Further Observations On Eupelminae
Further Observations On Eupelminae
Further Observations On Eupelminae
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Data on Eupelmus Dalman, additional to that presented in Askew & Nieves-Aldrey
(2000), are given here, including the location of type material of three species described
by C. Bolívar. Eupelmus hungaricus Erdös is transferred to Reikosiella (n. comb.).
Representation of other genera of Eupelminae in the Iberian Peninsula and Canary
Islands is reviewed (Anastatus 9 spp., Arachnophaga 2 spp., Brasema 1 sp.,
Calymmochilus 3 spp., Merostenus 1 sp.) and keys to species are given. Three species
are described as new, Anastatus maculosus Askew, A. magnoculus Askew and
Calymmochilus delphinus Askew.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae, Anastatus, Arachnophaga,
Brasema, Calymmochilus, Eupelmus, Merostenus, Reikosiella, new species, Spain,
Canary Islands.
Nuevas observaciones sobre Eupelminae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea,
Eupelmidae) de la Península Ibérica e Islas Canarias incluyendo
descripciones de nuevas especies
Se aportan datos del género Eupelmus Dalman adicionales a los presentados por
Askew y Nieves-Aldrey (2000), incluyendo la localización de material tipo de tres espe-
cies descritas por C. Bolívar. Se efectúa la transferencia de Eupelmus hungaricus Erdös
al género Reikosiella (n. comb.). Se revisa la representación de otros géneros de
Eupelminae en la Península Ibérica e Islas Canarias: Anastatus 9 spp., Arachnophaga 2
spp., Brasema 1 sp., Calymmochilus 3 spp., Merostenus 1 sp., y se dan claves para la
identificación de las especies. Se describen tres especies nuevas para la ciencia,
Anastatus maculosus Askew, A. magnocolus Askew y Calymmochilus delphinus Askew.
Palabras clave: Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae, Anastatus, Arachnophaga,
Brasema, Calymmochilus, Eupelmus, Merostenus, Reikosiella, especies nuevas, España,
Islas Canarias.
* RRA: 5, Beeston Hall Mews, Beeston, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 9TZ, England.
** JLNA: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biologia Evolutiva, José Gutiérrez Abascal
2, 28006 Madrid, España.
and posterior part of mesoscutum between parallel surface hairs; scape either entirely dark-coloured or
sublateral carinae without reticulate sculpture and bicoloured metallic green and yellow; scutellar base
densely pilose; axilla about 1.2 times as long as its narrower ................................................................ 15
basal breadth ................................ giraudi (Ruschka) 15(14) Metatibia bicoloured with basal one-fifth to almost half
• Forewing very short, reaching only to about middle of yellow; mesotibia with outer surface yellow; maxillary
first gastral tergite, reflexed at or beyond the middle palp yellow; scape about twice as long as broad, ovoid,
with basal part clear and apical part uniformly brow- yellow basally and ventrally .................................... 16
nish; head in dorsal view 1.6-1.7 times as broad as • Metatibia without a broad basal yellow band; meso-
long; mesoscutum with median lobe not defined as a tibia almost entirely brown; maxillary palp with at
raised area and surface between outwardly curved least its apical segment brownish; scape sometimes
sublateral carinae reticulate and sparsely pilose; axilla otherwise ............................................................ 17
twice as long as its basal breadth. (Form of thorax and 16(15) Head in dorsal view 1.6-1.7 times as broad as long;
relatively long mesobasitarsal pegs much as in metatibia broadly pale at apex and base ........ giraudi
Arachnophaga species, but the toruli are not entirely • Head in dorsal view 1.75-1.8 times as broad as long;
below the level of the lower orbit) .......................... 10 metatibia with apex dark or only narrowly pale ............
