeouts and 20 walks in 48 1/3
He’s one of the first pitchers the Sox turn
to in high-leverage situations such as the
Field of Dreams game.
“I’m trying to embrace the new role I’m
put in,” said Kopech, who is working primar-
ily out of the bullpen this season with a
return to starting the future plan. “But since
making that transition, I guess, it’s been a
“It’s kind of a learning curve there for a
CUBS RECAP second. But I’m starting to feel competition
The Cubs’ longest losing streak of the season is over at 12 games. Right-hander Kyle Hendricks helped stop the skid by holding the Cincinnati as soon as I touch the ball, no matter what
Reds to one run in six innings, and relievers Rowan Wick, Adam Morgan and Codi Heuer combined to deliver much-needed zeros for the maligned the situation is. As long as we can keep that
bullpen as the Cubs outpitched the Reds in a 2-1 victory Wednesday night at Great American Ball Park. Frank Schwindel (RBI double) and Ian going throughout the rest of the season, I
Happ (homer) provided the offense. The Cubs have an opportunity to win the series Wednesday and will turn to right-hander Adrian Sampson, think I’ll be in a good spot.”
who will be called up from Triple A for his first big-league appearance since 2019 with the Texas Rangers. For more, go to Craig Kimbrel and Liam Hendriks
followed Kopech in Monday’s game. The
three combined for nine strikeouts in four
scoreless innings.

Winkler designated for assignment,

“It can look different almost every night
and still be comfortable with what we are
putting out there,” Kopech said of the bull-
pen. “It’s the kind of pitching staff we have.

outfielder Hermosillo called up But when everything is going good, every-

thing is going great.
“We’ve got those two guys at the back
end you can flip a coin and be comfortable
By Meghan Montemurro 21 appearances after his scoreless streak playing. Then Hoerner will likely hit on the they are going to dominate. I don’t think any
Chicago Tribune ended — and that doesn’t even include his field Friday at Wrigley Field. rough stretches for any of us dictate what
struggles in the past week. Walks became Hoerner has been sidelined since July 29. kind of a team this is. Everybody knows what
CINCINNATI — In a span of a week, more of an issue for Winkler, who was aver- When he returns to the lineup, Ross might we are capable of offensively and defen-
reliever Dan Winkler’s standing in the aging one per inning since early June. look to use him in the outfield as a potential sively. Every time we come to the field, we
Chicago Cubs bullpen torpedoed. “The walks were always a little bit of preview of next year. With second baseman are ready to win and compete.”
The Cubs opted to move on from Winkler what you kind of live with with him,” Nick Madrigal in the fold for 2022, Hoern- Kopech learns from the two veteran clos-
after he surrendered 13 runs (12 earned) Ross said. “The velocity was down a little er’s defensive versatility allows both to be ers, even when an appearance doesn’t go
in 12/3 innings while retiring only five of bit, those foul balls that you saw some in in the lineup. Hoerner could slot into center their way.
21 batters over three appearances during Miami and some last night, just not getting field next year, whether that becomes his “And there are other examples in the club-
the last week. They designated Winkler off the barrel. ... But if we could pinpoint regular position or he gets moved around house of guys who have had rough ones,”
for assignment Tuesday afternoon after (the issue), we would have taken that to the diamond. Kopech said. “We don’t have anybody carry-
another implosion Monday night. him and fixed it, so it’s just one of those Ross mentioned the possibility of playing ing a bad game into the next game. That
The Cubs selected the contract of things.” Hoerner in the outfield after he’s activated, shows the kind of leadership they have.”
outfielder Michael Hermosillo from Hermosillo — who went to high school though the more likely scenario has him The Sox will continue to monitor
Triple-A Iowa to replace Winkler. They in Ottawa, Illinois, and signed to play foot- at shortstop, where he took pregame reps Kopech’s usage. He missed all of 2019 recov-
also announced left-handed reliever Kyle ball on scholarship at Illinois before the this week. ering from Tommy John surgery and opted
Ryan was outrighted and elected free Los Angeles Angels drafted him in 2013 “He goes out there (in the outfield) every out of the pandemic-shortened 2020 season
agency. — earned a big-league promotion with once in a while,” Ross said. “I watch him run for personal reasons.
Manager David Ross explained Winkler’s his consistent production at Iowa. The around and he looks really good. ... I think “You have to take the day he goes out
departure was partly to give somebody else 26-year-old right-handed hitter posted a there’s a couple possibilities of where he there, if it’s one inning and he gets quick
an opportunity given the situation the Cubs .310/.448/.600 slash line with 10 homers, can contribute when he comes back.” outs, he’s right there now where he can be
are in. 10 doubles and 29 RBIs in 42 games. available the next day,” Sox manager Tony
“That’s a tough conversation,” Ross said His previous big-league experience Cubs reportedly will play in next year’s La Russa said Tuesday. “When he has two
Tuesday. “It’s unfortunate about this game consists of 56 games with the Angels from Field of Dreams game: After a successful innings (like Monday), double the workload,
— you have a guy that’s given me a lot ever 2018-20. Hermosillo signed a minor-league spotlight on Major League Baseball during then there’s no way he’s going to pitch (Tues-
since I’ve been the manager. He’s given me deal with the Cubs in the offseason that last week’s Field of Dreams game between day). And most probably it would be wise to
a lot, worked through a lot, some ups and included an invitation to big-league camp the Chicago White Sox and New York hold him out and give him two days’ rest.
downs. We’re at a spot to maybe give some- in spring training. Yankees, MLB announced another game “He had a good outing and if he feels good,
one else a shot in a moment where he’s just Ross said Hermosillo will get an oppor- will be played at the famed site in Dyers- maybe, but two innings to me is two days.
struggling a little bit. I don’t think we have a tunity to contribute. He envisions using ville, Iowa, in 2022. Back-to-back (appearances) is something he
lot of time to help him work through those Hermosillo in a center-field platoon with While MLB hasn’t officially announced can do already. In the end, though, it’s still his
moments right now.” the left-handed-hitting Rafael Ortega. the matchup, multiple reports say it will first opportunity to be in that bullpen, and
Winkler, 31, had 22 consecutive scoreless feature the Cubs and Cincinnati Reds on you want to err on the side of caution for a
outings between April 4 and June 4, striking Nico Hoerner continues to progress: In Aug. 11. That’s currently scheduled as a day lot of reasons.”
out 18 and walking 10 in 19 innings during the latest step in his rehab, Nico Hoerner off for both teams, but NBC Sports Chicago
that span. (right oblique strain) hit in the cage Tues- reported the schedule will be adjusted Yasmani Grandal transferred to Triple-A:
He hadn’t been as effective since then, day and is slated to do it again Wednesday. with the day off moved to Aug. 12, and the Sox catcher Yasmani Grandal took the next
posting a 5.19 ERA with opponents produc- Ross said Hoerner looked good and will remainder of the three-game series played step in his rehab assignment, moving from
ing a .337 on-base percentage in his next get the day off Thursday with the Cubs not in Cincinnati. Double-A Birmingham to Triple-A Char-
lotte on Tuesday.
Grandal slashed .364/.385/.364 with two
RBIs in four games with the Barons. He went
on the injured list July 6 with a torn tendon
Sullivan go right back into the team to make it
competitive for years to come.
in his left knee.
His checklist during the rehab assignment
from Page 1 The Ricketts family spent enough to win is slightly different than the ones outfielders
but the team didn’t reciprocate. The Cubs Luis Robert and Eloy Jiménez went through.
they were getting into, and neither can failed to repeat in 2017, blew the division “Because of the catching position and
be labeled a victim in this ongoing train title with a late collapse in 2018, missed the all the different things you have to do as a
wreck of a season. postseason in 2019, endured the fan-free catcher, plus the hitting, it’s a different eval-
Hoyer was general manager of the Cubs experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in uation,” La Russa said. “To be going to Triple
for nine years before being promoted, so 2020 and dumped the contract of ace Yu A, that’s a very healthy sign for us.”
he is at least partly responsible for the Darvish to reduce payroll.
lack of extensions and absence of organi- The surge in May that briefly put the
zational depth that put the Cubs in this Cubs in first place gave fans hope Hoyer
predicament. would re-sign at least one or two of the WHITE SOX 9, A’S 0
Ross was not interviewed by any other Big 3, but the subsequent collapse made
team for a managerial opening in 2019, the sell-off inevitable.
so his choice was to become the Cubs So here we are in the middle of another
manager knowing the “Big 3″ could be Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts at Wrigley Field classic Cubs free-fall with seven weeks
gone by his second season or continue in April. BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE remaining.
making a nice living as an ESPN analyst The one question I’ve yet to hear this
and celebrity endorser from his “Dancing denominators. summer is this: “Don’t you feel sorry for
with the Stars” appearance. Naturally, the Cubs are trying to make the Rickettses?”
The Cubs lost 11 straight in late June lemonade with lemons. They’re increas- When a team such as the San Diego
and early July, leading to Hoyer’s massive ing the number of minor-league games Padres outspends you, you’re not living up
sell-off that still reverberates almost three carried on Marquee Sports Network, to your promise of investing your profits
weeks later. The Cubs finally ended a which makes sense. The White Sox did back into the team.
12-game skid with a 2-1 victory Tuesday likewise on NBC Sports Chicago when At Cubs Convention in January 2020,
night in Cincinnati, coming within two their top prospects were developing in the Chairman Tom Ricketts said the team’s
losses of the franchise record of 14 consec- minors. promise to fans over the next decade was
utive defeats set in 1997. And the Cubs also are showcasing their to “continue to have the best relationship
With a .250 winning percentage (14-42) beloved ballpark, celebrating the end with our fans of any professional sports ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
over their last 56 games before Tuesday, of the renovation of Wrigley Field with team in the world, and that starts with the
the Cubs are on a pace that would trans- a “rededication” event Thursday after- Marquee Network.” WHITE SOX RECAP
late to 121 losses over a 162-game season. noon in Gallagher Way. According to a Cubs fans booed, which surprised Rick- Oakland Athletics starter Chris Bassitt exited
The 1962 New York Mets, considered the Cubs news release, the team will unveil etts. Tuesday’s game against the White Sox after
worst in modern history, lost 120 games. two plaques to “commemorate Wrigley “What do you have against the Marquee getting struck in the head by Brian Goodwin’s
I wrote about that ‘97 debacle during Field’s official designation as a National Network?” he asked. “Believe me, you liner back to the mound. The scary moment
the earlier winless stretch, so there’s no Historic Landmark and … the Ricketts won’t be booing about that in a year.” occurred in the second inning at Guaranteed
need to rehash the horrors and comedic family’s commitment to preserving Wrig- Maybe they’re now saying “Boog” and Rate Field in a game the Sox won 9-0. Trainers
mishaps of the Andy MacPhail era. ley Field.” not “boo.” Who knows? immediately ran onto the field to attend to
But in my newly created role as senior That’s right. The Ricketts family is Either way, the Rickettses got their Bassitt, who was taken away on a cart. The
Cubs losing streak expert — having been honoring the Ricketts family for “preserv- renovation and their TV network, not to A’s tweeted that Bassitt — a former Sox
part of the Tribune’s coverage of four of ing” the iconic ballpark by adding more mention their giant video board, roof- pitcher who leads the American League
the longest losing streaks in Cubs history premium clubs, advertising and a video top clubs, an office building, a hotel and with 12 wins — was “conscious and aware”
— I can report this season is exponentially board, while also charging more for tick- restaurants, including the shuttered as he was transported to a hospital. The
worse than either 1997 or 2012, when the ets than almost anyone else in the game. Maddon’s Post, which recently was used game resumed with the bases loaded, and
Cubs lost 12 straight during the first year “Thank you to us.” to administer COVID-19 vaccines. Soon Andrew Vaughn hit a two-run single, followed
of the rebuild. Cubs fans were rewarded with a cham- they’ll cram a sports book facility at the by Jake Lamb’s three-run home run. José
In essence, the 2021 Cubs have featured pionship season in 2016 and a promise corner of Addison and Sheffield to make Abreu added a three-run homer in the fourth.
two groups of everyday players suffer- from the owners and business opera- even more money. Reynaldo López, Ryan Burr and Mike Wright
ing through double-digit losing streaks tions President Crane Kenney that all the What they don’t have is a team that’s combined to limit the A’s to four hits. For
— with Hoyer and Ross as the common revenue from the improvements would watchable — and that’s on them. more, go to
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021



Tampa Bay 72 47 .605 — — 7-3 W-1 36-22 36-25 Atlanta 63 56 .529 — — 8-2 W-4 31-29 32-27
Boston 69 52 .570 4 — 5-5 L-1 37-24 32-28 Philadelphia 61 57 .517 1 1/2 4 1/2 6-4 L-1 36-25 25-32
New York 67 52 .563 5 1 7-3 W-4 34-25 33-27 New York 59 59 .500 3 1/2 6 1/2 3-7 L-4 36-23 23-36
Toronto 63 54 .538 8 4 5-5 W-1 31-25 32-29 Miami 51 68 .429 12 15 4-6 L-1 30-28 21-40
Baltimore 38 79 .325 33 29 0-10 L-12 17-37 21-42 Washington 50 68 .424 12 1/2 15 1/2 1-9 L-7 29-33 21-35

Chicago 69 50 .580 — — 6-4 W-1 40-22 29-28 Milwaukee 72 47 .605 — — 7-3 W-2 32-27 40-20
Cleveland 57 60 .487 11 10 4-6 L-1 29-27 28-33 Cincinnati 65 55 .542 7 1/2 1 1/2 6-4 W-2 32-27 33-28
Detroit 58 62 .483 11 1/2 10 1/2 6-4 L-1 33-27 25-35 St. Louis 61 56 .521 10 4 8-2 W-6 32-25 29-31
Minnesota 53 66 .445 16 15 7-3 W-3 29-32 24-34 Chicago 52 69 .430 21 15 0-10 L-12 31-28 21-41
Kansas City 50 67 .427 18 17 3-7 W-1 30-30 20-37 Pittsburgh 42 77 .353 30 24 1-9 L-3 24-35 18-42

Houston 70 48 .593 — — 5-5 L-2 37-23 33-25 San Francisco 77 42 .647 — — 8-2 W-2 41-18 36-24
Oakland 68 51 .571 2 1/2 — 7-3 L-2 34-25 34-26 Los Angeles 73 46 .613 4 — 8-2 W-4 37-20 36-26
Seattle 63 56 .529 7 1/2 5 5-5 L-1 37-25 26-31 San Diego 67 54 .554 11 — 5-5 L-1 40-24 27-30
Los Angeles 59 61 .492 12 9 1/2 3-7 L-1 32-30 27-31 Colorado 53 66 .445 24 13 5-5 W-1 39-21 14-45
Texas 42 76 .356 28 25 1/2 3-7 W-1 28-31 14-45 Arizona 38 81 .319 39 28 4-6 L-1 24-36 14-45


