North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato)
If an armed attack occurs against one of the NATO member states, each
member state will consider this as an act of violence against all member
states and consider if they will take the actions necessary to help the attacked
member states. Here is important to state that each member state of the Alliance
should build and possess its own defence capacities against the aggression.
Collective defence of NATO member countries is enshrined in the Article 5 of
the Washington Treaty. As Bátor (2013: 105) states: “the Treaty commits each
member to share the risk, responsibility and benefits of collective security. It
also states that NATO members form a unique community of values committed
to the principles of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule
of law.” Article 5 was invoked only once, on 12th September 2001 after the
terrorist attacks on the United States, the North Atlantic Council “decided
unanimously to invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, saying that the
attack on 9/11 was not just an attack on the United States, but an attack on all
the members of NATO” (Daadler, 2011).
Besides the collective defence, NATO serves also as a place for discussion
about political and military issues or threats under the Article 4. Article 4
allows each member state to consult mostly political issues with its partners.
Bátor (2013: 106) argues that Article 4 “gives NATO its political dimension
and also because of this principle NATO is characterized as a political-
military organization.”
After the end of the Cold War the security situation in Europe has changed
and therefore NATO made some necessary steps in order to ensure its further
develop and to accommodate the newly arisen situation. There were three
main changes in European security: first, the dissolution of the Soviet Union
practically temporarily diminished the conventional threat it constituted for
the Western Europe; second, the former Soviet satellites in the Baltic Region
and Central and Eastern Europe have started on their incremental transition
to democratic countries and integration into European and NATO structures.
Third, the emerging security challenges outside the territory of NATO became
considered a threat for the Alliance’s members (Carpenter, 2013).
The development of the Alliance can be fully understood only after the analysis
of its history. The historical development of NATO can be divided into the
following four periods (with certain level of methodological simplifications
for the aims of this publication) – Cold War period (1949-1989), Post-Cold
War period (1989-2001), Post-9/11 period (2001-2014) and Post-Ukrainian
Crisis/Russian-Ukrainian War period (2014-ongoing).
The Cold War period can be divided into the following 3 areas: first - military
competition and nuclear deterrence. According to Rearden (1984: 5), at the
start of the Cold War the army of the Soviet Union’s Red Army, excluding
its satellite states, “consisted of 4, 100, 000 men and had stabilized at about
175 line divisions, all effectively organized for combat and supported by
substantial tactical air force” all of which could be used in the armed attack
against Western Europe. On the other side, the advantage of conventional
forces of the Soviet Union over the West was balanced by the nuclear
deterrence capabilities of the United States. This competition created the
security dilemma. It “refers to a situation in which actions by a state intended
to heighten its security, such as increasing its military strength or making
alliances, can lead other states to respond with similar measures, producing
increased tensions that create conflict, even when no side really desires it”
(Jervis, 1978: 167-174). The tactics of both actors were aimed at deterring the
other side from armed attack.
Second - the Cold War represented the ideological confrontation between the
Western and Eastern bloc or between democratic values and communism.
The Western bloc promoted free trade, human rights, democracy and freedom
of speech, while the Eastern bloc promoted centrally planned economy,
collective ownership, and the rule of one party. In addition, the media in the
Easter bloc were under strong censorship.
Third - economic isolation. The Cold War period is also characterized by the
economic isolation of the Western and Eastern bloc. Each bloc tried to weaken
its opponent by economic sanctions and to support their allies or satellite
states. The United States has supported the Western European countries by
the so-called Marshall Plan aimed at helping Europe to recover after the
devastation of World War II, to improve European industry and to strengthen
its economies. The Soviet alternative to the Marshal Plan, the “Molotov Plan”
later known as COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Development)
was aimed at rebuilding the countries in the Easter bloc. However, the real
goal of COMECON was to prevent Soviet satellite states from looking for
help or moving towards the Western Europe. Stalin was “anxious to keep
other powers out of neighboring buffer states rather than to integrate them
into a new mammoth economy” (Wallace and Clark, 1986).
Without the main military and political opponent NATO was able to redefine
the notion of security, by shifting its focus to new threats in international
security, such as terrorism, the proliferation weapons of mass destruction,
failed and rogue states. This meant that NATO was prepared, besides the
territorial defence of its member states, to engage in crisis management
operations outside its own borders to prevent rising threats to the Alliance.
