Run-Ons Passages and Sentence Strips

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Venus is a planet in our solar

system. It is about the same

size as Earth, it is much
hotter than Earth, is closer to
the sun. Venus is too hot for
people to live on it. There are
many volcanoes there are
also volcanoes there are also
many mountains.
Planets reading:

Planets reading paragraph:

Venus is a planet in our solar
system. It is about the same
size as Earth, it is much hotter
than Earth, is closer to the sun.
Venus is too hot for people to
live on it. There are many
volcanoes there are also many

Aunt Ana reading:

I live in Florida, but my Aunt
Ana. I only see her a few
times every year. Sometimes,
she visits me sometimes I
visit her. Like going to Puerto
Rico. It is warm, and it is
sunny, and the markets have
delicious foods. My favorite
thing to do with Aunt Ana.

Aunt Ana Reading:

I live in Florida, but my Aunt
Ana. I only see her a few times
every year. Sometimes she
visits me sometimes I visit her.
Like going to Puerto Rico. It is
warm, and it is sunny, and the
markets have delicious foods.
My favorite thing to do with
Aunt Ana.

Backyard Reading
There are certain places in
our lives that we know well
and that are special to us this
place has a special meaning
for us for me the place that
holds a special meaning is my
backyard my backyard is the
Grand Central Station for our
family we get to enjoy many
wonderful things together

Backyard Reading Paragraph:

There are certain places in our lives that we
know well and that are special to us this
place has a special meaning for us for me
the place that holds a special meaning is my
backyard my backyard is the Grand Central
Station for our family we get to enjoy many
wonderful things together
The waves were softly
crashing against the sandy
shore and its sound was
music to my ears a book was
gently laying across my lap
and my eyes fluttered open I
struggled to stay awake
suddenly I hear my sister
splashing water as she
played in the sea and I
decided to go for a swim too.
Beach Reading:

Beach Reading Paragraph:

The waves were softly crashing against the
sandy shore and its sound was music to my
ears a book was gently laying across my lap
and my eyes fluttered open I struggled to
stay awake suddenly I hear my sister
splashing water as she played in the sea and
I decided to go for a swim too

Dingdong! Crack! Passage

Have you ever seen the Liberty Bell it’s big,
it’s old, and it’s cracked. The Liberty Bell
weighs 2,000 pounds and it was around
when the United States was still a baby. It
rang out to signal holidays, meetings, and
fire alarms. It cracked the first time it was
used then it was fixed. Many years later, it
cracked again this time it could not be
fixed. The old bell is on display near
Independence Hall in Philadelphia it no
longer rings, but it’s still the bell of freedom.

Dingdong! Crack! Paragraph

Have you ever seen the Liberty Bell it’s big,
it’s old, and it’s cracked. The Liberty Bell
weighs 2,000 pounds it was around when
the United States was still a baby. It rang
out to signal holidays, meetings, and fire
alarms. It cracked the first time it was used
then it was fixed. Many years later, it
cracked again this time it could not be fixed.
The old bell is on display near
Independence Hall in Philadelphia it no
longer rings, but it’s still the bell of

Memphis paragraph:
Next Tuesday, we are going on a field trip to
Memphis, we are going to see Graceland. It will be
interesting to see where Elvis lived. We will visit
Graceland in the morning then we are going to eat
lunch on Beal Street. It is close to the Mississippi
River so we are going to Mud Island after lunch. I
have been to Mud Island before, however I am
excited about going there again. I think we will learn
a lot of interesting facts about Elvis and I know Mud
Island will teach us a lot about the Mississippi River. I
love field trips, they make learning fun.

Memphis Paragraph:
Next Tuesday, we are going on a field
trip to Memphis, we are going to see
Graceland. It will be interesting to see
where Elvis lived. We will visit Graceland in
the morning then we are going to eat lunch
on Beal Street. It is close to the Mississippi
River so we are going to Mud Island after
lunch. I have been to Mud Island before,
however I am excited about going there
again. I think we will learn a lot of
interesting facts about Elvis and I know Mud
Island will teach us a lot about the
Mississippi River. I love field trips they make
learning fun.

Volleyball passage:
Stephanie was one of the best volleyball
players on the team she was able to spike
the ball consistently over the net. She is
around six feet tall and can jump at least
four feet in the air she was a team player
who always looked out for her
teammates. During the championship
game Stephanie injured her ankle she
was still able to help the team win she
overcame difficulty and showed that
hard work can pay off.

Volleyball paragraph:
Stephanie was one of the best volleyball
players on the team she was able to spike
the ball consistently over the net. She is
around six feet tall and she can jump at
least four feet in the air she was a team
player who always looked out for her
teammates. During the championship game
Stephanie injured her ankle she was still
able to help the team win she overcame
difficulty and showed that hard work can
pay off.

Indoor Recess Passage:

Today it is raining we can’t go
outside we have to have indoor
recess some kids really like
indoor recess but other kids like
to go outside for indoor recess
there are lots of choices for
things to do you can watch a
movie or play a game you can
even draw.

Indoor Recess Paragraph:

Today it is raining we can’t go outside
we have to have indoor recess some kids
really like indoor recess but other kids like
to go outside for indoor recess there are
lots of choices for things to do you can
watch a movie or play a game you can even

Picnic passage:
It was a spectacularly beautiful
day there was not a cloud in the
sky and the sun was shining
George and Pam went to the
park to have a picnic they had
pickles and peanut butter
sandwiches with sparkling
water on a red and white
checkered blanket George
tossed a frisbee to the dog and
waved to the other park goers
who passed their little picnic
Picnic Paragraph:
It was a spectacularly beautiful day
there was not a cloud in the sky and the sun
was shining George and Pam went to the
park to have a picnic they had pickles and
peanut butter sandwiches with sparkling
water on a red and white checkered blanket
George tossed a frisbee to the dog and
waved to the other park goers who passed
their little picnic

Flowers Passage:
I want to go to the store it
is my mom’s birthday I think
she would like some flowers
I don’t know what her
favorite flowers are. I think
they are yellow. Maybe I
should ask my dad he would

Flowers paragraph:
I want to go to the store it is my mom’s
birthday I think she would like some flowers
I don’t know what her favorite flowers are. I
think they are yellow. Maybe I should ask
my dad he would know.

Ice cream passage:

I went to get ice cream at the
store and my mom told me to
put it back and I was upset and
I did not want to put it back. I
wanted to buy it myself I get
an allowance every week. I
asked her again nicely I hope
she changes her mind!

Ice cream paragraph:

I went to get ice cream at the store and
my mom told me to put it back and I was
upset and I did not want to put it back. I
wanted to buy it myself I get an allowance
every week. I asked her again nicely I hope
she changes her mind!

Cowboy passage:
Yesterday my hoof was
hurting cowboy here
tried to put some ice on
it I told him ice doesn’t
help hooves he always
think he knows better.

Cowboy paragraph:
Yesterday my hoof was hurting cowboy
here tried to put some ice on it I told him
ice doesn’t help hooves he always thinks he
knows better.

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