Zeus’s brother, who is regarded by many as the second most powerful god of Ancient Greece. He didn’t
live in Olympus, but rather in a golden place, located in the depths of the sea, some legents say that he
lived in the lost city of Atlantis; learn now about Poseidon:
The name Poseidon, in classical Greek it mean Posis means Posis= master and dawon=water, hence
Master if Waters, he was se second youngest son of the Titan couple of Cronos and Rhea, being the
eldest brother, and havinf the less important role; Poseidon died of jelusy and envy of Zeus;
nevertheless, he was granted the matery of the Oceans, while Zeus keep the heaven and Hades was
accounted for the inferior world. Poseidon, in addition to being the god of seas and oceans,was also
known as the gos of earthquakes.
He crated the horse with seafoam and offered it to men, after that the animal remained connected to
his history; he loved and fecundated Medusa, when she was still a beautiful maiden, however, the carnal
act happened inside the temple od Athena, unhappy, the goddess turned Medusa into a horrible
monster. Pegasus. The winged horse, was born form the union between Poseidon and Medusa, he
turned himself into a horse to reach and fecund Demester as well, when the goddess disguised as a
mare and fled, rejecting him. The union between Poseidon a Demester gave to Arion, the horse god, his
trit is consider the world’s lightest and faster.
The majority of Poseidon’s sons were monsters or were connected to evilness, …..
Poseidon(posaidon) is one of the three chief gods(gaods) of the Greek pantheon(pention) and the ruler
of all seas, armed with his trident(traident) , it said that only Zeus is more powerful than him, much
like(al igual que) his brother Hades(eidis) and Zeus, Poseidon(posaidon) was the son(sean) of Chronos
and Rhea and in the beginning was swallowed(swalowt) by his father, it was Zeus that saved them, thus
becoming the king of the gods. The world was divided amongst(amogst) Zeus, Hades(eidis) and
Poseidon(posaidon) , after they defeated(defidet) their parents, the titans, Zeus became the lord of the
skies, Hades became de lord of the underworld, while Poseidon was given master(recibio el dominio)
over all of the oceans, rivers and lakes, giving him a kingdom almost as large as Zeus’s. In fact, it was said
that he had a castle made of coral on the bottom of the ocean and that it was encrusted(incrasted) with
gems(gems), but he still spent his time in the Mount Olympus(olimpes) home of the gods.
Most see Poseidon as the god of the sea, but in reality he was actually given dominion(dominion) over
seas, storms, earthquakes and horses, but he was primarily(praimeraly) known as a sea God causing
sailor to pray to him for protection and safe passage. In fact, when Romans(romenz) change Poseidon
into Neptune(neptun) for their own Pantheon(pention), they discarded all of the other aspects of the
figure, focusing only him being the god of the sea. Even among(incluso entre) the other gods who were
not known for their good nature(neichur) and family values(valius), he was considered one of the most
moody(mudy) and vengeful(venjeful); many of the heroic(jeroic) myths(miths) of Greece(gris) involved
him offended by some hero or another, this was shown best during the Odyssey(odisi), when
Odysseus(oudisios) blinds his son and the sea God punished him for 10 years by not allowing him to
return home. He felt the wrath(ira)(rath) of Poseidon.
king Minos would also feel the wrath(ira)(rath) of Poseidon, when the king prayed to the god, he asked
for a mighty bull to be sent from the sea, so he may sacrifice it, the bull was sent but it was so
magnificent to my nose decided against the sacrifice angered by this, Poseidon convinced Aphrodite
spell on King Minos his wife making her fall in love with the bull, the child that was created from this
union, was the minotaur which looked within the labyrinth; but it wasn’t just mankind, Poseidon didn’t
along with constant feuds with other gods would also mark his history, even though had his own vast
kingdom, Poseidon constantly with his brother Zeus, who had been named king of the dos, teaming up
with Hera and Athena, the three gods tried to overthrow Zeus, but he defeated them as punishment
Poseidon was ordered to serve the Trojan king it was said that Apollo and Poseidon built the great walls
that surrounded Troy. Another history tells that Poseidon beliving that the people of Athens should
worship him and not Athenea to show that his power would benefit them more beside him struck down
with his trident causing a saltwater stream to flow forth from a citadel in the city, a Athena
demonstrated her own power and wisdom by planting an alive tree within the city and the king declared
that the olive tree its fruit oil and wood was much more useful than the saltwater stream so Athena
remained of the patron deity of that city. As the god of sea and storm, we have seen many myths of his
power, as the god of earthquakes he was known to crash his trident into the earth shifting it under his
feet, what many people don’t know is that Poseidon is also the god of horses, and many different horses
play into his myths, for one Poseidon is said to have created the horse himself, there was a time and the
had grown attracted to the beautiful Demeter, goddess of the harvest, she however didn’t share his
affections, to distract him and hope that he would move on to someone else, she asked the god to
create the most beautiful creature that he could, eventually he created the horse, but by this time his
affection had lessened for her. Another myth involving the god of the harvest, showed that Poseidon
once again desired her changing her shape she disguised herself as a mare and hid among a herd of
horses, yet Poseidon could still find her changing into a stallion forcing himself upon her one of their
children born from this act was Aaron the talking horse, her sadness in a rage at his was said to have
caused the great famine across the earth; Aaron wasn’t Poseidon’s only strange horse child though, as
he would also become the father of the most famous horses in Greek mythology; Pegasus the winged
steed was fathered by Poseidon and medusa, Pegasus also gained some of his father’s power and was
able to call forth water from the earth wherever he struck his hoof.
Just some fun in fact on the greek od Poseidon who else would you like us to cover here at tales of