Tools For Vocations: Serra Promotion and Resource Kit
Tools For Vocations: Serra Promotion and Resource Kit
Tools For Vocations: Serra Promotion and Resource Kit
Ÿ Special Rosaries which include as their main intentions an increase in vocations to the priesthood,
religious life, and deaconate
Ÿ Can be said by a group or by a single individual
Ÿ Church leaders invite and encourage the laity to recite these special Rosaries for Vocations
Time of Year
spring summer fall winter
Any Time
Serrans / Volunteers
Ÿ Publicizing event
Ÿ Organizing and leading groups that gather to pray Rosary for Vocations
The website – which is connected to the Office of Vocations of the Archdiocese
of New York (NY) – perhaps best sums up the power of praying the Rosary as a means toward
increased vocations: it states that “The Rosary is a treasury of prayers that takes us to God's heart by
way of Mary's heart. If we listen carefully, we learn the desire of Mary's heart when she says of her
divine Son, 'Do whatever He tells you' (John 2:5). And what does her Son tell us to do? 'Come,' He is
calling to us, 'follow Me' (Matthew 19:21). Through praying with Our Lady in the Rosary, then,
contemplating the mysteries of her Son, we join her in answering His call, and in asking that others
might do the same.”
Numerous resources are available on the subject of praying the Rosary with the intention of
increasing vocations to the priesthood, deaconate, and religious orders. There are PDF-based
documents which contain guides to such Rosaries. Plus, there is a YouTube video which essentially
“walks viewers through” the recitation of these Rosaries—and even audio podcasts of vocational
Rosaries—which one can easily access via computer, tablet, or smartphone. (What's more, one can
find an entire website devoted to resources pertaining to praying for vocations.) These Rosaries can,
of course, be prayed by a single person or a large group of people.
As mentioned elsewhere in this volume of vocation-support resources, the role of laypeople in
engaging regularly in prayer for vocations has been emphasized strongly by Church leaders around
the nation.
Additional Resources
Link to a PDF document which is a guide to a Rosary for Vocations; this is from the Diocese of
Brooklyn (NY) website:
Link to a YouTube video containing audio of bishop and seminarians of the Diocese of
Springfield-Cape Girardeau (MO) saying a Rosary for Vocations:
Link to a PDF document which is a guide to a Rosary for Vocations from St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church (Picayune, MS):
Link to a PDF document which is a guide to a Rosary for Vocations by a church group in
Davenport, IA:
Link to Msgr Peter Dunne and Vicki Herout's 'A Meditated Rosary for Vocations':
Link to Diocese of Lincoln (NE) vocations website, which includes several audio podcasts of
bishop and seminarians reciting Rosary for Vocations:
The following pages contain ready-to-print copies of two special Rosaries for Vocations
provided by the Serra Club of Omaha (NE). PLEASE NOTE: The texts for these Rosaries for Vocations
are original texts from a Church leader; we have preserved them in their original forms out of respect
for their author. To expand the intentional scope of these two Rosaries for Vocations, please feel free
to do the following as you (your group) pray(s) aloud while following them: 1) at every mention of
the word 'men,' substitute the word 'people'; and 2) at every mention of the word 'priest,' substitute
the words 'priests, deacons, and religious.' In that way, the intention will be for not just diocesan
priests, but also for deacons and religious-order priests, brothers, nuns, and sisters.
Serran Intention
Let us pray that all members of Serra be filled with the spirit of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
in the work of their apostolate to foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the
Catholic Church throughout the world.
Let us pray in this mystery that men who receive the call to priesthood may respond like Mary and
pronounce their own fiat.
Let us join Mary in her hymn, praying that God continue to bless His Church with an ever-
increasing number of men who will recognize and respond generously to the priestly vocation.
Rosaries for Vocations
The Joyful Mysteries
(Reflections written by Msgr. John K. Aniagwu—Lagos, Nigeria)
Let us pray that all priests will be unrelenting in proclaiming the Good News in its entirety to the
men and women of our time.
Let us pray for generosity on the part of families in offering their sons for service in the
Let us pray that all priests and seminarians will not be found wanting in their commitment to
doing the Father's business in the Church and in society.
Rosaries for Vocations
The Luminous Mysteries
(Reflections written by Msgr. John K. Aniagwu—Lagos, Nigeria)
Serran Intention
Let us pray that, through the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, all Serrans will be filled with the
light of Christ to guide them in their work of fostering and promoting vocations to the ministerial
priesthood in the Catholic Church throughout the world.
Let us pray in this mystery that an ever-increasing number of men will respond to the Father's call
to follow His Son more closely in the single-minded service of God and their fellow man by living the
priestly life.
Let us pray that priests and seminarians may really show forth the glory of Jesus in their persons
and in the discharge of their duties in the Church and in the world.
Rosaries for Vocations
The Luminous Mysteries
(Reflections written by Msgr. John K. Aniagwu—Lagos, Nigeria)
Jesus began His public ministry with a clarion call to conversion: “The time is fulfilled, and the
Kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news” (Mark 1:15). From that
moment, conversion became a critical demand on every disciple of Christ. Everyone is called to
conversion. It is something that we must do on a daily basis. Each day, we must turn to God and His
Kingdom, but away from everything that would separate us from them. Today, priests must
themselves heed the call to conversion. While they are doing that, they must carry on the mission of
Christ of calling the whole world and all of humanity to conversion as a prerequisite for entering the
Let us pray that priests may themselves respond positively to the call to conversion and in turn
summon the rest of the faithful to do the same by what they say and do.
At the transfiguration, the scene at the Baptism of Jesus was almost repeated.
Again, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were there. So, too, were two icons of Jewish religious
history, Moses and Elijah. Finally, the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, were also there. The
voice of the Father was heard, saying “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to Him” (Mark 9:17).
Men who embrace the priestly vocation are heeding this command of the Father. They are
listening to the Son of God calling them to a life of service in the Church on behalf of their fellow men
and women.
Let us pray that an ever-increasing number of men may continue to listen to the Son of God and
respond positively to the priestly vocation.
Rosaries for Vocations
The Luminous Mysteries
(Reflections written by Msgr. John K. Aniagwu—Lagos, Nigeria)
Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper with His disciples to be the sacrament of His
Body and Blood. He had earlier told His audience, “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide
in me and I in them” (John 6:56). In line with these statements, the Church teaches that the Eucharistic
sacrifice is “the source and summit of the whole Christian life” (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, 11).
It has to be at the heart of the life and ministry of every priest. Hence, the Church also teaches
that, “The other sacraments, as well as every ministry of the Church and every work of the apostolate,
are tied together with the Eucharist and directed toward it…[because] the Most Blessed Eucharist
contains the Church's entire spiritual wealth—that is, Christ Himself, our Passover and living Bread
(Vatican II, Presbyterorum Ordinis, 5).
Let us pray that priests may truly place the Holy Eucharist at the center of their lives and ministry
by daily celebration and fervent devotion to our Eucharistic Lord.
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Serra Vocations Tools, visit us at
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Tools for Vocations Phone 312-201-6549