Greely 2019 Crisprd Babies Human Germline Genom
Greely 2019 Crisprd Babies Human Germline Genom
Greely 2019 Crisprd Babies Human Germline Genom
Advance Access Publication 13 August 2019
Original Article
The world was shocked in Nov. 25, 2018 by the revelation that He
Jiankui had used clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
(‘CRISPR’) to edit embryos—two of which had, sometime in October, be-
come living babies. This article is an effort to provide some deep context
for the He Jiankui affair and to begin analyzing it. It focuses on He’s ex-
periment, without delving into the broader ethical issues around ‘human
germline genome editing’ in the abstract. It begins by carefully defining ‘hu-
man germline genome editing’. It then describes the little we know about
the experiment before providing background on CRISPR, the pre-He ethi-
cal and legal status of human germline genome editing, and on He himself.
The fourth, and longest, section provides a detailed narrative of the reve-
lation of the He experiment and its fallout. The fifth section critiques the
experiment, which I believe merits unequivocal condemnation on several
grounds. The last section suggests some important immediate reactions, by
‘Science’ and by China.
∗ I want to thank, effusively, James Rathmell, Stanford JD and MBA, 2019, for his painstaking, consistent, and
excellent help as my research assistant. The final version of this article was submitted on May 22, 2019. The
facts and statements in it are, I believe, accurate and up-to-date as of then. Given the interest around this
story—and the substantial amount that still remains unknown today, less than six months after the world
became aware of the He affair—it is undoubtedly the case that new facts will be revealed, and old facts revised.
Caveat lector!
† Henry T. Greely is the Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor of Law, and Professor by courtesy of
Genetics, at Stanford University, where he directs the Center for Law and the Biosciences.
C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Duke University School of
Law, Harvard Law School, Oxford University Press, and Stanford Law School. This is an Open Access ar-
ticle distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence
(, which permits non-commercial reproduction and distri-
bution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that
the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
112 r The He Jiankui affair
Dolly the sheep, the world’s first mammal cloned from adult cells was born on July 5,
1996. Her birth was kept secret pending the publication of an article about her in
NATURE, which, along with SCIENCE, is one of the world’s two leading scientific jour-
nals. On Friday, Feb. 21, 1997, NATURE sent out a press release about its upcoming
issue, which included the article on Dolly.1 Following the usual practice of NATURE and
similar journals, the story was embargoed until the following Wednesday afternoon, just
before the journal’s Thursday publication. The distribution of the press release under an
embargo is intended to allow journalists time to prepare well-researched stories about
an article that will give the article, and the journal, some immediate publicity. Journal-
1 Hiram Caton, Selling Dolly: An Ethics Hoax, 10 BIOETHICS RESEARCH NOTES 2 (Jun. 1998), http://
20an%20ethics%20hoax.pdf (accessed Jan. 11, 2019).
2 Robin McKie, Scientists clone adult sheep, THE OBSERVER (Feb. 23, 1997), https://www. (accessed Feb. 25, 2019).
3 I can’t, at this point, be confident of the exact language he used.
4 Antonio Regalado, EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Scientists Are Creating CRISPR Babies, MIT TECH. REV. (Nov.
25, 2018),
babies/ (accessed Jan. 11, 2019). Regalado, an aggressive and enterprising reporter, had gotten his scoop
by checking out a Chinese website that showed ongoing clinical trials. He found a trial listed that was seeking
volunteer couples to help create the first gene-edited babies, babies who would be resistant to HIV infection.
Regalado had been following genome editing, and humans genomics more broadly, in China for several years.
5 Marilyn Marchione, Chinese Researcher Claims First Gene-Edited Babies, ASSOCIATED PRESS (Nov. 26, 2018) (accessed Jan. 11, 2019).
6 First gene-edited babies reported in China, YouTube (Nov. 25, 2018), https://www. (accessed Feb. 25, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 113
Medicine, the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, and the Academy of Sciences of
Hong Kong.7 He Jiankui had long been invited to talk at the three-day meeting, though
none of organizers seems to have known about his claim to have CRISPR’d babies until
the previous week. It was immediately clear that his story would dominate the Summit
and its coverage.
Again, I knew that things were about to get interesting. And I was right.
This article is a reaction to the He Jiankui fiasco (the best noun I can think of to
describe it). He’s experiment was a reckless ethical disaster—though, we can only hope,
not a medical disaster for the babies and their parents. Some rapid responses are critical.
7 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Second International Summit on Human Genome
Editing: Continuing the Global Discussion: Proceedings of a Workshop in Brief (Washington, DC, The National
Academies Press: 2019),
8 Dr. He calls his work a ‘clinical trial’. Sometimes it is referred to as a ‘study’. I prefer to call it an ‘experiment’.
As a clinical trial and as a study it has many shortcomings. It also has shortcomings as an ‘experiment’, but I
think that term carries a connotation of uncertainty and risk that is fully appropriate here.
114 r The He Jiankui affair
hoped HIV would be unable to infect the white blood cells of the babies born from the
embryos. The edited version of the CCR5 gene might be passed down to those babies’
children (if any) and might be passed down to their grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
and on down the generations. A grandchild could either inherit the edited copy of the
gene that came from the grandmother who had been one of the two babies, or the
unedited version from that woman’s mate.
This possibility (though not certainty) of intentionally altering descendants’ genes
is what most upsets many people when it comes to editing the genes of early-stage em-
bryos. By changing an early embryo, the method seeks to change every cell in any result-
9 Jacob Sherkow, Patricia Zettler, and Henry Greely, Is it ‘gene therapy’?, J.L. BIOSCIENCES, Advance Access Pub-
lication (Aug. 2018),
(accessed Feb. 26, 2019).
10 I suspect that is actually how this kind of editing would eventually be done in order to avoid one of the prob-
lems He Jiankui’s efforts encountered – mosaicism.
The He Jiankui affair r 115
adults (in vivo) as well as in petri dishes. If you edit the genome of the eggs of 20-year-
old women or the sperm-forming cells of 20-year-old men, you edit their germlines.11
You might do that by injecting the editing agent into the ovaries or testes. Or you might
do that by providing gene editing treatments to a person with a genetic disease, if those
treatments ended up editing not only the organs most directly involved in the disease
but also, unintentionally and possibly unknowingly, the person’s eggs and sperm. For
the purposes of this paper, I will include modifications of the DNA of germline cells
when I talk of ‘human germline genome editing’, but I will ignore (almost) entirely the
unintended changes to eggs or sperm from what was intended as somatic cell genome
11 Men continue to make new supplies of sperm from sperm-precursors cells from puberty until their deaths. The
consensus (but not unanimous) view is that women, on the other hand, actually make all their eggs before they
are born but recruit some to maturity each month during their fertile years.
116 r The He Jiankui affair
So that’s our subject: ‘human germline genome editing’, meaning to make inten-
tional changes to DNA of the germline cells of the genome of someone who is, or is
hoped to become, a human person. In general, this is what He claims to have done. Let
us now turn to the specifics of what we know about his experiment.
called CCR532.) This deletion would make the gene produce non-functional copies
of the CCR5 protein. Almost all humans have two proper copies of the CCR5 gene,
one each on the copies of chromosome 3 they inherit from their mothers and their fa-
thers. A few, especially in Northern Europe, carry one proper copy and one copy of the
CCR532 variant, with the 32-base-pair deletion. And very few humans, again most
often in Northern Europe, are known to carry two copies of the mutant gene variation.
We do not know exactly all the things the normal CCR5 protein does, except that this
protein is found on the surfaces of T-cells, which are white blood cells in the immune
system. (There is also some evidence that CCR5 is involved in the brain.) It seems that
18 Daniela Wei, China Gene-Editing Scientist’s Project Rejected For WHO Database, BLOOMBERG (Dec. 10,
s-clinical-database (accessed Feb. 26, 2019). As of Feb. 26, 2019, the original application is still on ChiCTR’s
website at
19 Sheldon Krimsky, Ten ways in which He Jiankui violated ethics, NATURE BIOTECH. 37 (Jan. 2019), (accessed Feb. 26, 2019).
20 Regalado, supra note 4.
21 Originally available at
Thanks to the ‘Wayback Machine’, a copy of what purports to be an English translation of the
consent form of the women (not as far as I can tell for the men) is available on a web archive at
22 Originally available at As Feb. 26, 2019, the site is inaccessible.
23 Krimsky, supra note 19 (‘The informed consent form that he submitted to his research subjects was a 23-
page document. It contained many technical terms, had no discussion about the meaning and significance
of off-target effects or undesirable on-target changes on the child, and protected his team from responsibility
for unforeseen risks. It also failed to inform the parents of alternative methods of preventing HIV infection.
There was no evidence that the university or a government ethics body reviewed and approved the informed
consent form’).
24 Eli Meixler, Chinese University Fires Scientist Who Claimed to Have Created the First Gene-Edited Babies, TIME
(Jan. 22, 2019), (accessed Feb.
26, 2019).
25 Gene Surgery in Embryos: An Embryologist Explains How It Works, YouTube (Nov. 25, 2018), (accessed Feb. 26, 2019).
26 First gene-edited babies reported in China, YouTube (Nov 25, 2018),
com/watch?v=C9V3mqswbv0 (accessed Feb. 26, 2019).
27 Marilynn Marchione, Gene-edited baby claim by Chinese scientist sparks outrage, ASSOCIATED PRESS (Nov. 26,
2018), (accessed Feb. 26, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 119
answered questions.28 He has made no substantive public statements since then. Some-
time in early November, He submitted an article describing his study, co-authored by
Deem, to NATURE, which rejected it.29 That article is not publicly available, although
some people who have read it have spoken to the press. In the ensuring months, a few
academics from outside China have spoken about what He had told them before his
To that point, everything we have been told about the experiment comes from He,
or from a few people working for him or who had talked with him. That information
cannot be taken as fully reliable.
But let us now go backward to learn more about CRISPR; about the discussions
around the ethical and legal status of human germline genome editing using CRISPR
before He’s revelation; and a little bit about He himself.
34 A good source for an understandable description of CRISPR and a history of its discovery and development
can be found in Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg, A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Un-
thinkable Power to Control Evolution (Houghton Mifflin, New York: 2017). Doudna is widely accepted as one
of the crucial (non-bacterial) inventors of CRISPR; Sternberg was her graduate student.
35 The Broad Institute, CRISPR Timeline,
spotlight/crispr-timeline (accessed Feb. 27, 2019).
36 Id.
37 Francisco Mojica, César Dı́ez-Villaseñor, Jesús Garcı́a-Martı́nez, and Elena Soraia, Intervening Sequences of
Regularly Spaced Prokaryotic Repeats Derive from Foreign Genetic Elements, 60 J. MOLECULAR EVOLUTION 174
The He Jiankui affair r 121
various ‘guide RNAs’ based on the genomes of the viruses that invade it and those will
stay inside it, as a kind of memory of the past invasion.
Through first decade of the 21st century, Mojica and others—including scientists
working for Danisco, the company that makes Dannon yogurt—explored CRISPR as
a fascinating piece of natural history: an unexpected way for bacteria, which, unlike hu-
mans and other mammals, lack a classical immune system, to defend themselves from
pathogens. It was not until 2012 that CRISPR, and especially CRISPR-Cas9, began to
be seen as a tool for humans.
The first publication of that idea was by Jennifer Doudna of the University of Cali-
The early uses of CRISPR were as scissors, but these and other scientists also figured
out how to use them, not just to cut out stretches of DNA, but to replace them with
other (human-chosen or human-engineered) stretches of DNA. If a different piece of
DNA is present when CRISPR, with any of a number of associated proteins, makes a cut
in both strands of DNA, this other piece of DNA will often fill the newly-created gap.
The almost irresistible analogy for anyone writing about CRISPR is the cut-and-
paste functions in work processors, particularly Microsoft Word and its ‘replace’ func-
tion. With Word you can tell your computer to find any set of characters in a document
(say ‘Greeley’), cut it out, and replace it with something else (like ‘Greely’). In cells, the
Church, and others. Eric Lander, the director of the Broad Institute, has been widely
criticized46 for publishing, in the high-profile journal CELL, a history of CRISPR (enti-
tled ‘The Heroes of CRISPR’) that lauded Zhang’s contributions and barely mentioned
Strongly discourage, even in those countries with lax jurisdictions where it might be
permitted, any attempts at germline genome modification for clinical application in hu-
mans, while societal, environmental, and ethical implications of such activity are discussed
among scientific and governmental organizations...
46 Tracy Vence, ‘Heroes of CRISPR’ Disputed, THE SCIENTIST (Jan. 19, 2016) accessed on Mar. 6, 2019 at; Michael Eisen, The Villain
of CRISPR, IT IS NOT JUNK (Jan. 25, 2016), (accessed Mar.
