Reactive Dyes Thesis
Reactive Dyes Thesis
Reactive Dyes Thesis
I, the undersigned, declare that this dissertation submitted to the University of KwaZulu-Natal
for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering and the work contained herein is my original
work unless cited and has not been submitted at any other university for any degree.
Firstly and foremost I'd like to thank Lord God for blessing me with this opportunity. Thank
you for being my light throughout my darkness and my life throughout my death. To the Creator
of the universe I give all the honour, glory and praise.
I would like to express my appreciation to Prof CA Buckley for his untiring support and
seemingly unlimited belief in me. I will always be grateful to you for giving me this
To my family, thank you for always being there and always encouraging me. I cannot thank you
enough for what you have done for me. You are an incredible family and God could not have
chosen a better family for me.
I am grateful to WRC and CCETSA, without their financial assistance this project would never
have begun.
My special thanks go to Mr CJ Brouckaert and the PRG research team for their kindness and all
the great work they have done.
Last but definitely not least, I would like to thank the staff and colleagues of the Department of
Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Dyefm (Pinetown) and Sugar Milling Research Institute
(Durban). Thank you for your support that had made all of this incredible study possible. If
there is anyone I have left out thank you all I really appreciate.
The removal of colour from effluent after dyeing of cellulosic fibres is a major problem due to
the difficulty in treating such effluents by conventional treatment methods. Cellulosic fibres of a
specific shade (colour) are produced by reacting the fibres with a mixture of reactive dyestuffs,
salt and auxiliary chemicals. Reactive dye exhaustion to the fibre is about 80% i.e. 20% remains
in the effluent; this is hydrolysed dye which cannot be reused for dyeing. The exhausted reactive
dye bath together with first rinse represents 6 to 30 L effluent/kg of fabric and most of the
colour and salt. The total water consumption for reactive dyeing ranges from 25 to 100 L
effluent/kg fabric while the water consumption from total textile finishing ranges from 30 to
150 L effluent/kg fabric. Thus the concentration of the dye and salts are 5 times more
concentrated when obtained at source.
The use of activated carbon adsorption for the removal of colour from exhausted dyebath for the
re-use of water, salt and energy has been studied. Four different commercial reactive dye
chemistries and associated auxiliaries were tested and commercial activated carbon was used as
an adsorbent. Different temperatures (20°C to 100°C), pH values (acidic, neutral, basic) and salt
concentrations (50 g/L to 100 g/L) were evaluated and the high adsorption results were achieved
when using high temperature, low pH (acidic) and high salt concentrations. The Freundlich
adsorption parameters were obtained for activated carbon adsorption capacity and adsorption
bond strength between reactive dyes and activated carbon. The overall removal of the reactive
dye shades was 36% to 53% (based on colour in the effluent), salt recovery was about 94% to
97%, the water recovery ranged from 14% to 25% and energy savings of 17% to 32% could be
achieved. Column adsorption test were performed at different temperatures and flowrates. The
saturated activated carbon was regenerated and repeatedly used by elution with 1.0 M NaOH.
The regenerated carbon was found to be effective up to 3 cycles of operations. A column system
for treatment of reactive dyes using activated carbon was designed. The outcome of this study
showed that treatment of reactive dyebath with activated carbon adsorption technique can allow
re-use of water, salt and energy, thus enabling environmental improvements with a savings in
salt, energy, water and treatment costs.
Fig 1.1 : Sequence for reactive dyeing of cotton 1-2
Fig 1.2 : Overall sketch of dye machine close-coupled with proposed activated carbon process..
Fig 3.1: Dye and salt concentrations before and after dyeing of Navy shade 3-6
Fig 3.2: Dye and salt concentrations before and after dyeing of Black shade 3-6
Fig 3.3: Dye and salt concentrations before and after dyeing of Beige shade 3-6
Fig 3.4: Dye and salt concentrations before and after dyeing of Turquoise shade 3-6
Fig 3.5: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Navy shade 3-7
Fig 3.6: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Black shade 3-7
Fig 3.7: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Beige shade 3-7
Fig 3.8: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Turquoise shade 3-7
Fig 3.9: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade 3-8
Fig 4.1 : Metal flasks where test dye solution was poured 4-4
Fig 4.2 : Front view of the shaker with a temperature controller used 4-4
Fig 4.4 : Stirrers inside the shaker where metal flasks are clamped 4-4
Fig 4.9 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Navy shade at pH 11 and 70 g/L NaCl 4-6
Fig 4.10 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Black shade at pH 11 and 80 g/L Na2S04 4-6
Fig 4.11 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Beige shade at pH 11 and 60 g/L NaCl 4-6
Fig 4.12 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Turquoise shade at pH 10 and 50 g/L Na2S04....
Fig 4.13 : Effect of pH on adsorption of Navy shade at 100°C and 70 g/L NaCl 4-7
Fig 4.14 : Effect ofpH on the adsorption of Black shade at 100°C and 80 g/LNa 2 S0 4 4-7
Fig 4.15 : Effect of pH on the adsorption of Beige shade at 100°C and 60 g/L NaCl 4-7
Fig 4.16 : Effect of pH on the adsorption of Turquoise shade at 100°C and 50 g/L Na2S04 4-7
Fig 4.17 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on adsorption of Navy shade at 100°C and pH 11...
Fig 4.18 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the adsorption of Black shade at 100°C and
pH 11 4-7
Fig 4.19 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the adsorption of Beige shade at 100°C and
pH 11 4-8
Fig 4.20 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the adsorption of Turquoise shade at 100°C
andpHIO 4-8
Fig 4.21 : Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade 4-12
Fig 5.6 : Navy breakthrough curve at different flowrates and 60°C 5-5
Fig 5.7 : Black breakthrough curve at different flowrates and 60°C 5-5
Fig 5.8 : Beige breakthrough curve at different flowrates and 60°C 5-5
Fig 5.9 : Turquoise breakthrough curve at different flowrates and 60°C 5-5
Fig 6.1: Desorption of shades from granular activated column using NaOH 6-3
Fig 7.2 : Navy breakthrough curve at 60°C for column design 7-2
Fig A.5: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade A-6
Fig A.6: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Black shade A-7
Fig A.7: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Beige shade A-8
Fig A.8: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Turquoise shade A-9
Fig B.l: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade B-8
Fig B.2: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Black shade B-9
Fig B.3: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Beige shade B-10
Fig B.4: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Turquoise shade B-l 1
Table 1.1: Summary of the project outline 1-6
Table 2.2. Acceptable limit (AL) for reuse for the studied shades 2-18
Table 4.1: Some chemical and physical properties for F-400 as supplied by the manufacturer..4-2
Table 4.3 : Coefficients of determination in Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models (number
Table 4.4 : Parameters in Freundlich isotherm model (number of samples per condition=10) .4-10
Table 4.5: Possible treatment of dyebath with PAC using Freundlich parameters 4-11
Table 4.6 : Total Navy Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon
Table 4.7 : Total Black Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon
Table 4.8 : Total Beige Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon
Table 4.9 : Turquoise Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon
Table 5.1: Column breakthrough effect of the shades to acceptable limit for reuse 5-6
Table 5.2: Column exhaustion effect (C0=95%)of dark shades at different temperatures 5-6
Table 6.1: Effect of shades bed volume treated for regeneration cycles at 60°C 6-4
Table A.l: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after Navy dyeing of fabric A-2
Table A.2: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after Black dyeing of fabric A-3
Table A.3: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after dyeing of fabric A-4
Table A.4: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after dyeing of fabric A-5
Table B.l: Adsorption isotherm data for the different time interval for all the shades at 6CTC..B-2
Table B.2: Adsorption isotherm data for the Navy shade B-4
Table B.3: Adsorption isotherm data for the Black shade B-5
Table B.4: Adsorption isotherm data for the Beige shade B-6
Table B.5: Adsorption isotherm data for the Turquoise shade B-7
Table D.l: Column test data for Navy shade at different temperatures D-l
Table D.2: Column test data for Black shade at different temperatures D-3
Table D.3: Column test data for Beige shade at different temperatures D-4
Table D.4: Column test data for Turquoise shade at different temperatures D-4
Table D.5: Column test data for Navy shade at different flowrates D-5
Table D.6: Column test data for Black shade at different flowrates D-6
Table D.7: Column test data for Beige shade at different flowrates D-7
Table D.8: Column test data for Turquoise shade at different flowrates D-8
Table E.2: Regeneration cycle data for the Navy shade E-2
Table E.3: Regeneration cycle data for the Black shade E-3
Table E.4: Regeneration cycle data for the Beige shade E-4
Table E.5: Regeneration cycle data for the Turquoise shade E-5
Table E.6: The breakthrough curve for design obtained at 60°C Navy Shade E-6
a Langmuir constant related to the area occupied by a monolayer
of adsorbate reflecting the adsorption capacity
AL Acceptable limit for water reuse for dyeing (75 ADMI)
AL Pilot-scale column surface area
As Small-scale column surface area
b Langmuir direct measure for the intensity of adsorption
C Dye residual concentration for equilibruim tests (mg dye/L)
C0 Initial dye feed concentration-column test
Ct Residual dye concentration in the effluent-column test
dL Pilot-scale column carbon particle
ds Small-scale column carbon particle diameter
s Carbon bed void fraction
EBCTL Pilot-scale empty bed contact time
EBCTS Small-scale empty bed contact time
IDL Pilot-scale column internal diameter
IDS Small-scale column internal diameter
Ls Small-scale column length
M Mass of carbon
MCL Pilot-scale mass of carbon
Mcs Small-scale mass of carbon
pb Carbon particle density
QL Pilot-scale flow rate
Qs Small-scale flow rate
ReL Pilot-scale Reynold's numbers
Re, Small-scale Reynold's numbers
tbL Pilot-scale time to breakthrough
tbs Small-scale time to breakthrough
v Water viscocity
Anchor Reactive group that form a covalent bond with the textile
Azo dye Dye which contain a least one azo group (-N=N-), and can
contain up to four azo bonds.
Fibre A fine thread used to make textiles, which is flexible and fine.
A general name for the raw material, such as cotton, flax,
hemp, etc., used in textile manufactures.
Water is life. The provision and supply of adequate water quality and quantity for economic and
public health purposes remain a continuous challenge. Water use and wastewater management
in South Africa is a key factor for social and economic growth, as well as our environment
(WRC, 2003).
Water resources management has become an important operational and environmental issue
especially in the context of South Africa as water is becoming incrementally scarce. Even
though it appears to be in plentiful supply on the earth's surface, water is a rare and precious
commodity, and only an infinitesimal part of the earth's water reserves (approx. 0.03%)
constitutes the water resource, which is available for human activities (Allegre et al., 2004).
South Africa is a semi-arid country. It is predicted that in future, increasing demands will be
made on our dwindling water resources. It is therefore imperative that all water use sectors use
water optimally and efficiently to ensure that the needs of both the environment and people are
satisfied for now and future generations (DWAF, 1998). Due to the limited water resources in
South Africa, it is important to encourage industries to implement water and effluent
management strategies and reduce waste at source (Barclay and Buckley, 2002).
resulting from dye baths and dye rinse waters, which contain unfixed dyes (Faria et al., 2004).
Reactive dyes are the major cause for complaint. Exhaust reactive dyeing requires high salt
concentrations (up to 80 g/L of Na2SC>4/NaCl). Reactive dye bath and first rinse represent 6 to
30 L effluent per kg of fabric and most of the colour and salt. The main challenges that textile
industries face from dyeing of cellulose with reactive dyes is to reduce water consumption and
high salinity coloured effluents. Fig 1.1 is a schematic representation of the main stages
involved in the reactive dyeing of cotton. This section will describe the three different stages
used in the colouration of fabric by reactive dyeing namely: preparation, dyeing and finishing.
1. Weaving
2. Desizing
3. Scouring
4. Bleaching
The cotton contains a significant amount of contamination resulting from fertilizers, insecticides
and fungicides. Preparation removes all the natural impurities from the cotton and chemical
residues from previous processing. Natural impurities include waxes, oils, proteins, mineral
matter, and residual seeds. All the impurities on the cotton must be removed before dyeing
because they can interfere with dyeing process resulting in uneven dyeing, spotting and
permanently damaging the cotton fibre. The processes involved in preparation are desizing,
scouring and bleaching. The second stage in colouration of cotton is dyeing. Different reactive
dye classes require specific dyeing procedures; however a common factor is that high volumes
of water, auxiliaries, salt and alkali are required to produce a dyed cotton fabric. The total
volume of water from the dyeing process is determined by a liquor ratio, which is the volume of
dye solution required to dye a mass of fabric. The liquor ratio ranges from 30:1
L effluent/kg fabric in old equipment or short runs to 3:1 in ultramodern airflow equipment. A
typical value for the liquor ratio is 10:1. Subsequent rinsing of the reactive dyed cotton fabric
gives rise to large volumes of coloured effluent with high salts. The third stage is finishing,
which improves the quality of the cotton fabric after dyeing (Hendrickx and Boardman, 1995).
The water consumption resulting from the dyeing process from reactive dyeing ranges from 75
to 150 L effluent per kg of fabric.
The main challenge that textile industries face from dyeing of cellulose with reactive dyes is to
reduce water consumption and the highly saline coloured effluents. Coloured effluent disposed
by textile industries into Sterkspruit River was observed in the Hammarsdale area of KwaZulu-
Natal in the last decade. The inadequate treatment of Hammarsdale Wastewater Treatment
Works resulted in poor quality final effluents, which have an adverse environmental impact on
Sterkspruit river. The eThekwini municipality is encouraging the textile industries to be
involved in waste minimisation and cleaner production technologies. The removal of colour
from dyeing of cellulose effluent is a major problem due to the difficulty in treating such
effluents by conventional treatment methods. Biological treatment, chemical precipitation,
membrane technology, activated carbon adsorption and evaporation are the common wastewater
treatment techniques of textile industry effluents (Wenzel et al., 1996). Removing colour from
reactive dyebath for reuse by conventional processes such as chemical precipitation, evaporation
and biological treatment have been ineffective because of the high salt content resulting from
reactive dyeing. This is because only water can be reclaimed and not the salt and energy
(Wenzel et al., 1996; Allegre et al., 2004). Membrane filtration techniques such as reverse
osmosis can reclaim water, salt and energy (Dvarioniene et al., 2003) but high concentrations of
salt used in reactive dyeing will increase osmotic pressure which reduces the net pressure
driving force and permeate flow (Allegre et al., 2004).The salt and the residual dye still need to
be separated.
Activated carbon adsorption is the one promising technique for recovery of water, salt and
energy from exhausted dyebath. The advantage of using this stream is that the high salt
concentration could shift the dye equilibrium towards the carbon resulting in very high removal
efficiencies. It is hypothesised that dye removal using activated carbon will be more complete in
the presence of high concentration of salt and the decolourised dye solution can be reused
preventing the discharge of large masses of salts and water. Much work has been done on
activated carbon for the treatment of combined dye effluent; however there has been very little
work on the treatment of the reactive dye bath effluent using activated carbon. Furthermore the
hot saline decolourised dye bath is suitable for direct reuse thus reducing the total dissolved
solids load from the textile mill and allowing for direct energy reuse. Cleaner Textile Production
Project funded by Danida supported Dyefin Textiles and Vivendi Water Treatment (equipment
suppliers) in the pilot assessment of the system. The cost of the system is directly related to the
capacity of the carbon for dyestuffs and the amount of unexhausted dye in the effluent.
Continuous pilot-scale activated carbon trials on exhausted reactive dyebath effluent which
were undertaken by Vivendi Plant on Dyefin Textile industry effluent concluded that
Chemviron F-400 carbon could treat 68 L effluent per kg carbon i.e. 147 g carbon/kg fabric and
the performance of thermally regenerated carbon was similar to that of virgin carbon (Hoffman,
2004). Further tests were needed to quantify the effect of temperature, salt and pH on the
adsorption characteristics. Investigation of new high performance dyes with greater exhaustion
is allowing a trade-off between more expensive high performance dyes and the cost of activated
• The studies focused on the combined dye house or factory effluent. The dye
concentrations are low, and the volumes are large. This resulted in low driving forces
and large carbon inventories (Wenzel et al., 1996; Santhy and Selvapathy, 2006).
