Final Proposal
Final Proposal
Final Proposal
Chapter 1
It has been conform to the passage of time that emerging technologies have become an
internal part of modern pedagogical skills and in the scenario, no doubt ICT is the key
player in this situation. Therefore this a need of hour to equip teachers with demanding
skills of using ICT techniques in classrooms. Now a days almost all continuous
professional development programs for prospective teachers most have the subject of
ICT compulsory as without having working command on the tool of ICT on prospective
A sample of Scottish primary school teachers have been surveyed to investigate the
and to explore the knowledge and skills gained by teachers from professional
need for a much greater emphasis to be placed on the pedagogy of ICT (European
On the other hand the broadcast media, the Internet can facilitate the participation of
2003). And if properly deployed, quality concerns hitherto forced by economic and
power considerations to be confined to the haves can now be within the reach of
information and communication technology (ICT) is not a panacea for all educational
problems, today’s technologies are essential tools for teaching and learning (Capper
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
(Ed.), 2011). To use these tools effectively and efficiently, teachers need visions of the
Similarly the goal of ‘teacher quality for all is proving difficult to achieve in many
achievement(Yuen, Law 2003). Usage of ICT can improve results and guidance,
organization and make critical capacities in the needful gathering(Sharma 2003). Though
teacher quality, policy choices, resources and approaches sometimes restrict its
availability and limit its value to teachers. This paper will uses the use of distance
Communications Technology (ICT) and the way it changes as they learn to teach is
examined. The cohort were taking a postgraduate certificate in education course at the
interviews will analyzed. The students had a variety of views about impact of ICT on
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
more sophisticated over the year in three stages, which involved processes of
thinking(Jung 2003). Implications of the findings for those involved in teacher education
are suggested. Liz Taylor Journal of Education for Teaching 30 (1), 43-56, 2004
Statement of problem
technology has become integral path of teaching profession that is the reason that in
use ICT is mandatory as ICT to meet the challenges faced by prospective teachers. The
1. To explore the various factors of ICT that enhance the professional development
of prospective teachers.
2. To analyze the impact role of ICT that help to develop professional skills of
prospective teachers.
prospective teachers.
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
Research Questions
prospective teachers?
Teaching and learning environment changing day by day rapidly. Due to the influx of ICT
in the process of teaching and learning . Therefore this is the need of hour that
prospective teachers should equip with the tools of ICT so that it can enhance the
No doubt the use of adding ICT is new dimensions to the word teaching as ICT is helping
to make the canvas of teaching brighter and clearer. It is assume that ICT will put a huge
impact due to its diversity and possibility of application in education. Due to these
characteristics prospective teachers are being professionally develop with the blend of
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
and optimize the delivery of information. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can
PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS: They are interested in assessing their learner needs and then
finding linkages from where the learners are to where they want them to be…
Apprenticeship perspective teachers view themselves as coaches who not only build
skills but also transform learners' identities to acculturate them into a profession.
Chapter 2
Literature review
The definition derived from the survey was teachers using computer sometimes in
relation to their work with the students. According to the findings of the definition
derived from the survey was teachers using computer sometimes in relation to their
work with the students. According to the findings of this study, 75% of the teachers
were computer-using teachers. A few years after this study, Becker (1994)
developed a sophisticated mechanism and analyzed the same data set. The result of
this analysis was very different and only 25% teachers could be considered computer-
using teachers. Since then the number of computer using teachers have expanded
as new and inexpensive technologies have continued emerging and their penetration
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
has increased many folds in teachers’ everyday lives and their teaching usage, inside
and outside the classrooms. This has further complicated the concept of a
computer-using teacher as the idea of computer usage has shifted from mere an
The many recent studies (Peralta & Costa, 2007; Campeau & Higgins, 1995; Law, Huang
and Chen, 2007; Yuen & Ma, 2008; Christensen and Knezek, 2006) have found a
link between teachers’ use of ICT and their perception of computer self-efficacy. The
higher the self-efficacy of teachers the more open teachers are to experiment with
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the last decade has brought about
many changes in education, and has had a huge impact on the educational system
resources into educational practices is not obtaining the expected results (Ertmer and
Ottenbreit leftwich, 2010; Hixon and Buckenmeyer, 2009; Ram-boll Management, 2006)
despite the potential they amass. Given this situation, several countries are proposing
new plans to incorporate ICT into education, such as the United States and the National
Educational Technology Plan (2010), or Spain and the School 2.0 Plan (2009). When it
essential part involves teachers and their training, which is a central theme of such
programmes. In this way, teachers become the main actor in ICT integration. Without
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
this actor, the incorporation of these technologies into the teaching-learning process
would not take place because, in the end, ICT are used by teachers (Cabero, 2004;
Ertmer, 2005). In order to include ICT in their daily practices, teachers have to feel
confident when using these new educational resources; in other words, teachers have to
be competent in ICT.
On the other hand it can be simply stated that teachers’ pedagogical beliefs affect their
teaching behaviors in the classroom (Bandura, 1986; Clark & Peterson, 1986). With the
form their own beliefs about the role of ICT as a teaching tool, the value of ICT for
student learning outcomes and their own personal confidence and competency.
tool that effects change in their practice (Prestridge, 2007). Teachers are likely to plan
and implement practices with technologies that reflect their beliefs about
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an important part of most organiza
tions these days (Zhang & Aikman, 2007). Computers began to be used in schools in the
early 1980s, and several scholars suggest that ICT will be an important part of education
the next generationBransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000; Grimus, 2000; Yelland, 2001).
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
However, this potential may not easily be realized, as Dawes (2001) underlined when he
stated, “problems arise when teachers are expected to implement changes in what may
well be adverse circumstances”. Due to ICT’s importance in society as well as in the
future of education, identifying the possible challenges integrating these technologies
in schools would be an important step in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
Balanskat, Blamire, and Kefala (2006) argue that although teachers appear to
acknowledge the value of ICT in schools they continue encountering obstacles during the
processes of adopting these technologies into their teaching and learning.
Chapter 3
The research will use qualitative methodology for this purposed research. Data will
Research context
The research will conduct in teacher education colleges in Karachi. Keeping in mind the
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
The target population of the study will include all the education college of Karachi. The
study will be conducted with sample. When determining the sample it will be important
The researcher will adopt interview tool used by Mr Jhon with his professional
Data analysis
Ethical consideration
Qualitative research introduces special moral and ethical problems that are not usually
interaction between the researcher and participants. It is therefore very important that
the researcher take special care in ensuring that ethical standards are met. Ethical
consent and the institutional review process (ethical approval). The researcher needs to
confidentiality, right to fair treatment and the right to protection from discomfort and
harm. Informed consent needs to be obtained from the participants, as well as the
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
o Balanskat, A., Blamire, R., & Kefala, S. (2006). A review of studies
o Branford, J., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (2000). How people
Academy Pres.
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
o Collis and Jung (2004), What the research says about using ICT.
o Dawes, L. (2001). What stops teachers using new technology? In M. Leask
o Ertmer, P. A. (2005). Teacher Pedagogical Beliefs: The Final Frontier in our Quest
53(4), 25-39.
A. G., Ng Y. R., Yao M., & Zhang ,T. (2014).ICT integration in education:
The impact of ICT on professional development of prospective teachers
2(2), 24‐46.
26, 130-146.
o Liaw , S., Huang, H., & Chen, G. (2007). Surveying instructor and learner
o Peralta, H., Costa, F.A. (2007). Teachers’ competence and confidence regarding
o Peralta, H., Costa, F.A. (2007). Teachers’ competence and confidence regarding