10(9) Vertex much broader than an eye, shiny, with weak and ...................................................................... catalonicus
mainly engraved sculpture and head in front view (fig. 17(15) Scape 2.3-2.5 times as long as broad, paler beneath but
5) with minimum separation of eyes much greater than not marked with yellow; metatibia entirely dark; body
breadth of an eye; ‘thumbnail’ extension to last tergite black with bluish and dark violet tints ............................
of gaster brown and opaque .... lichtensteini (Ruschka) ................................................ bernardi (and ruficaudus)
• Vertex hardly as broad as an eye, dull, with fine, raised • Scape about twice as long as broad, metallic green with
reticulate sculpture and head in front view (fig. 4) with yellow stripe ventrally; metatibia with base and apex
minimum separation of eyes about equal to breadth of usually narrowly pale; body mainly green with copper
an eye; ‘thumbnail’ extension to last tergite of gaster and violet tints ............................................ japonicus
pale, transparent at apex ................ magnoculus sp. n.
11(8) Mesoscutum with median lobe extending over half its
length, with weak reticulate sculpture and moderately
A. bernardi Ferrière, 1954: 15-16
shiny; torulus with lower margin below lower orbit;
gaster dorsally partly smooth and shiny; ovipositor New record for Iberian Peninsula: Barcelona,
sheath (distal to basal constriction) 0.6 times as long as Osona, 900 m Balenya, Mas Mirambell, Malaise
metatibia; forewing with apex clear and a white trans-
verse band behind marginal vein .......... oscari (Ruthe)
trap 17-21.viii.1993, C. Rey, 2 2 ff mm
• Mesoscutum with median lobe extending over less
Anastatus bernardi is very close to A. ruficau-
than half its length, relatively dull with strigose-reticu-
late sculpture; torulus with lower margin slightly above dus Ferrière, 1954. The latter is a common species
lower orbit; gaster dorsally not shiny, with weakly rai- in south-west France but has not been recorded
sed reticulate sculpture on tergites 3-7; ovipositor she- from Spain. Females of the two can be distinguis-
ath (after basal constriction) 0.7-0.9 times as long as hed by the colour characters given in the above key,
metatibia .................................................................. 12 but the differences are slight and it is not certain
12(11) Forewing without or with a very faintly indicated that two species are involved. Anastatus ruficaudus
transverse white band; ovipositor sheath brown with
tip contrastingly pale; basal gastral tergite brownish ..
has page priority over A. bernardi and is an egg
.......................................................... bernardi Ferrière parasitoid of Tettigoniidae.
• Forewing with a distinct transverse white band behind
apical half of marginal vein; ovipositor sheath reddish
yellow with the tip slightly paler; basal gastral tergite A. bifasciatus (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785: 388)
white ............................................ ruficaudus Ferrière Cynips bifasciatus Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785
[A. ruficaudus has not been found in Spain and Portugal] Bolívar (1934) reported this species from
13(1) Antenna with clava very elongate and with five short Barcelona, Madrid, Pontevedra, Santander and
funicle segments whose combined length is much less
than half that of clava ................................ bifasciatus
Valencia, specimens from the last named province
• Antenna with clava not unusually elongated and with being reared from eggs of Dendrolimus pini (L.)
seven funicle segments (fig. 3) .............................. 14 (Lep., Lasiocampidae). Most of this material is in
14(13) Forewing (cf fig. 1) infumate except at base and apex MNCN with additional specimens from Madrid (El
and with transverse white band behind marginal vein Ventorillo and El Pardo, Malaise trap, 1988 and
divided by infumation; forewing costal cell medially 1991, JLN).
with only a single row of undersurface hairs; antennal Further records: Majorca, ex eggs Charaxes
scape mostly testaceous; scutellum with relatively broad
base occupying more than one-third of the distance bet-
jasius L. (Lep., Nymphalidae) (H. G. Allcard);
ween posterior ends of notauli .......... maculosus sp. n. Barcelona, ex eggs Iphiclides podalirius feisthame-
• Forewing clear; forewing costal cell medially with lii Duponchel (Lep., Papilionidae) (JPV); Huesca,
three or more complete longitudinal rows of under- Jaca (RRA).
None of the Spanish specimens examined male A. japonicus was reared in 1997 from an egg
belongs to the form eurycephalus Masi. of Iphiclides podalirius feisthamelii Duponchel
(Lep., Papilionidae) from Barcelona (JPV).
