K Mean

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What is K-Mean Clustering

K means clustering algorithm was developed by J. MacQueen (1967) and then by J.

A. Hartigan and M. A. Wong around 1975. Simply speaking k-means clustering is an
algorithm to classify or to group your objects based on attributes/features into K
number of group. K is positive integer number. The grouping is done by minimizing
the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster
centroid. Thus the purpose of K-mean clustering is to classify the data.

Example: Suppose we have 4 objects as your training data points and each object
have 2 attributes. Each attribute represents coordinate of the obje

We also know before hand that these objects belong to two groups of medicine
(cluster 1 and cluster 2). The problem now is to determine which medicines belong
to cluster 1 and which medicines belong to the other cluster.

Note: K means algorithm is one of the simplest partition clustering method. More
advanced algorithms related to k means are Expected Maximization (EM) algorithm
especially Gaussian Mixture, Self-Organization Map (SOM) from Kohonen, Learning
Vector Quantization (LVQ). To overcome weakness of k means, several algorithms
had been proposed such as k medoids, fuzzy c mean and k mode. Check the
resources of k means for further study

Numerical Example of K-Means Clustering

The basic step of k-means clustering is simple. In the beginning we determine

number of cluster K and we assume the centroid or center of these clusters. We can
take any random objects as the initial centroids or the first K objects in sequence
can also serve as the initial centroids.
Then the K means algorithm will do the three steps below until convergence

Iterate until stable (= no object move group):

1.Determine the centroid coordinate

2.Determine the distance of each object to the centroids

3.Group the object based on minimum distance

The numerical example below is given to understand this simple iteration. You may
download the implementation of this numerical example as Matlab code here.
Another example of interactive k-means clustering using Visual Basic (VB) is also
available here. MS excel file for this numerical example can be downloaded at the
bottom of this page.

Suppose we have several objects (4 types of medicines) and each object have two
attributes or features as shown in table below. Our goal is to group these objects
into K=2 group of medicine based on the two features (pH and weight index).
Each medicine represents one point with two attributes (X, Y) that we can represent
it as coordinate in an attribute space as shown in the figure below.
How the K-Mean Clustering algorithm works?

This part of tutorial describe the algorithm of k-mean clustering. To understand

what is k-means clustering, click here.
Here is step by step k means clustering algorithm:

Step 1. Begin with a decision on the value of k = number of clusters

Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may
assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the following:

Take the first k training sample as single-element clusters

Assign each of the remaining (N-k) training sample to the cluster with the nearest
centroid. After each assignment, recomputed the centroid of the gaining cluster.

Step 3 . Take each sample in sequence and compute its distance from the centroid
of each of the clusters. If a sample is not currently in the cluster with the closest
centroid, switch this sample to that cluster and update the centroid of the cluster
gaining the new sample and the cluster losing the sample.

Step 4 . Repeat step 3 until convergence is achieved, that is until a pass through
the training sample causes no new assignments.
If the number of data is less than the number of cluster then we assign each data as
the centroid of the cluster. Each centroid will have a cluster number. If the number
of data is bigger than the number of cluster, for each data, we calculate the
distance to all centroid and get the minimum distance. This data is said belong to
the cluster that has minimum distance from this data.

Click here to see how this k-means algorithm algorithm is implemented in code or if
you prefer numerical example (manual calculation) you may click here.

Since we are not sure about the location of the centroid, we need to adjust the
centroid location based on the current updated data. Then we assign all the data to
this new centroid. This process is repeated until no data is moving to another
cluster anymore. Mathematically this loop can be proved to be convergent. The
convergence will always occur if the following condition satisfied:

1.Each switch in step 2 the sum of distances from each training sample to that
training sample's group centroid is decreased.

2.There are only finitely many partitions of the training examples into k clusters.

Screen Shot Example of K-Mean Clustering Program

What is the minimum number of attribute in K-Means Clustering ?

Application of K-Mean Clustering

There are a lot of applications of the K-mean clustering, range from unsupervised
learning of neural network, Pattern recognitions, Classification analysis, Artificial
intelligent, image processing, machine vision, etc.

In principle, you have several objects and each object have several attributes and
you want to classify the objects based on the attributes, then you can apply this

Here is the principle of application of k-means clustering to machine learning or

data mining:

Each object represented by one attribute point is an example to the algorithm and it
is assigned automatically to one of the cluster. We call this “unsupervised learning”
because the algorithm classifies the object automatically only based on the criteria
that we give (i.e. minimum distance to the centroid). We don't need to supervise
the program by saying that the classification was correct or wrong. The learning
process is depending on the training examples that you feed to the algorithm. You
have two choices in this learning process:

1.Infinite training. Each data that feed to the algorithm will automatically consider
as the training examples. The VB program (and code) that I put in this tutorial is on
this type.

2.Finite training. After the training is considered as finished (after it gives about the
correct place of mean). We start to make the algorithm to work by classifying the
cluster of new points. This is done simply by assign the point to the nearest centroid
without recalculate the new centroid. Thus after the training finished, the centroid
are fixed points.

Weakness of K-Mean Clustering

Similar to other algorithm, K-mean clustering has many weaknesses:

When the numbers of data are not so many, initial grouping will determine the
cluster significantly.

The number of cluster, K, must be determined before hand.

We never know the real cluster, using the same data, if it is inputted in a different
order may produce different cluster if the number of data is a few.

Sensitive to initial condition. Different initial condition may produce different result
of cluster. The algorithm may be trapped in the local optimum.

We never know which attribute contributes more to the grouping process since we
assume that each attribute has the same weight.

weakness of arithmetic mean is not robust to outliers. Very far data from the
centroid may pull the centroid away from the real one.

The result is circular cluster shape because based on distance.

One way to overcome those weaknesses is to use K-mean clustering only if there
are available many data. To overcome outliers problem, we can use median instead
of mean.

Some people pointed out that K means clustering cannot be used for other type of
data rather than quantitative data. This is not true! See how you can use
multivariate data up to n dimensions (even mixed data type) here. The key to use
other type of dissimilarity is in the distance matrix.

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