Role Play Text Shift Transfer - English
Role Play Text Shift Transfer - English
Role Play Text Shift Transfer - English
Writers by
Nuriyah P24202110009
Qonita P24202110065
The Dialogue :
This morning, in the Palem room of the Soetomo hospital, a shift change operation will be
carried out from the night shift nurse to the morning shift nurse. All nurse's on the morning
shift and night shift along with the head of the room gathered at the nurse station to change
shifts at 07.00 am
Nurse Station
Head nurse : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. , Good morning everyone, How are you
today? I hope, today we usually healthy and on good condition of
body so we would ready to working today. As usual, before we start
the exchange shift, Firstly, let's pray according to our beliefs. The
pray is start.
(prayer begins..... and.....prayer is over)
Head Nurse : Excuse me, Ms. Nuriyah as a Night Primary Nurse, are you ready for
handover the night reports?
NPN : Sure, I am ready. I’m start it. Monday, September 20, 2021, there are
four patients, three old patients, and one new patient in the isolation
- S (Situation) : The first patient is Mr. Amir, 35 years old,
with a diagnosis of COPD (Cronic Pulmonary Disease), today is 5th
days of hospitalization.
- B (Background) : Patients doesn’t have medicine or food
allergies. Yesterday, the patient had a thorax photo taken but the
results were not yet finished. There’s no one to accompaniying patient
but the patient said today his wife would become here from Semarang.
- A (Assesment) : Latest vital sign (VS) BP 120/80 mmHg,
Pulse 89x/m, T 36 C, RR 21 x/m, patient on IV line and nasal oxygen
2lpm with the rate of situration is 98%.
- R (Recommendation) : The patient has no complaints now. The plan
of today is take the result of thorax photo.
- S (Situation) : The second is Mr. Hendri, 24 years old with
an Acute Bronchitis diagnosis. Today is 6th days of hospitalization.
- B (Background) : The Patient’s accompanying by his wife.
- A (Assesment) : The vital sign were BP 140/80 mmHg, Pulse
80x/m, T 36 C, RR 20 x/m patient on IV line, without oxygen
inhalation with the good saturation.
- R (Recommendation) : There is no complaints. The doctor said that
he can go home today. We were already preparing preaparation of
discharge planning and patient can back home if the medicine ready to
take off from pharmacy at this morning.
For the next patient report will be submitted by Ns. Sinta Diani as a Night
Assosoate’s Nurse. Ns. Sinta, please!
NAN 1 : Thank you, Ns. Nuris. Okay everbody, I will continous the next report
- S (Situation) : Next, we have Mrs. Hena, 35 years old. Her
diagnosis is Pneumothorax. Today is 2nd days of hospitalization.
- B (Background) : Patient doesn’t have any allergies no matter
food or medicine. Patients with her husband as patient companion.
Yesterday, the patient has been carried out with WSD instalation on
her left chest at operation room, 9 a.m. The doctor in charge is Dr.
- A (Assesment) : Latest her vital sign is BP 150/100 mmHg,
Pulse 89x/m, T 36 c, RR 22 x/m, patient on IV line and oxygen mask 6
lpm with the rate of saturation is 96%. Patient is feeling pain in scale
of 3, after having a WSD tube installed yesterday.
- R (Recomendation) : Dr. Mariza said that today she will visite
after doing another operation, maybe about 10 a.m. We were preapred
of wound care prepation, so you can take it at the tool room.
Head Nurse : Excuse me Ns. Sinta Diana, has she had analgesics?
NAN 1 : Yes, she did. Ummmm, about this 6 a.m.
Head Nurse : Please to consule it wih the doctor if the pain continues.
NAN 1 : Alright Mam.
NAN 2 : Okay, I’ll take it from here.
- S (Situasion) : Fourth, the new patient, Ms. Tina, 21 years
old, diagnosed with Respiratory Obstruction + Cov 19 confirmed,
entered last night at 1 a.m.
