P 651 14 HPC 3 08 DSD DSDX Series

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Rotary Screw Compressors

With the world-renowned SIGMA PROFILE
Free air delivery from 12.68 to 30.20 m³/min – Pressure 5.5 to 15 bar
DSD/DSDX Tailored, modular
design for maximum
Efficiency as standard
DSD and DSDX series compressors
What do you expect from a KAESER’s solution: efficiency with energy-saving 1:1 drive
form the basis for KAESER’s
compressor with variable Versatile modular design versatile modular concept. They
frequency drive and refrigeration Available with optional SFC variable are particularly efficient, durable
and reliable as each is equipped a
dryer? frequency drive, KAESER's highly efficient
DSD and DSDX rotary screw compressors generously sized low speed airend
are not only simple to install but also offer featuring SIGMA PROFILE rotors.
As a user, you expect maximum efficiency, reliability and outstanding versatility and performance.
consistent air quality from your compressed air system. Furthermore, DSD series compressors can
be equipped with a refrigeration dryer.
That may sound Compressor system investment

simple, Maintenance costs

T – With refrigeration
but these
advantages are
DSD compressors are available
influenced by with an integrated refrigeration dryer
many different module. The compressor and dryer
are housed in separate cabinets
factors: with individual cooling air apertures
Energy costs, and cooling systems to ensure
maximum operational reliability.
for example,
Energy costs
taken over Potential energy savings
the lifetime of
a compressor, add up to a multiple of investment costs.
Efficient energy consumption therefore plays a vital role SFC – Sigma Frequency
in every compressed air system, as does reliability. It is Control
also important that the compressed air system delivers The SIGMA FREQUENCY CONTROL
condensate-free compressed air in the correct volume (SFC) variable frequency drive
module is available for DSD and
and quality for the specific application. This not only DSDX compressor systems. The
increases system reliability, but also significantly reduces SFC module and the compressor are
seamlessly integrated into a compact,
maintenance costs for the air distribution network, hard-wired unit that delivers maximum
compressed air tools, pneumatic control systems and any performance, yet requires minimal floor
space. Each package is delivered tested and ready for
other equipment that uses compressed air. operation.

1 Inlet valve
9 2 Electric motor
3 SIGMA PROFILE airend Maximum Flexibility C
10 B
8 4 7 4 Separator with cartridge KAESER’s versatile range of modular T SFC packages
ensures that a model is available to suit every compressed A = Rotary screw compressor
5 Fluid cooler
5 air need. The refrigeration dryer module (C) transforms DSD Series
6 6 Fluid filter
1 a standard rotary screw compressor into a compact
compressed air system that delivers quality, dried-air in A B = SFC
7 Compressed air after-cooler
3 2 accordance with the highest standards. With the addition C = Refrigeration dryer (T)
8 Control cabinet – SFC module of the SFC module (B), the compressor speed can be
9 Refrigeration dryer automatically adjusted to meet varying air demand. All
possible combinations of these three modules are available.
10 PC-based control system
Dependable centrifugal

With compact refrigeration dryer separator

A centrifugal separator with an
electronically controlled ECO
DRAIN is installed between the
compressor and the dryer. This
ensures safe, efficient initial
separation and drainage of the
condensate even under conditions
of high ambient temperature and

Refrigeration dryer
The refrigeration dryer also features
The innovative DSD T
an ECO DRAIN. The advanced
series level-controlled condensate drain
Combining unrivalled reliability with eliminates the compressed air
exceptional efficiency, KAESER's losses associated with solenoid
new DSD T rotary screw compressor valve control. This both saves
systems provide space-saving, energy energy and considerably enhances
efficient compressed air generation the reliability of the compressed air
and treatment in a single compressor supply.
package. The addition of the integrated
refrigeration dryer module transforms
the high performance DSD compressor
unit into a complete air supply system,
which is able to operate in ambient
conditions of up to +45°C.
Aluminium plate
heat exchanger
The aluminium plate heat
exchanger in the refrigeration
dryer is both corrosion- and
contamination-resistant. Even
with fluctuating airflow, the heat
exchanger reliably separates the
accumulating condensate from
the air. The dryer’s components
and piping are designed to provide exceptional
operational safety and reliability.