A. catalonicus Bolívar, 1934: 284-286
Bolívar described this species from a single A. lichtensteini (Ruschka, 1921: 301)
female taken on Quercus in Gerona (RGM), but the Eupelmus lichtensteini Ruschka, 1921
type cannot be found in MNCN. 1 , Malaise trap,
Anastatus ameleophagus Bernard, 1935: 208-212 (synonymy
in Ferrière, 1954)
El Pardo, Madrid, 1991, JNA (MNCN) is the only
New record for Spain: Cuenca, Motilla del
other Spanish female so far known, but males have
been identified from Huesca, Biescas and Jaca, Palancar, 24-29.v.1987, M. J. Gijswijt, 1 . f
1973, RRA; La Coruña, Porto do Son, Monte Anastatus lichtensteini (as ameleophagus) has
Muño, 1984, JNA; Madrid, El Pardo, 1989, A. been reared from oothecae of Ameles decolor
Garrido (MNCN); Zaragoza, Pina de Ebro, 1991 (Charpentier) and less commonly from A. abjecta
and 1992, JBZ, and from the Canary Islands, La (Cyrillus) and Iris oratoria (L.) in south-east
Palma, Santa Cruz, 1985, A.C. & W.N. Ellis. France (Bernard, 1936).
Ferrière (1954) recorded A. catalonicus as a There are six of Bernard’s original mounts of A.
ameleophagus in the Muséum National d’Histoire
parasitoid in eggs of Iris oratoria (L.) (Mantidae)
in France. Naturelle in Paris bearing 8 ffand 2 mm
, and we
are informed by G. Gibson (pers. com.) that there
A. giraudi (Ruschka, 1921: 298-9) are 3 mm and 6 ff in the Natural History
Museum, London labelled as ‘cotypes’. Bernard
ff mm
Eupelmus giraudi Ruschka, 1921
Anastatus dolichopterus Bolívar, 1934: 290-292 (synonymy (1935) mentioned 7 3 as ‘types’, emer-
suggested in Ferrière, 1954, confirmed in Boucek, 1977) ging in August from oothecae of Ameles collected
All Iberian females of this species seen by us at Fréjus. A female in the Muséum National
belong to the macropterous form, which was des- d’Histoire Naturelle, in good condition, mounted
cribed as dolichopterus by Bolívar from two fema- by itself and agreeing well with Bernard’s descrip-
les from Madrid province (El Escorial and Puerto tion, is labelled ‘Fréjus (Var) èclos viii.34 F.
Somosierra). The specimen from El Escorial was Bernard’, Anastatus ameleophagus f
F. Bernard’
designated ‘tipo’ by Bolívar (1934) and has not and ‘TYPE’ in red print. To avoid possible confu-
been found in MNCN. The other specimen, howe- sion resulting from the split type series, this speci-
ver, is very probably one located in MNCN labelled men is selected as lectotype and has been labelled
only ‘Somosierra, Mercet’; this has now been labe- accordingly.
lled as paratype of Anastatus dolichopterus Bolívar.
Additional records are from Madrid, El Pardo, Anastatus maculosus Askew sp. n. (figs 1-3)
1928, RGM and 1991, JNA (MNCN), Montarco, f
MATERIAL: Holotype . Spain, Almería, Mojácar, ex small
1918 (MNCN), Vellón, 1974, RRA and many spe- mantid ootheca, collected 2.iv.1999 emerged iv.1999, M. D.
Bryan. Deposited in MNCN.
cimens of both sexes from a Malaise trap at 1480m,
f m
Allotype . Same data as holotype.
El Ventorillo, 1988 and 1989, JNA (MNCN, 1
det. A. giraudi by G. Gibson 1991). The species is
f mm
Paratypes. 1 3 ff m
, same data as holotype; 3 1 ,
Spain, Mallorca, Cala Ratjada, ex small mantid ootheca,
known also from the Canary Islands, La Palma, collected 19.xi.1992, M. Boness; 8ff , Greece, Kos, ex small
Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente, 2000, mantid oothecae collected from castle wall 12.iv.1982 emerged
T. Domingo Quero (MNCN). xii.1982, R. R. Askew. Some to be deposited in MNCN, the
Natural History Museum (London) and the National Museums
of Scotland (Edinburgh).
