Elvoron Stella 77932 D DP

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Creating An Accessible World


Design And Planning Guide

Luxury Residential Elevator (shown with glass enclosure)

Please note:
Dimensions provided in this Guide are for REFERENCE ONLY
and should not be used for site preparation or construction.
Table of Contents
What is an Elvoron Stella? .............................................................................................. 4

Design Assistance .................................................................................................... 4

Finishes .......................................................................................................................... 4

How It Works ................................................................................................................. 5

Hoistway ......................................................................................................................... 6

Construction of Pit .......................................................................................................... 7

Overhead Clearance (Refuge Space) ........................................................................... 7

Pit Lighting .............................................................................................................. 7

Loading Diagram ............................................................................................................. 8

Car Sizes & Configurations .............................................................................................. 9

Layouts & Clearances .................................................................................................... 10

Operating Controls ........................................................................................................ 16

Car Operating Panel (COP) ....................................................................................... 16

Hall Stations .......................................................................................................... 16

Car Direction Lantern .............................................................................................. 16

Doors - Entrance and Car Doors ..................................................................................... 17

Door Details – Masonry Walls ................................................................................... 18

Door Details – Wood and Drywall Walls ...................................................................... 19

Technical Information ................................................................................................... 20

Machine Room Requirements ........................................................................................ 21

Machine Room Layouts................................................................................................... 22

Mains Power Requirements ........................................................................................... 23

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

What is an Elvoron Stella? Finishes

The Elvoron Stella is a luxury residential elevator with Your Elvoron Stella elevator will quickly become part
sliding elevator doors. It utilizes the same drive and of everyday movement within your home. Design
control systems as a LU/LA (limited use, limited ap- your elevator car using a variety of attractive and
plication) commercial elevator. A LU/LA elevator is a durable wall and ceiling finishes. All Elvoron Stella
power passenger elevator. The use of these products cars are supplied with basic plywood floors ready for
is limited by local regulations, which can vary from installation of your preferred flooring material, as
place to place. supplied by others.

The definition of a LU/LA elevator is one that is lim- Car Walls

ited by size, capacity, speed and rise. The Elvoron Car walls are covered in wood veneer or plastic
LU/LA elevator provides a code compliant automatic laminate panel sections. Available wood veneer
elevator with a variety of platform configurations and species include maple, red oak, cherry, mahogany,
can service up to 6 landings. The wide selection of birch, walnut, hickory, makore and bamboo. Eight
cab finishes and options ensure that it will blend into standard colors of plastic laminate are offerred, and
any setting. any exisiting plastic laminate can be accomodated.

What are the limitations of an Elvoron Stella? Want to customize your elevator car to match the
• Travel – 32 feet (9.75 m) with 1400 lb. (635 kg) interior of your home? Cars with walls of unfinished
capacity, 36 feet (10.9 m) with 1000 lb. (455 kg) fibercore board, to be finished by others, are also
capacity popular.
• Speed – 40 fpm
• Maximum Platform Size – 18 square feet (1.67 Car Wall Trim
square meters) Car Wall Trim separates the car wall panels and adds
• Maximum Capacity – 1400 lbs (635 kg), optional the finishing touch to your elevator cab. The standard
1000 lbs (455 kg) trim is available in black or white. Custom colors and
stainless steel trims are optional.
Why an Elvoron Stella?
Fully Automatic Doors - Standard home elevators Entrance Door and Car Doors
have accordian-style cab gates and are interlocked Like a commercial elevator, the Elvoron Stella is
to standard swinging hoistway entrance doors. The equipped with two-speed horizontal sliding landing
Elvoron Stella features commercial-quality two-speed entrances and car doors. The car doors are finished to
automatic sliding doors. These are heavy-duty eleva- match your car wall trim. The landing entrance doors
tor doors which are extremely reliable. are primed and ready to be painted to match your
building décor. All doors can be supplied in brushed
Heavy-duty Lifting Components - The Elvoron stainless steel (optional).
Stella is equipped with heavy-duty structural compo-
nents. The machinery is the same as is used for the Ceiling and Halogen Lighting
Elvoron LU/LA commercial elevator and allows for an All Elvoron Stella elevators are equipped with four
increased carrying capacity of 1400 lbs. (635 kg). recessed low-voltage halogen lamps that illuminate
automatically when the doors open. Ceiling choices
are white, black, stainless steel or custom. White
lamps are fitted into white ceilings and black into all
other options.