Boston AB R H BI SO AVG Baltimore AB R H BI SO AVG LA Angels AB R H BI SO AVG Atlanta AB R H BI SO AVG Tor Berríos (R) 8-6 3.52 12-11 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 16.1 3.86
Was Gray (R) 3:05p 0-1 4.12 2-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 16.0 2.81
Hernandez 2b 2 1 0 0 1 .253 Mullins cf 3 1 1 1 0 .318 Ohtani dh 4 0 0 0 2 .269 Albies 2b 5 2 3 3 1 .263
Renfroe cf 4 0 1 0 1 .253 Mancini 1b 4 0 1 1 0 .253 Fletcher 2b 4 0 0 0 1 .299 Soler rf 5 0 2 0 1 .250
Bogaerts ss 3 0 1 2 2 .309 1-MFranco pr-1b
0 0 0 0 0 .213 Upton lf 4 1 1 1 2 .224 Freeman 1b 4 1 3 3 1 .294
Devers 3b 3 0 1 0 0 .285 Santander dh 4 0 0 0 0 .245 Walsh 1b 4 0 1 0 3 .264 a-Adrianza ph-3b
Martinez rf 3 0 0 0 2 .291 Hays rf 3 0 0 0 1 .240 Gosselin 3b 4 0 1 0 1 .272 Riley 3b-1b 4 1 1 0 3 .292 Cle Plesac (R) 7-4 4.64 10-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Schwarber dh 3 0 1 0 2 .333 Stewart lf 3 0 0 0 1 .201 J.Iglesias ss 3 0 0 0 0 .267 Swanson ss 6 2 2 2 0 .265 Min TBD 12:10p 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Vazquez c 3 1 2 1 0 .256 Urias 3b 3 0 1 0 1 .268 Marsh cf 2 0 0 0 2 .205 Duvall lf 5 2 1 2 1 .229 Bos Pivetta (R) 9-5 4.20 15-8 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 16.2 2.16
2-Arauz pr 0 0 0 0 0 .214 Mateo 2b 4 1 2 0 1 .308 Stassi c 3 0 0 0 2 .279 d’Arnaud c 5 1 2 2 1 .230 NYY Heaney (L) 6:05p 7-8 5.78 9-12 1-0 5.1 5.06 1-1 15.0 9.00
Verdugo lf 3 0 1 0 0 .283 Wynns c 4 0 1 0 0 .179 Adell rf 3 0 0 0 2 .234 Heredia cf 2 2 0 0 0 .235
Bal Watkins (R) 2-4 5.25 2-5 1-1 12.0 3.75 0-3 15.2 8.04
Dalbec 1b 2 1 1 0 1 .232 Martin ss 4 0 1 0 1 .233 TOTALS 31 1 3 1 15 Toussaint p 3 1 0 0 3 .000
TB McClanahan (L) 6:10p 7-4 3.73 11-7 2-0 12.0 3.00 3-0 18.1 2.95
b-Shaw ph 1 0 0 0 0 .000 TOTALS 32 2 7 2 5 NY Yamkees AB R H BI SO AVG Santana p 0 0 0 0 0 .000
TOTALS 27 3 8 3 9 Tampa Bay AB R H BI SO AVG Webb p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 LAA Ohtani (R) 7-1 2.94 11-6 1-0 6.0 1.50 3-0 19.0 1.89
LeMahieu 2b-1b
2 0 0 0 0 .270
NY Yankees AB R H BI SO AVG TOTALS 40 12 14 12 11 Det Skubal (L) 6:10p 8-10 4.10 10-11 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 16.2 2.16
Lowe 2b 4 2 3 3 0 .233 Judge dh 3 1 2 0 0 .288
Miami AB R H BI SO AVG Sea Gonzales (L) 4-5 4.35 8-8 1-1 18.1 4.42 1-0 21.2 0.83
LeMahieu 2b 4 0 1 0 1 .270 Choi 1b 2 2 1 0 0 .241 Gallo lf-rf 3 1 1 2 2 .177
Gardner cf-lf 2 1 0 0 0 .211 a-Luplow ph-1b
1 0 0 0 0 .125 Stanton rf 4 0 1 0 2 .260 Chisholm Jr. ss 4 1 1 1 1 .254 Tex Foltynewicz (R) 7:05p 2-11 5.66 7-16 0-3 32.2 4.13 0-1 18.0 3.00
Judge rf 3 1 0 0 2 .286 Margot lf 5 1 1 0 0 .254 Gardner lf 0 0 0 0 0 .212 Aguilar 1b 4 0 1 0 1 .269 Hou Greinke (R) 11-3 3.51 16-8 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Gallo dh 3 1 0 0 1 .169 Meadows dh 4 0 1 2 1 .233 Voit 1b 3 0 1 0 0 .236 Brinson cf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 .276 KC Singer (R) 7:10p 3-8 5.42 6-14 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 11.2 10.03
Voit 1b 2 1 1 2 1 .239 Wendle ss 4 0 1 1 3 .273 Wade 3b 0 0 0 0 0 .258 Sanchez rf 3 0 0 0 1 .256
Odor 3b 2 1 2 0 0 .226 Brosseau 3b 4 1 1 1 0 .187 Odor 3b-2b 2 0 0 0 1 .220 Guzman p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Oak Irvin (L) 8-11 3.52 11-12 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-2 18.1 2.95
a-Stanton ph 1 0 1 1 0 .262 Phillips rf 4 1 2 1 1 .217 Higashioka c 3 0 0 0 1 .165 Okert p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 ChW Lynn (R) 7:10p 10-3 2.26 13-8 2-0 19.1 1.86 0-0 16.0 4.50
1-J.Davis pr-cf 1 0 0 0 1 .063 Kiermaier cf 4 1 1 1 1 .242 Davis cf 3 0 0 0 2 .067 Detwiler p 0 0 0 0 0 .333
Sanchez c 3 0 0 0 1 .214 Mejia c 4 1 1 0 1 .259 Velazquez ss 3 0 0 0 1 .125 b-Leon ph 1 0 0 0 0 .181 NATIONAL LEAGUE 2021 2020 VS OPP LAST 3 STARTS
Wade lf-3b 2 0 2 0 0 .273 TOTALS 36 9 12 9 7 TOTALS 26 2 5 2 9 Anderson 3b 4 0 0 0 1 .244 TM PITCHER TIME W-L ERA TR W-L IP ERA W-L IP ERA
Velazquez ss 3 0 1 2 1 .158 Alfaro c 2 0 0 0 2 .235 ChC TBD 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Baltimore 001 000 010 — 2 7 0 LA Angels 100 000 000 — 1 3 0
TOTALS 26 5 8 5 8 Guenther p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Cin Mahle (R) 11:35a 10-3 3.58 16-8 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Tampa Bay 000 233 10x — 9 12 0 NY Yankees 200 000 00x — 2 5 1 Sierra cf 1 0 0 0 0 .239
Boston 002 010 0 — 3 8 0 SD Arrieta (R) 5-11 6.88 6-14 0-0 4.0 9.00 0-2 12.0 10.50
a-flied out for Choi in the 8th. E: Odor (12). Diaz 2b 3 1 1 1 0 .194
N.Y. Yankees 020 030 x — 5 8 0 Col Gomber (L) 2:10p 9-7 4.09 10-10 1-1 20.1 2.21 1-2 11.0 7.36
1-ran for Mancini in the 8th. LOB: Los Angeles 4, New York 5. De La Cruz lf-rf
3 0 1 0 1 .300
a-singled for Odor in the 5th. b-lined LOB: Baltimore 7, Tampa Bay 7. HR: Upton (16), off Cole; Gallo (4), off Garrett p 1 0 0 0 1 .182 NYM Megill (R) 1-2 3.42 6-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
out for Dalbec in the 7th. 1-ran for 2B: Mateo (5), Mancini (26), Wendle Suarez. Campbell p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 SF DeSclafani (R) 2:45p 11-5 3.29 16-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 12.0 7.50
Stanton in the 5th. 2-ran for Vazquez (25). 3B: Meadows (2). RBIs: Upton (37), Gallo 2(8). CS: A.Jackson c 2 0 0 0 2 .154
Atl Morton (R) 11-4 3.49 13-11 1-1 22.1 5.24 1-1 18.0 2.00
in the 7th. HR: Kiermaier (4), off Harvey; Lowe LeMahieu (1). TOTALS 31 2 4 2 10
Mia Luzardo (L) 6:10p 4-5 7.52 5-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 14.2 9.20
LOB: Boston 5, New York 10. (27), off Harvey; Phillips (10), off Fry; Runners left in scoring position: Los Atlanta 100 702 200 — 12 14 0 Mil Peralta (R) 9-3 2.26 15-6 0-0 7.0 0.00 2-0 17.1 2.08
HR: Vazquez (5), off Montgomery. Lowe (28), off Fry; Brosseau (5), off Angeles 1(Stassi); New York 1(Voit Miami 110 000 000 — 2 4 0 StL Flaherty (R) 6:45p 9-1 2.65 10-2 1-0 6.0 0.00 1-1 14.2 3.07
RBIs: Bogaerts 2(66), Vazquez (38), Abad. 2, Stanton).RISP: Los Angeles 0for 2;
Velazquez 2(2), Voit 2(19), Stanton (57). RBIs: Mullins (41), Mancini (62), Mead- New York 0for 4. Runners moved up: a-popped out for Freeman in the 8th. Phi Suárez (L) 5-3 1.07 3-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 10.0 0.90
Runners left in scoring position: Boston ows 2(79), Kiermaier (28), Lowe 3(68), J.Iglesias. b-flied out for Detwiler in the 9th. Ari TBD 8:40p 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
2(Bogaerts 2, Renfroe 2); New York 6 Wendle (40), Phillips (35), Brosseau GIDP: Voit. LOB: Atlanta 13, Miami 4.
(LeMahieu, Velazquez 3, J.Davis 2). (18). DP: Los Angeles 2(J.Iglesias, Fletcher, 2B: d’Arnaud 2(6), Riley (22), Soler 2(3). Pit Brubaker (R) 4-12 5.13 5-16 0-1 4.2 5.79 0-2 16.0 7.88
RISP: Boston 2for 6; New York 4for 12. S: Mullins. Walsh; Gosselin, Fletcher, Walsh). HR: Freeman (26), off Campbell; Duvall LAD TBD 9:10p 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Runners moved up: Renfroe. Runners left in scoring position: Balti- (22), off Campbell; Chisholm Jr. (13), TR: Team’s record in games started by today’s pitcher.
more 4(Mancini, Wynns, Stewart, LA ANGELS IP H R ER BB SO ERA off Toussaint; Diaz (4), off Toussaint. Vs. Opp: Pitcher’s record versus this opponent.
BOSTON IP H R ER BB SO ERA Martin); Tampa Bay 2(Brosseau 2). RBIs: Swanson 2(72), Albies 3(83), Free-
Suarez, L, 5-6 5 4 2 2 3 6 3.88
RISP: Baltimore 1for 9; Tampa Bay 2for man 3(68), Duvall 2(68), d’Arnaud 2(14),
Houck 4 5 2 2 0 2 3.12 Cishek 2 0 0 0 1 2 3.42 RESULTS, SCHEDULE
Whitlock, L, 4-2 1/3 0 2 2 2 1 1.72 5. Runners moved up: Martin, Wynns. Quijada 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 4.35 Chisholm Jr. (38), Diaz (15).
Taylor, BS, 0-1 0 2 1 1 1 0 3.46 GIDP: Wynns. DP: Tampa Bay 1(Wendle, Guerra 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 5.37 S: Toussaint.
Robles 1 1 0 0 2 3 7.11 Lowe, Luplow). Runners left in scoring position: AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE
A.Davis 2/3 0 0 0 1 2 5.68 Atlanta 7(Duvall, Soler, d’Arnaud, TUESDAY’S RESULTS TUESDAY’S RESULTS
Cole, W, 11-6 52/3 2 1 1 1 9 3.04 G1: N.Y. Yankees 5, Boston 3 (7) Toronto at Washington, late
NY YANKEES IP H R ER BB SO ERA BALTIMORE IP H R ER BB SO ERA Britton, H, 9 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 6.06 Swanson 2, Toussaint, Riley); Miami 2
Abreu, H, 1 12/3 0 0 0 0 2 4.12 (Sanchez, A.Jackson). G2: Boston at N.Y. Yankees, late Atlanta at Miami, late
Montgomery 42/3 5 3 3 2 6 3.77 Harvey, L, 6-12 42/3 5 5 5 1 6 6.25
Abreu, W, 2-0 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.07 Rodriguez, H, 2 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.70 RISP: Atlanta 8for 22; Miami 1for 3. Toronto at Washington, late Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati, late
Fry 2/3 4 3 3 2 0 5.44 Green, S, 4-8 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.08 Baltimore at Tampa Bay, late. Milwaukee at St. Louis, late
Loaisiga, S, 5-8 2 3 0 0 0 3 2.37 Sulser 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 2.86 Runners moved up: Diaz.
Taylor pitched to 3batters in the 5th Abad 2 3 1 1 0 1 15.43 Pitches-Strikes: Suarez 82-46; Cishek L.A. Angels at Detroit, latem. San Diego at Colorado, late
Inherited runners-scored: Taylor 2-2, 21-13; Quijada 18-8; Guerra 4-3; Cole Seattle at Texas, late. Philadelphia at Arizona, late
TAMPA BAY IP H R ER BB SO ERA 90-59; Britton 4-3; Abreu 15-14; Rodrí- ATLANTA IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Robles 2-0, A.Davis 2-0, Abreu 1-0. Cleveland at Minnesota, late N.Y. Mets at San Francisco, late
HBP: Houck (Voit). McHugh 2 0 0 0 0 1 1.35 guez 5-3; Green 17-10 Toussaint, W, 2-2 61/3 3 2 2 2 7 4.01 Houston at Kansas City, late Pittsburgh at L.A. Dodgers, late
Fleming, W, 10-6 52/3 6 2 2 1 2 4.86 Ground Balls-Fly Balls: Suarez 8-2; Santana 12/3 1 0 0 0 2 3.41
Umpires: Home, Jerry Meals; First, Vic Head 11/3 1 0 0 1 2 1.85 Oakland at Chi. White Sox,late.
Webb 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.29
Carapazza; Second, Junior Valentine; Cishek 1-2; Quijada 0-0; Guerra 0-1;
Third, Carlos Torres. Cole 6-3; Britton 0-0; Abreu 2-1; Rodrí- MIAMI IP H R ER BB SO ERA THURSDAY’S GAMES THURSDAY’S GAMES
Inherited runners-scored: Fry 1-1,
Time: 2:56. A: 39,078 (47,309). guez 0-0; Green 2-0. Garrett, L, 1-2 3 3 3 3 6 2 5.03 Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 12:10p.m. Philadelphia at Arizona, 2:40p.m.
Sulser 1-0, Head 2-0.
Batters Faced: Suarez 21; Cishek 6; Campbell 1 5 5 5 0 2 8.47 L.A. Angels at Detroit, 12:10p.m. Miami at Cincinnati, 6:10p.m.
HBP: Harvey (Lowe), Fleming (Stew- Guenther 2 3 2 2 3 1 9.53
Quijada 3; Guerra 1; Cole 21; Britton 1; Seattle at Texas, 1:05p.m. Milwaukee at St. Louis, 6:45p.m.
art). Guzman 1 2 2 2 2 3
Abreu 5; Rodríguez 1; Green 4. Okert 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.41 Houston at Kansas City, 1:10p.m. N.Y. Mets at L.A. Dodgers, 9:10p.m.
LATE MONDAY: Umpires: Home, Adrian Johnson; First,
Inherited runners-scored: Cishek 3-0, Detwiler 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.49 Oakland at Chi. White Sox, 1:10p.m.
COLORADO 6, SAN DIEGO 5 Brian Gorman; Second, Jeremy Riggs;
Guerra 1-0, Britton 1-0. Inherited runners-scored: Santana 1-0, Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees, 6:05p.m.
San Diego AB R H BI SO AVG Third, James Hoye.
Umpires: Home, Junior Valentine; First, Campbell 2-2. MONDAY’S RESULTS
Time: 2:53.
Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 1 0 0 .299 Jerry Meals; Second, Jansen Visconti; WP: Okert. PB: Alfaro (13). MONDAY’S RESULTS Atlanta 12, Miami 2
A: 5,460(25,000).
Frazier 2b 4 0 1 0 0 .268 Third, Vic Carapazza. Umpires: Home, Stu Scheuwater; First, N.Y. Yankees 2, L.A. Angels 1 Cincinnati 14, Chi. Cubs 5
Machado 3b 4 0 2 1 0 .282 T: 2:49. Roberto Ortiz; Second, Chad Fairchild; Tampa Bay 9, Baltimore 2 Colorado 6, San Diego 5
Cronenworth ss 3 2 2 0 0 .278 LATE MONDAY: A: 37,010(47,309). Third, CB Bucknor. Kansas City 7, Houston 6 L.A. Dodgers 2, Pittsburgh 1
Nola c 4 1 1 0 0 .290 CHI. WHITE SOX 5, OAKLAND 2 T: 3:28. A: 6,442 (36,742). Chi. White Sox 5, Oakland 2 San Francisco 7, N.Y. Mets 5
Hosmer 1b 4 0 0 0 2 .277 Oakland AB R H BI SO AVG Minnesota 5, Cleveland 4 (10)
Myers lf 4 0 2 0 0 .258 Canha lf 5 0 2 1 1 .246 LATE MONDAY:
Grisham cf 4 1 1 3 1 .258 Marte cf 4 0 0 0 1 .361 CINCINNATI 14, CHICAGO CUBS 5 LATE MONDAY:
Weathers p 1 0 0 0 0 .167 SAN FRANCISCO 7, N.Y. METS 5 AROUND THE HORN
Olson 1b 3 0 0 0 1 .281 Chi Cubs AB R H BI SO AVG
Adams p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Gomes c 4 0 0 0 1 .219 NY Mets AB R H BI SO AVG
a-Pham ph 1 0 0 0 0
Crismatt p 0 0 0 0 0
Lowrie dh 4 0 2 0 1 .262 Duffy 3b
Schwindel 1b
5 1 2 0 0
5 1 2 0 0
.373 Nimmo cf 4 1 1 0 1 .280 „„Pirates: A former Pirates the game batting .231 with
c-Caratini ph 1 0 0 0 0 .227
1-Kemp pr-dh 0 0 0 0 0
Chapman 3b 4 1 1 1 2
.224 Wisdom lf 4 0 0 0 3 .255 Conforto rf 4 1 0 0 2 .217 reliever was sentenced three HRs and 28 RBIs in 113
Diaz p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Harrison 2b 2 1 0 0 1 .276 Bote 2b 4 0 1 0 1 .198 Alonso 1b 4 1 1 2 1
Smith lf 4 0 0 1 1
Tuesday to at least two games. INF Vimael Machín
d-Kim ph 1 0 0 0 0 .206 Chirinos c 3 1 1 2 0 .286
Hudson p 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Piscotty rf 1 0 0 0 0
a-Brown ph-rf 2 0 0 0 1
.207 Heyward rf 4 1 1 1 1 .199 McNeil 2b 5 0 0 0 1 .255 years behind bars for statu- was optioned to Triple-A
TOTALS 35 5 10 4 3 Machin ss 2 0 1 0 1 .107 Fargas cf 3 0 0 0 3 .269 Davis 3b
Villar ss
4 1 3 0 0
4 1 2 2 2
tory sexual assault and child Las Vegas.
Colorado AB R H BI SO AVG b-Moreland ph 1 0 0 0 1 .233 Winkler p 0 0 0 0 0
Jewell p 0 0 0 0 0
.000 McCann c 4 0 2 0 2 .240 pornography, among other „„Dodgers: LHP Cole
Joe lf 4 2 2 1 0
Rodgers 2b 4 1 1 0 0
TOTALS 32 2 6 2 11
White Sox AB R H BI SO AVG c-Happ ph 1 0 1 2 0 .179 Hill p 2 0 0 0 2 .000 charges, in a case involving Hamels was place on the
Castro p 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Story ss 4 1 1 2 1 .258 Anderson ss 5 1 2 0 1 .301
Meisinger p 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Alcantara ss 3 0 1 0 0 .192 e-Blankenhorn 1 0 0 0 0 .211 a girl who was 13 when the 60-day IL on Monday, effec-
Blackmon rf 4 1 1 2 0
Cron 1b 3 1 2 1 1
Hernandez 2b 2 0 1 1 0 .246 Steele p 1 0 0 0 1 .000 Familia p 0 0 0 0 0 --- encounters began. Felipe tively ending his season
McMahon 3b 3 0 1 0 1 .265
Abreu 1b 4 0 0 0 3
Jimenez lf 4 0 1 1 1
a-Romine ph 1 0 0 0 0 .231 Loup p
May p
0 0 0 0 0 ---
0 0 0 0 0 ---
Vazquez, 30, was sentenced before he ever pitched for
Rucker p 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Diaz c 3 0 1 0 0 .225 Moncada 3b 3 0 1 0 2 .251 Ortega cf 2 1 1 0 0 .329 g-Drury ph 1 0 1 0 0 .307 to two to four years. He the defending World Series
Daza cf 3 0 0 0 0 .283
Senzatela p 2 0 0 0 1 .036
Vaughn dh 4 0 0 0 1
Robert cf 4 3 3 1 1
TOTALS 36 5 10 5 9 Lugo p
0 0 0 0 0
37 5 10 5 12
.000 has already served almost champions. The 37-year-
b-Hilliard ph 1 0 0 0 1 .206 Goodwin rf 2 0 0 0 0 .230
Cincinnati AB R H BI SO AVG
San Fran. AB R H BI SO AVG two years in jail and will be old signed a one-year,
Estevez p 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Bard p 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Zavala c 3 1 2 2 0 .230 India 2b
Castellanos rf
6 2 3 5 1
4 1 2 0 1
.317 Slater cf 2 0 0 0 1 .232 eligible for a parole hearing $3.05 million deal with the
TOTALS 31 6 9 6 5
TOTALS 31 5 10 5 9
Akiyama rf 0 0 0 0 0 .221 c-Dickerson ph 1 1 1 0 0 .234 one month after arriving Dodgers on Aug. 4. The four-
Jackson p 0 0 0 0 0 .000
San Diego 010 001 003 — 5 10 0
Oakland 020 000 000 — 2 6 1
Chi White Sox 001 111 01x — 5 10 0
Votto 1b 4 1 3 1 1
1-Stphnsn pr-1b 0 0 0 0 0
.291 Alvarez p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 in prison, according to the time All-Star was expected
Colorado 104 000 001 — 6 9 0 Farmer ss 5 1 1 1 3 .261 Watson p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. to add depth to a pitching
One out when winning run scored. a-flied out for Piscotty in the 6th.
Hembree p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 f-Belt ph-1b 2 1 1 1 0
Bryant rf-lf 4 2 2 3 0
Vazquez was arrested in staff that’s been ravaged by
Hoffman p 0 0 0 0 0 .143
a-grounded out for Adams in the 6th.
b-struck out for Senzatela in the 7th.
b-struck out for Machin in the 9th.
Suarez 3b 3 2 0 0 2 .172 Posey c 4 1 1 0 1 .330 September 2019 and is injuries and is minus reign-
1-ran for Lowrie in the 8th.
c-grounded out for Crismatt in the 8th. E: Machin (2).
Aquino lf 4 3 2 3 0 .216 Ruf lf 2 0 1 1 0
d-Wade Jr. ph-rf
2 0 0 0 1
facing related charges in ing NL Cy Young Award
d-lined out for Diaz in the 9th.
LOB: San Diego 4, Colorado 1. 2B:
LOB: Oakland 8, Chicago 8. 2B: Lowrie
Naquin cf 3 1 1 1 0
Barnhart c 4 1 2 3 1
.268 Longoria 3b 3 2 1 0 2 .278 Florida and Missouri. winner Trevor Bauer, who’s
Cronenworth (27), Tatis Jr. (22), Story
HR: Chapman (18), off Keuchel; Robert
Miley p 3 1 0 0 1 .156 Crawford ss 4 0 4 1 0 .306 „„Yankees: Catcher Gary on paid administrative
Flores 1b 4 0 2 1 0 .251
(29). (3), off Guerra.
b-Barrero ph-ss
1 1 0 0 0
37 14 14 14 10
Rogers p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Sanchez and LHP Jordan leave as authorities inves-
HR: Grisham (13), off Bard; Joe (7), off
Weathers; Blackmon (8), off Weathers;
RBIs: Chapman (56), Canha (42),
Hernandez (4), Zavala 2(13), Jimenez
McGee p 0 0 0 0 0 --- Montgomery were acti- tigate allegations of sexual
Cron (20), off Hudson. (20), Robert (12). Chi Cubs 000 000 050 — 5 10 0
Solano 2b 1 0 0 0 0
a-La Stella 2b 3 0 0 0 1
vated from the COVID-19 misconduct. Hamels will
RBIs: Machado (79), Grisham 3(50),
Joe (25), Story 2(56), Blackmon 2(54),
SB: Hernandez (1), Robert (5), Goodwin Cincinnati 000 220 82x — 14 14 0 Gausman p 1 0 0 0 0 .211 list on Tuesday and started earn about $1 million from
(1). CS: Robert (1). SF: Hernandez.
Cron (64). S: Zavala. a-grounded out for Steele in the 5th. b-Yastrzemskicf
3 0 0 0 0
36 7 13 7 6
.221 the Yankees’ 5-3 win over the deal. Manager Dave
Runners left in scoring position: San
Diego 0(Nola); Colorado 0(Daza).
Runners left in scoring position: b-walked for Miley in the 7th.
c-doubled for Jewell in the 8th.
the visiting Red Sox in the Roberts said Hamels was
RISP: San Diego 2for 8; Colorado 2for 4.
Oakland 6(Gomes, Olson 2, Harrison 3);
Chicago 4(Jimenez, Vaughn, Moncada, 1-ran for Votto in the 7th. N.Y. Mets 000 030 020 — 5 10 0 first game of a doubleheader. building up in Arizona when
Runners moved up: Nola, Myers. Anderson). RISP: Oakland 1for 7; LOB: Chicago 6, Cincinnati 8. San Francisco 000 220 30x — 7 13 1 Montgomery (4-5, 3.77 ERA) his arm “didn’t respond
GIDP: Grisham, Nola, Myers, McMahon, 2B: Schwindel (6), Heyward (13), Happ
Chicago 2for 9. Runners moved up:
Olson, Chapman, Goodwin. (11), Barnhart (20), Farmer (16), India a-lined out for Solano in the 4th. allowed three earned runs well,” although he wasn’t
DP: San Diego 3(Frazier, Cronen- GIDP: Canha, Vaughn. DP: Oakland 1 (21). b-grounded out for Gausman in the 5th.
c-doubled for Slater in the 5th. d-struck
and struck out six over 4 sure whether it occurred
worth, Hosmer; Frazier, Cronenworth,
Hosmer; Machado, Cronenworth,
(Machin, Harrison, Olson); Chicago 1 HR: India (16), off Steele; Aquino (8),
off Rucker; Barnhart (7), off Meisinger. out for Ruf in the 5th. e-flied out for 2/3 innings but didn’t factor during a bullpen session
(Hernandez, Abreu).
Hosmer); Colorado 3(Story, Rodgers, RBIs: Chirinos 2(7), Heyward (23), Castro in the 6th. f-homered for Watson into the decision. Sanchez, or throwing to hitters.
in the 7th. g-singled for May in the 8th.
Cron; Rodgers, Story, Cron; Rodgers,
Happ 2(32), India 5(55), Aquino 3(17),
Farmer (44), Naquin (62), Barnhart 3 E: Crawford (7). LOB: New York 9, San hitting seventh in the lineup, Roberts didn’t elaborate on
Montas, L, 9-9 5 8 3 3 3 6 4.04 (40), Votto (76). Francisco 6. went 0-for-3 with a strike- the specific injury. Hamels
Weathers 4 8 5 5 0 3 5.06
1 1 1 1 0 0 3.28
1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00
SF: Barnhart. 2B: Posey (14), Dickerson (8). 3B:
Alonso (1), Crawford (2).
out. For the season, he’s was limited to one start last
Runners left in scoring position:
1 0 0 0 0 1 2.81
2 0 0 0 1 1 3.14
Guerra 1 1 1 1 0 1 3.83
Chicago 3(Bote, Schwindel, Alcan- HR: Villar (14), off Rogers; Bryant (2), batting .214 with 17 HRs and season with the Braves due
Hudson, L, 0-1
1 0 0 0 0 0 2.61
1/3 1 1 1 0 0 7.71
Keuchel, W, 8-6 5 5 2 2 2 2 4.48
tara 2); Cincinnati 4(Suarez 2, India, off Castro; Belt (16), off May; Bryant
(3), off May.
39 RBIs in 85 games. to shoulder inflammation
Kopech, H, 13 2 0 0 0 1 3 2.42
RISP: Chicago 4for 13; Cincinnati 4 RBIs: Alonso 2(67), Smith (52), Villar 2 „„Nationals: RHP Joe and arm fatigue. He went 3
Ross will miss the rest of 1/3 innings on Sept. 16 against
Kimbrel, H, 2 1 1 0 0 0 3 4.70
Hendriks, S, 27-33
1 0 0 0 0 3 3.35 for 13. (31), Ruf (32), Flores (44), Bryant 3(8),
Senzatela 7 6 2 2 1 2 4.58
Belt (36), Crawford (70).
Estevez, H, 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 4.57
Bard, W, 6-5 1 3 3 3 0 1 4.53 HBP: Keuchel (Harrison), Kimbrel
GIDP: Schwindel.
DP: Cincinnati 1(Suarez, India, Votto). SB: Villar (10). SF: Smith. the season but won’t need the Orioles and allowed
WP: Senzatela. (Olson), Guerra (Goodwin). WP: Puk. Runners left in scoring position: New surgery for his partially torn three earned runs. Hamels,
Umpires: Home, Adam Hamari; First,
Marvin Hudson; Second, Dave Rackley;
York 4(Smith 2, Hill, Conforto); San
Francisco 3(La Stella, Yastrzemski,
ulnar collateral ligament at the 2008 World Series
Umpires: Home, Ron Kulpa; First, Nic
Third, Larry Vanover. Lentz; Second, Nick Mahrley; Third,
Steele, L, 2-2
4 5 2 2 3 5 3.22
2 4 6 6 2 4 9.26
Flores). this time, Nats manager and NLCS MVP with the
Time: 2:32.
A: 24,565(50,445).
Bruce Dreckman. Winkler 1/3 2 4 3 3 0 5.22 RISP: New York 1for 7; San Francisco 3
for 7. Runners moved up: Alonso.
Dave Martinez announced. Phillies, has spent 15 seasons
Ross will rest his injury and in the majors. He has a
T: 3:16. A: 19,410 (40,615). Jewell 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 7.88
Meisinger 1 2 2 2 0 0 14.73
CINCINNATI IP H R ER BB SO ERA NY METS IP H R ER BB SO ERA “go through some extensive career record of 163-122
AUG. 18 the sport’s minor league drug testing
Miley, W, 10-4 7 4 0 0 1 7 2.84
Hembree 2/3 5 5 5 0 2 6.38
Castro, L, 3-4
32/3 6 2 2 0 2 4.98
11/3 2 2 2 0 2 3.38
rehab” with the hope he can with a 3.43 ERA and 2,560
1915: Boston opened Braves Field with procedures. The 30-year-old minor Hoffman 11/3 1 0 0 0 0 4.31 Familia 2/3 2 0 0 0 2 3.89 return to pitch in the spring, strikeouts in 423 games. In
a 3-1 victory over the Cardinals. league first baseman, who was in the
big leagues from 2005-10, received
Pitches-Strikes: Steele 82-51; Rucker
53-32; Winkler 28-15; Jewell 13-8;
1/3 0 0 0 0 0 1.17
1 3 3 3 1 0 4.17 Martinez said. Ross (5-9, 4.17 his last full season in 2019
1931: New York’s Lou Gehrig played in
his 1,000th consecutive game. Gehrig a 50-game suspension for taking Meisinger 28-18; Miley 97-65; Hembree
Lugo 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.30
ERA), 28, had Tommy John with the Cubs, he went 7-7
went hitless in the 5-4 loss to Detroit. the banned performance-enhanc- 30-21; Hoffman 23-12.
Ground Balls-Fly Balls: Steele 5-4;
Gausman, W, 12-5
5 5 3 3 2 7 2.40
surgery in 2017. with a 3.81 ERA. “We’re
ing substance and was subsequently
1948: Brooklyn’s Rex Barney pitched
a one-hitter for a 1-0 win over Robin released by the Rockies. Rucker 3-2; Winkler 1-0; Jewell 0-2; Jackson, H, 3 1/3 2 0 0 0 0 3.68 „„Athletics: SS Elvis just sad for Cole because he
Andrus was reinstated from did everything he could to
Alvarez, H, 4 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.33
Roberts and the Phillies at Shibe Park. 2017: Manny Machado capped a Meisinger 2-2; Miley 10-4; Hembree Watson, H, 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
0-0; Hoffman 2-2.
2007: Micah Owings went 4-for-5,
including a pair of mammoth homers,
three-homer night with a grand slam in
the bottom of the ninth inning, and the Batters Faced: Steele 20; Rucker 12;
Rogers 1 3 2 2 0 2 2.05
McGee, S, 26-29 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.66 the paternity list and was put himself in a position to
drove in six runs and scored four times Orioles rallied past the L.A. Angels 9-7 Winkler 6; Jewell 3; Meisinger 5; Miley Inherited runners-scored: Castro 2-0, in the starting lineup for get back on a major league
Loup 2-0, Alvarez 2-0.
while pitching three-hit ball through in a game that featured 10 home runs.
2018: Mets ace Jacob deGrom pitched
26; Hembree 7; Hoffman 5.
Inherited runners-scored: Winkler 3-3, HBP: Gausman (Alonso). Athletics’ game against the team and pitch major league
seven innings as the Arizona Diamond-
backs beat the Atlanta Braves 12-6. his first complete game of the season Jewell 2-1, Hoffman 2-2. Umpires: Home, Dan Iassogna; First, White Sox in Chicago. He innings,” Roberts said.
2011: Mike Jacobs became the first and lowered his major league-lead- HBP: Miley (Chirinos). PB: Chirinos (2).
T: 3:37.
Jeremie Rehak; Second, Scott Barry;
Third, John Libka.
was placed on the paternity “Unfortunately, it didn’t
ing ERA to 1.71 with a 3-1 win over the
player suspended by Major League
Baseball for a positive HGH test under Phillies. A: 15,404(42,319). T: 3:23. A: 23,511(41,915). list Saturday. Andrus entered happen.”
Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  5