A. japonicus Ashmead, 1904: 153
Anastatus bifasciatus var. disparis Ruschka 1921: 265-267 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. 1 10 f mm , same data as holotype,
(synonymy in Tachikawa, 1965; see Kalina, 1981) f m
damaged; 1 1 , Mallorca, Cala Ravinda, ex mantid oothe-
Anastatus disparis; Bolívar, 1923: 119-121 m
ca, collected 13.xii.1990, M. Boness; 1 , Portugal, Algarve,
Ferragudo, 15.x.1999, M. Boness.
Bolívar (1934) under the name A. disparis cited
records from localities in the provinces of Jaén, FEMALE. Body dark green with coppery tints
Madrid, Salamanca and Segovia. Most of the speci- mainly on face, scutellum and axillae; pronotum,
mens referred to were found in MNCN. More recent prepectus and mesopleuron non-metallic from dark
material has been collected in Granada, Calahonda, brown (holotype) to testaceous; gaster with second
1987, L. Lockey; Madrid, El Pardo, 1991, JNA; tergite brownish, paler than rest of gaster but not
Zaragoza, Pina de Ebro, 1990 and 1992, JBZ. A white; ovipositor sheath light brown. Antenna with
scape light brown, pedicel dark with green reflec- Antenna with scape light brown, pedicel and flage-
tions, flagellum dark brown with weak coppery llum darker with clava and last two funicle seg-
reflections. Forewing brown at base of basal cell ments dark brown. Forewing patterned as in
and from proximal end of parastigma to wing apex female. Length 2.2-2.4 mm.
but with two clear spots behind marginal vein (fig. Antenna (fig. 3) with scape excluding radicle
1), pilosity pale on clear spots, dark on brown just over twice as long as broad, narrow in basal
areas; hind wing clear. Legs with femora and tibiae half and expanded in apical half with a flat, smooth
brown, the ventral surfaces rather paler than the area occupying upper half of anterior face; pedicel
dorsal; tarsi with claws and two apical segments plus flagellum 1.8 times as long as breadth of head;
dark brown, basal tarsal segments paler, mesotarsus Fu1 3.3 times as long as pedicel and 3.8 times as
with first three segments brownish white, the ven- long as broad, slightly bent; Fu2 to Fu7 of equal
tral pegs dark brown. Length 2.8-3.1 mm. breadth but progressively shorter, Fu7 subquadrate,
Head in dorsal view 1.7 times as broad as long; all funicle segments with short linear sensillae in
temple 0.4 times length of eye; POL 3 times OOL. irregular transverse rows and extremely short pilo-
Head in front view 1.15 times as broad as high; sity; clava with intersegmental divisions hardly
minimum separation of eyes 0.42 times head bre- visible.
adth; torulus with upper margin about level with Mesonotum with notauli shallow posteriorly;
lower orbit; scrobes separated from anterior ocellus scutellum 1.5 times as long as broad, its base about
by just over three diameters of ocellus, their outer 0.6 times breadth of an axilla. Propodeum medially
edges raised. Antenna with pedicel plus flagellum 0.25 times length of scutellum, median carina
1.6 times as long as breadth of head; scape as long absent, sculpture fine and weakly engraved.
as height of eye; flagellum (fig. 2) clavate, anellus Forewing with pilosity as in female; ratio of
transverse, first funicle segment (Fu1) narrower lengths of costal cell: marginal vein: stigmal vein:
than pedicel and more than 3 times as long as broad, postmarginal vein as 32:20:6:14.
Fu2 to Fu7 progressively broader and shorter; clava Gaster almost or quite as long as mesosoma.
with ventral surface concave in air-dried material
ETYMOLOGY. Maculosus (Latin), spotted. Refers
and appearing obliquely truncate from some angles.
to the white wing spots present in both sexes.
