Introduction To Hair Development: Duane P. Harland

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Introduction to 

Hair Development
Duane P. Harland

8.1    Finding Your Way Within the Anagen Follicle.............................................. 89
8.1.1 Lateral Location – The Anagen Follicle’s Ten Cell Lines................................. 90
8.1.2 Longitudinal Location – Developmental Landmarks........................................ 90
8.2    Zone-by-Zone Synopsis of Hair Fibre Development.................................... 92
References..................................................................................................................... 96

Abstract 8.1  inding Your Way Within the

The anagen phase of the hair follicle cycle is Anagen Follicle
when the follicle is configured to grow hair. In
short hairs (e.g., mouse underhairs and human Hair development is a biologically complex phe-
eye lashes) anagen phase is short, but in the nomenon because it combines active biological
wool of sheep and in human scalp hair anagen processes and chemically driven processes.
is a prolonged state lasting for years. In this Development occurs in a series of stages but the
chapter we describe the morphological and process and timing of development differs in
biological divisions within the anagen each of the separate cell lines that make up the
follicle. hair shaft and its supporting sheaths. Locating
events within the follicle by cross-referencing of
Keywords cell line and developmental stage is essential for
Hair follicle · Morphology · Hair develop- understanding the process. This is never more
ment · Inner root sheath · Developmental important than when we are trying to match up
zones data generated using different methods, and
sometimes this is troublesome because different
methods often visualise different features. For
example, the last keratins expressed in the devel-
D. P. Harland (*)
AgResearch Ltd., Lincoln, New Zealand oping fibre do so above the top of the bulb [1] as
e-mail: demonstrated by light microscopy, and it might

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 89

J. E. Plowman et al. (eds.), The Hair Fibre: Proteins, Structure and Development, Advances
in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1054,
90 D. P. Harland

be useful to know how the onset of expression well-established tissue layers. Normally the fibre
correlates with fibre mechanical hardness as is distinguished from its surrounding root sheath,
demonstrated by atomic force microscopy [2]. and when possible the root sheath is divided into
Such an exercise is possible in this case only the inner-root sheath and outer root sheath, der-
because both studies have adequately described mal sheath and, in the bulb, the dermal papilla.
the origin of their data in terms of lateral position
across the follicles (cell line) and longitudinally
with respect to key landmarks associated with 8.1.2 Longitudinal Location –
particular stages of development. While lateral Developmental Landmarks
position is usually well described in most stud-
ies, longitudinal axis terminology is more While most researchers describe lateral positions
variable. within anagen follicles by cell line, the terminol-
ogy to describe location along the proximal-­distal
axis has been more varied, and is still far from
8.1.1 Lateral Location – The Anagen standardised. One tradition has been to use dis-
Follicle’s Ten Cell Lines tance from the base of the follicle [3], but this
approach is error prone because follicle shape is
During development, a follicle can have up to ten often subtly asymmetric, and because follicles
concentric rings of cell lines (Table  8.1). Only vary in size; therefore the absolute distances at
some techniques (e.g., transmission electron which events occur also varies. Most studies
microscopy or immunohistochemistry light divide the follicle up either by specific land-
microscopy) are able to clearly distinguish marks, or by stages of the developmental process,
between all cell lines at all points along the folli- or both. Morphological markers, at their least,
cle. Cell lines with a similar mode of develop- usually include the bulb, suprabulbar region, isth-
ment are often classified together into mus and infundibulum [4] because these features

Table 8.1  Cell lines of an anagen hair follicle

lineage Tissue Cell line Features Function
Fibre Medulla Centre of fibre. Characterised by Important structural component
trichohyalin granules during formation in many mammalian hairs,
and a wide range of randomly paired increases fibre diameter.
keratins. Collapses into chambers on
fibre hardening/drying.
Cortex Primary structural component of many Thought to impart much of the
fibres (wool, human hair) composed of mechanical properties to the
elongated cells filled with ordered fibre. Fibre curvature is
composite bundles (macrofibrils) of controlled by across fibre
intermediate filaments and matrix differences in cortical cell
proteins. lengths.
Cuticle Flattened cells that overlap around the Protects the fibre from physical
cortex. Distinct cell shape changes and and chemical insult through
complex cytoskeletal arrangement high-density highly crosslinked
during formation. Internal laminar exo-cuticle layers. Moderates
amorphous keratin layers within water absorption via surface
mature fibre. chemistry. The external
morphology is moulded ridges
(scales) which direct dirt and oil
away from the skin.
8  Introduction to Hair Development 91