• The salt concentrations were low. Dyeing with reactive dyes requires a high electrolyte
concentration (up to 80 g/L) in order to force the dye equilibrium towards the fabric.
This will improve the driving force of the dye onto the carbon Treatment of the dilute
dye house effluent reduces the salting out effect (Wenzel et al., 1996).
• Modern reactive dyes have bifunctional or more bonding groups and thus have a much
higher affinity for the fabric, thus there is less residual dye in the dye effluent hence the
mass of carbon required per mass of textiles is reduced (Allegre et al., 2006).
• The proposed activated carbon process will be close-coupled to the dye machine and
will treat the hot dye liquor. Fig 1.2 shows an overall sketch of activated carbon process
close-coupled to the dye machine. The dye will be removed and the hot water
containing the electrolyte will be recycled directly to the dye bath for the subsequent
The most important parameter is the amount of carbon to treat the exhausted dyebath for each
type of dye chemistry for a fixed shade. The feed concentration to the activated carbon column
should be the exhausted dyebath from each shade.
i Activated
i i
Rinsing i
'r I Regeneration
1 r
Fig 1.2 : Overall sketch of dye machine close-coupled with proposed activated carbon process.
The objective of this study is to establish the process parameters governing the recovery of
water and chemicals for reuse from reactive dye baths using activated carbon and to investigate
a process for recovering water and chemicals from reactive dyeing. The following approach was
adopted to achieve these aims:
• The first phase of this project involved researching of the relevant literature on reactive
dyes and activated carbon adsorption. The reactive dye chemistry and the factors that
affect adsorption equilibrium were investigated.
• The experimental work on dyeing a range of shades using different dye chemistries being
undertaken in terms of WRC Project K5/1363 - The promotion of biodegradable
chemicals in the textile industry using the score system: phase 1 - pilot study, was of
particular relevance to this project in selecting dye chemistries and dyestuffs to be
evaluated. The four selected dye chemistries represent almost all reactive dye chemistries
used in Dyefin textile factory. Four reactive dye classes of Drimarene HF, Cibacron S,
Procion HE and Remazol L with different dye chemistries were selected from the WRC
Project K5/1363 to produce four different laboratory shades. Laboratory dyeing for four
different shades (Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise) with associated auxiliaries and salts
were undertaken following a specific dye recipe for each of the shades. Each shade
consisted of up to 3 dyestuffs. The Navy shade was made of three Drimarene HF reactive
dyes, Black shade consisted of two Cibacron S reactive dyes, Beige shade made of three
Procion HE reactive dyes and Turquoise shade consisted of two Remazol and one Levafix
reactive dyes.
The dye bath liquor from each of these laboratory dyeings was then tested against
activated carbon. One grade of F-400 activated carbon from Chemviron was selected.
Adsorption isotherm experiments were undertaken on the dye liquor bath. The effect of
three different salt concentrations, three pH values and four different temperatures on the
adsorption isotherm was determined for all four shades. Column tests were undertaken
using the exhausted dye bath at three different temperatures to determine the kinetics of
dye adsorption. The results would be used to determine the parameters for standard
adsorption theory.
Finally, the carbon was chemically regenerated at a laboratory scale under a range of
conditions. Column experiments for the regenerated carbon were performed to determine
the performance of the regenerated carbon. This procedure was repeated for a number of
cycles to evaluate the regenerated carbon adsorption capacity. The results were used to
assess the overall performance of the reuse system. The possible system for removal of
colour for the reuse of salt, water and energy was designed. Table 1.1 shows the overall
summary of the project.
activated carbon. An overall conclusion of the results obtained and recommendations are
presented in Chapter 8.
From Chapter 1, the main objective of this investigation is to establish the process parameters
governing the recovery of water and chemicals for reuse from reactive dye baths using activated
carbon. The textile industry plays an important role in our economy in increasing consumer
interests by producing cotton fabric with value, comfort and styling using reactive dyes. At the
same time large volumes of water are used for reactive dyeing and large quantities of coloured
wastewater with high salt contents are generated. Treatment of textile effluent resulting from
reactive dyeing is major problem facing textile industries today. The failure of most
conventional treatment process resulted in the need to develop alternative treatment methods
such as activated carbon adsorption. Activated carbon adsorption has been studied in more
detail than the other treatment methods in this chapter. In this chapter the relevant literature on
reactive dyes and activated carbon has been reviewed. Section 2.1 discusses an overview of
reactive dyes while Section 2.2 discusses the activated carbon and its adsorption characteristics.
Water quality for reuse and system design for activated carbon treatment is discussed in Section
2.3 and 2.4 respectively.
The concept of immobilising a dye molecule by covalent bond formation with reactive groups in
a fibre originated in the early 1900s (Broadbent, 2001). Cross and Bevan first succeeded in
fixing dyes covalently onto cellulose fibres, but their multi-step process was too complicated for
practical application. Early work by Schroter with sulfonyl chloride-based dyes was
unsuccessful, but Gunther later did succeed in fixing derivatives of isatoic anhydride onto
cellulose fibres. Haller and Heckendorn, and Heyna and Schumacher in the 1940s also
contributed in the approach of modifying the fibres and introduced coloration (Hunger, 2003).
In 1955, Rattee and Stephen, working for ICI in England, developed a procedure for dyeing
cotton with fibre-reactive dyes containing dichlorotriazine groups. They established that dyeing
cotton with these dyes under mild alkaline conditions resulted in a reactive chlorine atom on the
triazine ring being substituted by an oxygen atom from the cellulose hydroxyl group
(Broadbent, 2001).
The discovery of reactive dyes was an event of great technical and commercial importance. Not
only did this class of dye function by the complete new fixation method of covalent bonding
with the substrate, but it also offered the cotton dyer a desirable blend of properties such as high
wet fastness, brilliance and variety of hue and versatility of application (Hunter and Renfrew,
The dyes can also react with water and these reactions compete with one another. The reactive
group must exhibit adequate reactivity towards cotton, but have lower reactivity towards water
molecules which can deactivate the dye by hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of the reactive group of
the dye is similar to its reaction with cellulose but involves a hydroxyl ion in water rather than a
cellulosate ion in the fibre (Broadbent, 2001). All dyes are hydrolysed, the extent of which
determines the efficiency of dyeing, and as a result 100% efficiency (or fixation) is never
achieved. Commercial reactive dyes vary in molecular mass and complexity in that they contain
one, two and/or three chromophoric units and up to three different reactive groups, which will
be discussed in subsequent sections.
Monofu notional
Most mono-anchor dyes are derivatives of cyanuric chloride (2,4,6-trichloro-l,3,5-triazine), a
molecule of wide synthetic potential because the three chlorine atoms on the triazine ring differ
in their reactivity. The first chlorine atom exchanges with nucleophiles in water at 0 to 5°C, the
second at 35 to 40°C and the third at 80 to 85°C (Hunger, 2003).
Bifunctional dyes
The concept of reactive dyes with two reactive groups was well established in the early years of
reactive dyeing but at that time fixation efficiency was not a major issue and bifunctional dyes
were the exception rather than the rule until textile industries observed that more that 50% of the
monofunctional dyes could be lost to hydrolysis and discarded in the dye effluent (Hunter and
Renfrew, 1999). Since the 1980s considerable interest has been shown in strongly fixing
reactive dyes, and the required high fixation values have increasingly been achieved with the aid
of double anchors (Hunger, 2003).
Double-anchor dyes can be divided into two categories: those containing two equivalent
reactive groups called homo-bifunctional dyes (e.g. bis-P-sulphatoethylsulphone (CI Reactive
Black 5)) and those with mixed-anchor systems called hetero-bifunctional dyes (e.g. CI
Reactive Red 194). A homo-bifunctional reactive dye encompasses products containing two
vinylsulfonyls or sulfoxyethylsulfonyl group, which increase the probability of reaction with the
fibre. Introduction of homo-bifunctionality into cellulose reactive dyes is achieved by different
molecular structures: mono azo bis-monochlorotriazinyl, dis azo bis-monochlorotriazinyl, non-
azo-bis-monochlorotriazinyl, Procion H-EXL and bis-vinylsulphonyl reactive dyes (Hunger,
2003; Hunter and Renfrew, 1999).
In a mixed-anchor system the two reactive groups have different reactivities: a more reactive 2-
sulfohydroxyethysulfonyl group and a less reactive monochlorotriazinyl residue (Hunger,
2003). Hetero-bifunctional reactive dyes , which have different optimal fixation towards cotton
gives a more uniform degree of fixation over a wide range of dyeing temperature and fixation
pH values than homo-bifunctional reactive dyes (Broadbent, 2001).
Multifunctional dyes
The introduction of more than two anchor groups has only a minor influence on dye fixation
characteristics, so multiple-anchor dyes play only a subordinate role in world markets (Hunger,
2003), increasingly this has been an area of patent interest (Hunter and Renfrew, 1999). A
number of tri-functional dyes containing bis-vinyl sulphone/monochlorotriazine and bis-vinyl
sulphone/monofluorotriazine reactive groups have been disclosed by dye suppliers (e.g. Ciba
etc.). Four (tetra-functional dyes) and five (penta-functional dyes) independent reactive groups
have been developed (Hunter and Renfrew, 1999).
Azo dyes
Most reactive dyes fall in the category of azo dyes. Virtually every hue in the dye spectrum can
be achieved by appropriate structural modifications (mono- and di-azo dyes, combinations
involving either single or multiple aromatic and heterocyclic ring systems) (Hunger, 2003).
Anthraquinone dyes
Anthraquinone-based dyes are significant because of their brilliance, good light fastness and
chromophore stability under both acidic and basic conditions. Recently, in the 21st century, they
dominated the market for brilliant blue reactive dyes in spite of their relatively low colour
strength and comparatively high cost. The shades of commercial reactive anthraquinone dyes
range from violet to blue, e.g. C.I. Reactive Blue 19 (Hunger, 2003).
Triphenodiaxazine dyes
Dyes derived from triphenodioxazine ring system have been commercially available since 1928
when Kranzlein and co-workers discovered dyes with this basic structure augmented by sulfonic
acid groups. The triphenodioxazine chromophore was tested in almost every class of dyes, but
only recently has it been introduced into reactive dyes. Until the 21st century, anthraquinone
dyes were predominant in most applications requiring brilliant blue dyes, but the much stronger
triphenodioxazine dyes now represent a less expensive choice in many applications (Hunger,
Phthalocyanine dyes
The water-soluble reactive phthalocyanine dyes yield brilliant turquoise and green shades not
available in any other dye category. The most important reactive phthalocyanine dyes contain
copper or nickel as their central atom; they are substituted with sulfonic acid groups and also
with reactive groups joined via sulphonamide bridges, e.g. C.I. Reactive Blue 15 (Hunger,
• Alkali-controllable dyes, which have high reactivity and only moderate substantivity.
They are applied at low temperatures and level dyeing requires careful control of the
addition of alkali to initiate the fixation stage e.g. dichlorotriazine,
difluorochloropyrimidine and vinylsulphone reactive dyes.
• Salt-controllable dyes. These dyes have low reactivity towards cellulose under alkaline
conditions and therefore the dyeing temperature will be as high as 80°C. They have
appreciable substantivity and level dyeing requires careful addition of electrolyte to
promote exhaustion e.g. trichloropyrimidine, monochlorotriazine and monofluorotriazine
reactive dyes.
• Relatively large amounts of electrolyte are required for exhaust and pad steam
• Laborious removal of unreacted and hydrolysed dye is required- often a longer operation
than the dyeing step itself and not always entirely satisfactory
• Colour is not easily removed by effluent treatment processes and in many cases the dyes
are not readily biodegradable
Because most reactive dyes are prone to hydrolysis, their handling and use requires care. Once a
dye is prepared, it cannot be stored for later use without some risk of hydrolysis of the reactive
group. This decreases its fixation ability and is a particular problem with the most reactive types
of dye. Many commercial reactive dyes are dusty powders but all physical forms must be
handled with care. These dyes react with the amino groups in proteins in the skin and on
mucous surfaces. Inhalation of the dust is dangerous and a dust mask is obligatory during
handling. Reactive dye powders and grains are sometimes hygroscopic and drums must be
carefully re-sealed. Most reactive dyes have a limited storage period, after which some
deterioration can be expected (Broadbent, 2001).
from reactive dyeing due to their incomplete exhaustion and high salt concentration used in
reactive dyeing. Failure of conventional treatment processes for removal of colour from reactive
dyebaths with high salt content resulted in alternative treatment processes. Among all treatment
processes for textile wastewater, activated carbon adsorption seems to be promising in the
removal of reactive dyes from reactive dyebath effluent with high salt content and is explained
in more detail in section 2.2. In the subsequent sections the failure of common conventional
processes is explained.
Biological treatment
Biological treatments reproduce artificially or otherwise, the phenomena of self-purification that
exists in nature. As a result of the low biodegradability of most of the dyes and chemicals used
in the textile industry, their biological treatment by activated sludge does not always meet with
great success: in fact most of these dyes resist aerobic biological treatment. Coagulation-
flocculation treatment is generally used to eliminate organic substances. The products normally
used have no effect on the elimination of soluble dyestuffs, even though this process is widely
used in some countries. It makes it possible to effectively eliminate insoluble dyes (Allegre et
al, 2004).
Evaporation is technically feasible when the water contains highly water-soluble compounds
with low vapour pressure. High salinity of the dye-bath has been a limiting factor in evaporation
for the test equipment, due to the increase of boiling point and the capacity of the vacuum
pump. However, costs for evaporation are much higher than for membrane filtration. For the
dye-bath treatment, evaporation does not allow the salt content to be re-used, as the activated
carbon adsorption does, thus making evaporation economically unfavourable. The evaporation
technique reclaims water and leaves a residue of salt, dye-stuffs and chemical oxygen demand
together (Wenzel et al, 1996).
Chemical precipitation
Removal of reactive dyes by precipitation with various precipitants has been shown to be
possible by other researchers. Precipitation has been found to leave a certain amount of
impurities from precipitants and dyestuffs and in some case surplus precipitants, in the water
phase. This increased the need for fresh water renewal in case of re-circulation, or activates the
need for a secondary treatment such as activated carbon (Wenzel et al., 1996).
Membrane technology
The use of membrane filters in the textile industry was one of the most promising technologies
available for the purification of process water for reuse but high salt concentrations resulting
from reactive dyeing have limited its use. Membrane technology has emerged as a reliable and
applicable technology in the treatment of various industrial process effluent streams with low
salt concentrations (Dvarioniene et al., 2003). Care is needed when using membranes to avoid
membrane clogging or fouling, which appears to occur rapidly (Marmagne and Coste, 1996).
The problem associated with using membranes is that the higher the concentration of salt, the
more important the osmotic pressure becomes and; therefore the greater the energy required
(Allegre et al., 2004).
2.2.1. Background
Water insoluble dyes (e.g. disperse and vat dyes) generally exhibit good exhaustion properties
i.e. most of the dyes bonds to the fibre and have been reported to be removed by physical means
such as flocculation (Shaul et al., 1986; 1988). Since the introduction of water soluble (reactive
dyes), which are used extensively by the textile industries, conventional biological treatment
processes are no longer able to achieve adequate colour removal. The use of adsorption as an
alternative technique for removal reactive dyes is as a result of the failure of conventional
physicochemical coagulation/flocculation methods (Juang et al., 1996).
Adsorption on porous carbon was described as early as 1550 BC in an ancient Egyptian papyrus
and later by Hippocrates and Pliny the Elder, as an adsorbent for medicinal purposes (Bansal et
al., 1988; Allen et al., 1998). In the 19th century, powdered carbons made from blood, wood and
animals were used for the purification of liquids. At the beginning of the 20th century, the use of
bone char available as granular material was used for decolourisation in the sugar industry,
where the liquid to be treated was continuously passed through a column (Hassler, 1974).