- B (Background) : The patient came to the emergency room
last night by Covid task force ambulance. The patient has been in self-
isolation for 3 days after being tested positive for Covid with
complaints of shortness of breath and cough at Pramiti’s laboratory. At
home the patient was given nasal at 4 lpm with an oxygen saturation of
98%. Complaints of shorteness of breath are getting worse because the
patient experiences weakness to the point of fainting. Her mother took
the patienr to the ER because the nurse on duty said there was an
additional breath sound that blocked the patient’s airway, while the
patient was unconsious. Her GCS were 125. After the patient was get
the first treatment in ER adn suctioning, the dr. Poni Sp.P as a doctor
in charge said the patient will be given the treated here. About 1 a.m,
the patient arrives at room.
- A (Assesment) : Latest vital sign is BP 140/100 mmHg,
Pulse 99x/m, T 37 C, RR 38 x/m, oxygen saturation 96 % , patient on
IV line and mask oxygen 8 lpm, patient is still having congestion
- R (Recommendation) : So we have to always care and observation
her breath sound beacuse until now, the patient has not received advice
on action due to her condition because the Covid diagnosis. The dr.
Poni Sp.P’s planning is make a meeting with other consulator doctors
to found how the next treatment for her.
Head Nurse : Well, do we have any plans to do a chest x-ray today?
NAN 2 : Yes, mam. The new patient adviced by the doctor to under go it at 10 a.m
Head Nurse : Is there anything else that needs to be confirmed by the night shift nurse?
NPN, NAN 1,2 : We believe nothing, mam.
Head Nurse : Okay, let's see the patient now. Let's wash our hands first.
After the handover in Nurse Station, they continue it to the patients rooms.
Patient’s Room
MPN : Good morning Mam, may I know your name please?
Patient : Hena
MPN : My name is Shinta and this Ms Hanifah and Ms Qonita. We are on duty
this morning and if there is a complaint, you can report it to us. How are
you today ?
Patient : Well, I don’t feel good. I feel pain after this tube is installed
MPN : Mam, the pain is a side effect of the WSD tube insertion.
Patient Fam : Yes miss, my mom couldn’t eat this morning because she was enduring
the pain. Has she get the painkillers ?
MPN : She’s taken the medicine already his morning, Mam.
NAN 2 : Yes, in 06.00 am, and I’m the one who gave it.
Patient : But why am I still feel it ?
MPN : Because the medicine is still in digestion and it will take some times. But
we will report it to doctor about your condition
Patient Fam : Is the doctor not going to visit my mother today?
MPN : Don’t worry. The doctor will come at 09.00 am
Patient Fam : Alright suster
MAN 1 : Mrs Hena, why don't you want to eat?
Patient : I have no appetite because I feel the pain and now I'm afraid this hose
will come off.
MAN 1 : This hose didn't come off. It was stitched perfectly by the doctor and
Mrs. Hena. So, you have to eat because to cure disease requires energy.
Then, you must support your mother to eat, fed a little bit is better than
Patient Fam : Alright, thank you
MAN 1 : Mrs. Hena, if you feel that pain, I suggest taking a deep breath and
exhale slowly. It will reduce what you feel right now.
Patient : Oke, thank you very much
Head Nurse : Alright, maybe we will next to the isolation room
In the Isolasi Room
Head Nurse : What time does the patient have a chest X-ray?
MAN 2 : at 10.00 am
Head Nurse : Don't forget to confirmed radiology staff and her Doctor.
MAN 2 : Sure Mam, we will confirm the radiologist soon and Doctor, Ms.
Rahmita when is the schedule for the swab?
NAN 2 : Tomorrow Friday,
MAN 2 : Alright, I will ask the doctor later. How about the stock for medicine and
NAN 2 : Yes, the stock is ready.
MAN 2 : Thank you, Miss
Head Nurse : Don't forget to wear the right personal protective equipment
MAN 2 : Alright Mam
After validating the patient room, the head of the room, morning shift nurse, and night
Head Nurse : Alhamdulillah, we have done handover and validation activities together.
Before starting the morning work, maybe there's something else you'd like
to ask on the night shift?
MPN : No, Mam, the data reported are by the patient's current condition.
Head of the room : Thank you for the cooperation of the night shift nurses who have worked
well. That's the handover this morning. May we be given smoothness in
carrying out our respective duties. Keep the spirit, stay healthy, and show
our professionalism as nurses. Thus I end, for the morning nurses, good
work, and for the night nurses, have a good rest everyone