Turnkey operation SIGMA CONTROL

Contained in its own separate cabinet there is more than The SIGMA CONTROL compressor
sufficient space to allow all the components in the dryer to controller constantly monitors the
be generously sized yet easily accessible for maintenance. compressor, refrigeration dryer
This design also prevents exposure of the refrigerant dryer to and condensate drains. If required,
any heat from the compressor package. Individual cooling air signals from the dryer can be
apertures and intelligent design ensure outstanding reliability defined as alarms and forwarded to
in ambient temperatures of up to +45°C, which significantly a centralised control system.
increases compressed air availability. The bearings in the
drive and fan motors can be externally lubricated.
DSD/DSDX SFC – Ultimate efficiency

Perfect performance –
even with high ambient
45 The generously-sized SFC module with
35 its efficiently-cooled control cabinet

allows trouble-free operation in ambient


temperatures up to +45 °C.


The advanced DSD/DSDX

SFC series
Every KAESER rotary screw compressor
is equipped with a large, efficient airend
featuring high performance SIGMA
Consistent pressure
PROFILE rotors. The airends in DSD/ Air delivery from a DSD or DSDX SFC
DSDX units are powered by a direct drive compressor can be matched to actual

Pressure in bar
system that eliminates the transmission air demand, according to required

Pressure in bar
losses associated with gear drive systems, Pressure system pressure, by continuously
± 0.1 bar
enabling these compressors to provide Pressure±
adjusting drive motor speed (and
significant energy savings. Considerable Consistent pres-
Consistent pressure therefore the airend) within its specified
savings can also be achieved with the control range. Depending on the buffer
addition of a SIGMA FREQUENCY capacity of the downstream air network,
CONTROL (SFC) module. it is therefore possible to precisely
maintain working pressure to within
±0.1 bar and, as a result, to reduce maximum system
pressure. This can lead to significant savings, as each
1 bar reduction in pressure amounts to a 7 percent
reduction in energy consumption.

Other variable KAESER SFC compressors

speed compressors

Soft start with no

Transmission losses
current spikes
Direct start
Star-delta start

Energy consumption Direct drive reduces the number of 700% Soft start allows a gradual increase
Soft start
SFC packages

% full load current

components needed in comparison with in drive motor current from zero to


Maintenance costs gear drive and eliminates the associated 400% full load, enabling almost unlimited
transmission losses. This significantly increases 300%
motor switching frequency i.e. the

reliability and service life; sound levels are also 100%

number of times the motor can be
considerably lower. The benefits speak for 0% switched on within a defined time
themselves: efficient power transmission, optimal period without overheating. Current
Zero Interference: Outstanding performance
power consumption and reduced servicing / spikes that can potentially cause
The electromagnetic compatibility DSD / DSDX SFC compressor packages are highly downtime costs. damage to power systems and equipment are reliably
(EMC) of the components and of the
efficient direct drive units featuring variable speed control. With high eliminated without the need for additional expensive
complete machine has been tested
and certified in accordance with all efficiency performance throughout the entire control range, large, low electronics. In addition, the continuously variable
applicable regulations. speed airends featuring the energy saving SIGMA Profile have significant acceleration and deceleration of moving parts reduces
advantages over smaller, high speed airends. All packages are designed to dynamic loading.
operate at full load, 7 days a week, yet require no additional maintenance.
DSD and DSDX – Eight decisive advantages
1 SIGMA PROFILE airend 5 Highly efficient condensate separator (with DSD T)
A specific drive power can be used to turn a smaller airend at high speed or The separator tank in the refrigeration dryer is made of aluminium and is therefore
a larger airend at slow speed. Larger, low speed airends are more efficient, completely corrosion resistant. The compact separator is integrated within the
delivering more compressed air for the same drive power. That is why KAESER refrigeration dryer's heat exchanger package and deflector plates ensure reliable
developed airends especially for the DSD and DSDX series that precisely match condensate separation. Separation performance remains almost constant – even
the individual drive power and motor speed of each machine in the range. The with fluctuating airflow – reliably maintaining the required pressure dew point.
slightly higher investment cost of the larger airend is quickly recovered by the Solid particles are also washed out and eliminated together with the condensate.
energy saved during operation.