12, 2019). Eisen starts his post with the arresting sentence, ‘There is something mesmerizing about an evil
genius at the height of their craft, and Eric Lander is an evil genius at the height of his craft’.
47 For further discussion of the Nobel competition, the patent litigation, the history writing and their connec-
tions, see Henry T. Greely, CRISPR, Patents and Nobel Prizes: Review of A Crack in Creation, L.A. REV. BOOKS
(Aug. 23, 2017).
48 Asilomar and Recombinant DNA: The End of the Beginning, BIOMEDICAL POLITICS, Kathi Hanna (ed.), Institute
of Medicine (US) Committee to Study Decision Making (National Academies Press, Washington DC: 1991).
49 David Baltimore, Paul Berg, Michael Botchan, Dana Carroll, R. Alta Charo, George Church, Jacob E. Corn,
George Q. Daley, Jennifer A. Doudna, Marsha Fenner, Henry T. Greely, Martin Jinek, G. Steven Martin,
Edward Penhoet, Jennifer Puck, Samuel H. Sternberg, Jonathan S. Weissman, Keith R. Yamamoto, A prudent
path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification, 348 SCIENCE 36-38 (Apr. 2015). Another
article on the use of CRISPR in humans had appeared the week before in NATURE, calling for an absolute ban
on germline modifications in humans, in part to protect the valuable uses of CRISPR in gene therapy. Edward
Lanphier, Fyodor Urnov, Sarah Ehlen Haecker, Michael Werner, and Joanna Smolenski, Don’t edit the human
germ line,519 NATURE 410-411 (Mar. 2015).
124 r The He Jiankui affair
Create forums in which experts from the scientific and bioethics communities can provide
information and education about this new era of human biology, the issues accompanying
the risks and rewards of using such powerful technology for a wide variety of applications
including the potential to treat or cure human genetic disease, and the attendant ethical,
social, and legal implications of genome modification...
Encourage and support transparent research to evaluate the efficacy and specificity of
CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technology in human and nonhuman model systems
relevant to its potential applications for germline gene therapy.
Fairly soon, the U.S. NAS and NAM created a Human Genome Initiative.50 That
project’s first major activity was the International Summit on Human Gene Editing,
held in Washington, DC from Dec. 1 to 3, 2015, which was jointly sponsored by the
NAS, the NAM, the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, and the Chinese Academy
of Sciences. This highly publicized event included scores of speakers and panelists.
It ended with a statement from its organizing committee (speaking for itself and not
for the NAS, NAM, or other sponsors, as those entities were quick to stress). That
statement’s recommendations were quite similar to those of the Mar. 2015 SCIENCE
article—perhaps not surprisingly, since David Baltimore, a person not afraid to lead,
chaired the organizing committee.
The short statement, which was read at the end of the three-day summit (and so
necessarily prepared a little earlier) encouraged basic and clinical research as well as
somatic cell clinical uses. As to germline uses, the committee concluded:
It would be irresponsible to proceed with any clinical use of germline editing unless and
until (i) the relevant safety and efficacy issues have been resolved, based on appropriate
understanding and balancing of risks, potential benefits, and alternatives, and (ii) there is
broad societal consensus about the appropriateness of the proposed application. More-
over, any clinical use should proceed only under appropriate regulatory oversight. At
present, these criteria have not been met for any proposed clinical use: the safety issues
have not yet been adequately explored; the cases of most compelling benefit are limited;
and many nations have legislative or regulatory bans on germline modification. However,
as scientific knowledge advances and societal views evolve, the clinical use of germline
editing should be revisited on a regular basis.
While each nation ultimately has the authority to regulate activities under its jurisdiction,
the human genome is shared among all nations. The international community should
strive to establish norms concerning acceptable uses of human germline editing and to
harmonize regulations, in order to discourage unacceptable activities while advancing hu-
man health and welfare.
50 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), Human Genome Initiative, (accessed Jan. 16, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 125
51 Human Genome Editing: Science, Ethics, and Governance, National Academies Press (Feb. 14, 2017), (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
126 r The He Jiankui affair
For example, using genome editing to lower the cholesterol level of someone with ab-
normally high cholesterol might be considered prevention of heart disease, but using it
to lower cholesterol that is in the desirable range is less easily characterized, and would
either intervention differ from the current use of statins?
That chapter concluded, ‘genome editing for purposes other than treatment or pre-
vention of disease and disability should not proceed at this time, and that it is essential
The next major event in the ethical assessment of human germline genome edit-
ing was part of the efforts to have a global conversation about the topic. The Sec-
ond International Summit on Human Genome Editing was scheduled to take place
in Hong Kong from Nov. 27 through 29, 2018, with an (albeit non-exclusive) em-
phasis on speakers from Asian countries. The NAS, the NAM, and the Royal So-
ciety of the U.K. once again were three of the sponsors. For this event, however,
the initial fourth sponsor, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, pulled out, for unclear
52 Barry Coller, Ethics of Human Genome Editing, 70 ANNUAL REV. MEDICINE 289-305 (Jan. 2019).
Jon Cohen, Draw clearer lines around human gene editing, say leaders of Chinese and U.S. sci-
ence academics, SCIENCE MAGAZINE (Dec. 13, 2018),
12/draw-clearer-red-lines-around-human-gene-editing-say-leaders-chinese-and-us-science/ (accessed
Feb. 27, 2019).
53 Nuffield Council on Bioethics (Jul 17, 2018),
reproduction-social-ethical-issues/overview/ (accessed Mar. 3, 2019). Another major national report was
released in May 2019 by the German Ethics Council: Deutscher Ethikrat, INTERVENING IN THE HU-
by Aileen Sharp),
intervening-in-the-human-germline-summary.pdf (accessed May 19, 2019). This has a thorough and excel-
lent analysis, but as it came after the He experiment, I will not discuss it in this article.
The He Jiankui affair r 127
reasons, about a year before the event54 and was replaced by the Academy of Sciences of
Hong Kong.
C. The Law of CRISPR’d Babies
I have quoted the recommendations from the National Academies report and the
Nuffield report at length because they are the most serious and searching assessments
54 Sharon Begley, As a genome editing summit opens in Hong Kong, questions abound over China,
and why it quietly bowed out, STAT (Nov. 26, 2018),
11/26/human-genome-editing-summit-china/ (accessed Feb. 27, 2019).
128 r The He Jiankui affair
that I know of on human germline genome editing. Between them, they contain 18
thoughtful, careful guidelines. Neither report, however, has the force of law—in the
U.S., in the U.K., or anywhere else. So: what does the law say?
In the U.K., the answer is clear. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of
1990 specifically ban any uses of genome editing techniques in human embryos, eggs,
or sperm intended for use in reproduction. In vitro research use that does not involve
the transfer of an embryo to a uterus for possible implantation, development, and birth
is legal, if licensed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.55
Although the definitions and details vary, many other countries join the U.K. in hav-
or biological product, which is a violation of the FDA’s authorizing statutes and can be
punished with civil and criminal penalties.
Even though FDA almost certainly would not, any time soon, allow even an IND for
germline editing to go into effect, Congress took preemptive action of its own to bind
FDA’s hands. In Dec. 2015, an amendment was added to the legislation appropriating
funds to FDA. In relevant part, it said:
none of the funds made available by this Act may be used to notify a sponsor or other-
wise acknowledge receipt of a submission for an exemption for investigational use of a
Although acts appropriating funds are generally only binding for one year of appro-
priations, the rider, in the same language, has been renewed every year and remains in
effect today.60
So, to summarize: genome editing for human reproduction is only legal in the U.S.
with FDA approval, either for research or for clinical use, but FDA is forbidden to con-
sider or allow such use—and no application to FDA for an IND will even be considered
‘received’, presumably no matter how many witnesses can swear that it was handed to
an FDA official.
D. He Jiankui
We do not know much about He Jiankui61 but we do know a few things. He is gen-
erally accepted to be a smart and ambitious young scientist. Early biographical details
on He are limited; he says he was born to a farming family in Hunan province in 1984.
He received his undergraduate degree in 2006 at the University of Science and Tech-
nology of China, a highly regarded Chinese university in Hefei, Anhui Province. He
then entered a graduate program at Rice University in Houston, Texas, receiving his
Ph.D. in biophysics in 2010 (apparently in four years) under the supervision of Pro-
fessor Michael Deem. During the calendar year of 2011 he was a post-doctoral scholar
in the laboratory of Professor Steven Quake at Stanford University, where he studied
single cell analysis. He was lured back to China in 2012 as part of the government’s
Thousand Talents program and was appointed to the faculty of the Southern Univer-
sity of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, in Guangdong Province.
Jing-Bao Nie, a professor at the Bioethics Centre at the University of Otago in New
Zealand, put He’s career trajectory in China in perspective in the following lengthy ex-
cerpt from her article in the HASTINGS CENTER BIOETHICS FORUM:
contraceptives.html/ (accessed Feb. 27, 2019).
59 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, § 749.
60 A similar appropriations rider, banning federal funding for any research that destroyed or threatened harm to
any human embryo that was not directly aimed at treating that particular embryo, the so-called Dickey-Wicker
Amendment, has been renewed every year since 1995.
61 His name is very difficult for most non-Chinese speakers to pronounce and when studying in the United
States, he asked people to call him ‘JK’, which they gratefully did.
130 r The He Jiankui affair
He Jiankui has been a darling of China’s current system of sciences. He has many acco-
lades and received extremely generous support from central and local governments and
scientific organizations. He was recruited to the Southern University of Science and Tech-
He’s doctorate is in biophysics. Although he and his advisor, Rice professor Michael
Deem, published one paper in 2010 on CRISPR, according to its abstract it had little to
do with editing embryos’ genes.
We propose a population dynamics model that explains the biological observation that
the leader-proximal end of CRISPR is more diversified and the leader-distal end of
CRISPR is more conserved...Our results show that the CRISPR spacer structure is in-
fluenced by and provides a record of the viral challenges that bacteria face’.63
This finding has no apparent connection to the use of CRISPR as a biotech tool
(an idea that was not published for another two years) but rather involved the natu-
ral history of CRISPR in bacteria. As far as I can tell, it was not a major contribution
to the CRISPR literature. He’s one-year post-doc with Dr. Quake had no connection
to CRISPR. When he returned to China, He founded a biotech company called Direct
62 Jing-Bao Nie, He Jiankui’s Genetic Misadventure: Why Him? Why China?, HASTINGS CENTER BIOETHICS FORUM
(Dec. 5, 2018), (accessed Jan. 20,
63 He Jiankui and Michael Deem, Heterogeneous diversity of spacers within CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced
short palindromic repeats), 105 PHYS. REV. LETT. 128102 (2010).
The He Jiankui affair r 131
Genomics based on Quake’s work and patents, but it sought to develop DNA sequenc-
ing devices that would work on single molecules, something not particularly connected
to CRISPR or to human germline genome editing.
It is not clear when or how He became interested in editing human embryos. Noth-
ing in his past work seems relevant to that task. He is not a physician, let alone a re-
productive endocrinologist or an obstetrician/gynecologist, the clinical specialties with
expertise in assisted reproduction. He had no expertise in using CRISPR in embryos,
human or non-human, and absolutely no expertise in assisted reproduction. He’s work
with Quake might have given him some advantages in determining the whole genome
According to Chinese medical documents posted online this month ... a team at the
Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, has been recruiting
couples in an effort to create the first gene-edited babies. They planned to eliminate a gene
called CCR5 in hopes of rendering the offspring resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera.66
64 Jiankui He talking about human genome editing, YouTube (Jul 29, 2017),
com/watch?v=llxNRGMxyCc (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
65 Later retitled to: ‘EXCLUSIVE: Chinese scientists are creating CRISPR babies’.
66 Regalado, supra note 4.
132 r The He Jiankui affair
Regalado, who, not for the first time, demonstrated impressive skills as an investiga-
tive reporter, had discovered this by examining the WHO’s ChiCTR, the equivalent
for China of, the National Institutes of Health website in the U.S. that
includes a list of all experimental trials in humans (whose sponsors submit them for
listing). Regalado continued:
The clinical trial documents describe a study in which CRISPR is employed to modify
human embryos before they are transferred into women’s uteruses.
However, data submitted as part of the trial listing shows that genetic tests have been
carried out on fetuses as late as 24 weeks, or six months. It’s not known if those pregnancies
were terminated, carried to term, or are ongoing.