Currently, activated carbons are produced commercially from precursor materials such as
coconut shells, coal, peat, nutshells, wood and lignite by either chemical or physical activation
or a combination of both of these methods (Bansal et al., 1988).
Activated carbons are unique and versatile adsorbents because of their extended surface area,
microporous structure (Allen and Koumanova, 2005), high adsorption capacity, and high degree
of surface reactivity. They are extensively used to purify, decolourise, deodorise, dechlorinate,
and detoxify potable waters; for solvent recovery and air purification in inhabited spaces such as
restaurants, food processing and chemical industries. According to Bansal et al.(1988), the
characterisation of activated carbon is carried out on the basis of several physical and chemical
properties, commonly including their total surface, pore size distribution, impact hardness and
ability to adsorb selected substances.
During the 20th century, the first processes were developed to produce activated carbons with
defined properties on an industrial scale. The use of activated carbons in an adsorption process
is increasing towards recycling and waste minimisation, thereby reducing the use of the water
Adsorptive capacity
Adsorptive capacity is characterised by the effectiveness of activated carbon in removing a
given contaminant. For example, the commonly used iodine number describes the capacity of
carbon to adsorb low-molecular mass substances, while molasses number characterises a
capacity of carbon for more complex compounds (Patrick, 1995) and methylene blue numbers
represent the amount of large micropores and mesopores in the activated carbon (Clements,
• Bulk diffusion of the compound from the liquid to the film around the carbon particle
• Diffusion through this surface film, this is usually the rate determining step
• Diffusion through the internal structure to the adsorption sites in the carbon (van Lier,
Molecules can bind to the surface by two types of binding forces namely, physical and chemical
forces. Physiosorption or physical adsorption is the result of intermolecular van der Waals
forces or hydrogen bonds of attraction between molecules of the solid and the substance
adsorbed. The physical adsorption is relatively weak and the adsorbed particles are assumed to
be free to move on the surface of the adsorbent. There is no significant redistribution of electron
density in either the molecule or at the substrate surface (Kumar et al., 2004). Chemisorption or
activated adsorption is associated with the transfer and sharing of electrons between adsorbate
and adsorbent resulting in a chemisorptive bond, a chemical bond stronger than van der Waals
forces (Suffet and McGuire, 1981; Hunger, 2003). The process is irreversible and on desorption
the original substance will often be found to have undergone a chemical change. In general, the
adsorbability of a compound on activated carbon increases with
Tabic 2.1. Typical characteristics of adsorption processes on activated carbon (Kumar et al,, 2004)
Characteristics Physical Adsorption Chemical Adsorption
Binding force Due to physical force of attraction, Due to chemical forces or
thus this process is also called as bonding, thus this process is
Van der Waal's adsorption also called as activated
Saturation uptake Multilayer phenomena Single layer phenomena
Activation Energy No activation energy involved May be involved
Temperature Range Adsorption is appreciable at lower Adsorption can take place
(over which adsorption occurs) temperature below boiling point of even at higher temperature
Nature of adsorbate Amount of adsorbate removed Depends on both adsorbent
depends more on adsorbate than and adsorbate
on adsorbent
Heat of adsorption 1 kcal/mole 50 to 100 kcal/mole
Branch-chain organics are more easily adsorbed than straight-chain organics, while the type of
attached functional group affects adsorption. Double- or triple-carbon bond (unsaturated)
organics are adsorbed more easily than single-carbon bond (saturated) organics. These
phenomena are attributed to the influence of the molecular structure on the polarity and/or
solubility of the compound of interest. The aqueous solubility of a solute is inversely related to
its adsorption onto carbon. Less soluble compounds are adsorbed more easily than more soluble
compounds (Pope, 1998).
The porosity of activated carbon, which is classified by the size of the diameter of the pores,
varies from micropores (2 nm), to mesopores (2 to 50 nm), to macropores (greater than 50 nm).
During treatment, particles of the same size as the pores tend to get stuck and retained by the
carbon. Volatile organic chemicals, metals, and some non-polar inorganic chemicals are
captured and held strongly by the activated carbon (Hassler, 1974). Less polar (or weakly
ionized) organics are more easily adsorbed than polar (or strongly ionized) organics.
Adsorption reactions are usually exothermic. High temperatures would seem to inhibit or slow
down adsorption but this is not usually found to be a factor in most systems. An explanation for
this may be revealed by considering the rate-limiting factor for adsorption. In carbon, adsorption
is limited primarily by the diffusion of solute onto the carbon particle. Higher temperatures may
impede adsorption at the adsorption site, but they significantly speed up the pace of diffusion,
offsetting any negative temperature effect (Mattson and Harry, 1971).
• The presence of compounds which are not to be removed, but interfere with adsorption of
a compound to be removed.
Freundlich isotherm
Freundlich, a German physical chemist, presented an empirical adsorption isotherm for non-
ideal sorption on heterogeneous surfaces as well as multilayer sorption. A Freundlich isotherm
can be used to determine the effect of solubility on the adsorptive capacity of activated carbon
over a range of different concentrations. Under standard conditions, the adsorptive capacity of
activated carbon will increase as the concentration increases, until the maximum saturation
capacity is reached (Kumar et al., 2004).
where X/M is the amount of dye adsorbed per gram of carbon (mg dye/g carbon), C is the
residual concentration (mg dye/L) and kF and n are Freundlich parameters (Jusoh et al., 2005).
The adsorption isotherm model can be expressed in the linear form as:
(!] = l o g ^) l o g C
Plotting log (X/M) against log (C) should give rise to a straight line to indicate the validity of
the Freundlich model. The n and kF values are obtained from the slope and intercept
respectively. The constant kF, partition coefficient in equilibrium, is positively related to the
degree of adsorption or adsorption capacity, while constant, «, provides estimation of the
intensity or strength of adsorption (Albanis et al., 2000).
Lanqmuir isotherm
A theoretical model for monolayer adsorption, which involves the assumption that forces acting
in adsorption are of a similar kind to those involved in chemical combination, was proposed by
Langmuir in the 20th century (Mantell, 1951). The model was originally developed to represent
chemisorption on a set of distinct localized adsorption sites. The basic assumptions on which the
model is based are:
The Langmuir model has a limited success in predicting mixture equilibria (Ruthven, 1984).
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is defined as:
X abC
M \+aC
where (X/M) is the amount of dye adsorbed per gram of carbon (mg dye/g carbon), C is the
residual concentration and a, b are Langmuir parameters.
1 1 1
_X| abC b-
- +
Plotting 1/(X/M) against 1/C should give rise to a straight line for the validation of the model.
The a and b parameter values are obtained from the slope and intercept respectively. The
parameter, a, is a constant related to the area occupied by a monolayer of adsorbate reflecting
the adsorption capacity and b is a direct measure for the intensity of adsorption process (Al-
Sarawy et al., 2005).
However, this approach may require time consuming and expensive studies. Rapid methods to
design GAC columns from small columns have been developed to reduce study time and cost.
Examples of methods using small columns are the short fixed bed, mini-columns, higher
pressure mini-columns, dynamic mini-column adsorption technique, accelerated column tests,
small-scale column tests and rapid small-scale column tests (RSSCT) (Eckenfelder, 2000). The
use of the RSSCT, which does not require the use of complicated models, will be briefly
explained and was used in this study.
column studies. The primary advantage of using RSSCT over pilot testing is the time savings.
Other major advantages are cost savings, reduced water requirements and the fact that extensive
isotherm and kinetic studies are not necessary. Mass transfer models can be used to determine
dimensional parameters. These parameters are used to maintain similitude between small and
large-scale columns. Subsequent to determining similitude, the RSSCT can be scaled up to aid
in the design of full-scale treatment operation.
Powdered activated carbon (PAC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) are the forms of
activated carbon used in water and wastewater treatment. PAC is added to the actual wastewater
stream to adsorb contaminants, then removed later from the stream and discarded. PAC was
often used in the past because of its faster adsorption rate, but disposal costs and handling
concerns have made GAC a more popular alternative for most applications. GAC is used in
water treatment, and then regenerated when it becomes less effective due to saturation with
chemicals. GAC is also usually much easier to handle and transport than PAC (Ford, 1981;
Brady and McKay, 1996).
Benefits of activated carbon treatment (Ford, 1981; Wagner and Jula, 1981) are:
• Very flexible system allows rapid start-up and shut down as needed
Limitations of activated carbon treatment (Ford, 1981; Wagner and Jula, 1981):
• Unable to remove highly soluble organics, or those with low molecular weights
• Systems cannot tolerate suspended solids in the influent stream (due to clogging)
Regarding the regeneration of activated carbon, a careful distinction between reactivation and
regeneration is of importance. Volatile components or substances with lower energy can be
removed fairly easily, whereas non-volatile compounds or substances adsorbed with high
energy and so-called irreversible residues resulting from polycondensation and polymerisation
product formation can hardly be desorbed. Reactivation restores the activated carbon to a state
where it is virtually identical to the properties of the virgin pre-cursor. Regeneration combines
both the adsorptive regeneration and reactivation. However, for simplification all methods will
be referred as regeneration methods (Zolfl et al, 2000).
There are three potential regeneration techniques: chemical, steam and thermal. Both chemical
and steam are used primarily in industrial systems designed to recover the adsorbate (Clark and
Lykins, 1989).
Thermal regeneration
The thermal reactivation of activated carbon is usually carried out in a multiple hearth furnace.
Thermal regeneration is made up of four stages: drying, desorption, pyrolysis and gasification.
Drying occurs in the entry zone of the furnace as the carbon is heated from ambient temperature
to 100°C. The thermal desorption followed by pyrolysis of organic adsorbate occurs as the
temperature increases beyond the drying temperature. Gasification occurs between 649°C and
1 038°C (Clark and Lykins, 1989).
The three main parameters influencing the regeneration success are the temperature gradient
within the furnace, the retention time and the level of exhaustion of the activated carbon. A
further increase in temperature would lead to an unacceptable and expensive burn-out of
activated carbon which causes enlargement of micropores. Further carbon loss (up to 15 percent
mass) occurs as a result of attrition caused by inevitable removal of the carbon from the column
into the furnace. Another disadvantage of thermal regeneration is that the adsorbed compounds,
which may be useful, are destroyed (Zolfl et al., 2000). Thermal regeneration is the most widely
used regeneration method despite its energy demand which result high costs (Alvarez et al.,
2004; Ferro-Garcia et al., 1993).
Activated carbon is a valuable commodity which is capable of being recycled using thermal
reactivation or regeneration techniques. This process offers significant advantages:
• Reduction in operating costs as regenerated material is often less expensive than virgin
• The regeneration of activated carbon makes it the less polluted environmental option
(Clark and Lykins, 1989).
Chemical regeneration
Chemical regeneration is based on the transformation of the adsorbed components into water
soluble salts by adding diluted acids or bases. Although this method is unharmful to the
activated carbon, both the used chemicals and the desorbed substances need to be reprocessed in
order to reduce chemical waste and costs (Zolfl et al., 2000). Chemical regeneration can be
carried out by desorption of the adsorbates using specific solvents or by decomposition using
oxidizing chemical agents (Alvarez et al., 2004). Desorption can take place by a pH change
which allow the adsorbate to change their ionic nature and thus be released from the carbon
surface. The desorption process needs to be followed by a neutralisation and rinsing stages
(Santhy and Selvapathy, 2006).
For this study the acceptable limit (AL) for reuse were selected on basis that the textile
industries are using water of drinking quality for their dyeing processes i.e. the ADMI value of
75. When dyeing a medium shades such as Turquoise and dark shades such as Navy and Black,
reclaimed water need not be of drinking water quality. According to studies mentioned on the
previous paragraph, dyeing using reclaimed water with a very low colour produced acceptable
results to the textile mills. Dyeing of light shades such as Beige with reclaimed water from dark
shade effluent has to be of acceptable limit (thus 75 ADMI). Table 2.2 shows the summary of
the acceptable limit for reuse with corresponding dye removed in percentages and dye
concentration used for this study.
Table 2.2. Acceptable limit (AL) for reuse for the studied shades
Shades Navy Black Beige Turquoise
FEED ADMI 17650 19010 345 10100
AL (ADMI) 75 75 75 75
% dye rem 99 99 78 99
AL dye cone (mg dye/L) 3 3 41 5
• The RSSCT can be conducted in less time that is required for pilot studies.
• Extensive isotherm or kinetic studies are not required for the performance prediction of
the pilot-scale, unlike predictive mathematical models.
• A small volume of water is needed for the test (Crittenden et al., 1991).
Type of GAC:
GAC with an appropriate pore size distribution suitable for the removal of identified target
compound should be selected. Pore size distribution of GAC can be controlled by the degree of
activation and choice of base materials (e.g. bitumen, wood, coconut etc.)
Where EBCTS and EBCTL are the EBCTs, ds and dL are GAC particle sizes and ts and tL
are the corresponding operational times for the small and large columns respectively. The
dependence of the intraparticle diffusion coefficient on particle size is defined by X. If the
intraparticle diffusion coefficient do not change with particle size ( X = 0), then the exact
similarity between RSSCT and pilot-scale effluent profiles can be maintained. If the
intraparticle diffusion is assumed to cause most of the spreading in the mass transfer zone then
the intraparticle diffusivity is proportional to particle size (X = 1).Columns with larger EBCTs
will yield larger specific volumes of water treated per unit mass of GAC. This is because the
ratio of length of active mass transfer zone to the length of the column decreases with increasing
column length (Crittenden et al., 1991).
In this chapter, the relevant literature on reactive dyes has been reviewed, to highlight the
different reactive dye chemistries, classes and the basic principle of the reactive dyeing process.
Different treatment technologies for the removal of colour from exhausted reactive dyebath
have also been highlighted and the emphasis was on activated carbon adsorption. The
incapability of the existing conventional treatment processes resulted in activated carbon
adsorption being the promising technology in the removal of colour from exhausted reactive
dyebath. Reactive dyeing of cellulose, such as cotton in this case study is performed at high
temperatures, high salt concentration and high volumes of water (from dyeing, rinsing etc.) and
this results in high colour and high salt concentrations in the effluent. This is the main challenge
that the textile industries are concerned about. Reactive dyeing of cotton and the parameters
involved in the activated carbon adsorption process of reactive dyes will be evaluated in the
subsequent chapters. The evaluating parameter such as different temperatures, pH values, salt
concentrations in the removal of colour were necessary for recovery of water, salt and energy
from reactive dyebath.
As described in Chapter 1, reactive dyes will always have a significant place in textile dyeing
because of their high colour fastness and the wide spectrum they possess. In the last decade the
consumption of reactive dyes has been 4 to 5 times more than other dye groups. Cellulosic
fibres such as cotton of a specific shade (colour) are produced by reacting the fibres with a
mixture of reactive dyestuffs, salt and auxiliary chemicals. The reactive dyestuff can contain
different functional groups (chemistries). Reactive dyeing of cotton was undertaken to estimate
the amount of dye and salt that remains in the effluent before activated carbon studies.
Laboratory reactive dyeing trials for different dye chemistries/classes operated at Dyefin Textile
factory were undertaken. This chapter describe the selected dye chemistries and classes (section
3.1) used for this study with their dyeing process and recipes presented in sections 3.2 and 3.3.1.
The discussion and conclusion of results are discussed.
characteristics to the dyed fabric. Exhaust reactive dyeing of cotton has three consecutive
distinct phases:
• The initial exhaustion phase - During this stage there is migration of reactive dye to the
cotton fibre. The amount of dye absorbed by the fibre depends on substantivity. The salt
such as sodium chloride and sodium sulphate are added to promote migration of dye to
the fibre. This phase is usually performed by gradually increasing the temperature of the
dyebath, this aids in the penetration and migration of dye into the fibre (Broadbent 2001).
The increase in temperature allows swelling of the cotton fibre which leads to a higher
dye uptake (El-Shishtawy et al., 2007)
• The fixation phase - At this stage the pH of the dyebath is increased by adding alkali,
which causes dissociation of some hydroxyl group in the cotton fibre. This allows
nucleophilic cotton ions to react with the dye ions. Dye absorption reaction progresses
until no further dye can be taken by the cotton fibre (i.e. reach equilibrium).
