Analysis of Dental Homologies and Phylogeny of Paucituberculata (Mammalia: Marsupialia)
Analysis of Dental Homologies and Phylogeny of Paucituberculata (Mammalia: Marsupialia)
Analysis of Dental Homologies and Phylogeny of Paucituberculata (Mammalia: Marsupialia)
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465. With 8 figures
Received 12 October 2012; revised 18 December 2012; accepted for publication 18 December 2012
The Paucituberculata is an endemic group of South American marsupials, recorded from the early Cenozoic up to
the present. In this report, the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Paucituberculata to date is presented.
Fifty-seven terminal species were scored for 74 new and re-examined characters. Homologies of dental characters
used in previous systematic studies were critically reviewed to evaluate their inclusion in the analysis. Phyloge-
netic results corroborated two major paucituberculatan clades, Palaeothentoidea and Caenolestoidea, and the main
palaeothentoid groupings: Pichipilidae, Palaeothentidae, and Abderitidae. Taxon sampling and reinterpretations of
molar cusp and crest homologies played an important role in the generation of new phylogenetic hypotheses. The
main differences with respect to previous phylogenies were focused on palaeothentoid relationships: Palaeothentes
boliviensis and Pilchenia lucina are not members of Palaeothentidae but instead clustered with Pilchenia
intermedia and P. antiqua, forming the sister-group of a Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae clade, and Titanothentes
simpsoni, previously considered a palaeothentine, is nested within the Acdestinae clade. Based on the time-
calibrated phylogeny, the following stages in the paucituberculatan evolutionary history are suggested: origin of the
group, in the Paleocene to early Eocene at the latest, split of Caenolestoidea and Palaeothentoidea clades during
the late early to middle Eocene, evolutionary radiation of palaeothentid and abderitid lineages near the Oligocene–
Eocene boundary, and decreased diversity and extinction of palaeothentoids during the middle Miocene. © 2013
The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465 441
442 M. A. ABELLO
combined data (e.g. Horovitz & Sánchez-Villagra, increased specimen collection (Bown & Fleagle, 1993;
2003; Asher, Horovitz & Sánchez-Villagra, 2004; Goin & Candela, 2004; Abello, 2007; Goin et al.,
Nilsson et al., 2004; Beck, 2008; Meredith et al., 2008) 2010). To date, only two cladistic analysis of Paucitu-
place the paucituberculatans as the sister group of berculata have been performed (Goin et al., 2007,
Australidelphia (i.e. Microbiotheria + Australasian 2009) and both included selected genera as terminal
marsupials, see Szalay, 1982). On the other hand, taxa.
some morphological analyses that included several In view of the current state of knowledge of Pauci-
lineages of extinct South American metatherians tuberculata species diversity, the aim of the present
show that they may be most closely related to some contribution is to explore their phylogenetic relation-
‘Didelphimorphia’ (Goin et al., 2009), or to the Aus- ships through a cladistic analysis. To reconstruct the
tralian Peramelemorphia (Ladevèze & de Muizón, phylogeny of this group, it was necessary to revise
2010). According to this latter hypothesis paucituber- paucituberculatan dental homologies, which resulted
culatans may be regarded as part of the australidel- in a new vision with respect to the previous identifi-
phian radiation. cations of molar structures and dental series homolo-
In contrast to their poor modern representation, gies. A fairly large number of specimens, some
paucituberculatans were highly diverse in the past, exceptionally well preserved, have become available
including about 50 species (Abello, 2007). Considering in recent decades. These new materials allow a
their dietary niches, extinct paucituberculatans were detailed revision of morphological characters, an
not just insectivorous shrew-like forms such as the analysis that is critical given that primary homology
extant caenolestids, but the clade also included assessment is among the main determinants of the
species, such as the abderitids, which are thought to outcome of any phylogenetic analysis (Bryant, 1989;
have been very similar to the frugivorous Australian Hawkins, Hughes & Scotland, 1997).
burramyids and phalangerids (Dumont, Strait &
Friscia, 2000; Ortiz Jaureguizar, 2003; Abello,
Ortiz-Jaureguizar & Candela, 2012). Paucitubercula- INSTITUTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS
tans are first recorded in the early Eocene of Brazil AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New
and Argentina (Goin et al., 2009), and throughout the York, USA; MACN, Museo Argentino de Ciencias
Cenozoic reached a wider distribution, occurring in Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; MLP, Museo de
many South American fossil localities (Abello, 2007). La Plata, La Plata, Argentina; MPEF-PV, Museo
However, they are mainly known from Patagonian Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio (palaeovertebrate col-
fossil assemblages (Marshall, 1980; Bown & Fleagle, lection), Trelew, Argentina; PU, Princeton University
1993; Goin et al., 2009). collection, now at Yale Peabody Museum, USA.
The paucituberculatan fossil record is largely frag-
mentary. About 10% of the species are known by
relatively complete cranial remains, and only two DENTAL NOMENCLATURE
specimens referred to palaeothentid species (Palae- a, alveolus corresponding to a double-rooted tooth;
othentes minutus and P. lemoinei) have an associated abc, anterobasal cingulum; ac, anterobasal cuspule;
cranial and postcranial skeleton (Abello & Candela, act, anterior crest of m1 trigonid; alac, anterolabial
2010). The majority of the fossil evidence consists of crest; alic, anterolingual crest; anc, anterior cingu-
teeth, either isolated or associated in incomplete jaws lum; as, simple alveolus corresponding to a single-
and maxillary bones. Because of this preservation rooted tooth; atc, anterolabial trigonid cusp; C/c,
bias, systematic studies have been mainly based on upper and lower canine, respectively; co, cristid
tooth morphology. obliqua; eda, entocristid; Ent, entoconid; Hyp, hypoco-
After Ameghino’s studies (e.g. Ameghino, 1889, nid; Hypd, hypoconulid; I/i, upper and lower incisor,
1891, 1894, 1900–1902), the most important contri- respectively; laca, labial crest of the anterobasal
bution to the knowledge of paucituberculatan evolu- cuspule; lc, labial crest; lica, lingual crest of the
tion is Marshall’s (1980) revision. More recently, anterobasal cuspule; mc, main cusp on p3; mdpc,
Bown & Fleagle’s (1993) work focused on systematics metaconid posterior crest; M/m, upper and lower
of Palaeothentidae, and several other contributions molar, respectively; Me, metacone; Med, metaconid;
have described new paucituberculatan taxa in the mel, metaconule; P/p, upper and lower premolar,
context of faunal assemblage studies (e.g. Goin & respectively; Pa, paracone; pac, parastylar cusp; Pad,
Candela, 2004; Goin et al., 2009). Since Marshall’s paraconid; pal, paraconule; parad, paracristid; pc,
(1980) contribution, the number of known extinct premetaconular cusp; pent, postentocristid; plac, pos-
paucituberculatan species has roughly doubled. In terolabial crest on p3; plic, posterolingual crest on p3;
part, this was the result of the implementation of pmd, postmetacristid; pmec, premetaconular crest;
screen-washed prospecting methods that have led to poc, postcristid; pome, postmetacrista; pomec, post-
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
metaconular crest; popc, postparaconular crest; popr, mariphus guaraniticus because its holotype, and only
postprotocrista; poprd, postprotocristid, ppa, post- known specimen, is at present lost, (2) Acdestoides
paracrista; ppad, postparacristid; Pr, protocone; Prd, praecursor because it is based on a mandible frag-
protoconid; prdpc, protoconid posterior crest; prepa, ment with a molar so poorly preserved that much of
preparacrista; prepr, preprotocrist; preprd, preprotoc- its morphology is unknown, (3) Hondathentes cazador
ristid; prme, premetacrista; prod, protocristid; prpc, and (4) Palaeothentes smeti, both because the respec-
preparaconular crest; StA, stylar cusp A; StB, stylar tive type specimens could not be examined directly
cusp B; StC, stylar cusp C; StC+D, fused stylar cusps and the illustrations provided by Dumont & Bown
C and D; StD, stylar cusp D. (1997) and Flynn et al. (2002) were inadequate for
comparative purposes. The stem-metatherians Puca-
delphys andinus and Alphadon clemensi, the ‘ameri-
MATERIAL AND METHODS delphian’ incertae sedis Derorhynchus singularis
MATERIAL (Oliveira & Goin, 2011), and the didelphid Didelphis
Multiple specimens and casts (listed in Abello, 2007) albiventris were used as outgroups. A previous phy-
belonging to described extinct species, new unnamed logenetic analysis that evaluated the relationships of
extinct species (recognized in Abello, 2007), and representative genera of the main South American
species representative of extant genera were exam- lineages (e.g. Paucituberculata, Microbiotheriidae,
ined. A list of the paucituberculatans studied in this Polydolopidae, and Argyrolagidae) indicated that
contribution, including their provenance and main Derorhynchus as a close outgroup to Paucituberculata
references, is included in Table 1. (Goin et al., 2009). In other analyses of the phyloge-
netic relationships of marsupials, the didelphids were
found to be the closest outgroups of paucitubercula-
DENTAL HOMOLOGIES ANALYSIS tans (Horovitz & Sánchez-Villagra, 2003; Beck, 2008).