Table 8.1 (continued)
lineage Tissue Cell line Features Function
Epidermal Inner Inner root Distinct cell shape changes and Supports the fibre during
compartment root sheath position of cellular junctions during development. Moulds the fibre
sheath cuticle development. Cytoskeletal organisation cuticle scales and develops
(IRS) (IRSC) on fibre-side of cell with trichohalyin/ specialised cell junctions that
intermediate filament network. establish fibre surface chemistry.
Huxley’s Accumulates a random filament Supports fibre during
layer network that intersects trichohyalin development. Plays a role in
granules of increasing size. Develops a development of variation in fibre
convoluted membrane with adjacent cross-sectional shape.
Huxley’s cells containing abundant
Henle’s Similar to Huxley’s but development is Contains the developing
layer accelerated from the lower bulb until post-bulb fibre (and remaining
abrupt keratinisation at the top margin IRS layers) within a
of the bulb. Hardened Henle’s layer mechanically robust wrapper of
forms a continuous sheath around circular profile.
developing fibre above bulb level
except for small windows.
Outer Companion It is typically not visible in light This narrow monolayer of cells
root layer microscopy without specific staining. used to be considered part of the
sheath Cytoskeleton and cell junctions outer root sheath. The
(ORS) develop differently on each side of the companion layer appears to act
cell, and notch-like invaginations as a shear plane between the
connect companion to Henle’s layer outwardly growing fibre and IRS
cells. and the relatively immobile
Outer root Usually a monolayer around the bulb, Functions during anagen for the
sheath expanded to a thicker structure above ORS are not well understood,
(ORS) the bulb where cells are loosely but may include a skin immune
cuboid. The ORS does not harden with role, a structural role in
the IRS or fibre. Cells are typically rich supporting the follicle shape and
in glycogen. A pocket of stem cells resorption of materials during
adjacent to the arector pili muscle is the IRS breakdown.
quiescent during anagen.
Dermal Dermal sheath Overlapping bands of collagen and Likely role is likely structural,
compartment fibroblast-like cells, also contains holding the follicle shape.
blood capillaries and neurons.
Dermal papilla This compartment in the lower bulb is Key role in the mediating active
not a cell line per se, but can contain biological control of fibre growth
many cell types (e.g., fibroblast-like and its organisation.
cells, mast cells and blood capillaries).

can be readily visualised at low magnification Other studies divide up the anagen follicle
using a light microscope [5] and are common into zones based on developmental stages.
across hair types and species. Individual studies sometimes divide follicles into
Morphological landmarks in longitudinal sec- zones based on features associated with a partic-
tions through follicles can be prone to artefacts ular phenomenon under investigation. For exam-
produced by cutting direction, cutting angle and ple, development of intermediate filament
along-follicle changes in direction and straight- organisation in the cortex observed by X-ray dif-
ness. Some key landmarks and potential artefacts fraction [2, 6, 7] or successive waves of keratin
are summarised in Table 8.2. gene expression [8, 9]. The authors normally pro-
92 D. P. Harland