In this period NATO engaged in missions outside its borders – for example
The main transformation in this period was that NATO has re-focused its
attention to “active engagement in operations out of area of the Alliance
(outside the European territory). Majority of NATO member states adapted
their capabilities for the crisis management operations (Korba and Majer, n.d.).
Furthermore, NATO shifted its efforts from the relative short air operations to
the long-term ground offensives far away from its territory. The relative secure
environment in Europe allowed these strategic changes, because NATO states
had lost a big military opponent in their neighbourhood, although the main
threat to the Alliance at that time came from Afghanistan and the broader
Middle East. To be successful in foreign operations NATO “needed to reform
itself.” The Alliance needed to “strengthen its operation capabilities” (Bátor,
2013). Foreign operations also contributed to better interoperability between
member states, who have sought more effective cooperation.
The best example of NATO long-term operation out of Europe was the
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan launched
on the basis of Resolution 1386 of the United Nations Security Council in
December 2001 (United Nations Security Council, 2001). Initially, the ISAF
mission was to punish Al-Qaeda for the 9/11 attacks and to defeat the Taliban
new Strategic Concept (Swami, 2010) was approved, where it was literally
stated that “conventional military attack against NATO territory is low.” This
has proven as false and Alliance had to take measures to reverse this negative
trend and to strengthen its own security.
the fundamental baseline requirement for assurance and deterrence, and are
flexible and scalable in response to the evolving security situation.” Some of
these measures were already taken, for example, the “deployment in March
and April of an additional six F-15 fighter jets to the Baltic Air Policing
mission; deployment in March of an aviation detachment of 12 F-16s and
300 personnel to Lask Air Base in Poland; deployment of 175 marines to
Romania to supplement the Black Sea rotational force, [...], and deployment
of 150 paratroopers each to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia” (Belkin,
Fourth – the creation of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force
where NATO member states commit to enhance the NATO Response Forces
“by developing force packages that are able to move rapidly and respond to
potential challenges and threats.” The Very High Readiness Joint Task Force
(VJTF) “will be able to deploy within a few days to respond to challenges
that arise, particularly at the periphery of NATO’s periphery” (Wales Summit
Declaration 2014). It is part of the new Readiness Action Plan, which is aimed
at strengthening the collective defence of its states.
Fifth – the need for the stronger partnership with states outside of the Alliance.
According to Ondrejcsák (2014), NATO “should strengthen the existing
partnerships, start to develop the new ones from Moldavia to Central Asia
and to re-launch the enlargement process.”
Wales Summit (2014) also noted that NATO’s doors will stay open “to
all European democracies, which share the values of our Alliance, which
are willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of
membership…”NATO member countries also have endorsed the package
for Georgia that includes “defence capability building, training, exercises,
strengthened liaison, and enhanced interoperability opportunities.”
Cyber defence
Cyber attacks are the new phenomena in security. The 2014 Wales Summit
incorporated cyber attacks to the Article 5 of Washington Treaty, but every
cyber attack on the NATO member state will be considered individually. Cyber
attacks have a potential to pose threats at strategic level and seriously affect
both civilian and military infrastructure. Wales Summit established cyber
security as “a part of the Alliance’s core task of collective defence.” NATO
has an ambition to develop the capabilities to build effective defence against
cyber attacks and to share these capabilities with other NATO member states.
In addition, the Alliance has developed NATO Computer Incident Response
Capability (NCIRC), which “protects NATO’s own networks by providing
centralised and round-the-clock cyber defence support to the various NATO
sites. This capability is expected to evolve on a continual basis, to maintain
pace with the rapidly changing threat and technology environment” (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2014).
Energy security
Energy security was introduced to NATO‘s agenda at the Riga Summit in
2006, recognized as a key element of Alliance’s security. “[T]he disruption
of the flow of vital resources could affect Alliance security interests” (NATO
Multimedia Library, n.d.). There were 5 key areas identified, where NATO
can provide added value – information and intelligence fusion and sharing;
projecting stability; advancing international and regional cooperation;
supporting consequence management; and supporting the protection of critical
infrastructure. In addition, NATO commits itself in Strategic Concept 2010 to
“develop the capacity to contribute to energy security, including protection of
critical infrastructure and transit areas and lines, cooperation with partners,