• The post-dyeing washing - The cotton fibre after dyeing contains unfixed dye as well as
hydrolysed dye, residual alkali and salt that are bonded on the surface of fibre. The latter
are removed by successive rinsing in cold and warm water. The cold rinse removes most
of the electrolyte and the unfixed dyes. The removal of electrolyte shifts the dye
equilibrium back to the aqueous phase and eases removal in the cold rinse. The
hydrolysed dye which is adsorbed on the fibres is partially removed by warm rinse and
more completely by hot soaping. Rinsing aims at removing hydrolysed and unfixed
reactive dyes from the cotton fibre. Depending on the dye recipe of the reactive dye used,
neutralisation can follow the cold rinse before warm rinse. Sodium hydroxide is adsorbed
within the cotton fibres, a neutralisation step is needed to release the residual alkali as a
neutral salt. The final last cold rinse removes the last traces of dye (Broadbent, 2001).
Several auxiliary chemicals are added to the bath during dyeing processes. These chemicals can
be divided into two groups: commodity and specialty chemicals and will be discussed in the
subsequent sections.
dyestuffs. Avcoson, Subitol, Tebolan are used in the reactive dyeing dyebath. Dekol solution is
used for soaping process of the cotton fibre and also in the reactive dyeing bath. Specialty
chemicals can cause side effects that are detrimental to the overall process (This information
was taken from Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Their composition and chemistries were
not divulged by the Manufacturer.
Four different dye shades were evaluated (Table 3.1). Each shade consisted of three dyestuffs
and associated auxiliaries. The dyeing recipes for the four shades are presented in section 3.3.1.
The salt concentration and pH were measured using Jenway conductivity meter 4310 and pH
meter 3310 by Jenway. The colour measurement of the dye solution presented in section 3.3.2
was performed using a Cary UV/Visible Spectrophotometer.
intake of dyestuff and dyeing water. For all the shades the exhausted dyebath effluent (SI) was
set aside for later analysis.
Navy Shade
Dyeing liquor (SO) for 10 g fabric was prepared from the relevant stock solutions (Appendix A)
according to a dyeing recipe: 30 mL Drimarene Navy, 6.6 mL Drimarene Red, 1.9 mL
Drimarene Yellow, 2 mL Tebolan, 6 mL Dekol, 8 mL Avcoson, 7 g sodium chloride and 10 mL
sodium carbonate into 100 mL volumetric flask and filled up to the mark with distilled water.
The dyebath temperature was 60°C with a pH value of 11. After dyeing the fabric (SI) was
subjected to a cold (25°C) water rinse (S2) followed with hot (100°C) soaping with Dekol (S3)
and lastly cold (25°C) water rinse (S4). The dyeing procedure is shown in Fig A.l of
Black Shade
Dyeing liquor (SO) for 10 g fabric was prepared according to a dyeing recipe: 21 mL Cibacron
Black R, 18 mL Cibacron Black G, 2 mL Tebolan, 6 mL Dekol, 8 mL Avcoson, 2.7 mL of 95%
sodium hydroxide, 8 g sodium sulphate and 10 mL sodium carbonate into 100 mL volumetric
flask and filled up to the mark with distilled water. The dyebath temperature was 60°C with a
pH value of 11. After dyeing the fabric (SI) was subjected to a warm (50°C)water rinse (S2)
followed by cold (25°C) neutralisation (S3) then with hot (100°C) soaping with Dekol (S4)
followed by hot (75°C)water rinse (S5), warm (50°C)water rinse (S6) and lastly cold (25°C)
water rinse (S7). The dyeing procedure is shown in Fig A.2 of Appendices.
Beige Shade
Dyeing liquor (SO) for 10 g fabric was prepared according to a dyeing recipe: 5 mL Procion
Yellow H-E4R, 1.5 mL Procion Red H-E7B, 2.9 mL Procion Blue H-ERD, 1.5 mL Tebolan,
2.5 mL Subitol, 60% Acetic acid to control pH between 5.5 to 6.5, 6 g sodium chloride and
7.5 mL sodium carbonate into 100 mL volumetric flask and filled up to the mark with distilled
water. The dyebath temperature was 60°C with a pH value of 11. After dyeing the fabric (SI)
was subjected to a hot (100°C) water rinse (S2) followed by cold (25°C) water rinse (S3) then
with hot (100°C) soaping with Dekol (S4) and lastly cold (25°C) water rinse (S5). The dyeing
procedure is shown in Fig A.3 of Appendices.
Turquoise Shade
Dyeing liquor (SO) for 10 g fabric was prepared according to a dyeing recipe: 0.24 mL Remazol
Brilliant Yellow 3GL granules, 33 mL Remazol Turquoise Blue G 133%, 1.4 mL Levafix Blue
CA granules, 1.5 mL Tebolan, 2.5 mL Subitol, 5g sodium sulphate and 6.5 mL sodium
carbonate into 100 mL volumetric flask and filled up to the mark with distilled water. The
dyebath temperature was 60°C with a pH value of 11. After dyeing the fabric (SI) was subjected
to a hot (100'C) water rinse (S2) followed by cold (25°C) neutralisation (S3) then with hot
(100°C) soaping with Dekol (S4) and lastly cold (25°C) water rinse (S5). The dyeing procedure
is shown in Fig A.4 of Appendices.
This section (3.4.1) presents results obtained from the laboratory reactive dyeing of fabric for
four different shades; Navy (trifloropyrimidine chemistry), Black (not divulged chemistry),
Beige (monochlorotriazine chemistry) and Turquoise (vinylsulphone). The final section contains
the mass balances for the total dyeing process of the selected shades. All results are discussed in
the discussion section (Section 3.5). Experimental data is presented in Appendix A and the
error analysis is presented in Appendix C.
4000 - 70
3500 - 60
3000 -
50 3
40 <=
2000 - o
1500 - \ 30 -
1000 -
\ 20 W
500 -
0 EL X -. •.. r ~ n
- 10
SO S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
• r~"~l Dye concentration • - Salt concentration FMD Dye concentration -Salt concentration
Fig 3.1: Dye and salt concentrations before and after Fig 3.2: Dye and salt concentrations before and after
dyeing of Navy shade. dyeing of Black shade.
SO-unexhausted dyebath, Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2- SO-unexhausted dyebath, Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-
cold water rinse, S3-hot soaping and S4-cold water warm water rinse, S3-cold neutralisation, S4-hot
rinse. soaping and S5-hot water rinse, S6-warm water rinse
and S7-cold water rinse.
" r70 4000 60
900 3500
- 60
\ 50 _
-l 40 5
1 2500
- \
40 —
2000 30 I
\ r 30 8
M 1500
\ TO I-20 |
m 1000
200 \ 20
100 - 10
0 I r 1—1 _! r-%
ex.. 0
C—] Dye concentration •Salt concentration r—"l Dye concentration Salt concentration
Fig 3.3: Dye and salt concentrations before and after Fig 3.4: Dye and salt concentrations before and after
dyeing of Beige shade. dyeing of Turquoise shade.
SO-unexhausted dyebath, Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-hot SO-unexhausted dyebath, Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-
water rinse, S3-cold water rinse, S4-hot soaping and S5- cold water rinse, S3-cold neutralisation, S4-hot soaping
cold water rinse. and S5-cold water rinse.
0.12 - 1.2
0.1- - 1
_ 0.08 -
I - 0.8 „
§ . 0.06 - | - 0.6 D
H| 15
0.04 - - 0.4 ">
0.02 -I 0.2
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Fig 3.5: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Navy shade. Fig 3.6: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Black shade.
SI-exhausted dyebath, S2-cold water rinse, S3-hot Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-warm water rinse, S3-cold
soaping and S4-cold water rinse. neutralisation, S4-hot soaping and S5-hot water rinse,
S6-warm water rinse and S7-cold water rinse.
0.12 -, 1.2 0.12 1.2
0.1 1 0.1 . • 1
g . 0.06 •] ul o
Q 0.06
• - 0.6 0
° 0.04 J
0.02 -
" 0.04 0.4 «
0 . lo - 0.2
0 0
Fig 3.7: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Beige shade. Fig 3.8: Dye and salt ratios after dyeing of Turquoise
Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-hot water rinse, S3-cold shade.
water rinse, S4-hot soaping and S5-cold water rinse Sl-exhausted dyebath, S2-cold water rinse, S3-cold
neutralisation, S4-hot soaping and S5-cold water rinse.
25°C 60°C
pH7 pH11
38.5g dye /kg fabric 4.3 g dye/kg fabric
682 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
700 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 460 kJ/kg fabric
IN -*• S1
Wet fabric
1.2 g dye/kg fabric
25°C -18 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
100°C Wet fabric 1.8 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping • S3
Wet fabric 0.8 g dye/kg fabric
<0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
Final Rinse • > S4
Wet fabric
_^. 1 kg dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig 3.9: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade
This section discusses the experimental results in section 3.4 of Chapter 3, beginning with
laboratory test dyeings, followed by mass balances for total dyeing process of all four selected
According to results obtained from dyebath, high colour and high salt concentration are
recovered for all the shades. Dye concentration recovered for all the shades after dyeing were in
the following order dyebath > soaping > rinsing and neutralisation steps (Figs 3.5 to 3.8). The
main source of residual colour in the reactive dyebath is the result of their incomplete
exhaustion during the dyeing process (Golob et al., 2005). The remainder of most unfixed dye
on the surface and inside of the fabric was eliminated by soaping using boiling detergent
solution. The recovered dye concentration after dyeing (includes from dyebath effluent up until
final rinse) ranged from 19% to 22% for the studied shades. According to Allegre et al., (2006),
the hydrolysed and unfixed reactive dyes after dyeing represents 20 to 30% of the reactive dyes
applied. This is the colour that is in the effluent and needs to be treated.
The salt concentration recovered was dyebath > 1st rinse> other dyeing processes (e.g. soaping,
neutralisation, final rinse etc). All the salt used was found in the dyebath with traces of salt
measured in the first rinse. The salts (NaCl and Na2S04) used gave a better exhaustion of dye
migration to fabric, the overall fixation ratio of reactive dyes ranged from 78% to 81% for the
studied chemistries. NaCl and Na2SC>4 are neutral salts that act as catalysts in the reactive
dyeing; the need for alkali is for covalent bond fixation between dye and the fabric. From the
study results obtained by Ahmed (2005), it was shown that both sodium chloride and sodium
sulphate were effective exhaust agents in the presence of alkali.
• Dye exhaustion to the fabric for Navy (trifloropyrimidine chemistry), Black (chemistry not
divulged), Beige (monochlorotriazine chemistry) and Turquoise (vinylsulphone) shades
was about 79%, 78%, 81% and 79% respectively. Therefore 19% up to 22% is discharged
in the effluent resulting in high colour effluent from reactive dyeing operations. No
significant relation was observed between the shade and fibre exhaustion for light as well as
dark shades.
• High dye concentration liquor with all the salt used was obtained in the dyebath effluent.
Treatment of dyebath with activated carbon compared to other treatment technologies is
necessary because of high colour and high salt effluent.
• Moderate dye and low salt concentrations were found in the first rinse effluent. Thus
treatment of the first rinse effluent with membrane filtration may be possible.
• Effluent with high dye concentrations and no salt were measured in the soaping process and
traces of dye concentration with no salt were obtained in the neutralisation, second and final
rinse effluents.
• Mass balance estimates show that the removal of colour for the studied reactive dye shades
from the exhausted dyebath is necessary. Water recovery ranging from 14 to 25%, salt
recovery of about 94 to 97% and energy savings of 17 to 32% could be achieved.
These results obtained from this chapter were able to provide the predictions of the amount of
dye and salt remaining in the dyebath effluent before adsorption studies were undertaken.
According to reactive dyeing studies performed (Chapter 3) reactive dye effluent consist of an
average of 20% of the unexhausted dyebath with all the electrolyte. After dyeing, the exhausted
dyebath contains about 53% of the discharged dye and 97% of the salt. The main aim of this
part of the investigation was to evaluate the effect of different temperatures, pH values and
electrolyte concentrations on the removal of reactive dyes using activated carbon. The
possibility of using activated carbon for the removal of colour and the effect of dye equilibrium
on different experimental conditions was evaluated. This chapter discusses the carbon
equilibrium test for this study, beginning with a brief introduction on adsorption models and
experimental methods used, followed by experimental details and the discussion of the results
obtained, and lastly the conclusion.
Equilibrium studies are used to determine the capacity of the activated carbon adsorbent. The
equilibrium relationships between adsorbent and adsorbate are described by adsorption
isotherms, usually the equilibrium ratio between the quantity adsorbed and that remaining in
solution at a fixed temperature. The adsorption equilibrium data can be correlated with various
adsorption isotherm models mentioned in the literature (Chapter 2). The equilibrium adsorption
isotherms are of importance in the design of adsorption system (Chapter 7).
Chapter 2 introduced the two adsorption models for which the experimental data was
interpreted; Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms respectively. The two parameter
models, namely Freundlich and Langmuir, can be readily linearised and hence the parameter
values can be easily obtained. When performing the adsorption process the characteristics of the
adsorbent are of fundamental importance and characteristics of the granular activated carbon
used for this study are explained in Section 4.1.1.
Iodine number provides an indication of the amount of micropores in the carbon i.e. indicate
adsorption capacity for smaller molecules. Molasses number represents the amount of larger
pores in the carbon i.e. indicate adsorption capacity for larger molecules. Methylene blue
numbers represent the amount of large micropores and mesopores in the activated carbon.
Apparent density is the mass of carbon per unit volume, which can be packed in an empty
column (Clements, 2002). Discussion with the supplier indicated that the Chemviron F-400 has
a high adsorption capacity and would be the most appropriate quality and it is readily available
in South Africa. The F-400 has amphoteric properties (Allen and Koumanova, 2005), which is
an advantage for the adsorption of dyes which may exist in solution as either anions or as
Table 4.1: Some chemical and physical specifications for F-400 compared to other activated carbons as
supplied by the manufacturers (Clements, 2002)
Adsorptive character F-400 F-200 Norit 1240 Diahope DC 106
Origin Bituminous coal NA NA NA
Iodine number (mg/g) 1050 850 1020 1050
Molasses number 243 177 230 280
Methylene blue numbers (mg/g) 260 200 200 190
Apparent density (kg/m3) 425 500 440 475
Moisture content (%) 2 2 2 2
Ash content (%) (on dry basis) 10 10 7 5
Surface area (m2/g) based on BET 1 100 NA NA NA
Note: NA- unknown
The experimentation design for the carbon equilibrium study is explained in Section 4.2.1 and
the procedure followed is discussed in Section 4.2.2.
4.2.2. Procedure
A representative sample of the F-400 granular activated carbon was pulverised so that 95%
passed through a 45 p.m screen. The pulverised sample was oven dried for 3 h at 150°C. A
representative sample of the unexhausted dyebath solution to be tested was prepared (according
to Chapter 3) in order to obtain similar condition to the textile process. Different weights of the
oven dried pulverised carbon sample of 1; 2; 3; 4 and 5 g (using a MonoBloc AB204-5 Balance
accurate to 0.001 g) were transferred to separate metal flasks {see fig 4.1 for metal flasks).
Duplicates of each weight of the activated carbon were prepared. To each metal flask containing
oven dried pulverised carbon, 80 mL of the unexhausted dye solution was added using a
graduated measuring cylinder and the metal flask was clamped on the stirring device (see figs
4.2 and 4.3 for the stirrers). A constant temperature in the water bath was maintained using a
±1C° temperature controller by Julabo; the stirring device was designed to permit immersion of
the lower part of the flask containing the carbon-solution mixture in the bath (see fig 4.4 for the
stirrers). A series of tests were undertaken at 60°C for different time periods and 2 h was found
to be adequate for equilibrium (see Fig 4.5 to 4.8). The mixture was agitated for 2 h. The same
volume of dye solution was added to a container without carbon and subjected to the same
procedure in order to obtain a blank reading. After the 2 h contact time had elapsed, the contents
of the flask were filtered under gravity with No 2 Whatman filter paper. The first and the last
portions of the filtrate were discarded and the middle portion was saved for analysis. The blank
was filtered in the same manner as the other samples. The pH was adjusted to 7.6 by using
sulphuric acid (Greenberg et al., 1995) and safety glasses were worn all the time. The colour of
the effluent was measured using American Dye Manufacturer Institute colour method and
determined by scanning the sample from 400 nm to 700 nm using a Cary UV/Visible
spectrophotometer. The salt concentration and pH were measured using conductivity meter
4310 and pH meter 3310 both by Jenway.