Within two and a half hours, Regalado’s question had been, at least apparently, an-
swered. At 6:42 p.m. PST, Eric Topol, a physician-researcher, tweeted about an ASSO-
CIATED PRESS (AP) story by Marilyn Marchione, entitled ‘Chinese Researcher Claims
First Gene-Edited Baby’.67
Marchione’s story totaled over 1700 words—so she clearly did not write it in the
150 minutes that had elapsed since Regalado’s piece appeared. (The story was date-
lined Hong Kong, Nov. 26, but 6:00 pm, Nov. 25 on the U.S. West Coast was 10:00
a.m. Monday, Nov. 26 in Hong Kong.) Marchione listed three contributors in China
to the article’s research and said it was part of an ‘Associated Press series produced in
partnership with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Ed-
ucation’. It turned out that AP had been talking with He for over a month before the
story broke, and they were forced into the open by Regalado’s scoop. Surprisingly, and
perhaps disingenuously, the AP story never mentioned Regalado’s piece.
What did the AP story say? Marchione led with this: ‘A Chinese researcher claims
that he helped make the world’s first genetically edited babies—twin girls born earlier
this month whose DNA he said he altered ....’68 The researcher said he altered embryos
for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one pregnancy resulting so far. He
stated that his goal was not to cure or prevent an individual disease, but to try to bestow
a trait that few people naturally have—an ability to resist possible future infection with
HIV, the AIDS virus.
Marchione stated that: ‘He said he practiced editing mice, monkey, and human em-
bryos in the lab for several years and has applied for patents on his methods. He said
he chose embryo editing for HIV because these infections are a problem in China. He
sought to disable a gene called CCR5 that forms a protein doorway that allows HIV,
the virus that causes AIDS, to enter a cell ’.
The prospective parents were couples where the man was HIV-infected, while the
woman was not. These couples were recruited through an AIDS advocacy group named
Baihualin and were inspired by idea that their children would be immune to the dis-
ease. They also received free fertility treatments, medical care for the pregnancy, and
a stipend. The total value of the benefits for those whose babies were born has been
stated, based on the Chinese consent form, as the equivalent of about $40,000.69
Marchione says He described his work as follows:
The gene editing occurred during IVF, or lab dish fertilization. First, sperm was ‘washed’
to separate it from semen, the fluid where HIV can lurk. A single sperm was placed into a
single egg to create an embryo. Then the gene editing tool was added.
Tests suggest that one twin had both copies of the intended gene altered and the other
twin had just one altered, with no evidence of harm to other genes, He said. People with
one copy of the gene can still get HIV, although some very limited research suggests their
health might decline more slowly once they do.70
Dr. He claimed he had ethics approval from Shenzhen Harmonicare Women’s and
Children’s hospital, but he did not claim approval from his home institution or the four
(unnamed) hospitals that provided the embryos. The article quotes Dr. Liu Zhitong,
the head of Harmonicare’s ethics panel, as saying ‘we think this is ethical ’.
The article also discusses Michael Deem, He’s Ph.D. advisor from Rice University:
The U.S. scientist who worked with him on this project after He returned to China was
physics and bioengineering professor Michael Deem, who was his adviser at Rice in Hous-
ton. Deem also holds what he called ‘a small stake’ in — and is on the scientific advisory
boards of — He’s two companies.
Marchione adds:
The Rice scientist, Deem, said he was present in China when potential participants gave
their consent and that he ‘absolutely’ thinks they were able to understand the risks.
Deem told AP that he worked with He on vaccine research at Rice and considers the gene
editing similar to a vaccine. ‘That might be a layman’s way of describing it’, he said.
Regalado and Marchione’s pieces were just the start. Much more came out that (US)
Sunday night. At some point on Nov. 25—I cannot determine when, or in what time
zone—the He lab posted five short videos on YouTube, four of them featuring He,
who spoke (in English) about the gene-edited babies.71 The fifth video was narrated
by Dr. Qin Jinzhou, the lab’s embryologist, speaking in Chinese (with subtitles in Chi-
nese and English), about the twins.72 Like the AP article, these videos had clearly had
been produced well in advance of Regalado’s revelation. Interestingly, the AP story did
not mention these videos, saying that He had revealed his work only ‘Monday in Hong
Kong to one of the organizers of [the Summit] that is set to begin on Tuesday, and
earlier in exclusive interviews with The Associated Press ’.
One more piece needs to be added. Sometime on Monday, Nov. 26, THE CRISPR
JOURNAL, a relatively new journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., published an article,
with He as lead author, entitled ‘Draft Ethical Principles for Therapeutic Assisted Re-
[W]e have thought deeply about ethical foundations for regulation in discussions be-
tween researchers, patients and advocates, and ethicists both in China and abroad. These
discussions lead us to propose that, at a minimum, five core principles should be ad-
dressed in a modernization of Chinese regulations—and indeed any country’s guidelines
or laws—permitting gene surgery for ART: (1) a clear social purpose, (2) impermissible
uses, (3) rights after treatment, (4) the human spirit’s transcendence of DNA, and (5) a
special duty to reduce economic inequality.
A box in the paper explains these five ‘core principles’ though using different termi-
A broken gene, infertility, or a preventable disease should not extinguish life or un-
dermine a loving couple’s union. For a few families, early gene surgery may be the
only viable way to heal a heritable disease and save a child from a lifetime of suffering.
Gene surgery is a serious medical procedure that should never be used for aesthetics,
enhancement, or sex selection purposes—or in any way that would compromise a
child’s welfare, joy, or free will. No one has a right to determine a child’s genetics
except to prevent disease. Gene surgery exposes a child to potential safety risks that
can be permanent. Performing gene surgery is only permissible when the risks of the
procedure are outweighed by a serious medical need.
A life is more than our physical body and its DNA. After gene surgery, a child has
equal rights to live life freely, to choose his or her occupation, to citizenship, and
to privacy. No obligations exist to his or her parents or any organization, including
paying for the procedure.
Our DNA does not predetermine our purpose or what we could achieve. We flourish
from our own hard work, nutrition, and support from society and our loved ones.
Whatever our genes may be, we are equal in dignity and potential.
Wealth should not determine health. Organizations developing genetic cures have
a deep moral obligation to serve families of every background.
Why this long discussion of how He’s work came to be known? In part because it
seems interesting, but in part to wonder, when was He planning to reveal the twins? I
have found no discussion of that. Clearly, between the AP story and the five YouTube
videos, he was ready to do so at the proverbial moment’s notice. Given that he had
speaking slots at the Hong Kong summit, it is hard to not to conclude that he intended
to announce the babies from its stage.
77 Chinese characters contained in the original and presumably meaning the same as the English words are omit-
136 r The He Jiankui affair
Um, Doudna replied, you’ve dropped this shocking news on the world, right before our
summit, and you’re not planning to mention it? He seemed surprised that she expected
him to but agreed to have dinner with her and other members of the summit organizing
committee that evening to talk it out.82
On balance, I’m inclined to agree with Kiran Musunuru, a scientist at the University
of Pennsylvania, when he said ‘I suspect he was planning to pull a Steve Jobs style ‘One
last thing’ during his talk’.83 What more dramatic reveal could he hope for?84
78 Pam Belluck, How to Stop Rogue Gene Editing of Human Embryos?, THE N.Y. TIMES (Jan. 23, 2019) (accessed Jan. 19, 2019).
79 Id.
80 A traveler from California to Hong Kong arrives, even on a non-stop flight, about 31 hours later than departing
because of the date change at the International Dateline; thus if Doudna left San Francisco on a Friday midday
departure, she would arrive at the Hong Kong airport on Saturday night.
81 Session 3 – Human Embryo Editing, Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing,˙summit/second day/index.htm (accessed Feb.
28, 2019). On May 21, the Academies released a summary of the Second International Summit: National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Second International Summit on Human Genome
Editing: Continuing the Global Discussion: Proceedings of a Workshop in Brief (2019, Washington,
DC: The National Academies Press.,
25343/second-international-summit-on-human-genome-editing-continuing-the-global-discussion (ac-
cessed May 21, 2019). (Note: I was one of the reviewers on this short report.)
82 Sharon Begley and Andrew Joseph, The CRISPR shocker: How genome-editing scientist He
Jiankui rose from obscurity to stun the world, STAT (Dec. 17, 2018), https://www.statnews.
com/2018/12/17/crispr-shocker-genome-editing-scientist-he-jiankui/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
83 Antonio Regalado, Years before CRISPR Babies this Man was the First to Edit Human Em-
bryos, MIT TECH. REV. (Dec. 11, 2018),
before-crispr-babies-this-man-was-the-first-to-edit-human-embryos/ (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
84 This would mean that He had misled Doudna in the hotel lobby; that seems to me quite plausible.
The He Jiankui affair r 137
Members of the organizing committee who were already in Hong Kong—or who
landed there during Monday—had to scramble quickly to decide what to do. Doudna
and three other members of the organizing committee met for dinner with He on Mon-
day night, Nov. 26, to discuss his work. SCIENCE reported:
On the eve of the International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong,
China, last week, He, a researcher at nearby Southern University of Science and Tech-
nology in Shenzhen, China, had dinner at the city’s Le Méridien Cyberport with a few of
the meeting’s organizers. The news of He’s claim had just broken, and shock waves were
‘He arrived almost defiant’, says Jennifer Doudna, who did landmark CRISPR work at the
University of California (UC), Berkeley. She and the other conference organizers politely
asked He questions about the scientific details and rationale of his work, the permissions
he had secured to conduct it, and how he recruited hopeful parents to participate and
informed them about risks. He asked them whether his planned talk two days later should
include data about the twin girls, who had a gene altered to make them resistant to HIV
infection. We were all like, ‘Uh, yes’, Doudna says.
After more than an hour of questioning, He had had enough. ‘He just seemed surprised
that people were reacting negatively about this’, Doudna says. ‘By the end of the dinner
he was pretty upset and left quite abruptly’.85
The organizing committee decided that He would give his scheduled talk on the sec-
ond day of the summit, Wednesday, Nov. 28, as part of a panel called ‘Human Embryo
Editing’, moderated by Robin Lovell-Badge and including presentations from Kathy
Niakan, Paula Amato, Maria Jasin, and Xingxu Huang. He would be the last to speak,
and he was also scheduled to be on a panel on Thursday, Nov. 29, on developing stan-
dards for human genome editing.
The Organizing Committee released a statement on Monday, Nov. 26, at around
1:00 p.m. EST. That would be about 11:00 p.m. Monday in Hong Kong, presumably
after the dinner and just a few hours before the meeting’s start.86 The statement said:
On the eve of the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, we were
informed of the birth of twins in China whose embryonic genomes had been edited.
The researcher who led the work, He Jiankui, is scheduled to speak at the summit on
The criteria under which heritable genome-editing clinical trials could be deemed permis-
sible have been the subject of much debate and discussion by many research groups ....
Whether the clinical protocols that resulted in the births in China conformed with the
guidance in these studies remains to be determined.
85 Jon Cohen, After Last Week’s Shock, Scientists Scramble to Prevent More Gene-Edited Babies, Science (Dec.
4, 2018).
86 The earliest tweet on the statement is timestamped 12:56 p.m. on Nov. 26. The poster works in Wash-
ington, D.C., which leads me to conclude that the posting time shown is EST. See https://twitter.
com/greg folkers/status/1067114895651557376.
138 r The He Jiankui affair
We hope that the dialogue at our summit further advances the world’s understanding of
the issues surrounding human genome editing. Our goal is to help ensure that human
genome editing research be pursued responsibly, for the benefit of all society.
C. At the Summit
The Summit opened on Tuesday morning with the usual welcomes and charges from
local dignitaries and organizers. Four panels—two on science, one on ethics, and one
on law—followed that day until the meeting’s 6:00 p.m. adjournment. No one focused
on the He experiment.
At this point, the moderators opened it up to questions from the general audience
and from the media. David Liu from the Broad Institute questioned whether the exper-
iment satisfied an ‘unmet medical need’, since sperm-washing technology can prevent
prenatal paternal transmission of HIV, and asked about the role of scientists in making
decisions for patients. Dr. He said he felt proud about what he had done, to help the
children survive, since HIV is such a horrible affliction. When pressed by another audi-
ence member on the ethics of his experiment, He said he was showing compassion by
using available technology to help people with genetic disease.
Porteus interjected to ask if there were more pregnancies, and He told him that there
Some scientists were astounded to hear of the claim and strongly condemned it. It’s ‘un-
conscionable .... an experiment on human beings that is not morally or ethically defensi-
ble’, said Dr. Kiran Musunuru, a University of Pennsylvania gene editing expert and editor
of a genetics journal.
‘This is far too premature’, said Dr. Eric Topol, who heads the Scripps Research Transla-
tional Institute in California. ‘We’re dealing with the operating instructions of a human
being. It’s a big deal’.
However, one famed geneticist, Harvard University’s George Church, defended attempt-
ing gene editing for HIV, which he called ‘a major and growing public health threat’.
This set the tone for comments after the presentation—everyone expressed opposi-
tion to He’s work, except George Church.