Dental series and tooth morphology were analysed On the other hand, Pucadelphys and Alphadon are
following a comparative approach. Special attention more distant paucituberculatan outgroups (Luo et al.,
was paid to molar crown morphology because most of 2003; Rougier, Wible & Novacek, 2004). Alphadon
the morphological variability of paucituberculatans is clemensi was used to root the analysis.
expressed therein. In this context, comparable fea-
tures were identified among taxa and then primary Character sample
homologies (sensu de Pinna, 1991) were assessed Taxa were scored for 74 characters. Because of the
using a topographical correspondence criterion (see fragmentary condition of paucituberculatan fossils,
Rieppel, 1988). the selected characters mainly involve dental mor-
To clearly illustrate the homology proposals and phology and a few (two characters) refer to features of
nomenclature used in this work, drawings of the cranial bones. Forty-one of the characters are new, 33
plesiomorphic molar pattern of Metatheria (Marshall, were used in previous studies, and ten of the latter
Case & Woodburne, 1990: fig. 3) and representative were modified from original definitions. The list of
molar morphologies of the main paucituberculatan characters and a complete description and discussion
groups are provided in Figures 1–4. Molar serial of each one are provided in Appendix S1.
homologies and position of the molar/premolar bound-
ary follow Luckett (1993). Missing data
The selected ingroup includes several poorly known
species that are based on fragmentary materials;
PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS hence, the absence of evidence is reflected by multiple
Taxon sampling missing entries in the taxon-character matrix. For
Fifty-seven species were used as terminal taxa. Most phylogenetic inferences derived from such data sets,
of the species previously referred to Paucituberculata missing data could be a problem involving an increase
were selected as ingroup (listed in Table 1). The in the number of equally most-parsimonious trees
species belonging to Propalaeothentes erected by (MPTs) and highly unresolved consensus trees.
Bown & Fleagle (1993) were excluded because Several solutions have been proposed to deal with the
Propalaeothentes lepidus and Propalaeothentes hatch- effects of missing data, including deleting characters
eri are considered junior synonyms of Palaeothentes or taxa that have a certain proportion of missing
intermedius and Palaeothentes minutus, respectively entries, or use of consensus methods other than the
(a detailed morphological comparison between type strict consensus (for critical reviews see Kearney &
specimens and a discussion of the synonymy are Clark, 2003; Wiens, 2003; Prevosti & Chemisquy,
offered in Abello, 2007). Four species were omitted 2011). An alternative approach, the ‘Safe Taxonomic
from the ingroup for different reasons: (1) Pseudhal- Reduction’ method (STR) proposed by Wilkinson
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
444 M. A. ABELLO
Table 1. Geographical and temporal data for paucituberculatan species included in the phylogenetic analysis
Riolestes capricornicus São José de Itaboraí, Br. early Eocene (Itaboraian) Goin et al., 2009
Bardalestes hunco La Barda, Chubut, Arg. early Eocene Goin et al., 2009
Bardalestes sp. Las Flores, Chubut, Arg. early Eocene (Itaboraian) Goin et al., 2009
Evolestes hadrommatos Salla, Loaza, Bol. late Oligocene (Deseadan) Goin et al., 2007
Evolestes sp. La Cantera, Chubut, Arg. late early Oligocene (pre Deseadan) Goin et al., 2010
Perulestes fraileyi Santa Rosa, Ucayali, P. late Eocene-early Oligocene Goin & Candela, 2004
Perulestes cardichi Santa Rosa, Ucayali, P. late Eocene-early Oligocene Goin & Candela, 2004
Sasawatsu mahaynaq Santa Rosa, Ucayali, P. late Eocene-early Oligocene Goin & Candela, 2004
Quirogalestes almagaucha Valle Hermoso, Chubut prov., Arg. middle Eocene (Casamayoran) Goin & Candela, 1998
Pilchenia antiqua La Cancha, Chubut prov., Arg. early Oligocene (Tinguirirican) Goin et al., 2010
Pilchenia intermedia La Cantera, Chubut prov., Arg. late early Oligocene (pre Deseadan) Goin et al., 2010
Pilchenia lucina Cabeza Blanca, Chubut prov., Arg. late Oligocene (Deseadan) Marshall, 1980
Stilotherium dissimile Santa Cruz and Neuquén prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Pliolestes tripotamicus Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires prov., Arg. early Pliocene (?Chapadmalalan) Reig, 1955
Pliolestes venetus La Pampa prov., Argentina late Miocene (Huayquerian) Goin et al., 2000
Pichipilus riggsi Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Marshall, 1980
Pichipilus centinelus Cerro Centinela, Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Pichipilus osborni ?Karaiquen, Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Pichipilus halleuxi Alto Río Cisnes, Aisén, Chile middle Miocene (Friasian) Marshall, 1990
Phonocdromus gracilis Santa Cruz prov. Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Acdestodon bonapartei Cabeza Blanca, Chubut prov., Arg. late Oligocene (Deseadan) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Acdestis owenii Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Acdestis lemairei Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Acdestis maddeni Quebrada Honda, Bol. middle Miocene (Laventan) Goin et al., 2003
Trelewthentes rothi Gaiman, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Titanothentes simpsoni Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Rae et al., 1996
Palaeothentes pascuali Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Titanothentes sp. Chubut and Santa Cruz prov., Arg. early Miocene Kramarz et al., 2010
Palaeothentes minutus Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Palaeothentes intermedius Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Palaeothentes lemoinei Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Palaeothentes aratae Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Marshall, 1980
Palaeothentes primus Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Marshall, 1980
Palaeothentes marshalli Gaiman, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Palaeothentes migueli Gaiman, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Palaeothentes boliviensis Salla, Bol. late Oligocene (Deseadan) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Carlothentes chubutensis Cabeza Blanca, Chubut prov., Arg. late Oligocene (Deseadan) Bown & Fleagle, 1993
Abderites meridionalis Santa Cruz prov., Arg. late early Miocene (Santacrucian) Abello & Rubilar-Rogers,
Abderites crispus Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello & Rubilar-Rogers,
Abderites aisenense Neuquen prov., Arg.,and Aisén, Ch. middle Miocene (Friasian) Abello & Rubilar-Rogers,
Parabderites bicrispatus Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Marshall, 1980
Parabderites minusculus Cabeza Blanca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Marshall, 1980
Pitheculites minimus Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Marshall, 1980
Pitheculites chenche La Venta, Col. late Miocene (Laventan) Dumont & Bown, 1997
Pitheculites rothi Alto Río Cisnes, Ch. middle Miocene (Friasian) Marshall, 1990
sp. nov. 1 Gaiman, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello, 2007
sp. nov. 2 Gaiman, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello, 2007
sp. nov. 3 Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello, 2007
sp. nov. 4 Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello, 2007
sp. nov. 5 Gran Barranca, Chubut prov., Arg. early Miocene (Colhuehuapian) Abello, 2007
Caenolestes fuliginosus Andes of Colombia and Ecuador Recent Bublitz, 1987
Rhyncholestes raphanurus Valdivian region of Argentina and Ch. Recent Bublitz, 1987
Lestoros inca Andes of Peru and Bol. Recent Bublitz, 1987
Arg, Argentina; Bol, Bolivia; Br, Brazil; Co, Colombia; Ch, Chile; P, Peru.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
(1995, 2003), seeks to enhance the resolution of con- HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
sensus trees by identifying and a priori removing
The lower dentition of paucitubeculatans is charac-
taxonomic equivalents. These taxa do not contribute
terized by a hypertrophied and procumbent numerical
with any unique information and can be excluded
first lower incisor, reduction in number and crown
from the analysis without modifying the inferred rela-
simplification of the antemolar teeth, with some of
tionships among the remaining taxa. For the current
them being peg-like (Fig. 5), and presence of four
analysis, and in order to obtain more resolved sum-
molars. Among representatives of the four main
maries of the strictly supported relationships, the
clades (Caenolestidae, Pichipilidae, Abderitidae, and
STR method was applied and taxonomic equivalents
Palaeothentidae) and basal paucituberculatans, the
were identified using the TAXEQ3 program
molars have quite distinct patterns of cusps and
(Wilkinson, 2001).
crests. Basal taxa, such as Bardalestes hunco (Goin
et al., 2009), have relatively unspecialized triangular
Data matrix analysis upper molars with the complete set of cusps and
Two taxon-character matrices were constructed, the crests that characterize the plesiomorphic molar
complete matrix (CM, see Appendis S1) including all pattern of Metatheria (Marshall et al., 1990; Fig. 1).
ingroup and outgroup taxa detailed above, and the In contrast, the highly derived abderitids, such
reduced matrix (RM) based on CM but excluding as Abderites meridionalis, have quadrangular upper
taxonomic equivalents (see results). The data sets molars, with enlarged posterolingual metaconule,
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
446 M. A. ABELLO
Figure 2. Schematic drawings showing dental morphology and terminology of upper and lower molars of Evolestes
hadrommatos (A), Stilotherium dissimile (B–E) and pichipilids (F–K). Evolestes hadrommatos: M2 in occlusal view (A).
