Recruitment, Training, Evaluation & Compensation To A Pharmacist
Recruitment, Training, Evaluation & Compensation To A Pharmacist
Recruitment, Training, Evaluation & Compensation To A Pharmacist
Compensation to a Pharmacist
Prepetition by,
Mr. Prashant B. Patil
Assistant Professor,
H R Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Shirpur, Dist. Dhule
• Recruitment is the process of exploring the source of supply of the
required person and stimulating the prospective employees to
apply for job in the organisation.
• The recruitment of pharmacist in Government Sector is done by
State or Central Government Agencies such as Service Selection
Board (Ex SSC, MPSC etc)
• In Private Sector like recruitment as salesman, store pharmacist,
Company jobs recruitment done by either by owner of store
departmental head of company or HR department
• An Advertisement can be given in the leading daily news papers,
popular magazines and professional journals.
• The detailed description of the post is given and interested
candidate are required to submit bio data, resume.
• A well organised selection procedure has to be adopted to select
suitable candidates for various jobs. The following procedure
generally adopted for selection.
1. Scrutiny of Application
2. Preliminary Interview
3. Selection Test
4. Selection Interview
5. Physical Examination
6. Reference Check
7. Final Selection
8. Placement
1. Scrutiny of Application: The application received up to due
date are carefully scrutinised. The incomplete application,
and those candidates are not fulfil the require eligibility are
2. Preliminary Interview: The candidates are considered and
eligible suitable on the basis of their applications are called
for preliminary interview. This is generally brief interview.
3. Selection Test: The selection test it may be written or oral
test. The technical knowledge and administrate capability
can be judged from these test. Now a days Psychological Test
is carried out in this test.
The following tests are commonly used in the selection
current trends
- Induction Training
- Promotional Training
- Refresher Training
- Job Training
- Safety Training
• Induction Training: It is refer to introducing the new
employee to the organisation as well as existing staff.