88 Marchione, supra note 5.
140 r The He Jiankui affair
At the end of the Summit, its organizing committee issued a 10-paragraph statement.
It stated, ‘The organizing committee concludes that the scientific understanding and
technical requirements for clinical practice remain too uncertain and the risks too great
to permit clinical trials of germline editing at this time’.89 The statement continued:
At this summit we heard an unexpected and deeply disturbing claim that human embryos
had been edited and implanted, resulting in a pregnancy and the birth of twins. We recom-
mend an independent assessment to verify this claim and to ascertain whether the claimed
DNA modifications have occurred. Even if the modifications are verified, the procedure
This language was restrained compared to the assessments of some critics. Ed Yong
hit some of the high points in an article in THE ATLANTIC:
The CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna says she was ‘horrified’, NIH Director Francis
Collins said the experiment was ‘profoundly disturbing’, and even Julian Savulescu, an
ethicist who has described gene-editing research as ‘a moral necessity’, described He’s
work as ‘monstrous’.90
I’d just as well not hang myself out to dry with someone I barely know, but I feel an obliga-
tion to be balanced about it. I’m sitting in the middle and everyone else is so extreme that
it makes me look like his buddy. He’s just an acquaintance. But it seems like a bullying sit-
uation to me. The most serious thing I’ve heard is that he didn’t do the paperwork right.
He wouldn’t be the first person who got the paperwork wrong. It’s just that the stakes
are higher. If it had gone south and someone had been damaged, maybe there would be
some point. Like what happened with Jesse Gelsinger [who died in a 1999 gene therapy
89 On Human Genome Editing II: Statement by the Organizing Committee of the Second International Sum-
mit on Human Genome Editing (Nov 29, 2018),
newsitem.aspx?RecordID=11282018b& ga=2.241822785.21631665.1543473766-946872498.
1543313092/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
90 Yong, supra note 73.
91 Christina Farr, Experiments to gene-edit babies are ‘criminally reckless’, says Stanford bio-ethicist, CNBC
(Nov. 26, 2018),
bio-ethicist.html. (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
92 Lauran Neergaard and Malcolm Ritter, Q&A on scientist’s bombshell claim of gene-edited babies, ASSOCIATED
PRESS (Nov. 26, 2018), (accessed Mar.
12, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 141
experiment]. But is this a Jesse Gelsinger or a Louise Brown [the first baby born through
in vitro fertilization] event? That’s probably what it boils down to.93
A few weeks later, on Dec. 14, something close to an ‘official’ voice of Science
weighed in, in SCIENCE magazine. Victor Dzau, the president of the U.S. National
Academy of Medicine; Marcia J. McNutt, the president of the U.S. National Academy
of Sciences; and Chunli Bai, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, published
an editorial entitled ‘Wake-up Call from Hong Kong’. In it, they said:
2. Chinese Reactions
It was not immediately clear how China, and the Chinese, would react. The first Chinese
story on He’s work trumpeted it as a great accomplishment of Chinese science.95
That mood quickly changed. Almost immediately–on Nov. 26–a group of 122 Chi-
nese scientists and ethicists published a joint statement on WeChat, a Chinese messag-
ing and payments app, calling the work ‘madness’ and demanding stronger rules against
such research. ‘We can only use the word ‘crazy’ to describe the experiment conducted
directly on human beings’.96 Many other prominent Chinese scientists condemned the
experiment the same day and shortly thereafter.97
93 Jon Cohen, ‘I feel an obligation to be balanced’. Noted biologist comes to defense of gene editing ba-
bies, SCIENCE (Nov. 28, 2018),
noted-biologist-comes-defense-gene-editing-babies (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
94 Victor Dzau, Marcia McNutt, and Chunli Bai, Wake-up call from Hong Kong, 362 SCIENCE 1215 (Dec. 2018).
95 Nie, supra note 62 (‘In the Chinese context, the declaration that his project would make China the world’s first
in this area is too obvious to be mentioned directly. Indeed, an initial short report of He’s research appeared on
the website of chief official newspaper People’s Daily on Nov. 26, titled ‘The World’s First Gene-edited Babies
Genetically Resistant to AIDS Were Born in China’. It hailed He’s venture as ‘a milestone accomplishment
China has achieved in the area of gene-editing technologies’ (italics added). While still available on other
websites, the report was soon removed, possibly due to the international as well as domestic outcry’).
96 Akshat Rathi and Echo Huang, More than 100 Chinese scientists have condemned the CRISPR
baby experiment as ‘crazy’, QUARTZ (Nov. 26, 2018),
condemn-crispr-baby-experiment-as-crazy/ (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
97 Ma Danmeng, Mao Kexin, Coco Fend, and Noelle Mateer, Baby Gene-Editing Break-
through Claim Slammed, CAIXIN (Nov. 26, 2018),
baby-gene-editing-breakthrough-claim-slammed-101352172.html (accessed Feb. 28, 2019);
Christian Shepher and John Ruwitch, Scientists, officials in China abhor gene editing that
geneticist claims, REUTERS (Nov. 26, 2018),
idUSKCN1NW0A7;Elizabeth (accessed Feb. 28, 2019). Cheung, Chinese expert in bioethics slams main-
land scientist He Jiankui who claims to have created the world’s first gene-edited children, SOUTH CHINA
MORNING POST (Nov. 27, 2018),
article/2175273/chinese-expert-bioethics-slams-mainland-scientist (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
142 r The He Jiankui affair
98 Antonio Regalado, The Chinese scientist who claims he made CRISPR babies is under investigation, MIT
TECH. REV. (Nov. 26, 2018),
claims-he-made-crispr-babies-has-been-suspended-without-pay/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
99 Lily Kuo, Work on gene-edited babies blatant violation of the law, says China, THE GUARDIAN (Nov. 29, 2018),
the-law-says-china (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
100 Matthew Campbell, China Shrinks From the Gattaca Age, BLOOMBERG (Dec. 5, 2018),
com/news/articles/2018-12-05/china-fiercely-decries-he-jiankui-s-human-gene-editing (accessed Mar. 12,
101 David Grossman, The Infamous CRISPR Baby Scientist Is Missing, POPULAR MECHANICS (Dec. 3,
(accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
102 Elsie Chen and Paul Mozur, Chinese Scientist Who Claimed to Make Genetically Edited Babies Is
Kept Under Guard, THE N.Y. TIMES (Dec. 28, 2018),
world/asia/he-jiankui-china-scientist-gene-editing.html (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
103 Sharon Begley, ‘CRISPR babies’ scientist: ‘I’m actually doing quite well’, STAT (Jan. 9, 2019), https://www. (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
104 XINHUANET, supra note 31. I have been told that the article in Chinese is a little longer, the equivalent of about
500 words in English. I am seeking to find a translation.
105 David Cyranoski, CRISPR-baby scientist fired by university, NATURE NEWS (Jan. 22, 2019), (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 143
where He’s university and the hospital that allegedly gave ethics permission for the ex-
periment is located.) According to Xinhua, the experiment ran from Mar. 2017 to Nov.
2018, and He recruited eight participant couples ‘with a fake ethical review certificate ’.
The article says, ‘As HIV carriers are not allowed to have assisted reproduction, He
asked others to replace the volunteers to take blood tests....’ Five of the eight couples
did not conceive, one couple withdrew, and two of the couples became pregnant, one
giving birth to Lulu and Nana and the other still pregnant. The investigation found that
He’s activities ‘seriously violated ethical principles and scientific integrity and breached
the relevant regulations of China. Officials in charge of the investigation said, He, as
description of the experiment, which He said he intended to submit to the NEW ENG-
LAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. DeWitt told him the piece had substantial problems. At no
point did DeWitt inform anyone else, telling STAT: ‘I wasn’t sure what to do, frankly.
He asked for confidentiality, and told me it was all above board on his end, so I let it be’.
In 2006 Craig Mello and Andy Fire won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
for discovering RNA interference. Now a professor at the University of Massachusetts,
Mello was at one point a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of one of He’s com-
panies, Direct Genomics. On Jan. 29, 2019, the ASSOCIATED PRESS reported:
‘I’m glad for you, but I’d rather not be kept in the loop on this’, Mello replied. ‘You are
risking the health of the child you are editing ... I just don’t see why you are doing this. I
wish your patient the best of luck for a healthy pregnancy’.108
In April, He emailed Mello: ‘Good News ... the pregnancy is confirmed!’ He asked Mello
to keep the news confidential.
Mello, who won a Nobel in 2006 for genetics research, expressed concern about health
risks.‘ I think you are taking a big risk and I do not want anyone to think that I approve
of what you are doing’. he wrote. ‘I’m sorry I cannot be more supportive of this effort, I
know you mean well’.
Mello resigned from the Direct Genomics Scientific Advisory Board on Dec. 6, 2018.
There is, so far, no evidence that the company was involved in the He experiment
(though sources of funding for He’s work remain unclear). Neither is there any evi-
dence that Mello tried to report He’s work to anyone.
Steven Quake, a Stanford bioengineering professor, supervised He’s post-doc in
2011. Quake is a prodigiously creative researcher, who specializes in creating and us-
ing biomedical tools, especially for nucleic acid sequencing.109 One of his interests is
sequencing DNA reliably from single cells; this appears to have been what He worked
on in his lab.110 According to another ASSOCIATED PRESS story:
Quake said he had met with He through the years whenever his former student was in
town, and that He confided his interest a few years ago in editing embryos for live births
to try to make them resistant to the AIDS virus.
108 Candice Choi and Marilynn Marchione, AP Exclusive: US Nobelist was told of gene-edited babies, ASSOCIATED
PRESS (Jan. 28, 2019), (accessed Feb. 28,
109 See
110 Andrew Joseph, Rebecca Robbins, and Sharon Begley, An outsider claimed to make genome-editing
history — and the world snapped to attention, STAT (Nov. 26, 2018),
2018/11/26/he-jiankui-gene-edited-babies-china/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 145
Quake said he gave He only general advice and encouraged him to talk with mainstream
scientists, to choose situations where there’s consensus that the risks are justified, to meet
the highest ethics standards and to publish his results in a peer-reviewed journal.
[Matthew Porteus]: About nine months ago, in February, JK [He’s nickname] told me
he was planning on doing this. His email said that he was in the Bay Area visiting with a
graduate student of his, and they’d love to set up a time to talk.
111 Marilynn Marchione and Christina Larson, Could anyone have stopped gene-edited babies experiment?, ASSO-
CIATED PRESS (Dec. 2, 2018), (accessed
Feb. 28, 2019).
112 Antonio Regalado, Stanford will investigate its role in the Chinese CRISPR baby debacle, MIT TECH. REV. (Feb. 7,
2019), (accessed Feb.
28, 2019).
113 Id.
114 Pam Belluck, Gene-Edited Babies: What a Chinese Scientist Told an American Mentor, N.Y. Times (Apr.
14, 2019, A1), (accessed May 18,
115 See
116 Alex Lash, ‘JK Told Me He Was Planning This’: A CRISPR Baby Q&A with Matt Porteus, XCONOMY (Dec.
4, 2018),
with-matt-porteus/ (accessed Feb. 28, 2019).
146 r The He Jiankui affair
MP: Yes. He started out on his non-human primate work, that he had modified embryos
and attempted to implant them into animals but gotten no pregnancies. I was like, oh,
thanks for the update. Then he said, now we’ll start doing this in humans. That was shock-
ing to me. I was totally blindsided.
I was more than chiding him. [emphasis in the original] I was berating him. I told him he
was putting the entire field at risk through his reckless actions. He was in what I thought
was stunned silence. But he didn’t try to defend himself. The graduate student was with
him but didn’t say anything to my recollection. I hadn’t heard from him since.
MP: Two things: One is call other people I knew he might have been speaking to, and
as a group we might have come up with a decision. And perhaps I could have reached
out for advice to someone more senior who has led study commissions and academies,
who understands the sociology of science, and without revealing the confidence, run the
situation by them and get their feedback.
Porteus goes on to say that he is not sure what else he would or should have done. On
Jan. 17, 2019, Porteus, along with William Hurlbut, appeared at an event I moderated,
organized by the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences, which I direct. The video
of that event is available online.117 Porteus’s comments at it are consistent with what he
William Hurlbut is an Adjunct Professor and Senior Research Scholar in Neurobi-
ology at Stanford, where he received his MD. He has taught and worked in bioethics
areas for many years, most notably as a member of President George W. Bush’s Presi-
dent’s Council on Bioethics, chaired (for most of its existence) by Leon Kass. He met
He Jiankui at a conference at Berkeley on ethical issues in CRISPR that Hurlbut had or-
ganized with Jennifer Doudna in Jan. 2017. They continued to speak, so much so that
He listed Hurlbut in the acknowledgments to his July 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Talk.