Stilotherium dissimile: M1 in occlusal (B) and lingual (C) views; m2 in occlusal (D) and labial (E) views. Pichipilidae: M1
in occlusal (F) and lingual (I) views; m2 in occlusal (G) and labial (J) views; p3–m1 in occlusal (H) and labial (K) views.
For dental abbreviations see Dental Nomenclature.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
Figure 3. Schematic drawings showing dental morphology and terminology of palaeothentid upper and lower teeth.
Palaeothentes minutus: M1 in occlusal (A) and lingual (D) views; p3–m1 in occlusal (G) and labial (J) views; m1–2 in
occlusal (H) and labial (K) views. Palaeothentes primus: M1 in occlusal (B) and lingual (E) views. Acdestis owenii: M1 in
occlusal (C) and lingual (F) views; m1–2 in occlusal (I) and labial (L) views. For dental abbreviations see Dental
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
448 M. A. ABELLO
Figure 4. Schematic drawings showing dental morphology and terminology of abderitid upper and lower teeth. Pithe-
culithes minimus: m1 in occlusal (A), posterior (D), and labial (E) views; m2 in occlusal view (B); M1 in occlusal (G) and
lingual (H) views; M2 in occlusal view (J). Abderites crispus: m2 in occlusal view (C); M2 in occlusal view (K). Parabderites
bicrispatus: p3–m1 in lingual (F) and labial (I) views; M1 in occlusal view (L). For dental abbreviations see Dental
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
450 M. A. ABELLO
(1982, 1995) stated that the first lower incisor in Upper molars
marsupials was phylogenetically lost and that other Most paucituberculatans have quadrangular upper
changes, throughout marsupial phylogeny, led to the molars with four main cusps: two labial and two
crowded disposition of the remaining incisors (i2–5) lingual ones (Figs 2B, 3A–F, 4K–L). The interpreta-
and the wedged position of the i3 root between and tion of the labial cusps as stylar ones was first made
behind the adjacent teeth. This ‘staggered’ condition by Osgood (1921: 123) and followed by several authors
of the i3 was observed in extant and extinct cae- (e.g. Marshall, 1987; Marshall et al., 1990; Goin &
nolestids (Sinclair, 1906: 420; Hershkovitz, 1995), and Candela, 2004; Goin et al., 2009). However, in the
implied the i2 homology of the procumbent incisor of same study, when describing the upper molars of
paucituberculatans as deduced from its relative posi- Caenolestes, Osgood (1921: 120) designated the labial
tion in the incisor row (Hershkovitz, 1995: 158). cusps as para- and metacone, and the lingual ones as
However, more recently Voss & Jansa (2009: 55) protocone and hypocone; in addition, he identified an
stated that for extant caenolestids there is no sugges- ‘intermediate conule’ basal and lingual to the meta-
tion of staggered alveolus for any of the lower incisor cone. These latter cusp names were adopted by Mar-
loci, and Luckett & Hong (2000) pointed out that shall as cusp homologies (1980: fig. 5b) leading him to
the homology of the paucituberculatan procumbent conclude that the absence of the stylar shelf was a
incisor is uncertain considering the absence of dental derived character of the Caenolestidae (= Paucituber-
development data. Regarding the remaining antemo- culata; Marshall, 1980: 126). In the same way, several
lar teeth, the most accepted serial homologies, as phylogenetic analyses including Caenolestes as a
expressed in dental formulae indicating each incisor, paucituberculatan representative also considered
canine, and premolar tooth family, were those pro- that this taxon lacks stylar cusps and that the labial
posed by Marshall (1980) for the following paucitu- cusps are homologous to the para- and metacone
berculatan groups: Caenolestinae, I4/4, C1/1, P3/3; of the metatherian plesiomorphic molar pattern
Palaeothentinae, I3/2, C1/1, P3/2–3; and Abderitinae, (e.g. Springer et al., 1997; Sánchez-Villagra, 2001;
I?/2, C?/1, P?/3. Ladevèze & de Muizón, 2010). More recently, the
labial cusps of Caenolestes were scored as represent-
ing stylar cusps in the phylogenetic analyses of Abello
Molar dental series & Candela (2010) and Beck (2012).
Two patterns of tooth replacement have been pro-
posed for metatherians. The most widely accepted Lower molars
view, evidenced in both living and extinct taxa (e.g. The lower molar pattern of caenolestids and pichipi-
Luckett, 1993; Cifelli & de Muizon, 1997), considers lids (Caenolestinae sensu Marshall, 1980) was consid-
a dp3–p3 replacement and the following serial ered as primitive in relation to that of palaeothentids
homology of molars: m1, m2, m3, and m4. This and abderitids (Marshall, 1980; Marshall et al., 1990;
molar series was the most used in the dental Bown & Fleagle, 1993). On m1–4 of caenolestids and
description of paucituberculatans (e.g. Marshall, pichipilids, Marshall (1980) and subsequent authors
1976, 1980; Bown & Fleagle, 1993; Goin et al., 2009). (Abello, 2007) identified the complete set of cusps and
Alternatively, a replacement of m1–p3 was proposed crest present in the plesiomorphic molar pattern of
by Archer (1978), implying a molar series formed by marsupials (Fig. 1). Several derived characters were
m2, m3, m4, m5. Archer’s hypothesis has been occa- identified for the lower molars of palaeothentids and
sionally mentioned for paucituberculatan dentition abderitids (Marshall, 1980; Marshall et al., 1990;
(Marshall, 1990). It is important to note that pauci- Bown & Fleagle, 1993), particularly for the special-
tuberculatans were previously suggested to lack a ized m1of abderitids; among these, the following char-
deciduous tooth (Archer, 1978; Marshall, 1980). acters are worth mentioning: absence of the paraconid
However, as Luckett & Hong (2000) demonstrated, on m2–3 in palaeothentids and abderitids (Marshall,
caenolestids are characterized by the presence of a 1980: 43; Marshall et al., 1990: 440), presence of lophs
small deciduous third premolar and a late p3 erup- on m2–4, and m1 with the metaconid absent and
tion with respect to that of m4. In the particular trigonid modified into a shear-blade in abderitids
case of the P3–M4 series of abderitids, homologies (Marshall, 1980: 43), and bifurcated paraconid on m1
were recently reviewed by Abello & Rubilar-Rogers of palaeothentinaes (Marshall, 1980: 52; Bown &
(2012). Their proposals are in agreement with those Fleagle, 1993: 49).
of Marshall et al. (1990) and differ from those of
Marshall (1976, 1980). Accordingly, the shearing HOMOLOGY PROPOSALS OF THIS WORK
teeth that form the abderitid plagiaulacoid complex Antemolar series
are the P3/m1 in Abderites and Pitheculites, and the As a result of the present study, the staggered i3
P3/p3–m1 in Parabderites (Fig. 4). was identified in all extinct paucituberculatans with
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
Figure 6. Results of phylogenetic analyses. A, strict consensus cladogram of 252 most parsimonious trees (MPTs) arising
from analysis of the reduced matrix (after safe taxonomic reduction) under implied weights with K = 3 (L = 204, CI = 0.54,
RI = 0.86; continued in Fig. 7); symmetric resampling values above 50 (roman) and GC frequency differences (italic) are
given below branches. B, strict consensus cladogram of 1780 MPTs produced by the analysis of the total matrix under
implied weights with K = 3 (L = 210, CI = 0.53, RI = 0.85). C, strict consensus cladogram of 2040 MPTs produced by the
analysis of the reduced matrix under equal weights (L = 214, CI = 0.52, RI = 0.84). Only the topologies that differ from that
of A are shown in B and C. Filled circles represent non-homoplasious characters; open circles indicate homoplasies.
