Narmada Bachao Andolan V
Narmada Bachao Andolan V
Narmada Bachao Andolan V
[AIR 2000 SC
This case involves water distribution dispute of Narmada River
between the Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Government
of India constituted a tribunal to resolve this conflict among the
states. This tribunal allowed state of Gujarat to build a dam and
proposed the height of dam. Tribunal also formed a Administrative
Authority named Narmada Control Authority (herein after referred
as NCA) and a review committee to review the decisions of NCA.
Ministry of Water resources on 23.04.1994 ordered for the closure
of 10 constructions sluices. The petitioner got hurt by this decision
demanded judicial review of the entire project.
Whether judiciary can interfere in policy making decisions of
The Court held that there are three stages with regard to taking an
infrastructural project. One is the conception or planning, second
is decision to undertake the project and the third is the execution
of project. The conception and the decision to undertake are to be
regarded as policy decisions. While there is always a need for such
project not being unduly delayed, it is at the same time expected
that a thorough possible study will be undertaken before a decision
is taken to start a project. Once such consideration is taken, the
proper execution of the same should e under taken expeditiously. It
is for the Government to decide how to do its job. When it has put a
system in place for the execution of project and such a system
cannot be said to arbitrary, the only role which a court may have to
play is to see that the system works in the manner it was
It is now well settled that the courts, in the exercise of their
jurisdiction, will not transgress into the field of policy decision.
Whether to have an infrastructural project or not and what is the
type of project to be undertaken and how it has to be executed, are
part of policy-making process and the courts are ill-equipped to
adjudicate on a policy decision so undertaken. The court, no doubt,
has a duty to see that in the undertaking of a decision, no law is
violated and people’s fundamental rights are not transgressed upon
except to the extent permissible under the Constitution.