After the Summit, STAT quoted Hurlbut on several aspects of his relationship with
‘I knew where he was heading and tried to give him a sense of the practical and ethical
implications’, Hurlbut said. ‘But he kept returning to the good that could be done’.
He was not fully transparent with Hurlbut. When the two spoke most recently, this fall,
‘JK did not tell me that he had established pregnancies’, said Hurlbut, who believes He
should have done so. ‘He didn’t reveal to me what the state of his research was, though I
suspected he had either pregnancies or born babies’.
And why did He violate what many scientists consider basic research norms? ‘I can’t get
into his head, but he has a very earnest desire to move the science forward’, Hurlbut said.
117 CRISPR’d Babies, supra note 30.
118 Sharon Begley, He took a crash course in bioethics. Then he created CRISPR babies, STAT (Nov. 27,
2018 (accessed Feb.
28, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 147
‘My overall feeling is that he’s a well-meaning person who wants his effort to count for
Hurlbut’s discussions at the Stanford CLB event on Jan. 17 are consistent with what
he told STAT in late November. The most interesting addition was Hurlbut’s comment
that, after the Summit, he continued to have telephone conversations with He about
once a week, for three or four hours at a time. Hurlbut apparently did not disclose his
suspicions about He’s work to anyone and has not, to my knowledge, discussed his
relate to human lives’.127 On the other hand, Hurlbut said about He: ‘[I]t’s wrong to
call him a rogue when he’s acting in line with [a scientific culture] that puts a premium
on provocative research, celebrity, national scientific competitiveness, and firsts’.128 (I
had to point out to one reporter that this statement is not an endorsement of He as
much as it is an indictment of contemporary science.) Hurlbut has written on the case
and, along with Sheila Jasanoff and Krishanu Saha, is planning a ‘global observatory’ on
these issues.129
127 Ryan Cross, Rick Mullin, Megha Satyanarayana, and Jean-François Tremblay, As claims of CRISPR use
in first gene-edited babies emerge, scientists and ethicists respond, CHEM. & ENG. NEWS (Nov. 30, 2018), (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
128 Begley, supra note 118.
129 Sheila Jasanoff and J. Benjamin Hurlbut, A global observatory for gene editing, NATURE (Mar 21, 2018), (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
130 See deem.
131 Marchione, supra note 5.
132 I have spoken on the phone several times, occasionally at length, with Qiu and she has quoted me before
on this topic, so I may be biased in her favor. For what it’s worth, I think her reporting on Deem has been
133 Todd Ackerman, Chinese scientist, assisted by Rice professor, claims first gene-edited babies, ASSOCIATED
PRESS (Nov. 26, 2018), (accessed Mar.
15, 2019).
134 Andrew Joseph, Rice University opens investigation into researcher who worked on CRISPR’d baby project,
STAT (Nov. 26, 2018),
researcher-who-worked-on-crisprd-baby-project/ (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
135 Todd Ackerman, Lawyers say Rice professor not involved in controversial gene-edited babies research,
HOUSTON CHRONICLE (Dec. 13, 2018),
texas/houston/article/Lawyers-say-Rice-professor-not-involved-in-13465277.php (accessed Mar. 1,
The He Jiankui affair r 149
According to the HOUSTON CHRONICLE, ‘Asked to square the seeming discrepancy [be-
tween what told the AP and the lawyers’ statement], Hennessy [one of his lawyers] said
the statement is all Deem’s lawyers want to say for now ’.
In the first ASSOCIATED PRESS story, Deem said he had been present for at least some
of the consent conversations and he ‘absolutely thinks’ the prospective parents under-
stood.136 Deem was also quoted, in response to questions about whether the research
actually happened, as saying, ‘Of course the work occurred. I met the parents. I was
there for the informed consent of the parents’.137
In a subsequent ASSOCIATED PRESS story, Deem defended He’s actions, saying the
A Chinese scientist who worked on the project said Deem was more than a bystander:
Deem collaborated with He on the experiment and participated as a member of the
research team during meetings with several volunteers in 2017 as they were recruited
and went through the informed-consent process — a crucial component of a clinical trial.
Deem helped to obtain the volunteers’ consent, speaking with them through a translator,
said the Chinese member of the team, who asked not to be identified because the person
was not authorized to speak to a reporter.
denying that he was ‘the lead, last, or corresponding author’ on the paper submitted to
Nature: ‘Michael Deem has done theoretical work on CRISPR in bacteria in the past, and
he wrote a review article on the physics of CRISPR-Cas. But Dr. Deem has not designed,
carried out, or executed studies or experiments related to CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing –
something very different’.
The lawyers also said Deem ‘did not authorize submission of manuscripts related to
CCR5 or PCSK9 with any journal’, but ‘they then acknowledged that Deem was listed
as an author on all three gene-editing papers and said he had had instructed the journals
to remove his name from all the manuscripts’. In seeming contrast with Deem’s prior
statements, they said, ‘Dr. Deem was not in China, and he did not otherwise participate,
when the parents of the reported CCR5-edited children provided informed consent ’.
As a former litigator, I can appreciate ways in which the lawyers might have chosen
their words carefully. ‘Designed, carried out, or executed studies or experiments’ are
not the only ways to have participated in them. Deem might, for example, have drafted
142 Ernest Beutler, The Cline affair, 4 MOLECULAR THERAPY 396, 397 (Nov. 2001).
143 Qiu, supra note 29.
144 Qiu, supra note 29 (‘Deem’s possible involvement in the CRISPR babies experiment has led the Hong Kong
university to review the contract, which is now ‘pending on the result of the investigation undergoing at the
Rice University’, said the Hong Kong university’s press office’).
The He Jiankui affair r 151
On Dec. 10, STAT reported that He had submitted a 55-page paper to ‘an interna-
tional journal’, describing genome editing of mouse, monkey, and human embryos in-
tended to modify the PCSK9 gene and thus confer resistance to heart disease.145 STAT
reported that the (unnamed) journal sent the piece out for outside peer review on
October 2, and that it listed He as the senior author. The paper had 13 other authors,
including Michael Deem. The journal apparently rejected the paper around Nov. 17.
The STAT article reported that, ‘two genome-editing experts who read it’ had serious
scientific and ethical problems. A later STAT article said that the journal was SCIENCE
TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, a ‘second label’ of NATURE’S biggest rival among scientific
A. Risk/Benefit
1. The Importance of the Risk/Benefit Balance
One of the two most basic rules for human subjects is that the likely benefits must justify
the risks being taken. The Nuremburg Code, which emerged from an American military
court’s prosecution of Germans accused of criminal human experiments during World
War II, is the foundational statement of human research ethics.149 Its sixth principle
145 Begley, supra note 29.
146 Qiu, supra note 29.
147 Qiu, supra note 29.
148 See fn. 90 and 91, supra.
149 Nuremberg Code, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
exhibitions/online-exhibitions/special-focus/doctors-trial/nuremberg-code (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
152 r The He Jiankui affair
is ‘the risks of the experiment should be in proportion to (that is, not exceed) the ex-
pected humanitarian benefits’. In addition, principle two states, ‘The experiment should
aim at positive results for society that cannot be procured in some other way’, and prin-
ciple five states, ‘It should not be conducted when there is any reason to believe that it
implies a risk of death or disabling injury’. Seven doctors were executed as a result of
those trials for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, as at least partially
encapsulated in the Code.150
The World Medical Association (WMA), a grouping of national medical associa-
tions such as the American Medical Association in the United States, has adopted a set
16. In medical practice and in medical research, most interventions involve risks and
Medical research involving human subjects may only be conducted if the importance of
the objective outweighs the risks and burdens to the research subjects.
17. All medical research involving human subjects must be preceded by careful assess-
ment of predictable risks and burdens to the individuals and groups involved in the re-
search in comparison with foreseeable benefits to them and to other individuals or groups
affected by the condition under investigation.
Measures to minimize the risks must be implemented. The risks must be continuously
monitored, assessed and documented by the researcher.
18. Physicians may not be involved in a research study involving human subjects unless
they are confident that the risks have been adequately assessed and can be satisfactorily
When the risks are found to outweigh the potential benefits or when there is conclusive
proof of definitive outcomes, physicians must assess whether to continue, modify or im-
mediately stop the study.
The Helsinki Declaration does not have the force of law and, in any event, applies,
by its terms, only to physicians.
In the United States the so-called ‘Common Rule’ governing human subjects’ re-
search emerged over the period from 1966 to 1991. This federal regulation does have the
force of law (in the United States), and it embodies most American law about human
150 The Doctors Trial: the Medical Case of the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings, United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum,
doctors-trial (accessed Apr. 1, 2019).
151 Ethical Principles for Research Involving Human Subjects, World Medical Association (Jul. 9, 2018),
involving-human-subjects/ (accessed Mar. 13, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 153
subjects research. The Common Rule requires that (most) human subjects research be
reviewed by an Institutional Review Board that, among other things, can only approve
research when:
(2) Risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects,
and the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result...The IRB
should not consider possible long-range effects of applying knowledge gained in the re-
search (e.g., the possible effects of the research on public policy) as among those research
risks that fall within the purview of its responsibility.152
deletions or duplications in DNA, with unpredictable (but almost certainly not good)
We might have known more about some of these risks. He claimed, in his Aug.
2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories talk, to have done experiments on CRISPR
with mouse and monkey embryos, as well as over three hundred human embryos.158
But those results have never been published. At least some of them appear to have been
submitted for publication in fall 2019, shortly before the revelation of his babies, though
apparently without having been accepted or any explanation for the gap between his
July 2017 talks and submission. In any event, that work could only have told us about
so it is clear that a functioning CCR5 gene is not absolutely necessary for a reasonable
quantity and quality of life.
But we do not know what other effects the absence of a functional CCR5 gene
might have. Does it increase prenatal losses? Infant mortality? Young adult deaths
or disability? Other problems? There is some—a little—evidence that it increases
the risks to a person from West Nile Virus163 and perhaps from influenza,164 which
kills about 300,000 to 650,000 people worldwide every year compared with about
940,000 who die from HIV infection.165 In China, the relevant numbers are hundreds
of thousands of deaths from influenza a year166 and about 30,000 deaths per year from
163 William Glass, David McDermott, Jean Lin, Sudkamon Lekhong, Shuk Fong Yu, William Frank, John Pape,
Ronald Cheshier, and Phillip Murphy, CCR5 deficiency increases risk of symptomatic West Nile virus infection,
203 J. EXPERIMENTAL MED. 35, 40 (Jan. 2006).
164 A. Falcon, M. T. Cuevas, A. Rodriguez-Frandsen, N. Reyes, F. Pozo, S. Moreno, J. Ledesma, J. Martinez-
Alarcón, A. Nieto, and I. Casas, CCR5 deficiency predisposes to fatal outcome in influenza virus infection, 96 J.
GENERAL VIROLOGY 2074, 2078 (2015).
165 Danielle Iuliano et al., Estimates of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality: a modeling study,
391 THE LANCET 1285, 1300 (Mar. 2018); Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS, World Health Organization, status/deaths text/en/ (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
166 Xinchun Yu, Chunfang Wang, Tao Chen, Wenyi Zhang, Huiting Yu, Yuelong Shu, Wenbiao Hu, and Xiling
Wang, Excess pneumonia and influenza mortality attributable to seasonal influenza in subtropical Shanghai, China,
167 China Country Profile, Centers for Disease Control,
china/china.html (accessed Mar. 14, 2019).
168 John Novembre, Alison Galvani, and Montgomery Slatkin, The Geographic Spread of the CCR5 32 HIV-
Resistance Allele, PLOS BIOLOGY (Oct. 2005).
156 r The He Jiankui affair
169 Maryan Zafer, Hacsi Horvath, Okeoma Mmeje, Sheryl van der Poel, Augusto Semprini, George Ruther-
ford, and Joelle Brown, Effectiveness of semen washing to prevent HIV transmission and assist pregnancy in HIV-
discordant couples: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 105 FERTILITY & STERILITY 645, 655 (Mar. 2016).
170 Cédric Blanpain et al., CCR5 and HIV infection, 8 RECEPTORS CHANNELS 19-31 (2002).
171 CIA World Factbook,
html (accessed Mar. 14, 2019).
172 I have previously published a slightly different version of this discussion of CXCR4 and HIV infection in
Henry T. Greely, He Jiankui, Embryo Editing, CCR5, the London Patient, and Jumping to Conclusions, Stat
(Apr. 15, 2019), (accessed June 28,
173 Afam A. Okoye and Louis J. Picker, CD4+ T cell depletion in HIV infection: mechanisms of immunological failure,
254 IMMUNOLOGICAL REV. 54, 64 (2013).
174 Tsutomu Murakami and Naoki Yamamoto, Role of CXCR4 in HIV infection and its potential as a therapeutic
target, 5 FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY 1025, 1039 (2010).