Numbers above circles represent characters, numbers below represent character states.
well-preserved alveoli or teeth of the antemolar series lost in the lineage of extant caenolestids. Concerning
(Fig. 5); hence, and following Hershkovitz (1995), the the homology of the remaining antemolar teeth, the
hypertrophied lower incisor is considered to be the presence of eight teeth (or the corresponding alveoli)
i2. The extinct taxa with verified staggered i3 are was verified in specimens of the most generalized
representatives of the main paucituberculatan clades: paucituberculatan groups: Caenolestidae and Pichipi-
Caenolestidae, Pichipilidae, Abderitidae, and Palae- lidae. If no supernumerary teeth were developed, as
othentidae. Thereby, the staggered condition of the i3 was suggested by Luckett & Hong (2000) and Martin
could be seen as a generalized morphology for the (2007) for extant caenolestids, then a dental formula
paucituberculatans. As was mentioned before, none of of 4i, 1c, and 3p may be assumed. Eight antemolar
the lower incisive loci has a wedged morphology in teeth are present in two specimens of Stilotherium
recent caenolestids (Voss & Jansa, 2009), but it is dissimile (MACN 8467 and PU 15238), one of Pho-
remarkable that Stilotherium dissimile, a caenolestid nocdromus gracilis (AMNH 9593), and two pichipilids
closely related to the extant members of the Cae- (MLP 82-V-2-113 and MPEF-PV 4877; Fig. 5C). The
nolestidae clade (Fig. 6A), has a staggered i3. A pos- remaining caenolestids and pichipilids, with complete
sible explanation for this character distribution is antemolar series (six specimens), have seven antemo-
that the staggered condition of the i3 could have been lar alveoli or teeth. In this case, it is impossible to
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
452 M. A. ABELLO
know which tooth was lost, but it is certainly not the series, such as some caenolestids and pichipilids, the
i2, i3, p2, or p3. The i2 is the hypertrophied first teeth present are the i2, i3, i4, i5, c, p1, p2, and p3.
incisor, the i3 is the staggered second incisor, and the Other paucituberculatans have seven (some cae-
p2 and p3 are both two-rooted teeth (premolars) that nolestids and pichipilids), six (abderitids and most
are placed anterior to m1. The single-rooted and palaeothentids), or five (some acdestine specimens)
peg-like teeth between i3 and p2 are indistinguish- antemolar teeth. In these reduced lower antemolar
able, so the lost teeth may be the i4, i5, c, or p1. series, the lost tooth/teeth are of uncertain loci. Com-
Palaeothentids have a general antemolar series plete antemolar upper series are only known for
formed by six teeth (Fig. 5D), occasionally reduced to living species; the teeth present are the I1, I2, I3, I4,
five in some Acdestis specimens. As in caenolestids C, P1, P2, and P3. Reconstructed upper antemolar
and pichipilids, i2, i3, and p3 are distinguishable, but series of palaeothentids indicates a reduction to seven
the remaining antemolars are very similar peg-like teeth; based on morphological comparisons with the
teeth (Rae, Bown & Fleagle, 1996: fig. 9). As an excep- antemolars of caenolestids, the lost tooth is, most
tion (e.g. MACN 8318 and MACN 8347-8354c referred probably, the I4.
to Palaeothentes minutus) the tooth located just ante-
rior to the p3 has its single alveolus divided by an Upper molars
osseus trabecula, thus denoting fused roots and thus In agreement with the scheme of cusp homology origi-
a probable premolar locus. In relation to the nally proposed by Osgood (1921: 123) here the labial
maximum of eight antemolars, two or three lost teeth cusps are considered to correspond to stylar cusps,
may correspond to a combination of i4, i5, c, p1, and and the antero-lingual cusp to the protocone (Figs 2A,
p2. B, 3A–F, 4K–L). The postero-lingual cusp originally
Abderitids have six antemolar teeth (Fig. 5E). As in considered a hypocone by Osgood (1921) is interpreted
palaeothentids, i2, i3, and p3 are distinct, unlike the to be homologous to the metaconule, as proposed by
remaining peg-like antemolars. Only one specimen previous authors (e.g. Goin & Candela, 2004; Goin
referred to Abderites crispus (MPEF-PV 5847) has a et al., 2009). The ‘intermediate conule’ (Osgood, 1921;
probable p2 just anterior to the p3 (Abello & Marshall, 1980) is reinterpreted here as the meta-
Rubilar-Rogers, 2012). As in the case of palaeothen- cone. The para- and metacone are set lingually to the
tids, the loci of lost teeth are not certain. stylar cusps. The paracone, when present, is smaller
The upper antemolar series of extant caenolestids than the metacone (Figs 2A, 3B). A metacone is
comprises eight teeth: 4I, 1C, 3P. Incisors are distinct usually present (except in Abderites species; Fig. 4K)
from each other. The more anterior one (I1) is vertical and variably reduced among paucituberculatans. In
and all the following (I2–4) are slightly procumbent summary, the nomenclature and homology of cusps
and longer than the I1, becoming smaller and antero- and crests adopted here is based on those of Osgood
posteriorly shorter from the I2 to the I4. The canine (1921) and Goin et al. (2009). The topological corre-
is relatively large and double-rooted in Lestoros inca spondence is as follows: anterolabial cusp = StB,
and females of both Caenolestes and Rhyncholestes, posterolabial cusp = StC+D, anterolingual cusp =
but single-rooted in males of Caenolestes and Rhync- protocone, posterolingual cusp = metaconule, cusp
holestes (see Voss & Jansa, 2009 and references lingual to the StB = paracone, cusp lingual to the
therein). Premolars are two-rooted (except P1 of StC+D and labial to the metaconule = metacone.
L. inca, see Bublitz, 1987), increasing in size from the
P1 to the P3. Complete upper antemolar series are Lower molars
unknown for most extinct paucituberculatans. The homologies of several molar structures have been
However, from the partially preserved type specimen here reinterpreted from those proposed in previous
of Acdestis maddeni (Goin et al., 2003) and some studies; some of these reinterpretations are: presence
specimens referred to Palaeothentes minutus (Abello, of metaconid on the m1 of abderitids vs. absence of
2007) it is possible to reconstruct the upper series of metaconid on the m1 of abderitids (Marshall, 1980:
these palaeothentids. Both species have seven ante- 123), ‘bifurcated paraconid’ on m1 of palaeothentids
molar teeth: 3I, C, and 3P. Considering the morphol- (Bown & Fleagle, 1993: 49) = paraconid plus anterior
ogy of the incisors, it is possible to homologize them crest on m1 of palaeothentoids, presence of paraconid
with the I1–3 of extant caenolestids. on m2 of palaeothentids and abderitids vs. absence of
Summing up, in this work the antemolar formula paraconid on m2 of palaeothentids and abderitids
for most paucituberculatans is considered to be uncer- (Marshall, 1980: 131; Marshall et al., 1990: 440), and
tain. However, in agreement with Hershkovitz (1995), presence of postentocristid on m1–3 of palaeothentids
two lower anterior incisors of paucituberculatans are and abderitids vs. absence of postentocristid on m1–3
homologized with the i2–i3 of generalized marsupials. of palaeothentids and abderitids (Goin et al., 2009).
In paucituberculatans with complete lower antemolar These and other reinterpretations of cusp and crest
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
Figure 7. Results of phylogenetic analyses. A, strict consensus cladogram of 252 most parsimonious trees (MPTs) arising
from analysis of the reduced matrix (after safe taxonomic reduction) under implied weights (continued from Fig. 6);
symmetric resampling values above 50 (roman) and GC frequency differences (italic) are given below branches. B, strict
consensus cladogram of 1780 MPTs produced by the analysis of the total matrix under implied weights. C, strict consensus
cladogram of 2040 MPTs produced by the analysis of the reduced matrix under equal weights. Only the topologies that
differ from that of A are shown in B and C. Filled circles represent unique character changes; open circles indicate
homoplastic changes. Numbers above circles represent characters, numbers below represent character states.
homologies are discussed in detail in the character clades that include them (see their phylogenetic posi-
descriptions of the Phylogenetic Analyses (see Appen- tions in the strict consensus trees, Figs 6B, 7).
dix S1). Analyses I, II, and III resulted in 1780, 2040, and
252 MPTs, respectively; in the analyses I and III the
same consensus topologies were obtained with
K-values from 3 to 100. The strict consensus and
RESULTS (FIGS 6, 7) support values of analysis III are given in Figures 6A
The application of STR revealed seven potential taxo- and 7A. Consensus trees of the analyses differ in the
nomic equivalents that could be safely removed: degree of resolution of some clades, particularly the
P. pascuali, A. maddeni, P. osborni, P. halleuxi, A. bo- Pichipilidae and Palaeothentidae (cf. Fig. 6A–C; cf.
napartei, P. rothi, and A. aisenense; thus, an RM was Figure 7A–C). Paucituberculata is highly supported
constructed following the safe deletion rules proposed in the three analyses. Within Paucituberculata there
by Wilkinson (1995). However, P. osborni, P. rothi, and is a large basal polytomy formed by R. capricornicus,
A. aisenense were retained in the RM because their E. hadrommatos, Evolestes sp., Bardalestes sp., Bard-
exclusion would not improve the resolutions of the alestes hunco, and a clade grouping the remaining
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
454 M. A. ABELLO
paucituberculatans. This latter clade groups most and relatively high support (58/54 absolute and GC
paucituberculatan species in two main clades. One of frequencies; Fig. 6A). As in the results of Goin et al.
them includes extant caenolestids (C. fuliginosus, (2009), the quite developed and salient hypoconid on
L. inca, R. raphanurus) and closely related extinct m2–3 (341) and a laterally compressed entoconid on
species: sp. nov. 1, sp. nov. 2, sp. nov. 3, P. venetus, m1–3 (351) were recovered as paucituberculatan
P. tripotamicus, and S. dissimile. The second is the synapomorphies. Another feature considered a pauci-
large clade Palaeothentoidea, which groups Pichipili- tuberculatan synapomorphy by Goin et al. (2009), the
dae (sp. nov. 4, sp. nov. 5, P. gracilis, Q. almagaucha, larger size of the StB, or StB and StC+StD with
P. riggsi, P. osborni, P. centinelus, and P. halleuxi) as respect to para- and metacone, was not recovered in
sister of the clade grouping palaeothentids and abder- this work. In the present analysis the character ‘rela-
itids of the traditional literature. As result of the tive sizes of the paracone and metacone with respect
exclusion of P. halleuxi from analyses II and III, the to the stylar cusps’ was modified from character
monophyly of Pichipilus was recovered. The clade of 34 in Goin et al. (2009), and reinterpreted in the
non-Pichipilidae palaeothentoids has a basal tri- characters 61 and 64 (see Appendix S1); thus,
chotomy formed by P. fraileyi, P. cardichi, and the the paracone reduced and coalescent to StB (612)
clade that includes the remaining taxa. This latter was diagnostic of Paucituberculata and the meta-
clade comprises S. mahaynaq, Pilchenia (including cone slightly reduced and coalescent to StC+D
P. boliviensis, P. lucina, P. intermedia, and P. antiqua) was a synapomorphy of a less inclusive clade
and the clade formed by the sister groups Abderitidae (Caenolestoidea + Palaeothentoidea).