Mesosoma (excluding prothorax) in dorsal view
1.4 times as long as broad; mesoscutum with COMMENTS. Female A. maculosus most closely
median lobe occupying two-thirds of mesoscutal resemble A. catalonicus Bolívar, the two species
length, as strongly reticulate as scutellum and axi- having similar thoracic sculpture with the median
lla, rather dull, the depressed area behind median lobe of the mesoscutum strongly reticulate and rela-
lobe with very weak reticulate sculpture laterally tively dull and the posterior depressed area partly
and smooth and shiny medially, moderately pilose; smooth and shiny. The white transverse band on the
scutellum about 1.5 times as long as broad; meso- forewing of female A. catalonicus is medially cons-
pleuron shiny, the anterior 0.4 faintly reticulate tricted and occasionally completely divided by a
with white and slightly flattened pilosity, poste- narrow infuscate ‘bridge’, but in A. maculosus the
riorly finely striate. Legs with apex of protibia with two white spots derived from the transverse band are
3-4 small spines in front; mesotarsal segments ven- always well-separated. Female A. maculosus has a
trally with two rows of brown, darker-tipped pegs longer ovipositor sheath and shorter antennal scrobe
(holotype has 11-12 pegs in each row on basitarsus, than A. catalonicus, as described in the key, and the
5 on T2, 3-4 on T3, 1 on T4). antennal toruli are slightly higher on the face. Males
Forewing (fig. 1) densely pilose except dorsal of the two species are very distinct, the forewing of
half of basal cell, but hairs white and difficult to see A. maculosus being patterned as in the female but
on clear spots; ratio of lengths of costal cell: margi- that of A. catalonicus being clear; in addition, the
nal vein: stigmal vein: postmarginal vein as antennal scape, maxillary palp and metatibia of A.
32:27:5:13. maculosus are brownish whilst these parts in A. cata-
Gaster excluding ovipositor sheath longer than lonicus are more or less marked with yellow.
mesosoma (42:32), 2.3 times as long as broad, bro- BIOLOGY. Anastatus maculosus is a parasitoid in
adest behind middle; ovipositor sheath exserted for oothecae of Mantidae. All reared specimens seen
a distance about 0.37 times length of metatibia. have emerged from similar small (about 15 mm
MALE. Head and mesosoma predominantly vio- long) oothecae which are probably those of Ameles.
let with some dark green reflections on lower face. Bernard (1936) found A. ameleophagus (= A. lich-
Figs. 1-7.— 1) Anastatus maculosus sp. nov., f left forewing; 2) A. maculosus, f right antenna, inner aspect; 3) A. maculosus,
m left antenna, outer aspect; 4) A. magnoculus sp. nov., f head in frontal view with right antenna; 5) A. lichtensteini, f head in
frontal view (lectotype of A. ameleophagus Bernard); 6) Calymmochilus delphinus sp. nov., f head in frontal view with right
antenna; 7) C. dispar, f clypeus.
Figs. 1-7.— 1) Anastatus maculosus sp. nov., f ala anterior izquierda; 2) A. maculosus,f antena derecha, aspecto interior; 3)
A. maculosus, m antena izquierda, aspecto exterior; 4) A. magnoculus sp. nov.,f cabeza en visión frontal con antena derecha;
5) A. lichtensteini, cabeza en visión frontal (lectotipo de A. ameleophagus Bernard); 6) Calymmochilus delphinus sp. nov., f
cabeza en visión frontal con antena derecha; 7) C. dispar, f clípeo.
their similarity to male A. picardi. They are quite Brasema Cameron, 1884
frequent in Spain, and are probably associated with Cerambycobius Ashmead, 1896 (synonymy in Gibson, 1995)
brachypterous females because no matching fema-
les have been captured with the males in Malaise Represented in Spain by a single known species.
traps. They possibly represent the unknown male of
A. matritensis. B. ephedricola Askew, 1998: 814-815
Calymmochilus delphinus Askew sp. n. (fig. 6) Forewing not quite reaching apex of gaster,
MATERIAL: All specimens Spain, Granada, Calahonda, Malaise evenly pilose without a speculum, the hairs short
trap, vii.1987, vii.1988 or vii.1989, L. Lockey. and dense; relative lengths of costal cell: marginal
Holotype . Collected 1989. Deposited in MNCN. vein: stigmal vein: postmarginal vein as
Allotype . Collected 1988. Deposited in MNCN. 36:24:8:15; submarginal vein with proximal half
f mm
Paratypes. 1 4 ff
collected in 1988, 2 collected in thicker than distal half, the wing slightly flexed at
1989. junction of the two thicknesses.