175 Olivier Manches, Davor Frleta, and Nina Bhardwaj, Dendritic cells in progression and pathology of HIV infection,
35 TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 114, 122 (2014).
176 Laura Waters, Sundhiya Mandalia, Paul Randell, Adrian Wildfire, Brian Gazzard, and Graeme Moyle, The
Impact of HIV Tropism on Decreases in CD4 Cell Count, Clinical Progression, and Subsequent Response to a First
Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen, 46 CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1617, 1623 (2008).
The He Jiankui affair r 157
strain, X-4 HIV-1, does not use CCR5 at all but instead uses CXCR4.177 Some strains
of HIV-1, dual trophic HIV-1 strains, can use either CCR5 or CXCR4.178 And HIV-2,
less common and less deadly, has strains that make use of many receptor molecules in
addition to CD4, not just CCR5.179
Thus, the absence of CCR5 proteins does not prevent infection with HIV but it does
greatly reduce (and possibly entirely prevent) infection of the CD4 T-cells with the R5
HIV-1 strains. The X-4 and dual trophic strains can still infect both CD4 T-cells and
macrophages; even the R5 HIV-1 strains can infect dendritic cells, which can serve as
a reservoir of HIV where the virus can exist, and possibly mutate, even when the CD4
177 Adriel D. Weinberger, Persistence and Emergence of X4 Virus in HIV Infection, 8 MATHEMATICAL BIOSCI. & ENG.
605, 626 (2011).
178 Shi-hua Xiang, Beatriz Pacheco, Dane Bowder, Wen Yuan, and Joseph Sodroski, Characterization of a dual-
tropic Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) strain derived from the prototypical X4 isolate HXBc2, 438 VIROL -
OGY 5, 13 (2013).
179 Jacqueline D. Reeves, Sam Hibbitts, Graham Simmons, Áine McKnight, José M. Azevedo-Pereira, José
Moniz-Pereira, and Paul R. Clapham, Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) Isolates Infect
CD4-Negative Cells via CCR5 and CXCR4: Comparison with HIV-1 and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and
Relevance to Cell Tropism In Vivo, 73 J. VIROLOGY 7795, 7804 (1999).
180 Jon Cohen, Has a second person with HIV been cured?, SCIENCE (Mar. 4, 2019),
news/2019/03/has-second-person-hiv-been-cured (accessed Mar. 15, 2019).
181 Ravinda K. Gupta, et al., HIV-1 Remission Following CCR532/32 Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation,
NATURE (Mar. 5, 2019), (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
182 Carolyn Y. Johnson, A decade after the first person was cured of HIV, a second patient is in long-term remis-
sion, THE WASH. POST (Mar. 5, 2019),
after-first-person-was-cured-hiv-second-patient-is-long-term-remission/ (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
158 r The He Jiankui affair
Once it became clear that Mr. Brown was cured, scientists set out to duplicate his result
with other cancer patients infected with H.I.V.
In case after case, the virus came roaring back, often around nine months after the patients
stopped taking antiretroviral drugs, or else the patients died of cancer. The failures left
scientists wondering whether Mr. Brown’s cure would remain a fluke.183
Even if a person harbors only a small number of X4 viruses, they may multiply in the
absence of competition from their viral cousins. There is at least one reported case of
an individual who got a transplant from a delta 32 donor but later rebounded with the
X4 virus. (As a precaution against X4, Mr. Brown is taking a daily pill to prevent H.I.V.
The NATURE article reporting the London patient specifically discusses that ‘one re-
ported case’, the so-called ‘Essen patient ’.
The only other case of an HIV-infected patient transplanted with CCR532/32 cells
who interrupted ART [anti-retroviral therapy] was the ‘Essen Patient’. In this case in
which ART was interrupted one week before allo-HSCT [hemopoietic stem cell trans-
plant from another person, ‘allo’], a rapid viral rebound of a pre-existing minority HIV-
1 variant able to infect cells via the alternative CXCR4 co-receptor was observed three
weeks later.184
The Essen patient later died from a recurrence of the lymphoma that had required
the stem cell transplant.185 As the wording of the quotation from the NATURE im-
plies, some other HIV-infected cancer patients have received CCR532 transplants
and survived, but they have continued on their anti-retroviral therapy so it is not known
whether the drugs or the transplant has kept their HIV levels low.
The key takeaway is that CCR532 does not guarantee immunity to HIV infec-
tion and possible death. It only works for strains of HIV-1 that use only CCR5 as a
co-factor along with CD4 to infect T cells. A few reporters seem to have noticed, or at
least commented, on the importance of CXCR4, including early news stories from the
183 Apoorva Mandavilli, H.I.V. Is Reported Cured in a Second Patient, a Milestone in the Global
AIDS Epidemic, The N.Y. Times (Mar. 4, 2019),
aids-cure-london-patient.html (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
184 Gupta, supra note 180 (references omitted).
185 Lambros Kordelas, et al., Shift of HIV-1 Tropism in Stem Cell Transplantation with CCR5 Delta 32 Mutation,
371 NEW ENG. J. MED. 880 (2014); see also
The He Jiankui affair r 159
ATLANTIC,186 NATURE,187 and BLOOMBERG.188 But those facts then largely disappeared,
probably because ‘complete’ protection against HIV infection made for a better story,
a better dilemma, and a better thought experiment, even though that it did not match
the reality of the situation for the two baby girls.
Even that limited benefit—resistance to infection from R5 strains of HIV-1—may
not apply to these children. He Jiankui’s slides showed that the twin he called Nana
only had CCR5 edited on one of her two chromosomes. Many people, especially in
Northern Europe, have one normal copy of CCR5 and one copy of CCR532. They
are somewhat resistant to infection and their disease progresses more slowly—but they
186 Yong, supra note 73; see also Ed Yong, A Reckless and Needless Use of Human Gene Edit-
ing on Human Embryos, The Atl., (Nov. 26, 2018),
archive/2018/11/first-gene-edited-babies-have-allegedly-been-born-in-china/576661/ (accessed May
20, 2019).
187 David Cyranoski and Heidi Ledford, Genome Edited Baby Claim Provokes International Outrage, NATURE
(Nov. 26, 2018), (accessed May 20, 2019).
188 John Lauerman and Naomi Kresge, Gene-Edited Twins in China Still Face the Risk of HIV Infection, (Nov. 27,
of-hiv-infection (accessed May 20, 2019).
189 Regalado, supra note 16.
190 Zhou et al., CCR5 is a Suppressor for Cortical Plasticity and Hippocampal Learning and Memory, eLife
2016;5:e20985. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.20985
191 Mary T. Joy, et al., CCR5 Is a Therapeutic Target for Recovery after Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury, 176
Cell 1143 (2019), (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
Regalado’s article notes that the study, which looked at patients in Tel Aviv, had some data showing the people
with one CCR532 allele had obtained more education than those with two normal copies. This was not a
finding of the paper and, in light of other significant differences between the two groups – notably that nearly
90% of the patients with the rare allele were of Ashkenazic ancestry compared with only 57% of those without
that gene version – that evidence seems very susceptible to cultural or other interpretations.
160 r The He Jiankui affair
none of the stroke subjects had two non-functional copies of CCR5. The evidence of
benefit in stroke recovery, if any, applies only to Nana.
Regalado says there is no evidence that He set out to modify the children’s brains.
Regalado contacted the key researchers on this topic, and He had never contacted them
for information, as he had contacted researchers on HIV and CCR5 and PCSK9 and
heart disease. And, Regalado reported, He himself said, in the question and answer pe-
riod in Hong Kong. ‘I saw that paper, it needs more independent verification’.... I am
against using genome editing for enhancement’. Regalado further quoted the reaction
of one the scientists studying brain effects of CCR5, Alcino Silva from UCLA:
Silva also said that when he learned of the birth of twins, ‘My reaction was visceral
repulsion and sadness ’.192
Any unintended and deeply uncertain improvements in the cognition of the twins
cannot be counted as a benefit in an ethical assessment of He’s experiment. Quite the
opposite: the possibility of any brain effects should be considered yet another risk of
the work.
What about the benefits to science? The fact that apparently healthy children could
be born after embryo editing is, certainly, a novel finding of some value. Given earlier
successes with monkeys, as well as other mammals, it is not deeply surprising—but nei-
ther was it completely certain. Even closely-related species sometimes differ markedly
in reproduction and early development.
But we would not yet weigh that benefit, relatively small in my view, against the risks.
Remember, the Common Rule further requires that risks to subjects are minimized by
‘using procedures that are consistent with sound research design and that do not un-
necessarily expose subjects to risk’. The He experiment did not have a sound research
design, at least in that there was no published or otherwise generally available evidence
from non-human trials about the safety of both CRISPR, in general, or about the safety
of CCR5 inactivation, in particular.
4. The (Im)balance
To me, the balance is easy to weigh. The risks to the babies who might be born from the
embryos grossly outweighed the almost-zero benefits to them and the relatively small
benefits to science. It seems to me that no reasonable reviewing body—or researcher,
who primarily carries this ethical obligation—could find otherwise.
These considerations of risk/benefit balance become all the more important in the
context of this particular research—research not just on persons who cannot consent,
but on embryos that are not yet persons and cannot consent. If a mentally-competent
adult suffering from a dread disease decides to try a very risky experimental treatment
and things go wrong, at least she had made a voluntary and, presumably informed,
choice to take those risks. In He’s experiment, the prospective parents certainly bore
192 Regalado, supra note 16.
The He Jiankui affair r 161
some risks, but most of the risk directly fell on any embryos that became babies. Those
embryos never got a chance to consent.
I do not want to belabor this. Neither I nor, I strongly suspect, you, dear reader, gave
consent to being born—let alone to whom, where, and when you were born. We do,
and must, allow children, fetuses, and embryos intended for implantation to be research
subjects without their own personal informed consent in order to learn how best to treat
But the Common Rule has special requirements for such research. Its Subpart B ap-
plies to fetuses (defined as any product of conception after implantation) as well as
If Subpart D applied to He’s experiment (which is does not, both because there is
no connection to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and because em-
bryos are not ‘children’), it would clearly classify this research as more than minimal
risk. It seems to me that even the claimed anticipated benefit cannot justify the risks.
It is even more clear, though, that the ratio of the benefit (possibly reducing the risk
of HIV infection in the distant future) to the risk from this unprecedented experiment
is far worse than alternative ways to prevent any resulting humans from being infected
with HIV.
If the research involves more than minimal risk, and there is no anticipated benefit
to the child, the Subpart states:
HHS will conduct or fund research in which the IRB finds that more than minimal
risk to children is presented by an intervention or procedure that does not hold out
the prospect of direct benefit for the individual subject, or by a monitoring procedure
which is not likely to contribute to the well-being of the subject, only if the IRB finds
(c) The intervention or procedure is likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the
subjects’ disorder or condition which is of vital importance for the understanding
or amelioration of the subjects’ disorder or condition; and
(d) Adequate provisions are made for soliciting assent of the children and permission
of their parents or guardians196
Subsections (b), (c), and (d) do not seem to be satisfied here, but the main problem
is that this research is clearly more than ‘a minor increase over minimal risk ’.
So, assuming Subpart D applied, what is left? Section 46.407.
HHS will conduct or fund research that the IRB does not believe meets the require-
(a) The IRB finds that the research presents a reasonable opportunity to further
the understanding, prevention, or alleviation of a serious problem affecting the
health or welfare of children; and
(b) The Secretary, after consultation with a panel of experts in pertinent
disciplines (for example: science, medicine, education, ethics, law) and
following opportunity for public review and comment, has determined
(1) That the research in fact satisfies the conditions of §46.404, §46.405, or
§46.406, as applicable, or
(2) The following:
Might the He experiment have qualified under this provision? I think it fails al-
most every provision of §46.407(b)(2)—but, of course, Subpart D did not apply. It
does serve, though, to show that higher standards about risk and benefit will be ap-
plied to children—and presumably to embryos that, like children, cannot consent for
Another point is worth noting. Under the Common Rule, in the United States, IRBs
are expressly forbidden to ‘consider possible long-range effects of applying knowledge
gained in the research ... as among those research risks that fall within the purview
of its responsibility’198 [emphasis added]. That’s the binding American law; it is not
necessarily an appropriate ethical condition. I don’t think anyone needs to reach this
question in the case of the He experiment, because even on a restricted view of the risks,
they hugely outweigh the benefits. But, certainly, many people do think the ‘possible
long-range effects’ of human germline genomic editing include very substantial risks.
196 46 C.F.R. §46.406.
197 46 C.F.R. §46.407.
198 21 C.F.R. § 56.111(a)(2).