(Parabderites + (Pitheculites + Abderites)) and Palae- Relationships among basal paucituberculatans
othentidae (C. chubutensis, T. pinturinus, A. owenii, were ambiguous, resulting in a large polytomy that
A. lemairei, A. maddeni, T. rothi, T. simpsoni, A. bo- grouped R. capricornicus, Bardalestes sp., B. hunco,
napartei, P. primus, P. pascuali, P. minutus, P. inter- Evolestes sp., and E. hadrommatos. Several charac-
medius, P. lemoinei, P. aratae, P. marshalli, and ters were scored as missing data in these taxa and so
P. migueli). For the Abderitidae clade, implied- eight additional paucituberculatan synapomorphies
weights analyses recovered the monophyly of Parab- were recovered under ACCTRAN (22, 41, 111, 451, 491,
derites, absent from the results of analysis II (equally 541, 551, 722); among them is the hypertrophied and
weighted). Within Palaeothentidae, Decastinae was procumbent i2 (21), one of the most distinctive mor-
the only group recovered in the three analyses (see phological features of this group (Fig. 5; see Intro-
clade discussion); the resolution of decastine relation- duction). Bardalestes hunco and Bardalestes sp. on
ships was improved by STR application and the the one hand, and Evolestes hadrommatos and
recovery of Acdestis–Trelewthentes rothi monophyly. Evolestes sp. on the other, were not resolved as sister
Relationships among the rest of the palaeothentids taxa; therefore, the generic assignations of Bardal-
were largely unresolved in analysis II. As compared estes sp. (Goin et al., 2009) and Evolestes sp. (Goin
with the equal-weights analysis, implied-weights et al., 2010) are taxonomic decisions not completely
analyses yielded a higher number of nodes. Car- supported by the present phylogenetic results.
lothentes chubutensis was sister to palaeothentines Excluding basal taxa, the remaining paucitubercula-
plus decastines and, among palaeothentines, tans are grouped in a large clade with a low support
P. primus was sister to the remaining Palaeothentes (–/23 absolute and GC frequencies). This grouping
species (except P. boliviensis and P. lucina, see clade comprises two main clades: Caenolestoidea and
discussion). Palaeothentoidea.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
et al. (2009): curved entocristid in m1–3 (372; Fig. 2D) (2009): presence of a crest-like expansion posterior to
and single-rooted m4 (461). Another synapomorphy the metaconid in m1–3 (291; Fig. 2G) and markedly
proposed by these authors, high entocristid on m1–3 different thickness between the lateral and occlusal
(391), was recovered here supporting a less inclusive molar faces (121). Another diagnostic character of
clade that groups Pliolestes, sp. nov. 3, and living Palaeothentoidea in Goin et al. (2009), namely the
caenolestids. The diagnostic characters of the metaconid anteriorly placed with respect to the pro-
Caenolestidae considered by Marshall (1980) and toconid in m3, was not recovered in the present analy-
Marshall et al. (1990) have been extensively discussed sis. The relative position of the metaconid and
in Goin et al. (2009), so this issue will not be further protoconid was considered here for m2 and m3 con-
analysed here. jointly (character 22). Among palaeothentoids, two
At the base of Caenolestoidea there is a trichotomy character states were identified: metaconid anteriorly
consisting of: (1) a clade comprising the sister-taxa placed on m2–3 (221), present in Pichipilidae
Stilotherium dissimile and sp. nov. 2, (2) a group (Fig. 2D), P. cardichi, and Abderitidae (except P. bic-
including the living Caenolestidae, sp. nov. 3, and rispatus; Fig. 4B, C), and metaconid not anteriorly
Pliolestes, and (3) sp. nov. 1. All branches, except for placed on m2, but anteriorly placed on m3 (222),
the C. fuliginosus – L. inca clade, have high support present in Pilchenia, P. bicrispatus, and Palaeothenti-
values. This analysis revealed some interesting dae (Fig. 3H, I). The character state 221 was recov-
results regarding the cladistics and taxonomic com- ered as a synapomorphy of Palaeothentoidea, but only
position of the Caenolestidae. In the first place, three under DELTRAN.
new species may be referred to this group: sp. nov. 1, Excluding Pichipilidae, the remaining palaeothen-
sp. nov. 2 and sp. nov. 3. On the other hand, according toids are clustered in a large clade with Perulestes,
to the topology of the first clade, sp. nov. 2 may be Sasawatsu, and Pilchenia as successive sister-taxa to
considered a new Stilotherium species, which would the Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae clade. The mono-
extend the temporal range of this genus from the phyly of Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae was assessed
Santacrucian age (temporal provenance of S. dis- by several previous authors (Marshall, 1980;
simile; 16.3 Mya, Bown & Fleagle, 1993), back to the Marshall et al., 1990; Abello, 2007; Goin et al., 2009);
Colhuehuapian age (20 Mya, Madden et al., 2010). this clade is here supported by three unambiguous
Within the second group, the living caenolestids form synapomorphies.
a clade that has C. fuliginosus and L. inca as termi-
nal monophyletic group, and R. raphanurus as its Pichipilidae: Pichipilidae groups most of the ‘tradi-
sister taxon. Up to now, both Stilotherium and Pliol- tional’ pichipilids: Pichipilus osborni, P. centinelus,
estes have been considered the closest extinct rela- P. riggsi, P. halleuxi, Quirogalestes almagaucha, Pho-
tives to living caenolestids (Goin et al., 2009), but as nocdromus gracilis (Marshall & Pascual, 1977;
was demonstrated in this analysis it is sp. nov. 3, from Marshall, 1980, 1990; Goin & Candela, 1998), and the
the Colhuehuapian of Patagonia (Abello, 2007), which new species: sp. nov. 4 and sp. nov. 5. The monophyly
now occupies this phylogenetic position. Outside the of this taxon is supported by six unambiguous
described clade is the sister-group P. venetus – synapomorphies (101, 191, 371, 651, 670, 710) and is
P. tripotamicus. These results confirm the monophyly relatively well supported in terms of GC frequency
of Pliolestes species, as previously proposed by Goin, differences (GC = 31).
Montalvo & Visconti (2000), and the condition of As mentioned above, the topology recovered in the
Pliolestes as a member of Caenolestidae (Goin et al., present analysis does not support the inclusion of
2009). Pliolestes in the Pichipilidae. The close phylogenetic
relationships among Pliolestes, Pichipilus, and Pho-
Palaeothentoidea: The palaeothentoids encompass nocdromus were originally proposed by Marshall
Pichipilidae and its unnamed sister group that clus- (1976; see also Marshall & Pascual, 1977). Subse-
ters Perulestes, Sasawatsu, Pilchenia, abderitids, and quently, Marshall (1980) reasserted these hypotheses
palaeothentids. The results of the present study by proposing a Pichipilini tribe (= Pichipilinae of
confirm previous hypotheses about the close phyloge- Marshall et al., 1990) which encompassed all these
netic relationships of pichipilids to palaeothentids genera. Different taxa have been proposed as the
and abderitids (Goin et al., 2009), and reject the ‘Cae- phylogenetically closest relatives of Pliolestes; first,
nolestidae’ concept (i.e. Caenolestini + Pichipilinae) as Pichipilus osborni (Marshall, 1976; Marshall &
proposed by Marshall (1980) and Marshall et al., Pascual, 1977), and subsequently, P. halleuxi
(1990). Palaeothentoidea is supported by high support (Marshall, 1990; Ortiz Jaureguizar, 1997). However,
values (72/72 absolute and GC frequencies) and four these proposals were refuted by more recently phylo-
unambiguous synapomorphies (121, 291, 301, 361). Two genetic analyses that demonstrated the caenolestid
of these were previously considered by Goin et al. affinities of Pliolestes (Abello, 2007; Goin et al., 2009).
