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Loving Father, through this holy oil, consecrate me to

Yourself in Your Son that I may share in His holiness
and His perfect anointing.
Through this holy oil, release within me the
gifts of your Holy Spirit: wisdom,
word of knowledge, prophecy, faith, healing, miracles,
discernment of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues.
Consecrate me to share in the Royal Priesthood of Your Son
in His kingly reign and His Prophetic Ministry.
May this oil be for me and oil of gladness,
lifting every depression and sadness
and filling me with the joy of Your Spirit
to bring this forth to others.
Through this oil, may Your Spirit cleanse and purify me.
May it fashion me in the image of Jesus
to reflect His beauty and spread the fragrance
of His Love.
May it be within me, Your eternal light
burning brightly to light the path of others,
May the fire of Your Spirit be kindled within me
to bless my body, my mind, my heart and my spirit
and set me aflame with Your divine love.
Shine in me Father, and shine through me
so that each person I will come in contact with
will feel Your presence in my Spirit.
Consecrate me to Your dwelling and holy temple
and to be worthy to serve You in all holiness and honor.

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