EASTERN W L T PT GF GA EAST W L T PCT PF PA 1. Kyle Larson, 953.
2. Denny Hamlin, 931.
New England 13 3 4 43 37 23 Buffalo 1 0 0 1.000 16 15
3. Kyle Busch, 796.
New York City FC 9 5 4 31 34 18 N.Y. Jets 1 0 0 1.000 12 7
4. William Byron, 790.
Nashville 7 2 10 31 31 19 New England 1 0 0 1.000 22 13
5. Chase Elliott, 774.
Orlando City 8 4 6 30 28 23 Miami 0 1 0 .000 13 20
6. Joey Logano, 763.
Philadelphia 7 5 7 28 25 19 SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA
7. Martin Truex Jr, 762.
D.C. United 8 8 3 27 29 26 Houston 1 0 0 1.000 26 7 8. Ryan Blaney, 747.
CF Montréal 7 7 5 26 26 25 Indianapolis 1 0 0 1.000 21 18 9. Kevin Harvick, 733.
Columbus 6 7 6 24 21 24 Tennessee 1 0 0 1.000 23 3 10. Brad Keselowski, 696.
Atlanta 4 6 9 21 22 25 Jacksonville 0 1 0 .000 13 23 11. Tyler Reddick, 666.
Chicago 5 9 5 20 21 29 NORTH W L T PCT PF PA 12. Alex Bowman, 653.
New York 5 9 4 19 22 24
Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 17 14 13. Austin Dillon, 638.
Inter Miami CF 4 9 4 16 15 28
Cincinnati 1 0 0 1.000 19 14 14. Kurt Busch, 607.
Cincinnati 3 7 7 16 18 30
Cleveland 1 0 0 1.000 23 13 15. Christopher Bell, 562.
Toronto FC 3 10 6 15 24 40
Pittsburgh 2 0 0 1.000 40 19 16. Matt DiBenedetto, 521.
WEST W L T PCT PF PA 17. Chris Buescher, 520.
Sporting KC 11 4 4 37 35 20 18. Ross Chastain, 490.
Seattle 10 3 6 36 32 16 Denver 1 0 0 1.000 33 6 19. Michael McDowell, 480.
LA Galaxy 11 6 2 35 30 28 Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 19 16 20. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 479.
Colorado 9 4 4 31 25 17 L.A. Chargers 1 0 0 1.000 13 6 21. Bubba Wallace, 464.
Minnesota United 7 6 5 26 21 22 Las Vegas 1 0 0 1.000 20 7 22. Chase Briscoe, 424.
Real Salt Lake 6 6 6 24 27 20 23. Aric Almirola, 416.
Portland 7 9 2 23 25 35 NATIONAL CONFERENCE 24. Daniel Suarez, 408.
Los Angeles FC 6 8 5 23 24 26 EAST W L T PCT PF PA 25. Erik Jones, 408.
San Jose 5 7 7 22 21 27 N.Y. Giants 0 1 0 .000 7 12 26. Ryan Newman, 393.
FC Dallas 5 8 6 21 23 27 Philadelphia 0 1 0 .000 16 24 27. Ryan Preece, 382.
Houston 3 7 9 18 20 28 Washington 0 1 0 .000 13 22 28. Cole Custer, 368.
Vancouver 3 7 8 17 19 28 Dallas 0 2 0 .000 19 35 29. Corey Lajoie, 307.
Austin FC 4 10 4 16 13 21 SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA 30. Anthony Alfredo, 234.
Three points for win, one point for tie. 31. Josh Bilicki, 130.
Atlanta 0 1 0 .000 3 23
32. Quin Houff, 116.
Carolina 0 1 0 .000 18 21
TUESDAY’S RESULTS 33. James Davison, 109.
New Orleans 0 1 0 .000 14 17
Colorado at LA Galaxy, late
Tampa Bay 0 1 0 .000 14 19 34. Jamie McMurray, 30. Daniel Berger is among several American players looking to bolster their case for a Ryder Cup
Minnesota at San Jose, late 35. Scott Heckert, 20.
NORTH W L T PCT PF PA spot with a strong performance in the FedEx Cup playoffs. SAM GREENWOOD/GETTY
36. Mike Marlar, 6.
D.C. United at New England, 6p.m. Chicago 1 0 0 1.000 20 13 37. David Ragan, 4.
Toronto FC at Atlanta, 6p.m. Detroit 0 1 0 .000 15 16 38. Chris Windom, 4.
CF Montréal at Cincinnati, 6:30p.m. Green Bay 0 1 0 .000 7 26
N.Y. City FC at Philadelphia, 6:30p.m. Minnesota 0 1 0 .000 6 33
39. Rc Enerson, 3.
40. Derrike Cope, 1. GOLF