Custom Car Finishes

Design Assistance Your car interior can be customized to whatever
unique design best suits your home. Our custom
With over 40 years of experience, Garaventa Lift has shop offers a wide variety of wall, ceiling and fixture
the expertise to overcome almost any design chal- alternatives. We can also create elegant stainless
lenge you face. Please call our Design Hotline. steel and panoramic glass cars.

1-800-663-6556 or 1-604-594-0422 All Elvoron Stella cars are equipped with one brushed
stainless steel handrail on the control wall. Additional
handrails can be mounted on the other car walls.

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -4-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

How It Works

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The walls of the elevator hoistway can be constructed capacity, size of cab and travel height. Please see
of wood, poured concrete or concrete block. The final elevator shop drawings for actual locations.
wall behind the cylinder and guide rails must be load
bearing and able to withstand the loads imposed by All the walls of the hoistway, especially the wall behind
the elevator. the rails and the entrance walls, need to be flush and
plumb from floor to ceiling to within +/- 1/8”. This is
The cylinder and guide rails are mounted to the wall to allow for the required running clearances.
with steel brackets. These rail brackets are fastened
to the load bearing wall at regular intervals. No light is required at the top of the hoistway as the
car top is equipped with a standard caged light fixture
The rail bracket spacing is determined during the for use by the mechanic during his maintenance
design phase. The rail brackets are generally every visits. A light is required in the pit (see Construction
4’ apart, measured vertically, depending on the load of Pit for details).

Rail Brackets attached to

wall - locations indicated
on shop drawing

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -6-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Construction of Pit

The pit must be the same width and length as the A pit ladder is required only if the pit depth
hoistway. The majority of the weight of the lift is exceeds 35” (900mm). Consult your Garaventa Lift
borne by the plunger (ram). Reactions are indicated representative for details as changes to finished
on each project’s shop drawings. A minimum 14” hoistway are required.
(355 mm) pit is required.
Pit Lighting
Overhead Clearance (Refuge Space) A pit light and GFI duplex receptacle, supplied by the
135” (3429mm) is required above the upper landing General Contractor, are required in the pit of your
level finished floor to the ceiling above to meet Elvoron Stella for use by the mechanic during his
the refuge space required by code. On existing maintenance visit. Consult Garaventa Lift dealer for
construction, a car top prop can be used to reduce location and routing of conduit.
the overhead to 114” (2997mm). If your overhead
space is less than 114” (2997mm) please contact Habitable space below hoistway will require the pit to
Garaventa Lift. be increased in depth to a minimum 16” (406mm) to
accommodate the required buffer springs.

It is preferable to
fill concrete blocks
with concrete

Typical construction shown:

For alternate construction methods (wood or steel
stud walls), refer to a structural engineer to ensure
Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and construction method will support the loads shown on
should not be used for site preparation or construction. the loading diagram, page 8.

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Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Loading Diagram


ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -8-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Car Sizes & Configurations

The Elvoron Stella is available in 5 different config-
urations to suit your home. Each configuration has
specific car sizes. Limited custom car sizes are avail-
able - please contact Garaventa Lift.

Style 1R Style 1L Style 2

Style 3 Style 4

Style 1L & 1R Car sizes:

● 48” x 54” (1220 x 1372 mm) ● 42” x 60” (1067 x 1524 mm)

Style 2 Car sizes:

● 48” x 54” (1220 x 1372 mm) ● 42” x 60” (1067 x 1524 mm)

Style 3 & 4 Car sizes:

● 51” x 51” (1295 x 1295 mm)

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Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

48 x 54 Cab - Style 1L

*66” may be feasible. Consult with your

local Garaventa Lift Representative.

Style 1L shown - Dimensions apply to both Style 1L & 1R

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -10-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

42 x 60 Cab - Style 1L

*66” may be feasible. Consult with your

local Garaventa Lift Representative.

