Effectivity of Online Class
Effectivity of Online Class
Effectivity of Online Class
With the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the role of technology in education
has expanded dramatically. Despite the fact that we are in a community quarantine, some
economic activity is continuing and will resume in earnest at some point.
Online learning, in my opinion, may be a solution for some, but not for all, because we must
consider those who do not have access to technology or the internet. I also believe that because
teachers and professors play such an important role in education, online learning is not and will
never be as effective as in-person learning. And, to be honest, many professors/teachers are
struggling to adapt to the rapid transformation of technology due to a generation gap.
Mental Health
Students, parents, and even teachers' mental health suffer as a result of online classes. Individuals
with pre-existing mental health issues may experience worsening symptoms. Consider what it
would be like for a child to spend hours every day in front of Zoom, with no social interaction or
playtime with their peers. Parents are increasingly acting as teachers and becoming more
involved in their children's schoolwork. Teachers and professors are under pressure to deliver
quality learning without face-to-face classes due to increased workloads.
It is more difficult for students to learn new information, and even when they are just sitting in
front of the computer or answering their modules, they feel physically tired. Virtual learning
fatigue is real, and it can cause anxiety and stress in students and professors alike.
As students, we do our best to make the most of what we have at home and avoid falling behind.
Although online learning may be the best option for the time being, you can't help but wonder
how everyone is adjusting and coping with the issues that arise while attending online classes,
particularly synchronous classes. Synchronous classes are held in real time, and many issues
arise during this time. Unfortunately, most of these problems are technical.