Fig 4.1 : Metal flasks where test dye solution was Fig 4.2 : Front view of the stirrers with a temperature
poured controller used
PI • -- I > '' '»'">! ' \ \ \ '%%
Fig 4.3 : Back view of the shaker Fig 4.4 : Stirrers view where metal flasks are clamped
This section presents results obtained from the decolourisation equilibrium tests of four different
shades; Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise using powdered activated carbon. The section begins
with different time interval to reach equilibrium followed by the adsorption isotherms obtained
using the Freundlich model (Section 4.3.1) at different temperatures, pH values and electrolyte
concentrations. Section 4.3.2 presents parameters obtained from Freundlich and Langmuir to
give indication why Freundlich was the selected model. Section 4.3.3. contains mass balances
for the dyeing of the four shades of which the mass balance diagrams are presented in
Appendix B. All the results of this section are discussed in Section 4.4 and the error analysis is
presented in Appendix C.
different temperatures (20, 60, 80 and 100°C), three different pH values (basic, neutral and
acidic conditions) and three different electrolyte concentrations for all the four shades and
presented in Figs 4.9 to 4.12, Figs 4.13 to 4.16 and Figs 4.17 to 4.20 respectively. Experimental
data is presented in Appendix B. Each graph was constructed from 10 data points (5
-1g carbon —•— 2g carbon —*— 3g carbon -1g carbon • - 2g carbon - 3g carbon
- 4g carbon —w— 5g carbon -4g carbon • - 5g carbon
Fig 4.5 : Different time interval at 60°C-Navy shade Fig 4.6 : Different time interval at 60°C-Black shade
zau -
• • •
200 -
/ ^____j, «. .
150 -
// * * * 100 - / / A * i 4
f/-A X X X I//* X X X
/ / / £ _ X X *
10 50
n i
2 3 2 3
Time (hours) Time (hours)
-1g carbon —•— 2g carbon - -3g carbon I - 1g carbon • ~2g carbon - ~3g carbon
-4g carbon -*-- 5g carbon - 4g carbon • -5g carbon
Fig 4.7 : Different time interval at 60"C-Beige shade Fig 4.8 : Different time interval at 60°C-Turquoise shade
» 20 degC -eOdegC *80degC 100degCj »20degC • 60 deg C '. 80 degC 100 degC~|
Fig 4.9 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Navy Fig 4.10 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Black
shade at pH 11 and 70 g/L NaCl shade at pH 11 and 80 g/L Na 2 S0 4
Fig 4.11 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of Beige Fig 4.12 : Effect of temperature on adsorption of
shade at pH 11 and 60 g/L NaCl Turquoise shade at pH 10 and 50 g/L Na2SQ4
2.4 -
2.2 -
2.1 -
2 - *y£f
1 2
log (C)
• pH4 . pH7 »pH11 • pH4 . p H 7 . pH11
Fig 4.13 : Effect of pH on adsorption of Navy shade at Fig 4.14 : Effect of pH on the adsorption of Black shade
100°Cand70g/LNaCl at 100°C and 80 g/L Na2SQ4
Fig 4.15 : Effect of pH on the adsorption of Beige shade at Fig 4.16 : Effect of pH on the adsorption of Turquoise
100 o Cand60g/LNaCl shade at 100°C and 50 g/L Na2SQ4
2.5 2.5
2.4 - 2.4 -
/ / / / ^
2.3 - /// 2.3 -
/) «*/ 2.2 A / ' * • / + /
2.1 - / 2.1
/ / /
2 /•/ */ 2 -i / * / * /
yu 1.9
/ *
AU- 1 2 1 2
log (C) log (C)
Fig 4.17 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on Fig 4.18 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the
adsorption of Navy shade at 100°C and pH 11 adsorption of Black shade at 100°C and pH 11
Fig 4.19 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the Fig 4.20 : Effect of electrolyte concentrations on the
adsorption of Beige shade at 100°C and pH 11 adsorption of Turquoise shade at 100°C and pH 10
O ft
Q 3
O O O O O N L O O O O O M M M M N J ^ I
-J^OO-ti.0 — -P»> -F* 0\ '
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o o o o
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-a g. 31
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rr VJ
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s3 O O O O O O O C O O t O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 > N J Q 3
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^ • O D V l t X J O O O C O O C O O O O O 0-0-fe---J~-4-J--J--J--J-J §&
"5 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
z 3 S.
-. 3" 0 0 0 0 0 > U J O O O O >
43" H
a. P
a a"
M. O Q
o O ooa^o\oo„
j o ON •—
3 3
T5 (T5
O —s
&S 65
3 •n -
< O O O O O O O O O O o o o p o o p o p o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O cr a 2
» o UU-o~w'^-^-obo
3" ^ ^ - o i — ;— *•— I— o o o ; _ - ^ - o i — i - » - . " - - o o o o n *
5' t ^ J O O O O O — O ijv W -U
0Q o 9 -^ w o c o o - ^ o c o o o a
"a «• I - ^ _ t o i ~ _ - .— — O O O __o~^>— — o o o _ o —— ^ - ^ - o o o
l ^ o i - A O N J C N O O J W W
U J O O O L r t - J O M - O O — O OJ OO 1>J
I o
25°C 60°C
pH7 1 kg fabric pH 11
38.5g dye /kg fabric 1.5 L water 4.3 g dye/kg fabric
682 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
700 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 460 kJ/kg fabric
IN - • S1 carbon
1.2 g dye/kg fabric
25"C -18 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 S2
100°C Wet fabric 1 -8 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping > S3
25°C Neutralize
Wet fabric 0.8 g dye/kg fabric topH7
<0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
Final Rinse - > S4
Fig 4.21: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade
Table 4.6 : Total Navy Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon recycle system
Components Units No recovery Activated carbon Savings (%)
Effluent 25'C L/kg fabric 20 20 25
Effluent 60°C L/kg fabric 10 0
Effluent100"C L/kg fabric 10 10
Salt g/kg fabric 700 18 97
Dye g/kg fabric 8.1 3.8 53
Energy kJ/kg fabric 4 600 3 140 32
Table 4.7 : Total Black Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon recycle system
Components Units No recovery Activated carbon Savings (%)
Effluent 25"C L/kg fabric 20 20 14
Effluent 50"C L/kg fabric 20 20
Effluent 60'C L/kg fabric 10 0
Effluent 75°C L/kg fabric 10 10
Effluent 100°C L/kg fabric 10 10
Salt g/kg fabric 800 30
Dye g/kg fabric 8.7 5.0 43
Energy kJ/kg fabric 8 800 7 340 17
Table 4.8 : Total Beige Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon recycle system
Components Units No recovery Activated carbon Savings (%)
Effluent 25-C L/kg fabric 20 20 20
Effluent 80°C L/kg fabric 10 0
Effluent 100°C L/kg fabric 20 20
Salt g/kg fabric 600 35 94
Dye g/kg fabric 1.81 1.16 36
Energy kj/kg fabric 8 160 6 280 23
Table 4.9 : Turquoise Shade Effluent composition without and with the activated carbon recycle system
Components Units No recovery Activated carbon Savings (%)
Effluent 25'C L/kg fabric 20 20 20
Effluent 80°C L/kg fabric 10 0
Effluent 100'C L/kg fabric 20 20
Salt g/kg fabric 500 20 96
Dye g/kg fabric 7.31 4.61 37
Energy kJ/kg fabric 4 600 3 140 32
The adsorption tests were conducted to determine the degree of adsorption of different reactive
dye chemistries onto powdered activated carbon. Figs 4.5 to 4.9 presents the different time
intervals were evaluated to determine the time for dye carbon equilibrium to be reached, 2 h to
4 h were found to be adequate (see Appendix B Table B-l). Studies on adsorption of reactive
dyes performed by Namasivayan and co-workers (1998), Ahmad and co-workers (2006) and
Santhy and Selvapathy (2006) showed that 70 min to 4 h is sufficient to reach dye carbon
equilibrium adsorption.
From Figs 4.9 to 4.12, the influence of temperature at constant recipe pH and salt concentration
for the four different shades on activated carbon adsorption was examined and it was observed
that the mass of dye adsorbed increased as the temperature increases. The adsorption capacity
[(mg dye/g carbon)/(mg dye/L)] from 20 to 100°C ranged from 61.54 to 78.16 for Navy shade;
55.99 to 72.02 for Black shade; 2.096 to 3.873 for Beige shade and 33.13 to 53.18 for Turquoise
shade This may be due to that the increase in temperature allowed the swelling of the activated
carbon pores, which led to a higher dye-uptake (Kim, 2004). For 20°C isotherms may not be at
equilibrium due to slow kinetics of low temperatures.
Figs 4.13 to 4.16 show the influence of pH at 100°C and recipe salt concentration of the four
shades on activated carbon adsorption and it was observed that the mass of dye adsorbed
increased slightly as the pH decreases from pH 11 to 4. The adsorption capacity (pH 4 to pH 11)
[(mg dye/g carbon)/(mg dye/L)] decreased from 84.83 to 78.16 for Navy shade; 84.53 to 72.02
for Black shade; 3.950 to 3.873 for Beige shade and 64.79 to 53.18 for Turquoise shade. A
possible reason for the dye adsorption behaviour with pH is that at lower pH values, the surface
charge of the carbon will be positive thus attracting the negatively charged functional groups on
the reactive dye causing an increase in amount of dye adsorbed (Al-Degs et al., 2000; Santhy
and Selvapathy, 2006; Vadivelan and Kumar, 2005).
Figs 4.17 to 4.20 presents the influence of electrolyte concentration at 100°C and recipe pH
value of the shades on activated carbon adsorption and it was observed that the mass of dye
adsorbed increased as the electrolyte concentration increases. The increase in adsorption
capacity [(mg dye/g carbon)/(mg dye/L)] ranged from 61.85 to 98.20 for Navy shade; 57.94 to
89.04 for Black shade; 3.129 to 5.061 for Beige shade and 39.93 to 60.74 for Turquoise shade.
NaCl and Na2S04 are neutral salts that act as catalysts in the reactive dyeing; the need for pH
change to basic (pH 11) for higher adsorption between dye and the carbon is necessary (Ahmed,
High amount of dye uptake by powdered activated carbon was observed at high temperature,
high electrolyte concentration and low pH values.
Table 4.3 showed that in every case the r-value for the Freundlich model was greater than the
corresponding value for the Langmuir model. The r value for Freundlich model was greater than
0.90 for 87% of the tests and greater than 0.95 for 72% of the tests; while for the Langmuir
model the highest r value was 0.88. According to Arslanoglu and co-workers (2004) and Kim
(2004) higher coefficients of determination of isotherm are used to determine the best fit model.
The Freundlich adsorption parameters and r values using linear regression analysis for the
different shades are presented in Table 4.3 for different temperatures, pH values and electrolyte
concentrations respectively. In the Freundlich isotherm model, the parameter kF is a measure of
adsorption capacity, whereas the parameter n is a measure of adsorption bond strength. A large
kF value [(in mg dye per gram of carbon) / (mg dye per litre)] indicates a larger adsorption
capacity and a higher n value indicates a stronger adsorption bond (Kim, 2004). According to
the results obtained in Table 4.4 similar results were observed in all the four shades; the kF
values obtained increased as the temperature increases, increased as the pH value decreases
(from pH 11 to pH 4) and increased as the electrolyte increases). Large kF values of about 94,
89, 5 and 61 [(mg dye/g carbon)/(mg dye/L)]for Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise shades
respectively, were observed at 100°C, pH 4 and high electrolyte concentrations. There was not
much difference in bond strength between activated carbon and reactive dyes at different
temperatures, pH values and electrolyte concentrations. Bond strength for Navy, Black and
Turquoise (ranged from 2.738 to 5.941) were higher that Beige (ranged from 1.263 to 2.175).
All the n values obtained for all the studied shades were between 1 and 10, this indicated
favourable adsorption (Arslanoglu et al, 2004; Santhy and Selvapathy, 2006). The adsorption
results obtained for the removal of the four shades showed the possibility of decreasing the pH
or using higher concentrations of salt to achieve higher dye removals. If the pH value were to be
decreased to around a value of 4, it would have to be neutralised to a value of 7 before reuse.
The amount of salt discharged to drain would need to be evaluated before dyeing in higher salt
concentrations could be considered. The use of dyeing at higher temperatures (above 60°C) need
to be carefully considered due to the adverse effect on the ability to control shade consistency.
The treatment of dyebath with activated carbon is presented in Table 4.5. From Chapter 3 it was
shown that the dyebath effluent contains about 430 mg/L for Navy shade, 370 mg/L for Black
shade, 65 mg/L for Beige shade and 270 mg/L for Turquoise shade. In all the selected shades
the dyebath effluent is at 60°C. The treatment of the 60°C Navy shade effluent with a gram
activated carbon will treat 0.05 kg fabric i.e. about 0.53 L effluent. For treatment of Black,
Beige and Turquoise shades effluent, a gram of carbon will treat about 0.08 kg fabric i.e. 0.78 L
effluent; 0.04 kg fabric i.e. 0.37 L effluent and 0.07 kg fabric i.e. 0.71 L effluent respectively. A
colour removal of above 95% was observed starting from 3 g to 5 g carbon for all the studied
shades in the adsorption equilibrium tests undertaken.
Tables 4.6 to 4.9 and Fig 4.21 show the mass balance for the dyeing and adsorption of the four
different shades. The treatment of dyebath with activated carbon showed dyebath effluent can
be reclaimed. The possibility exist for re-use of 97% salt, 25% water and 32% energy
(Table 4.5); 96% salt, 14% water and 17% energy (Table 4.6); 94% salt, 20% water and 23%
energy (Table 4.7); and 96% salt, 20% water and 32% energy (Table 4.8) for Navy; Black;
Beige and Turquoise shades respectively. The removal of colour from dyebath using activated
carbon of all the shades represents 36% up to 53% of the total colour in the effluent. First rinse
stream (S2) has a low salt concentration. The possibility exists for the further concentration of
the S2 effluent by a membrane process. The permeate from membrane process can be re-used
for the first rinse and the concentrate can join exhausted dye bath effluent (SI) (see figs B.l to
B.4, Appendix B).
• The best adsorption for the four reactive dye shades studied occurred at high temperature,
low pH and high electrolyte concentration.
• Based on determination of coefficients, the adsorption of the reactive dyes studied was
better fitted by the Freundlich isotherm model.
• Hot decolourised water with salt was recovered after adsorption of the reactive dyes and
this implies significant water, salt and energy savings.
From the textile industry perspective the discharged dye is at 60°C and high pH of about 11.
Advantage of neutralising the effluent and heating to 100°C with high salt concentrations is
needed for best possible adsorption of the reactive dyes shades studied. The results obtained in
this chapter predicted the performance of PAC in the removal of colour from reactive dyebath
for re-use purposes. The adsorption kinetics of the selected reactive dye shades were
subsequently evaluated using GAC in a packed column (Chapter 5). The temperature had to be
evaluated since it was the major factor that influenced the adsorption of the reactive dyes
studied in this chapter. The results obtained form a basis for evaluating the temperature effect on
column systems, which is presented in the subsequent chapter.
As stated in the previous chapter temperature and salt concentration were the major factors that
influenced adsorption equilibrium with pH a minor factor. The possibility of reuse of recovered
hot decolourised water with salt was observed from Chapter 4. Due to poor handling, transport
and disposal concerns of PAC, GAC has been used for column plants because of its advantages.