2 Energy-saving 1:1 drive 6 SFC module from Siemens (with DSD and DSDX)
The advantages of this drive system are not just limited to the elimination of Siemens frequency converters are used exclusively in KAESER’s speed
transmission losses. The motor and airend are joined by the coupling and its controlled compressors for several reasons: Siemens manufactures the industrial
housing to form a compact and durable unit that, apart from greasing of the motor PC-based SIGMA CONTROL compressor controller, which enables seamless
bearings, requires no regular maintenance. Should the coupling ever need to be communication with the SFC control cabinet. Furthermore, the worldwide
replaced, it takes just a few minutes without any disassembly of the unit, as the presence of Siemens ensures dependable service. The SFC control cabinet
opening in the housing is more than large enough to replace the two coupling and SIGMA CONTROL are Class 1 tested and certified as per electromagnetic
sections. compatibility regulation EN 55011, both as individual components and as an
integrated system.

3 Low speed operation 7 Flexible pressure adjustment

Each DSD / DSDX compressor has exactly the same mechanical components as The wide range of available 1:1 drive airends makes it possible to select the one
those used in KAESER’s standard fixed speed compressors. This not only ensures that works most efficiently within the pressure and performance range required.
13 bar
0.1 bar increments
up to 4000 rpm unrivalled reliability and compressed air availability, but also guarantees optimum

Pressure in bar
O thers This ensures that every DSD and DSDX SFC compressor operates with the
energy efficiency. The most efficient method of producing compressed air is by most efficient pressure-frequency profile. Furthermore, the SIGMA CONTROL 10 bar
using large, low speed airends – airends in DSD/ DSDX SFC compressors have a compressor controller is equipped with a pressure-to-frequency profile that 0.1 bar increments

rpm* typical maximum rotation speed of approx. 2000 rpm. Further advantages include
50 0 guarantees maximum flexibility for air delivery and pressure whilst providing best
to1 long service life and reduced maintenance requirement. The use of standardised
u p possible efficiency. 7.5 bar
0.1 bar increments
drive motors also contributes to long-term compressed air availability.

15 50 100


* SFC up to 2000 rpm

4 8
Based on robust PC architecture, the SIGMA Control offers the possibility of Dual,
Specific power is the key
6,2 kW/m³/min
at 7.5 bar

Quadro, Vario and Continuous control. Clearly marked navigation and input keys Large, low speed airends are more efficient than small high speed airends
on the user interface are used to move around within the menu options of the four because they supply more air for the same drive power. This is not just the case at
line alpha-numeric display. This powerful compressor controller can also display full load, but also applies throughout the entire control range, which is particularly
information in any 1 of 30 selectable languages at just the press of a button. The important for variable speed machines. The specific energy requirement of 6.2 kW
SIGMA CONTROL automatically controls and monitors the compressor package. per m³/min for a KAESER SFC compressor operating at 7.5 bar can be considered
The Profibus interface enables exchange of data and operational parameters allowing as an excellent indication of the machine's efficiency. Variable frequency
the SIGMA Control to communicate with other air management systems such as the controlled compressors are only truly efficient if they have low energy consumption
SIGMA Air Manager. Interfaces are provided as standard for connection of a modem, throughout their entire control range.
a second compressor in base-load sequencing mode and for connection to data
networks (Profibus DP).
Professional planning
Complete unit Airend Connection from motor Cooling Compressed air supply system with separate components

Ready for operation, fully automatic, Genuine KAESER single-stage rotary to airend Air cooled; separate aluminium cooler
super silenced, vibration damped, all screw airend with SIGMA PROFILE Airend with integral coupling socket. for compressed air and fluid, radial
panels powder coated. rotors and cooling fluid injection for fan driven by its own motor (externally
optimised rotor cooling. Electrical components lubricated).
Sound insulation
Drive Control cabinet to IP 54, control SIGMA CONTROL
Panels lined with laminated mineral transformer, Siemens Masterdrive with
wool, maximum 72 dB(A) to PN8NTC Direct drive via high-flex coupling, control unit (SFC version), volt-free Interfaces for data communication
2.3 at one metre distance, free-field without gearing. contacts for ventilation control. comprising: RS 232 for Modem,
measurement. RS 485 for a slave compressor in KESS (KAESER’s Energy Saving KAESER compressed air systems
Electric motor base-load sequencing mode (not with System) provides comprehensive provide exceptional efficiency and
Vibration damping SFC versions) and a Profibus (DP) analysis of your compressed air produce application-specific quality
Premium efficiency electric motor of
interface for data networks. Prepared usage, enabling KAESER’s experts compressed air at lowest possible
Double insulated anti-vibration quality German manufacture to IP 55
for Teleservice. to plan and design a system that is cost. Use this expertise to your
mountings using rubber bonded metal and Insulation Class F for additional
specially tailored to meet all of your advantage and let KAESER design
elements. reserve.
compressed air needs. Typically your compressed air system.
ensuring a 95-98 % load capacity,

