Ebenezer Howard
Ebenezer Howard
Ebenezer Howard
Sir Ebenezer Howard
(29th January 1850- May 1st,
• Sir Ebenezer Howard was born as the son of a shopkeeper
in the City of London, on 29th of January 1850.
• After schooling, he took on a number of clerical posts.
• In 1871, he emigrated to the frontier country of America to
become a farmer.
• He subsequently spent four years living in Chicago,
witnessing it's rebuilding following the great fire.
• It was during this time, he began to contemplate ways to
improve cities.
• Howard was heavily influenced by the utopian visions of Edward Bellamy and his
publication Looking Backward (1888).
• Sir Ebenezer Howard is known for his publication Garden Cities of
Tomorrow(1898), the description of a utopian city in which people live
harmoniously together with nature.
• The ideas put forth in To-morrow were a synthesis of his personal experiences
and the works of others.
• The publication resulted in the founding of the garden city movement that
realized several Garden Cities in Great Britain at the beginning of the
• The first garden cities proposed were Letchworth and Welwyn in 1903 and 1920
• It is important to understand the context to which Howard’s work was a reaction.
• London (and other cities) in the 19th century were in the throws of industrialization, and the cities were
exerting massive forces on the labour markets of the time.
• Massive immigration from the countryside to the cities was taking place with London.
• This situation was unsustainable and political commentators of all parties sought “how best to provide
the proper antidote against the greatest danger of modern existence”To Howard the cure was simple - to
reintegrate people with the country side.
Central City:
Area: 12000 acres.
Population : 58000 people
Agglomeration Cities:
Area: 9000 acres
Population: 32000 people
• Distance between central main city and the agglomeration: ~10km .
Assumed data-
• A total of 6000 acre estate
• 1000 acres, purely for the central garden city as a home for 30000
• Surrounding the central city 5000 Acres of land is retained for
agriculture and home for 2000 people, with cow pastures, farmlands,
and welfare services.
1. Letchworth was developed and owned by a company called First Garden City, Ltd
which was formed in 1903, based on the ideas of Howard.
2. The Garden City Association collected money from supporters, his supporters tended
to be people who were impressed by the social justice element of the Garden City.
3. The Letchworth estate which was agricultural land, was purchased from 15 individual
4. The Letchworth estate lies on a train line and is only 35 miles from London.
5. covered 3826 acres. However, more land was purchased and the property increased to
4710 acres.
6. The Letchworth garden city was to sustain a population of
between 30,000 and 35,000 people.
7. Current population is 33249 and it lies in Hertfordshire.
8. There is a central town, agricultural belt, shops, factories,
residences, civic centres and open spaces, this division of land for
specific purposes is now referred to as
9.Some criticisms of Letchworth exist, claims that it is too spacious
and there are few architecturally impressive designs. However, it
can be argued the space is what makes Letchworth pleasant, and
the architecture, while not highly impressive and uniform, has
consistency of colour and is satisfying to the needs of the people.
• Welwyn Garden City is a town within the Borough of Welwyn
Hatfield in Hertfordshire, England.
• It is located approximately 19 miles from Kings Cross and 24 miles
from London.
• On 29 April 1920 a company, Welwyn Garden City Limited, was
formed to plan and build the garden city, chaired by Sir Theodore
Chambers. Louis de Soissons was appointed as architect and town
planner and Frederic Osborn as secretary.
• Land of 2378 acres
• Designed for a maximum of 40000 population.
• In 15 years developed with 10000 population & 50 shops, industries.
• Personalization of Homes in Welwyn with varying roofline, texture
and composition for each house.
• Streets are designed so as to give the concept of a Neighbourhood
• Separation of the pedestrian walkways from the main roads
gives a sense of natural beauty.
• Open and green spaces are Given on a large scale.