SIL98-9E: Service Information Letter
SIL98-9E: Service Information Letter
SIL98-9E: Service Information Letter
Continental Motors (CM) provides operational limitations and instructions for your engine along
with the requirements for continued airworthiness as specified in the engine Operator Manuals,
Maintenance Manuals, Overhaul Manuals, and Service Documents. The Time Between Engine
Overhaul (TBO) provided in this document applies only to engines that have been operated and
maintained in accordance with these instructions. Engine mounted components and accessories
require overhaul at the same hourly and calendar intervals as the engine, unless otherwise
specified by the component or accessory manufacturer.
An engine’s published TBO does not mean that every engine will operate the number of hours or
years listed without requiring component replacements and/or unscheduled maintenance events.
Noncompliance with CM instructions for continued airworthiness, operational and/or
environmental factors may necessitate repair or replacement of the engine, engine components
and accessories earlier than the published TBO.
TBO periods were established on most CM engines beginning in the 1960s. Since that time, CM
has made significant engineering improvements to virtually all major engine components. CM has
refined manufacturing processes and implemented computer numerical controlled (CNC)
machining tools enabling CM factory engines to meet higher standards than possible when CM
engines were originally granted FAA Type Certificates. These improvements have enabled CM to
increase TBO limits for many of our new and rebuilt engines.
CM recommends the following factors be used, along with the engine’s published TBO, to
determine the engine’s continued airworthiness:
1. Environmental corrosion occurs internally and externally on an engine. This naturally
occurring process can affect continued airworthiness of the engine and engine mounted
components or accessories. Regardless if the engine has been operated regularly or has
been in storage; gaskets, seals, and synthetic and natural rubber goods deteriorate over
time. Replace or overhaul the engine no later than the operating hours or number of
years for the engine model listed in Table 1 on page 3.
2. For engines used in aerial spraying, TBO is 1200 hours or twelve (12) years whichever
occurs first.
1. 1500/12
1. 1800/12
C125, C145 Series and O-300-A, B, C, D
1. 1200/12
GO-300-A, C, D, E
1. 1500/12
IO-360-A, AB, B, C, D, G, H, J, K
IO-360-CB, DB, GB, HB, JB 1., 2. 1500/12 1700/12
1., 2. 2000/12 2200/12
IO-360-ES, KB
TSIO-360-A, AB, B, C, D, E, F, H 1.
TSIO-360-CB, DB, HB, JB 1., 2. 1400/12 1600/12
1., 2. 1800/12 2000/12
E165, E185, E225 Series 1.
O-470-A, B, E, G, N, P
1., 2. 1500/12 1700/12
O-470-J, K, L, M, R, S
1., 2., 3 2000/12 2200/12
1., 2. 1500/12 1700/12
IO-470-C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, U, V, VO
TSIO-470-B, C, D 1. 1400/12
1. 1700/12
IO-520-B, BA, C, M
IO-520-A, BB, CB, D, E, F, J, K, L, MB 1., 2. 1700/12 1900/12
1., 2. 2000/12 2200/12
GTSIO-520-F, K 1. 1200/12
1., 4
GTSIO-520-C, D, H
GTSIO-520-L, M, N 1.
1. 1400/12
TSIO-520-B, D, E, J, K, L, N
1., 2. 1400/12 1600/12
TSIO-520-BB, C, DB, EB, G, H, JB, KB, LB, M, P, R, T
1., 2.,
1., 2., 5 1600/12 1800/12
TSIO-520-M, P, R
TSIO-520-AF, CE, UB, VB, WB 1., 2.