1987, 1 1988, 3 1989. Gaster ovate, about 1.8 times as long as broad,
its apex bluntly rounded; T7 completely concealing
FEMALE. Head and mesosoma black with violet
ovipositor in dorsal view.
tints (strongest on face), supraclypeal area slightly
green; antenna brown with scape yellow. Forewing MALE. Darker than female; scape, legs and gas-
weakly yellowish with a brown mark proximally in ter mostly brown to black; wings clear. Length 0.8-
basal and costal cells; venation yellow except for 1.2 mm.
brown proximal half of submarginal vein. Legs uni-
ETYMOLOGY. Delphinus (Latin), a dolphin, to
formly yellow, only tarsal claws brown. Gaster dor-
which the female gaster bears a fanciful resem-
sally brownish in basal half, apical half yellow with
a brown stripe running from cercus almost to apex
of gaster, ventral surface mostly yellow. Length COMMENTS. Females of C. delphinus and C. sub-
1.6-1.8 mm. nubilus are readily distinguished on colour charac-
Head in dorsal view almost twice as broad as ters, as indicated in the key, although
long (55:29), frons deeply excavated, temple about morphologically they are close. No reliable charac-
0.1 times length of eye; POL:OOL as 5:4. Head in ter has been found to separate males of these two
front view (fig. 6) slightly broader than high species, although characters given in the key
(13:12); scrobal area strongly excavated but not (above) to distinguish them from male C. dispar
clearly defined laterally; face receding below toru- tend to be present in a more extreme form in C.
li, torulus far below eye and only about one diame- delphinus than in C. subnubilus.
ter above level of base of mandible; clypeus
semicircularly protruding with a reflexed rim C. dispar Boucek & Andriescu, 1967: 234-238
which is crossed by a number of fine ridges, each Boucek (1977) recorded C. dispar from Spain
ridge ending on the margin of the clypeus as a and two males from Jaén, 1974, RRA, were identi-
minute tooth —teeth much smaller (fig. 6) than in fied as C. dispar by Boucek in 1976. Further records
C. dispar (fig. 7)—. Mandible about twice as long f
are Alicante, Moraira, 1 1989, R. Wahis (ZMAN);
as basal breadth with a single slightly curved, pale m
Barcelona, 1 undated, RGM (MNCN); Málaga,
tooth. Antenna (fig. 6) with pedicel plus flagellum
1.4 times breadth of head; scape 1.2 times as long
Alfarnatejo, 1 1998, RRA and Ronda, 1 1994, m
M. J. Gijswijt (ZMAN); Madrid, Manzanares el
as an eye; pedicel almost 3.0 times as long as
broad; anellus slightly longer than broad; Fu1 plus
Real, 1 1995, F. M. Fontal (MNCN).
anellus shorter and narrower than pedicel; Fu1
about twice as long as broad, the following seg- C. subnubilus (Walker, 1872: 81)
Eupelmus subnubilus Walker, 1872
ments subequal in length but progressively broade- Calymmochilus atratus Masi, 1919 (synonymized in Boucek,
ning, Fu7 about 1.4 times as long as broad and 1970)
broader than pedicel; clava almost as long as com-
bined Fu4-Fu7, 3.1 times as long as broad, apically Newly recorded for Spain (Zaragoza) in Askew
et al. (2001). Additional records: Burgos, Sierra
pointed with a pad of micropilosity on inner faces
de la Demanda, Pineda de la Sierra, 1 f
of C2 and C3.
