AU179 - Divestment List
AU179 - Divestment List
AU179 - Divestment List
KARTIKA 27,1941 (SAKA)
Disinvestment of PSUs
(a)the details of the target set by the Government / Department of Investment and Public
Asset Management to raise the amount through disinvestment drive during the financial
year along with the steps taken to accelerate the disinvestment process;
(b)whether the Government has taken any decision on BPCL and other Public Sector
Undertakings (PSUs)/ State-owned companies for disinvestment and if so, the details
thereof and the reasons therefore;
(c)the details of proceeds received due to disinvestment of PSUs, year-wise along with the
details of PSUs where disinvestment took place, either fully or partially including the
percentage of stake sold;
(d)whether the PSUs sold were profit-making or loss-making and if so, the details thereof
along with the number of PSUs which were converted from the stature of PSU to private
and the reasons for selling profit-making PSUs;
(e)the efforts made by the Government to restructure and re-finance the undertakings to
revive before taking a decision of disinvestment; and
(f) the details of provisions being made by the Government to tide over the loss incurred by
loss-making telecom Government undertakings like BSNL, MTNL etc?
a) The Budget target for disinvestment during 2019-20 has been set at Rs. 1,05,000
crore. For achieving disinvestment targets, the Government uses various modes of
disinvestment including Initial Public Offer (IPO), Offer For Sale (OFS), Buyback of
Shares, Strategic Disinvestment and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). The execution
and outcome of disinvestment transactions is dependent on the prevailing market
conditions and investor interest.
e) Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) function under the administrative control
of their respective Ministries/ Departments. The administrative Ministries/
Departments take measures for revival! restructuring in respect of CPSEs under their
administrative control on a case to case basis. In this regard, Department of Public
Enterprises (DPE) has issued guidelines on 29.10.2015 on revival! restructuring of
CPSEs. These guidelines are implemented by the concerned administrative Ministries/
Departments of CPSEs.
.~ • ~ f)
BSNL and MTNL have been incurring losses since 2009-10. On the basis of their
financial performance, BSNL and MTNL were classified by DoT as "Incipient sick
CPSE" in 2017. As per the guidelines dated 29.10.2015 issued by Department of Public
Enterprises on "Streamlining the mechanism for revival and restructuring of
sick/incipient sick and weak Central Public Sector Enterprises", DoT initiated the
process for preparation of restructuring/revival plan of BSNLIMTNL. IIM Ahmedabad
and Mis Deloitte were engaged to prepare a Revival/Restructuring plan for BSNL and
MTNL respectively. Based on their reports, DoT, in consultation with BSNLIMTNL,
prepared a comprehensive revival plan. The revival plan was submitted for the
consideration of the Cabinet which was approved by it in its meeting held on 23.10.2019.
The revival plan consists of several measures including reduction of staff cost through
Voluntary Retirement Scheme, allotment of spectrum for 4G services, monetization of
land and building, tower and fiber assets of BSNLlMTNL, debt restructuring through
sovereign guarantee bonds and in-principle approval of merger of BSNL and MTNL.