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
456 M. A. ABELLO
A large basal polytomy was here found in the Pichi- lower antemolar formula (i2, c1, p2), among other
pilidae clade. The poor resolution of pichipilid rela- characters, a species closely related to palaeothentids
tionships was partially due to the poorly known and abderitids (Goin & Candela, 2004). In agree-
species Pichipilus halleuxi, a taxonomic equivalent to ment with the assessments of Goin & Candela (2004),
most of the pichipilids. The exclusion of P. halleuxi Sasawatsu was recovered here as closely related
from analyses II and III improved the phylogenetic to palaeothentids and abderitids. In this analysis,
resolution by recovering the P. riggsi (P. osborni + two synapomorphies group Sasawatsu with the
P. centinelus) clade; consequently, the monophyly of Pilchenia + (Abderitidae + Palaeothentidae) clade:
Pichipilus species was corroborated as originally pro- molar crowns basally wide (311) and lower molars
posed by Marshall & Pascual (1977). Pichipilus hal- with vestigial anterobasal cingulum (324). Even
leuxi was another species previously included in this though any inference of the lower antemolar formula
genus (Marshall, 1990), but the result of the present of paucituberculatans is highly speculative (see
analysis does not support this taxonomic assignation. Dental Homologies), the presence of five or possibly
However, as shown in Figure 6B, P. halleuxi is still a six antemolar teeth (see Goin & Candela, 2004: 39)
member of the Pichipilidae clade. additionally relates Sasawatsu to abderitids and
Perulestes, Sasawatsu, and Pilchenia: The sister The Pilchenia clade (Fig. 7A) was the sister-group
group of Pichipilidae is a clade supported by two to the Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae, and grouped
synapomorphies (242, 572) and relatively well sup- the type species P. lucina, the two recently described
ported in terms of GC frequency differences (GC = 43). species, P. intermedia and P. antiqua (Goin et al.,
The most basal taxa of this clade are Perulestes, 2010), and Palaeothentes boliviensis. Among the most
Sasawatsu, and Pilchenia. In its original description, important implications of the topology obtained
Perulestes was referred to the Caenolestidae (sensu is that P. boliviensis is not a species of Palaeothen-
Marshall, 1980) and two species were recognized, tes, and that P. boliviensis and P. lucina are not
P. cardichi and P. fraileyi (Goin & Candela, 2004). members of Palaeothentidae, as previously considered
However, in this analysis, these two species were not (Patterson & Marshall, 1978; Marshall, 1980; Bown &
recovered as a monophyletic group and, on the con- Fleagle, 1993), but that these species are actually
trary, both were positioned in a basal trichotomy with basal to palaeothentids, and members of a new pau-
a clade that grouped the remaining non-Pichipilidae cituberculatan clade. As an additional result, the
palaeothentoids. In view of these phylogenetic rela- membership of P. intermedia and P. antiqua in the
tionships, the assignation of P. frailleyi to Perulestes genus Pilchenia (Goin et al., 2010) was corroborated.
is not completely supported by the present phyloge- In the three analyses Pilchenia species were resolved
netic results. Additionally, it is important to note that as monophyletic, with P. boliviensis as sister to the
Perulestes species are recovered as palaeothentoids P. lucina (P. intermedia + P. antiqua) clade.
rather than members of Caenolestidae, as previously
proposed (Goin & Candela, 2004). In agreement with Abderitidae: Six unambiguous synapomorphies (135,
Goin & Candela’s (2004) observations, Perulestes 271, 281, 501, 531, 681) and high absolute frequency
species are considered to represent morphological and GC values (91/91) support the Abderitidae clade,
intermediates between caenolestids, on the one hand, which includes the traditionally recognized abderitid
and palaeothentids and abderitids, on the other; some genera Parabderites, Abderites, and Pitheculites
plesiomorphic characters (e.g. metaconid anteriorly (Marshall, 1976, 1980; Ortiz Jaureguizar, 2003;
placed relative to the protoconid on m2–3, well- Abello, 2007).
developed anterobasal cinguli) are shared by Per- In agreement with the inferences of Marshall
ulestes and pichipilids while some derived characters (1980: 130–131), molar lophodonty (681; Fig. 4C, L)
(e.g. metaconule higher than protocone, very reduced and the sectorial morphology of the m1 trigonid
paraconid) place it closer to the palaeothentids and (Fig. 4A, E) are considered derived characters of
abderitids. Better knowledge of the dentition of P. abderitids. In the Abderitidae, the main trigonid
fraileyi and P. cardichi will probably reveal a sister- cusps of the m1 are aligned (135; Fig. 4A, F) and
group relationship between them. For example, an laterally compressed, forming a large blade-like struc-
autapomorphic character of P. cardichi, the presence ture. It is worth mentioning that the sectorial m1
of parastylar cusp on M2 is entered as missing data in trigonid is part of the plagiaulacoid dentition that
P. fraileyi, while an autapomorphy of P. fraileyi, characterizes this group (see Introduction); this
namely the moderately deep protocristid, is entered type of dentition, involving different teeth, has
as missing data in P. cardichi. evolved differently in the two main abderitid lineages
Sasawatsu mahaynaq was originally considered as (Parabderites and Abderites + Pitheculites clade, see
a highly derived paucituberculatan and, based on its below). In Parabderites the cutting structure of the
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
m1 trigonid is also accompanied by the cutting mor- The Abderites clade, formed by A. meridionalis,
phology of the p3 (Fig. 4F, I). In the species of this A. crispus, and A. aisenense, was fully resolved and
genus, the p3 is a high tooth with the crown labio- was relatively well supported in terms of GC values
lingually compressed at the occlusal margin; thus, a (GC = 46). The taxonomic composition of this clade
continuous cutting edge exists from the trigonid of m1 differs from that of Marshall (1976, 1980) and Ortiz
and the p3. In contrast, in Abderites and Pitheculites Jaureguizar (2003) in the exclusion of A. pristinus,
the whole cutting structure of the lower dentition is and the inclusion of the recently described species
linked to the modification of the m1 trigonid (Fig. 4A, A. aisenense (for a taxonomic review of Abderites see
E), which is much more developed than in Parabder- Abello & Rubilar-Rogers, 2012).
ites. The p3 in the species of Abderites and Pithecu-
lites, unlike the condition in Parabderites, is strongly Palaeothentidae: The Palaeothentidae, as recognized
reduced (51; Fig. 5E) and does not participate in occlu- here, constitute a clade supported by one unambigu-
sion, other than by forming a sort of support for the ous synapomorphy (262, anterolabial-posterolingually
anterior portion of the m1 trigonid (Abello & oblique postparacrístida; Fig. 3H, I), and well sup-
Rubilar-Rogers, 2012). In the upper dentition, the ported by absolute frequency and GC values (58/54).
occlusal antagonist of the p3–m1 of P. bicrispatus, and Three additional characters (231, 651, and 731) are
of the m1 trigonid of Abderites and Pitheculites, is the palaeothentid synapomorphies under ACCTRAN.
P3 (Abello, 2007). Comparing with the remaining traditional paucitu-
Several previous hypotheses about abderitid berculatan groupings (e.g. Pichipilidae and Abderiti-
ingroup relationships were confirmed. Among them dae), Palaeothentidae was the clade that presented
are the relationships between Parabderites, Abder- the greatest differences in taxonomic composition and
ites, and Pitheculites proposed by Marshall (1976, ingroup relationships with respect to previous phylo-
1980), Ortiz Jaureguizar (2003), and Abello (2007). genetic hypotheses (Marshall, 1980; Marshall et al.,
Originally Marshall (1976, 1980) proposed that 1990; Bown & Fleagle, 1993). As mentioned above,
Abderites and Pitheculites are more closely related P. lucina and P. boliviensis are not Palaeothentes
to each other than either is to Parabderites. These species, nor even palaeothentids, as was previously
ideas were further supported by the phylogenetic suggested (Marshall, 1980; Bown & Fleagle, 1993),
analyses of Ortiz Jaureguizar (2003) and Abello but are part of the Pilchenia clade. In the most recent
(2007); in these analyses, as well as in the present revision of the Palaeothentidae, Bown & Fleagle
study, Abderites and Pitheculites were strongly (1993) recognized three main palaeothentid clades:
monophyletic. Eight synapomorphies support the Hondathentes cazador, Palaeothentinae, and Acdesti-
Abderites + Pitheculites clade; two of these, small p3 nae. As in the phylogenetic hypothesis of Bown &
(51) and the presence of a parastylar cusp on M2 (690; Fleagle (1993), Palaeothentinae and Acdestinae were
Fig. 4J, K), were previously considered by Marshall recovered as two of the three major palaeothentid
(1980). lineages. The position of H. cazador could not be
The traditionally recognized species of Parabderites evaluated because this species was not included in
and Pitheculites (Marshall, 1976, 1980; Ortiz the phylogenetic analysis (see Taxon sampling).
