5 Paragraph Essay Cause and Effect Essays: Two Important Parts

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5 paragraph essay Cause and effect essays

Writing a 5 paragraph essay is one of popular tasks at college or Writing cause and effect essays is not as simple, as it seems to be at
school. This type of assignments requires patience, knowledge of essay first sight. This essays type denotes an event that happens now or took place
writing process and adherence to rules of this particular task. You should in the past. This event has a cause that leads to an effect. For example, this
know that the 5 paragraph essay is a well-known task to measure students’ is one of cause and effect situations: you completed a written assignment
writing abilities. Paper organization is the first thing to take into (cause); you would get a good mark (effect). In other words, we have a
consideration while composing this type of essays. reason of an event or an action that results in the effect as a result of our
Students need basic skills and practice of essays writing. This five actions that could be omitted in other circumstances.
paragraph essay page will show you what major parts of this paper are First of all, when writing your cause and effect essays you should
obligatory and what the right order of these paragraphs is. Thus, the 5 remember that this type of papers consist of two important parts – cause of
paragraph essay consists of five paragraphs or five parts. something and effect of this action, event, incident, etc. This is a simple
structure, a chain that consists of two parts only. However, you may create a
1. Introduction. This is the beginning of the paper that usually includes work that contains three or even four chain parts, though this is a difficult
basic information on a chosen topic and thesis statement – what you are task to do. We advise you to use a simple structure for your essay,
going to discuss in this paper and what you will prove in it. You should start especially if you complete this assignment for the first time. Remember,
with a topic sentence that introduces the theme you will discuss in the your cause and effect essays may have several causes which lead to one
paper. consequence or it may have one reason that results in several effects.
2. The first paragraph of the body part should include analysis of a chosen The next point to consider while creating effective paper is your
topic with reference to reliable sources, like books, journal articles and organization of thoughts, ideas, as well as work structure that must be clear
websites. This part should contain the strong argument with good example for everyone. Cause and effect essays refer to a paper type that must be
that illustrates your viewpoint and position on this topic. organized in a chronological order. No other order of events is accepted
3. The second paragraph of the body part should contain the second strong here. The most significant aspects should be reviewed in the first turn, while
argument supported with appropriate example. Every student should know less important should be addressed at the end of your work. In your essays
that every sentence should relate to the next one. Besides, the idea the main parts – cause and effect – should be connected with each other
expressed in this paragraph should be directly connected with thesis with the help of transition sentences that would effectively unite paragraphs
statement presented at the beginning of the 5 paragraph essay. and paper parts.
4. The third paragraph of the body part should include some additional The last point to take into consideration in your assignment is useful
information on a discussed problem or an issue. A clear connection to the phrases, which you may use to express causes (because of, due to, the cause
thesis statement is essential here. Quotes are also necessary to support your is) and effects (therefore, thus, as a results, consequently). Having written
ideas with information from valuable sources. this type of essays, you should check availability of at least one cause and
5. Conclusion. This part of the five paragraph essay is the end paragraph of one effect, which are united in a chain of events.
the paper. Therefore, you should summarize the information presented in
this work. Restatement of the basic ideas of the essay is necessary in the
fifth concluding paragraph.
Effective Use Of Essay Phrases Adding Some Important Content
 To begin with, one must include…
Essay phrases help in establishing the logical flow of sentences in a  In supplement to…
way that is appealing and easy to read. Readers are accustomed to  Furthermore…
certain common phrases being used in the English language. When  It is vital to mention…
applied in sentences, these phrases need very little support in terms of
lengthy and complex terminology. They help in simplifying For Voicing A Personal Opinion
understanding and reduce word count while conveying the same  I am of the opinion that…
message across to readers. Essay writers usually have a list of phrases  We are convinced of the fact that…
they can use with different kinds of essays. It simplifies the way they  We are totally convinced that…
work, and supporting the transition of ideas in a sentence structure
becomes quite easy. Phrases can be used in argumentative, personal, While using essay phrases, one should be very careful about the
and other types of essays. context in which they are used. The ideal way to use them is where it is
obvious. Care should be taken to maintain a simple and concise style of
Using phrases can become a habit, which is actually good. Students in schools writing. It is therefore not necessary to always use long phrases. Use
often have to memorize common phrases. The mandatory exercise they have them only when necessary to help reduce the word count in an essay
to go through helps them in the long run, as it becomes easier to use a and where it would help in better understanding. It is always better to
memorized essay phrase in writing assignments. Students would be able to use action words to convey a message. For example, “Show your
appreciate the common phrases listed below for better understanding. potential by completing the essay in time,” can be written differently
and more effectively as “Unleash your potential to complete any essay
