Chemistry For Engineers: Dr. Norma B. Muyot, Che, Edd
Chemistry For Engineers: Dr. Norma B. Muyot, Che, Edd
Chemistry For Engineers: Dr. Norma B. Muyot, Che, Edd
Basic Concepts:
Atomic and Molecular Mass
Atomic Mass= Atomic Weight of the Atom
Molecular Mass= Total atomic weights of elements in a
Parts of the atom:
Protons& neutrons-found at the nucleus & constitute
99.9& of the total atomic weight
Electron-the negatively-charge particle of an atom
Mole= amount of substance, is containing the same
number of atoms as there are carbon atoms in exactly
12g of pure carbon atom. Tis number is called
Avogadro’s constant, NA= 6.0221 x 1023/mol
Theoretically: a mole of a substance=
wt in grams/atomic wt or if molecule=
wt in grams/molar weight
Sample problems:
1. How many moles of Carbon are there
in 120 grams of pure carbon?
S + O2 ---------> SO2
sulphur oxygen sulphur dioxide
2S + 3 O2 ---------> 2 SO3
sulphur oxygen sulphur trioxide
2 Fe + O2 ---------> 2 FeO
iron oxygen iron (II) oxide
Decomposition Reactions A single reactant is
decomposed or broken down into two or more products
answer the Learning Activities
posted in the classwork section.