Technical Specifications – DSD / DSDX Dimensions

Standard version T – Version with integrated refrigeration dryer (Refrigerant R 134a) Standard DSD version
Rated Model Working FAD *) Complete Max. Dimensions Sound Weight Rated Model Working FAD *) Complete Max. Dryer power Dimensions Sound level Weight
motor pressure package at working operating WxDxH level **) motor pressure package at working operating consumption WxDxH **)

Air connection
power pressure pressure power pressure pressure

kW bar m³/min bar mm dB(A) kg kW bar m³/min bar kW mm dB(A) kg

75 DSD 142 7.5 13.62 9 2350 x 1730 x 2040 68 2700 75 DSD 142 T 7.5 13.62 9 2.1 3300 x 1730 x 2040 68 3100
2350 1730
7.5 16.12 8.5 7.5 16.12 8.5
90 DSD 172 2350 x 1730 x 2040 69 2850 90 DSD 172 T 2.1 3300 x 1730 x 2040 69 3250
10 13.20 12 10 13.20 12 Front view Rear view View from right 3D-view
7.5 20.46 8.5 7.5 20.46 8.5
110 DSD 202 10 15.52 12 2350 x 1730 x 2040 70 3200 110 DSD 202 T 10 15.52 12 2.35 3300 x 1730 x 2040 70 3650
13 12.68 15 13 12.68 15 DSD T SFC
7.5 23.80 8.5 7.5 23.80 8.5
71 71
132 DSD 238 10 19.92 12 2350 x 1730 x 2040 3400 132 DSD 238 T 10 19.92 12 2.35 3300 x 1730 x 2040 3850
79***) 79***)
13 14.80 15 13 14.80 15

Air connection
7.5 24.10 8.5
132 DSDX 243 10 20.12 12 2600 x 1980 x 2040 3650
13 14.90 15
3305 1730
7.5 30.20 8.5
160 DSDX 302 10 23.50 12 2600 x 1980 x 2040 4100 Front view Rear view View from right 3D-view
13 19.52 15

SFC - Version with variable speed drive T SFC - Version with variable speed drive and integrated refrigeration dryer
75 DSD 142 SFC 7.5 3.6 - 14.80 9 2905 x 1730 x 2040 69 3100 75 DSD 142 T SFC 7.5 3.60- 14.80 9 2.1 3305 x 1730 x 2040 69 3400

Air connection
7.5 3.6 - 16.33 10 7.5 3.60 - 16.33 10
90 DSD 172 SFC 2905 x 1730 x 2040 70 3230 90 DSD 172 T SFC 2.1 3305 x 1730 x 2040 70 3530
10 3.55 - 14.2 10 10 3.55 - 14.20 10
7.5 4.25 - 20.30 10 7.5 4.25 - 20.30 10 2600 1980
110 DSD 202 SFC 10 4.00 - 17.30 10 2905 x 1730 x 2040 71 3730 110 DSD 202 T SFC 10 4.00 - 17.30 10 2.35 3305 x 1730 x 2040 71 4080
Front view Rear view View from right 3D-view
13 3.25 - 14.95 15 13 3.25 - 14.95 15
7.5 5.93 - 22.50 10 7.5 5.93 - 22.50 10
72 72
132 DSD 238 SFC 10 5.80 - 20.00 10 2905 x 1730 x 2040 3870 132 DSD 238 T SFC 10 5.80 - 20.00 10 2.35 3305 x 1730 x 2040 4220
79***) 13 3.56 - 16.00 15 79***)
13 3.56 - 16.00 15 DSDX SFC
7.5 6.62 - 26.90 8.5
132 DSDX 243 SFC 10 5.60 - 23.73 12 3155 x 1945 x 2040 4150
13 3.56 - 19.00 15