Mesosoma in dried material usually flexed at 30.ix.1994, RRA; Jaén, 1 f
x.1916, RGM
(MNCN) (det. subnubilus by Boucek in 1984);
scuto-scutellar suture; scutellum and axillae in
Madrid, El Pardo (El Goloso), Malaise trap, 1 f
same plane and strongly reticulate, dull; mesopleu-
v.1991, 1 ix.1991, JNA (MNCN); El Ventorillo,
ron with raised and moderately coarse reticulate
Malaise trap, 1 fx.1989, 1 f vi.1990 (det. G.
sculpture. Mesotarsus with a double row of brow-
nish yellow pegs on ventral surfaces of 3 or 4 pro- Gibson, 1991), JNA; 2 mm 13.vii.1991, A.
ximal segments; mesotibial spur relatively short, Garrido (all MNCN).
not twice as long as apical breadth of tibia. New record for the Canary Islands: La Palma,
Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente, on
Chaemocytisus, 1 f
25.ix.1999, M. Sanchez ‘El Escorial, G. Mercet, Zarzalejo 21.6.24’ has now
Ruiz. From the same locality 7 mm been found in the same collection. The holotype
remains missing.
Calymmochilus, which are probably conspecific
with the above female, were captured in a
Malaise trap, viii and ix.1999, T. Domingo E. matranus Erdös, 1947
Eupelmus splendens Bolívar, 1933 (homonym of E. splendens
Quero. Giraud, 1871)
The holotype female of E. splendens Bolívar has
Eupelmus Dalman, 1820 now been located in MNCN. It is labelled ‘Loeches,
Mercet’ and ‘Eupelmus splendens Bolívar Holotype
Since our paper on Eupelmus (Askew & Nieves- det. Z. Boucek 1976’.
Aldrey, 2000), we have gathered further informa-
tion on some Spanish species and located type E. microzonus Förster, 1860
material of Bolívar’s species Eupelmus capillaris
(see under E. fuscipennis), E. splendens (under E. Newly recorded from the Canary Islands (La
matranus) and E. valentinus Bolívar (under E. tes- Gomera) by Koponen & Askew (2002).
E. rostratus Ruschka, 1921
E. annulatus Nees, 1834 Two females collected Madrid, El Pardo (El
New provincial record: Ávila, Peguerinos, Goloso), Malaise trap, ix.1991, Nieves & Rey, may
1994, JNA (MNCN). be E. rostratus but have extensively testaceous
bodies and the forewings are marked with two
E. atropurpureus Dalman, 1820 separate transverse infuscate bands, one behind the
parastigma and basal half of the marginal vein, the
New provincial record: La Coruña, Puerto del other behind the postmarginal and apical quarter of
Son, 1994, JNA (MNCN). the marginal veins. More material is required to
firmly establish their identity.
E. fuscipennis Förster, 1860
Eupelmus capillaris Bolívar, 1933 was synony- E. testaceiventris (Motschulsky, 1863)
mized under E. fuscipennis by Askew & Nieves- Eupelmus valentinus Bolívar, 1933 (synonymy in Askew &
Aldrey (2000), although type material of capillaris Nieves-Aldrey, 2000)
had not been examined. Subsequently two conspe- A female labelled ‘Betera, Valencia, Moroder’
cific females, both collected from Madrid, El Pardo and ‘Holotype E. valentinus det. Z. Boucek 1993’ is
by RGM, were located in MNCN. One of these spe- in MNCN.
cimens is labelled holotype Eupelmus capillaris,
the other paratype E. capillaris, by Boucek 1976. E. (Macroneura) aseculatus Kalina, 1981
Compared to French material of E. fuscipennis, A female reared from a gall of Andricus quer-
these specimens are rather small and have clear cusradicis (Fabricius) sex. gen. (Hym., Cynipidae),
wings, but they are considered to lie within the Madrid, Casa de Campo, 1983, JNA (MNCN)
range of variation of E. fuscipennis. represents a new host record for Spain.
E. hungaricus Erdös, 1959
E. (M.) maculatus (Ferrière, 1954)
The species treated under Eupelmus hungaricus
by Askew & Nieves-Aldrey (2000) is newly trans- f
Second record for Spain: 1 , Barcelona,
Calella de Costa, 1971, collected and determined Z.
ferred to the genus Reikosiella (see below). Boucek (MNCN).