The carbon of the same type as in Chapter 4 was used in this chapter; the only difference was
that the carbon used in Chapter 4 was in powder form. The performance of GAC on column
system was evaluated to determine the reactive dye kinetics involved in the adsorption process.
The study of column adsorption behaviour and kinetics is necessary for the information required
for the design and operation of adsorption equipment for wastewater treatment. Column
adsorption behaviour is a prerequisite during modelling of the adsorption kinetics and the
behaviour of the adsorbent. This was done to determine the breakthrough conditions for a dye
solution. This chapter discusses the adsorption behaviour of F-400 granular activated carbon
studied in column test. The experimental methods used, followed by experimental work and the
discussion of the results obtained and lastly the conclusion of the experimental results are
presented in this chapter.
A representative sample of the appropriate granular activated carbon was sieved with -1 mm and
+0.95 mm screen. The average 1 mm GAC sample was oven dried for 3 h at 150°C. The 30 g
sample of oven dried GAC was boiled for 2 h, to ensure removal of air and then closely packed
into a jacketed glass column of 200 mm length and 26 mm internal diameter. The bed was
supported and closed off with glass wool, which also ensures good liquid distribution. The
column was sealed with rubber bungs and silicone sealer to avoid leaking of liquid. The column
was clamped to a burette stand and water from the water bath was pumped through the outer
walls of the column to maintain a constant temperature. A temperature controller with an
accuracy of ±3 C°, manufactured by Labcon was used. Polystyrene chips were distributed on top
of the water bath to avoid loss in heat. A representative dye solution to be tested was
continuously fed into a column at a constant flow rate. A digital flow control peristaltic pump
(Watson- Marlow 101U/R) was calibrated and used to feed the column. The pump flowrate was
measured before and after each test. The difference never exceeded 0.003mL/min. The pump
has a maximum flow of up to 53 mL/min at 32 rpm (maximum recommended speed). The 102R
pump head accept continuous tubing or elements. The dye solution was fed through a bed of
granular activated carbon in down flow. Samples of the effluent were collected periodically and
analyzed for the remaining dye concentration using a Cary UV/Visible spectrophotometer
(model with curvette of 1 cm). The salt concentration and pH were measured using Jenway
conductivity meter 4310 and a Jenway pH meter 3310. Fresh carbon was used for each
Two experiments were undertaken in parallel, first Navy and Black and then Turquoise and
Beige. A single batch (20 L) of dye solution was made for each test. It was stored in plastic
buckets with lids a cold room (4°C). The column loading took between 10 and 14 days and the
column was immediately regenerated. Elluent samples were analysed for colour (ADMI) on the
day of sampling. Regeneration took 1 day. After standing overnight the next loading cycle
A schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig 5.1. Column calculations
(specifications) for this study are explained in Section 5.2.1.
Column parameters
IDS (small column internal diameter) = 0.026 m
Ls (small column length) = 0.2 m
ds (particle diameter-small column) = 1 mm
pb (carbon bulk density) = 0.425 g/mL
s (bed void) = 0.4
Qs (flow rate-small column) = 0.625 mL/min
Mcs (mass of carbon-small column) = 30 g
_ 7T{0.026)2
= 531 cm2
V =M*L
30 g
0.425 g/mL
= 70.59 mL
= 26
70.588 mL
0.625 mL/min
= 113 min
Section 5.2.1 presents results obtained from column test studied. Experimental data for this
chapter is presented in Appendix D.
Fig 5.2 : Navy breakthrough curve at different Fig 5.3 : Black breakthrough curve at different
temperatures. temperatures.
Fig 5.4 : Beige breakthrough curve at different Fig 5.5 : Turquoise breakthrough curve at different
temperatures. temperatures.
AL-Acceptable Limit for reuse
60 80 100 120
Bed volumes
Fig 5.6 Navy breakthrough curve at different flowrates and Fig 5.7 : Black breakthrough curve at different flowrates
60°C and 60"C
1 0 1 n
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8 -
/ 0.010-
0.7 -
j /
0.6 - {•••••••••
0.5 -
0.4 -
g 0.005
0.2 0 10 20
* Bed volumes
0.1 -
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Bed volumes
) 2C 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Bed volumes
-0.625 mL/min
- 0 . 6 2 5 mL/rr in — • — 6 mL/min AL
Fig 5.8 : Beige breakthrough curve at different flowrates Fig 5.9 : Turquoise breakthrough curve at different
and 60'C flowrates and 60°C
AL-Acceptable Limit for reuse
Table 5.1: Column breakthrough effect of the shades to acceptable limit for reuse
Shade Temp Flow rate Acceptable Limit for Acceptable Limit Acceptable Limit for
CQ (mL/min) reuse for reuse reuse
(V/Vo) (mg dye/g carbon) (kg fabric/g carbon)
Navy 20 0.625 1 2 0.02
40 0.625 11 20 0.25
60 0.625 14 25 0.33
60 6 11 20 0.25
Black 20 0.625 8 15 0.20
40 0.625 14 26 0.33
60 0.625 21 37 0.50
60 6 10 18 0.25
Beige 20 0.625 35 16 1.00
40 0.625 40 IS 1.00
60 0.625 45 20 1.00
60 6 34 15 1.00
Turquoise 20 0.625 7 11 0.16
40 0.625 17 28 0.50
60 0.625 24 39 0.50
60 6 10 16 0.25
Table 5.2: Column exhaustion effect (C 0 =95%)of the shades at different temperatures
Shade Temp CC) Flow rate (mL/min) V/Vo X/M (mg dye/g carbon) kg fabric/ g carbon
Navy 20 0.625 94 72 1.69
40 0.625 94 70 1.65
60 0.625 81 65 1.54
60 6 65 52 1.22
Black 20 0.625 102 92 2.17
40 0.625 102 97 2.28
60 0.625 89 97 2.29
60 6 75 78 1.83
Beige 20 0.625 85 21 0.47
40 0.625 78 21 0.47
60 0.625 71 20 0.47
60 6 62 17 0.38
Turquoise 20 0.625 101 80 1.88
40 0.625 88 75 1.76
60 0.625 88 76 1.79
60 6 65 57 1.35
Breakthrough curves of Q/Co versus volume treated were obtained at constant flowrate
(0.625 mL/min) for all four shades at different temperatures (20, 40, 60°C) and are shown in
Figs 5.2 to 5.5. The two temperatures 20°C and 40°C were evaluated to check the effect of
column temperature but only 60°C temperature results will be discussed in terms of
breakthrough and exhaustion of the column (see Table 5.1 and 5.2). The reason for choosing
60°C is that all the dyeing of the four shades selected is performed at 60°C. Thus the effluent to
be treated will be at the same temperature, provided it is treated immediately as there might be a
possibility of a drop in temperature if it is not treated immediately (thus the reason for
evaluating 20°C and 40°C).
The breakthrough time and volume increased as the temperature increased and it was observed
that the exhaustion point decreased as the temperature increased. This maybe due to that the
increase in temperature allowed the swelling of the activated carbon pores, which led to a higher
dye-uptake. The acceptable limit (AL) (75 ADMI) for reuse for all the shades in terms of
concentrations are summarised in Table 2.2 of Chapter 2. The acceptable concentrations based
on 75 ADMI for Navy and Black shades are 3 mg dye/L, for Beige and Turquoise are 41, 5 mg
dye/L respectively. For treatment at 60°C for Navy and Black shades, the AL was at 14 and 21
bed volumes respectively. Treatment of Beige and Turquoise shades, the AL was at 45 and 24
bed volumes respectively. The flow through the test column was continued until the dye
concentration of column effluent (Ct) was about 0.95C0, which indicated the exhaustion point
(Eckenfelder, 2000) and exhaustion capacity results are shown in Table 5.2.
Changes in flowrates were evaluated at 0.625 and 6 mL/min flowrates at 60°C and the
breakthrough curves are shown in Figs 5.6 to 5.9. It is evident from the results obtained in
Tables 5.2 to 5.3 that as the flow rate increased, the service times were shortened. As the
flowrate decreased, the breakthrough time increased and longer service times were achieved.
The AL for reuse for Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise shades were at 11, 10, 34 and 10 bed
volumes respectively. The variation in the breakthrough curve and adsorption capacity may be
explained on the basis of mass transfer zone. Increase in flowrates caused the increase in zone
speed, which resulted in decrease in time required to achieve breakthrough (Perry and Chilton,
At 60°C and a flowrate of 0.625 mL/min to AL, a gram of activated carbon, will treat
0.33 kg fabric of Navy shades, 0.50 kg fabric of Black shade, 1 kg of Beige shade fabric and
0.50 kg fabric Turquoise shade before breakthrough occurs. The values of carbon capacity per
kg of fabric (Table 5.1) and exhaustion capacity (Table 5.2) obtained from column test (ranged
from 17 to 97 mg dye per gram carbon) are much lower than those of adsorption equilibrium
tests (ranged from 20 to 521 mg dye per gram carbon) ( see Chapter 4). This indicates that the
column tests were not run under equilibrium conditions.
An important factor that had affected the column test results was the influence of the wall effect
(ratio of column inner diameter to average particle diameter). According to Couteau and
Mathaly (1997), the minimum value of 39 was considered to be sufficient to eliminate the wall
effect problem although Crittenden and co-workers (1991), the minimum value to avoid
channelling was 50. For the column tests evaluated the wall effect ratio was too low (26). Small
particles of activated carbon are appropriate for the operation but some operational requirements
such as ease of handling and low pressure drop in adsorption bed define the lower limit of
particle size. For the system design discussed in Chapter 7 one column test was repeated
correcting the shortcomings of the methodology used in this Chapter. The wall effect ratio was
taken into account following Crittenden and co-workers design model (Crittenden et al., 1991).
• For a fixed flow, higher temperatures delay the breakthrough for all the selected shades.
High adsorptive capacities for AL ranging from 20 to 39 mg dye per gram carbon were
observed for 60°C (highest temperature for this column study) for all the shades evaluated.
For low temperature (20°C), the adsorptive capacity ranged from 2 to 16 mg dye per gram
• Higher temperatures exhaust the carbon quicker than low temperatures. The dye volumes
for 95% exhaustion ranged from 81 to 89 bed volumes for high temperature (60°C) while
for low temperature (20°C) was 85 to 102 bed volumes.
• A decrease in flow rate increases the adsorption capacity of the column for AL. The carbon
capacity at low flow rate ranged from 20 to 37 mg dye per gram carbon while at high flow
rate ranged from 15 to 20 mg dye per gram carbon.
In this chapter the adsorption dye kinetics on activated carbon were investigated and the effect
of temperature on breakthrough curve and exhaustion point was observed. The advantage of
using granular activated carbon for treatment of wastewater is the possibility of regeneration.
The granular activated carbon exhausted with reactive dye was chemically regenerated for re-
adsorption processes. The information from column test was useful for the design of column for
pilot-scale use, which is presented in Chapter 7.
The main objective of the regeneration treatment process is to re-establish the adsorptive
capacity of the carbon for the adsorption of reactive dye, increase the usefulness of GAC and
reduce costs for GAC and waste treatment. Regeneration of the adsorbent material is of crucial
importance in the economic development. The saturated granular activated carbon which was
used for dye removal in Chapter 5 was subjected to regeneration. This chapter discusses the
chemical regeneration of saturated F-400 granular activated carbon used in the column tests. A
brief background on regeneration, experimental methods used, followed by discussion of the
results and lastly conclusion that can be drawn from the experimental results are presented in
this chapter.
Activated carbons that are used for the removal of organic compounds from liquid phase
systems will gradually become saturated, due to the concentration of contaminants on the
surface of the adsorbent. When this occurs a decision must be made on how to deal with the
spent material (Clark and Lykins, 1989). Due to the high manufacturing costs and the recovery
of components adsorbed on the surface of activated carbon, regeneration is the preferred option.
The possibility of regeneration is one of the main reasons for the wide-spread use of activated
carbon as an adsorbent (Zolfl et al, 2000). There are three potential regeneration techniques:
chemical, steam and thermal. Advantages of having a regeneration system are as follows:
Thermal regeneration is the mostly common applied regeneration method but due to high costs
resulting from energy used and effluent gas treatment further alternative regeneration processes
have been investigated. Thermal regeneration studies performed by Abdul and Campbell (1996)
showed that a significant deterioration of the GAC pore structure resulted in reduced adsorption
surface area. Due to this, many chemicals have been tested for the regeneration of activated
carbon to treat wastewater. Studies by Huling and co-workers (2005) concluded that chemical
regeneration of activated carbon was not an economically viable process and the overall
feasibility of the process was based on chemical costs and disposal of concentrated effluent.
Studies performed by Sorlini and Collivignarelli (2005) proved that base-acid regeneration for
granular activated carbon system was the best amongst base, acid and thermal regeneration
process for the removal of organics. The removal efficiency ranged from 50% to 60% for base-
acid regeneration, 40% to 50% for thermal regeneration and about 20% for base and acid
The chemical regeneration procedure used for this study was developed by Santhy and
Selvapathy (Santhy and Selvapathy, 2005). Experiments were carried out for the desorption of
the four shades studied using 1 M NaOH as the eluent. The influent was allowed to percolate
through the saturated carbon bed of 70.6 mL at a flow rate of 0.625 mL/min (see Fig 6.1 for first
regeneration). From these results it was assumed that 3 bed volumes of 1 M NaOH would be
sufficient. After the desorption of the shades, the carbon bed was washed with volumes of
distilled water three times to remove the free alkali. A volume of 50 mL of 1 M HC1 at a flow
rate of 0.625 mL/min was washed through the column to neutralize any residual alkalinity. The
carbon bed was finally washed with distilled water and the next cycle of operation of removal of
dye from solution was performed. The process of adsorption and regeneration of carbon beds
were repeated over 4 cycles of operation. The adsorption process was performed as described in
Chapter 5.
This section presents results obtained from the chemical regeneration of granular activated
carbon tests for four different shades; Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise. Fig 6.1 presents
elution using 1 M NaOH. The column breakthrough curves obtained using regenerated granular
activated carbon is shown in Figs 6.2 to 6.5. Table 6.1 presents the exhaustion time for the
regenerated carbon for the 1st, 2" , 3r and 4' cycles. Experimental data for regeneration is
presented in Appendix E.
? 0.0002 1\
8L 0.0001 -
() 1 2 3 4 5
NaOH b e d v o l u m e
Fig 6.1: Desor Dtion of shades from granular activated column using NaOH
40 50
Bed volumes
-1st Cycle -2nd Cycle - 3rd Cycle -1st Cycle
-4th Cycle AL 4th Cycle
Fig 6.2: Regeneration of GAC-Navy shade at 60°C Fig 6.3: Regeneration of GAC-Black shade at 60'C
y ///
0.6- I * /
, > ; • " '
.x /// // /
// /
fjiif f
"jTyr y
0.1 -
n - *-
Bed volumes Bed volumes
-1st Cycle -2nd Cycle -3rd Cycle
... 4th Cycle
Fig 6.4: Regeneration of GAC-Beige shade at 60°C Fig 6.5: Regeneration of GAC-Turquoise shade at 60°C
AL-Acceptable Limit for reuse
Table 6.1: Effect of shades bed volume treated for regeneration cycles at 60°C
Shades Regeneration cycles AL AL AL
(V/Vo) (mg dye/g carbon) (g carbon/kg fabric)
Navy 1st cycle 14 25 3
2nd cycle 11 20 4
3rd cycle 1 2 42
4* cycle — — —
Black 1st cycle 21 55 39
2nd cycle 14 39 28
3rd cycle 8 29 22
4,h cycle — — —
Beige I s 'cycle 45 20 1
2nd cycle 35 16 1
3 r i cycle 30 13 1
4th cycle — — —
Turquoise l sl cycle 24 39 2
2nd cycle 15 24 3
3rd cycle 7 11 6
4th cycle — — —
The flow through the tested column was continued until the dye concentration of column
effluent (Ct) was about 0.95Co, which indicated the exhaustion point (Eckenfelder, 2000).The
elution of granular activated carbon was achieved using 1 M NaOH followed by 1 M HC1 (Fig
6.1). About 3 bed volumes were sufficient for almost complete desorption of the four shades.