BSNL, MTNL and Government have initiated the process for implementation of these
Annexure- I
Details of CPSEs approved for Strategic Divestment
. Annexure-II
. tmen t recerp. ts durmg Iast 5 years including current Financial Year
Sl. CPSEs Method of % of Gol's Shares Receipts
No. Disinvestment Disinvested (in Rs. Crore)
Financial Year 2014-15
1. National Hydroelectric Power OFS 11.36 2716.55
Corporation Ltd. (NHPC)
2. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOC) - 0 Employees' OFS 0.5 262.49
3. National Thermal Power Corporation Employees' OFS 0.22 203.78
Ltd. (NTPC)
4. National Aluminium Company Ltd. Buyback NA 2831.71
5. Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL) OFS 7 399.93
6. National Mineral Development Buyback NA 7519.15
Corporation Ltd. (NMDC)
7. Manganese Ore India Ltd. (MOIL) Buyback NA 793.87
,,\ _:" ,
.8.9! National Building Construction OFS 15 2201.14
Corporation Ltd. (NBCC)
9. Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) Buyback NA 1802.60
10. Engineers India Ltd. (ElL) Employees' OFS 0.5 31.38
11. Coal India Ltd. (CIL) Buyback NA 2638.24
12. National Hydroelectric Power Employees' OFS 0.09 21.27
Corporation Ltd. (NHPC)
13. Dredging Corporation India Ltd. Employees' OFS 0.09 0.93
14. Container Corporation of India Ltd. Employees' OFS 0.25 9.34
15. CPSE-Exchange Traded Fund (CPSE- FFO-l BEL - 0.85, CIL - 5999.99
ETF) 0.65, CONCOR -
1.40, ElL - 1.34,
GAIL - 1.21, IOCL-
0.69, OIL - 0.75,
ONGC - 0.60, PFC-
1.04, REC - 1.27
16. Manganese Ore India Ltd. (MOIL) OFS 10 484.95
17. Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) OFS 5 1672.66
18. National Hydroelectric Power Buyback NA 1948.52
Corporation Ltd. (NHPC)
19. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. (NLC) Buyback NA 1429.38
20. CPSE-Exchange Traded Fund (CPSE- FFO-2 BEL - 0.38, CIL - 2499.99
ETF) 0.26, CONCOR -
0.55, ElL - 0.51,
GAIL - 0.46, IOCL
- 0.26, OIL - 0.29,
ONGC - 0.27, PFC -
0.40, REC - 0.50
Total 35,467.87
Other Disinvestment
21. Divestment of SUUTI Holdings and Revenue from SUUTI Holdings 10,778.71
Grand Total 46,246.58
Financial Year 2017-18
CPSE's Disinvestment
1. Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL) Employees' OFS 0.07 3.73
2. National Aluminium Company Ltd. OFS 9.2125 1,191.73
3. Housing & Urban Development IPO 10.193 1,207.35
Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO)
4. Oil India Ltd. (OIL) Buyback 5.6 (pre buyback 1,135.26
paid up equity)
5. Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. OFS 5 205.15
6. National Fertilizers Ltd. (NFL) OFS 15 530.72
7. Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL) OFS 6.83 404.71
8. Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (CSL) IPO (piggy back) 25 470.01
9. Engineers India Ltd. (ElL) Buyback 6.64 (post buyback 657.81
.. ,"
1. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd. (MIDHANI) IPO 25 434.14
2. Bharat 22 ETF ETF * 8,325.26
3. Rail India Technical and Economic IPO 12.60 460.51
Service (RITES)
4. Indian Railway Construction Company IPO 10 466.00
(lRCON) International Ltd.
5. Garden Reach Shipbuilders & IPO 25.5 342.90
Engineers Ltd. (GRSE)
6. Coal India Ltd. (CIL) OFS 3.19 5,218.30
7. Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd Buyback 1.983 205.34
(KIOCL) Ltd.
8. CPSE-ETF FF03 ** 17,000
9. National Aluminium Corporation Ltd. Buyback 1.80 260.41
10. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) Buyback 0.48 989.86
(NLC) India Ltd.
11. Coal India Ltd. (CIL) Employees OFS 0.01 17.33
12. Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (CSL) Buyback 3.233 137.29
13. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) Buyback 3.15 992.41
14. National Hydroelectric Power Buyback 1\
Corporation Ltd. (NHPC)
15. Bharat 22 ETF FF02 *** 10,404.59
16. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (lOCL) Buyback 3.3875 2,647
17. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Buyback 0.43 2,510.51
18. CPSE-ETF FF04 **** 9,350.07
19. Coal India Ltd. (CIL) Buyback 0.19 1,039.71
20. National Mineral Development Buyback 2.56 768.77
Corporation Ltd. (NMDC)
21. Oil India Ltd. (OIL) Buyback 0.15 720.80
22. Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Ltd. IPO 25.10 210.60
(MSTC Ltd.)