Style 1L shown - Dimensions apply to both Style 1L & 1R

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

-11- www.garaventalift.com
Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

48 x 54 Cab - Style 2

*66” may be feasible. Consult with your

local Garaventa Lift Representative.

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -12-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

42 x 60 Cab - Style 2

*66” may be feasible. Consult with your

local Garaventa Lift Representative.

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

-13- www.garaventalift.com
Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

51 x 51 Cab - Style 3

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -14-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Layouts & Clearances

51 x 51 Cab - Style 4

Dimensions shown are for REFERENCE ONLY and

should not be used for site preparation or construction.

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Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Operating Controls Hall Stations

The Hall Station buttons illuminate when pushed.
The controls of the Elvoron Stella are the same as The push button itself is always made of stainless
would be found on a commercial elevator. Operation steel for maximum durability. For increased safety
is fully automatic. and security, an optional key switch allows the entire
elevator to be deactivated.
Car Operating Panel (COP)
The Elvoron Stella COP is equipped with a digital floor
indicator, illuminated floor buttons, alarm button, Car Direction Lantern
door open and door close buttons and a keyed Mounted in the car to the car slam post opposite the
emergency stop switch. An optional integrated COP, the Car Direction Lantern is an audio and visual
phone is available. signaling device that indicates direction of travel and
arrival at the floor.

Hall Stations

Car Operating Panel (COP) Car Direction Lantern

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -16-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Doors - Entrance and Car Doors

The Elvoron Stella uses commercial elevator entrance The car doors are finished to match your car wall trim
and car doors. When open, the doors provide a 36” and the entrance doors are primed and ready to be
(915mm) x 80” (2032mm) clear opening. They painted to match your building décor. All doors can be
are two-speed horizontal doors and are equipped supplied in brushed stainless steel.
with full height photo-electric presence/obstruction
sensors. The doors have an hour and a half fire rating.

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Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Door Details - Masonry Walls

Garaventa Lift recommends that the walls on the entrance side of the hoistway be left open until the door frames
are set. Or a rough opening can be left to accommodate for the doors to be placed. This allows the doors to be
aligned with the centerline of the car.

Contact your local authorized Garaventa Lift representative for further details.

See Layouts & Clearances for door centerlines

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -18-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Door Details - Wood and Drywall Walls

Garaventa Lift recommends that the walls on the entrance side of the hoistway be left open until the door frames
are set. This allows the doors to be aligned with the centerline of the car.

Contact your local authorized Garaventa Lift representative for further details.

See Layouts & Clearances for door centerlines

-19- www.garaventalift.com
Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Technical Information
Car Sizes: Safety Features:
48” x 54” (1220 x 1372mm) Style 1 + 2 only Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) emergency
42” x 60” (1067 x 1524mm) Style 1 + 2 only backup power lowering system, emergency manual
51” x 51” (1295 x 1295mm) Style 3 + 4 only lowering valve, safety brake system, 2 speed door
operators with integral gate switch, automatic bi-
Rated Load: 1400 lbs (635 kg) Option 1000 lbs directional floor leveling, emergency alarm button in
(455 kg) car, emergency keyed stop switch in car, overspeed
valve, final limit switch and low oil protection timer
Speed: 40 fpm (0.2 m/s) nominal speed circuit

Travel Range: Unique Standard Features:

Standard: 32 ft (9.8 m) with 1400 lb (636 kg) Car direction lantern comes with audio and visual
capacity. 36 ft (10.9 m) with 1000 lb capacity signals, full height photo-electric presence/obstruction
sensors, automatic home park feature
Stops: Up to 6 stops
Code Compliance
Pit Depth: Recommended pit depth of 14” (355 ASME A17.1, Section 5.2 LU/LA Elevators
mm), Pit Prop standard equipment with elevator. CSA B-44, Section 5.2 LU/LA Elevators
16” if Buffer Springs are required. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

Overhead Clearance (Refuge Space): Popular Options:

135” (3429mm) min. standard overhead Integrated telephone, custom car finishes, power
operated car gate, additional handrails, car top prop,
*114” (2895mm) min. overhead in existing buffer springs (increases your pit depth).
construction with the use of a Car Top Prop