With stretch run,

Chicago at Miami, 6:30p.m. WEST W L T PCT PF PA 41. Shane Golobic, 1.
Columbus at New York, 7p.m. Arizona 1 0 0 1.000 19 16 42. Ryan Eversley, 1.
Orlando City at Nashville, 7:30p.m. L.A. Rams 0 1 0 .000 6 13
Portland at Sporting KC, 7:30p.m. San Francisco 0 1 0 .000 16 19
Seattle at FC Dallas, 7:30p.m. Seattle 0 1 0 .000 7 20 LAP LED
Vancouver at Austin FC, 8p.m. No. Driver PCT. LAPS
Houston at Real Salt Lake, 9p.m. 1. Denny Hamlin 87.5 4604

pressure hits peak

2. William Byron 83.9 4410
NWSL 3. Kyle Larson 83.4 4387
New England at Philadelphia, 6:30p.m.
CLUB W L T PT GF GA 4. Chase Elliott 79.8 4198
Portland 9 3 2 29 21 8 5. Kevin Harvick 79.0 4155
Cincinnati at Washington, 7p.m.
North Carolina 7 4 3 24 18 9 6. Joey Logano 78.8 4146
Kansas City at Arizona, 7p.m.
Gotham FC 5 2 6 21 14 9 7. Martin Truex Jr 76.9 4046
Orlando 5 4 6 21 18 17 8. Kyle Busch 73.4 3862
Buffalo at Chicago, noon
Chicago 6 7 2 20 15 21 9. Ryan Blaney 73.3 3853
N.Y. Jets at Green Bay, 3:25p.m.
Players feeling it as playoffs
10. Brad Keselowski 71.5 3761
Reign FC
5 5 4 19 17 17
6 7 1 19 17 15
Atlanta at Miami, 6p.m.
Baltimore at Carolina, 6p.m.
Berger is No. 10 in the Ryder Cup and
No. 20 in the FedEx Cup. A win this week
5 6 3 18 17 20
4 6 3 15 11 19
Detroit at Pittsburgh, 6:30p.m.
Tennessee at Tampa Bay, 6:30p.m. GOLF open, Ryder Cup picks loom at Liberty National likely would move him
Kansas City 1 9 4 7 7 20 Houston at Dallas, 7p.m.
Indianapolis at Minnesota, 7p.m. WORLD RANKINGS to the top of the FedEx Cup and inside the
Chicago at Louisville, 6:30p.m.
Denver at Seattle, 9p.m. RK. GOLFER
1. Jon Rahm
By Doug Ferguson top six in the Ryder Cup standings. That’s
Las Vegas at L.A. Rams, 9p.m.
SUNDAY’S GAMES 2. Dustin Johnson U.S. 9.06 Associated Press a lot to take in.
Kansas City at North Carolina, 6p.m. N.Y. Giants at Cleveland, noon 3. Collin Morikawa U.S. 8.64 “This is the advice I could give them,”
4. Xander Schauffele U.S. 7.39
Gotham FC at Reign FC, 9p.m.
San Fran. at L.A. Chargers, 6:30p.m.
MONDAY’S GAME 5. Justin Thomas U.S. 6.87 JERSEY CITY, N.J. — This is one time said Jon Rahm, who has no such concerns
Orlando at Washington, 4p.m. Jacksonville at New Orleans, 7p.m. 6. Bryson DeChambeau U.S. 6.34 where winning really does take care of as a Spaniard who’s No. 5 in the FedEx Cup
7. Louis Oosthuizen
8. Brooks Koepka
S. Africa
everything. and has locked up a spot on the European
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE WNBA 9. Patrick Cantlay U.S. 5.77 For most players, it’s all about the money. team. “Focus on playing good. Forget about
10. Harris English
11. Abraham Ancer
And for a dozen or so Americans, it’s the Ryder Cup and forget about East Lake.”
Man United
1 1 0 0 5 1
1 1 0 0 3 0
3 Connecticut 16 6 .727 —
12. Jordan Spieth U.S. 5.55 about playing for no money at all. One cup or two, that’s what late summer
Liverpool 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 Chicago 11 10 .524 4 1/2
13. Tyrrell Hatton England 5.39 The Northern Trust not only is the start on the PGA Tour was designed to be.
14. Viktor Hovland Norway 5.30
West Ham
1 1 0 0 4 2
1 1 0 0 3 1
New York 10 12 .455 6
15. Rory McIlroy N. Ireland 5.30 of the FedEx Cup playoffs, it’s the begin- “I think it’s probably the most cutthroat
8 11 .421 6 1/2
Brentford 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
Atlanta 6 14 .300 9
16. Daniel Berger U.S. 5.22 ning of the end for Ryder Cup qualifying. golf that we can have in terms of pressure,”
Watford 1 1 0 0 3 2 3 Indiana 4 17 .190 11 1/2
17. Patrick Reed U.S.
18. Hideki Matsuyama Japan
Two tournaments are left before the top Schauffele said.
Brighton 1 1 0 0 2 1 3
Leicester 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
19. Webb Simpson U.S. 4.92 six Americans earn a spot on the team, and “We always have so much to play for, and
Tottenham 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 Las Vegas
16 6 .727
16 6 .727 —
— 20. Scottie Scheffler U.S.
21. Paul Casey England
then Steve Stricker has six captain’s picks it all comes out of this.”
Aston Villa
1 0 0 1 2 3
1 0 0 1 1 2
0 Minnesota 13 8 .619 21/2 22. Tony Finau U.S. 4.49 a week later. The idea behind the FedEx Cup playoffs
ch-Man City 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Phoenix
10 10 .500
9 13 .409
23. Matt Fitzpatrick England 4.30 Whatever stress or pressure a player feels when they began in 2007 was for players to
24. Sam Burns U.S. 3.94
Wolverhampton 1 0 0 1 0 1
Newcastle 1 0 0 1 2 4
0 Los Angeles 7 13 .350 8 25. Jason Kokrak U.S. 3.93 depends on his position on each list. be at their best during the postseason chase
Southampton 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 26. Billy Horschel U.S. 3.74 The solution is the same for both: Play for a cash bonanza — $10 million for the
Arsenal 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 TUESDAY’S RESULTS
Connecticut 72, Minnesota 60
27. Joaquin Niemann Chile
28. Cameron Smith Australia
well. winner back then, $15 million now, rising
Crystal Palace 1 0 0 1 0 3 0
Norwich 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 Dallas at Chicago, late 29. Sungjae Im S. Korea 3.32 “I still think it’s about preparing for to $18 million next year.
Leeds 1 0 0 1 1 5 0 Indiana at Phoenix, late
Washington at Las Vegas, late
30. Lee Westwood
31. Will Zalatoris
each individual tournament as best you Playing well throughout the season
ch - clinched championship
SATURDAY’S MATCHES Atlanta at Los Angeles, late 32. Phil Mickelson U.S. 3.24 can,” Patrick Cantlay said. “Because it’s so certainly helps, which explains why Mori-
Liverpool vs. Burnley, 6:30a.m.
33. Kevin Na U.S. 3.20 complicated, there can be so much ebb and kawa with his British Open and a World
34. Kevin Kisner U.S. 3.19
Aston Villa vs. Newcastle, 9a.m.
Crystal Palace vs. Brentford, 9a.m. Seattle at New York, 6p.m. 35. Ryan Palmer U.S. 3.17 flow, it’s not worth trying to get caught up Golf Championship title is the top seed
Leeds vs. Everton, 9a.m. 36. Corey Conners Canada 3.00 in all that points business.” going into the first of three postseason
Man City vs. Norwich, 9a.m. THURSDAY’S GAMES
Minnesota at Connecticut, 6p.m.
37. Adam Scott Australia
38. Tommy Fleetwood England
Cantlay is No. 3 in the FedEx Cup. There’s events.
Brighton vs. Watford, 11:30a.m.
SUNDAY’S MATCHES Washington at Phoenix, 9p.m. 39. Marc Leishman Australia 2.82 not much stress there, at least not yet. That already earned him $2 million for
Southampton vs. Man United, 8a.m. Atlanta at Los Angeles, 9:30p.m. 40. Shane Lowry
41. Max Homa
He’s No. 11 in the Ryder Cup and after his leading the regular season.
Wolverhampton vs. Tottenham, 8a.m.
Arsenal vs. Chelsea, 10:30a.m.
LEAGUE LEADERS 42. Matthew Wolff U.S. 2.69 experience in the Presidents Cup at Royal It guarantees little else.
Tina Charles (WSH)
43. Brian Harman U.S. 2.63 Melbourne, making the team is a priority. Tiger Woods in 2007 and Spieth in 2015
44. Garrick Higgo S. Africa 2.62
West Ham U. vs. Leicester City, 2p.m.
Jonquel Jones (CONN) 16 334 20.9 45. Justin Rose England 2.57 “The Ryder Cup, I’d love to play,” he said. are the only players who started the post-
Breanna Stewart (SEA) 21
Brittney Griner (PHX) 20
46. Stewart Cink U.S. 2.54 “That feels totally different. That feels like season as the No. 1 seed and won the FedEx
47. Victor Perez France
48. Ch. Bezuidenhout S. Africa
the only thing that’s important is the points Cup. Spieth began that postseason by miss-
Jonquel Jones (CONN) 16 181 11.3 49. Ian Poulter England 2.52 that are going on. But the way way to do that ing two straight cuts. Woods sat out the first
Tuesday at Lindner Family Tennis
Sylvia Fowles (MIN)
Tina Charles (WSH)
50. Siwoo Kim S. Korea 2.49 is to take care of your business.” of what was then four playoff events. All
Center; Cincinnati; outdoors-hardcourt
Brittney Griner (PHX) 20 195 9.8 LPGA MONEY LEADERS Collin Morikawa is the No. 1 seed in the that mattered was the final event at the Tour
#9 Hubert Hurkacz d. Alejandro
C. Vandersloot (CHI)
No. Golfer
1. Nelly Korda
EV Money
13 $1,856,649
FedEx Cup and No. 1 in the Ryder Cup Championship.
Davidovich Fokina, 6-1, 6-7 (3), 6-1. Chelsea Gray (LV) 22 140 6.4 2. Yuka Saso 4 $1,181,642 standings, having already clinched a spot on It’s a little different now with a system
Grigor Dimitrov d.
#13 Roberto Bautista Agut, 6-3, 6-4.
Natasha Cloud (WSH) 14 89 6.4 3. Lydia Ko 15 $1,169,962 the U.S. team, along with Dustin Johnson. that rewards players with a head start at
4. Patty Tavatanakit 12 $1,022,212
The Ryder Cup points are big because the the Tour Championship depending on their
through Monday
Sebastian Korda d. Laslo Djere, 6-4, 6-4.
5. Ariya Jutanugarn 15 $1,014,089
Alexander Bublik d. Marcos Giron,
3-6, 6-3, 7-6 (5).
NBA 6. Nasa Hataoka 14 $990,493 money is big — a $9.5 million purse each of FedEx Cup ranking. The No. 1 seed starts at
Marin Cilic d. Aslan Karatsev, 7-5, 6-3.
7. Minjee Lee
8. Inbee Park
13 $940,894
13 $938,159
the next two weeks. 10-under par before even hitting a shot at
John Isner d. Cam Norrie, 4-6, 7-6 (4), 6-4.
Lorenzo Sonego d. Carlos Alcaraz,
TUESDAY’S RESULTS 9. Lexi Thompson 13 $867,069 Xander Schauffele is holding down East Lake. The No. 2 seed starts at 8 under,
6-3, 7-6 (6). Dallas 83, Miami 82 10. Hyo Joo Kim
11. Jin Young Ko
12 $815,312
12 $803,185
the sixth spot over Jordan Spieth — both all the way down to the last five players at
Reilly Opelka vs. Corentin Moutet, late Philadelphia 103, Utah 98
Houston 95, Portland 92 12. Jeongeun Lee6 17 $757,977 figure to be at Whistling Straits at the end of even par.
#3 Alexander Zverev vs. Lloyd Harris, Toronto 86, Brooklyn 72 13. Leona Maguire 14 $709,175 September, even if they don’t qualify auto- The stakes are high. That doesn’t end
14. Lizette Salas 17 $705,516
late L.A. Lakers 84, Golden State 76
New Orelans vs. Minnesota, late 15. Danielle Kang 14 $680,545 matically. Harris English and Daniel Berger until FedEx Cup money is paid out, and
#6 Denis Shapovalov vs. Benoit Paire,
late Sacramento vs. Boston, late 16. Brooke M. Henderson 16 $666,968 are in the top 10 with no Ryder Cup experi- Stricker fills out the rest of his Ryder Cup
#16 Cristian Garin vs. Tommy Paul, late
17. Moriya Jutanugarn
18. Jessica Korda
15 $657,726
13 $630,480
ence. More is at stake for them. team.
Ugo Humbert vs. Frances Tiafoe, late MONDAY’S RESULTS
Indiana 74, Washington 65 19. Sei Young Kim 13 $579,182
Dusan Lajovic vs. Gael Monfils, late
Denver 94, Milwaukee 87 20. Ally Ewing 16 $573,984
Fabio Fognini vs. Guido Pella, late
Oklahoma City 116, San Antonio 91 21. Yealimi Noh 17 $572,431
Cleveland 88, Phoenix 85 22. Austin Ernst 16 $568,280
#14Alex de Minaur d.
New York 104, Atlanta 85 23. Pajaree Anannarukarn 17 $564,331
Filip Krajinovic, 0-6, 6-4, 6-4.
24. In Gee Chun 16 $554,908
Andy Murray d. Richard Gasquet, 6-4, 6-4 Detroit 79, Orlando 78
Memphis 104, L.A. Clippers 95 25. Amy Yang 15 $521,638 IN BRIEF
Karen Khachanov d. Kevin Anderson,

Seahawks sign Adams to extension

Chicago 99, Charlotte 74 26. Shanshan Feng 8 $520,964
6-2, 6-4.
27. Matilda Castren 10 $507,854
Mackenzie McDonald d.
REGULAR SEASON: OPENING WEEK 28. Megan Khang 15 $483,510
Brandon Nakashima, 7-5, 6-2.
TUESDAY, OCT 19 29. So Yeon Ryu 13 $479,403
Brooklyn at Milwaukee, 7:11 p.m. 30. Jennifer Kupcho 16 $478,339
31. Hannah Green 12 $473,441
#12 Simona Haelep d. Magda Linette, Golden State at L.A. Lakers, 9 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, OC. 20 32. Ryann O’Toole 15 $465,838 News services after their second shot. ... Steelers second-
6-4, 3-6, 6-1.
Karolina Muchova d. Johanna Konta, Boston at New York, 6:30 p.m. 33. Angel Yin 15 $454,477 year WR Chase Claypool suffered a minor
34. Celine Boutier 16 $424,581
3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-2. Denver at Phoenix, 9 p.m.
THURSDAY, OCT. 21 35. Brittany Altomare 17 $394,631 The Seahawks signed safety Jamal Adams ankle sprain during training camp prac-
Bernarda Pera d. RebeccaPeterson,
6-4, 6-1. Dallas at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. 36. Xiyu Lin 13 $392,502 to a four-year contract extension Tuesday tice Tuesday. ... The 49ers waived QB Josh
Elena Rybakina d. Sam Stosur, 6-3, 6-3. LA at Golden State, 9 p.m. 37. Georgia Hall
38. Mina Harigae
16 $389,162
14 $388,136
that is expected to make the former All-Pro Rosen, sending the former No. 10 overall
Coco Gauff d. Hsieh Su-Wei, 6-1, 6-2.
Veronika Kudermetova d.
Brooklyn at Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m. 39. Amy Olson 16 $380,275 the highest-paid safety in the NFL. pick back to an uncertain future. Rosen, 24,
Jasmine Paolini, 6-3, 6-2. Phoenix at L.A. Lakers, 9 p.m. 40. Lauren Stephenson 16 $347,925
41. Wei-Ling Hsu 15 $337,353
Adams was on the practice field for the never played in a regular-season game for
Jessica Pegula vs. Camila Giorgi, late
CHRISTMAS DAY GAMES 42. Gaby Lopez 15 $332,338 first time this training camp after the deal the 49ers. He was drafted by the Cardinals
#1 Ashleigh Barty vs. Heather Watson,
late Atlanta at new York, noon 43. Esther Henseleit 11 $327,432 was signed and announced. in 2018. ... The Lions waived long snapper
44. Giulia Molinaro 14 $318,767
Ons Jabeur vs. Anett Kontaveit, late Boston at Milwauke, 1:30 p.m.
Golden Sate at Phoenix, 4 p.m. 45. Jenny Shin 14 $318,676 NFL Network first reported the agree- Don Muhlbach, 40, who played 17 seasons
Catherine McNally vs. Dayana
Yastremska, late Brooklyn at L.A. Lakers, 7 p.m. ment, which is expected to be worth up to with the team. Muhlbach’s 260 games ranks
#14 Victoria Azarenka vs. Liudmilla Dallas t Utah, 9:30 p.m. $70 million and includes $38 million guar- second in Lions history behind kicker Jason
Samsonova, late
#10Belinda Bencic vs. Marketa LITTLE LEAGE BASEBALL
ODDS anteed. Hanson.
Vondrousova, late MLB WEDNESDAY Adams had been “holding in” since the
Caroline Garcia vs. Sloane Stephens, WORLD SERIES NATIONAL LEAGUE start of camp while waiting for a new deal NBA: The Celtics and G Marcus Smart
At South Williamsport, Pa.
GREAT LAKES (A): Taylor, Mich.
at Cincinnati -240 Chi Cubs +195
to get done with his rookie contract set to agreed to a four-year, $77 million extension
#13Jennifer Brady d. GREAT LAKES (B): Hamilton, Ohio at Colorado -115 San Diego +100 expire after this season. that begins with the 2022-23 season, ESPN
Ekaterina Alexandrova, 6-3, 7-6 (3).
#15Elisa Mertens d. Nadia Podoroska,
MID-ATLANTIC (B): Toms River, N.J.;
at San Fran. -164 N.Y. Mets
Atlanta -194 at Miami
Adams had been attending meetings but reported Monday night. ... The Grizzlies are
6-3, 6-4. MIDWEST (A): Hastings, Neb. Milwaukee -117 at St. Louis +100 hadn’t been participating in on-field activ- trading G Patrick Beverley to the Timber-
Yulia Putintseva d. Zhang Shuai, 6-2, 6-0
Shelby Rogers d. Danielle Collins,
MIDWEST (B): Sioux Falls, S.D. Philadelphia -125 at Arizona +105 ities. wolves for G Jarrett Culver and F Juancho
NEW ENGLAND (A): Hooksett, N.H.
6-4, 2-1, retired. NEW ENG. (B): Manchester, Conn.
at L.A. Dodgers -300 Pittsburgh +235
AMERICAN LEAGUE The 25-year-old was acquired from the Hernangomez, ESPN reported Tuesday.
Alison Riske d. Leylah Fernandez, 6-2, 6-2. NORTHWEST (A): Sammamish, Wash.; at Minnesota -130 Cleveland +110 Jets in a trade last summer, a deal that cost The Grizzlies acquired Beverley, 33, from
Paula Badosa d. Petra Martic,
4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (6).
NORTHWEST (B): Lake Oswego, Ore.
SOUTHEAST (A): Nolensville, Tenn.
at N.Y. Yankees -113 Boston
L.A. Angels -152 at Detroit
the Seahawks two first-round picks. the Clippers on Sunday. ... The defending
Angelique Kerber d. Maria Sakkari, 6-2, 6-3. SOUTHEAST (B): Palm City, Fla. at Tampa Bay -334 Baltimore +260 Last season, Adams set a league record for champion Bucks will host the Nets and the
SOUTHWEST (A): Lafayette, La.
SOUTHWEST (B): Abilene, Texas
-162 at Texas +144
-185 at Kansas City +161
sacks by a defensive back with 9 1/2. Lakers will host the Warriors to open the
Tuesday at XS Tennis Village; Chicago; WEST (A): Honolulu, Hawai at Ch Wh. Sox -181 Oakland +157 „„The Raiders will require all fans attending season Oct. 19. And the Bucks will host the
WEST (B): Torrance, Calif. INTERLEAGUE home games to show proof of vaccination Celtics as part of the league’s annual Christ-
Hailey Baptiste d. #2 Danka Kovinic, Double Elimination
Toronto -179 at Washington +156
For the latest odds, go to for COVID-19. The team said Monday that mas Day slate. Also scheduled for Christ-
6-3, 6-4.
Zarina Diyas d. #5 Madison Brengle,
THURSDAY’S GAMES FanDuel Sportsbook, the policy will take effect for the first regu- mas: Hawks at Knicks, Warriors at Suns,
6-7(2), 7-6(5), 6-4.
Game 1: Honolulu, Hawaii vs.
Manchester, Conn., noon
lar-season home game on Sept. 13 against Nets at Lakers and Mavericks at Jazz.
Clara Tauson d. Harriet Dart, Game 2: Nolensville, Tenn. vs. 20222 NBA FINALS CHAMPION ODDS the Ravens. The Raiders implemented the
6-1, 6-7(2), 6-2.
Storm Sanders d. Caroline Dolehide,
Hamilton, Ohio, 2 p.m.
Game 3: Hastings, Neb. vs.
Brooklyn 11-5 LA Lakers
Milwaukee 17-2 Golden State 9-1
change in accord with new directives from NHL: The NHL will have advertising on
6-3, 4-6, 6-2. Toms River, N.J., 4 p.m. Utah 14-1 LA Clippers 14-1 Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak regarding the front of team jerseys for the first time
Kateryna Kozlova d. Maryna Zanevska,
5-7, 6-4, 7-6 (2).
Game 4: Hooksett, N.H. vs. Philadelphia 16-1 Phoenix
Denver 18-1 Miami
large events. Vaccinated fans will not need starting in the 2022-23 season, according
Torrance, Calif., 6 p.m.
Emma Raducanu d. Dallas 28-1 Atlanta 35-1 to wear masks at the games. The Raiders to reports. The league’s board of governors
Alison Van Uytvanck, 7-6 (7), 6-3.
Vitalia Diatchenko d. Ana Konjuh,
FRIDAY’S GAMES Boston 40-1 Chicago 60-1 played their first season in Las Vegas in formally voted this month to approve jersey
Portland 66-1 New York 80-1
7-6 (4), 6-3.
Game 5: Oaks, Pa. vs.
Lake Oswego, Ore., noon New Orleans 100-1 Indiana 100-1 2020 without fans but will be at full capacity advertisements. The league had surveyed
Clara Burel d. Ivana Jorovic, 7-5. 3-2, ret. Game 6: Taylor, Mich. vs. Memphis 100-1 Charlotte 100-1 this season. The team will offer the oppor- its teams and found the majority of them in
Jule Niemeier d. Greet Minnen, 6-2, 6-2.
Oceane Dodin d. Coco Vandeweghe
Palm City, Fla., 2 p.m.
Game 7: Lafayette, La. vs.
Toronto 100-1 Washington 150-1
Sacramento 250-1 San Antonio 300-1
tunity for fans to receive vaccinations on site favor of jersey ads. The ads will be featured
7-6 (3), 6-4. Sioux Falls, S.D., 4 p.m. Minnesota 300-1 Cleveland 500-1 at Allegiant Stadium prior to home games. in a 3-inch-by-31/2-inch rectangle, which is
Amanda Anisimova vs. Nuria Parrizas
Diaz, late
Game 8: Sammamish, Wash. vs. Detroit
500-1 Orlando 500-1
500-1 Okla. City 500-1
Fans who do get vaccines at the stadium will larger than the NBA’s 21/2-by-21/2-inch space
Abilene, Texas, 6 p.m.
source: be required to wear masks until two weeks for uniform ads.
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021