E. juniperinus Bolívar, 1933
The type series of E. juniperinus consists of four E. (M.) seculatus (Ferrière, 1954)
females from Madrid, Zarzalejo on Juniperus oxy- f
New host records: 1 ex gall Plagiotrochus
cedrus, with one of the paratypes collected australis (Mayr) sex. gen. (Hym., Cynipidae) on
27.vi.1924 by RGM. All four specimens were sta- Quercus ilex, Madrid, Robledo de Chavela, 1986,
ted to be in MNCN (Bolívar, 1933). The location of JNA (MNCN); 1 f ex gall P. quercusilicis
two paratypes in MNCN was reported by Askew & (Fabricius) sex. gen., Salamanca, La Flecha, 1982,
Nieves-Aldrey (2000) and a third paratype labelled JNA (MNCN).
BRUES, C. T., 1907. New chalcid-flies from Cape Colony. MOTSCHULSKY, V. DE, 1859. Insectes des Indes Orientales,
Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society, 5: et de contrées analogues. Études Entomologiques, 8:
46-53. 25-118.
CAMERON, P., 1884. Hymenoptera (Families Tenthre- NEES AB ESENBECK, C. G., 1834. Hymenopterorum
dinidae-Chrysididae). Biologia Centrali-Americana. Ichneumonibus affinium monographiae, genera
Insecta, 1: 1-487. Europaea et species illustrantes, 2. Stuttgart &
CEBALLOS, G., 1956. Catálogo general de los Tubingen. 448 pp.
Himenópteros de España. Instituto Español de RUSCHKA, F., 1921. Chalcididenstudien. I. Teil.
Entomología. Madrid. 420 pp. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen
DALMAN, J. W., 1820. Försök till Uppställning af Gesellschaft in Wien, 70: 234-315.
Insekfamiljen Pteromalini, i synnerhet med åfseende RUTHE, J. F., 1859. A. Försters Systematik der
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ERDÖS, J., 1947. Eupelmus matranus spec. nov. TACHIKAWA, T., 1965. Iconographia Insectorum
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Hungarica, 2(s.n.): 68-70. WALKER, F., 1837. Monographia Chalciditum.
ERDÖS, J., 1959. Species nova Eupelmidarum in territo- Entomological Magazine, 4: 349-364.
rio reservato Bátorliget detecta. Folia entomologica WALKER, F., 1872. Notes on Chalcidiae. Part V.
Hungarica, 12: 327-330. Encyrtidae, Myinidae, Eupelmidae, Cleonymidae,
FERRIÈRE, C., 1954. Eupelmides brachyptères (Hym. Spalangidae, Pirenidae. E. Newman. London. 18 pp.
Chalcidoidea). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen (71-88).
Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 27: 1-21. YOSHIMOTO, C. M., 1969. Description of a new genus of
FÖRSTER, A., 1860. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Eupelminae from Hawaii with remarks on its bio-
Verhandlungen der naturhistorischen Vereins der logy (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Pacific Insects,
Preussischen Rheinlande, 17: 93-153. 11: 627-632.
FOURCROY, A. F. DE, 1785. Entomologica Parisiensis.
Pars secunda. Paris. 311 pp.
GIBSON, G. A. P., 1995. Parasitic wasps of the subfamily
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genera (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae).
Memoirs on Entomology International, 5: 1-421.
KALINA, V., 1981. The Palearctic species of the genus
Anastatus Motschulsky, 1860 (Hymenoptera,
Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae), with descriptions of new
species. Silvaecultura Tropica et Subtropica, 1: 3-25.
KOPONEN, M. & ASKEW, R. R., 2002. Chalcids from
Madeira, Canary Islands and Azores (Hymenoptera,
Chalcidoidea). Vieraea, 30: 115-145.
MASI, L., 1919. Materiali per una fauna dell’ Arcipelago
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Eupelminae (partim). Annali del Museo civico di Aceptado, 16-IV-2004
Storia naturale Giacoma Doria, Genova, 48: 277-337. Publicado, 25-VIII-2004