Table 8.2  Common morphological features found in vide clearly defined micrographs of follicles that
micrographs of anagen follicles along with potential arte-
will allow clear positioning of events. More gen-
facts associated with the markers
eral developmental schemes are usually based on
Feature Location Artefact risk
accumulated findings from many studies. An
Sebaceous Neck/ None
gland infundibulum of early example of this is seen in Edgar Mercer’s
follicle book Keratin and Keratinization from 1961
Bulge Below Not clearly defined in (Fig. 8.1), and this was probably the inspiration
(follicle sebaceous all species–clear in for the scheme that we will use in this book.
cycling glands at point rodent pelage follicles,
The most comprehensive system combines
stem cell where arrector but not in adult human
niche) pili muscle scalp follicles or sheep both developmental stages with landmarks that
attaches. wool follicles. are universal across hair types and species. Here
Adamson’s Top of cloudy The precise location of we will use the ultrastructure morphology-based
fringe keratogenous this feature is only system developed by Don Orwin [11–15].
zone, has a visible if the section is
distinct inverted perfectly aligned along Orwin’s scheme was based on sub-cellular fea-
V shape. the fibre axis. The tures in both medullated and non-medullated
fringe itself closely fibres and is summarised in Table  8.3. It is
resembles an oblique Orwin’s system that we will use in the following
cut through the various
cell lines. sections except that we suggest small changes to
Kerato-­ Cloudy or Varies with section the boundary of zones to incorporate newer find-
genous darkened region thickness and other ings of biological processes (Fig. 8.2).
region (depending on factors; a good general
the microscopy indicator of location
method) within but with imprecise end
the developing points. 8.2 Zone-by-Zone Synopsis
fibre cortex, of Hair Fibre Development
beginning just
above the bulb.
Before going into detail about development
Hardening Occurs at the Very precise indicator.
of Henle’s top of the bulb. Is more clearly visible within specific cell lines  in Chap. 10, here is a
layer with staining or with summary of the overall process.
Normarski or phase Zone A. All cells that make the hair, IRS and
microscopy. companion layer divide from a monolayer of
Top of the Upper bulb Location is very
outer-root-sheath (ORS) derived stem cells in the
dermal sensitive to mis-
papilla alignment of section to proximal bulb. These cells adhere to a basement
follicle axis, and membrane surrounding the neck and lower half
differs between of the follicle’s dermal papilla. The progeny of
medulated and
these stem cells continue to divide but are ini-
non-medulated fibres.
Widest Mid bulb Affected moderately tially undifferentiated. Messages from dermal
point of by alignment of papilla cells arranged into micro-niches are vital
the dermal section to follicle axis, for the organization of cell layers.
papilla but is the most precise Zone B begins when the streams of distally
landmark in the bulb
region. moving progeny cells display cell-line-specific
Neck of Lower bulb, an None. differentiation. The first outward sign is the
dermal excellent reshaping of the companion layer, inner root
papilla indicator that sheath cuticle, and fibre cuticle cell lines into
the section (at
monolayers which is associated with patterns of
least at that
point) aligns cell junctions and cell to cell alignment (probably
perfectly with involving primary cilia). In the cortex, significant
the follicle axis. cell reshaping and repositioning occurs.
Consequently, the cortex at the distal end of Zone
8  Introduction to Hair Development 93

a d e


permanent outer root sheath



(D) DNA (S) thiol

F keratinized zone (R) RNA (H) disulfide

zone of keratinization F
zone of fibrillation
C 32 D
zone of differentiation heat
B and growth
p ∆n
germinal matrix
Cortex cell shape
Zone SAX Polarised light
(3) ORS, (2) IRS, (1) fibre

Fig. 8.1  Diagrams of features of the hair follicle from disrupts the organisation. (c). Degree of bifringence using
Mercer’s book on keratinisation [10] which demonstrate polarisation microscopy increases rapidly during Zone C
that many of the basic concepts relating to hair develop- and D, but only the black-filled region survives heating.
ment were established more than 50  years ago. (a). (d). DNA levels reduce and RNA levels increase in the
Mercer’s developmental zones and changes in cortex cell upper bulb. (e). Thiols increase and then decrease as disul-
morphology. (b). Changes in small angle x-ray diffraction fide levels gradually increase above the bulb. (Reprinted
pattern (SAX) along the follicle which relates to keratin from Keratin and Keratinization, 1961, Mercer [10] with
filament organisation and orientation. Mercer notes a permission from Elsevier)
point after zone D in which heating the follicle no longer

B has fewer cells and these cells are highly elon- intermediate filaments (IFs) called macrofibrils.
gated. In coloured hair follicles, melanocytes, In the cuticle, keratin builds up in the cytoplasm,
their cell bodies attached to the upper half of the and in the IRS layers, fibrillar networks and
dermal papilla, release melanin granules into trichohyalin build up, most prominently in
cells across the fibre cell lines. Henle’s layer.
Cell line specific trichokeratins and keratin By the top of Zone B, IRS and fibre cell nuclei
associated products begin collecting rapidly have lost transcriptional function and appear
from the beginning of Zone B. In medulla cells, degraded and most cell shaping is complete and
a wide range of keratins are expressed but no this is marked by high-energy metabolic events
keratin structures form, instead, vesicles and and the keratinization (hardening) of Henle’s
trichohyalin granules form. In the cortex, kera- layer to form a restrictive tube within which all
tins assemble into highly organized bundles of further development occurs.
94 D. P. Harland

