A Study On Digital Marketing and Its New Phase
A Study On Digital Marketing and Its New Phase
A Study On Digital Marketing and Its New Phase
In this paper I would like to convey that the booming trends in digital marketing and its
future trends. Digital marketing is the avenue of electronic communication which is used by
the marketers to endorse the goods and the services towards the marketplace. The supreme
purpose of the digital marketing is concerned with consumers and allows the customers to
intermingle with the product by virtue of digital media. Digital marketing is an umbrella term
for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet,
but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. The
study is based on future trends and upcoming new phases of markets. The aim of this paper is
to investigate the impact of digital marketing on business, how the experts in this field
implement the marketing plans and how they measure the success.
Key Words: Social Media, E-Commerce, Digital marketing, Big data, SEO.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital
technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising,
and any other digital medium. The way in which digital marketing has developed since the
1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and businesses utilize technology and digital
marketing for their marketing. Digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent as
well as efficient, as digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and
everyday life, and as people use digital devices instead of going to physical shops.
The rapid evolution of digital media has created new opportunities and avenues for
advertising and marketing. Fueled by the proliferation of devices to access digital media, this
has led to the exponential growth of digital advertising.
This is how the benefits far outweigh the negatives when it comes to the impact of digital
marketing on business.
The impact of digital marketing on traditional marketing has been profound, and rightfully
so. The world of digital marketing opens doors that offer a potential client the opportunity to
feel as if he or she is connected with a business, as if the client is a part of it, simply because
one sees content from that business online on a regular basis. These types of things entice
potential buyers to give products and services a try that they once wouldn’t have even known
about. The benefits of digital marketing for the business world are vast and easily outweigh
any potential negatives.
If a marketer was unaware of the movement (perhaps they’ve been hiding under a rock) and
ran a banner ad on Face book with some humor about something that could even slightly, in
some far-off universe, be considered sexist, it could be the death of that company. While that
might sound severe, consider the line, “Once it’s been on the internet, it’s out there forever.”
Once an ad has run that can be affiliated with a company and is interpreted in an offensive
manner, it’s out there, never to be retracted. It’s often death by digital suicide for the
company behind the message.
While there are always negatives with any marketing strategy, the impact of digital
marketing on businesses has, overall, been a positive one. With more access to a broader
audience, digital marketing illuminates businesses in ways that were once impossible, saving
businesses time, money, and bringing in new customers like never before.
I feel fortunate to have followed some of the amazing major changes in digital marketing and
technology over the last 15 or 20 years. I'm sure you will have enjoyed living through,
following and acting on these changes too. Looking back, we've seen a phenomenal growth
in the importance of organic, then paid search, then social media and more recently,
incredible worldwide growth in mobile and particularly smartphone usage.
As well as this article, to help Smart Insights members, we also have a more detailed free
download of the marketing megatrends, which are 9 digital marketing and martech
megatrends that will help give you an edge in 2017.
Learn how to get an edge in the year ahread by deploying the latest marketing techniques that
businesses of all types need to consider to stay competitive.
We have asked this question over the past few years and it's been really interesting to see
what 'rocks your digital world' since there are some common themes amongst the top 3 and
some activities surprisingly low. The question we asked was around the most important
commercial trends. We had around 850 votes from marketers in different types of business
from around the world. Thank you if you voted! Here's what you thought:
By asking for just one technique from many, this helps shows the top 3, 5 or 10 top-level
trends. There are a clear top three techniques, each over 10%, but with a long tail of many
other techniques showing the potential for optimizing different areas of digital marketing.
Let's take a look at the top three...
It's no surprise to see content marketing 'top of the pile' since this has been in the top three
for each of the years we have run this poll. We see content marketing as the 'engagement' fuel
that powers all digital communications from search to social to email marketing to creating
website experiences which convert. Our content marketing toolkit is popular since members
want to learn a more planned approach to mapping content against personas across the
customer journey.
More of a surprise is that Big Data is in second position. I think this is because marketers are
aware of the potential of using data as what we call 'actionable insight'. To help the decision
on which technique to choose, we expanded upon the short labels you see in some polls to
help scope the response more carefully. 'Big Data' is a nebulous term, but when we expanded
the definition to include insight and predictive analytics, it shows the value of the specific
marketing techniques for Big Data and this help explains why this is in position number two.
In third position is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We added this to the poll
this year with the interest in it and its 'straight in at number three'! It's good to see the interest
in these techniques which we have been covering a lot on the blog and in our member
resources this year. In trend 8 we show how different AI techniques can be mapped against
the customer lifecycle.
Big Data (including market and customer insight and predictive analytics)
Content marketing Communities (Branded niche or vertical communities)
Social media marketing including Social CRM and Social Customer Care
up-to-date. We're avid users of these services since they help us keep readers up-to-date via
our own blog, twice weekly newsletters and monthly What's Hot feature.
In a recent article on keeping marketing teams up-to-date, Mark Kelly explains that
we recommend using Feedly as a way of aggregating primary marketing news sources via
RSS. Plus, I recommend taking a look at Zest which is a Google Chrome extension, new in
2017, which I and the team at Smart Insights use and is well worth checking out. Its curated
content is specifically designed for and updated by marketers. Like Feedly, you can use it to
review the most useful content recommended by 'the crowd', in this case 'your tribe' of
Digital marketing has turn out to be crucial part of approach of many companies. At the
present time, still for tiny business proprietor at hand have an extremely inexpensive and
competent method by using digital marketing to market their products or services in the
society. It has no restrictions. Company can utilize any devices such as tablets, smart phones,
TV, laptops, media, social media, email and lot other to support company and its products
and services. Digital marketing may achieve something more if it considers consumer desires
as a peak priority.
Online marketing also will increase your product and awareness of your business because in
Jordan and worldwide the online marketing channels are the highest reach.
Promoting your business online eventually will lead to an increase in product sales because
you do the right targeting. If you placed your ads in a newspaper, you don’t know who will
read your ads, or if you placed an outdoor sign in The University street-Amman, you don’t
know who will see your ads. With digital marketing you do 100% true targeting, so your
product will be profitable and you will reach more people.
Brands can now be direct sellers, content producers, bloggers, tweeters and even friends
without having to rely on media to deliver those messages. Consumers can seek out those
brands, connect with them through social networks, tweet about them, and instantaneously let
all their friends know what they think about them or what they plan to buy.
[2] Chaffey D & Smith P, E-Marketing Excellence: Planning and Optimizing Your Digital
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[3] Waghmare GT, E-Commerce, A Business Review and Future Prospects in Indian
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[4] Gangeshwer DK, E-Commerce or Internet Marketing: A Business Review from Indian
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