Embiid signs $196 million extension Jags cut Tebow, ending comeback Rapinoe to ponder playing future
Joel Embiid has deep into the decade Tim Tebow’s comeback and NFL career Megan Rapinoe said Tuesday that she’s
to try and win his first NBA champion- are over. The Jaguars waived Tebow going to “take some time to think about”
ship with the 76ers. Another big-money on Tuesday, parting with the 2007 her playing future. Rapinoe, 36, made
deal locked up, the All-Star nicknamed Heisman Trophy winner who switched the comments during an interview on
“The Process” wants to end his career from quarterback to tight end in hopes an ESPN morning show when asked
a 76ers lifer. The team kept their trust of rejuvenating his pro football career. whether she’s planning to retire. “Just
in Embiid and signed the 7-footer to a “We knew that was an uphill battle for in terms of my whole career, I don’t
multiyear contract that reportedly was Tim,” said coach Urban Meyer, who really know yet. I need to take some
a four-year, $196 million extension, taking him through recruited Tebow to nearby Florida. “Players loved him, time to think about it,” Rapinoe told ESPN. “They always
the 2026-27 season. Terms of the deal weren’t made locker room loved him, but it was the right thing (to do).” say, ‘You’ll know when you know,’ but it’s not really like
public Tuesday. “There’s no place like PHILADELPHIA!!! Tebow’s blocking ranged from awkward to awful in the that, because you could kind of keep going, and it’s like ‘Aw
Excited to continue working towards bringing a title home Jaguars’ preseason opener against the Browns on Saturday. yeah, you’ve accomplished so much, you’ll be fine stepping
and eventually retire here #PHILLY,” Embiid wrote on The polarizing player also failed to record a catch and got away.’ But the conversation is always anguished in your
social media. His new deal will start in 2023-24. Embiid no snaps on special teams. Meyer said he expects this to mind. Or people just don’t think about it. I’ve been think-
and the 76ers signed a five-year, $148 million extension be the end of Tebow’s playing career. “I would guess it is,” ing about it a lot.” Rapinoe was asked about retirement in
that kicked in with the 2018-19 season. The 27-year-old Meyer said. “We didn’t get that deep with it. Obviously he’s the wake of Carli Lloyd calling it a career Monday. In the
Embiid was NBA MVP runner-up this season, making him his own man, elite warrior, elite competitor. But he’s also interim, Rapinoe said she’ll be returning to NWSL club OL
eligible for the supermax extension. Embiid led the 76ers 34.” Tebow, a Jacksonville native, thanked his hometown Reign (Tacoma, Wash.) later this week. Rapinoe and Team
to the best regular-season record in the Eastern Confer- team on Twitter. “Thankful for the highs and even the USA won bronze medal in the Tokyo Olympics. Rapinoe
ence. They lost in the second round to the Hawks. Embiid, lows, the opportunities, and the setbacks,” Tebow wrote. has 61 goals and 70 assists in 185 caps with USWNT. She’s
the No. 3 pick in the 2014 draft, shook off more injuries and “I’ve never wanted to make decisions out of fear of failure also a two-time World Cup winner and won a gold in the
averaged 28.5 points and 10.6 rebounds last season. and I’m grateful for the chance to have pursued a dream.” 2012 London Olympics. —News services


Preseason hype, hope only goes so far

Reality check: Which top have been since joining the ACC in 2004,
but how about this? Miami has finished the
teams may end up as flops? season ranked just six times as a member of
the ACC and never better than 11th.

By Ralph D. Russo
Associated Press No. 15 USC (5-1)
Opener: vs. San Jose State, Sept. 4.
The preseason AP Top 25 is all about hope Reality check: Since 2010, the Trojans have
and optimism. had four seasons that started ranked and
Reality Check is all about, well, being real- ended unranked. Coach Clay Helton could
istic. Sometimes the truth can be painful. have a hard time surviving another season
As has become tradition, the first AP Top at USC that doesn’t live up to expectations.
25 Reality Check of the season is a reminder
that your promising college football team,
newly minted with a cool ranking as it heads No. 16 LSU (5-5)
into the season, might turn out to be not as Opener: at UCLA, Sept. 4.
good as you and the poll voters thought. Reality check: The Tigers became the first
Alabama is No. 1, followed by Oklahoma, defending champions since Auburn in 2011 to
Clemson and Ohio State in the poll released finish the season outside the Top 25. There is
Monday. talent for a bounce back in Baton Rouge.
From 2010-2020, on average, 9.5 teams
that appeared in the preseason Top 25
finished the season unranked — about 38% No. 17 Indiana (6-2)
of the picks. During that time, the fewest Opener: at No. 18 Iowa, Sept. 4.
preseason ranked teams to finish outside Reality check: Coach Tom Allen’s Hoosiers
the final Top 25 was seven in 2011; the most will try to become the first team in the history
was 12, in 2010. of the program to start and end the season
Even in an anything-but-normal 2020 ranked.
season played through the pandemic, the
number of teams that started the season
ranked only to finish unranked was a typi- No. 18 Iowa (6-2)
cal 10. Opener: vs. No. 17 Indiana, Sept. 4.
What was unusual about last season was Reality check: In 22 seasons under Kirk
the number of flameouts that came from the Ferentz, the Hawkeyes have neither finished
upper half of the preseason Top 25. four straight seasons ranked, nor had three
Over the last 11 seasons, 17 teams that straight seasons that began and ended in the
started the season ranked in the top 10 AP poll. Iowa can accomplish both of those
finished unranked, just 1.5 per season. But this season.
last year, three top 10 teams — and five
among the top 12 in the preseason rankings
— did not finish the season ranked, led by No. 19 Penn State (4-5)
2019 national champion LSU, which was No. Opener: at No. 12 Wisconsin, Sept. 4.
6 going into last season. Reality check: The Nittany Lions had a string
As expected, most of the preseason of four straight Top 25 finishes snapped last
ranked teams that fail to make the final Top year. There is reason to believe it was just a
25 come from the bottom of the rankings. glitch, but a tricky early-season schedule
Teams ranked 21-25 in the preseason make should reveal a lot.
up 27% of the teams (28 total) that finished
To put it another way, a little more than No. 20 Washington (3-1)
half the teams that started the season ranked Opener: vs. Montana, Sept. 4.
between 21-25 from 2010-20, finished Reality check: The Huskies seemed primed
unranked. to settle into a perennial Top 25 team under
At the top of the poll? Only seven presea- coach Chris Petersen when they had three
son top-five teams over that span have failed straight ranked finishes from 2015-18.
to be ranked somewhere in the final Top 25. Coach Brian Kelly and No. 9 Notre Dame open against three teams currently not ranked before Second-year coach Jimmy Lake is trying to
How likely is your team to be one of the taking on No. 12 Wisconsin at Soldier Field in Chicago. JOHN MERSITS/SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE prove the program’s slip was small.
recruiting like the perennial playoff teams when Lou Holtz’s teams ended seven straight
No. 21 Texas (7-3)
No. 1 Alabama (13-0 last year) ranked in front of them and have four straight
top-seven finishes under Kirby Smart.
seasons ranked from 1987-1993.
Opener: vs. No. 23 Louisiana-Lafayette, Sept. 4.
Opener: vs. Miami in Atlanta, Sept. 4.
Reality check: The Crimson Tide have not
Georgia is a better bet to break its four-
decade national title drought than to tank No. 10 North Carolina (8-4) Reality check: Former Alabama offensive
coordinator Steve Sarkisian takes over a
finished ranked lower than 10th the last and finish unranked. Opener: at Virginia Tech, Sept. 3. program that for all the drama has finished
13 seasons. There is no reason to believe this Reality check: Coach Mack Brown tries to ranked three straight seasons for the first
season’s defending champion is vulnerable
to an LSU-type tumble. No. 6 Texas A&M (9-1) make it two straight seasons with a ranked
finish for the Tar Heels. That hasn’t been done
time since a 12-year run under Mack Brown
from 1998-2009.
Opener: vs. Kent State, Sept. 4. in Chapel Hill since the final two seasons of

No. 2 Oklahoma (9-2) Reality check: Heading into Jimbo Fisher’s

fourth season as coach, all signs are pointing
Brown’s first stint at UNC in 1996-97.
No. 22 Coastal Carolina (11-1)
Opener: at Tulane, Sept. 4.
Reality check: The Sooners have their
in the right direction for the Aggies. But A&M
has only finished the season ranked five times No. 11 Oregon (4-3) Opener: vs. The Citadel, Sept. 2.
Reality check: The Chanticleers will try
most balanced team in years, with a quality this century and hasn’t had consecutive Opener: vs. Fresno State, Sept. 4. to follow up their magical 2020 season by
defense to go with Lincoln Riley’s usual top-10 finishes in 27 years. Reality check: There has been a lot of buzz becoming the first Sun Belt team to begin
potent offense. For whatever it’s worth: around the Ducks because of the way coach and finish a season ranked.
Twice in the last 12 seasons (2009 and ’14)
No. 7 Iowa State (9-3) Mario Cristobal has been recruiting, but
Oklahoma has been a preseason top five
team and finished unranked. Opener: vs. Northern Iowa, Sept. 4.
Oregon has finished a season ranked just
once in the last five years. No. 23 La.-Lafayette (10-1)
Reality check: This whole ranked in the Opener: at No. 21 Texas, Sept. 4.

No. 3 Clemson (10-2) top 10 thing is new and different to the

Cyclones. Iowa State finished last season No. 12 Wisconsin (4-3) Reality check: The Ragin’ Cajuns will try to
follow up 21 victories in the last two seasons
Opener: vs. No. 5 Georgia in Charlotte, ranked for just third time in program history. Opener: vs. No. 19 Penn State, Sept. 4. by becoming, yes, the first Sun Belt team to
North Carolina, Sept. 4. Can Matt Campbell’s program continue to Reality check: In two of the last three begin and finish a season ranked.
Reality check: The Tigers are on a six-year outperform its DNA? seasons, Wisconsin started ranked and
run of top-four finishes and haven’t ended unranked. It’s happened a total of
No. 24 Utah (3-2)
finished unranked since 2010. Coach Dabo
Swinney’s team has lost one ACC game since No. 8 Cincinnati (9-1) four times to the Badgers in the previous
13 seasons, but the last time Wisconsin Opener: vs. Weber State, Sept. 2.
October 2017 and it’s to a team (Notre Dame) Opener: vs, Miami (Ohio), Sept. 4. went two straight seasons finishing Reality check: The Utes had a run of three
that is not in the conference this season. Reality check: The Bearcats have finished outside the Top 25 was 2003. straight seasons from 2014-16 in which they
ranked each of the last three seasons started the season unranked and finished

No. 4 Ohio State (8-1) under coach Luke Fickell, improving each
season. They’re loaded for another run in No. 13 Florida (8-4) ranked. Utah doesn’t get undervalued
quite so much anymore. Like a lot of Pac-12
Opener: at Minnesota, Sept. 2. the American Athletic Conference, with Opener: vs. Florida Atlantic, Sept. 4. teams, the Utes bring back a boatload of
Reality check: The Buckeyes have finished nonconference games at No. 17 Indiana and Reality check: Coach Dan Mullen has experienced players.
unranked just once since winning the national No. 9 Notre Dame likely to determine just brought some consistency with three straight
title in 2002, and have 16 top-10 finishes over
that span. Coach Ryan Day has yet to lose to
how high they can go in 2021. ranked finishes, a first for Florida since Urban
Meyer left after the 2010 season. No. 25 Arizona State (2-2)
a Big Ten opponent in 16 games.
No. 9 Notre Dame (10-2) Opener: vs. Southern Utah, Sept. 2.

No. 14 Miami (8-3) Reality check: The Sun Devils are ranked in

No. 5 Georgia (8-2) Opener: at Florida State, Sept. 5.

Reality check: The Fighting Irish have Opener: vs. No. 1 Alabama in Atlanta, Sept. 4.
the preseason for the first time since 2015.
Arizona State has only had one season (2014)
Opener: vs. No. 3 Clemson, Sept. 4. finished the season ranked four straight Reality check: There are many ways to in the last 24 years that began and ended
Reality check: The Bulldogs have been seasons. The last time that happened was describe how underwhelming the Hurricanes ranked.
C Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  1


Skirt steak bulgogi

Total time: 30 minutes, plus

Makes: 6 to 8 servings

2 pounds skirt steak, cut into

4-inch-long pieces
1 medium Asian pear or Fuji
apple (about 8 ounces),
peeled, cored and chopped
1 cup chopped yellow onion,
plus 1 large yellow onion, cut
into 1/2-inch-thick rounds
10 large garlic cloves, peeled
1 (2-inch) piece fresh ginger,
peeled and chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 tablespoons sugar
Kosher salt (Diamond
Crystal) and black pepper
2 bunches scallions
Neutral oil, such as vegetable
or canola, for grilling
Steamed white rice, for

1. On a large cutting board,

pound the steak until it is
1/8-inch thick using a meat
mallet or heavy skillet.
Transfer to a large bowl.
2. In a food processor
or blender, blitz the pear,
chopped onion, the garlic,
ginger, soy sauce, maple
syrup, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon
salt and 1 teaspoon pepper
until smooth. Pour the wet
mixture over the steak, cover
tightly and marinate in the
refrigerator for at least 1 hour
and up to 24 hours.
3. When ready to cook,
prepare a charcoal grill for
direct high-heat cooking, or
heat a gas grill to high. On a
sheet pan, coat the sliced
onions and the scallions with
1 tablespoon oil and season
with salt and pepper.
4. Carefully grease the grill
grate: Use tongs to grip a
wadded paper towel dipped
in oil and then rub the grates
with the oiled towel. Wipe
off any marinade clinging
to the steaks and place the
steaks on the hot, greased
For skirt steak bulgogi, the steak tastes best with char from a grill, but a hot skillet on the stovetop would work in a pinch. RYAN LIEBE/THE NEW YORK TIMES grate, along with the onion

Bulgogi, any way

rounds and scallions. Grill
the steak until charred and
caramelized at the edges, 2
to 4 minutes per side. Grill
the onions and scallions
until charred but still crisp,
1 to 2 minutes per side. If

you slice it
using a gas grill, close the lid
between flips. Discard any
remaining marinade. (See
note for stovetop method.)
5. Arrange the steaks on
a large platter, and top
with the grilled onions and
scallions. Serve family-style
By Eric Kim to presliced meat often labeled “bulgogi grilled beef (though sometimes pork with steamed rice.

The New York Times beef.” and less commonly chicken). If you Note: Alternatively, you can
“Back then, you couldn’t just buy grew up in a Korean household, then cook the steaks and onions
n a decades-old spiral-bound bulgogi beef like you can now,” she the dish wasn’t just occasional barbe- on the stovetop in batches in
police community cookbook, said. “You got a chunk of meat and had cue; it was dinner on the regular, a a lightly oiled large skillet or
Songza Park’s recipe for “BUL the butcher slice it for you.” Or, if there quick pan-fry on the stovetop. grill pan over medium-high
KOGI (Barbecued Beef )” calls wasn’t a butcher, you did it yourself. Just as there is no one way to make heat. Sear the steaks until
for 2 pounds of sirloin steak that For Park, a forensic chemist who has kimchi, there is no one way to make charred and caramelized at
you have to slice “very thin on the bias” since retired, bulgogi was a weeknight bulgogi. Versatility is a chief character- the edges, 2 to 3 minutes per
before scoring each piece with an X. workhorse, even without the conve- istic of the dish. side. Cook the onions and
In 1965, when Park immigrated to the nience of presliced meat. Variations on the original grilled scallions next, until charred
United States from South Korea, she An adaptable staple of Korean preparation hint at the many ways in but still crunchy, 1 to 2
had no access to Korean grocery stores, cuisine, bulgogi is most often made minutes per side. Discard any
where today entire cases are dedicated from thin slices of marinated and Turn to Bulgogi, Page 6 remaining marinade.

FDA paves way to automatically swap generic for brand-name insulin

By Linda A. Johnson U.S. savings from increas- India’s Biocon. lars at AmerisourceBergen,
Associated Press ing use of biosimilars from Mylan N.V., one of two a top drug wholesaler.
2020 through 2024 will top companies that merged to Only 20 of 29 FDA-​
U.S. regulators have The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has agreed that $100 billion. create Viatris last Decem- approved biosimilars —
taken action that will make Viatris Inc.’s Semglee insulin, above, is interchangeable with The FDA agreed that ber, launched Semglee for cancer and immune
it easier to get a cheaper, the widely used Lantus, a fast-acting insulin. VIATRIS Viatris Inc.’s Semglee was in the United States last disorders like rheumatoid
near-copy of a brand-name interchangeable with the summer. Red tape, lengthy arthritis — are sold in the
insulin at the drugstore. tion will allow pharmacists biologic medicine that’s widely used Lantus, a patents and pushback from U.S. so far, he said.
Doctors now have to to automatically substitute manufactured inside living long-acting insulin. brand-name drugmakers Depending on the phar-
specifically prescribe the cheaper version, just as cells. It could save diabetics Approval of a second have limited U.S. sales of macy, Semglee injector
what’s called a biosimilar they do with generic pills and health plans millions such interchangeable biosimilars to far below pens cost about $150 to
or OK substituting it for for other kinds of drugs. of dollars annually and biosimilar of a fast-acting levels in Europe. $190 without insurance for
a more expensive brand- It’s the FDA’s first encourage other drugmak- insulin appears imminent “These products are a typical month’s supply,
name insulin. approval of an “inter- ers to create more biosim- from the same developers, highly similar but much compared to $340 to $520
The recent move by the changeable” biosimilar, a ilar medicines. Health Pittsburgh-based generic more affordable,” said Sean for the same supply of
Food and Drug Administra- near-copy of an injected data firm IQVIA projects giant Viatris and its partner, McGowan, head of biosimi- brand-name Lantus.