Air connection
7.5 6.62 - 30.60 8.5
160 DSDX 302 SFC 10 5.60 - 26.70 12 3155 x 1945 x 2040 4600
13 3.56 - 21.10 15
3155 1945

*) FAD to ISO 1217: 1996, Annex C **) Sound level to PN8NTC 2.3 at 1 m distance, free-field measurement ***) At higher fan speed Front view Rear view View from right 3D-view

Choose the required grade of treatment according to your field of application: Explanation:
Air treatment using a refrigeration dryer (+3°C pressure dew point) THNF = Bag filter
Cleans dusty and heavily contaminated intake air
Examples: Selection of treatment classes to ISO 8573-1 1) ZK = Centrifugal separator
Solids Water Oil Bacteria Upon Installation for heavily Separates accumulating condensate

request fluctuating air demand
Pure air and

Upon ED = Eco Drain
cleanroom technology request 4 1 Electronic level-controlled condensate drain


FST FB = Pre-filter

Dairies, Breweries 1 4 1 Filters FC = Pre-filter

Air receiver RD ZK
Food and semi-luxury food * FD = Particulate filter (attrition)
1 4 1 FE = Micro-filter


AMCS FD ACT FF Separates aerosol oil and solid particles
Very clean conveying air, FE FF = Micro-filter
chemical plants 2 4 1 Separates aerosol oil and solid particles
FG = Activated carbon filter

Pure air and Upon request

request 4 1 For adsorption of oil vapours
cleanroom technology

FFG = Activated carbon and micro-filter

FST combination

Pharmaceutical industry 1 4 1

FFG RD = Refrigeration dryer

For drying compressed air, pressure dew point
Weaving machines, photo labs to +3 °C
1 4 1 RD ED Compressor THNF
AMCS * DD = Desiccant dryer
For drying compressed air, pressure dew point

Paint spraying, powder coating 1 4 1 to -70 °C

* ACT = Activated carbon adsorber
Packaging, control and For adsorption of oil vapours

instrument air 1 4 2 FST = Sterile filter

For sterile compressed air
General works air, Aquamat = Condensate treatment system
high-grade sand blasting 2 4 3
AMCS AMCS = Air-main charging system

Shot blasting 2 7 3 Aquamat


Low-grade shot blasting

3 7 4
For KAESER rotary screw compressors
Conveying air for waste water systems *in refrigeration + Solids –
3 9 4 dryer, FE micro- + Water/Condensate –
filters are optional
Other machines for TG to TI series + Oil –
No quality requirements 8 9 5 dryers. + Bacteria –
For air mains subject to sub-zero temperatures:
Compressed air treatment with a desiccant dryer (down to -70 °C pressure dew point)
Degree of filtration:
Solids Water Oil Bacteria Upon

Pure air and request Total

Class ISO 8573-1

cleanroom technology request 1-3 1 Solid particles1) Humidity2) oil

Installation for heavily

Pharmaceutical industry, dairies, FST fluctuating air demand Max. Max. particle Pressure dew
breweries 1 1-3 1 particle concentra- point


size tion (x = liquid water

Microchip production, optics, food µm mg/m³ in g/m³) mg/m³

and semi-luxury food production 1 1-3 1 FD ACT




0 e.g. Consult Kaeser regarding pure air and

FE Filters cleanroom technology
Paint spraying 2 1-3 1 Air receiver DD FE ZK
AMCS 1 0.1 0.1  - 70  0.01
Upon 2 1 1  - 40  0.1

Pure air and Upon request

3 5 5  - 20 1
cleanroom technology request 1-3 1

4 15 8 +3 5

FST 5 40 10 +7 –

Process air, pharmaceuticals 1 1-3 1 6 – –  + 10 –

7 – – x  0.5 –

Photo labs Compressor THNF 8 – – 0.5 < x  5 –

1 1-3 1


AMCS FG FD DD FE ED 9 – – 5 < x  10 –
Especially dry conveying air, paint 1
) to ISO 8573-1:1991
P-651/14HPC.3/08 Specifications are subject to change without notice

spraying, fine pressure controllers 2 1-3 2 Aquamat 2

) to ISO 8573-1:2001

HPC Compressed Air Systems, Victoria Gardens, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9RQ
Tel: 01444 241671 Fax: 01444 247304 E-Mail: info@hpcplc.co.uk www.hpccompressors.co.uk

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