From the results shown in Table E.l of Appendix E, the dye recovery for Navy, Black, Beige
and Turquoise shades was 748, 765, 187 and 675 mg dye/L respectively. The percent recovery
for the first cycle at 60°C for Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise was 97, 98, 99 and 97 %
respectively. The column tests with regenerated carbon were performed at 60°C. According to
Table 6.1, the bed volumes treated for Navy and Black shades, the AL were at 14; 11 and 1; and
21,14 and 8 for the first, second and third cycles respectively. The bed volumes treated for AL
for Beige shade were at 45; 35 and 30 for the first, second and third cycles respectively. The AL
for reuse for Turquoise shade were at 24, 15 and 7 bed volumes treated for the first, second and
third cycles respectively.
At least three cycles of regeneration were carried out within the standard limit for reuse.
Significant deterioration of the carbon was observed at the fourth cycle. A small decline in GAC
adsorption capacity was observed from the first to the third regeneration cycles. The role of dye
auxiliaries on the activated carbon were not evaluated in the study and it is possible that they
could have major effects that are detrimental on the performance of activated carbon. The
auxiliary mixtures are often developed to solve problems specific to the process and to
counteract or enhance the effects of other chemicals (Hendrickx and Boardman, 1995).
According to Huling et al. (2005) there are two general mechanisms that could adversely affect
the adsorption capacity of the regenerated carbon. The first mechanism is the change in physical
and chemical characteristics of GAC because of oxidative treatment. The second mechanism is
the accumulation of by-products caused by incomplete transformation of the target compounds
at adsorption sites. The change in adsorption capacity of regenerated carbon was postulated to
be due to the accumulation of reactive dyes and possibly reaction by-products, which may have
blocked adsorption sites.
• NaOH elution can regenerate the spent F-400 granular activated carbon exhausted with
reactive dyes up to 3 regeneration cycles.
• Fewer bed volumes were treated as the regenerated carbon was used. As regenerated
carbon was used less carbon capacity was observed.
• The removal of dyes with regenerated carbon within the limit for reuse was observed up
to 3 cycles of operation.
The effectiveness of chemical regeneration of saturated carbon using NaOH was not satisfactory
in terms of industrial application because of the number of cycles achieved. The results obtained
showed that the use NaOH compared to other chemical regenerants need to be investigated for
the implementation of activated carbon for removal of reactive dyes. The overall results from
Chapter 3 to 6 showed the possibility of designing a pilot scale system, which is presented in
Chapter 7.
From Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, the possibility of recovery of hot decolourised water with salt
from reactive dyebath was shown to be possible by adsorption studies and chemical
regeneration (Chapter 6). A laboratory-scale column with a small diameter, filled with carbon
was tested and the dye solution was run through the column to obtain data that were used for
adsorption and design. The rapid small-scale column test methodology which uses mass transfer
similarity criteria to allow scale up of the test results to the full size column was evaluated for
design purposes. The design of adsorption systems requires column tests similar to the actual
operation of full-scale systems.
In Chapter 5 the wall effect of the particle diameter to column diameter ratio was not taken into
account, thus before designing an adsorption column for this study. One column test for Navy
shade at 60°C was performed with column internal diameter to particle diameter ratio of 50. The
main objective of this chapter is to design an adsorption plant using the information obtained
from the improved column (column: particle ratio of 50) adsorption study.
The column effluent was monitored for the contaminant of interest. For water treatment
applications, the attainment of a specific effluent concentration is more critical than
breakthrough. Thus, both the dye effluent and initial breakthrough are employed to analyze the
data. The first information from the breakthrough curve is the cumulative number of bed
volumes to breakthrough. In this chapter; mostly comparison of small-scale to full-scale
operation will be made. A brief introduction on scaling up using RSSCT was presented in
Chapter 2 and the design methodology using the information collected is shown in Section 7.1.
The RSSCT design of one of the four shades is presented in section 7.1.1 and the design is
shown in section 7.1.2.
Navy Shade
Column parameters
IDS = 0.026 m
ds = 0.2 mm
pb = 0.425 g/mL
£ = 0.4
EBCTS =120 min
tbs = 952 min
T = 60 degC
/D^ = ^6_ = 52
d< 0.2
n{2.6 cm)2
= 5.309 cm2
In this study the minimum value of superficial Reynolds number ( R e s ) of 1 was selected.
According to Crittenden and co-workers (1991), a value of 1 for Re s usually yields good
results but lower values can be selected if head loss and column length are unacceptable. The
minimum Reynolds number guarantees the effects of dispersion and the external mass transfer
of the large column must be greater than in the RSSCT
R e f = ^
_ 1x0.00089
= 0.0045 cm/s
= 0.27 cm/min
2 mm
: 120 mm
0.2 nun
: 1 200 min
Pilot-scale: Flow-rate
1.176 m3
0.833 day
= 1.412 m3/day
TI{\ m)2
-0.785 m2
_ 1.412 mVday
0.78 m 2
= 1.798 m/day
.'. 0.125 cm/min
The breakthrough time of the small column and the large column should be the same.
In this study four different dye classes were investigated (Drimarene HF, Cibacron S, Procion
HE and Remazol Levafix using four standard shades (Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise). The
reactive dyestuffs contained different functional groups (chemistries). Reactive dye exhaustion
to the fibre for the four reactive dye classes was about 80% i.e. 20% remains in the effluent.
Reactive dyeing of the four studied shades resulted in salt concentrations over 90% and hot
coloured water remaining in the dyebath effluent. The efficiency of the dyeing process for a
specific shade is associated with various parameters such as substantivity and diffusion rate of
dyes, hardness of water, pH and temperature of the dye liquor, type and concentration of
reactive dye used. The use of granular activated carbon for the adsorption of reactive dyes has
been examined and results obtained indicated that activated carbon could effectively remove
colour from exhausted reactive dyebath effluent and allow re-use of hot decolourised water with
high concentration of salt.
From the adsorption results obtained using activated carbon it was concluded that the most
important factor influencing the adsorption rate and capacity for the reactive dye shades studied
is the adsorption temperature. Textile processes require hot water for reactive dyeing of cotton.
There is great potential in the textile industry for hot water recovery. The use of heat exchangers
to transfer heat to the incoming dyeing feed water can be eliminated when using granular
activated carbon columns. The pH values and electrolyte concentration also played a vital role
in the whole adsorption process and particularly in adsorption capacity. Colour removal of
100%, salt recovery of 94 to 97% and energy savings 17 to 32% in the dyebath effluent were
achieved. Reactive dyeing of cotton is performed at high temperatures and in this study the
results were discussed based on 60°C, which was the common temperature used for dyeing for
all four shades selected.
The breakthrough time from column breakthrough curves for 60°C were at 14, 21, 45 and 24
bed volumes for Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise shades respectively. The exhaustion or
saturation times for the granular activated carbon were at 24, 41, 45 and 35 bed volumes for
Navy, Black, Beige and Turquoise shades respectively. The variation in the slope of the
breakthrough curve may be explained on the basis of mass transfer fundamentals of adsorption
capacity of granular activated carbon. Increase in flowrate caused an increase in zone speed,
resulting in decrease in the time required to achieve breakthrough, while a decrease in flowrate
resulted in an increased breakthrough time. This was due to decreased contact time between the
dye and carbon at higher flow rates.
From the column test results shown, the values of carbon capacity per kilogram of fabric
obtained from the column test were much lower than those of the adsorption equilibrium test.
The reason is that more of the adsorption sites are exposed in PAC than in the GAC and the
process is faster when using PAC. The Freundlich isotherms measured in the adsorption
equilibrium experiments do not apply to the column tests, perhaps due to that the equilibrium is
not reached in column tests. One of the advantages of using GAC in the column test is the
possibility of regeneration. From studies presented in the literature; it was shown that the
required water quality for textile process is not stated. The textile industries are using drinking
water quality for dyeing, therefore the 75 ADMI could be used as the standard limit when
treating water for reactive dyeing reuse. Dyeing of the same shades or dyeing of a darker shade
with treated light shade effluent would not need drinking water quality.
The regenerated carbon for this study was found to be effective up to 3 cycles of operation
within the acceptable limit for reuse. Significant deterioration of the carbon was observed at the
fourth cycle. The poor performance could be associated with role of dye auxiliaries in the
overall adsorption process because of their unknown composition and chemistry (this was not
divulged by the manufacturer for confidentiality. This led to the activated carbon not
economically feasible for industrial application. Fewer bed volumes were treated when using
regenerated carbon compared to virgin carbon. The possibility of savings exists when using
regenerated GAC for treatment. Regeneration should also ensure that the eluted solution is not
posing any disposal problems in terms of high acidity and high colour concentration. A further
investigation of thermal regeneration of the spent granular activated carbon for the removal of
reactive dyes is needed to determine its advantages and disadvantages over chemical
regeneration. The design, operation and maintenance of carbon adsorption and regeneration
processes depend on costs and characteristics of textile water to be treated and the capacity of
the plant. Therefore the designer is responsible for selecting a system that will meet the
discharge permit requirements at the lowest cost possible. Once the optimum flowrate, bed
depth and operating capacity of GAC is determined, the carbon contactors configurations can be
estimated. The use of RSSCT method for designing in this study has the major potential
advantage over other methods in predicting the performance of pilot-scale. The carbon particle
must be at least 1/50 of the column diameter to overcome the wall effect problem. Small
particles of activated carbon are appropriate for the operation but some operational requirements
such as ease of handling and low pressure drop in adsorption bed define the lower limit of
particle size.
Further research in this area should concentrate on evaluating different activated carbons and
role of auxiliaries in activated carbon adsorption studies. When implementing the laboratory-
scale plant in textile industry, the effect change in temperature, pH and electrolyte concentration
should be noted and the chemical parameters should also be researched. The first rinse stream
has a moderate colour with low salt concentration effluent. If further colour removal is required,
this stream could be treated by reverse osmosis. The permeate can be used for the first rinse and
the concentrate can join dyebath effluent. The further investigation should also be expanded to
the evaluation of other chemical regenerants and thermal regeneration of saturated activated
carbon. The use of GAC adsorption and the regeneration of GAC should also be taken into
account for water, salt and energy savings for the textile industry. This study proved that the
activated carbon adsorption technique is the solution in reactive dyeing textile industries
because of the possibility for re-use of water, salt and energy; thus enabling environmental
improvements with savings in salt, energy and water.
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Appendix A contains dyeing procedures for all the four shades with experimental data for
Chapter 3. Preparation of reactive dyestuff stock solution, auxiliaries and chemicals are
explained in the subsequent sections. The chemicals used were taken from Dyefin Textile
10% Avcoson LL
Measure 10 mL of concentrated Avcoson LL solution from Avco Chemicals Ltd and add water
to make up a total volume of 100 mL.
10% Subitol
Measure 10 mL of concentrated Subitol solution and add water to make up a total volume of
100 mL.
Dyeing Procedures
Table A . l : Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after Navy dyeing of fabric
Sample No. Dye (mg/L) Salt (g/L)
SO 3 850 70.0
SI 430 68.2
S2 120 1.80
S3 180 <0.01
S4 80 <0.01
Soap in
Dyes NajCOj NaOH Drop to < 26°C (100 m 100 mL
Aux/ Salt/ L Dekol Rinse Rinse
Fabric (SO) water, solution (100 mL (100 m L
Rinse (10C final water)
mL water) pH 5.5) Rinse
(100 mL
100°C foi water)
5 )°C for 10 min
for 10 50°C
[3 min
25°C min for 25°C for
10 10 min
SI S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Table A.2: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after Black dyeing of fabric
Sample No. Dye (mg/L) Salt (g/L)
50 3912 80
51 370 77
52 130 2.9
53 80 0.1
54 220 <0.01
55 40 <0.01
56 22 <0.01
57 10 <0.01
80°C for
20min l"C for 60min
Na 2 C0 3 \
> 1.5°C/min Drop to 30°C (pH 10.6-11.0)
ill Soap in
25°C 100 mL
Aux. / Dye /Salt/ Dekol
Acetic acid / Fabric Rinse solution Rinse
(SO) (100 (lOOmL
(pH 5.5-6.5) mL water)
100 water) 100"C
°c for 10
for min
25"C for 25°C for
10 10 min
10 min
SI S2 S3 S4 S5
Table A.3: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after dyeing of fabric
Sample No. Dye (mg/L) Salt (g/L)
SO 945 60
SI 65 57
S2 31 2.8
S3 27 0.2
S4 34 <0.01
S5 24 <0.01
SI S2 S3 S4 S5
Table A.4: Dye and salt concentrations before dyeing and after dyeing of fabric
Sample No. Dye (mg/L) Salt (g/L)
SO 3464 50
SI 270 48
S2 95 1.9
S3 90 0.1
S4 192 <0.01
S5 84 <0.01
25°C 60°C
pH7 1 kg fabric pH11
38.5g dye /kg fabric 1.5 L water 4.3 g dye/kg fabric
682 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
700 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 460 kJ/kg fabric
IN Dyebath -• S1
Wet fabric
1.2 g dye/kg fabric
25°C -18 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1s'Rinse S2
100°C Wet fabric 1-8 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping *• S3
Wet fabric 0.8 g dye/kg fabric
<0.1 g salt/kg fabric
25°C 10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
Final Rinse -• S4
Wet fabric
• 1 kg dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig A.5: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade without recovery
pH7 1 kg fabric pH10
39.12g dye/kg fabric 1.5 L water 3.7 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 770 g salt/kg fabric
800 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric
1 460 kJ/kg fabric
Dyebath -• S1
Wet fabric 1.3 g dye/kg fabric
50°C 29 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric
1 s l Rinse S2
/Vet fabric
0.8 g dye/kg fabric
25"C 1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
100°C 2.2 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric Wet fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping S4
50°C 50°C
Wet fabric 0.2 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric <0.1 g salt/kg fabric
Rinse 10 L water/kg fabric
^. 1 kg dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig A.6: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Black shade without recovery
25 C
Wet fabric °
0.9 g dye/kg fabric
25°C 1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric Neutralise 10 L water/kg fabric
100°C 1.92 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric Wet fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping S4
Wet fabric 0.84 g dye/kg fabric
25°C <0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
Final Rinse S5
Wet fabric
• 1 kg dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig A.7: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Turquoise shade without recovery
25°C 80°C
1 kg fabric pH 10
pH 5.5 to 6.5
1.5 L water 0.65 g dye/kg fabric
9.45 g dye /kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 565 g salt/kg fabric
600 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 880 kJ/kg fabric
IN Dyebath •*• S1
Wet fabric 0.31 g dye/kg fabric
28 g salt/kg fabric
100°C 10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 1S1 Rinse S2
Wet fabric
• 1 kg dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig A.8: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Beige shade without recovery
Appendix B contains experimental data and calculations for equilibrium test shown in Chapter 4.
m CN ON O CM ON CN T CN Tt in (N
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Navy Shade
Dye Class: Drimarene HF
Dye Chemistry: Trifluoropyrimidine (TFP)
Electrolyte: Sodium chloride
Initial ADM1: 196000
Initial dye mass: 0.385 g /100 mL
Solution volume used: 80 mL
Turquoise Shade
Dye Class: Remazol and Levafix
Solution volume: 80 mL
25°C 60°C
pH7 pH 11
38.5g dye/kg fabric 4.3 g dye/kg fabric
682 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
700 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 460 kJ/kg fabric
IN -> S1
Wet fabric
r 1.2 g dye/kg fabric
25°C -18 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
100°C Wet fabric 1.8 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping *• S3
25°C Neutralize
Wet fabric 0.8 g dye/kg fabric topH7
<0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
Final Rinse -*• S4
Fig B.l: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Navy shade with recovery
pH7 pH 10
39.12g dye/kg fabric 3.7 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 770 g salt/kg fabric
800 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kj/kg fabric
1 460 kJ/kg fabric Activated
*• S1
Wet fabric 1 3 g d y e / k g f a b r j C
50"C 29 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric
0.8 g dye/kg fabric
25°C 1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
100°C 2.2 g dye/kg fabric Neutralize to
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric pH7
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
Soaping S4
50"C 50°C
10 L water/kg fabric 0.2 g dye/kg fabric
1 050 kj/kg fabric <0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
Wet fabric 25°C 60"C
0.1 g dye/kg fabric 770 g salt/kg fabric
25"C ^0.1 g salt/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric 1 460 kJ/kg fabric
Final Rinse
) dyed fabric
1.5 L water
Fig B.2: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Black shade with recovery
25°C 80°C
pH 5.5 to 6.5 pH 10
9.45 g dye /kg fabric 0.65 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 565 g salt/kg fabric
600 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 880 kJ/kg fabric
-> S1
0.31 g dye/kg fabric
28 g salt/kg fabric
100°C 10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric S2
0.27 g dye/kg fabric
25°C - 7 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric .
100*C 0.34 g dye/kg fabric Neutralize
10 L water/kg fabric <0.1g salt/kg fabric to pH 5.5 to
0.04 L Dekol/kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric 6.5
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 3 140 kJ/kg fabric
0.24 g dye/kg fabric
<0.1 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
Wet fabric
• 1 kg dyed fabric Savings
1.5 L water 60°C
565 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/ kg fabric
1 880 kJ/kg fabric
Fig B.3: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Turquoise shade with recovery
25°C 80°C
1 kg fabric
pH 5.5 to 6.5 pH10
1.5 L water
9.45 g dye /kg fabric 0.65 g dye/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric 565 g salt/kg fabric
600 g salt/ kg fabric 10 L water/kg fabric
1 050 kJ/kg fabric 1 880 kJ/kg fabric
Dyebath -+• S1
Wet fabric 0.31 g dye/kg fabric
28 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
10 L water/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric
3 140 kJ/kg fabric 1 " Rinse S2
Final Rinse S5
Wet fabric
• 1 kg dyed fabric Savings
1.5 L water 60°C
565 g salt/kg fabric
10 L water/ kg fabric
1 880 kJ/kg fabric
Fig B.4: Flow diagram and mass balance for dyeing of Beige shade with recovery
Energy Calculations
Liquor ratio= 10 L/kg fabric
Water feed temperature = 25°C
Effluent temperature = 60°C
Enthalpy water at 25°C = 105 kJ/kg (Smith et al„ 2001)
Enthalpy water at 60°C = 252 kJ/kg
Enthalpy water at 100"C = 420 kJ/kg
Recoverable Energy at 60°C = 10 L/kg fabric . (252-105) kJ/kg . Ikg/L
= 1 470 kJ
Recoverable Energy at 100°C = 10 L/kg fabric . (420-105) kJ/kg . Ikg/L
= 3 150 kJ
1 470 kJ
Effluent Energy savings= - = 0.32 .'.32%
1 4 7 0 k J + 3 150 kJ
5+0.01 inL pipettes
10+0.03 mL pipettes
20+0.03 mL pipettes
25+0.04 mL pipettes
100+0.01 mL volumetric flask
MonoBloc AB204-5 Balance accurate to ±0.001 g
Ahiba Spectra dyeing machine by Data Colour International
Error analysis
Navy shade
= 0.066 ±0.001+0.300±0.001+0.019± 0.001
= 0.385±0.003g
= 385±3mg/L
.-. ±0.78%
Black shade
= 0.211±0.001+0.180±0.001
= 0.391 ± 0.002 g
= 391±2mg/L
Beige shade
= 0.050 ± 0.001+0.016 ± 0.001+0.029 ± 0.001
= 0.095 ± 0.003 g
= 95±3mg/L
Turquoise shade
= 0.002 ± 0.001+0.330 ±0.001+0.014± 0.001
= 0.346±0.003g
= 346±3mg/L
.-. ±0.87%
Dye isotherms
Grinding/pulverising equipment
Standard screen ASTM = 45|am
Oven set at 150°C
Whatman No. 2 filter paper
10 x Filter funnels and stands
100±0.15 mL plastic measuring cylinders
MonoBloc AB204-5 Balance accurate to 0.001 g
Labcon temperature controller ±3°C
Parvalux Electric motors model S15water bath with stirrers and 10 metal flasks
Cary 50 U/V Visible spectrophotometer, 1 mm cell
Error analysis:
Navy shade = 385 mg/L±3 mg/L
Black shade = 391 mg/L±2 mg/L
Beige shade = 95 mg/L±3 mg/L
Turquoise shade = 346 mg/L±3 mg/L
Column test
Column with 26 mm diameter and 200 mm length
Standard screen ASTM = 1 OOOum and 720um
Hot plate for boiling
10±0.02 mL plastic samples vials for collecting
5000±0.02 mL volumetric flasks for sample feeding
MonoBloc AB204-5 Balance accurate to 0.001 g
Julabo temperature controller ±1 °C
Cary 50 U/V Visible spectrophotometer, 1 mm cell
Error analysis
= 5 + 0.02 mL
= 5 + 0.015 mg/L
.-. 0.3%
Appendix D presents experimental data and calculations for the breakthrough curves
at different temperatures and flow rates.
Different temperatures
Navy shade
Initial dye concentration (Co): 0.770 g/L
Initial ADMI: 17650
Flow rate: 0.625 mL/min
Volume of the carbon bed (V0): 0.0706 L
Mass of carbon: 30 g
Table D.l: Column test data for Navy shade at different temperatures
Sample Temperature
20*C 4JTC 60 J C
ADMI v/v„ C,/C„ ADMI v/v„ C,/C„ ADMI V/V„ C,/C0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 43 1 0.002 33 1 0.002 38 1 0.002
2 430 11 0.024 47 11 0.003 21 11 0.001
3 1385 14 0.078 81 14 0.005 56 14 0.003
4 4630 24 0.262 4100 24 0.232 1773 24 0.101
5 7630 35 0.432 8020 35 0.454 9725 35 0.551
6 9285 43 0.526 10510 43 0.596 12342 43 0.699
7 11530 55 0.653 13394 55 0.759 14962 55 0.848
8 13883 68 0.787 15583 68 0.883 16187 68 0.917
9 15787 81 0.894 16558 81 0.938 16965 81 0.961
10 16674 94 0.945 17074 94 0.967 17301 94 0.980
11 17413 106 0.987 17493 106 0.991 17476 106 0.990
12 17592 119 0.997 17512 119 0.992 17555 119 0.994
13 17612 132 0.998 17642 132 0.999 17627 132 0.999
14 17654 156 1.000 17655 156 1.000 17655 156 1.000
Mass of dye on the carbon = total mass of dye fed (at 0.95 residual dye effluent) -
mass of dye in the effluent
C=0.95 p ,
Mass of dye on the carbon (mg dye/g carbon) = [ • dV
c=o ^ o *o
Black shade
Initial dye concentration: 0.782 g/L
Initial ADMI: 19010
Flow rate: 0.625 mL/min
Volume of the carbon bed: 0.0706 L
Table D.2: Column test data for Black shade at different temperatures
Sample Temperature
20°C 40°C 60°C
ADMI V/V 0 C,/C„ ADMI V/V 0 C,/C0 ADMI v/v0 C t /C 0
1 42 1 0.002 38 1 0.002 40 1 0.002
2 21 9 0.001 40 9 0.002 30 9 0.002
3 563 14 0.029 48 14 0.003 37 14 0.002
4 1543 21 0.081 332 21 0.017 113 21 0.006
5 3705 28 0.195 1778 28 0.094 605 28 0.032
6 6730 39 0.354 4985 39 0.262 2096 39 0.110
7 8555 49 0.450 7970 49 0.419 4580 49 0.241
8 11215 64 0.590 12206 64 0.642 13866 64 0.729
9 13872 76 0.729 15472 76 0.814 16872 76 0.888
10 16529 89 0.869 17529 89 0.922 18069 89 0.951
11 17986 102 0.946 18386 102 0.967 18586 102 0.978
12 18543 114 0.975 18643 114 0.981 18748 114 0.986
13 18845 140 0.991 18845 140 0.991 18852 140 0.992
14 18995 153 0.999 18995 153 0.999 18995 153 0.999
15 19009 165 0.999 19009 165 0.999 19011 165 1.000
16 19015 178 1.000 19015 178 1.000 19013 178 1.000
Beige shade
Initial dye concentration: 0.189 g/L
Initial ADMI: 345
Flow rate: 0.625 mL/min
Volume of the carbon bed: 0.706 L
Table D.3: Column test data for Beige shade at different temperatures
Sample Temperature
20°C 40C 60°C
ADMI V/V 0 C,/C„ ADMI V/V 0 C,/C„ ADMI v/v0 C t /C 0
1 15 1 0.043 14 1 0.041 13 1 0.038
2 20 7 0.058 19 7 0.055 19 7 0.055
3 34 14 0.099 22 14 0.064 20 14 0.058
4 45 21 0.130 33 21 0.096 21 21 0.061
5 66 28 0.191 44 28 0.128 23 28 0.067
6 88 35 0.255 64 35 0.186 39 35 0.113
7 111 43 0.322 88 43 0.255 64 43 0.186
8 148 50 0.429 150 50 0.435 153 50 0.443
9 191 57 0.554 209 57 0.606 227 57 0.658
10 239 64 0.693 262 64 0.759 284 64 0.823
11 280 71 0.812 303 71 0.878 325 71 0.942
12 315 78 0.913 329 78 0.954 343 78 0.994
13 335 85 0.971 341 85 0.988 344 85 0.997
14 345 92 1.000 345 92 1.000 345 92 1.000
15 345 99 1.000 345 99 1.000 345 99 1.000
Turquoise shade
Initial dye concentration: 0.693 g/L
Initial ADMI: 10100
Flow rate: 0.625 mL/min
Volume of the carbon bed: 0.706 L
Table D.4: Column test data for Turquoise shade at different temperatures
Sample Temperature
20°C 40°C 60C
ADMI V/V„ CYC, ADMI V/V 0 C,/C0 ADMI v/v0 C,/C„
1 44 1 0.004 40 1 0.004 42 1 0.004
2 47 7 0.005 38 7 0.003 43 7 0.004
3 359 11 0.036 44 11 0.004 39 11 0.004
4 744 17 0.079 36 17 0.004 51 17 0.005
5 1283 24 0.127 895 24 0.089 191 24 0.019
6 3612 45 0.358 3840 45 0.380 4298 45 0.426
7 4855 52 0.481 5605 52 0.555 6543 52 0.648
8 7745 69 0.767 8145 69 0.806 8835 69 0.875
9 8366 75 0.828 8676 75 0.859 9124 75 0.923
10 9293 88 0.920 9493 88 0.939 9865 88 0.977
11 9706 101 0.961 9806 101 0.971 9912 101 0.984
12 9995 112 0.989 9998 112 0.989 9998 112 0.989
13 10080 126 0.998 10091 126 0.999 10091 126 0.999
14 10088 139 0.999 10095 139 0.999 10095 139 0.999
15 10099 152 0.999 10099 152 0.999 10099 152 1.000
Different flowrates
Navy shade
Initial dye concentration: 770 mg/L
Initial ADMI: 17650
Temperature: 60°C
Volume of the carbon bed: 70.6 mL
Table D.5: Column test data for Navy shade at different flowrates
Sample Flowrates
0.625 mL/min 6 mL/rnin
38 1 0.002 38 5 0.002
21 11 0.001 360 10 0.020
56 14 0.003 1580 15 0.089
1773 24 0.101 5975 24 0.339
9725 35 0.551 12325 35 0.698
12342 43 0.699 14646 45 0.829
14962 55 0.848 16785 65 0.951
16187 68 0.917 17179 75 0.973
16965 81 0.961 17343 86 0.983
17301 94 0.980 17598 106 0.997
17476 106 0.990 17601 126 0.997
17555 119 0.994 17635 134 0.999
17627 132 0.999 17660 142 1.000
17655 156 1.000 17655 156 1.000
Black shade
Initial dye concentration: 782 mg/L
Initial ADMI: 19010
Temperature: 60°C
Volume of the carbon bed: 70.6 mL
Table D.6: Column test data for Black shade at different flowrates
Sample Flowrates
0.625 ml./miii 6 mL/min
40 1 0.002 29 5 0.002
30 9 0.002 35 10 0.002
37 14 0.002 458 15 0.024
113 21 0.006 1819 24 0.096
605 28 0.032 3976 35 0.209
2096 39 0.110 9883 45 0.519
4580 49 0.241 17459 65 0.918
13866 64 0.729 18335 75 0.964
16872 76 0.888 18675 86 0.982
18069 89 0.951 18939 106 0.996
18586 102 0.978 18946 126 0.997
18748 114 0.986 18948 134 0.997
18852 140 0.992 18951 142 0.997
18995 153 0.999 18999 156 0.999
19011 165 1.000 19011 166 1.000
19013 178 1.000 19013 178 1.000
Beige shade
Initial dye concentration: 189 mg/L
Initial ADMI: 345
Temperature: 60°C
Volume of the carbon bed: 70.6 mL
Table D.7: Column test data for Beige shade at different flowrates
Sample Flowrates
0.625 mL/min 6 mL/min
1 13 1 0.038 13 5 0.038
2 19 7 0.055 18 10 0.052
3 20 14 0.058 25 15 0.072
4 21 21 0.061 36 20 0.104
5 23 28 0.067 45 26 0.130
6 39 35 0.113 69 33 0.200
7 64 43 0.186 154 41 0.446
8 153 50 0.443 225 48 0.652
9 227 57 0.658 288 55 0.835
10 284 64 0.823 327 62 0.948
11 325 71 0.942 341 69 0.988
12 343 78 0.994 343 76 0.994
13 344 85 0.997 344 83 0.997
14 345 92 1.000 345 90 1.000
15 345 99 1.000 345 99 1.000
Turquoise shade
Initial dye concentration: 693 mg/L
Initial ADMI: 10100
Temperature: 60°C
Volume of the carbon bed: 70.6 mL
Table D.8: Column test data for Turquoise shade at different flowrates
Sample Flowrates
0.625 mL/min 6 mL/min
1 42 1 0.004 45 5 0.004
2 43 7 0.004 33 10 0.003
3 39 11 0.004 397 15 0.039
4 51 17 0.005 2058 24 0.204
5 191 24 0.019 4375 35 0.433
6 4298 45 0.426 6995 45 0.693
7 6543 52 0.648 9583 65 0.949
8 8835 69 0.875 9835 75 0.974
9 9124 75 0.923 10024 86 0.992
10 9865 88 0.977 10075 106 0.998
11 9912 101 0.984 10082 126 0.998
12 9998 112 0.989 10090 134 0.999
13 10091 126 0.999 10091 142 0.999
14 10095 139 0.999 10095 149 0.999
15 10099 152 1.000 10099 156 0.999
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MI: 1765
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Blac ksh
Tabic E.3:
m o
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a •3 &
§ re
W W Ji n
— egenera
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Initia IAD I: 1901
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IAD I: 345
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J i v l U) 4^ >0 W -
Tablf E.4: eeenera
3". o r- BS
he carb nbe
1 dye oncenti tion:
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2nd cycle
- J Q\ 171 ^ W M <
LA NO tO LA -ti. - J c
O O O O O O O O O p
ON to 4^ LA LA N — O O O
L»J .£*. — .£». LA tO O N Ui 4^ o
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NO ON 00 -J LA N>
4th cycle
^ - 0 0 0 0 0 p
O 00 ^-O ON ON LA
O -fc*. LA 00 i—' O
O 00 N- — NO -O n
Table E.6: The breakthrough curve for design obtained at 60°C Navy Shade
Sample Navy shade
40 0.58 0.0023
41 1.16 0.0023
39 2.33 0.0022
40 3.49 0.0023
41 4.65 0.0023
50 5.81 0.0028
66 7.27 0.0037
73 7.91 0.0041
97 9.30 0.0055