Come, celebrate
c with us.
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2  Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 C

Pandemic has changed pregnancy, birth rates

Some effects defy department of obstetrics
and gynecology analyzed
expectations, others electronic medical records
are hard to explain and found the average
weekly number of new
By Marie McCullough obstetric patients fell from
The Philadelphia Inquirer 131 in March through June
2019, to 122 during the
Early in the pandemic, same months in 2020 —
there were predictions that when Michigan was under
stay-at-home orders would shutdown orders. Based
spawn a baby boom. on the decline in pregnant
“Nine months after folks patients, they projected
are forced to hunker down a 16% decline in deliver-
and ride out a natural disas- ies from December 2020
ter, the birth rate suddenly through April 2021.
spikes,” stated an article on When those months
Fatherly, a parenting news actually came around
website. “Whether it’s the and the delivery projec-
boredom ... or the sense of tions were accurate, the
impending doom, there’s researchers made a new
something about these situ- forecast. Based on the
ations that makes people do number of new obstet-
what comes naturally.” ric patients this spring,
In July, Fatherly ran a the volume of births this
sequel titled, “The COVID- summer and fall will
19 Baby Boom is a Lie.” rebound to 15% above
But it isn’t a lie. In the normal — a temporary baby
Philippines and other poor blip, if not a boom.
countries where families “Pandemics and other
were already struggling major society events alter
to make ends meet, lock- population dynamics,”
downs did cause a spike wrote the authors, led by
in pregnancies, largely DREAMSTIME maternal-fetal medicine
because women were specialist Molly J. Stout.
unable to access birth “You’d think the in-per- — the annual birth rate and sudden, sharp decline in the birth rate decreases “Population dynamics are
control. son care which we’ve been lifetime births per woman women getting pregnant. correlated with increases in of interest for governments,
The pandemic has had doing forever is beneficial, — have been falling fairly At the height of unemployment. businesses, and economists
profound impacts on preg- but maybe not in some steadily for decades. pandemic restrictions in “An analysis of the Great because fluctuations in
nancy and birth rates, as ways,” Berghella said. “The Meanwhile, deaths have late March and early April, Recession leads us to young and aging, work-
well as birth outcomes, bottom line is we don’t outpaced births in many more than 310 million predict that women will force, and school-aged
and the long-term conse- know why preterm births parts of the country. In Americans were stuck have fewer babies in the populations are critical
quences could ripple declined, but most people 2019, before the pandemic at home. Modified shut- short term, and for some of variables in the ability to
through economies, educa- say this is real. It has been hit, deaths exceeded births downs persisted in many them, a lower total number plan for social well-being.”
tion systems and more. The shown in Europe and Asia, in almost half of U.S. coun- places for a year. Grappling of children over their life- The UM study, like
thing is, some effects have as well as the U.S.” ties, and the nation added with economic hardship times,” the authors wrote. others, also found a marked
defied expectations, and But this unexpected just 892,000 people, the and zoom schooling, many The short- and long-term decline in preterm births.
some are hard to explain. pandemic benefit has lowest population growth couples decided to forgo, or distinction is important. Berghella, at Jefferson,
For example, the prema- socioeconomic nuances, in a century, according to at least postpone, repro- If the rate of pregnan- said this surprising silver
ture birth rate declined researchers at the Univer- an analysis by University of ducing. cies this spring is inflated lining opens a whole new
last spring and summer sity of Pittsburgh Medical New Hampshire demogra- “The decline in births by pregnant women who avenue for studying ways
— around the world. Center found. At UPMC pher Kenneth M. Johnson. could be on the order of postponed because of the to prevent the mysteri-
Vincenzo Berghella, Magee-Womens Hospi- This trend was pronounced 300,000 to 500,000 fewer pandemic, then not only ous, intractable problem
director of maternal-fetal tal in Pittsburgh, the rate in farming, mining and births” in 2021, predicted a could there be a rebound that is the leading cause
medicine at Philadelphia’s of births before 37 weeks older industrial regions, as Brookings report published in births later this year, but of newborn death and
Thomas Jefferson Univer- of pregnancy declined by well as in counties with lots in December. a big spike. On the other disability. Did stay-at-home
sity Hospital, was one of a percentage point among of elderly residents. To help with that predic- hand, there might not be orders reduce pregnant
the first to document the white women and those In 2020, population tion, the authors, econo- a spike, depending how women’s smoking, driving,
phenomenon, using data living in affluent neigh- growth shrank even more. mists Melissa Kearney and many women who post- infections, shift and phys-
from his hospital. One borhoods, but not Black The U.S. added 229,000 Phillip Levine, extrapolated poned find their biological ical work? Or did restric-
possible partial explana- women. “Systemic dispari- people, reflecting the from two historic crises. clocks have run out. tions lead to improvements
tion: telemedicine visits ties in health care outcomes tsunami of pandemic During the Spanish Flu If a University of in women’s nutrition,
eliminated frequent, incon- are at play here, too,” said deaths, and diminished pandemic of 1918-19, birth Michigan study recently hygiene, exercise, family
venient, time-consuming Hyagriv Simhan, vice chair immigration, Johnson’s rates dropped sharply with published in JAMA support? All of the above?
treks to the obstetrician’s of obstetrical services at updated snapshot found. each of the three big waves Network Open is a guide, “Basically, the idea is
office, which lessened Magee. But 2020 was marked of deaths. During the Great there will be a spike. pregnant women had less
expectant mothers’ stress. U.S. fertility indicators by another anomaly: A Recession of 2007-2009, Researchers in UM’s stress,” Berghella said.


Hot water can help ease itch Molecular imaging important

of fire ant, mosquito bites tool for dense breast tissue
Mayo Clinic
By Joe Graedon
and Teresa Graedon Q: After a recent
King Features Syndicate mammogram, I was
told that I have dense
Q: While I was mowing breast tissue. What does
the lawn, fire ants bit my that mean? Should I be
leg. I ran to the bath- concerned? What does
room and turned the hot that mean for my future
water on as hot as I could screenings?
stand it without burn- A: When health care
ing. Within seconds of providers say “breast
putting my leg under the density” or “dense breasts,”
tap, all traces of ant bites they are referring to
were gone, and I felt no how the breasts look on DREAMSTIME
discomfort. It seems the a mammogram. Women
hot water deactivated have different amounts of have dense breast tissue doses is purely theoreti-
the formic acid of ant tissue and different types than screening mammog- cal. In contrast, it is known
bites. of tissue in their breasts. raphy alone. that the risk of breast
The key points: Get the One reader who was bitten by fire ants used hot water to Breasts are composed Molecular breast imag- cancer is real for women.
hot water on the bites alleviate the itch. DREAMSTIME of fat, connective tissue ing and mammography One in 8 women is going
quickly and don’t burn that holds the breasts have only been studied to get breast cancer in her
yourself. I also washed from a reader: “My Lith- helped so many, and I together, and the part where MBI is performed lifetime, and the goal is to
my leg with soap just to uanian grandmother prefer them when possi- of the breast that makes in addition to mammogra- find those cancers while
prevent infection. had me put iodine on my ble. milk when breastfeeding. phy. There are a couple of they are small and most
A: Thank you for shar- left thumb, which had My wife has arthritic Those tissues look differ- reasons for this. treatable. MBI is one tool
ing your story. Hot water sprouted a wart. I was knees. NSAIDS like ent on a mammogram. We Mammography is really that helps do that.
can ease the itch of poison religious about applying ibuprofen and naproxen can see through the fat, good at detecting calcifica- In a molecular breast
ivy or mosquito bites as the iodine, as the wart was have not provided relief. which appears black on a tions, which you can think imaging exam, a woman
well. Anyone who tries this so ugly. I don’t remember Can you offer any guid- mammogram. However, of as tiny stones or grains receives an injection
must take care not to burn how long it took, but the ance on fish oil or anti- the other types of tissue of sand in the breast. Calci- of the radiotracer. The
their skin! wart disappeared. I’ve had inflammatory herbs? are white and can be diffi- fications sometimes can be breasts are placed in mild
no others.” A: A large randomized cult to see through. Dense the earliest sign of breast compression to stabi-
Q: I’ve had a wart on Povidone iodine has controlled trial of vitamin breast tissue can make it cancer. Molecular breast lize them while pictures
the inside of my thumb antiviral as well as anti- D and fish oil (VITAL) more challenging to see imaging does not perform are taken, but it’s less
for the past few years. bacterial and antifungal found no benefit for knee cancer on a mammogram as well with abnormalities compression than a
It was about the size activity. This old-fashioned arthritis (Arthritis & because the dense tissue that present as calcifica- mammogram and most
of a small pea and just antiseptic is often used Rheumatology, November and the cancer are both tions only. However, MBI women report that it is not
seemed like tough skin. to disinfect skin before 2020). The study lasted white. Dense breasts are is very good at finding uncomfortable.
It didn’t hurt so I didn’t surgery. over five years. Conse- common, with about half those lesions that might be Women should get their
panic over it, but I A small randomized, quently, we can’t recom- of women having dense hiding in the dense breast yearly screening mammo-
wanted it gone. placebo-controlled trial mend fish oil. breasts. tissue, so they really work grams, and those women
My dermatologist found that 2% povidone Other natural options In addition to cancers in concert together. with dense breast tissue
froze it a couple of iodine in dimethyl sulfox- worth consideration being more difficult to Molecular breast imag- should consider supple-
times, and I put enough ide (DMSO) eliminated include turmeric, boswel- see in dense breast tissue, ing uses a radiotracer, mental screening. Molec-
Compound W on it to warts much better than lia, ashwagandha and having dense breast tissue which is a radioactive ular breast imaging is an
float a boat. No results. DMSO alone (Dermatol- ginger. There is research confers a slightly higher agent that goes to active important complementary
Then I read about using ogy and Therapy, Decem- to support the anti-inflam- risk of developing breast parts of the breast and tool that helps find cancers
plain iodine. With a ber 2015). The authors matory activity of these cancer. lights up in areas that have that might otherwise go
few applications every concluded: “Twice-daily botanicals. For exam- Because of these issues, more metabolic activity, undetected for a long
day or so, the wart was topical povidone-iodine ple, a systematic review Mayo Clinic developed like cancer. That activity period of time because
completely gone in about solution in the novel vehi- of controlled trials of a test called molecular is detected with a special they can’t be seen on a
five weeks. There is abso- cle employed for this study turmeric extract found breast imaging, or MBI, camera. The radiotracer mammogram.
lutely no sign of it ever is an effective, safe and that curcumin relieved which looks at the function used in MBI has been used — Katie Hunt, M.D.,
being there. I couldn’t easy-to-use treatment for pain and joint stiffness of the breast tissue rather for a long time, and it is Division of Breast Imag-
believe it. common warts.” with fewer side effects than the anatomy. We have safe. The radiation doses ing, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
A: Warts are frequently than NSAIDs (Bioscience performed several large for mammography and Minnesota
treated by freezing or with Q: Although I’m a Reports, June 25, 2021). screening trials and incor- molecular breast imaging
salicylic acid (like the retired physician, I am porated MBI into Mayo’s are very low — below the Mayo Clinic Q&A is an
Compound W you tried). not much of a medicine In their column, Joe and clinical practice. Molecu- amount of background educational resource and
However, those methods man. I’ve seen too many Teresa Graedon answer lar breast imaging consis- radiation we get just by doesn’t replace regular
don’t always work. problems with drugs and letters from readers. Send tently finds about three walking around outside. medical care. Email ques-
Twenty-five years ago, their side effects. Alter- questions to them via www. to four times more breast Any risk from radiation at tions to MayoClinicQ&A@
we received this message native treatments have cancers in women who these extraordinarily low
C Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  3

Migraine sufferers may

want to eat more fish
In study, diet high this as a good thing: Vege- But the new study
table oils and other rich provides evidence that the
in omega-3s led to sources of omega-6 fats right diet could provide
fewer headaches have been found in many relief to some people
studies to be beneficial for who experience frequent
By Anahad O’Connor cardiovascular health. But migraine attacks, helping
The New York Times others argue that this could them reduce the number
be problematic because and severity of their head-
For most of her life, omega-6 fats have been aches.
Tanya Kamka suffered shown to promote pain Dr. Christopher E. Rams-
migraine headaches on a and inflammation, while den, the lead author of
weekly basis. omega-3 fats tend to have the study, said the find-
The headaches would the opposite effect in stud- ings suggest that dietary
come on gradually and then ies, helping to reduce pain changes could be a useful
build, causing excruciating and inflammation. complement to existing
pain and pressure behind The authors of the new treatments. “Many people
her left eye that would study wanted to know: with chronic pain continue
culminate in her vomiting Could a diet that boosts to suffer despite taking
or visiting the emergency omega-3 fats while lower- medication,” said Rams-
room. The ordeal would ing omega-6 fats make life den, a clinical investigator
often leave her feeling weak easier for people burdened in the National Institute on
and exhausted for days. by frequent migraine head- Aging Intramural Research
“Anytime I had a aches? Program. “I think this is
migraine I’d be wiped out For Kamka, the bene- something that could be
for three or four days,” said fits of a change in diet integrated with other treat-
Kamka, 58, a post office were striking: After a few ments to enhance their
clerk who lives near Fort months of increasing her quality of life and reduce
Bragg, North Carolina. fish intake and avoiding their pain.”
“I missed a lot of work many common vegeta- For the new trial,
because of migraines.” ble oils, she noticed that published in the BMJ in
But a few years ago, her headaches had all July, participants were
Kamka and 181 other but disappeared. Other randomly split into three
people who routinely expe- people on the new diet groups and followed for 16
rience migraine headaches also reported fewer head- weeks. One group followed
joined a clinical trial, spon- aches. Although the trial a diet that was high in
sored by the National Insti- ended after 16 weeks, omega-3 fats and relatively
tutes of Health, which was Kamka has remained on low in omega-6 fats. To
designed to test whether a it ever since. Gone are the make it easier to follow the
special diet could alleviate days when she ate foods diet, all the subjects were
their frequent headaches. like fried chicken, French given meals, snacks and
The diet that Kamka was fries and potato chips that recipes prepared by a dieti-
assigned to follow empha- were cooked in vegetables tian throughout the course MARGEAUX WALTER/THE NEW YORK TIMES PHOTOS
sized foods that contain oils rich in omega-6 fats. of the study.
large amounts of omega-3 She now makes a point of Vegetable oils high in the participants experi- headaches each month. and fast foods, which are
fatty acids, the oils found eating foods like cod, tuna, omega-6s are abundant in enced, on average, about Both groups reported typically made with oils
in some fish, while limiting sardines, spinach salads, the American diet. They are 16 “headache days” shorter and less severe that are low in omega-3s
foods that are rich sources hummus and avocados, often used for cooking and per month. But after 16 headaches than people in and high in omega-6s.
of omega-6 fatty acids, such and she cooks with olive found in many packaged weeks, the group that had the control group. Beth MacIntosh, a co-au-
as many vegetable oils. oil instead of corn, soybean foods and restaurant meals. increased their fish intake For people who want to thor of the new study, said
Omega-3s and omega-6s and canola oils. To see whether reducing and avoided vegetable try the diet, the researchers that extra-virgin olive oil,
are both considered essen- Migraine headaches are these fats could have an oils had an average of four said that the simplest way avocado oil, macadamia oil,
tial fatty acids — critical one of the most common impact on migraine head- fewer “headache days” to increase omega-3 intake coconut oil and butter tend
for health, and because our causes of chronic pain, aches, the researchers had each month compared to is to eat more fatty fish, to contain low amounts of
bodies can’t make them, affecting about 12% of a second group of people the control group, as well as such as sardines, anchovies, omega-6 fats.
they must be obtained Americans, most of them add more fish and other a 30% to 40% reduction in mackerel, salmon, albacore The researchers also
from foods. Historically women. For many people, rich sources of omega-3s “headache hours” each day. tuna and trout. For vege- encouraged people in the
humans consumed roughly the condition can be debil- to their diets without The group that increased tarians, good plant sources study to eat at least five
equivalent amounts of both itating, causing intense decreasing their intake of their omega-3 intake with- of omega-3 fats are ground servings of fruits and vege-
fatty acids. But the typical pain, nausea and other omega-6s. A third group of out reducing their omega-6 flaxseeds, chia seeds and tables per day. “Fruits and
American diet today tends symptoms and sharply people, serving as controls, consumption benefited walnuts. vegetables are naturally
to contain a much larger increasing the likelihood of consumed typical amounts as well, though they had Another important low in omega-6 fatty acids
proportion of omega-6 fats. developing depression and of both types of fats. a smaller improvement of component of the diet is — and they’re just healthy,”
Some health authorities see anxiety. At the start of the study, two fewer days without avoiding fried, processed said MacIntosh.