The He Jiankui affair r 163
So far I have discussed weighing the balance of risk and benefit before the start of the
He experiment. But both the Helsinki Declaration and the U.S. Common Rule require
that the risks to human subjects be minimized, which the Helsinki Declaration at least
makes clear is a continuing duty (something I think is also true, but less explicit, in the
Common Rule). ‘Measures to minimize the risks must be implemented. The risks must
be continuously monitored, assessed and documented by the researcher’.199
He Jiankui says that he examined the DNA of the embryos that became the twins
before making a decision to transfer them into their mother’s uterus. At that time, he
knew that he had failed to make the change he wanted, from a normal CCR5 gene to
B. Questionable Consent
Along with a favorable risk/benefit ratio, proper consent is at the top of the list of re-
quirements for ethical human subjects’ research. He’s experiment seems quite likely to
have failed that as well, for several reasons.
First, the consent process itself was flawed. George Annas from Boston University
described it as more of a ‘contract’ than a ‘consent form’.200 Its very first sentence says
‘The research team is launching an AIDS vaccine development project’.201 Although
one can see a parallel between genomic editing to provide immunity to HIV infection
and the injection of an actual vaccine, that’s an analogy, not an identity. To call embryo
editing, which had never been used before in an attempt to lead to human babies, a
‘vaccine’, a ubiquitous and widely accepted procedure, is deeply misleading.
The whole form is 23 pages, although the last 13 are technical annexes of little value
to potential patients. The form does discuss CCR5 and gene editing on the first page,
but in a highly technical manner. As the primary benefit to the parent, it says (optimisti-
cally) ‘This research project will likely help you produce HIV-resistant infants ’.
The form for the mothers begins in Article 2 by detailing the risks to the woman
of the medical procedures she will undergo. Article 3 largely disclaims responsibility
for these risks, specifically disclaiming liability for any risks that the woman will be-
come infected with HIV or any other infectious disease, or that the children will not be
HIV-resistant. The third paragraph of Article 3 contains the only discussion of the risk
to any children of the gene editing process:
The primary risk of gene editing (DNA-targeted CRISPR-Cas9 endonuclease) is the off-
target effect of generating extra DNA mutations at sites other than the intended target.
This is due to that the technique can cause nonspecific cleavage, resulting in mutations in
non-targeted genomic sites. PGD, whole genome-wide sequencing, amniocentesis and
peripheral blood test of mothers in different stages of pregnancy after transplantation will
minimize the possibility of substantial injury. Therefore, this project team is not responsi-
ble for the risk of off-target which is beyond the risk consequences of the existing medical
Damningly, at no point does the document note that this technique has never before
been used to try to make human babies.
There are other interesting provisions in the ‘consent form’. The seventh paragraph
in Article 2 says:
Regarding the qualitative characterization of the project results, only the project team
has the right of final interpretation and announcement to the public. Then you have NO
right to explain and have NO right to announce the project or result information without
permission. Violation of this will dealt as breach of contract and the volunteers need com-
pensate for the damages (The specifics are defined in the liquidated damages cooperation
The document makes a similar statement in Article 10: ‘Regarding the project re-
sults, only the project team has the right of final explanation and announcement to the
public. The volunteers have no right to explain, publish, or announce project related
information without permission ’.
The prospective research volunteers are given a free chance to withdraw from the
research only up to a point.
After the embryo implantation in the first cycle of IVF until 28 days post-birth of the baby,
if you decide to leave the study due to other reasons than the ones listed in Items 3 and 4
above,[202 ] you will need to pay back all the costs that the project team has paid for you. If
the payment is not received within 10 calendar days from the issuance of the notification
of violation by the project team, another 100,000 RMB of fine will be charged.
Article 7, Section 2 of the document estimates that the project team will have to
spent 280,000 RMB on each research couple, mainly for the medical procedures. This
is about $40,000, a huge sum for most Chinese couples (or American couples for that
matter) to pay even before the additional 100,000 RMB fine.
The document describes the research procedures as trade secrets, forbids the sub-
jects from disclosing them, and says they may not ‘use the secret through reverse
engineering’. Needless to say, this is a very odd provision in a consent form for a non-
scientist, non-physician, hopeful mother to sign.
202 These refer to the failure to become pregnant or sustain a pregnancy after two efforts or the aftermath of a
pregnancy where the embryo or fetus has ‘genetic defects or other serious disease’.
The He Jiankui affair r 165
The consent form seems grossly inadequate—as well as downright odd. Now, it is
possible that the form did not accurately reflect the discussions held between the re-
searchers and the prospective parents; maybe they got a fuller description. He says he
spent an hour and ten minutes203 describing the procedures to at least some of the
prospective parents. Michael Deem told the ASSOCIATED PRESS that he attended at least
some of the consent sessions and that he was confident in the parents’ ability to under-
stand the risks.204
On the other hand, we have no other reports on what the consent sessions were
like. At the Summit, He claimed that the prospective parents were all well-educated;205
or I’ll kill your child’ is unethically coercive. When the inducement is ‘take part in my ex-
periment as it is your only hope of having children without having a high risk of infecting
them with HIV’, the idea that this is unfair seems quite strong—and the appropriate-
ness of He’s ‘informed consent’ in this case becomes even more questionable. This may
be viewed as particularly true in a culture, like Chinese traditional culture, where having
children to carry on the family (and especially boys to carry on the family name) is very
highly desired.
211 Southern University of Science and Technology Statement On the Genetic Editing of Human Embryos Conducted
by Dr. Jiankui HE (Nov. 26, 2018), focus/2871 (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
212 Session 3, supra note 81.
213 Rita Liao, Hospital in China denies links to world’s first gene-edited babies, TECHCRUNCH (Nov. 26, 2018), (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
214 Marchione, supra note 27.
215 Yong, supra note 73.
216 Campbell, supra note 100.
217 XINHUANET, supra note 31.
218 Id.
The He Jiankui affair r 167
Of course, He could claim that he disagrees with those conditions (although, in fact,
he has argued that he complied with them.) But in his ‘ethics article’ in THE CRISPR
JOURNAL, published on Nov. 26, 2018, he set out his own, vague, core principles. One of
them, however, was not vague: ‘Performing gene surgery is only permissible when the
risks of the procedure are outweighed by a serious medical need’.222 People often will
220 Human Genome Editing: Science, Ethics, and Governance, supra note 47.
221 Nuffield Council on Bioethics, supra note 45.
222 Elizabeth Cooney, What we know – and what we don’t – about the claim of the world’s first gene-
edited babies, STAT (Nov. 26, 2018),
babies-crispr/ (accessed Mar. 1, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 169
believe what they want to believe. It is possible that He genuinely thought his experi-
ment met that requirement. I do not see how any reasonable person could agree that
the risks of doing a ‘first in human’ embryonic gene editing were outweighed by low-
ering any resulting person’s eventual risk of becoming infected with HIV, but, as Paul
Simon wrote, ‘All lies and jest/Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards
the rest ’.223
Even more concretely, He and his team stated, ‘we hold additional but less universal
beliefs that further restrict the use of gene surgery, including ... focus only on treating
disease via prevalent, natural genetic variants’. This sounds to me like a restriction of
Hwang Woo-Suk acted much worse by fraudulently claiming to have cloned human
embryos. Until his fraud was discovered in late 2005, Hwang was a hero in South Ko-
rea, where his face graced a postage stamp.225 Following the revelations, Hwang was
fired from his faculty position at Seoul National University, South Korea’s premier re-
search institution; he lost all his grants; and, in 2009, he was convicted of fraud and em-
bezzlement and given a two-year prison sentence (suspended and later reduced to 18
months). Hwang has subsequently begun to rebuild his reputation with animal cloning
work, but he has never regained his previous position. Similarly, He Jiankui’s career
needs to be ruined—not necessarily forever, but for a long, long time.
225 Choe Sang-Hun, Korean Scientist’s New Project: Rebuild After Cloning Disgrace, THE N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 28,
disgrace.html (accessed Mar. 15, 2019).
226 Sam Kean, The Soviet Era’s Deadliest Scientist Is Regaining Popularity in Russia, THE ATL. (Dec. 19, 2017), (ac-
cessed Mar. 13, 2019).
227 This is the translation of Voltaire’s line in his novel Candide on the execution of British admiral John Byng af-
ter losing the battle of Minorca. In Portsmouth, Candide witnesses the execution of an officer by firing squad
and is told that ‘in this country, it is good to kill an admiral from time to time, in order to encourage the oth-
ers’ Voltaire, Candide. See John Byng, WIKIPEDIA, Byng (accessed Mar.
1, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 171
external requirements, or yet more loss of trust in the beneficent motives and results
of science—or both. We need further study and thought on the details of the idea.
We can examine precedents, such as requirements for medical professionals to report
their patients for abuse and colleagues for practicing while impaired. Academic honor
codes provide other useful precedents. The National Academies, or some similar group,
should convene a committee to study the feasibility of such a reporting requirement
and, within a short time, report with recommendations on whether and how to make it
Strongly discourage, even in those countries with lax jurisdictions where it might be
permitted, any attempts at germline genome modification for clinical application in hu-
mans, while societal, environmental, and ethical implications of such activity are discussed
among scientific and governmental organizations... 234
The Summary Statement of the Organizing Committee for the first Summit, in Dec.
2015, said
It would be irresponsible to proceed with any clinical use of germline editing unless and
until (i) the relevant safety and efficacy issues have been resolved, based on appropriate
understanding and balancing of risks, potential benefits, and alternatives, and (ii) there is
broad societal consensus about the appropriateness of the proposed application.235
The report issued on Valentine’s Day, 2017 by the U.S. National Academies of Sci-
ence and Medicine said: ‘With respect to heritable germline editing, broad participation
and input by the public and ongoing reassessment of both health and societal benefits
and risks are particularly critical conditions for approval of clinical trials ’.236
The U.K.’s Nuffield Council on Bioethics issued a report in July 2018 that said:
We recommend that before any move is made to amend UK legislation to permit heri-
table genome editing interventions, there should be sufficient opportunity for broad and
inclusive societal debate.237
What all of these findings have in common is the need for public buy-in—at least
acceptance if not full approval or consensus—before proceeding with human germline
genome editing. At the Hong Kong Summit where He revealed his work, David Balti-
more, chair of the organizing committee, initially struck the right note. Immediately
The organizing committee concludes that the scientific understanding and technical re-
quirements for clinical practice remain too uncertain and the risks too great to permit
clinical trials of germline editing at this time. Progress over the last three years and the
discussions at the current summit, however, suggest that it is time to define a rigorous,
responsible translational pathway toward such trials...
A translational pathway to germline editing will require adhering to widely accepted stan-
dards for clinical research, including criteria articulated in genome editing guidance doc-
uments published in the last three years.
Such a pathway will require establishing standards for preclinical evidence and accuracy of
gene modification, assessment of competency for practitioners of clinical trials, enforce-
able standards of professional behavior, and strong partnerships with patients and patient
advocacy groups.
I want to suggest that I do think it’s time to move forward from the prospects of ethical
permissibility to start outlining what an actual pathway for clinical translation look like.
237 Nuffield Council on Bioethics, supra note 53.
238 Session 3, supra note 81.
239 On Human Genome Editing II, supra note 89.
The He Jiankui affair r 175
What would be the regulatory standards that a group would be held to in order to bring
this technology forward?
Daley’s regulatory standards did not include a societal consensus, or even social ac-
ceptance. He took a few bows toward society, but one could quite easily hear in his
comments that scientists should be the ones to figure out when, and how, this new tech-
nology will be used. SCIENCE subsequently quoted Daley as saying, ‘We have to aspire to
some kind of a universal agreement amongst scientists and clinicians about what’s per-
missible ... Those who violate those international norms are held out in stark relief’.240
This quotation does not invite the public to contribute to this ‘universal’ agreement.
another is a mechanism for scientists to report unethical research. Exactly one day af-
ter my “final” revisions on this piece, about five and a half months after the revelation
of the He experiment and five months after that editorial was published, the various
academies did establish a commission to “develop a framework for scientists, clinicians,
and regulatory authorities on the appropriate use of human germline genome editing.”
On the same day as the publication of the SCIENCE editorial, the WHO announced
that it going to establish a ‘global multi-disciplinary expert panel to examine the scien-
tific, ethical, social and legal challenges associated with human genome editing (both
somatic and germ cell) ....’243 On Feb. 14, 2019, the WHO announced the 18 panel
243 Human Genome Editing, World Health Organization (Dec. 14, 2018),
topics/human-genome-editing/en/ (accessed Mar. 13, 2019).
244 WHO expert advisory committee on Developing global standards for governance and oversight of Human
Genome editing, World Health Organization,
committee-members/en/ (accessed Mar. 13, 2019); WHO Panel Announced GENOMEWEB (Feb. 13, 2019), (accessed Mar. 13, 2019).