Phrases Leading Into An Argument assignment in time.” It creates a pictorial view of the potential that
 The fact of the matter is that… would be demonstrated.
 The story revolves around…
 While xxx is a fact that is quite obvious… Using the active voice also helps supplement the effect of using an
 Let us begin by stating the obvious. essay phrase. For example, “He shredded the page” would be better
than “The page was shredded by him.” The subtle use of language skills
Phrases That Allow Us To Consider Both Sides Of An Argument help in expressing viewpoints better without disrupting the flow of
 Relevant to the issue is also the fact that… language. A well-compiled essay has more chances of catching the
 It would be worthwhile to also consider… attention of readers with the appropriate use of phrases. Essay writers
 One should be able to see both sides of the coin. that can combine language skills with subject matter knowledge have a
better chance of using phrases effectively in their essays.
To Arrive At A Conclusion
 To help us conclude…
 To reach an amicable solution…
 With the help of these arguments, one can safely reach the
conclusion that…
Tips for Writing between paragraphs to preserve the logical flow of your essay. Transition
is not limited to phrases like as a result, in addition, while . . . , since . . . ,
etc. but includes repeating key words and progressing the idea. Transition
1. Answer the Question. You can follow the next 12 steps, but if you miss provides the intellectual architecture to argument building.
the question, you will not get a good mark. 9. Conclusions are Crucial. The conclusion is your last chance to persuade
2. Be Original. Even seemingly boring essay topics can sound interesting if the reader or impress upon them your qualifications. In the conclusion,
creatively approached. If writing about a gymnastics competition you avoid summary since the essay is rather short to begin with; the reader
trained for, do not start your essay: "I worked long hours for many weeks should not need to be reminded of what you wrote 300 words before. Also
to train for XXX competition." Consider an opening like, "Every morning I do not use stock phrases like in conclusion, in summary, to conclude, etc.
awoke at 5:00 to sweat, tears, and blood as I trained on the uneven bars You should consider the following conclusions:
hoping to bring the state gymnastics trophy to my hometown." o Expand upon the broader implications of your discussion.
3. Be Yourself. Admissions officers want to learn about you and your writing
o Consider linking your conclusion to your introduction to establish a
ability. Write about something meaningful and describe your feelings, not
necessarily your actions. If you do this, your essay will be unique. Many sense of balance by reiterating introductory phrases.
people travel to foreign countries or win competitions, but your feelings o Redefine a term used previously in your body paragraphs.
during these events are unique to you. Unless a philosophy or societal o Frame your discussion within a larger context or show that your
problem has interested you intensely for years, stay away from grand topic has widespread appeal.
themes that you have little personal experience with. o Remember, your essay need not be so tidy that you can answer
4. Don't "Thesaurize" your Composition. For some reason, students why your little sister died or why people starve in Africa; you are
continue to think big words make good essays. Big words are fine, but only not writing a sit-com, but should forge some attempt at closure.
if they are used in the appropriate contexts with complex styles. Think 10. Do Something Else. Spend a week or so away from your draft to decide if
Hemingway. you still consider your topic and approach worthwhile.
5. Use Imagery and Clear, Vivid Prose. If you are not adept with imagery, 11. Give your Draft to Others. Ask editors to read with these questions in
you can write an excellent essay without it, but it's not easy. The mind:
application essay lends itself to imagery since the entire essay requires o What is the essay about?
your experiences as supporting details. Appeal to the five senses of the o Is my sentence structure varied or do I use all long or all short
admissions officers. sentences?
6. Spend the Most Time on your Introduction. Expect admissions officers o Do I use transition appropriately?
to spend 1-2 minutes reading your essay. You must use your introduction o What's the best part of the essay?
to grab their interest from the beginning. You might even consider o What about the essay is memorable?
completely changing your introduction after writing your body paragraphs. o What's the worst part of the essay?
o Don't Summarize in your Introduction. Ask yourself why a o What parts of the essay need elaboration or are unclear?
reader would want to read your entire essay after reading your o Is every single sentence crucial to the essay? This MUST be the
introduction. If you summarize, the admissions officer need not case.
read the rest of your essay. 12. Revise, Revise, Revise. You only are allowed so many words; use them
o Create Mystery or Intrigue in your Introduction. It is not wisely. Delete anything in the essay that does not relate to your main
necessary or recommended that your first sentence give away the argument. Do you use transition? Are your introduction and conclusions
subject matter. Raise questions in the minds of the admissions more than summaries? Did you find every single grammatical error?
officers to force them to read on. Appeal to their emotions to make o Allow for the evolution of your main topic. Do not assume your
them relate to your subject matter. subject must remain fixed and that you can only tweak sentences.
7. Body Paragraphs Must Relate to Introduction. Your introduction can be o Editing takes time. Consider reordering your supporting details,
original, but cannot be silly. The paragraphs that follow must relate to your
delete irrelevant sections, and make clear the broader implications
of your experiences. Allow your more important arguments to
8. Use Transition. Applicants continue to ignore transition to their own
come to the foreground. Take points that might only be implicit
detriment. You must use transition within paragraphs and especially
and make them explicit.

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