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4  Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 C

Debate over radon gas treatments recharged

Low-dose radiation
tested in COVID-19
cases, but caution
urged on mine trips
By Katheryn Houghton
Kaiser Health News

— Twice a year, Brian
Tichenor makes the 1,200-
mile drive each way from
his home in Kansas to a
defunct uranium mine in
Montana, where he takes
an elevator 85 feet below
the surface to sit amid
radioactive radon gas to
ease the pain from his
chronic eye condition.
“I found it like I think
a lot of people do,” said
Tichenor, 67. “It’s a point of
desperation with conven- LEFT: Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine, just outside Boulder, Montana, offers exposure to radioactive radon gas as a therapeutic treatment. RIGHT: Visitors
tional treatment.” can soak in radon-laced waters inside the defunct Merry Widow Health Mine in Basin, Montana. KATHERYN HOUGHTON/KAISER HEALTH NEWS PHOTOS
While radon is
commonly known as a ment in a medical facility one another near the rural Kim, lived in Seattle and a in their lives. The agency used to treat pneumonia
hazardous gas removed are as different as “chalk communities of Basin and connective tissue disease notes radon is respon- with reports it relieved
from basements, people and cheese,” said Brian Boulder. The gas naturally crumpled Veronica’s hands sible for about 21,000 respiratory symptoms.
in pain travel to Montana Marples, a professor of forms when radioactive and feet. Traditional medi- lung cancer deaths every Since then, fear has largely
and pay to breathe, drink radiation oncology at the elements in the mountains’ cine wasn’t working. After year. It recommends that kept the therapeutic poten-
and bathe in its radioac- University of Rochester. bedrock decay. two sessions a year in the homeowners with radon tial of low-dose radiation
tive particles. The travelers “In clinical therapy, we Outside the Merry mines ever since, Veronica levels of 4 picocuries per untapped, said Dr. Moham-
view the radon exposure know exactly what the dose Widow Health Mine, a smiles when she shows her liter or more should add a mad Khan, an associate
as low-dose radiation ther- is, we know exactly where billboard-like banner hands. radon-reduction system. professor with the Winship
apy for a long list of health it’s going,” he said. announces “Fountain of “They’re not deformed By contrast, the owners of Cancer Institute at Emory
issues. But the Environ- Marples said much of Youth. FEEL YOUNG anymore,” she said, adding Montana’s oldest radon University. But amid the
mental Protection Agency the argument for radon’s AGAIN!” Inside its tunnels, she has been able to cut therapy mine Free Enter- pandemic, providers strug-
and the World Health therapeutic use relies on water seeps from the rock down on her use of meloxi- prise Radon Health Mine gling to find treatments
Organization, among historical reports, unlike walls. Those who want cam, a medication to said their mine averages have been giving clinical
others, blame the gas as evidence-based research full immersion can slip reduce pain and swelling. around 1,700. radiation another look.
the second-leading cause on clinical radiation. Still, into a clawfoot tub filled Tichenor said going to Antone Brooks, formerly So far, the trials Khan has
of lung cancer. Although some radiation experts are with radon-tainted water. a mine with radon over a U.S. Department of led show that patients who
doctors use radiation as split on what level of radon People soak their feet and six years has been one of Energy scientist who stud- received targeted low-dose
a front-line treatment to should be deemed danger- hands in water or simply sit the few things to calm his ied low-dose radiation, is radiation to their lungs got
destroy dangerous cells, ous and whether it could and work on a puzzle. scleritis, a disorder that among those who believe off oxygen and out of the
its role in the U.S. in low have positive health effects. To owner Chang Kim, 69, causes pain he describes as the federal government’s hospital sooner than those
doses for other ailments is Another concern: The his business is a mission, ice picks stabbing his eyes. no-level-of-radon-expo- without the treatment.
disputed. The pandemic radon treatment in the especially for those with As for its potential danger, sure stance goes too far. Khan said more research
has recharged that debate mines is largely unreg- chronic medical condi- he said radon treatment is He pointed to research is necessary, but it could
as clinical trials across the ulated. The Montana tions such as arthritis or just like any medication: that indicates low doses of eventually expand clinical
world test whether low Department of Public diabetes. Those who swear Too much can cause harm. radiation potentially turn radiation’s role for other
doses of radiation can help Health and Human by radon therapy say that, He and other radon users on pathways within bodies illnesses.
treat COVID-19 patients. Services doesn’t have the in low doses, a little stress point to European coun- that could be protective. “Some people think all
But radon gas isn’t authority to permit or on the body triggers the tries such as Germany, Though what’s considered radiation is the same thing,
the same radiation U.S. license the mines, though immune system to readapt where the therapy may be a “low dose” depends on that all radiation is like
doctors use, radiation department spokesperson and reduces inflammation. controversial but doctors who’s talking. the Hiroshima, Nagasaki
experts caution. Radon is Jon Ebelt said the adverse “The people coming still can prescribe radon “If you want to go into bombs, but that’s clearly
just one of the radioactive health risk from exposure to the mines, they’re not treatments for various a radon mine twice a year, not the case,” Khan said.
chemical elements and, is well-known. stupid,” Kim said. “People’s conditions. I’d say, OK, that’s not too “If you put radiation in the
because it’s a gas, it can be Nonetheless, each year lives are made better by In the U.S., the EPA much,” he said. “If you hands of the experts and
inhaled, making it partic- travelers head to west- them.” maintains that no level of want to live down there, I’d the right people — we use
ularly dangerous. Sitting ern Montana, where four He learned about the radon exposure is risk- say that’s too much.” it wisely, we use it carefully
in a radon-filled room and inactive mines flush with mines 14 years ago when free even though everyone In the early 1900s, small — that balances risk and
targeted radiation treat- radon are within 11 miles of he and his wife, Veronica encounters the element doses of radiation were benefits.”

Device taps brain waves to help Cancer centers pushing patients

paralyzed man communicate to quit smoking to aid outcomes
By Lauran Neergaard By Carla K. Johnson
Associated Press Associated Press

In a medical first, When cancer patients

researchers harnessed the stop smoking, they heal
brain waves of a paralyzed faster, experience fewer
man unable to speak — and side effects from treatment
turned what he intended and lower their chances
to say into sentences on a of tumors returning. Now,
computer screen. top cancer hospitals are
It will take years of addi- helping patients quit as
tional research, but the evidence mounts that it’s
recently reported study never too late.
marks an important step The recently reported
toward one day restoring research shows lung
more natural communica- cancer patients who
tion for people who can’t stopped smoking gained
talk because of injury or nearly two years of life
illness. Researcher David Moses works with a clinical trial participant compared to those who
“Most of us take for who suffered a brain-stem stroke 15 years ago to record brain continued to smoke.
granted how easily we activity. TODD DUBNICOFF/UCSF 2020 “It is a huge effect,” said
communicate through Dr. Mahdi Sheikh, who led
speech,” said Dr. Edward movements of the lips, jaw, nearly as fast as speaking the study for the World Cancer patient Preston Browning is pictured in July at
Chang, a neurosurgeon at tongue and larynx that but quicker than tapping Health Organization’s Tennessee’s Vanderbilt Medical Center. PRESTON BROWNING
the University of Califor- form each consonant and out a response. cancer research agency
nia, San Francisco, who vowel. In an accompanying in Lyon, France. In lung Reach for a toothpick after centers integrate tobacco
led the work. “It’s exciting Volunteering to test editorial, Harvard neurol- cancer, he said, quitting lunch. Treat yourself with treatment into care. It has
to think we’re at the very the device was a man in ogists Leigh Hochberg smoking is “as necessary as dessert. reached more than 50,000
beginning of a new chap- his late 30s who 15 years and Sydney Cash called the treatments.” “If it wasn’t for Lesa, I patients since 2018.
ter, a new field” to ease ago suffered a brain- the work a “pioneering In the U.S., many cancer think it would have been “We’ve already learned a
the devastation of patients stem stroke that caused demonstration.” They centers offer proven quit harder,” Browning said. tremendous amount from
who lost that ability. widespread paralysis and suggested improvements strategies: phone coun- Browning had sarcoma this,” said Director Dr. Ned
People who can’t speak robbed him of speech. The but said if the technol- seling, nicotine patches in his leg, a rare cancer of Sharpless. “With relatively
or write because of paral- researchers implanted ogy pans out it eventu- and pills that ease the urge unknown cause. modest support — these
ysis have very limited electrodes on the surface ally could help people to smoke. More cancer In contrast, lung cancer are not huge, expensive
ways of communicating. of the man’s brain, over the with injuries, strokes doctors are talking to their is largely linked to tobacco programs — you can mark-
For example, the man in area that controls speech. or illnesses like Lou patients about quitting. use, so smokers may feel edly increase the number
the experiment, who was A computer analyzed Gehrig’s disease whose For some patients, the shame, despair and hope- of patients you reach.”
not identified to protect the patterns when he “brains prepare messages shock of a cancer diagnosis lessness after diagno- In California, the Stan-
his privacy, uses a pointer attempted to say common for delivery but those can be highly motivating. sis, experts say. It can be ford Cancer Institute
attached to a baseball cap words such as “water” or messages are trapped.” “It’s the biggest reason welcome news to hear phones patients who use
that lets him move his head “good,” eventually becom- Chang’s lab has spent I’ve ever had in my life from doctors that they, too, tobacco to offer support
to touch words or letters ing able to differentiate years mapping the brain to quit,” said Preston can benefit from quitting. from specialists and
on a screen. Other devices between 50 words that activity that leads to Browning, an electrician In the recent study, stop-smoking medication
can pick up patients’ eye could generate more than speech. in Tennessee who quit researchers followed “If you’ve got life-​saving
movements. But it’s a frus- 1,000 sentences. How did the researchers cigarettes while recovering 517 Russian lung cancer treatment it should be
tratingly slow and limited Prompted with such know the device inter- from cancer surgery earlier patients who smoked, provided to all patients,”
substitution for speech. questions as “How are preted the man’s words this year. checking annually to see said Judith Prochaska who
In recent years, exper- you today?” or “Are you correctly? They started Browning, now 20 whether they’d quit. After directs Stanford’s tobacco
iments with mind-con- thirsty?”, the device even- by having him try to say years old, had smoked a five years, nearly 60% of program, which received
trolled prosthetics have tually enabled the man to specific sentences such as, pack a day since he was those who quit smoking the federal funds.
allowed paralyzed people answer “I am very good” “Please bring my glasses,” 14. He credits the stop-​ were alive, compared to At Stanford’s cancer
to shake hands or take a or “No I am not thirsty” — rather than answering smoking drug Chantix about 47% of those who clinics, about 1 in 4 patients
drink using a robotic arm not voicing the words but open-ended questions and support from tobacco continued smoking. who accept tobacco treat-
— they imagine moving translating them into text, until the machine trans- treatment specialists at The effect held up ment remain tobacco-free
and those brain signals the team reported in the lated accurately most of the Vanderbilt-Ingram regardless of tumor stage, after two years, Prochaska
are relayed through a New England Journal of the time. Cancer Center. Nurse Lesa how much the patient said.
computer to the artificial Medicine. Next steps include ways Abney listened to Brown- smoked or how long Browning, the Tennes-
limb. It takes about three to to improve the device’s ing’s reasons for smoking after diagnosis they quit, see patient, had tried to
Chang’s team built on four seconds for the word speed, accuracy and vocab- — he described smoking researchers reported in the quit smoking twice before.
that work to develop a to appear on the screen ulary size — and maybe as “me time” and “a little journal Annals of Internal He believes it will stick this
“speech neuroprosthetic” after the man tries to say allow a computer-​gener- reward” — and suggested Medicine. time.
— decoding brain waves it, said lead author David ated voice rather than text strategies he could use: A $27 million National “Smoking with cancer?
that normally control the Moses, an engineer in on a screen — while testing Eat breakfast instead of Cancer Institute program I feel like that’s tempting
vocal tract, the tiny muscle Chang’s lab. That’s not additional volunteers. lighting up each morning. is helping 53 cancer fate.”
C Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  5

Summer’s hot find: Boozy ice pops

By Melody Baetens
The Detroit News

Hard seltzer rocked the bever-

age market in 2019, causing an
explosion of brands to flood
store and bar shelves. Even beer
makers like Bud Light, Coors
and Corona got in on the action,
releasing cans of the sparkling,
alcoholic fruity drink.
This summer, the hot new find
is boozy ice pops: frozen wine,
seltzers or cocktails in a plastic
sleeve like the Fla-Vor-Ice from
childhood, but this time with an
AVB on the label.
Many have been around for a
season or two, but this summer
we’re seeing stores flooded with
a wide variety. Many are coming
from the same brands that
brought us hard seltzer.
Some are claiming to be low
calorie, which can be deceiving
considering there are only a few
ounces of actual drink in each pop
— about 3.4 ounces. One pop is
going to get you about as buzzed
as a big gulp of chardonnay
would, which may be what you’re
looking for as low-alcohol bever-
ages are definitely in vogue.
Another thing to note is that
these are usually sold unfrozen.
So if you’re planning on getting
some for a party, make sure
there’s time for them to freeze
first. Daily’s Poptails are frozen wine popsicles that taste like wine coolers. MELODY BAETENS/THE DETROIT NEWS PHOTOS
Here’s how some of the most
widely available alcoholic ice pop more sweet than tangy and are are 8% ABV and the cream in the Truly Hard
brands measure up. sold for about $20 for a 12-pack. Threezers are 11% ABV. Seltzer’s new
5% ABV. 80 calories. adult frozen
Cutwater Cocktail Pops: Daily’s Poptails: You may have treats come
Maker of award-winning spir- Slim Chillers Skinny Freezers: seen this brand’s other frozen in original
its, canned cocktails, mixers and This company makes frozen pops cocktail products in the past; lemonade,
now cocktail pops, Cutwater’s with wine and spirits. I think they are not new to this game. mango
flavors are bold. The San Diego- their best offerings are the peach Their wine-infused poptails lemonade and
based company’s frozen pops mango bellini wine cocktail and come in strawberry, green apple strawberry
have no artificial sweeteners and the orangeberry mimosa. You can and watermelon. At $14.99 for a lemonade.
come in all-natural flavors like taste the wine, and the experi- 12-pack, they are the most thrifty
lime margarita, rum and cola, gin ence is more like a real frozen of the bunch and taste like wine
melon and vodka mule. You can drink than a popsicle. For being coolers. 6.8% ABV. 90 calories.
really taste the ginger in the mule, branded “skinny,” these and the
and the gin melon has a natural vodka versions clock in a bit high Bud Light Seltzer Frozen
watermelon flavor. These run at 100-114 calories. The Skinny Icicles: Just released last month,
about $22-$25 for a 12-pack. 7% Threezer pops are three layers these pops come in cherry lime-
ABV. 80 calories. of frozen drink, two with tangy ade, blue raspberry and summer
fruit flavor and a third with a ice. They’re branded Bud Light,
Truly Lemonade Freeze Pops: cream center, giving it more of but these are frozen seltzers, not
These are, truly, great flavors for a blender drink vibe. The three beer. Reportedly available only
summer. A trusted name in hard layers seem to separate, though, for a limited time, they’ve been
seltzer, Truly’s new adult frozen and don’t always blend together. hard to spot in stores. Bud Light
treats come in original lemonade, At 160 calories for 3 ounces, they Seltzer Frozen Icicles are smaller
mango lemonade and strawberry aren’t really “skinny,” either. Sold than the others at just 2 ounces.
lemonade. The frozen seltzers are in 8-packs for $18.99. All versions 5% ABV. 100 calories.

Zucchini noodle salad with

tahini-ginger dressing

Makes: 4 to 6 servings
For the dressing:
1/2 cup tahini
5 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons unseasoned rice vinegar
4 teaspoons grated ginger
1 tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons hot sauce, or more to taste
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
For the salad:
2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
12 ounces broccoli florets, cut into 1/2-inch
2 ears corn, off the cob
1 pound zucchini noodles, from 2 zucchini
1/2 red and 1/2 yellow bell pepper, stemmed,
seeded and cut into strips
1 carrot, peeled and shredded
4 scallions, sliced thin on bias
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, toasted
1. Prepare the dressing: Process all
A zucchini noodle salad with an East Asian-inspired dressing is an easy summer dish. GRETCHEN MCKAY/PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE ingredients in a blender until smooth, about
30 seconds. If it seems too thick, add a little

Salad is the answer to zucchini overload

more vinegar or soy sauce, or more hot sauce
if you like it extra spicy. Transfer to a large
serving bowl. (Dressing can be made and
refrigerated up to 24 hours in advance; whisk
By Gretchen McKay I’ve ever seen in an unlikely spot: behind spot with its East Asian flavors and pretty to recombine before using.)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette his garage, on a tiny patch of grass along- summer colors. 2. For the salad: Heat oil in a 12-inch nonstick
side an alley. It starts with zoodles — long, raw skillet over medium-high heat until shimmery.
Like many home cooks who also garden, I ask him every year how he does it, and zucchini noodles made with a spiralizer Add corn and broccoli to pan and cook until
I get great satisfaction using the herbs and I always get the same response: a sheep- or vegetable peeler. They’re tossed with softened and spotty brown, about 5 minutes.
vegetables I grow each summer in what- ish shrug, followed by, “Maybe because my sliced bell peppers, charred broccoli, Transfer to plate and let cool thoroughly.
ever I’m cooking that day. As such, one of daughter gets the plants in West Virginia?” shredded carrot and green onion, then 3. Add zucchini, bell pepper, carrot, scallions,
my favorite things to do during my morn- Maybe. covered in a dressing made with tahini, corn and broccoli to bowl with dressing and
ing walks is to check out other people’s What I do know is that piles of locally rice vinegar, ginger and soy. The result is a toss to combine. Sprinkle with sesame seeds,
gardens to see how my green(ish) thumb grown zucchini are at farmers markets, low-carb, fresh summer salad that bursts and serve.
stacks up. farm stands and grocery stores, and that with taste, color and texture. — Adapted from “The Complete Salad
When it comes to summer squash, I after you’ve made your umpteenth loaf If you use store-bought squash, look for Cookbook” by America’s Test Kitchen
always lose out to an elderly neighbor who of zucchini bread, you’ll be looking for a smaller, in-season zucchini, which have
grows some of the best-looking zucchini few new recipes. This salad will hit the thinner skins and fewer seeds.












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6  Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 C

A meal
Lite By Andrea Mathis
or Coors Light

“TEXAS 12’s” These foil packets are

$ 99 9
one of my family’s favor-
ite quick and easy meals.
Each one is filled with juicy
12 PK chicken and fresh, color-
16 oz. cans
ful, seasonal vegetables,
all tossed in a delicious
Hop Valley citrusy honey sauce and
grilled to perfection. Plus,
or Vizzy you can eat them right out

11 99
of the packet, which makes

$ 12 PK
cleanup a breeze.
If you can find them, I
recommend using Valen-
After $4.00 Instant Savings After $5.00 Instant Savings cia oranges here, which JOE LINGEMEN/THEKITCHN.COM
are available during the
summer months. Their foil keep it moist? Yes! everything they’re packed
Miller High Life sweet-tart flavor makes the Not only do boneless, with, but the use of steam
or Icehouse sauce irresistible. skinless chicken breasts also makes them extra

Does grilling chicken in readily pick up the flavor of tender and juicy.

$ 99 12 PK
Honey orange chicken and
veggie foil packet
Make the packets:
1. Prepare the following, adding them to the
large bowl with sauce as you complete them:

White Claw, Cayman Jackk Makes: 4 servings

For the honey orange sauce:
Seed and cut 1 medium green bell pepper,
1 medium red bell pepper and 1 medium
Heineken or Amstel 2 medium oranges, preferably Valencia yellow bell pepper into 1-inch pieces. Cut

$ 14 99
2 tablespoons honey 1 medium yellow onion into 1-inch pieces.
2 tablespoons yellow mustard Halve 2 medium zucchini lengthwise, then
1 tablespoon Sriracha hot sauce (optional) cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick half-moons.
1 tablespoon olive oil Shuck and break 2 ears of corn in half with
12 PK
1 teaspoon garlic powder your hands. Toss to coat the veggies in the
Save $4, text IMPORT to 24272 Get a Bag of Salty Snacks for a
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt sauce.
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2. Halve 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Stella Kona For the packets: crosswise. Season the chicken all over with 1/2

Artois Brewing
Assorted Types
1 medium green bell pepper
1 medium red bell pepper
teaspoon seasoned pepper and 1/2 teaspoon
kosher salt.