245 Eric S. Lander, Françoise Baylis, Feng Zheng, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Paul Berg, Catherine Bour-
gain, Bärbel Friedrich, J. Keith Joung, Jinsong Li, David Liu, Luigi Naldini, Jing-Bao Nie, Ren-
zong Qiu, Bettina Schoene-Seifer, Feng Shao, Sharon Terry, Wensheng Wei, and Ernst-Ludwig Win-
nacker, Adopt a moratorium on heritable genome editing, 567 NATURE 165, 168 (Mar. 13, 2019), (accessed Mar. 15, 2019).
246 Victor J. Dzau, Marcia McNutt, and Venki Ramakrishnan, Academies’ Action on Germline Editing, 576 Na-
ture 175 (Mar. 14, 2019),
00813-7.pdf (accessed May 19, 2019).
247 Carrie D. Wolinetz and Francis Collins, NIH Pro Germline Editing Moratorium, 576 NATURE 175 (Mar.
14, 2019), (ac-
cessed May 19, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 177
Usually, I would view this kind of dispute as an unhelpful kind of symbolic poli-
tics. A ‘moratorium’ is defined as a ‘temporary prohibition of an activity’. (As the state-
ment itself notes, ‘By ‘global moratorium’, we do not mean a permanent ban’.) Like-
wise, earlier statements said germline editing of babies should not then be done—in
effect, a moratorium. Indeed, most countries where this work could easily be done
prohibit it, with bans that are not expressly temporary. When the work is already il-
legal in the U.K., the U.S., most of Europe, and (now) China, what does a call for a
moratorium add?
The statement threads the needle, in a way. Its authors seek an ‘international frame-
248 Advisory Committee on Developing Global Standards for Governance and Over-
sight of Human Genome Editing, Report of the First Meeting (May 19, 2019),
pdf?ua=1 (accessed May 19, 2019); see also Jon Cohen, WHO Panel Proposes New Global Reg-
istry for all CRISPR Human Experiments, Science (Mar. 29, 2019),
news/2019/03/who-panel-proposes-new-global-registry-all-crispr-human-experiments (accessed Apr. 2,
178 r The He Jiankui affair
participation. (SCIENCE, CELL, and NATURE indicated at least general support for the
idea.249 ) The Committee is establishing a working group to design the registry in all its
The meeting report said the Committee ‘agreed with the views previously expressed
that ‘it would be irresponsible at this time for anyone to proceed with clinical appli-
cations of human germline genome editing’. In the virtual press conference after the
meeting, Dr. Hamburg, the co-chair, answered a question about a moratorium by say-
As far as I can tell, the WHO has not acted yet on the May recommendations from
the Committee, although that may be because the Committee’s working group is work-
ing on the details of the registry. The Committee was asked to deliver its final report to
the WHO Director General within 18 months.
The proposed registry seems to me a first step, though the details (particularly
around of information mandatory information disclosure, to which researchers, or
companies, might be strongly opposed) may prove sticky. But it is just a start. At some
point the Committee may urge the kind of actions I think are needed. It has not done
so yet. I wish the Committee good luck; they will surely need it: WHO is a notoriously
bureaucratic and political organization.
For a long time, nothing much had been heard about the efforts of the two U.S.
Academies and the Royal Society. The March letter to NATURE stated that the three
are leading an international commission to detail the scientific and ethical issues that must
be considered, and to define specific criteria and standards for evaluating whether pro-
posed clinical trials or applications that involve germline editing should be permitted.
Dozens of scientific academies around the world are lending their support to the com-
As noted above, on the day after my final submission of this article, the Academies
announced the creation of an International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human
Germline Genome Editing and its membership.252 In the following five weeks, through
the revision of the proofs of this article, it does not seem to have taken any action.
249 Sara Reardon, World Health Organization Panel Weights in on CRISPR-Babies Debate, 567 Nature 444-445
(May 19, 2019) (accessed May 19, 2019).
250 WHO, WHO-RUSH Human Genome Editing 1st Meeting VPC (Mar. 2019),
(accessed May 19, 2019).
251 Dzau et al., supra note. 245.
252 (creation) and http://www. ga=
2.214477074.468638605.1561837860-1221268517.1561837860 (membership), both last accessed on June
29, 2019.
The He Jiankui affair r 179
The call for a moratorium in NATURE, the response from the Academies, the WHO
Committee report—all sought an undefined, perhaps undefinable, social consensus.
Beyond that, as far as I can tell, Science has done nothing toward enforcing deterrence,
creating disclosure, or expressing humility. It should.
253 Ed Yong, Chinese project probes the genetics of genius, NATURE NEWS (May 14, 2013), https://www.nature.
com/news/chinese-project-probes-the-genetics-of-genius-1.12985 (accessed Mar. 13, 2019).
254 David Cyranoski, Gene-edited ‘micropigs’ to be sold as pets at Chinese institute, NATURE NEWS (Sep. 29, 2015), (ac-
cessed Mar. 13, 2019).
255 Sarah Zhang, Would You Buy a Genetically-Engineered Cashmere Sweater?, THE ATL. (Oct. 26, 2016), (accessed Mar. 13,
256 Antonio Regalado, First Gene-Edited Dogs Reported in China, MIT TECH. REV. (Oct. 19, 2015), (accessed Mar.
13, 2019).
257 Helen Shen, First monkeys with customized mutations born, NATURE NEWS (Jan. 30, 2014), (accessed
Mar. 13, 2019).
258 Megan Molteni, With Embryo Base Editing, China Gets Another CRISPR First, WIRED (Aug. 21, 2018 (accessed Mar. 13, 2019).
259 Mark E. Steiner, Inclusion and Exclusion in American Legal History, 23 ASIAN AM. L. J. 69 (2016).
180 r The He Jiankui affair
260 Leigh Bristol-Kagan, Chinese Migration to California, 1851−1882: Selected Industries of Work, the Chinese In-
stitutions and the Legislative Exclusion of a Temporary Work Force, PhD diss. (Harvard University, Cambridge,
MA: 1982).
261 Frankie Huang, Letter: How China’s Penchant for Eugenics Led to CRISPR Babies, CAIXIN GLOBAL (Dec. 17,
babies-101360013.html (accessed Mar. 15, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 181
(respectively) roughly four times, six times, thirty times, and fifty-five times as large. It
is not at the stage of a developed western society, and may never be, but it is moving
in that direction. But it moves fitfully. Control over threats to the power of the Com-
munist Party are carefully watched and thoroughly handled. Control over biomedical
research—not so much.
China had and has requirements for approval of human subjects by local commit-
tees. It had and has regulations concerning ethical and unethical genome research. But,
prior to the He affair, it did not have powerful structures to implement those aspira-
tions, or the precedent of taking action against rogue scientists. I am writing the final
a powerful new national medical ethics committee, which will approve all clinical trials
involving high-risk biomedical technologies, is at the center of a regulatory shakeup Chi-
nese authorities are planning in the aftermath of the widely condemned ‘CRISPR babies’
262 Sui-Lee Wei, China Halts Work by Scientist Who Said He Edited Babies’ Genes, The N.Y. Times, (Nov.
29, 2018), (accessed Apr.
4, 2019); Research Activities of Persons Halted Over Gene-Edited Babies Incident, Xinhua (Nov. 29, 2018),˙137640174.htm (accessed Apr. 4, 2019).
263 Yanan Wang and Fu Ting, China drafts rules on biotech after gene-editing scandal, ASSOCIATED PRESS (Feb. 27,
2019), (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
264 Serenitie Wang, Chinese authorities say world’s first gene-edited babies were illegal, CNN (Jan. 22, 2019), (accessed Mar. 15,
265 Tom Hancock and Wang Xueqiao, China set to tighten regulations on gene-editing research, FIN. TIMES (Jan. 25,
2019), (accessed Mar. 12, 2019).
266 Wang and Ting, supra note 262.
182 r The He Jiankui affair
The technologies that will be regulated by the ethics committee are often new and are
deemed risky either because of safety or moral concerns. They will include not only gene
editing, but also cloning, cell therapy, xenotransplantation, mitochondrial replacement,
and nanotechnology.267
What’s lacking, said both Archard and Charo, is an inspection body that would work
in conjunction with the national ethics committee. In both the U.S. and the U.K.,
inspections—often in the form of surprise visits—is [sic] a critical aspect of regulatory
oversight. ‘It has turned out to be incredibly important because the reports that are deliv-
ered [to federal agencies] are often not quite correct or not quite complete’, said Charo.
‘It’s very important for Beijing to know what’s going on at the local level’.
And on May 20, 2019, China announced that the latest draft of its revised Civil Code
would include ‘human genes and embryos in a section on personality rights to be pro-
tected. Experiments on genes in adults or embryos that endanger human health or vi-
olate ethical norms can accordingly be seen as a violation of a person’s fundamental
rights’.268 This version of the revised Civil Code, which has been undergoing revisions
since 2002, is expected to be adopted in Mar. 2020; the human genome provisions are
a late addition.
It is not just Westerners who are calling for more action by China. Recall that 122
Chinese scientists and ethicists signed a letter decrying the He experiment, which was
disseminated on WeChat less than 24 hours after the story broke. More recently, on
May 8, 2019, four Chinese ethicists and researchers, Ruipeng Lei, Xiaomei Zhai, Wei
Zhu, Renzong Qiu, called in NATURE for a ‘reboot’ of ethics governance in China.269
They provide six specific recommendations, summarized as regulate, register, moni-
tor, inform, educate, and end discrimination. They also call for a much larger and more
transparent international investigation into the He affair than the preliminary investi-
gation by Guangdong province, the details of which, itself, have only been made public
267 Jane Qiu, China creating national medical ethics committee to oversee high-risk clinical trials, STAT (Mar.
5, 2019), (ac-
cessed Mar. 12, 2019).
268 David Cyranoski, China Set To Introduce Gene-Editing Regulation Following CRISPR-Baby
Furore, Nature (May 20, 2019), (accessed
May 21, 2019).
269 Ruipeng Lei, Xiaomei Zhai, Wei Zhu, Renzong Qiu, Reboot Ethics Governance in China, 569 Na-
ture 184, 186 (May 8, 2019), (accessed
May 19, 2019).
The He Jiankui affair r 183
only through a short article from the national press agency. According to interview with
Dr. Qiu, ‘Nothing suggests another investigation is underway ’.270
The NATURE article ends with this reminder, and hope:
It has been only around 30 years since bioethics was established in China. And it is worth
remembering that unethical research practices were rife in the West in the early days of
ethics governance. Take the infamous Tuskegee study, in which the US Public Health
Service tracked — but did not treat — 399 black men with syphilis from 1932 to 1972.
Just as the revelation of that research prompted the 1978 Belmont Report, which protects
human participants in studies or clinical trials, the ‘CRISPR babies’ scandal must catalyse
When I began writing this article, this section was going to call on China to act
quickly to bring this research under greater regulatory control. China largely has beaten
me to it; I can only call for China to be serious and diligent in implementing its pro-
posals, and the extensions suggested in the bioethicists’ article. And for us all to have a
moment of deeply ambivalent reflection on the ability of some governments to move
quickly while other governments seem to be unable to move at all.
He Jiankui has taken us on a long and winding path. His production of those two babies
was, in my view, unforgivably reckless. He deserves our condemnation. But I want to
close by bringing us back to the near future—and to human germline genome editing.
I have, I think justly and comprehensively, condemned He’s experiment, but have
done so without focusing particularly on the merits or demerits of human germline
genome editing. This article is already too long; that broad and general topic will be
the subject of another piece. But I will say that, over the next few decades, I do not
think human germline genome editing is likely to be very important. (Beyond 40 or 50
years, I have no clue.) Its safety, in several respects, is uncertain, and it has few potential
benefits—particularly when compared with other, more conventional interventions,
such as embryo selection. On the other hand, I think it has few distinct problems, prac-
tical or deeply ethical (one might even say ‘philosophical’). It is new, it is interesting (at
least, if you have read this far, I have to assume you find it—or found it—interesting),
and it does present some immediate issues, including some that demand immediate
But, like Dolly’s birth, He Jiankui’s CRISPR’d babies are not the end of the
world—or the beginning of the end of our species. They are a challenge both to the
ability of Science to regulate itself, and to the world’s trust in Science. Drastic action is
not needed but, in its aftermath, useful things should be done. And, just as important,
useful things must be said.
270 See also the email interview with Dr. Qiu in Jon Cohen, Chinese Bioethicists Call for ‘Reboot’ of Biomed-
ical Regulation After Country’s Gene-Edited Baby Scandal, SCIENCE,
(accessed May 19, 2019).
271 Lei et al., supra note 268, at 186.