Jaureguizar, 2003; Abello, 2007) were recovered as However, by contrasting the characters that could be
monophyletic groups. Two species, P. minusculus and distinguished in the figures reported by Bown &
P. bicrispatus, were grouped in Parabderites, but their Fleagle (1993), and the diagnostic characters of the
sister-group relationship, recovered in analyses I and palaeothentines that emerge from this study (150 and
III, was poorly supported (one synapomophy 91). 310, see Appendix S1), H. cazador is most likely a
Three species were clustered in Pitheculithes, P. min- member of Palaeothentinae.
imus, P. rothi, and P. chenche, but the relationships In accordance with the results of Bown & Fleagle
between them remain unresolved, thus forming a (1993), Palaeothentinae and Acdestinae were recov-
trichotomy. Terminal polytomies can be interpreted as ered as sister-groups. On the other hand, and in
a result of lack of resolution or as a statement about contrast to the inferences of these authors, Car-
multiple speciation (Maddison, 1989; Wilkinson, lothentes chubutensis was not nested within the Pal-
1994); if the first interpretation is assumed to be more aeothentinae but was resolved as sister to the
likely, then this result is consistent with the previous Palaeothentinae + Acdestinae clade.
hypotheses of the closest relationships between
P. minimus and P. chenche (Dumont & Bown, 1997; Palaeothentinae: In the present phylogeny most of the
Ortiz Jaureguizar, 2003), or alternatively, the derived previously recognized palaeothentines (sensu Bown &
condition of P. rothi with respect to P. minimus Fleagle, 1993) were recovered as a monophyletic
(Marshall, 1990) if P. rothi and P. chenche constitute group. Within the Palaeothentinae, as here recog-
sister-taxa. nized, P. primus was resolved as the sister-group of
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
458 M. A. ABELLO
the rest of Palaeothentes species. Phylogenetic rela- tid shape (character 37) and cristid obliqua orienta-
tionships among most Palaeothentes species remain tion (character 42). In this view, ‘vespiform’ molars
unresolved, forming a large polytomy that includes are those with labially concave entocristid and cristid
P. minutus, P. marshalli, P. migueli, P. intermedius, oblique anterior end lingually oriented (Fig. 3H; char-
P. lemoinei, and P. aratae. Even though Palaeothentes acter states 371 and 420, respectively; see additional
pascuali, a taxonomic equivalent to P. intermedius discussion in Appendix S1). Since 371 and 420 were
and P. migueli, was not included in analysis III, it both derived character states shared by Palaeothentes
may be considered part of the Palaeothentes clade (see species, then ‘vespiform’ molars can be considered
Fig. 2B, C). diagnostic for Palaeothentes, and not for the Palae-
Even though Palaeothentes species, being repre- othentinae as suggested by Bown & Fleagle (1993).
sented by mostly complete upper and lower dentition, The cladistics of Palaeothentes sensu Bown & Fleagle
are well known in the context of this analysis, phy- (1993, fig. 35) can be expressed in the follow-
logenetic resolution within Palaeothentes could not be ing hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships:
reached; it is probable that other data sets that are (a) P. boliviensis (P. primus + P. aratae); (b) P. inter-
currently unknown, such as cranial and postcranial medius (P. marshalli + P. migueli); (c) P. lemoinei
characters, will be necessary to further enhance the (P. minutus + P. pascuali); (d) b and c clades are
resolution of their interrelationships and to gain monophyletic. In relation to the present results,
insight about the evolution of Palaeothentes. except for the first hypothesis (see the earlier discus-
Marshall (1980) considered that Palaeothentes and sion of phylogenetic position of C. boliviensis), the
Acdestis were the only two main Palaeothentidae remaining are consistent with the phylogeny obtained
clades, and Palaeothentes as the most generalized of here because b, c, and d are all possible resolutions of
both taxa. According to current knowledge of palae- the Palaeothentes polytomy.
othentid systematics, the concept of Palaeothentes
sensu Marshall (1980) actually includes diverse pal- Acdestinae: In all analyses, acdestines emerge as a
aeothentid species, and more basal taxa, such as well-supported clade (90/54 absolute and GC frequen-
P. boliviensis and P. lucina. Among the systematic cies). In analysis III the Acdestinae clade, including
implications of the Palaeothentes (= Palaeothentinae Titanothentes sp., T. simpsoni, A. lemairei, A. owenii,
of this work) phylogenetic tree of Marshall (1980, and T. rothi, was supported by six unambiguous
fig. 35) are the basal phylogenetic position of P. minu- synapomorphies and high absolute frequency and GC
tus and the closest relationships of the following values. Acdestodon bonapartei and A. maddeni were
species pairs: P. lucina–P. lemoinei, P. boliviensis– taxonomic equivalents that, following the deleting
P. chubutensis (= C. chubutensis of Bown & Fleagle, rules and node of origin of equivalent pruned taxa
1993), and P. primus–P. intermedius. None of these proposed by Wilkinson (1995), should be also consid-
statements was supported in this study. As was dis- ered as members of Acdestinae (see also Fig. 7B). Of
cussed above, neither P. lucina nor P. boliviensis are the acdestinae synapomorphies proposed here,
palaeothentids closely related to Palaeothentes or reduced p3 (51), absence of p3 anterobasal cusp (70),
Carlothentes. Palaeothentes primus and P. interme- metaconid of m1 very posterior with respect to the
dius are not a lineage; instead, P. intermedius is a protoconid, and widely separated para- and metaco-
member of the Palaeothentes polytomy and P. primus nid (134) were previously suggested by Bown &
is sister to this polytomy. Finally, in the context of the Fleagle (1993).
Palaeothentinae, P. minutus is not a basal taxon, but Marshall (1980) recognized only two Acdestinae
a more derived species, nested within Palaeothentes. species, Acdestis owenii and Acdestis praecursor
In the phylogeny presented by Bown & Fleagle (= Acdestoides praecursor of Bown & Fleagle, 1993),
(1993, fig. 42) the Palaeothentinae encompass four and Bown & Fleagle (1993) added three new species:
main clades: Propalaeothentes (= Palaeothentes, see Acdestis leimairei, Acdestodon bonapartei, and
Taxon sampling), C. chubutensis, P. lucina, and Pal- T. rothi. In the present analysis, the taxonomic
aeothentes. However, results of the present study con- content of the Acdestinae sensu Bown & Fleagle
tradict these proposals because C. chubutensis is a (1993) was corroborated, but excluding A. praecursor.
palaeothentid basal to the Palaeothentinae, and Besides the mentioned acdestines, three further
P. lucina is a yet more basal taxon (see above). species were grouped here: A. maddeni, T. simpsoni,
In the phylogeny of Bown & Fleagle (1993) the and Titanothentes sp. The memberships of A. mad-
synapomorphy that supported the Palaeothentinae deni and Titanothentes sp. in the Acdestinae were
monophyly was the ‘vespiform constriction’ at the suggested in their original descriptions (Goin et al.,
cristid obliqua and entoconid notch on m2–3. This 2003; Kramarz et al., 2010), but this is not the case
molar morphology was considered here otherwise, as for T. simpsoni, which was originally considered as a
the combination of two different characters: entocris- palaeothentine closely related to P. aratae and
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
P. primus (Rae et al., 1996: 7). However, the increased thentinae, but form a clade that is sister to
knowledge of the dentition of T. simpsoni (Abello, Palaeothentidae + Abderitidae. The Acdestinae cur-
2007), and the scoring of previously undescribed rently includes two new species, Titanothentes sp. and
dental characters, allowed us to test its phylogenetic Titanothentes simpsoni; the latter was previously con-
position using a wider set of characters. As a result, sidered a member of Palaeothentinae (Rae et al.,
T. simpsoni was nested within Acdestinae with high 1996).
support. Titanothentes sp. was assigned to Titan- The resultant consensus tree shows several poorly
othentes (Kramarz et al., 2010), but no synapomor- resolved clades, as part of the ambiguity due to
phies were found that provide support for this missing data. However, the exclusion of species that
grouping. are unstable due to missing entries revealed the
Regarding Acdestinae ingroup relationships, and in closest relationships between certain others; the
agreement with the phylogeny inferred by Bown & elimination of Pichipilus? halleuxi revealed the mono-
Fleagle (1993), A. lemairei and A. owenii formed a phyly of Pichipilus species and the removal of Acdes-
terminal clade. On the other hand, and in contrast to tis maddeni and Acdestodon bonapartei revealed the
the results of Bown & Fleagle (1993), T. rothi was sister-group relationships between Trelewthentes
positioned as sister to the Acdestis clade, and not as rothi and the Acdestis lemairei + A. owenii clade.