1399 $
1 medium yellow bell pepper 3. Heat an outdoor grill to direct, medium-
1 medium yellow onion high heat (about 400 degrees). Meanwhile,
12 PK 2 medium zucchini (about 1 pound total) cut 4 sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil
12 PK
2 medium ears corn into 12-inch squares. Divide the vegetables
After $4.00 Instant Savings, must buy 2 After $2.00 Instant Savings
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 1 between 4 sheets, placing them in middle of
pound total) each sheet. Top each with a chicken breast
Corona 1/2 teaspoon seasoned pepper, such as
and an orange wedge. Fold up the 4 sides of
the foil to meet over the center. Crimp the
Refrescas or Limonada

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt edges together to seal, leaving one corner

$ 99 Make the sauce:

1. Finely grate the zest of 1 medium orange
into a small bowl until you have 1 teaspoon
open as a vent. Drizzle the reserved sauce
into the packets through the vent.
4. When the grill is ready, place the packets
12 PK zest. Juice 1 1/2 oranges into the bowl (about seam-side up on the grill. Cover and grill
2/3 cup). Cut the remaining 1/2 orange half until the chicken is cooked through and the
into 4 wedges and set aside for building the vegetables are tender, 20 to 25 minutes.
Dos Equis Mamitas packets. Carefully remove from the grill and let rest for
Especial, Ambar Tequila & Soda 2. Add 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons 5 minutes before serving.
Assorted Types yellow mustard, 1 tablespoon Sriracha Note: To cook in the oven, place the foil
or Variety Pack

13 $ 99
(optional), 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon packets on a baking sheet and bake at 375
$ 99 4 PK
garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and 1/4
teaspoon black pepper to the bowl of orange
degrees until the chicken is cooked through
and the vegetables are tender, 30 to 35
12 PK zest and juice. Whisk to combine. Transfer half minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest
AFTER $ INSTANT SAVINGS TEXT to SAVE $5.00 - Must Buy 2 the sauce to a large bowl. for 5 minutes before serving.

S Seagram’s
Escapes Hard Seltzers
Including NEW
Italian Ice Variety Pack

12 PK
12 PK

U Mezzacorona
Oregon Pinot Grigio
Pinot Noir From Italy

1199 750ml
1199 1.5 L

Bonterra Martini
Cabernet & Rossi
Made with Asti
Organic Grapes From Italy

1199 750ml
1099 750ml

Bonterra Fetzer
Chardonnay Wines
Made with Assorted
Organic Grapes Varietals

$ 99
9 750ml
$ 99
6 750ml
Thinly sliced like bulgogi, eggplants need only a brief flick of the fire to cook through and char at

Jack Monkey Bulgogi the combined taste of soy

sauce, garlic, ginger and
eggplant, which coats
its main ingredient with
Daniel’s Shoulder from Page 1 sugar, among other ingre- a garlicky, soy-tinged
Black Label Batch 27 dients, depending on how sauce, sticky with sugar.
Tennessee Whiskey Scotch which bulgogi has, over the you cook it. Bulgogi means “fire meat”

3999 2999
years, become culinarily This expansive defini- in Korean, but vegetar-

1.75 L
$ both as a noun (referring
to a specific dish) and an
tion has made room for
delicious innovations.
ian alternatives allow the
sweet and salty flavors of
adjective (summarizing a Where bulgogi is a noun the heirloom dish to sing in
flavor profile). As an adjec- in bulgogi cheese steaks, any application, even meat-
Hornitos Ole tive, bulgogi describes it’s an adjective in bulgogi less ones.
Tequila Smoky
Plata Moonshine
or Reposado Assorted Types Bulgogi eggplant

17 99
1799 750ml
Total time: 40 minutes
Makes: 4 servings
to combine and let sit for 30
minutes to drain its excess
using a gas grill, close the lid
between flips. (See note for
stovetop method.)
Ole 1 pound Asian eggplant, 2. While the eggplant 4. Add the grilled eggplant to
Don Q Smoky especially Korean (2 to 3 drains, prepare a charcoal the bowl with the sauce and
Rum Moonshine
large), cut in half crosswise, grill for direct high-heat gently toss, making sure each
Cristal, Gold then lengthwise into 1/4-inch- cooking, or heat a gas grill slice is thinly coated. Arrange
Cocktails thick slices to high. In a medium bowl, the slices with the sauce on
or Flavors Assorted Types

1199 1299
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt whisk together the soy a large platter. Crack over
$ $ (Diamond Crystal)
Neutral oil, such as vegetable
sauce, maple syrup, sugar
and garlic powder until the
some black pepper and
garnish with the scallion.
750ml 4 PK
or canola, for grilling sugar is dissolved. Note: Alternatively, you
1 tablespoon soy sauce 3. Carefully grease the grill can cook the eggplant on

59 STORES 1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
grate: Use tongs to grip a
wadded paper towel dipped
in oil and then rub the grates
the stovetop in batches.
Heat a large skillet or grill
pan over medium-high.
Freshly ground black pepper with the oiled towel. In the Add enough oil to lightly

1 scallion, thinly sliced on the colander, toss the drained coat the bottom of the pan,
bias, for garnish eggplant with 1 tablespoon and heat until shimmering.
for the store nearest you 1. Place the eggplant in a
oil. Place the eggplant on
the hot, greased grate. Grill
Add the eggplant to the
pan. Sear until charred and
MAIN OFFICE 445 Eisenhower Lane South, Lombard 630•495•5229 colander set inside the sink. until charred at the edges, caramelized at the edges, 1 to
Sprinkle with the salt, toss 1 to 2 minutes per side. If 2 minutes per side.
Offer good while supplies last. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors.
Not all locations post or carry all products. Sale prices valid 8/18 thru 8/24/2021
C Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021  7

Sweet corn and maple

ice cream

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes
Chill time: Several hours
Makes: 1 ½ quarts

For a fun sweet and salty twist,

A sweet
sprinkle on a little chile lime
seasoning. The trick to great ice
cream texture is to thoroughly chill
the base before putting it into the
ice cream machine. Don’t skip the
straining of the base through the

sieve; it will remove the corn kernel

3 cups fresh raw corn kernels

1 cup whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
½ cup sugar

½ cup pure maple syrup
½ teaspoon salt
4 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Fresh black raspberries or
blackberries, for serving
Chile lime seasoning or Tajin Classic
Chile Lime seasoning, optional for

Corn on the cob is one of the season’s

1. Puree 1 1/2 cups corn kernels with

greatest pleasures; these recipes 1/2 cup whole milk in a blender until
very smooth. Transfer to a deep,

reinvent this classic vegetable heavy saucepan. Repeat with

remaining 1 1/2 cups corn and 1/2 cup
2. Stir 2 cups heavy whipping
cream, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup maple
syrup and 1/2 teaspoon salt into the
corn mixture. Heat over medium
heat until simmering.
3. Meanwhile, set a large bowl over
a larger bowl of ice. Place a mesh
sieve in the large bowl.
4. Whisk 4 egg yolks in a small bowl.
5. Slowly ladle 1 cup of heated corn
mixture into the egg yolks to heat
them gently. Then, whisk egg yolk
mixture back into the simmering
corn mixture and cook on very low
heat just until thickened, 2 or 3
minutes. Do not boil.
6. Immediately pour mixture
through sieve into the bowl set over
ice. Whisk to cool the mixture and
stop the cooking. Stir in 1 teaspoon
vanilla. Refrigerate the corn mixture
until very cold or up to 2 days.
7. Pour cold corn mixture into ice
cream maker and freeze according
to the manufacturer’s directions.
Scoop into a container. Cover and
freeze solid for at least 1 hour.
8. Serve small scoops of the ice
cream topped with berries. If
desired, shake a little chili-lime
seasoning over the ice cream.

Warm grilled corn and

edamame succotash
This rich ice cream tastes like the best cornbread topped with maple syrup. ABEL URIBE/THE DAILY MEAL PHOTOS; SHANNON KINSELLA/FOOD STYLING
Prep time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Makes: 6 cups (about 6 servings)
2 ears corn on the cob, shucked,
1 large sweet onion, peeled, sliced
crosswise into 3 sections
2 thick wedges Napa or green
JeanMarie Brownson cabbage, about 6 ounces total

Dinner at Home 1/3 cup olive oil, plus more for
hen friends ask 1/2 teaspoon coarse (kosher) salt,
about my favorite plus more for sprinkling
foods, my answer 1 1/2 cups frozen shelled edamame or
changes with the lima beans
season. In August, the answer 2 small limes
is corn, and I enjoy it as often as 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
possible in any form. 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
One of summer’s greatest plea- 1/2 cup (about 2 ounces) crumbled
sures is grilled corn. As it turns queso fresco or feta cheese or ¼
out, there are two ways to grill cup heavy whipping cream
corn: in and out of the husk. 1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh chives or
To cook corn in the husk, first green onion tops
do your best to extract the silk 1. Prepare a charcoal grill or preheat
from whole ears, taking care a gas grill until medium hot.
to keep the husk intact. After a 2. Put 2 ears of corn, onion sections
soak in cool water, the ears can and cabbage wedges on a baking
be roasted over a gas or charcoal sheet. Drizzle all sides with some
grill, turning often until the husks oil and sprinkle with salt. Place
are beautifully charred, about 30 vegetables directly on the grill over
minutes. The interior will taste the heat. Grill, occasionally turning
of smoke and sweetness. Be sure until nicely golden on all sides,
to roast at least two per guest — about 15 minutes. Transfer to a
nobody will eat just one. cutting board. Let cool.
Grilling shucked ears adds char Bacon, basil and tomato skillet corn is a dish full of goodness that will please just about everyone. 3. Meanwhile, cook 1 1/2 cups
directly to the kernels and takes a edamame in a small pot of boiling
mere 15 minutes on the grill. This Bacon, basil and tomato skillet corn 1. In a large, well-seasoned cast-iron or nonstick skillet salted water until crisp-tender,
is my preferred method when over medium heat, cook 8 ounces sliced bacon, stirring about 2 minutes. Drain.
sprinkling the kernels over salads Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes often, until bacon is crisp and golden, about 10 minutes. 4. Grate rind from 2 limes into a
or adding them to sautés and stir- Makes: 4 cups (about 6 servings) Remove bacon with a slotted spoon to a plate. Tip off large bowl. Then squeeze juice
fries. 4 thick slices (8 ounces total) smoky bacon, cut (and save for another use) all but 2 tablespoons of the from limes into the bowl. Stir in 1/3
But the joys of corn don’t have crosswise into ¼-inch pieces rendered fat from the pan. cup olive oil, 1 teaspoon paprika, 1/2
to be limited to late summer. You 2 shallots or 1 small white onion, finely chopped 2. Add 2 chopped shallots and 1 seeded, chopped teaspoon cumin and 1/2 teaspoon
can make frozen corn (grilled 1 large poblano chile, seeded, chopped poblano to the pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring salt in a large bowl. Add warm
or raw) to enjoy after the season 1 large or 2 small garlic cloves, finely minced often until soft, about 4 minutes. edamame to dressing in a bowl.
ends by freezing corn kernels in 3 cups fresh or grilled corn kernels 3. Stir in 2 cloves minced garlic and cook for 1 minute. 5. Use a sharp knife to remove
a shallow layer on a baking sheet 1 pint ripe cherry tomatoes, halved, or 2 to 3 cups large Stir in 3 cups corn kernels. Cook, stirring often, about corn kernels from cobs and add to
until the corn is solid. Then spoon chunks of ripe tomatoes 3 minutes, then stir in 1 pint halved cherry tomatoes. the dressing. Chop grilled onion and
it into freezer bags or containers ½ teaspoon coarse (kosher) salt Cook until everything is very hot, about 2 minutes. cabbage and add to the dressing.
and freeze for up to four months. ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 4. Season with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon Mix well. Add 1/2 cup crumbled
An average-size ear of corn yields 1 cup loosely packed, thinly sliced fresh basil leaves, pepper, or to taste. Remove from heat and stir in crisp queso fresco or 1/4 cup heavy
about 1 cup of corn kernels, so about 1 ¼ ounces bacon. Fold in 1 cup sliced basil. Serve right away. cream. Serve at room temperature
plan your freezing accordingly. sprinkled with 1/4 cup chives.
It’s important to know how to
cut the kernels off the cob safely.
First, stand the cob up in a large corn and lima beans in a summery Warm grilled corn
bowl, holding it at the top with succotash. Here, the corn gets and edamame
one hand. Starting at the top, use grilled along with sweet onion succotash salad.
a sharp knife to cut the kernels and tender napa cabbage. Shelled Shelled edamame
from the cob, working your way edamame makes a more contem- makes a more
down. Turn the cob and repeat porary version of the old-time contemporary
the cutting until the cob is clean. dish, but we don’t pass up lima version of this
What to do with all that corn? beans when we can find baby old-time dish, but
You can cook it in a skillet — corn limas in the freezer case. Crum- don’t pass up lima
and bacon pair as perfectly as bled fresh cheese or a drizzle of beans when you
peanut butter and jelly. Add ripe heavy cream enriches the dish. can find baby limas
tomatoes and lots of basil for a Sweet corn ice cream always in the freezer case.
skillet full of goodness. Serve it brings back memories of a family
over lettuce leaves as a side dish vacation in Mexico. We ordered
to grilled fish, chicken or skew- it sprinkled with hot chile and
ered shrimp. You can also stir in lime. The surprising sweet and
sautéed chunks of tofu or feta to salty combination makes this one
turn this into a main dish. of the things every foodie should
In another classic combo, I love have on their summer bucket list.
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 5 | Wednesday, August 18, 2021 C

By Eric Asimov dimension.

The New York Times The Tiberio was likewise

bigger and more serious
he color of a wine than the Broc at 14% alco-
can convey a lot hol, but with more acidity
about its character. than the Trinquevedel. It
But color is easy to misin- seemed to combine tangy,
terpret, and it sometimes juicy flavors of red fruits
reveals less than it seems. with a chalky minerality.
This seeming paradox I felt as if I could offer
arises because analyzing all three wines at a single
the color of a wine requires dinner party. The Broc
an understanding of would be the aperitif,
context and many variables. with hors d’oeuvres. The
Too often, people make Tiberio could go with the
reflex judgments of a wine midcourse. It was light
based solely on its color. enough for shellfish yet
Twenty years ago, for juicy enough to stand up to
example, the American something heartier, such
public seemed fixated on as roast chicken. Mean-
the color of red wines. The while, the Trinquevedel
darker the wine, the think- seemed sturdy enough for a
ing went, the denser, more veal roast or Umbrian-style
powerful and more concen- rabbit or chicken caccia-
trated it was, and therefore tora.
the better it was presumed A simpler differentiation
to be. would be to call the Broc
This simple, blanket asso- a vin de soif, or a wine for
ciation of darker color with quenching thirst, while the
higher quality made no other two are more gastro-
sense, nor, for that matter, TONY CENICOLA/THE NEW YORK TIMES 2010 nomic, intended to go with
did the assumption that meals.

A rose by any other color

power and concentration As different as these
were always better. wines are, was the color
Some red grapes, includ- really meaningful? Dark
ing nebbiolo, sangiovese doesn’t translate as power-
and pinot noir, can make ful — witness the Broc. You
intense wines that are natu- could say that it does for
rally paler hued than wines Both of these approaches that the paler the rose, the de Trinquevedel Tavel 2020 in California, along with the other two, but I’ve had
made with, say, cabernet have their downsides. Over- better or more attractive and Tiberio Cerasuolo some zinfandel and trous- pale roses from all over that
sauvignon or syrah, grapes maceration could result it is. d’Abruzzo 2020. seau. The Tiberio was made were just as potent.
that ordinarily yield darker in extracting too much Perhaps no wine is as All three are darker than entirely of montepulciano, I think many readers
colors. tannin and other elements judged by its color as rose. your average rose, although while the Trinquevedel was would agree with me, espe-
The intensity and lumi- from the skins, resulting in Possibly this is because they each varied slightly. a blend of Southern Rhône cially after enjoying these
nosity of colors can also wines that were dark but no other wine comes in so The Broc was garnet-col- grapes, including 60% wines. Max de Zarobe of
vary depending on other heavy, astringent and out of many immediately discern- ored, with perhaps a tinge grenache, 18% cinsault, 5% Montepulciano, Italy, (the
factors, like the pH of the balance, perhaps requiring ible hues and shades, from of orange. The Trinqueve- syrah, 5% mourvèdre and, place in Tuscany, not the
wine and its level of acidity. further manipulation. Mega the palest pink — referred del was garnet, too, but a interestingly, 12% clairette, grape of the same name)
Colors of red wines will Purple can make a wine to by the French as oeil de slightly paler shade than a white grape. conjectured that Insta-
also change as they age. seem soft and sweet. perdrix, or partridge’s eye the Broc, while the Tibe- Beyond color, origin gram and other visual social
The bright glow of youth This association of dark — to scarlet and ruby. The rio was a pale ruby, with no and production, the wines media might not only be
will fade with time, as the colors with high quality is color itself gives little hint orange at all. differed quite a bit. The responsible for the fixation
edges of a cabernet sauvi- by no means solely a recent of the quality or character Beyond these minor Broc was bone dry, lightly on color, but also for the
gnon, perhaps blue-black in phenomenon. Older gener- of the wine. color distinctions, the wines spicy, tangy and fresh. It rising popularity of rose.
its youth, turn the color of ations of winemakers, with- And yet, the public is so are actually quite differ- was just 11% alcohol, the Quite a few people also
bricks. out access to modern tools, enchanted with pale roses ent. The Trinquevedel was kind of wine you could expressed long-standing
At the peak of this bred a class of dark-fleshed that winemakers will go to from Tavel, a French appel- drink for refreshment at the affection for Tavels, which
obsession with dark red grapes primarily for blend- great lengths to give them lation just southwest of beach or by the pool. This Eduardo of Florida called
wines, some producers ing to darken a wine’s color. what they want, often to the Châteauneuf-du-Pape that fit in well with the popu- the “undisputed kinds of
who no doubt knew better, These include alicante detriment of the wine. only produces roses. lar conception of roses as roses.”
employed methods to bouschet, often a part of old For the last month, we’ve The Tiberio was from simple, easygoing wines, He also said, “Nothing
make their wines darker, California field blends, and been drinking dark roses, the Abruzzo region on the although I would say the has the body, mouthfeel
whether allowing the juice the aptly named colorino, a both to counter the notion Adriatic coast of Italy, while Broc was a superb example. and taste of a Tavel,” which
to macerate longer with the traditional blending grape that roses must be pale but the Broc was from North- The Trinquevedel was might be closer to the truth.
pigment-rich skins or using in Chianti. also to examine the ques- ern California. entirely different. It was Jeff and Kay of Media,
additives such as Mega In our current tion of what color conveys The three were also rich and powerful at 14.2% Pennsylvania, had less
Purple, a grape concentrate wine-drinking era, the about wine. As usual, I made with entirely differ- alcohol, with a floral aroma. experience with Tavels. But
used to “correct” the color opposite perception seems suggested three bottles: ent grapes. The Broc was On the palate, it was more after trying the Trinqueve-
of a wine, that is, make it to reign with rose. Nowa- Broc Cellars North Coast primarily valdigue, a variety earthy and mineral than del, they called it “their new
darker. days, many people assume Love Rose 2020, Château once called “Napa gamay” fruity, with depth and favorite rose.”

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