Table 8.3  Summary of ultrastructurally-defined zones of the wool follicle

Zone synonymsa Markers Main biological processes
Zone A Germative Mitosis and lack of clear cell line Basement membrane-bound stem cells
matrix differentiation, distal boundary is a line (mother cells) around dermal papilla neck
(the critical level) angled proximally continuously bud off daughter cells which
from the tip of the dermal papilla in divide further (possible transient amplifying
non-medullated follicles or the widest cells).
part of papilla in medullated follicles
Zone B Hair matrix, Begins at first signs of cell line Cell line differentiation especially in cell
elongation differentiation, in particular cell shape junctions, shape and position, cytoplasmic
zone and alignment and first appearance of expression of keratin and trichohyalin.
keratin in cortex. Nuclear function ceases in cortex, cuticle
and IRS layers.
Zone C Keratogenous Begins where Henle’s layer hardens. Most cell shape/position changes completed,
major keratin and KAP synthesis in fibre,
increase in particular of KAP species. The
gradual keratinisation process begins in the
cortex and by the end of this zone, chemical
processes have generally replaced active
biological processes in fibre construction.
Zone D Begins where cuticle keratin layer is Keratin and KAP synthesis continue in
continuous along membrane apposed cortex and cuticle while non-keratin cell
to IRS cuticle (fibre isolated from components broken down.
Zone E Adamson’s Begins where remaining IRS layers Consolidation, keratinisation or hardening
Fringe harden. process associated with water loss,
(proximal) precipitation of keratin and internal changes
to cortical IF structure.
Zone F Isthmus Begins where osmium staining is no Fibre is in mature form. Probable extraction
longer effective in cortex (osmiophilia of material from IRS layers occurs and IRS
lost). takes on a porous appearance before
fragmenting to release the fibre.
Zone G Infundibulum Begins where fibre is fully free of IRS Sebaceous and sudoriferous (if present)
material. glands coat fibre in material along with
broken down remnants of IRS, the fibre
emerges from the skin. The ORS merges
with the skin epidermis and stratum
Histological synonyms do not always match zone locations

Zone C is where final cuticle shape is defined, ceases, although macrofibril growth and infiltra-
completing the process of cell reshaping that tion by KAPs continues. There is a notable
began in Zone B, with a transformation brought increase in cortex density over the distal parts of
about by tilting of the cuticle monolayer into Zone C. All these events occur within a cornified
overlapping sheets. The inner root sheath cuticle tube formed by Henle’s layer, which isolates the
becomes sculpted, and bulges into the fibre cuti- developing fibre from the outside except for
cle cells to form the fibre scale pattern. Within small windows through which Huxley’s cells
fibre cuticle cells there is a second wave of contact companion layer cells. The companion
keratin-­associated protein (KAP) expression and layer forms an asymmetrical cytoskeleton the
the exocuticle begins to form from irregular glob- function of which is probably to allow it to inter-
ular deposits. In the cortex, a second wave of face between the distally moving IRS and the
keratin proteins express, macrofibril nucleation non-moving ORS cells.
8  Introduction to Hair Development 95

Fig. 8.2  Follicle that is actively growing hair. Left is a wool follicle producing a non-medullated body fibre, and on the
right is a human scalp follicle growing a medullated hair

Zone D Consolidation of the presumed A-layer due to the formation of disulfide bonds
of the fibre exocuticle layer means that the fibre is ­mediated  by reactive oxygen species (possibly
effectively isolated from the IRS. While keratin released from degenerating mitochondria).
structures continue to grow in cuticle and cortex Zone E. Keratinization of the fibre (which
cells, this zone is also associated with the tar- occurs in concert with cornification of the remain-
geted degradation of non-essential cell machin- ing IRS layers) involves considerable changes to
ery, nuclear material and intercellular structures. the architecture of cortex IFs and numerous
The first signs of keratinization of the cortex are chemical cross-links are introduced between ker-
observed as a change in the appearance of the atin and KAP proteins. The medulla cells undergo
intermediate filaments and this rearrangement is cornification and programmed collapse to form
96 D. P. Harland

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