Recruitment, Training, Evaluation & Compensation To A Pharmacist

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Recruitment, Training, Evaluation &

Compensation to a Pharmacist

Prepetition by,
Mr. Prashant B. Patil
Assistant Professor,
H R Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule
• Recruitment is the process of exploring the source of supply of the
required person and stimulating the prospective employees to
apply for job in the organisation.
• The recruitment of pharmacist in Government Sector is done by
State or Central Government Agencies such as Service Selection
Board (Ex SSC, MPSC etc)
• In Private Sector like recruitment as salesman, store pharmacist,
Company jobs recruitment done by either by owner of store
departmental head of company or HR department
• An Advertisement can be given in the leading daily news papers,
popular magazines and professional journals.
• The detailed description of the post is given and interested
candidate are required to submit bio data, resume.
• A well organised selection procedure has to be adopted to select
suitable candidates for various jobs. The following procedure
generally adopted for selection.
1. Scrutiny of Application
2. Preliminary Interview
3. Selection Test
4. Selection Interview
5. Physical Examination
6. Reference Check
7. Final Selection
8. Placement
1. Scrutiny of Application: The application received up to due
date are carefully scrutinised. The incomplete application,
and those candidates are not fulfil the require eligibility are
2. Preliminary Interview: The candidates are considered and
eligible suitable on the basis of their applications are called
for preliminary interview. This is generally brief interview.
3. Selection Test: The selection test it may be written or oral
test. The technical knowledge and administrate capability
can be judged from these test. Now a days Psychological Test
is carried out in this test.
The following tests are commonly used in the selection

process: - Intelligence Tests (Estimate IQ, mental


- Aptitude Tests (measure capacity to learn skill,


- Trade Tests (Measure level of knowledge, and skill)

also called Performance Test

- Personality Tests (Find out emotional balance,

maturity etc)
4. Selection Interview: A face to face dialogue between the
interviewer and candidate. It is a most popular technique of
selection. The main purpose of selection interview is:

- to find out the suitability of candidate, - to cross check the

information revelled in the application and the test.,

- to give the candidate accurate picture of his job and the

5. Physical Examination: Physical Examination is of the
candidate is conducted to ensure that he is physically fit for
the job. Those are suffering from any disease or disability
he is rejected.
6. Reference Check: Usually the candidates are required to
write in their application two importance reference of
persons who know the candidate.
7. Final Selection and placement: The candidates who have
been found suitable in all respects are appointed by issuing
appointment letter to them. Appointed on probation
period A successful completion of these period they are
made permanent employee.
• Training is the scientific process of improving the knowledge and
skill of employee for doing a particular job.

• Training is an organised activity through which people learn,

acquire, and adopt new skills and knowledge regarding to job.

• Training should be cover following subjects:

- Rules and policies of organisation

- Routine Work, Technical knowledge, Discussion regarding to

current trends

- Dealing Trends with customers, Highlighting technique of new

• Types of Training:

- Induction Training
- Promotional Training

- Refresher Training

- Job Training

- Safety Training
• Induction Training: It is refer to introducing the new
employee to the organisation as well as existing staff.

• Promotional Training: In many organisations, training

is given to the existing employees to meet the
requirements of the higher post.

• Refresher Training: The training is given to the

employee in order to update their knowledge with
respect to the latest development in their respective
field. PCI organised various workshops
• Job Training: The training is given to the newly
recruited employees. The instructions are given by a
supervisor to the new workers

• Safety Training: The training is given to the workers to

handles the dangerous machines and material in order
to avoid any fatal accidents.
Method of Training
• Following two methods are used for training
the employee...

- On the job training

- Off the job training

• On the job training: It is a practical training given to the
employees, so that they can learn while working in the
They are having following types of the training....
1. Coaching and Counselling:
2. Vestibule Training: give after selection.
3. Apprenticeship Training:
4. Job Rotation Training:
5. Under Study Training: Give to promoted employee
6. Special Project Training:
7. Committee Assignment:
8. Junior Board:
Off the Job Training
1. Lectures, Conferences and Seminars:
2. Special Coerces:
3. Case Study:
4. Role Playing:
5. Sensitivity Training:
6. Brain Storming:
Thanking You….!!!

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