Drive System: 1:2 Cable Hydraulic,

Heavy Duty car sling with roller guide shoes
running on 8 lb. per foot steel T-rails, Quiet
submersed pump and motor (5 HP), Factory pre-
set and tested 2-speed valve for smooth start and

Power Supply:
Standard: 230 VAC single phase
Optional: 208 VAC three phase

Lighting: 110 VAC single phase, 15 amps

Fully automatic push button operation, PLC
Controller, integrated self-diagnostics. Digital floor
indicator in car, automatic car lighting upon entry,
illuminated push buttons, car arrival lanterns in
car door jamb.

36” x 80” (914 x 2032mm) two-speed horizontal
sliding hoistway and car doors with 1.5 hour fire

*Contact Garaventa Lift

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -20-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Machine Room Requirements

In order to meet the code requirements, the The optimum location for your machine room is at the
hydraulic pump unit, GFI duplex receptacle and lowest level of the building, adjacent to the hoistway,
fused disconnect switches (elevator lighting) must be preferably on the same side as the guide rails. The
located in a dedicated machine room with a minimum dimensions of the pump unit are 30” wide x 19 ½”
overhead of 7’ (2134 mm). Adequate working space deep x 66 ¼” high (762 x 495 x 1683 mm).
in the machine room includes, clearance in front of The controller pump assembly can be located up to
the pump unit and the proper location of the light 25’ (7.6 m) from the hydraulic jack.
switch and disconnect switches. Please refer to your
job specific shop drawings or contact your local The controller and pump tank can be separated from
authorized Garaventa Lift representative for further each other by a maximum of 10’.

Please contact your Local Garaventa Lift representative for specific

Machine Room Code Requirements.

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Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Machine Room Layouts




230V-1PH 60Hz 40Amp











230V-1PH 60Hz 40Amp








Please contact your Local Garaventa Lift representative

for specific Machine Room Code Requirements.

ELVORON STELLA Design & Planning Guide -22-

Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 or +1-604-594-0422

Machine Room Layouts


Two dedicated PVC sleeves, at least 3” (76 mm) in The fused disconnect switch rating and fuse rating for
diameter, will be required between the hoistway and the lift will be shown on the shop drawings for your
the machine room, one sleeve for the hydraulic hose project.
and one for the electrical conduit. This is to enable
the installers to make the connection between the At least one GFCI duplex receptacle connected to a 15
cylinder and the pumping unit. The sleeves should amp branch circuit shall be installed in the machine
enter the hoistway at either corner of the support room.
Ventilation Requirements:
Contact your local authorized Garaventa Lift No special requirements. The elevator drive unit
representative for code specific requirements will generate approximately 3200 BTU per hour
and further details. under normal operating conditions. Recommended
temperature for elevator equipment is 50º – 90º F
Lighting: (15º – 32º C) and 5% – 90% non-condensing.
The machine room must be provided with at least
100 lx lighting over the pumping unit and disconnect

Mains Power Requirements

The standard motor on the pump unit is 5 HP and it

can be ordered to suit either three phase or single
phase power.

Standard: 230 VAC Single phase 40 amps

Optional: 208 VAC Three phase 30 amps

Emergency Battery Lowering

In case of a power outage the elevator is provided
with a second power source that allows the car to be
lowered to the lowest landing. While descending, the
car can stop and the passenger can exit the car on
any landing along the way.

Electrical Disconnects:
In the machine room you will need to provide two
lockable fused disconnects – one 15 amp for lighting
and one 40 amp for the pumping unit. Disconnect
switches should be located on the strike (lock) side of
the machine room door. In accordance to the electrical
code, you must provide a minimum of 36” (915mm)
in the United States and 39 ⅜” (1000mm) in Canada
of working space in front of each disconnect switch.

The 40A disconnect switch for the pump unit requires

an auxiliary contact.

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Creating An Accessible World

Printed in Canada

© G a ra v e n t a L i f t . A s w e a r e
continuously improving our products,
specifications outlined in this brochure
are subject to change without notice.

Authorized Garaventa Lift Representative www.garaventalift.com

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