Total 62,899.70
Strategic Disinvestment
23. HSCC (India) Ltd. Strategic 100 285.00
24. Dredging Corporation of India Ltd. Strategic 73.44 1,049.17
(DCIL) Disinvestment
25. PEC-REC Deal Strategic 52.63 14,499.99
26. National Projects Cons. Corp. Ltd. Strategic 98.89 79.80
(NPCC) Disinvestment
Total 15,913.96
--.-- ~-
Other Disinvestment
27. suun Sale of Axis Banks Shares - - 5,378.66
28. Sale of Shares under the custody of - - 779.02
Total 6,157.68
Grand Total 84,971.34
*(1) L&T 0.74%, (2) ITC 0.42%, (3) Axis Bank Ltd. 0.S7%, (4) SBI 0.33%, (S) Bank of Baroda 0.29%, (6) Indian Bank 0.14%, (7) PFCL 0.27%, (8) RECL 0.33%, (9) NHPC
0.29%, (10) SJVN Ltd. 0.14%, (II) NTPC O.SO%(12) PGCIL 0.S7%, (13) ONGC 0.24%, (14) IOCL 0.23%, (IS) BPCL 0.38%, (16) GAIL 0.S2%, (17) ElL 0.00%, (18) BEL
0.69%, (19) NBCC 0.S4%, (20) CIL 0.23%, (21) NLC 0.10%, (22) NALCO 3.62%.
**(1) ONGC 1.83%, (2) NTPC Ltd. 2.84%, (3) IOCL 2.69%, (4) CIL 2.21%, (S) BEL 4.16%, (6)REC Ltd. S.14%, (7) PFC Ltd. 4.16% (8) OIL 2.94%, (9) NBCC (India) Ltd.
3.18%, (10) NLC (India) Ltd. 1.47%, (II) SJVN Ltd. 1.10%.
"Post buyback the Gol equity share capital increase from 73.67% to 73.83%.
*** (I) Axis Bank Ltd. 0.96%, (2) Bank of Baroda 0.49%, (3) BEL 1.17%, (4) BPCL 0.64%, (S) CIL 0.38%, (6) ElL 0.02%, (7) Gail India Ltd. 0.88%, (8) Indian Bank 0.24%.
(9) IOCL 0.38%, (10) ITC Ltd. 0.67%, (II) Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1.26%, (12) NALCO 4.77%, (13) NBCC (India) Ltd. 0.92%, (14) NHPC Ltd. 0.49%, (IS) NLC India Ltd.
0.18%, (16) NTPC Ltd. 0.86%, (17) ONGC 0.40%, (18) PFC 0.46%, (19) PGCIL 0.97%, (20) REC 0.22%, (21) SJVN Ltd. 0.24%, (22) State Bank oflndiaO.S7%.
**** (I) ONGC 1.03%, (2) NTPC Ltd. 1.67%, (3) IOCL 1.27%, (4) CIL 1.36%, (S) BEL 1.92%, (6) REC Ltd. NA, (7) PFC 1.98%, (8) OIL 1.37%, (9) NBCC (India) Ltd.
1.47%, (10) NLC India Ltd. 0.71%, (II) SJVN Ltd. O.SI%.
Financial Year 2019-20
CPSEs' Disinvestment
1. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd. (RVNL) IPO 12.12 475.89
2. CPSE-ETF FFO-V * 10,000.39
3. Indian Railways Catering & Tourism IPO - 637.97
Corporation (IRCTC)
4. Bharat 22 ETF FF02 - 4,368.80
Total 15,483.05
Other Disinvestment
5. Enemy Shares Sale - - 1,881.21
Grand Total 17,364.26
*. 0 .. ... ...
.. 2.04% OIL, (VIIi) 1.16% NBCC, (IX) 1.06%NLC,
(i)I.27% ONGC, (Ii) 1.90%NTPC Ltd., (IIi) 0.68% IOCL, (Iv)I.70% CIL, (v)2.89%BEL, (vi) 2.89% PFC, (Vii)
(x)O. 78% SJVN Ltd.