Mandatory Documents and Records ISO 14001:2015
Mandatory Documents and Records ISO 14001:2015
Mandatory Documents and Records ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
It is easy to assume that every single process that is in place to support your
environmental management system needs to be documented, but that is not the
case if the objective is only to meet the requirements of ISO 14001.
The standard refers to multiple mandatory processes, but these are not necessarily
required to be documented procedures.
Also identified are many records that need to be maintained, which should be
generated by the processes that make up your environmental management system.
Mandatory Documents ISO 14001:2015
Scope of the Environmental Management System 4.3
Environmental Policy 5.2
Procedure for Identification and Evaluation of Environmental 6.1.2
Aspects (including criteria for determining the significance)
Environmental Objectives and plans for achieving them 6.2.1
Operational Control Procedures 8.1
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness and Response 8.2
Additional Documentation:
However, all ‘real world’ systems require more than these minimum mandatory
requirements to ensure a robust and reliable system. There are several additional
documented procedures which are commonly employed to ensure a robust and
reliable system, including:
Mandatory Documents and Records
ISO 14001:2015
Procedure for Determining the Environmental Context of the Organisation;
4.1, 4.2
Procedure for Competence, Training and Awareness; 7.2, 7.3
Procedure for Control of Documents and Records ; 7.5
Procedure for Monitoring & Measurement; 4.5.1
Procedure for Compliance Obligations; 9.1.2
Procedure for Internal Audit; 9.2
Procedure for Nonconformity and Corrective Action; 10.2
To determine what additional documentation you require, it is often enough just to
ask yourself the question; do we need a documented procedure to ensure
consistency between employees?
A good maxim to follow is that simple, clear, documentation is more effective than
complicated documentation in ensuring that all employees can deliver repeatable
outcomes. And don’t forget, procedures can be written, in the form of a flowchart,
use pictures etc. – choose the most effective!