sister to all other acdestines. The inclusion of poorly known taxa in phylogenetic
analyses has been considered problematic, leading to
poorly resolved consensus trees; therefore, some
authors have proposed the deletion of incomplete taxa
because of their supposed lack of informativeness (for
DENTAL HOMOLOGIES AND PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS a review see Wiens, 2003). However, this study
Based on morphological grounds, the two most ante- showed that some highly incomplete species may yet
rior lower incisors of paucituberculatans are consid- have informative characters that are able to resolve
ered to be homologous to i2–3. In species with their phylogenetic relationships unambiguously. This
complete lower antemolar series (i.e. eight teeth), the is the case of Pichipilus osborni with 67% of missing
homologies proposed are: i2, i3, i4, i5, c, p1, p2, and entries but a highly supported sister-group relation-
p3. However, given our present knowledge, the ship with Pichipilus centinelus. In contrast, species
homologies of the antemolar series between i3 and p3 such as P. minutus, P. lemoinei, and P. aratae, highly
are still uncertain for most paucituberculatans. In complete in the context of the present data set (7% of
cases of number reduction, as in the antemolars of missing entries), have poorly resolved relationships,
palaeothentids and abderitids, it is not possible to due to character incongruence rather than to missing
establish which is/are the lost tooth/teeth; thus, char- data. The absence of resolution could be resolved in
acters corresponding to ‘i4’ to ‘p2’ teeth, as well as the future by including other sets of characters, such
dental formulas, should not be used in systematic as cranial or postcranial features, which are unfortu-
studies. Taxon sampling and reinterpretations of nately yet unknown.
molar cusp and crest homologies have played an
important role in this analysis in the generation of
new phylogenetic hypotheses, particularly among pal- DIVERSITY AND EVOLUTION OF PAUCITUBERCULATA
aeothentids. Examples of these are the exclusions of The Caenolestidae, Palaeothentidae, and Abderitidae
Palaeothentes boliviensis and Pilchenia lucina from were the three main groups traditionally recognized
the Palaeothentidae, and the resulting Pilchenia among paucituberculatans. In the model of paucitu-
clade. berculatan evolution proposed by Simpson (1944) and
This phylogenetic analysis provides a comprehen- Pascual & Herrera (1973), these groups were consid-
sive update of the phylogenetic relationships among ered as successive evolutionary grades, from the cae-
paucituberculatan species. The Caenolestidae and nolestids to the abderitids, each more specialized
Pichipilidae, including two and three new unnamed than the preceding one. Marshall (1976, 1980) also
species, respectively, are more diverse than previously considered the Caenolestidae to be the most primitive
recognized, and the cladistics of species referred to group and the origin of the more specialized palae-
Palaeothentidae differs from previous proposals othentids and abderitids. On the contrary, as a result
(Marshall, 1980; Bown & Fleagle, 1993). The most of this study more clades were recognized and, cor-
notable differences refer to the closest phylogenetic roborating the hypotheses of Goin et al. (2007) and
relationships of P. lucina and P. boliviensis; as noted Goin et al. (2009), the most primitive paucitubercula-
above, both these species, as well as the recently tans are currently not the Caenolestidae, but
described Pilchenia antiqua and Pilchenia intermedia Riolestes capricornicus, Bardalestes hunco, Bardal-
(Goin et al., 2010), are not members of Palaeo- estes sp., Evolestes sp., and Evolestes hadrommatos.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
460 M. A. ABELLO
Figure 8. Time-calibrated phylogeny of Paucituberculata based on relationships recovered in the strict consensus tree of
298 most parsimonious trees produced by the analysis of the reduced matrix under implied weights (taxonomic
equivalents are included, see Clade Discussion). Heavy lines = known temporal ranges; thin lines = missing ranges.
Geochronological units, mammal ages, and faunas based on Gelfo et al. (2009), Madden et al. (1997), and Madden et al.
(2010). Itabor, Itaboraian; SRF, Santa Rosa Fauna; Tinguir, Tinguirirican; Desead, Deseadan; Colhue, Colhuehuapian;
Pint, Pinturan Fauna; Sant–Fr–Coll, Santacrucian, Friasian, and Colloncuran; Lavent, Laventan; Huay, Huayquerian;
Mon, Montermosean.
The upper molar morphology of Bardalestes hunco raian age, Gelfo et al., 2009) that reflect the already
and Evolestes hadrommatos, with well-developed well-diversified South American metatherians. The
para- and metacone, StB and StC+D distant to para- differentiation of the main paucituberculatan clades,
and metacone, StB larger than StC+D, and poorly Caenolestoidea and Palaeothentoidea, during the late
developed (not hypocone-like) metaconule could be early to middle Eocene, was the first prominent clado-
seen as representing the plesiomorphic upper molar genetic event in paucituberculatan evolution. A sub-
pattern of Paucituberculata (Fig. 2A). stantial ghost lineage is apparent at the base of
From the records of the oldest paucituberculatans Caenolestoidea, as the oldest members of the group
(Fig. 8), Bardalestes and Riolestes, the origin of the are early Miocene in age. This missing lineage reveals
group could be traced back at least to the early a great gap of knowledge regarding the early history
Eocene. The oldest paucituberculatans occur jointly of the caenolestids. Taking into account that cae-
with several metatherian lineages such as microbi- nolestids have not been recovered from the rich and
otheriids, sparassodonts, polydolopimorphians, and well-sampled fossiliferous levels of Eocene and Oli-
‘didelphimorphs’ (Oliveira & Goin, 2006; Goin et al., gocene age of Patagonia (Tejedor et al., 2009; Goin
2009) in fossil assemblages of the early Eocene (Itabo- et al., 2010) or Peru (Goin & Candela, 2004), it is
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465
possible that the earliest stages of caenolestid evolu- Jaureguizar & Prado, 1996). These changes and the
tion may have occurred in areas with yet under- global temperature drop were accentuated from the
sampled Paleogene levels. A new species from the middle Miocene (Ortiz Jaureguizar & Cladera, 2006),
early Miocene of Patagonia (Colhuehuapian age, appearing to be associated with the decreased diver-
Argentina) represents the closest extinct relative of sity and extinction of palaeothentoids. By contrast,
modern caenolestids; thus, a long ghost lineage, caenolestids were differently affected, as the cladog-
approximately 20 Mya, is needed to link extant to enetic events leading to modern caenolestid genera
extinct caenolestids. appear to be causally linked to the emergence of
Palaeothentoidea, which groups most of the cur- high-altitude arid environments in the Central Andes
rently known paucituberculatans, has an ancient (Abello, Posadas & Ortiz Jaureguizar, 2010).
phylogenetic split, probably middle Eocene in age, As yet, few studies about the palaeobiology of pau-
between Pichipilidae and its large sister group that cituberculatans have been approached taking into
clusters Perulestes, Sasawatsu, Pilchenia, abderitids, account phylogenetic information (Abello & Ortiz
and palaeothentids. Relationships among pichipilids Jaureguizar, 2009; Abello et al., 2010). The results of
remain poorly resolved except for the monophyly of this study provide a global and updated phylogeny,
Pichipilus species. Despite the fact that Pichipilidae which will allow the testing of previous palaeobiologi-
date back to the middle Eocene, the group becomes cal hypothesis and performing comparative analyses
only well documented in the early Miocene (Colhue- of this group, thus placing the observed patterns
huapian age), having reached its highest taxonomic (morphological, ecological, or biogeographical) in a
diversity by this time. historical context. In this way, future research will
A radiation occurred within the sister group of allow greater insight into the historical course of
Pichipilidae near the Eocene–Oligocene boundary paucituberculatan evolution.
(EOB), with many lineages of abderitids and palae-
othentids emerging at that time. In contrast, from the
middle Miocene paucituberculatan diversity declines ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
abruptly and most of the groups that had flourished I thank in particular A. Candela (MLP) for her helpful
during the early Neogene (Pichipilidae, Palaeothenti- critical review on an earlier version of this manu-
dae, and Abderitidae) become extinct. As far as is script, and the reviewers R. M. D. Beck and L. Chor-
known, the middle Miocene (Laventan age, Madden nogubsky for their constructive comments that
et al., 1997) is when the last records of Abderitidae improved the final manuscript. Many thanks to C.
(Pitheculites chenche) and Palaeothentidae (?Honda- Morgan (MLP) and M. Reguero (MLP) for improving
thentes and Acdestis maddeni) occur (Dumont & the English text. I am grateful to the curators M.
Bown, 1997; Goin et al., 2003). During the late Reguero, A. Kramarz (MACN), and E. Ruigómez
Miocene to early Pliocene, only the Caenolestidae (MPEF) for access to study the specimens under their
persist with a single genus, Pliolestes, and the lineage care. I am also indebted to R. Madden (DUKE) and R.
leading to modern caenolestids. Kay (DUKE) for providing cast specimens for my
Paucituberculatan evolution has probably been comparisons. This research was supported by grants
shaped by the palaeoclimatic events that occurred from CONICET (PIP 0729) and ANPCyT (PICT 2008-
during the Cenozoic of South America, which strongly 2191 and PICTO 2010-0093).
affected the southern areas of the continent (Ortiz
Jaureguizar & Cladera, 2006). The global cooling that
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Appendix S1. The appendix includes: a list of characters used in the phylogenetic analyses, the complete
character-taxon matrix, the results of the STR application method (equivalent taxa and taxonomic equivalence),
and a list of specimens referred to new species 1 to 5.
© 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 441–465